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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. frankie lays alone exept the two digimon protecting her ginny and cera walk out of the bushes ginny:FRANKIE BOY AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU cera:YA WE HAVE BEEN LOST IN THAT FOREST FOR A LONG TIME ITS GREAT TO SEE YOU WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN taku: uhh she has gone through three death experiances so she is so weak she cant really talk Frankie:*bearaly coughs out* shiro saved me threeee times taku: she is so weak and its true shiro saved her all three times she saved him once and risked her life for it the then saved her then again and once more from a long death sleep its all difficult shiro steps out in to the clearing some food he drops it in aww shiro:wow guys you are back thasts great uhh could you help me ginny and cera: *in unicen* sure the three start to prepare the food for the rest of them then the sun starts to set....they hear voices in the distance
  2. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' WILL YOU GUYS STOP IT my head is about to explode this is for the rpg not arguing about who did what and how and what they did wrong i am going crazy we have been so stuck on our charecters we totaly forgot about ginny and cera and sere and a few others i mean come on what are you really compaining about anyway??? a few missunderstood posts???? we are all mature ppl here arnt we then why are we arguing and totaly forgeting about the story at hand now can we pleaese get back to the rpg and stop this arguing about mod rodding and god modding
  3. WELL some one i know (no names) feels real bad because they have been here so long and yet newbies have became mods he hates the fact that newer ppl are higher then just becaus of some stupid reason and in other boards other ppl group up to gether to diss on all newbies saying they must die and they should not be allowed in their boards...because they dont know what cirtin things mean or stand for i was not saying it all was happining here just around not like here its more in other places but i still have a strong opinion about that kind of stuff and gang dissing (groups dissing on others) its just my opinion and LM its happinging right now in other boards i go to *but i live at these boards so dont get tearry eyes that i go to others*
  4. newbie,junior member, member, otaku,extream otaku, mod god,goddes,addmin(sp)... in my opinion its just a bunch of words over your avatar just a rank...no one should fell leaft out becaust they are not as high as the rest..or been here longer and angry because newer ppl are mods already..its just a rank ok ok so one has a more power then the other but i hate ppl criticizing others about being new or lower then them.. i am not saying who or where ..it may be here it may be somewhere else but i hate it when the few ppl say"newbies should die" we all were newbies once take me for exampl...i just becamea junior member i am the same as i was before i have not changed i am just saying that its stupid to feel that you are higher then others because of your rank some may have more power but we are all human here we did not just get a new super power for getting to 500 posts even thought i would love to get a different avatar...but that not the point i would like to see................................................................ never mind i will probably get banned for this *sigh*
  5. whats going on??????? have i missed something here??? oh well can someone fill me in here?
  6. wow what way to bring up exitment in to this tread!!!!! *********************************************** three hours have passed and shiro had fallllen asleep Takururumon: WAKE UP SHIRO WAKE UP I TRIED TO WAKE HER UP BUT IT WONT WORK ONLY YOU CAN WAKE HER UP YOU SAVED HER LIFE ITS YOU THAT MAY WAKE HER....GET UP!!!!! shiro wakes up and he rushes to her side trying to wake her up and it was not working shiro:. NO!!!!!!! THIS CANT BE AND ALL BECAUSE I FELL ASLEEP a few tears fell and hit her in the face her eyes slowly open and she pulls him close and she looks him in the eyes and whispers a few words to quiet for him to here and then she pulls him closer and hugs him they sat like this for about 3 minutes then she lets go and says louder this time frankie: thank you thanks for careing
  7. shiro get realy worried ..."wake up frankie wake up come on wake up you can not die i will not let you come on get through this come on come on....dont leave us ... frankie opens her eyes slowly and whisper with weakness "i wont go anywhere thanks to you shir........." frankie passes out takururumon : " whats wrong with her now is she alright tell me she is not dead" shiro looks up a takururumon "i am sorry she is gone" ??????:not quite the trees medicine puts them into a deep death sleep for 3 hours she is quite alive but no pulse" the shadowy digimon in the bushes steps into the light shiro: who are you takururumon: it.. it... its..musyamon musyamon: yes its me i am the trees gaurdian i only let the real needy ones use its special medicine and your case was in need for you see......she was about to die but it was because of you shiro your pure bravery and courage is why she is alive now you should be proud of yourself but if you dont wake her in 3 hours she will never wake up...its a strange affect the tree has even i dont know all its secrets....you must stay with her and protect her and care for her she needs a the love and care right now see here in the digital world if you save someone by giving your life ..and that person saves you they lose most power and body strenght its almost like your realy not there but you are ..its just a secret i have learned about the tree there are many more that i dont know yet but i will learn when the time is right...but i must leave now and so must you takururumon: well i say i will help you carry her out of here if you want me too shiro: no i am fine save your strength i mean you never went back to takururumon before you need strength to go back to baemon cause frankie will need your help and protection takururumon: right ok i am here if you need me shiro: ok i hope she will be alright i hope she will come through this *a single tear falls*
  8. shiro: wehn leaving the underwater dome i got knocked around and i got knocked out she saved me but she went under and now she....... she is not breathing takururumon: you are in her dept its only u that can save her she saved you now you have to save her..please you have to you have to......................
  9. uhh this golden crest digivolve thing is to ultimate right ok ----------------------------------------------------------------- wartiatanmon stands on the island takururumon floats to the land getting his footing trying to dry off he shakes kind of like a dog takes one look at frankie and panics takururumon: you have to save her shiro you have to
  10. i liked light but its my opinion i dont watch much but i like the flying "stuffed animal" kyrow(sp) true form he is so cool
  11. dont worry if anyone in the water cares about my charecter they will save frankie(me) uhhh.. but my digimon cant he cant swim down cause he floats so its to hard for him to swimm down for her so someone else has to
  12. sorry for not asking about putting this underewaterthing in ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=blue]frankie: GO[/COLOR] baemon leapes through the door and louder then ever he screams [COLOR=green]baemon : i wont let you harm them TAIL SPIKES [/COLOR] the water makes the spikes travle twice as fast they hit the two digimon in the back hard real hard the turn and while their attention was turned away from the two frankie swins and grabs shiro and swims to the surface...shiro was not breathing [COLOR=blue]frankie: oh no ......... he is not breathing what do i do[/COLOR] she starts to panic...... then !!!! she plugs shiros nose and starts CPR while floating in the water she treaded water and still was able to give CPR while a grusome underwater battle continues shiros eyes open to see frankie fall under the water from exaustion falling to the bottomless dark ocean,,as shiro watches
  13. cast away i did not like all of the blood or injurys
  14. a biyomon approches frankie and baemon [COLOR=deeppink]biyomon: WELCOME TO THE UNDER WATER CITY HERE IS YOU MAP IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ASK ANY BIYOMON OR BIRDRAMON... GARUDAMON IS THE MASTER OF THIS PLACE SO IF WE CANT HELP YOU SHE CAN[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]BAEMON: UHHH HI thank you do you know where LEADER GRAYMON is [/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]biyomon: uh ya the third corridor down the in the red sector next to the consetion stands over there by the concert stage thats next ...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]frankie: ya we see it so like i said before what is this place[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]garudamon: this is a place for digimon who want peace to live not many digimon know of it though thats why its so peacefull there are 8 in all across this vast and endless ocean.. i control this one well i dont control i just help guide the ones that live here to a peacefull and calm life after a while they digivolve..but zudomon, magnaangemon, angewoman, megakabuterimon, metalgraymon, weregarurumon, garudamon(me), and lilymon have their oun peace dome under the water so enjoy your stay[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]frankie: ohh ok thak you garudamon[/COLOR] frankie and baemon travle off to the third corridor [COLOR=green]baemon: we are going to see lord graymon be cause i know him from primary village school :) and i uhh need some info....plus i need to tell him that someone is stealling digieggs at the village[/COLOR] frankie nods and walks clase behind him trying not to step on any digimon like demi-veemon who was carrying a tray of food they turn down the third corridor and down the hall the lights suddenly go out then meramon apperars and bows [COLOR=purple]meramon: welcome to the fire corridor i will know escort you to lord graymon[/COLOR] meramon says leading them to a large room and a huge above avarage sized graymon stood in the middle of the room putting things on an area where others were working [COLOR=darkred]LORD GRAYMON : WELCOME HOW MAY I.....BAEMON......WELL ITS NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN HOW ARE YOU[/COLOR] he thunders from above [COLOR=green]baemon: i am fine but the village is not someone is stealing eggs for their evil ideas we need your help there are kids to help but more and more are dissapearing WE NEED YOU HELP[/COLOR]
  15. frankie: we have been walking for hours why dont we stop and rest baemon: i am not tired frankie: well i am baemon:.... well i am not the over waight one here frankie: :bawl: its not fair i am not like the rest i cant help falling behind i cant help being so slow go on ahead then frankie falls to her knees and starts crying baemon:.. wha??? i am so sorry i did not mean it you are how you are no one can change it and no one needs to i dont know about every body else but i like you for you not your size the two sitt silently then frankie stands up and starts off into the forest frankie: ?? why are the trees fire like baemon: uhh oh this is the forest of eternal flames the trees are red and that makes it look like they are on fire so forest of eternal flames was the best names for it i guess*looking at trees* we better get going or the great lynxmon pack will get angry they protect this forst from ones who want to steal the trees seeds the two travel for hours and get to the other side with no trouble they see a vast wide ocean frankie: wow i did not know there was an ocean here its so bit bae: ya hop on i can swin you across see my big big feet they are good for super fast swimming so lets go the two set off across the ocean 3 hours of ocean was getting on frankies nerves Baemon: i know your getting tired ..we are almost there frankie: :therock: :therock: *looks around*:therock: :therock: uhh are you crazy we are surrounded by miles of water how could we be almost there?? baemon: hold on tight and hold you breath i am going down he then dives down under the water frankie stares in awww they are aproching a glass dome under the water full of rookie and intraining digimon two dolphmon gaurd the door baemon does some strange hand signal and the two lets him pass threw a air tight door the water drains out and air comes in and the door opens to the inside frankie: what is this place :wow:
  16. rocaceramon is just like triceramon but red with black stripes and skull armor ---------------------------------------------------- frankie and baemon were heading off away from the rest as baemon remembers the past with triceramon and the human frankie:....whats wrong you seem depresed bae: thats cause i am just remembering things and my mind is on other things ginny: wait where are you 2 going frankie: i thought it would be best if we leaft you guys alone for a while i need some time to think of another way home other than destroying the digi world ya see i think the 2 are connected destroy one destoy both so if we destroy the digi world like kontan wants we wont be here here wont be here and home wont be here ginny:?????but wait its to late the two had tracked of in to the forest to think of something usefull
  17. baemon sits in the moon light silent almost angry like frankie: whats wrong baemon: ohh nothing its about triceramon that was my fight not theirs he is my past rival not theres *sigh* ohh well you see a long time ago me and him were best friends then a human came and he left with the human...but when it came time for the human to leave i got into an argument with the human..triceramon ever sence thought it was my fauld that the human left later on he found out the human was comming back when the humans the kid was with at first arrived but not him he found out his human had not survived ever sence then he tinks its my fault hes gone i never knew he loved that human so much he would hold a grudge agens me we grew up togather we hatched at the same time the same day....*sigh* baemon goes silent and stares at the clear moon gryfmon and ginny were listing from behind a tree ginny:?????!!!!!?????
  18. 84 out of 100 see you spread the hms out to much in my opinion the levels are resonable as for i would change wheezing for a grass type like mabey umm how about gloom with solarbeam...&...petal dance...razor leaf and some other attack you have two water loose one for an electric like electabuzz or ampharose(sp) or how about..riachu with thunder..thuderbolt...and...mega kick..and some thing else it worked for me:D :D :D :D :toothy: fire..water..flying..grass..electric..and rock a great combo you see if you have a bunch of different types you can pin point the opponents weakness and destroy them quickly but then again the level helps too you can probably win
  19. as they all refreash themselves with water and some food baemon speaks up baemon:...uhh right after the battle i saw some thing.... frankie:..uh what did you see baemon:..well i am not sure but it was in the shadows it looked like a human but....i dont know frankie:...dont worry about it right now its not a problem if they want in they can come in...and baemon uhh how do i say this..uh.... baemon: what is it come on tell me frankie:..uhh well why have you not de digivolved??? ginny:..i have an idea..mabey he is to strong to dedigivolve i mean common he has faught birdramon and raidramon mabey he has to much energy to strong to go back to his rookie form thats to weak ya see where i am comming from?? frankie: uh ya actually i do as they talked to their hearts content..dont forget claening and feeding and burping the babies they did not even relize just beneeth them an evil plan was takeing way just as they finished their problem chores..they hear a loud thunderous roar baemon:...oh..no !!!!!! NOT HIM NOT.....TRICERAMON Frankie: triceramon???????!!!he is an ultimate...how are we gonna beat that baemon: THE ORBS IN YOUR PACK as the orbs begin to glow and so does her crest then so does baemon baemon: BAEMON ORB POWER DIGIVOLVE TO rocaceramon: ROCACERAMON.. this large dino stands in the clearing as tricramon comes in to the clearing triceramon:..AHH NOW WE MEET AGAIN ROCACERAMON PREPARE TO DIE rocaceramon:.....NO YOU DONT LET THE PAST GO.. HE IS GONE NOW GET OVER IT HE IS GONE....NOW ARE YOU GONNA BACK DOWN NOW OR WHAT triceramon:.. I WOULD NOT LET IT GO NOW LETS FIGHT the two dinos stare angerily at each other while the kids and other digimon stare in confusion
  20. ugly..*looks in mirror*...yup ugly
  21. frankie runs in front of everyone stopping them from going any closer frankie: dont help stay out of it ginny: uhh why frannkie: stop this is baemons fight he challanged raidramon its his fight only no one can help its all up to him i would recomend checking the digieggs make sure none of them are broken or the fresh digimon make sure they are not hurt ginny: uhhh ok come on guys lets go check on the baby digimon baemon turns to raidramon and sets up a fighting pose baemon: OK LETS FIGHT TO THE DEATH .....TAIL SPIKES...RAWWWR baemon shots many sharp spikes at raidramon he leaps to dodge but the spikes are heat activated they followed him in mid air came contact they exploded and raidramon fell fo the ground raidramon:...you fight O.K. not as good as me though THUNDER BLAST raidramon shoots lightning at baemon but the blades on his forehead suck in the lighning like a lighning rod baemon: now its my turn ......BLADE LASERS he screams throwing three lasers at raidramon they hit with such momentum it throws him right through one of those blocks he bearely lands on his feet raidramon: well more powerfull then i thought raidramon falls to the ground trying to get up he shoots more lighning at baemon.. baemon:....ice net baemon shoots a large net of ice around raidramon keeping him on the ground baemon: NOW I WILL FINISH YOU...O-MEGA-FLAME he sends large flame balls at raidramon destroying him on the spot........
  22. frankie and baemon walk slowly through the jungle then they heard voices ANGRY VOICES..... frankie: i uhhh what was that?? baemon: uh i dont know i will go check he leaps into the air and up in to the trees a coulpe minutes later he comes down baemon: looks like a battle in a village down that way why dont we go check it out see if they need our help frankie: ok ok ok lets go they head off towords a village and an angry battle.. thats about to get even more dangerous ????: rawwwwwwrrr....i raidramon shall destroy you right here and now............
  23. the two track after the heartless kontan and his brainless servent they come across a tunnel the never seen before [COLOR=blue]Frankie.:...?? that was not there before??[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]taku: yes it was it was going the opposite direction then we were going so i said nothing [/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]frankie:..........?..??? are you crazy this is problably the way out .....KONTAN I FOUND A TUNNEL IT PROBABLY LEADS TO A WAY OUT....[/COLOR] she yells trying to get him to stop and come with [COLOR=blue]frankie:..... I WOULD LIKE TO SAY WE CAME FROM THAT WAY ITS A DEAD END YOU ARE NOT GETTING ANY WHERE GOING THAT WAY..[/COLOR] she yells even louder as the two loners get farther and farther away [COLOR=red]taku..: ahh forget them..plus he is to full of himslef he is to COOL!! he would not want to come the right direction anyway [/COLOR] they trek off down the tunnel then they slip and both fall down into a river [COLOR=blue]frankie:...ahhh just what i want to go even farther down *large sigh*[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]taku:..hay mabey i will digivolve to a gient whale and i can swimm you out of here ..just kidding..plus look its a river lets just head the way its heading cause sooner or later we will come out onto a waterfall or lake so we are heading in the right direction[/COLOR] the two friends head down the way the rivers going and they come upon a large ladder up to light frankie clibs up the ladder and lifst the top and then throws the rope down and taku ties it around his belly and she pulls him up and on to solid ground.. just then a gient bird flys down and lands on the ground [COLOR=darkred]???????? : i am birdramon now get out of my territory or i will have to destroy you the both of you[/COLOR] the orbs in frankies backpack starts glowing and taku eyes glow the same color [COLOR=red]taku:...here goes...............takururumon DIGIVOLVE TOO BAEMON...[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]baemon:.......ahh this feels good uhh well i am not a gient whale now am i?? hahahaha oh well time to kick some butt...O MEGA FLAME..*The flame hits birdramon it had no efect* ahhh oh well lets try this ..BLADE LASERS[/COLOR] The gient dino throws lasers off of his blades....it his birdramon she screams in pain [COLOR=blue]frankie:....?hay baemon hold it you are acting just like the heartless twins stop[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]birdramon: its no use i am just newly digivolved i am not storng enough take the land you jerks[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]frankie: you are the one who attacked we only wanted out of the underground river not you land and we did not mean to hurt you either so please stay here we will be on our way[/COLOR] the two leaft the clearing in the jungle and went off into the hot humid jungle ----------------------------------------------------------- sorry that was a bit long :( so sorry
  24. frankie and takururumon are about to die of hunger and thirst as they walk towords the jungle.its hot,thefog has now gone but now its leaft a humid hot vally(not to frankies liking) [COLOR=blue]Frankie: Well i would have to say i would kill for some shade and water right about now[/COLOR] takururumon shakes his head agreeing with out saying a word for its to hot to waste that kind of energy [COLOR=blue]Frankie: I hate this and my orbs of power are not helping me in my backpack they are holding me down i am tossing them![/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Taku: OHHH NO YOU DONT those have the power to help me digivolve now keep them in your backpack or i will have to ...[/COLOR] just then the ground started to shake and they fell into the ground (just like kontan)..a cavern of some sorts frankie: just my luck but hay look shade and water taku: well i am not gonna just sit here and stare i going to drink it he then leaps in and starts drinking splashing water all over the place frankie pulls out a flashlight and starts off off down the tunnle taku: uhh where are you going ?? frankie: i heard joices they carred from this way i am going to check it out...its probaly other people and i would like to find out who taku: but these tunnels could go on for miles and the voices could have carried from miles away you dont even know what is down there frankie: i dont mind at least i am not mealting and plus the voices think of the voices that means there are others around taku:...ok you know its a good thing you have the cerst of REASON you sure can convince others after about 1 mile they heard a loud growl... then two large eyes yellow eyes appeared and then a large dokugumon came from the shadows Dokugu: get out of my tunnles....POISING THREAD.....
  25. it was still misty in the vally where frankie was wandering alone she looks across the foggy vally then at the fadded sky wondering where takururumon could be.. she then goes of into memory ...it was early in the morning no light even. she was half way asleep but mostly awake no relizing what was going on. just then flames entered her room roaring its victory over the family home as normal she leaped out of bed picked up the comuter she got for chrismas and she threw it out the window with that she jumped out of the window and ran to call 911 when the fire trukcs got there she ran out to find her family but there was no family left to run to she ran to the forest and cryed her self to sleep "frankie.....?..frankie... wake up wakp snap out of it" as she slips out her dream she comes to relize she was remembering she has no family and takururumon was the only friend she had. frankie:where have you been takururumon? takururumon:well i thought you might be hungry so i went to go get you some berries they are really good try some frankie:ok it gets my mind off things so sure...wow these are good takururumon:you know its not good to remember such terriable things right now we ne to find other people a biyomon just flew by and said that there were kids that was pointing to the jungle the both head towards the jungle in the still misty vally on one side of the jungle
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