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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. here is what i look like so tell me what you think of my ugly old self :) :( oh well
  2. my pearents only think chrismas is for spoiling kids with toys and kandy but i do want something my sister back,and *sigh*a chance to see my brother again but that will never happen(my parents dont like my birth parents) oh well i hope you ppl have a good chrismas(i know i wont) i do also want better grades and mabey a couple booster packs of trading cards (pokemon or digimon)(my parents dont like either)
  3. well its kinda cute but not evil be cause it is only triying to show off misty brock and ash taught it how to sing so it is only showing off (plus it wants ppl to hear its whole song) i liked the episode were psyduck fell asleep to jigglypuffs song with its eyes open what a stupid pokemon (psyduck i mean)
  4. never had a boyfriend..well exeptonec for about 2 years we never kissed ...i have never kissed anyone my parents are de vorced they dont kiss
  5. gbc.....ps1.....laptop(i ned to talk to people like you)....dog most of all my card (pokemon..digimon....magic)
  6. monkey/cat is what i have he walks on his hands and has the porsinality,whiskers,and claws like a cat not to mention the need for attention 24/7 and when he is missing i have to wear armor because he is getting ready to do something groose,or mean by the way where is he anyway:nervous: :nervous: :nervous: ahhhh there you are wait put the sledgehammer down....no put it down ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..:help:....put it dow........ :cross: :bawl: owwww...:help:
  7. hay hay noddles or what ever the h*e*l*l your name is stop posting if you are not going to be nice most of us are talking nice you need to also...and WE DONT WANT TO GROW UP SO:flaming: :cussing: just back off we are having a nice conversation i would like it if you would not stir things up into a furry (noddles dont get your nickers in a twist) i dont know about the rest of you but i think noddles should leave or SHUT UP(expecialy when he wont pm me back for something:flaming: :flaming: )
  8. 93:53 all abouve lv.90 all 3 of them mew at 93 charizard at 96 alakazam at 100 i got mew without game shark if you know how i did it then tell me i will tell you if your right ......its my secret untill someone tells me what i did and i did not trade
  9. what do you picture my voice as then.....???????
  10. i hated............. gym but i always go an A+ mostly i hate.......maaaaaaath:crying: :crying: :crying: :cussing:
  11. wow cool......cute dog ginny here is my dog his name is chewey
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]AARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! You got it first darn try!! .............er, ehem, sorry about that, ' bit carried away there............ In other words, YOU ARE CORRECT! [/B][/QUOTE] yahhhhhh soo cool i knew the first one cause...i watch animal planet..and i will be going to vet school when i get older..so i know about certin animals.....i wanna work with exotic animals but its 8 years of collage:lecture: :lecture: 8 years of this:lecture: and this:cussing: and more of this:lecture: yet the animal part is cool
  13. [QUOTE] 1.A man is in the jungle.He has a pistol, with one bullet left.With the one bullet, he kills a Puma and a Panther.How could have he done this?! 2.How do you see through walls? Fairly easy, and simple....... [/B][/QUOTE] 1...easy a puma is a panther..a panther is a puma it has 2 different names....so it is one cat not 2 :rotflmao: 2... through windows....?...window let you see through walls:rotflmao: did i get it right
  14. same here think about it.... whats up with that an island again??? fresh clean water with healing power??? and whats up with "the boss" of team rocket....?? so i give movie 1 an A+ movie 2 a C movie 3 a B+ mewtwo returns how about ummmm..... a D- to an F i like the original
  15. mewtwo returns.....what a strange tape..... i own it... its not as good as the movie #1,2,or 3 but its sooo cool have any of you seen it?
  16. my parents only have me cause they want to keep their child sapoort thats all they care about
  17. no i thinkdeath is like everything else its like lossing a tooth it happens its over with, nothing to fear every one looses a tooth in there life from 1 time to another birth,death=entering and exiting this life,world,what ever you want to call it no one should feel scared..it happens after a while the people you love adapt...and the think the same thing what happens happens for a reson and who and what ever the reson it was for the best some one planned it somewere along the line *all ppl look at me funny*:therock: :therock: :therock: :worried:
  18. 1.i was at school then atomaticaly i was transported to a haunted house carnival like ride through my school and through the first door there was flying bunnys weired??huh?? then through the last door flying skulls and demons...then i come to the priniples office in my skull car and..... and...... i fall 20 feet and hit the floor no car anymonr i was back in my room but on the floor ...i fell off my bunk bed.....i had that dream for 8 years 2.i was a real trainer for pokemon..and a digidetined for digimon and there was all the charecters there misty,ash,brock,tai and all,davis and all,takato jeri and rika and the rest,zelda,link,gohan,(i think),and ....oaks, and it was a mess one wanting to blast the other my dratini wraped around my head and fell asleep i then woke up and my brothers large snake was around my head:nervous: :worried: :eek: :eek: the next day the snake turned up missing"i would never touch that vile thing my mom says" and i say i have no idea about his stupid snack but i did say if it got loose something bad would happen to him":devil: :devil: i never ment something would happen to my bro :demon: :demon: some how the snake named fluff disapeared and was never to se again:demon: :devil:
  19. in a religion i have heard about a lot god does have a name jahovah(sp)and jesus i think thats how ya spell it??????
  21. i dont have a bomb bag and how do i get a bomb flower up there that fast or is there a plant real close to the bridge instead of on the floor below
  22. i am on death mountin and i need to get the skull thing in the first room to open you know the one with the ladder above it the thing says you have to make it see fire but how do i do that and any tips on kickking the bosses but i dont want to die any more so tips on destroying the boss would help
  23. when i was born on october 30th i was almost born on the 31st oh well happy birthday to all and even me oh and *sigh*being born on the 30th was not to lucky to me my life sucks hay i will be 14 in 20 days here in oregon
  24. all i know of are big blue stones that are to heavey to move and i have already goten to the place but i cant get past the big blue stones that dont move and all the enemies in the room are bats
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