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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. I figured that we all could kind of play the left over characters if they arent taken (I mean those of us who get ot participate incase a few more people sign up all the sudden and compete for our characters) And squiggles.... since when have i been... awesome blanko-sama? I dont mind its just... I had to look up what sama ment *laughs* I didnt really know whatthe san chan kun and such like that ment took me awhile. And i dont mind it all I was just curious. If no one else signs up when will this start?
  2. Yes right good idea you got there. I do however see one small problem (or perhpas two) One would be this: There could be a pague or some whack uncurable sickness they could end up dragging back to 'earth' and infecting people spreading tons of sickness. I think you should mention the extra precations that would have to go into preventing that (though Im sure if it was some UNKNOWN uncurable sickness that precautiuons might not even work. Secondly: Are your agents and people considering the effect this might habe on their world? Some sicknesses we masstered a cure for here might be seriously deadly there. Thirdly (just thought of it): Have you considered what effect it might have on the people of this new world. Going in and just trespassing onto their lands to get their historical artifacts, to take their creatures, or to even kidnap them in the process of finding info. I dont deny that if this were to happen for real that a team would possibly be made. I dislike the fact that humans think they have th e right to just bardge in and take what they want and what they see they link just for knowlege. (If i played in your rpg i would be one ofthe characters from this world you earthlings found and beleive you me I wouldnt be a happy campter to learn that some people think that jsut because they have more technology that they can just come and go and do as they please without any permission and so on.) Overall good idea though! I just dont normally join rpgs with the term "field agents" and "secret teams that no one knows about"... This is mainly because I know pretty much ZIP about military terms and junk like that... "missions" and such like that also havnt really gotten my intrest... But if i were to play a nativ of this new found world id join..
  3. [b]Ok its been a while so I will have a tray at this...[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [size=1]Candice/Candy Harding (Last name is just randomly selected)[/size] [size=1][b]Age:[/b] 17[/size] [size=1][b]Gender:[/b] Female[/size] [size=1][b]Appearance:[/b] She stands at 5' 6'' and weights a mere 112 pounds. She has straight neck long bubble gum or as described by friends 'cotton candy' pink hair and bright BLUE eyes. She is often seen wearing clothes that match her hair or her eyes. This ranges from pink shirts and blue jeans to blue shirts and skirts. If its one of her favorite colors she wears it.[/size] [size=1][b]Traits:[/b] She doesnt care what others think about her pink and blue outfits and she doesnt care what thye might say about her very happy attitude. She does however get moody at times and will state her opinion no matter how harsh it may be. She is also very flexible in her ways and with her body. She can easily bend backwards and twist herself around. Also known for her sudden outbreaks of uh.. shyness.[/size] [size=1][b]Snippet:[/b][/size] [size=1]It was getting dark but she just ignored it as she wrote in her fluffy journal. With its big furry covers and a pen with a big ball of fluff on the end she continued to write about the day and what she thought of it.[/size] [center][i][size=1]Honestly I dont see why they care. I mean clothes are clothes. What really happend was this. I was just minding my own buisness by my own locker. I had this very journal and pen and was writing about... well if you read the earlier pages you know what I was writing. Anyways I looked around the bland lockers around mine and then took a glance in my own. It had its own set of flashing pink chrsitmas lights and pictures lined the inside. [/size][/i][/center] [center][i][size=1]Of me and my friends.[/size][/i][/center] [center][i][size=1]"Honestly now... Thats a rather childish color." A voice behind me hissed. It of course was just one of those random girls who thought looks were everything. I tried to ignore it untill of course they muttered something about my clothes and then something about my friends and their looks. I wheeled around and well... Knocked her flat on her plump rear end. Of course the next thing I knew I was sitting in the principles office but didnt really care. She deserved it for what she said. It just made me so twiggin mad![/size][/i][/center] [center][i][size=1]Clothes are clothes. I dont care if hot pink is childish and reminds everyone of barbie. I like what I like and cant see why other people have to have such a bad comment about it... It isnt like I am forcing them to wear it.-[/size][/i][/center] [left][size=1]"Cant see..." She muttered to herself.[/size] [/left] [left][size=1]She sat there for a few more moments and stared at the darkening sky that loomed overhead. She shut the journal with the pen inside still on the page where she was writing. She took a deep breath of the crisp night air and stood up. She was actually on her roof. She walked along the roof a ways untill she got to a window which was open. Pink curtains flowed with the slight breeze flowing into the room. She stuck a foot in and looked around real quick. She felt the night getting colder and took one last breath of it and went inside. [/size][/left] [left][size=1]The windows shut almost silently and she locked it. She placed the journal on her desk covered with pictures and homework. The stack of homework depressed her but then she realized she had the whole three day weekend to finish it. She ran her fingers through her bright pink hair and with a large yawn she decided to go to bed.[/size][/left] [center][size=1]------[/size][/center] [left][size=1][b]Anyways here was my try.[/b] [/size][/left]
  4. Hmm... I beleive this stupid thing will not let me post chapter three for two reasons. Its length. Though i could cut it in half there is still probelm number two... That of course is somewhere along the lines after i hit post reply somethign gets jarbbled up and a bunch of theese appear all over the place (without the stars) And I canoot understand it. So ill just stop posting them for now... this FanFic has a website and its website url is in my signature if anyone is interested in reading all 11 available chapters. Pm me if you have comments or somethin.
  5. The language comes up later when a certain *cough* character is introduced. I am making this more like real life. Kids dont go around saying "aww poopie" Well some do but anyways. If someone is pissed off i am going to let them express it. I dislike the cutsie kidsy pokemon thing. Pokemon a creatures just like our creatures... kinda. Pokemon should bleed so they will. Pokemon can die so some will. People can cuss... so they will. Same with flirting, kissing, and so on. I am not rating it like that because of simple darn words and a "hey your cute!". It does get a little more heavy later on. Words such as asshole and damn and fuck appear often in later chapters due to what is going on. Simply put... I am not exagerating the rating. And i am not taking it as bashing my story. You were simply stating your opinion concerning the rating.
  6. [center][font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][b]2[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms][size=4][b]The Mystery Man[/b][/size][/font][/center] [left][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The open space of the gym seemed cold now. The only sounds were the breathing of Mightyena and the beating of Beautifly's wings. Shena waited for Zash to make the first move and he took his time deciding just what he wanted to do. Beautifly's blye eyes stared into the red eyes of the mightyena. They seemed to be be figuring each other out.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Aerial Ace!" Zash burst out suddenly.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Giggles the beautifly took action instantly. [/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Dodge it shadow your faster on your feet!" Shena commanded.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The mightyena known as shadow began to run around never in the same pattern. Giggles watched for a bit and then dove. It slammed into shadow and he fought to keep his balance.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"You didnt know you cant dodge that attack?" Zash asked as Giggles attempted to stay away from Shadow's claws and still annoy his opponent.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"No... I didnt. I get traffic here but not many people use moves like that." Shena answered, "Bite that bug shadow!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Shadow dug its claws into the dirt floor of the gym and used its strength to leap into the air. He went up quite hight and snapped at giggles. He missed the first time but nailed giggles the second time. Shadow sank his teeth into giggles's left wind. When shadow fell to the ground so did beautifly.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Shena smiled, "Poision fang!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]While shadow held giggles down he bit the poor bug hard and injected a poision. Zash growled to himself and realized this would put a damper on his plans but then he realized something.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hey giggles one last shot eh? SILVER WIND!" Zash instructed.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Giggles, dispite the gradual drain of life from the poision, managed to break loose and take to the air again. From there it began flapping its red, blue, yellow, and black wings. The wind picked up and shadow was having difficulty leaping up to bite his opponent again. Giggles floated there for a moment and then swooped its wings and lifted itself five feet off the ground. It concentrated and its wings began to glow. As he flapped and caused great wind he sent silvery bursts through the wind. The bursts hit shadow who was still struggling with the wind speed. Shadow yowled and was sent flying. He hit the ground and skidded to a stop a few feet from Shena. He struggled to stand but collapsed instead. Shena's mouth had fallen open in how quick her prized shadow was taken out. She returned him to his pokeball.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"How... Did that happen?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Dark types are weak against bug type attacks as well as fighting."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I knew of the fighting but not the bug..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Plus because of the poison Giggles's health was extreamly low its ability Swarm gives it an extra boost in bug type attacks. So the attack did quite alot of damage."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I see. You can give it an antidote now. Giggles is the victor for he is still willing to fight and my poor shadow has collapsed. You win the first round. Prepare for round two."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Here giggles this will help." Zash quickly gave giggles an antidote to cure its poison and then returned it to its pokeball for a good rest. He then grabbed another pokeball. This one was yellow. "Im ready are you?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Yes." Shena also had another greyish black pokeball in her hand. [/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Zash and shena released their pokemon together. In a flash two identicle pokemon stood staring at each other. Black dog like pokemon stood staring at each other. They had yellow ring like markings. The only difference was the one in front of shena was an inch taller and had spikey fur on its head.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Funny... Who would have thought that we would both call forth our Umbreons. It is indeed facinating. No type match ups here... Just skill and training. Ill start."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Good."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Unlike you I wont take my time. Sand attack!" Shena commanded sharply.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The spikey umbreon took off in a run and so did the other. The spikey one waited for a moment and then used its paw to kick up sand and dirt from the gym floor. It went right into Zash's umbreon's face. It stopped to paw the dirt out of its eyes so it could see. Spikey umbreon ran and slammed into the smaller one.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hmm... Quick attack!" Zash yelled.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]His umbreon still with dirt in its eyes leapt forward and tried to slam into its opponent but kept missing. It stopped again to dig out more dirt from its eyes. Shena's umbreaon took this moment to administer its own quick attack. Zash watched as his umbreon went rolling to a stop a ways from him.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hyper beam!" Shena said with a motion of her hand.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Her umbreon leapt backwards and dug its paws into the ground. It was bracing itself and then opend its mouth. A huge blast of colorfull energy came from its mouth and hit the umbreon standing up. The light engulfed zash's umbreon and took out a big chunk of the floor. Dust rose into the air and it took a minute to settle. When it did zash saw his umbreon had no will to stand it up. He nodded and returned it to its pokeball.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I havent been working with him enough. Even mine doesnt know hyper beam. Not many pokemon can withstand that attack... Not even the big ones."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"He did well but sand attack does cause quite a bit of trouble." She smiled and returned her umbreon, "My umbreon wins. You one Me one. The next match decides the winner. So far things have gone quite fast."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Indeed."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Shena held out her arm and from the shadows came a flapping noise. A black crow looking bird pearched on her arm. Zash hadnt noticed it was there untill now.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Your up murkeow..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Murr" The pokemon screeched.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Zash siglaned with his hand and the silent persian watching from the sidelines then waled up in front of zash. [/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ah nice choice."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Do you mind if I take you to lunch after I win?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Who says your gonna win?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"A feeling..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Riiight. Alright. If you win ill go to lunch with you." Shena wondered why he wanted to do that but decided to keep her mouth shut and finish the battle first. Perhpas if she doest it right she might not have to go.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Persian Slash!" Zash pointed at the black bird who took flight.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Fly higher... Out of reach!" She was ready for this... If Persian couldnt hit murkrow in the air murkeow could just easily wear persian down and win.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The murkrow flapped its wings and took up towards the ceiling of the gym. The persian leapt up and tried to slash but the bird was to high. [/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Shadow ball..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The murkrow opened its beak and sent multiple balls of dark purple energy. Persian dodged one after the other and then one finally hit but after the darkness dissapered they noticed it had no effect.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh... yeah... Faint Attack!" Shena suddenly remembered that ghost type moves have no effect on normal type pokemon. She cursed herself mentaly for forgetting such a simple thing.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The murkrow seemed to vaporize out of sight. Persian looked everywhere for its target but suddenly was sent flying by an invisible force. Murkrow re appeared and flew in circles. Persian stood up and growled.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Shena noticed Zash didnt seem to worried, "Your holding something back and its annoying. Your here to challenge me not toy with my pokemon."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Zash nodded, "Alright then... Persian... Thunderbolt!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The persian nodded and watched its target. It let out a roar and suddenly its whole body began to spark. It roared once more and sent an electric blast at the bird. The bird was startled and was hit right on target. The bird electricuted in mid air and when the blast stopped the bird fell to the ground. It layed there motionless with a dazed and confused look on its face. It was out. Shena bit her bottom lip.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Return" She returned her murkrow to its pokeball and stood tall. "Persian wins the round and you win the match."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Good job pal." Zash said petting his persian. He decided to return her to recharge and rest.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Your persian is quite skilled. Trained to be able to use an electric type attack and exploit the birds weakness. I had a feeling you were going to win and I also had a feeling you were holding back. Im glad you went full force. I have learned from this experiance. Bug to dark electric to flying... You know weaknesses well. The battle was short but enjoyable. I award you the Central badge for your victory. Now... Im starved.... Where to?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Thanks... Just a small place in the main part of town."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Good. Id like a rest before getting to the repairs. The hyper beam and shadowballs made quite a mess." Shena noted pointing at the creaters and long blast mark in the floor.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh dont worry about it. I got it." He pulled out his cell phone and hit a few numbers., "Yes zash here. Clean up and repairs needed. The central city gym. Yeah I kinda helped make a mess of the place. Charge it to my account. Thanks." He hung up and slipped the phone back into his pocket.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"You didnt have to do that you know."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I helped trash it... Ill help fix it."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Shena grabbed the keys and they both left the gym. She taped a note on the door and locked the door. They then headed for the ferry dock. A short walk later and zash payed for two tickets. Shena had given Nida her ferry pass but zash didnt mind paying. They boarded and went to the top deck. Shena stood by the railing and stared out at the blue ocean. Zash leaned backwards against the railing and glanced at Shena.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"So tell me about Nida."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Meanwhile in the main part of town Nida was having difficulties making it to the forest. She grumbbled from all the traffic and people on the sidewalks. She turned and went into a small courtyard in front of a hotel. She leaned against a pole and began to tap her foot. When her patience grew thin she knew breaks always helped. Nida worked on relaxing. The courtyard wasnt very crowded. She watched as people went to and from quickly and slowly. There were tournaments that weekend and there were extra people in town to attend.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida let out a sigh and heard a crash behind her. She turned around and saw a man sprawled out on the ground with files and papers all over. She watched as people walked by completely ignoring the man. She growled and helped the man to his knees where he then began to pick up his files and papers. Nida noticed he seemed to be in a hurry. He was acting nervous almost. She noticed he had red hair that was almost as deep of red as her own but it was mainly hidden by his lab coat's hood. She wondered why someone needed a hood on a lab coat but she ignored the thought of asking. She helped him pick up the papers completely ignoring what was on them.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Thank you young miss." The man mumbled trying to keep her from seeing his face.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"No problem. Really. Some people have no consideration towards-"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"No no its quite alright. They are as busy as I am. I am just a bit clumsy today thats all." His voice, nida noticed, was shakey.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]A bark was heard off in the distance and the man almost dropped everything again. He was really jumpy. "Ah!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"The boys have hisscent lets go!" They heard a man yell followed by more barking.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh no!" The man leapt to hisfeet dropping an object and a slip of paper. Nida picked them up and noticed the object was a Pokeball with something in it.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hey sir... What about your pokemon!?" Nida yelled after the man who was already running for it.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"You can keep her!" He yelled before vanishing into the crowd of people.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]With that two shadey thug like characters ran into the couryard with two large houndooms. The pokemon sniffed around and took off running in the direction the man in the lab coat had run.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"They still got him lets go!" One shouted.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Right..." The other agreed and the four of them ran off and vanished into the crowd.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Id run too if i had two thugs like that after me... Now what am I going to do with this?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]She looked at the pokeball briefly and put it in her pocket. "I guess if i see him again ill give him his pokemon"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]A short run later Nida found herself in the forest. She sat on a rock to catch her breath and while she did so she began to hum. She took the paper out of her pocket and read on it a bit. Formulas and codes were scribbled everywhere except for neat writing in one corner. This caught her eye. She began to read while she hummed a song she couldnt quite place where she heard it.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]< Project complete. Fire elements blended well with Ice elements. All other elements included in the experiment combined successfully. Must not let others know of my side experiment.>[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida was confused but figured it wasnt her buisness. She stuffed the note back into her pocket and began to walk while she hummed. She stopped and thought for a moment.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"If i ever see him again I will return his pokemon to him... Untill then I could use it. It isnt fair to keep a pokemon locked up in its ball all the time. I wonder what it is though. Most scientists carry electric types it seems." She started to hum again... She wanted to release it to figure out what it was but was scared too. She decided against it for the time being and continued to walk along.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Now to find some pokemon."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Suddenly some rustling in the bushes was heard. In a flash Ziggy came out of its pokeball and sniffed to inspect the noise. Nida wondered what pokemon it was. Not many people traveled in these forests because of extreamly vicious pokemon that would hurt even humans to protect its home. She had lived in this forest longer than lots of the pokemon she she didnt mind a few pokemon. Suddenly a furry blob rolled out of a bush.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]It sprung open and ran in circles. Nida noticed it instantly as a Furret. She wondered what had attracted such a pokemon. Most of the time they didnt like humans enough to come close but this one seemed to have missed that memo.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Wonder what it wants..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Zig goon oon zag?" Ziggy said to the furret. which nida understood meant "What do you want?" in a friendly way.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Fuuuuret... Fur!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Zig goooon zag zig zig." Ziggy told nida. Nida had bonded so well with ziggy that she under stood what it said. This mean "It liked your humming and wants to come along... but wants to fight first."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hm... Thats only fair. I hope it knows i dont force any pokemon to come with me."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The furret nodded and then the fur on its body stood on end. It was ready to fight.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Well I guess Ziggy its your time. Headbutt!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Furret started running around zigzagoon with greater speed that normal furrets. Nida wondered why. Zigzagoon watched as its opponent circled her and when she finally got with the pattern the furret would turn and start something new.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Sand attack..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Zigzagoon watched for it to come around again and using her tail she flicked dirt and stuff off the forest floor into the furret's face. Ziggy used headbutt and furret rolled into the base of a bush. It leapt up and started shaking the dirt out of its fur. Nida figured furret must of had the run away ability because keen eye prevented accuaracy loss but this one seemed a bit off. It lunged at ziggy and scratched viciously with its paws.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida noticed something in furret's fur. "COVET!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Ziggy lunged and grabbed the item in its fur. It tossed the item at nida who caught it. "Ah... Quick claw... That explains the speed burst. Tackle!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Now furret was sloer and couldnt take off as quickly. It was slammed into the base of the bush again and furret twitched for a moment.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Is now a good time?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ziggg?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Fur ret ret fur."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Zig goon." Which pretty much ment "Yeah hes ready."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida nodded and pulled out one of the two empty pokeballs. She walked over to the furret and right about the time she held it down to tap furret on the head with it the furret dashed out of the way.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Fur fur fur fur..." It laughed.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ziiiiiiig." Which meant, "He was kidding. Hes not ready yet."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida nodded, "Tricky mischivious little thing. Fine... Pin Missle."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Ziggy's fur stiffined and she swung her tail sending four sharp spikes of fur at furret. It hit the furret and it wiggled trying to ease its pain.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Now?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Fur..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida tried to come closer again and this time furret sat there. It looked at the pokeball and nodded. Nida held it out and just as she was about to touch him, again, he reached out his nose and hit the button on his own. The pokeball opened and furret turned into red light which was sucked into the pokeball. The ball wiggled in her hand for a moment and then the button clicked which meant a lock. Nida then pressed the button and the furret emerged again.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Welcome to the family!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Fuuuret!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Back on the ferry...[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"She told me that she was abandoned when she was 3. The orphanage told her this. She was to young to remember it. She stayed till she was ten and then expected to go with the other ten year old kids to get their first pokemon like normal. She wanted to leave on her journey just like the others."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"But?" Zash didnt watch the ocean he just listened carefully to the story.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"The people in charge thought her partial blindness would endanger her. They forced her to stay behind. After two years of watching all other ten year olds leave she got frustrated and angry. On her birthday she ran away."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Did that help?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Yes. She felt she could take care of herseld. She was young but managed quite well. Expecially after she met Ziggy."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Who is Ziggy?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ah ziggy. Nida ran into Ziggy when she was thirteen. She was an abandoned Zigzagoon. Because both had been abandoned and had no family the bonded almost instantly. They have been together ever since. They took care of each other."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]They got off the fery that had now docked. They made their way down the crowded street and Zash turned into a small candle shop. He went upstairs followed silently by Shena. They got onto the roof where some tables were arranged. A waiter nodded at zash and led them to a table. They then began to search for what they wanted to eat in the menus.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida was walking along with Ziggy on her shoulder and furry playfully hopping along next to her. She began to hum again and furret would pay attention and its ears would twitch when the tune would change. The furret bound into a bush suddenly and Nida followed. A large pile of berries sat there in a clearing. Furret nibbled on a blue better.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Is that yours?" Nida asked.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The furret shook its head.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Thats stealing! Some other pokemon is stashing that!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Et..." The furret spit out the half chewed berry on top of the pile which started growling.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida looked around and noticed two very angry looking eyes in the shadows.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Scyyy"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh twig... We are trasspassing on a scythers territorry. Not good. Lets go."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Therrrr" The pokemon in the shadows had other ideas.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Ziggy got in front of nida and furret hid behind her. Scyther flew at the weak and tired ziggy and slashed at her. She couldnt take another battle so quickly after the earlier with furret. Ziggy was hit and rolled to a stop at Nida's feet. Nida was forced to return her and she started backing away from the angry scyther. Furret decided being cowardly wasnt going to help nida so he also tried to stare down scyther. Furret ended up meeting the same blade as ziggy. Nida returned the tired hurt furret before it got hurt further.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Great..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Scyther!" The scyther didnt want her leaving because the moment she tried to sneak away he flew at her.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"And here I am with no pokem- Hold on..." She pulled out the pokeball the mystery man dropped. "Ill use this!" Scyther flew over her and she ducked. His arm slashed at her and he got her hand but it only scratched it so it wasnt to bad. It began to bleed and Nida threw the pokeball with the mystery pokemon in it. What she saw was indeed a mystery.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Out in a black flash was a strange pokemon. Small and had fur around its neck like Eevee. Curly fur on its head and six tails like vulpix and each one resembled the tails a sneasel would have. Its neck fur was black and fire like. It was only attached around the neck but flowed down the pokemons body and covered its tails. The most amazing part though were the feathery wings on its back.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"What type are you?" Nida said mainly asking herself.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The pokemon understood the question and spit a small ball of flame from its mouth.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Right on. Can you handle this guy?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The pokemon nodded and flapped its feathery wings. It took to the skies up with scyther. They flew at each other and moments before impact the small pokemon dived and flipped in mid air. It opend its mouth and a stream of flames blazed out of its mouth. The flames hit Scythers belly and he spun down into the ground. The little pokemon then ran through the air and slammed into the scyther who was on one knee trying to get over the burn. He went slamming into a tree where he sat at the base breathing heavily. He nodded at Nida.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Wow that was fast..." Nida said staring at the small pokemon that she couldnt identify. She figured the labcoat man discovered and captured another new pokemon. It wasnt uncommon after all. But she knew nothing about it.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Scy.." The scyther pointed with his blade arm at the pokeball in Nida's hand.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"What... You want me to catch you? After defending your home?" Nida seemed shocked.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Scy." The pokemon nodded.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida nodded, "Ok.." She took out the last empty pokeball. She touched scyther with it and he was instantly sucked in. Unlike furret the ball locked instantly.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida turned to the small pokemon. "Now that was an interesting encounter. Now my little pal... I wonder what you are."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I happen to be called Kilune." The pokemon spoke.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Back at the restraunt they had their food. Zash had a soup of some sort and Shena had a salad. Zash then got back onto the topic like earlier.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"So how did they afford food."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Well she and Ziggy ate berries in the forst but also zigzagoon has the ability to pick things up that normally you might not see. So she would sell the items and sell it for money that she would use for food. That is pretty much all she could afford. You noticed her clothes... She can only purchase them when something has a hole in a revealing place or no longer fits. So clothes shopping for her is rare."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"So i noticed."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Anyways she isnt like most trainers. I have never seen her battle with ziggy." Shena dug at her salad.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hmm..." Zash had almost completely finished off his soup.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"She mainly just works at my place or vanishes. Im not sure where she is when not at my place." Shena dug into her salad some more.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Back in the forest...[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ah.. Thats nice... Say what!?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Im called a Kilune."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"No no no I got that. You talk?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Of course. Where is the professor?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Uh he was being chased by a couple thugs. He dropped your ball and I was trying to return it but he told me to 'keep her' so here I am..." Nida explained.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh Ok then. I understand. From now on I am your pokemon. What is my new trainers name?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Uh... Most people call me Nida."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hi."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hi...Say kilune. You dont mind helping me with a gym battle do you?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The kilune nodded, "Not at all. Id love to help. It felt food to get out of that ball and fight."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"So what is your type. Like a charizard is flying and fire." Nida asked. She needed to know if she was going to work with this pokemon.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"A bit of fire... A bit of ice... Some darkness that should do nice..." Kilune chanted.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Eh..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh thats a Rhyme the professor told me. Im part fire part ice and dark too. Is that a problem?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"No its just odd. No pokemon I have ever heard of has three types."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I guess Im just something knew. You havent heard of me so its possible."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh... Uh ok..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Kilune thought for a moment and nodded, "We are a newly found species he says. Iv only seen me though. No other pokemon look like me. Perhaps Im special?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Perhaps..." Nida noticed the Kilune also seemed confused about itself. Nida picked up scythers pokeball and returned Kilune. She then headed back to the courtyard. Perhaps she could see the professor there. She doubted it but she was hoping it would happen.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"She has quite an attitude" Zash said gulping his soda.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Uh... Yeah Like I said. She doesnt like help and... She dislikes it when people flaunt their wealth." Shena glared at Zash but he didnt seem to notice. [i]"Boy is he dense or is it just my imagination?" [/i]She thought to herself as she watched him finish off his soda.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]A short walk later...[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"After the acadamy I just traveled around the close area." Zash said over cheesecake.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ahem..." Nida cleared her throat.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh nida... Done so soon?" Shena asked eating the last of her pudding.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Yeah. The first wanted to come with me but wanted to fight first so Ziggy took it on. It willingly came after that."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"And that second?" Zash asked paying the waiter.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"None of your buisness." Nida said staring at him.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"And the second?" Shena repeated.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Attacked to defend his territorry but then decided he wanted me to catch him. Something about worthy trainer or something. Expecially after I trashed him." Nida rubbed her hand where the scyther had cut her.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hmph..." Zash grummbled because he asked the same thing shena did but he asked first and she wouldnt answer him. He then noticed her hand. "Your hurt..."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Its just a scratch. Ill be fine." Nida wondered why he cared.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Well should we head back to the gym?" She said standing.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"How did you find us here." Zash asked also standing up and stretching.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I was in the courtyard across the street looking for someone but i spotted you two instead. I take it you trashed her and took her out to lunch afterwards just for fun?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I thought hey If I win ill take her to lunch to give her a break and to thank her for such a good battle." Zash strapped on his backpack.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Lets get back. Thanks for the lunch Zash." Shena said tightning the ribbons in her hair.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Dont worry about it. Hey Nida. Mind if I watch your battle?"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida thought for a second. At the moment he seemed ok so she nodded, "Sure. I dont mind."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"If you win will you let me buy you something as an apology for earlier. I understand you now and would like to make up for my behaivor."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida considered it for a moment and after seeing a silent guesture from shena she got the clue, "Ok. If I win you get to take me shopping for new clothes."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Zash looked at her tattered dirty clothes and smiled, "Agreed."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I have a battle to win. Lets go!"[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Famous last words." Zash repeated.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I take it your battle was good."[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"It was. He won quickly too." Shena answered.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida grinned, "Good. Id hate to have a weak rival."[/font][/left]
  7. ill try this but the whole mega at the start part is abit like using cheat codes on a game lol. level on to 99. Anywho here we go. Name: Nyoka (Neo) Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Attached. Wears slim sunglasses all the time. She hides her eyes for no real reason however. She also wears skin tight red t shirt with a black vest over that. Slim blue jeans with a fire mark on the left leg. Crest: Respect Digivice colour: Black and White Personality: She is a bit pessamistic at times and sometimes optamistic. She is sometimes happy and sometimes not. It all really depends on the people around her. Back Story: She has lived a very... sheltered life. Mostly in country areas where the pollution and such is not so bad. She lives alone there. She says she moved out at 16 but some suspect she either ran away or was kicked out. Digimon: Name: Kyubimon Level: Champion Restriction Level: Mega Type: Data (Kyubimon) Data (Taomon) Data (Sakuyamon) Gender: Female Personality: Quite and doesnt say much unless spoken to. Very protective of Neo and prefers to not speak to strangers and tries to advise Neo on what she should do. Just wants Neo to do the right thing. Digivolutions: Taomon (ultimate) Sakuyamon (Mega) Notes: The crest looks like one half of the Yinyang mark. It has three tri angles alongthe top of it. (its sideways so its longer than it is taller) Its red. Also about her picture... She wears her hair down. No beads or braids. All of the time half of her face has hair hanging over it. It depends on whether it is the left or right side though.
  8. I edited my man spelling errors on my first post here. I am also into bits of baseball and no football. I just have not gotten into that yet. Baseball is ok but I still beleive I will forever like basketball the most. When I used to play this one kid would always encourage me. I didnt play willingly at first. It was a PE requirement thing. But i grew to like it.
  9. [left][size=1]Rated R for languare, violence (blood too) and pervertedness romance and so on so forth.[/size][/left] [center][font=comic sans ms][size=4]1[/size][/font][/center] [center][font=comic sans ms][size=4]The Meeting of Two[/size][/font][/center] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Hurry Ziggy! We will be late!" A girl said as she ran along followed by a racoon like pokemon.[/font][/left] [left][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms][font=Tahoma][/font][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Zig...Goon!" The poor tired zigzagoon panted trying to keep up with the girl who had short straight hair and dirty tattered clothes.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The girl stopped and ran in place, "You have two choices. My shoulder or your ball." She said about to reach into her pocket for the pokeball.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The pokemon thought for a moment and leaped into the air and up onto the girl's shoulder, "Zaaag." It panted.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Damn... You are lighter in the ball. Oh well." She then turned and took off into a full run. Faster than before now that she didnt have to wait for Ziggy to catch up.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]She weaved around people, mailboxes, and electricity poles as she ran. Many people looked at her with disgust. Then there were those who looked at her with pity. Both looks were pretty much the same. She had learned to ignore them all and she did just fine that way.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Dont be late dont be late." She chanted to herself as she turned and ran down another block of Central City. She suddenly could smell salt and knew she was close.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Meanwhile on TearDrop Isle a boy with spikey hair walked slowly and calmly along the beach. A sleek persian walked along next to him making slight purring noises now and again. They turned and started down a dock to where the ferry waited. The boy payed for the ticket and kept walking up towards the gate you had to go through before boarding[/font][font=comic sans ms].[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Um excuse me sir. Pokemon are required to stay in their pokeballs during trips on the ferry. Policy you see." The man at the gate points to the persian who growls slightly.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The boy nodded and dug in his pocket for what the gateman thought was the pokemon's pokeball. He was shocked however to see the boy had pulled out a wad of cash. The boy fingered through it and pulled out a couple larger bills and put them in the gatekeeper's hand. The boy just stood there silently.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The gateman stared at the money for a few moments and put on a serious face as he crammed the money into his pocket. "Have a lovely ferry ride sir." He said now completely ignoring the Persian. The boy smiled slightly and continued on through the gate. The persian purred softly and followed.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"See how easy that was?" The boy said as he made his way to the top deck. He leaned against the railing and stared out at the ocean. He could see the center island he was heading for and the main island of Central City. He could see only barely the other ferry preparing to leave. Persian sat down next to him and continued to purr gently.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Back on the island where the main part of Central City sat the girl was in more of a hurry. She dashed around another corner and then she saw it. The ferry still at the dock. She was releived to see she hadnt missed it. She still ran though. She dashed quickly and screeched to a stop by the ticket booth.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Wow On time. In you go Ziggy." The girl smiled and tried to catch her breath. The Zigzagoon on her shoulder let out a sign and nodded. The girl held out her pokeball and in a red flash of bright light Zigzagoon was back in her pokeball. "One please." She asked the ticket man.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The man stared at her tattered and dirty close and kept a straight face. He punched in the order and a slip of paper came from a machine next to the computer he was using. "That will be 533 yen miss."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh uh yeah hold on." She dug into her pocket and pulled out half of her money. She handed it to him, "Here you go sir."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Thank you miss." The man says handing over her ticket.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]She turned and headed for the gate. She almost went right through it.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ticket miss." The gateman said.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh sorry. I was just in so much of a hurry I havent been paying attention lately." She said as she handed the ticket she just purchased.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"You shouldnt worr[/font][font=comic sans ms]y you know. You can plainly see the ferry hasnt left yet." He said with a smile.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Thanks. Have a good day sir."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"You too. Enjoy the ride."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The girl smiled and ran aboard. She went upstairs right past the restrooms and indoor seating for passangers. She leaned against the railing and took in a deep breath of air. She could see the island she was heading for. It was the center island of the three islands that had part of Central City. Not long after [/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]departure they were close to the island. She could see the other ferry that went between the center island and TearDrop Isle. She could see it was closer to its dock. She hoped to get to land soon. She could still be late.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]By the time the ferry stopped and they announced over the intercom it was time to get off her legs really hurt from all the running. She ignored it and headed down. Once her feet hit solid ground again she took off in a run. Her destination was a ways from the shore. She ignored the many stares she got and kept running.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Meanwhile... The other ferry had also stopped and people were coming off. Only a few people ever rode this ferry. The reason was that TearDrop Isle was where the villas and mansions stood. Only cooks and other hands ever took the ferry to go buy supplies like items and food. The boy got off and walked casually along the sidewalk with persian next to him. He continued to walk along the busy streets. The stores and buildings he passed werent ordinary shops. Here they sold potions, held items, and battle related items. He could see a couple of the several tournament buildings where special battles were held. He didnt care about any of these.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]He then saw the building he was headed for. Smaller than the others but rather large still. In big black letters on the side was the word GYM. This was the building where trainers challenged the Gymleader for badges. You get eight badges and then you can challenge the Elite Four. Beat the Elite Four and you get to challenge the Guradian Champion for the title Champion and a place in the hall of fame. Many trainers took this path. Many failed and many have succeded. The boy nodded to himself and turned the corner of the building and saw the door.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Meanwhile just a block away the girl was dashing across the streets and zipping around people. She whipped around the corner and saw she was a foot from the door. She smiled and reached out and grabbed the handle. She did the at the same time someone else had.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ahem..." The boy stared at the dirty tattered looking girl.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"What?" She asked as she started to open the door.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The boy held the door shut, "I have an appointment and I dont like other trainers watching my battles. I have a battle to win after all."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Right. Famous last words."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The boy frowned and pulled out some money. He waved it in her face. The girl looked at the money for a moment and considered his voiceless offer. She realized she was being foolish. She slapped his hand away.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Look pal. This gym is a public place. That means anyone can be in here during open hours. Dont think you can get your way by waving your filthy cash in my face!"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]With that she yanked the door open and walked into the open spaced gym. The persian got in front of her and growled.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh buzz off fuzz head!" She said as she walked right past it and towards the Gymleaders chair.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The boy looked at his persian. The persian looked at her trainer and then at the girl. She looked back at her trainer and seemed to shrug. The girl had short straight red hair and light blue eyes. She was wearing tattered jeans and a tettered dirty white t shirt.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Appart from her looks she has quite an attitude." He said quietly to himself.[/font][/left] [left] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"You should see her on a bad day!" Said a voice to his left.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Next to the boy stood a girl. She was weraing a black dress with white lace details on the front. She was also wearing knee high leather boots. She had curley blonde hair that fell to her shoulders. Part of it was tied up with black ribbons. She smiled and he noticed she had light purple eyes.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Um... Who is she?" He asked.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Her name is Nida. She is the local hobo as some people around here put it."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida nodded from the gymleaders chair where she rested, "And proud of it! I dont need other peoples money to survive. I am doing just fine on my own."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"So she uh. She isnt here to battle you?" He asked quietly.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The girl in the black dress grinned, "Nope!" She looked at the persian and smiled, "Gym rules are three pokemon for the battle. Nida here only has one."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"So? The items Ziggy finds I sell for food not pokeballs." Nida said spinning the pokeball on the tip of her finger.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The boy approched her, "I uh... I am uh.."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Can it! I dont need your apologies, your money, or your sympathy or pity."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I think today is one of those bad days I mentioned." The girl in black said.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"You are darn right it is! You know I ran away when I was 12 right? Well you would think after three years id have more than just one pokemon. Ziggy finds some good items you know. You would think i could have afforded a couple pokeballs by now." Nida said setting the pokeball in her lap.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The gymleader smiled, "I have offered to give you some. I have a few that I will never use." She laughs, "Your just so stuborn never accepting a friends help."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I might take you up on that offer today. After your battle with rich boy whats his name." Nida sighed.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The boy shifted his weight from his left foot to his right, "Oh... My name is Zash Vargo."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida leapt off the leader's chair and stared at the persian, "Pah. Should have known. The persian is a dead give away."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]The boy named Zash stared at her closer this time. He noticed her left eye was quite white.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Yes bub... I am mostly blind in my left eye. Quit staring."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida noticed this Zash boy had blue spikey hair and deep green eyes. He was dressed differently than most people of his type. His jeans were grey all the way down except for a foot of red. The two colors had a zigzag pattern keeping the colors away from each other. The line was black but it wasnt very noticable with the grey. He was wearing a short red tee shirt over a long sleeve grey shirt. A strap like thing went over his head and around his neck. Straps went under the arms and buckled to the backpack he was carrying. This fit more like a harness.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida nodded to herself and stood there next to the large chair. "Shall we get this going Shena?"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Why not now? You can prep Zash for his battle and then head back to the main part of town where it borders the forest. Ill give you those pokeballs and my ferry pass and you can catch a couple pokemon."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Uh... Alright. Sure." For nida accepting help made her feel like she couldnt handle things on her own but she decided to give in this time.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Prep my battle?" Zash asked Shena.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Yes. She works here you know. She refuses pay. She is a stubborn girl you know. She doesnt want help even if she needs it. She does not like feeling she is so helpless that she needs someone to help her."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"She works here and refuses pay?"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Yup! Considering we dont make money here at this gym I am some what glad about her refusal." Shena said with a slight laugh.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ahem... Can you two please stop talking about me as if I am not here." Nida patiently looked around. This guy seemed a bit different but she couldnt figure out quite what was different.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh here." Shena walked over to her large chair and dug a few pokeballs and a ferry pass out from under the cushion. She handed them to Nida. Nida smiled.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Thanks Shena. If I fill these I hope you know ill be your next challenger."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Sure. Just be sure to remember that, unlike those silly games they make for little kids, the pokeballs we use dont vanish if they fail to capture the pokemon on the first try."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Right!"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Shall we prep?"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh... Right." Nida put the pokeballs in her jean pocket and walked over to the sidelines of the battle field in the gym. She stood on the white line.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Shena stood in the red circle in front of her chair. Zash figured out his spot and stood in the white circle on the other side of the gym.[/font][/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"State your name!" Nida said in a serious voice.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"But I already told you."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Rules dude... Rules. State your name!"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Zash Vargo."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Nida nodded, " Zash, the challenger, is here to challenge Central City GymLeader Shena." Nida cleared her throat., "The ruels are simple but first a word from the leader."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Trainer Zash." Shena said with a nod.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Yes?"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Good luck. And remember you learn more from loses thant you do from wins. Dont think I will go down that easily."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Shena... Thats fine." Nida interruped what she knew was going to be a long speech if not flashbacks.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh sorry."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"The rules are simple. Only three pokemon are used in this battle. You chose one to start with. Both pokemon fight until one is knocked out or unwilling to battle. When this happens the losing pokemon is returned to its pokeball and so is the winning one. It may no longer fight unless its in a tie breaker battle. A new pokemon is chosen for each side and this continues till all three are used. Two out of three is what you are aiming for. However if you both get one and the another is a draw you must use the pokemon that won the earlier battle. Each side will take their winning pokemon and start a tie breaker battle. If however your earlier winner is in bad shape you can choose, with permission from the leader, a completely different pokemon to battle instead. That is pretty much it."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Thank you Nida."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"In the red circle, defending her gym, is Gymleader of the dark... Shena. And in the white circle, after the badge, Is trainer Zash Vargo rich boy and bribe master!"[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Nida..." Shena said with a cough.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Oh... Sorry. Well not really but anyways. May your battle begin."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]When nida said this Shena walked over to the wall and pressed a button. A panel on the wall rose up and Shena chose three of the pokeballs stored there. Zash dug in his pockets for two other pokeballs which clearly meant he was going to use persian at some point.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Let us make sure we have fun."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Right."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Shadow your up first!" Shena tossed a grey pokeball out into the middle of the battle zone.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]In a flash of red light a black and grey wolf like dog stood growling.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]Zash nodded, "Nice Mightyena you got there." He tossed his pokeball, "Go uh... Er... Giggles."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]In another flash of light another pokemon appeared. It flapped its colorful wings and hovered above the ground.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Giggles?" Shena was trying not to laugh but wasnt to good at it.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"This pokemon belongs to my little sister. She nicknamed it that and it refuses to do anything I say unless I call it that." Zash explained. "She gave it to me when it was a Silcoon but its evolved into Beautifly since then."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"Ah. Alright. You understand the rules. You can only use this Giggles once." Shena looked over to where Nida was standing and realized nida wasnt there anymore. "Oh she must have left already..."[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I understand." Zash said with a slight nod. [i]I wonder if she left before the battle because of what I said to her at the front door... [/i]He thought to himself.[/font][/left] [left][font=Comic Sans MS][/font] [/left] [left][font=comic sans ms]"I will let you make the first move then." Shena said with a bow.[/font][/left]
  10. I used to play Basketball in elementry school. I was like a trump card lol. fat and slow no one ever guarded me so i was always open. I wasnt a bad shot either. I moved though before i could finish... I watch it once in a while now. My favorite team sucked this year though *growls* anyways. Thats about it for me.
  11. I changed goddesses. I will play the norse god Freya. (#Freyja) I spell it Freya... same difference though. Anyways I just wanted to help even things out a little more... I changed my bio a bit AND the weapon.
  12. Ill bite: Profile Name: Nyoka Age: 26 Gender: Female Reincarnate of: #Freya Weapon: Sword (long) [img]http://www.vikingcrafts.co.uk/swords18.jpg[/img] Description: ATTACHED Personality: A little over confident. She also beleives she can do just fine on her own. She isnt a loner she just beleives she doesnt need anyones help. Deep down she knows thats a lie but ignores those thoughts. Bio: She woke up in the middle of a meadow. She doesnt know exactly where it is (you choose? I cant think of anything) and her first thoughts were that it was actually quite warmer than normal. She didnt know why she said this but went with it. The meadow is near a village or city (whichever works for you) (FYI: Though i changed which goddess ill play im still using the same picture.)
  13. Hey guys... If you start this and Im not around please remember i didnt forget or leave without telling. My internet is messed up and is only on for a few minutes at a time. Though its lasted 10 minutes so far im not sure how long it will keep it up. I think the splitter is bad or something. Oh well... Ill get it fixed one way or the other. Also another nickname for Nyoka is Nyo or Neo... but Elementra is just her nickname for her mutant abilities. By the way if i didnt mention before ill mention it now. Using her powers drains her of her energy and if she isnt careful she gets very sick... fever cold sweats and sometimes she cant move. (She cant make huge fire storms and move mountains... she isnt that good with her powers but setting people and things on fire, dousing it with water freezing it and shattering it with a rock is a routine she has gotten used to. Its not what she always uses but its less stressful to use a bit of each power instead of alot of one) Also her personality: She is quite part of the time but most of the time she enjoys being around others. This might be caused by the fact she has been alone since she was 6 but cannot remember why. She likes to flirt but doesnt do it often. She sometimes feels out of place, even around other mutant,s and distances herself from them thinking they might not like her and she doesnt like making mistakes that may cost her friends... She fails to seethat being so distant can cause her to lose friends as well.
  14. Name: Nyoka Black Mutant Name: Elementra Age: 20 Sex: Female Mutant Ability: Fire, Air, Water, Earth Short Description: Picture Below Bio: She doesnt remember much from her younger days. She remembers the first time she used her powers however. She felt sad... a flower had died. She gripped it (think now she was 5) and wished that it would be pretty again and when she opend her eyes the flower was back to normal. Her powers a spacific. She can create and control fire in the PALM of her RIGHT hand. Create and Control Water in the palm of her LEFT hand. Earth powers are in her finger tips (for example finger tips touch a dead tree and she can make it live again... or move rocks) and she can use her own very special lungs to use air and wind abilities. She can even fly with the wind. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21815[/img]
  15. You know those words dont bother me. I can easily get what they THINK they know its made of and what they THINK made up the univarse. The following comment has little to do with this topic but im saying it for a reason. I was in class one day meditating like i always do. I was also in the classroom with several other people. They were there for the weekly school forum. Their topic was... Creation vs Evolution. One girl went on about how evolution. Says a comet strickes earth and life begins. One boy asks her where her comet comes from. She says perhaps energy. I say in my head" whered your energy come from" The class debaded where things were created or whether things evolved. Yet there i sat shocked that not ONE of them thought about this: The world nay everything that exists was created.... to evolve. I bugged me the rest of the day. MY honest question here is. So what if we find ou t the origin of this or the origin of that... What use will that info be. aside from proving once and for all what perhaps madkes up all existing things. then we have a little more useless ingformation to carry around in our heads. ---- Now judge me all you want. Say im stupid nieve and arrogant. I dont really care. I may not be very smart but i honestly dont care. I like where I am.
  16. Just a note: Coffee puts me to sleep. Anyways I agree partially to you. But I just dont see why we really need to KNOW what a damn rock is made of. Rice, dust, space slime... Honestly i dont see why anyone cares. What use would that info give us? "Look a comets gonna crash into earth!" - Some dude Another dude- "At least we know what its made of. Id hate to die and not know what made up the thing that killed us."
  17. Here is my try. I decided to move the pictures around abit. I also included the symbol.
  18. Unfortunatly we here on earth wont see anything unless we have telescopes. I heard the guy on the news yesterday explain how far away it is. Even with a telescope seeingit wont be easy. It will mostly be a darkend mass that may "light up" with impact. I beleive blowing a crator into a comet just to figure out how they are made what they are made of and other things like that is quite silly in my opinon. Also though... I agree with you. How do they know their plan isnt going to knock that thing into a different path. Send it straight into earth. Hey it could be the movie Armageddon all over again (or deep impact if you like seeing part of the world drowned) Either way what i think they are doing isnt really necessary at the moment considering all the money that went into this project.
  19. I doubt it would. I highly doubt dead kikyo could bare children... So it wouldnt really mess things up. Inu was originaly sapposed to be with kikyo anyways (untill naraku screwed everything up) so i doubt it would cause any troubles with time. But then again i never thought much into that particular scenario.
  20. I say inuyasha needs to stay alone. He seems to almost prefer it that way. Plus like it wassaid earlier. Kagome isnt from that era. If she did anything she could seriously distrupt the balance of time. Im sure others have thought about this but its like going back in time and killing a bug. You never know what it could do to the future. In teentitans one of the dudes (beleive cyborg or beastboy) rammbled on about how you could do one thing and end up with monkeys ruling the world. So say kagome needs to like the health freak and get the show overwith so she can return to normal life. I mean seriously. She could end up her own great great great great great grandmother oraunt or something which i find.... distubing.
  21. Thank you. If the whole background thing is a little to much you people can improvise. I pretty much like orance and red.
  22. Ok... I need a banner and matching avatar. What I would like is this... Banner: 375x 75 pixils please. Redish brick background. Not brick red but Brick texture and shaped. The redish should be darker than plain red. If you could buttonize it Id love that toio. (Makeing it look like a button... You know curved) Do this before the text and picture. For the banned picture I would like to have the Ninetales pictures. It can be faded or not do whatever feels right. Then in light Orange color (and a cool looking text you choose) the name Frankie Avatar: 150x76 pixles. (Size of my current avatar) The same background as before. Red, brick, buttonlike. Then Put the vulpix over those. Also small in one corner put my name in light orange. Thanks in advance to whoever considers doing this.
  23. [size=2][color=black][font=Comic Sans MS][b]Name:[/b] Nyoka ("Neo" or "Nyo") Black [b]Descended:[/b] Serpant [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] ?? Looks like she is in her late teens [b]Occupation:[/b] Reptile House Owner (She owns one large reptile house that have several different types of snakes, lizards, and even amphibions. Her pride and joy is her Anaconda) [b]Weapon:[/b] Two Egyptian Daggers [b]Physical Description:[/b] Look at Picture Below (minus the whip) [b]Personality Description:[/b] Quite cold. She says what she wants when she wants and doesnt care who she says it to. She hates mostly everyone else. She only feels connected to her animals which she takes very good care of. No one gets close and no one tries anymore. She will take any chance to lie to get her way or get rid of someone bothering her. Deep down inside she wishes to have friends or companions but her personality has grown very bitter over the many years. She remembers many past things that have burned themselves into her mind. Past relationships, past emenies, and many horrified faces. Another reason she doesnt get close to anyone is because she can poison people just by touching them (or them touching her). Which is why she always wears long sleeves and gloves (except when handling certin reptiles which are immune.)[/font] [/color][/size] [size=2][color=black][img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21815[/img][/color][/size]
  24. Hah, It is good. You also better be good with descriptions. Because If I am going to use your continent for my Sequal ill need good descriptions.
  25. OOC: Nope i wrote it to be open for anyone to throw in somebody or something. ---- Nida nodded, "Well you know Im not so bitter about my gift. I do realize some handy things that might come from it." "Oh really?" Laqara said half sarcasticly. "Yeah. I can start fires, keep us warm at night, set the bad guys on fire... Its handy. The only downside really are my looks but eh... No point in whining about it now right."
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