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Everything posted by Frankie
let me think how about books about human reproduction i maen ya we all learn about it sometime in our lives but NOT AT 7 YEARS OLD my cousin hates her mom now for that i once got a pack of gum and a barbie coloring book yuk ps....look at my post amount:D :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B] a wonderswan? sweeeet! I finally know someone who owns one you have ta tell me whats it like when u get it! [/B][/QUOTE] ya i will definatly tell you all about it i get veedramon version tammer game with it so i will tell you all about it after the first of the year see the seller is sending right away it will bee here in five days from what i know
i know its a lot of money thats all see i think its rude to ask someone how much the thing costed but my dad did say it was a WHOLE LOT of money
in a week or so i will get a map thinggy to show me where it is in the cosmos or however the said it so i will get to know where it is..whoops sorry i did not mean to brag i fell sorry for you not knowing where it is i hoipe you find it :) :) :D :D :) :)
a silk night gown *shudder*my grandma is so ..never mind pink with yellow flowers i hate pink and yellow does not look good on me anyway dont forget that i am a tomboy mabey its my name Frankie Shaw no that cant be it mabey its cause i just want to be oh well my sister disposed of the silk thing a ma jig as soon as she seen it and yes my name is Frankie Shaw
my dad actually paid a lot of money to register a star with my name there is a star that is now named Frankie-Flora-Lee-Shaw and my sisters boyfriend did the same thing for her so there i a star thats named after me and my sister *sigh* i cant believe he did this for me:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: i am so happy
someone i know used atomotive glue and glued their teacher to his chair then the teacher put his hand on the desk and his hand stuck to the desk what a mess
veggietales???????? is this true "check into a home cause your not sane anymore"-bill engval ya what he said
ya its the best place to get certin thing for a cheaper price i normaly look for things in my intrest (digimon..thats what duh:)) and hay its worth it thaere are some great things there and they ship so fast dont forget that the ppl are nice to
i can understand that *sigh* i cant believe it i am so close to junior member oh woops off topic oh well i think i will be going to ebay more often
may i join if so here are the stats name: frankie (lee for short its my middle) gender: female crest: reson/respect personality: lonly never relly makes friends cause no one likes her cause she is so strange..she never fights when its not needed will give up her oun life to svae her oun friends(if she has any),and her oun digimon... description: lives by her self (she never had a family,or home) wears a blue shirt with a mad boxer dog on it.. black jeans age: 14 digimon freash: syphermon (a small ball of green fluff 2 eyes) in-training: tepormon(a small green head with legs eyes and long whiskers rookie: takururumon (a little lizard on all four legs red stipes and a spike on the end of his tail) attack: tail stabber(attacks with tail) champion: baemon (see attachment) attacks: tail-spikes,blade-lasers,and O-MEGA-FLAME ulimate:rocaceramon(gient dino with skull all over body like armour,big blue stripes) Attacks: Filler-tri-peaks(sends loads of filler(rocks))oh i will post his pic up latter Mega: ?????????? uhh i forgot to say...i am almost always seen with baemon not takururumon
i like .....no wait i really really really like charizard but my utmost favorite is dragonite dragon pokemon hardly have weakneeses thats why i have 7 dragon card decks
guess what i got on ebay today and my dad baught(sp) a wonderswan color and and english veedramon version 2-in-1 game digimon of course :D :D :D:D but its cool i will get it probably after new years i dont mind the wait i understand cause of the holidays but i cant wait for it to get here did you know that wonderswan and wonderswan colors are not even out in the US yet i am going to get one :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited: i am so:excited: so i put this up to see if some of you have gotten things from ebay and what whats your opinion on ebay and what you got
i am not going to tell you how but i went to the hospital 5 times and i am fine exept that i am insane he will be fine dont worry my sister had a friend that asked her to marry him but she was not ready but they were still friends one day they took him to dinner he was at their house then he left his hat there(cowboy hat) so they put it on the tv and they were going to give it to him the next day but on his way home he "fell asleep at the wheel" and dies after a few hours in critical health i dont thinkl he just fell asleep at the wheel but oh well after months they found his hat behind the tv reminding them of him *sigh* i did not know him well but there were over a thousand ppl at his memorial lady i hope everythings fine i have hopes for you i hope you are ok i am psichic(sp) i can see him coming home just fine a little stired but fine he will be fine dont be to worryed "worring leads to sarrow sarrow leads to eternal sadness"
thank you snails i am glad you all like it
pokémon pokémon pokémon ya ya ya i am not stupid afterall i can do something simple
i like the birds better they seem to be more powerfull i causht suicune he had the lameest attacks but zapdos had drill peack and thunder what a pokemon:drool:
getting off topic not that i care but thanks everyone for what you have been saying i wont be hiding anymore
well you might have to wait for a while but hay soon you will get to see me so clear but it may be a while
uhh its cause of my pic is on canvas from kodak so after scaning it looks to blurry sorry i will soon get a more clear pic of me later
here is the pic with no bubbles
here you go no bubbles this is my true form:)
well then i will change it and i will have one clear and one with bubbles
well uhh i put the bubbles on in ulead photo express its the coolest i can put snow rain bubbles fog mist and more on it but the bubbles were the best looking and thanks so i am not ugly huh?? well thank you
hay thanks ya see i put the bubbles in to hide my pure uglyness just kiding but who do i remind you of??? and what of me remindes you???