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Everything posted by Frankie
Im into more thant just the yinyang. I love almost everything oriental. Japanese, chinese dragons and much more. I feel i compare more to dragons than other humans... Thats probably why i have no friends but eh... thats not the point. Thanks. With no programs but paint on my computer i couldnt do that so thank you so much. And you are right. It is cool!
Hello. I would like a banner to match my avatar. Meaning Orange font of you could. I would like it to say "Heart of a Dragon" and small in a corner somewhere my name. I personally have tried but there isnt much I can do with paint. I bought a new computer andright now that is all it has. I have yet to add my PSP8 yet so im asking for outside help. Below is the picture id like it from. Please use all or most of the YinYang. It isnt a must but I like it lol.
Hi. I decided to try it. I didnt do much. I just flipped it around a bit and added the words. Nothing fancy because my new computer is well... new. It doesnt even have my art programs on it yet. So here is my try at it.
Heh this seems almost identicle to the one Someone made SOmewhere oneday about something that somepeople stopped posting in and instead of pming the certin creator those somepeople just vanished without telling her. *growls at sakura* Ill join. [b]Name:[/b] Nida Ray [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Weapon: [/b]A doubled bladed scythe. A big blade pointing one way at one end of the rod and a smaller one pointing in the other direction on the other side of the rod. She can hurl it like a boomerang and leap back (to avoid getting hit by rhe ither end) and watch it fly into the targets. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21815[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet. She keeps secrets but not for reasons some might think. She is kind and caring once you get to know her. She gets flirty at times as well. And other times her language is just a bit over the line. Very hard to pinpoint an exact personality with so many different attitudes. [b]Bio:[/b] No one knows much about her except for herself and shes not talkin. [b]Gift:[/b] Nida gets the gift of elemental power. Like Laqara below Nida too is changed in appearance once she gets the gift. Unlike laqara Nida goes a bit different. Ill describe. Once she changes she is no longer human. She may look similar to the picture above but her skin now is dark red with bright glowing red lines, like cracks, all over her. She looks like cooling lava. Her hair looks as though it IS fire just burning upside down. She is no longer bothered by heat. Only intense freezing conditions bother her. As for actual powers... Well fire of course. She can, as her powers progress, start and control fires. Later she can even make thefire take theshapeof things. She can also sense andsee the heat in peoples bodies and animals too. She can also make things heat up, even without the use of fire.
Nida laughed, "Yes. Jag isnt a bad guy. You might think im saying that because he is my brother but its not true. Id say it even if i wasnt related to him." "How... May I ask... Is he not a bad guy?" "He is actually quite kind." Laqara looked at Nida's arm that was bandaged from the arrow he shot at her, "You call that nice?" Nida laughed slightly, "Beleive me. If he ment to really hurt me he would have aimed for my heart. He even said he was going to kill me. He would have actually knocked me out in one way or another and make the others think i was dead. He has done it before but not with the same bandits around of course. He is almost completely different when he has no one to folow him. He killed our father for having made him go out and kill me and mother. Jag didnt kill us be he still hated our father for it so he grew up more and killed him. Of course then he got a little... selfish." "A little?" "Ok... Really really selfish. He decided to lead the bandits but you really shouldnt worry about him now. Like I said hes is actually a nice guy when his mind isnt clouded by being leader." With that nida sighed and looked at everyone else. She knew they probably didnt trust her anymore and even if they still somewhat trusted her she figured they would never look at her the same way. "Im not so sure..." Laqara said looking in the direction they last saw jag sitting on the ground. With that nida stood up, "Yeah... I know. But think of it this way. He is no longer a bandit either. Hes been abandoned by all of them. The one that got away has told the others. So now he is an enemy of bandits as well. He has nothing left. Except for me." She sighed and walked out into the grass. Zash woke up and followed her out of curiosity. No one grabbed him to stop him because they couldnt touch him. Nida had the gloves and he was allergic to human type skin so the let him go. Nida walked through the grass and avoided the bodies of the bandits they killed earlier. She looked around and went to the small clearing where jag and her had been fighting. Still on his knees jag sat there staring off into the warm sky. He didnt even seem to acknoledge her existance near him but she knew he knew. Nida dropped to her knees next to him and looked at what he was looking at. Nida rested her head on his shoulder and took in a deep breath of air. Zash walked in next to her and sniffed Jag. Zash bumped into Jag's knee to get someones attention. Jag looked down at the little dragon. "What is that?" "A dragon. I gave him my name." Nida said not moving to look at Zash. "Cute." Jag rached out and touched Zash and instantly Zash whined and moved to get out of reach. "Great even the dragon hates me." "No jag he doesnt. He is allergic to human skin. Try petting him with these on." Nida took off her wolf skin gloves and let him use them. Jag put one on and scratched Zash under the chin. Zash made a strange purring noise and layed down in front of Jag. Nida still had her head on jag's shoulder and she just watched. "You really screwed up good this time you know." Nida said without moving her head. "Yeah I know." "Hey it was about time you gave up on that job anyways right?" "Yeah... Hey Nida?" "Yes?" Nida said with her eyes half closed. "Sorry about your arm. I didnt hit anything to important did I?" Nida smiled, "Im fine."
"Im dead?" Zash said suddenly waking up from his sleep. He glanced around and looked all over his body trying to find a wound. "Im dead?" Nida patted him on he head with her wolf fur glove , "No your not. This conversation is about another person named Zash." "Oh..." With that the little dragon flopped down onto the ground and fell asleep again. "Anyways the story was messed up from the beggining. A long time ago there was a bandit camp not to far from the forest next to Therin. The bandits never went to therin because it was well protected." "Duh. Lived there. I know" "Right. Anyways there was this family. Not a very happy one at that. The boss of the bandits was the husband and father. Zash and Jag were under his protection and of course had to follow his orders. Their mother one day had a change of heart and decided Zash was to no longer go through training. The boss didnt like this and like the bandit said jag went out with his mother and sister with the goal of killing them for failing to do what the boss said and for suddenly going against the rules he made." "Ok..." Laqara said nodding. "Anyways but Jag, thought being trained to be a heartless killer still loved his mother and sister. So he killed the two men that were with him. Mainly by making them sleepy with the picnic's tea. They thought it was just a part of the way to keep the mother and sister unaware of the plan so they took part in the picnic. Jag killed the two men and put his sister to sleep. Once his mother was almost out of it he wounded her and drug both of them to the side of a road in the forest." "So they arent dead?" Nida laughed, "No. Well eh... You see the mother was found by a man. Meaning Zash was found too. The man fell in love the the mother and took zash in as his own daugther. Later though the man and the mother went out to find a way to rid the land of the fog and the mother died on the trip so only zash remains." "Back to one of my questions. Who is Zash?" Nida sighed, "She is me."
Now... You people might not know this but a very very long time ago I creature and rpg. Digimon Journey. People liked it and someone else made Digimon journey 2. After that the final one was Digimon Journey 3. Iv decided to make another. I came up with the original Digimon Journey idea and i figured id finish it off (or start another chain but i doubt that) So most or even none of you know what they were about but thats ok. ------- In the digital world there sits hidden from all a double dragon hourglass. Two dragon statues hold the hourglass in place. This hourglass is the timer for an evil darkness. Each time the sands run out the darkness dies for a while. But this last time the darkness found it and flipped it before his time was up. Now he causes problems all over the digital world. A small group of young digimon are now faced with a challenge. One is to gether all the shards to the crests. Unlike the crests the humans got in the show these crests come in four parts. One shard for each form. Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and Mega. Once a shard is aqquired it lets that digimon go back and forth between those forms. For example if viximon got the rookie shard and the champion shard she will have the ability to go to rookie. From rookie she can easily go to champion and back when she likes. Because without digivices and kids digimon's digivolution takes a very long time. And right now... they dont have that kind of time. They must find special weapons. Only mega forms can use their weapons powers so first the shards must be found. Then they search for these special weapons. Each weapon has its own way of working and all these weapons need to be put together. All attack at once. It is their power alone that will break the hourglass and destroy the evil forever. But theres one problem... Where is the hourglass? In this rpg you play the digimon. No humans involved. Just like all the other digimon journey rpgs you play a digimon off to defend its world. First there is a search for the shards, then a search for weapons (Like in digimon world 4) and then to finally find the hourglass. But it wont be all fun and games... after all the evil has plans and his plans inclue minions. --- [b]Name:[/b] What digimon are you? (made up or real) Intraining to start off. [b]Attacks:[/b] needed to defend self [b]Description:[/b] A picture or well detailed words... this is a MUST for made up digis [b]Digivolution Line:[/b] rookie, champion, ultimate, mega [b]Digivolution Attacks:[/b] [b]Mega Weapon Choice1:[/b] [b]Mega Weapon Choice2: (must be different from choice 1)[/b] [b]Why do YOU want to go:[/b] Why does your intraining character want to go? Make this good. It doesnt have to be "because they wanted to save the world" there can be... different reasons for chosing to go. Now... You start off in primary village as an In-Training digimon like Koromon (who can go into agumon and such) Tokomon (patamon) and so on so forth. You are given the rookie shard to begin with so then for the rest of the rpg you can stay rookie. You can digivolve from rookie to champ, champ to ultimate, ultimate to mega, and much later warp from rookie to mega. But when your not needed for battles you basicly stick to being rookie. And the weapons to chose from are these: [b]Axe[/b] [b]Mace[/b] [b]Sword[/b] [b]Staff[/b] (for the magicle sort) [b]Bow[/b] (with unlimited arrows of different elemental value) Ill post my sign up after someone joins. The reason you chose 2 weapons is if someone else ALSO chose the weapon you want then you have a back up choice. Ill make a final decision when it comes to weapons once the sign ups are closed. Unfortunatly im only allowing 4 people to join. I make the fifth. The rules for this is make your sign up good and ill chose from the best. Plus i need active members who are willing to PM ME if things go to fast or to slow and get boring. If you people do that then I can start something to make it less boring. (Also could you people pm me and tell me how often you get on ob and have enough time to post. Its just a way to see how active you are) Anywasy join if you like and ill post my sign up soon.
This bandit grinned at Laqara, "Your actually a pretty little thing. So... You want to know about Jag eh? The boss's story is an interesting one." "Tell me.." Laqara insisted. "Fine. The deal along time ago was this. He was in training... Just a young little guy not even 4 when his mother gave birth to a baby girl. They just called her Zash for some reason. Not quite a name id expect but oh well. They trained together untill years later when the young girl was out in training. Learning nice ways to pilfer and such. Anyways suddenly the mother turns around and hs the nerve to say her daugther cant train anymore. Well the boss didnt like that one bit. Jag's mothers attitude was that of someone..." "Human?" Laqara asked simply. [i]Wait a minute. They called her zash? Thats what Nida named her dragon! [/i]Laqara thought to herself. "Heh. It was of someone who was betraying the teachings and the boss wasnt to happy about that you know. He instructed the 12 year old Jag to take two men, his mom and sister, and go kill them somewhere in the forest. Though he was only 12 he was quite skilled when it came to killing. Not to mention the fact that his 8 year old sister and his mother knew nothing of the plan." "Thats not playing fair." Laqara said. Even though she was listning to the story she was ready to fight and kill this man once she heard the end of it. "Heh. His sister thought it was just a picnic and his mother figured it was Jag's training. She had said Zash was going to have nothing to do with it and she belived it too. Though when Jag returned his sword was bloody and the other two men werent with him. The other men died when the mother started fighting back. Jag told the entire bandit camp of his success and well years passed and now hes the boss." Nida was hearing all of this and was very angry. If someone was going to tell the story even if she couldnt prevent they better tell it right! "Thats not true. If your gonna tell the story you better get your facts straight!" Nida shouted suddenly making jag stop. Now Jag was the one wanting to shut nida up. "He first slipped Zash a drink that was dosed with a sleeping drug of some sort. He did the same to his mother and then hurt her badly. He did that ONLY after he killed the othet two young trainee men that were with him. He lied to you guys." "Now nida dont be makin up such rubbish. You sound silly." Jag laughed trying to hide his nervousness. "What was the drug made off." Nida asked quickly. Without thinking Jag blurts out, "The Sinchester Tree's flowers. She thought it was tea." "Heh. Got you there." Nida said grinning. Suddenly the bandit seemed outrage. He didnt care about Laqara and seemed to be finished talking and when he suddenly acted surprised Laqara killed him. The other bandits glared at Jag. "Whats the deal?" Jag asked nervously. "You lied jag. You went against our boss's code. You betrayed us and the boss. We may be a bit ruthless but we have our codes and laws too! Betraying the boss like that. We may lie to others but lying to us is unforgivable. You cannot be trusted." Another bandit shouted. They rushed at jag now more clumsy. Anger sometimes had this effect on them. "I uh... You gonna beleive this twig of a girl over me? Your boss?" "You cant be a boss if no one trusts ya!" They yelled. Nida was getting rather annoyed by all this. She threw her weapon like she had before, jumping out of the way so the spinning handle didnt cut her, and she watched as it hit one of the enraged bandits. Laqara picked one off and Jag had to kill one just to protect himself. "Fellas cant we talk this through?" Jag asked slashing away with his good arm. The bandits didnt want to hear it and kept coming but Jag was the most skilled of them all. He had trained most of them and knew their weaknesses and quickly killed all but two which had somehow dissapered. Laqara looked into the grass and could see one. She took the bow from around nida's shoulder and an arrow. She aimed and let the arrow fly. They heard a moan of pain and then a thud. "Well that takes care of that." Jag fell to his knees. His arm was beggining to get feeling back now and it felt as though it had gone to sleep. He sighed, "Kory got away while we were talking. He will soon tell everyone and..." Nida gathered her stuff and walked past him. "You will have no one to follow you. No one to act all high and mighty for. You can actually go back to acting like yourself." Laqara got closer to jag with her weapons ready. "Leave him. Its punishment enough to know he has the entire bandit society after him. He is of no danger to us now." Nida said walking back to the camp spot with the others and the hatchlings. Nida sat down silently by Zash who was sleeping silently. She then looked down to her wound. It didnt take long and she had it bandaged. Laqara sat next to her. Nida smiled, "You know.Get good with yoru water skills and you can just drown all the bad guys with their own body fluid." ----------------- ooc: This is where someone asks the lovely question "what the hell was that all about?" or "what the hell is going on here?"or "HOW do you two know each other?" (Laqara should be the one to say it but its mainly who makes ith ere first or who wants to ask it first) AND no killing jag.
Nida switched weapons real quick as she noticed the group of bandits were coming towards them. She grabbed an arrow out of the bag she carried over her shoulder and positioned it. Pulled back. Let go and sent it flying. It went into the right eye of the bandit closest to Laqara. Laqara turned quickly to see and noticed it was Nida. She smiled and turned around to go after another bandit. Nida put her bow away and grabbed her scythe again. She leapt into the grass, "DUCK!" She yelled to Laqara and Kyo who instantly did what she said. Before the bandits could react a large sharp black blade slashed across three mens chests. Blood was everywhere but nida didnt care. There was about seven bandits left. Nida went to the left, kyo to the right, and laqara stuck to the middle as the bandits began to spread out. Nida grabbed her scythe carefully and held it behind her. She spun quickly in a circle and the two blades (one main one at the end and on the end of the handle was a small one) slashed into a bandit. He was wounded but not done yet. Nida repositioned her hands and slammed the point of the blade into the man's belly. "You should never creep up on those who already know your coming. Its stupid." Nida said yanking her weapon out and dodgeing a knife that was thrown. As she doged though she heard the twang of a bow string and instantly felt pain in her left arm which suddenly decided with so much pain it no longer wanted to work. The weight of her scythe was all on her right arm which was now throbbing from the strain. She turned to see who shot the arrow at her. "Well well well. Look what we have here." A man said lowering his bow. He was slender and tan. He had bright purple eyes and dark brown hair. To the untrained eye he was attractive but to someone who knows who and what he was he was a traitorous bastard. Nida glared right at the grinning man and yanked the arrow out of her left arm. Blood was draining down her arm. "Jag. Why am I not surprised?" "Nida... You look wounded. You must take better care of yourself." He said with almost completely evil grin and a fake caring tone. "If you think the loss of use in my left arm is gonna stop me from protecting our group your wrong!" Nida said lifting the heavy scythe up and putting the handle behind her back as she held it up carefully with her right arm letting the weight lay on both her arm and press against the small of her back. "You know thats the silliest weapon iv ever seen you wield!" Jag said with a fake laugh. "You shouldnt talk! I stole it from you." Nida growled back. Jag shrugged, "And I stole it from a stupid girl just like you." Nida growled deeply and noticed none of the other bandits were coming after her while she was distracted. They all seemed to think she was this guys target and they acted as if they knew not to interfere. They instead turned on the others. "You foul beasts leave my friends alone!" Nida yelled with rage. Jag frowned, "Im afraid thats out of the question... You see. I got word that its your group that took out my scouting party and when I heard of a Purple Eyed girl wielding a large scythe I just knew it was you. So I decided to pay you a visit in person. Sadly this will be our last meeting for I plan to kill you and your worthless hatchling creatures." Nida growled even louder and dispite the pain and deminished accuracy from only one arm Nida twisted and then thrust her scythe and leapt back so when it spun it didnt slam into her. It spun like a boomerang and flew at Jag. He leapt to the side and the large blade missed him. As it continued to spin he forgot about the smaller blade on the end of the handle. It slashed the edge of his right arm. It didnt cause much damage but it did lower the usefulness of the arm. "An arm for an arm eh? To bad for you cause it didnt hit anything important. I can still use it!" He grabbed another arrow and barely showing pain. He shot another arrow at Nida but she rolled out of the way. "You dont know what I did to that blade though." Nida grinned at him. "You should be feeling it soon." The man looked at his arm and then noticed around his wound a small substance. "You bitch... What was that?" "Paralysis Powder. A thin coat that sticks to metal. The small blade is coated with it and it should be working now. Now you cant use that blasted bow!" "Neat trick. I can still use my blade though. You on the other hand cant use your bow and no longer have your scythe." Sure enough jag tried to move his right arm and couldnt, "Neat trick. Where did you learn it?" "Secret family recipe. What... Did you forget it already?" Nida grinned. ----- ooc: Overhear but dont interfere with nidas conversation/ battle. 7-9 bandits remain. Please people. No sneaking up and dropping bandit by bandit. They know we are there now and they arent stupid. They arent like some badits in games... they arent weak. We arent super powerful either. No one is untouchable
Nida slept pretty well for a while but she didnt need much. She yawned and leaned up. She realized that the sun was about to rise. Everyones egg had hatched by now. Zash so far was the first one to speak english words. The chimera had sort of spoken but by shakes not words. Nida sighed and looked for her scythe. She then realized something. "Great Scott!" "What is it?" Azalea asked. "You know your creature can talk to animals... We just killed wolves for dinner. Perhaps your friend should have tried to speak to them for clues. Though they were kind of a threat." "True but the thought came a little late. We will try next time." Zash was awake now as well. He walked over to some small blades of grass and started nibbleing. Nida wondered why this was and picked up a piece of cooked meat. She offered it to him but he refused. Nida ate it instead and just watched him chomp down his very own salad. Suddenly though he scammbled backwards, tripped over a pebble, and rolled into Nida's foot. Nida had heard something and that was what scared Zash. Nida grabbed her scythe and stood quickly. "Im fighting this fight. Everyone get ready. Who is on baby watch?" --------- ooc: A group of 6-12 bandits are nearby searching for their scouting party. Have them attack but dont kill them all off before my next post. I want to make one of the bandits (whomever is left of course) recognise Nida. Then we will get our first clue!
"Ice is a good name. Its got that color after all." Nida was holding her spiney Zash and trying to keep him still was the fun part. "It seems little Zash is uh... Hyper." Ryan said glancing at the little guy squirming in Nida's arms. "No kidding! You saw his egg didnt you? It hadnt stopped shaking since i got it and once it hatched he still hasnt stopped moving. I can tell he will be a handful." Suddenly the little thing made a burping noise and said , "Me no handful. Me dragon!" Nida stared at it, "I know that but Your moving alot. If you can speak already tell me why exactly are you moving so much?" "Ouchies" It said looking at her. "What do you mean Ouchies?" The little dragon wiggled even more, "You touch me. Scales hurt." Nida put him down on the ground and suddenly he seemed calm. Nida sighed, "Just great... It gets pain when I touch it..." Sean thought for a moment and reached out and touched Zash. Suddenly he wiggled and got away from Sean's hand. Katelyn did this too as did kyo and Ryan. Laqara was deep in though and hadnt really been paying attention. But every time someone touched him he wiggled and squirmed to get out of their reach. Nida sighed, "So its not just me. I wonder what it is then." Sean thought for a moment and then thought of something, "Perhaps he is allergic to humans. Some of us are part human so it still effected him. We might not want to touch him with our skin. We will have to figure something out to carry him." Nida nodded, "Sensetive to human skin... wierd. I suggest we make a carrying bag out of one of the wolf skins." Katelyn nodded, "I agree." In a half hour they made a bag for zash so he could ride safely and not be bothered by human skin. Nida made some gloves out of what was left of the fur from making the bag. She had tucked some strong threads and meterials in a small bag that she always carried and in this case it came in really handy. With her new yet very strange looking gloves she was able to hold zash without him wiggleing. He curled up in her lap and went to sleep. She carefully rubbed his scales wit hte gloves on her hands and soon you could hear he was breathing differently. He was calm and asleep. "I will point out that we will need a guard of the creatures while they are still small. Just like what we did when they were eggs. When we need to fight someone watches them and we take turns of course." Nida said continuing to stroke Zash's back. "Yeah I get it. We can carry them when we arent in trouble. But fights one or two of us protects the hatchlings untill they are grown." "I beleive that will only take a few days anyways... So... Anyways im gonna get some rest." Nida picked up zash carefully and placed him next to her as she layed down. ----- OOC: Anyone hear from drake06 lately? Isnt he the only one left with an egg to hatch? Gosh if he quit i would have appreciated it if he had told me. Note to everyone: PM me to tell me ... if your going to quit this rpg so i can move this thing along without worrying about leaving someone behind.
ooc: After my post could you people please have your eggs hatch (those of you who havent anyways) Because i didnt expect you guys to leave the eggs... eggs for so long. ---------------------------- Nida sat silently in the tree now and Kyo was just as silent untill sean made a noise. "Dude... Nida get down here..." With a graceful and quick leap she was on the ground next to him. "What is it?" She asked. "Your egg is driving me nuts. First its wobbling now its got spikes sticking out of it." Nida looked carefully at the egg and smiled brightly, "Thats cause my egg is hatching! Hand it over." "Gladly..." Sean gave her the spikey wobbleing egg and she stared at it. Its cracks became bigger and the small spikes came out more. Suddenly the entire shell exploded into tiny peices that went everywhere then dissapered. Sitting in her arms was a little dragon. He had four spikes on his back. Two on each side. He had small horns on his head and one on his nose. He had furry ankles and spines on his tail. He was green and his eyes were bright and cheerful. "Shhrrrrrrr" It growled as it looked up at Nida. Nida smiled, "Hello Zash." ------ ooc: Now once the night is over with and the eggs are hatched i plan on having the large bandit group attack. Please people dont give up on this just because things slowed down over the night time part of the rpg.
[b]-Name: [/b]Frankie Flora-Lee Shaw (but is normaly called flora) [b]-Age:[/b] 18 [b]-Gender:[/b] Female [b]-Appearance: [/b]Attachment. [b]-Personality: [/b]Some what quiet. When she wants to talk she talks alot but mostly nothing of importance. She keeps emotions and memories to herself. She is secretive and sort of depressed still. The only thing that kept her going was her gift of song and her gift of art. She would sing beautifly to calm herself and to let out her feelings and emotions she would draw anything from dark scenes to happy things. Nothing else mattered but these two things now that her sister was gone. [b]-Who died: [/b]Sister [b]-What was your deal with Mark: [/b]Her gift of Song and Art [b]A note:[/b] The attachment is an old picture of me. Add a black shirt with a chain on it and black flare jeans. (Sometimes and orange shirt that says "my road to success is under construction" and some regular jean flares.)
tao smiled. Hana looked at her, "Whats the smile for?" Tao grinned, "Tigers love water." She dropped her armor plate that covered her tail and leapt forward, "Sorry but im not waiting for you slowpokes!" With two quick zips she was there. There was two parts to the spring. One hot spring them some very large rocks and another on the other side. Tao went to the side with the smaller hot spring. When the others caught up she turned to them. "More girls. Girls get the big end. Boys get this small one. Meaning you miroku, sasuke, and inuyasha." Sasuke nodded, "Uh.. What about you." Tao grinned at miroku, "I happen to be on guard. To keep a certin someone from sneaking peeks." "Now see here missy! Thats just an excuse to peek at us!" Inuyasha yelled instantly. Tao put a claw on her hip and grinned, "Hun... You dont have ... ANYTHING that I havent seen before. Stop being big babies."
Kyo was on the ground and the bandits had stopped. The group hadnt heard the noise kyo had made but someone else did. Nida had heard it and snuck in. She had her scythe in hand and came up behind one of the startled bandits. She swung it hard and clearly decapitated the bandit before he had a moment to react. She got next to Kyo and helped him to his feet. Nida smiled sweetly at him, "I hope you didnt expect me to do all the work." She whispered. in moments the bandits had figured out what had happend. Kyo and Nida were now standing tall and slashing away. The bandits were harder to kill when they were aware of your existance. They could defend and strike just as easily as they could. Katelyn and Azalea finally heard a bandit groan as Nida's scythe slammed into his gut and they leapt up to help. This was a small group so they eliminated them actually quite quickley. Nida however wasnt happy. "Whats wrong?" Kyo asks her. "That group wasnt big enough... That was jsut a scouting party. There will soon be others wonderign where their scouts are. They will find us here if we dont move now. I found a better place just down a hill over by some trees. Better cover. Bandits may seem brainless but some are very intelegent. We better move." After a few moments the group was under some trees and they had a small fire to cook the wolf meat. Nida was sitting on a tree branch watching for any more movement in the grass. Suddenly kyo was up in the branches next to her. Kyo looked at her questioningly, "How do you know so much about bandits?" Nida grinned at him, "Lets just say I have some bandit in me. Dont worry im not gonna kill, steal, or mess with anyone. My..." Nida suddenly looked sad. "What is it?" Kyo asked. "Oh uh. My mother was actually a bandit. A very wounded one my dad found in his travles. They fell in love, moved into the village, got their eggs and went out on a journey like this but she... died on her journey. I know about bandits and their behavior because my mom was one and I sometimes think like that. I got it all from my mother..." Talking about her mother got Nida some what depressed.
Nida heard a howl and some more noise in the grass. Nida realized it was just some wolves. She listened very carefully and heard small feet move and then larger feet shift and she heard the sound of swords swish through the grass. She heard some hitting clawing noises and whimpers after that. After a few minutes Kyo, Azalea, Kyo, and Katelyn walked silently back with smiles on their faces. Once they sat down Nida looked closely in the darkness and noticed each one had a wolf in the hands. Or at least part of them. Nida smiled, "The fur would be good for keeping eggs warm and then later ourselves." "Thats what I thought." Katelyn said sitting down. "We decided to quickly skin them away from here though. Rather not blood and stuff all over our camping area." "And you killed the wolves why? If they knew there was so many of us and we are larger they would have steered clear." laqara said quietly. "The fur for the eggs and us later. You know that other places wont be this warm later on so the fur comes in handy. Plus wolf meat sounds kinda good at the moment." Laqara had a wierd look on her face, "Wolf Meat... Heh. I didnt realize they had enough on them to feed us all. And how are we going to cook it? I wouldnt eat that stuff raw if it was my last day on earth." Nida nodded, "Someone want to take my place on egg watch. Ill got find some wood. And a clearing." "A clearing?" Katelyn asked. Nida pointed around, "Um. Look around. We are surrounded by dry plains grass. Start a fire and it gets one spark in the wrong direction and poof the entire area is up in flames. And laqara wouldnt be able to help yet." "What does that mean?" Kyo asked. Nida looked around, "Uh nevermind for now. Someone watch the eggs and make sure mine doesnt roll away. its moving the most." Nida stood up and kneeled enough down so no one could see her head over the grass and she moved away from the camp spot. She was off to find a different camp spot with less grass and some stuff for a fire. She knew that dead things attract other predators and scavengers so to move after the wolves were picked clean of all they could use they would have to move just in case.
Nida nodded in agreement and lightly shook kyo, ryan, azalea and katelyn. She couldnt reach the silent sean but figured it was fine. "What is it?" They all asked quietly. Again some noise was heard. "Understood." Kyo realized why he was woken. Nida nodded, "You must be prepared to fight. It might be harmless or dangerous or ruthless bandits... I cannot fight away from this spot. Im protecting the eggs so I had to wake you guys." Katelyn nodded, "I understand completely. You just protect our little friends and we can protect the surrounding area... whatever it is." ----------- OOC: I too am leaving it open for someone else to chose what it is. Perhaps we can have dinner? Or perhaps its just something kind... or perhaps something human... Itll be up to who ever posts next. But uh... if you choose bandits make it a small group. I have plans for a large group later. As for animals whatever you like. Heck you could slay something make a fire and have dinner. Be creative jsut not to creative (for example: no cerberus attacking us lol think bear or something like that not something three headed or mythical)
"What do you think you will get?" Nida heard katelyn say. "Dragon or perhaps a harpy." Nida said. Nida had been watching the sky for quite a while now. She didnt realize what time it was when they left the elders hut but it was growing dark already. They were out in the open and it was getting dark. "You guys... I suggest we stop for the night. The plains may be calm during the day but at night its not the same. Plus we do need our rest. The creatures in the eggs can still feel us walking around outside their shells. We carry them and they feel us walking... They could use rest too." There was a silence for a moment and everyone realized she was right. The only one not worried about their egg was Azalea whos egg had already hatched. She now just carried her sleepy friend in her arms. And laqara who no longer had an egg. They all seemed to nod and nida sat down. Nida sat her egg in the soft grass and watched it wobbled around energeticly. "What ever is in that thing sure wants out." Ryan said sitting down next to Nida. "Energy bug..." Nida says as everyone sits down. Everyones heads were below the highest point of the grass so if someone were to look around even twenty feet from them they would see nothing but endless grass. "Well why is this place dangerous at night?" Azalea asked. "Deer and other creatures graze out here at night. Some on the grass, some on the bugs, and some on the bugs and deer. Mosto f all though bandits and outlaws hunt here at night. Iv wandered out here before and heard hunting parties. Bandits will kill and take anything they want and leave whats left. We are no different than the deer to them. Valuables, weapons, clothes, and for some of us," Nida looked at all the girls, "A bit of fun." "Blech... Just wrong. Thanks for putting that image in my head nida." Katelyn said shaking herh ead. "Unfortunatly its true. We are just toys to them. They would use us then dispose of us. Thought we do have weapons but some of the parties have quite a few people. We could be outnumbered." azalea sighed, "Enought... Your depressing me." Laqara cleared her throat, "Then we should take turns keeping watch." Kyo nodded, "And we need to take turns of guarding the eggs and hatchlings. We could fight holding them but it would be easier without hodling them under one arm." Nida nodded, "No kidding. My scythe is a two handed weapon and so is my bow. I cant hold a wobbling egg and a scythe at the same tiem. So who volenteers." Everythign was silent for a moment. Laqara again nodded and cleared her throat, "I call first watch then." Nida nodded, "Ill take it after you. We should switch off every two or three hours so we all can get some rest." Laqara agreed, "Now what about your eggs?" Nida raised her hand, "Ill take first watch on the eggs. Everyone else can rest for a while even if they cant get to sleep. Thank goodness even at night its never to cold here."
OOC: Indeed... I left it open for someone to be bold enough to take control for a few moments and move us alone. I dont like it when everyone looks to the creator and leader for a point in the right direction. I dont want this to be like one person tells the others how to post. I picture htis like a story we as a group are writing. Anyways on with the show. ------ Nida had been walking for a while and noticed that laqara wasnt saying anything. She hadnt said any names for her egg creature, no ideas what it was either... But then nida remembered her egg did something different. Perhaps laqara had some mythological creature that needed a host or liked to posses others. Nida didnt want one person to feel out of the group so she got closer to laqara and shifted her eggs weight a bit as she noticed it was moving. "What do you think it is?" "What do you mean?" laqara asked emotionlessly. "Your egg. Just because it went in you doesnt mean it wont hatch. Perhaps its related to the dryad. They are tree spirits who bond with trees and their life force is with the tree... If the tree dies so does the dryad. Perhaps its something that must be connected to your heart to live. Or its a possesion kind of creature. Furies do that." Nida went on. "How do you know all of this?" Laqara was curious but wasnt sure if she really cared or not. "Oh I read some books about explorers before us. Also my father has alot of info about creatures. His group had 14 people in it and each of them had a different creature." "How is a pixie dangerous then?" Nida laughed that this. Her father had a pixie of all things, "They cannot be seen by humans. Only humans that really beleive in the fey will see them. Though uh.. thats not why they are dangerous. Pixies are very eh... Their attention span is shorter than a blink it seems but they like to play pranks galore. Dads pixie whos name was Raysifa stole things and played tricks on people. Their pranks can be dangerous at times depending on the place and situation." Laqara nodded and they all kept walking. Nida finally realized laqara wanted to think on her own so nida wandered inbetween ryan kyo and sean. She kept moving her egg around. "Whats with your egg?" Ryan asks. "Uh... It keeps wiggleing thats all. Its hard to carry something thats vigerously shaking and try to balance my weapons so they dont hit someone in the head while im walking. Wouldnt be a nice day with a scythe sticking out of your head." "Why a scythe may I ask?" Kyo asked. Nida smiled, "I like my bow for long distance and most like swords for close range combat. I like being close and all but i get a little more distance between me and the bad guy with this weapon. Plus it was my mothers." Sean nodded, "Makes sense. Why be so close when you can chop their bloddy heads off from a few feet away just the same." Nida laughed and nodded, "Yeah." She became silent for a while. They all walked along in silence for a while. The grass was knee deep and it got taller farther on. Most animals were wild but the village had gathered some horses and cows. Horses for transport cows for butter milk cheese and meat. Some sheep were also kept for meat and clothes. These animals would graze on the grass near the vilalge but didnt wander to far. The grass got taller as they walked. Nida smelled the air. It smelled so fresh and clean. She could see the tops of trees miles and miles across the flat plains. They were headed there first but they didnt seem in to much of a hurry. ------ ooc: By the way... Dragons can talk to only reptile and amphibian creatures pheonix talks to birds only gryphon talks to mammals mixed creatures (chimera) talks to only everything else like fish insects and so on. So our creatures dont talk to every type of animal... only a type some what similar to theirs. Also... we can keep heading towards the jungle , start conversations, AND uh eggs can start hatching now so if you want yours to hatch remember it will only be the size of a basketball for starters. a few days from the hatching they will be full size.
OOC: Im moving ahead with this... [center][size=4][b]-----[/b][/size][/center] [center][/center] [left][size=2][color=darkorange]The elder laughed and everyone looked up at her. [color=red]"When Kyo walks in you will find out." [/color][color=darkorange]And just as soon as she had said that a boy walked in and looked around nervously[/color][/color][/size][size=2][color=darkorange][color=darkorange].[/color][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=darkorange][color=darkorange][/color][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=darkorange][color=darkorange]This apparently was Kyo.[/color][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]He sat down next to Nida and sat silently.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00] The elder stood up and grabbed a staff that was leaning against the wall. She began to shake it and everyone heard a rattle. Apparently the orb at the top of the staff was hallow and something was inside.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]She shook it over everyone's head and then put it down against the wall again.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00] She nodded and sat down. Suddenly a bunch of oval shapes appeared on the floor around the elder. They circled her and she rocked in her chair a few moments.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A black egg with orange spots (blanko)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A sky blue egg with blue lightning stripes (Who am I?)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A dark rainbow egg (phayt)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A dark blue egg with grey swirls (kaimara)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A navy blue egg with silver stars (sakura)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A fire egg (alchemist 2120 but not now cause he hasnt posted)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A blood red egg (Drake06)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]A blue egg with yellow spots (takuya)[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]All those appeared before her and she raised her hand, [color=red]"Who will chose first?"[/color][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff0000][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff0000]"I chose to chose last." [color=darkorange]Nida said instantly.[/color][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Sean moved closer to an egg and picked it up. It was the sky blue egg with blue lighthing stripes. He nodded, "Ill take this one."[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Ryan was next. He picked up the dark rainbow egg. "I like this one."[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Katelyn took the dark blue egg with grey swirls and smiled, "Its neat looking."[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Azalea took the navy blue egg with silver stars, "This one."[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Kyo silently picked up the blood red egg and held it gently.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Laqara reached for the blue egg with yellow spots but it instantly exploded into a bunch of tiny little dots of light. The light entered Laqara's body and then everything was back to normal for the moment.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Everyone stared at the elder for answers to this strange event but the elder just smiled and said, [color=red]"There are many reasons for things to happen and Laqara has her reasons for coming along on this journey. They might be different but I do not decide what happens with the eggs. It is a mystery. I beleive someone with great power had something to do with this... Do not question laqara about it for by the look on her face im sure she doesnt know why it happend either."[/color][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff0000][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=darkorange]Nida nodded and looked at the last two eggs. A fire like egg and a black egg with orange spots. She took the black one and held it carefully in her arms.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=red]"This last egg will stay here. If someone else shows up late he might still be able to get it. But only if he arrives sometime today. He will catch up. If not this egg will hatch and protect the village while you are away. If he arrives ill do the staff thing over his head and another egg will appear and he can choose but if not then i..." [color=#ff8c00]The elder stopped her rambblings, [/color][color=red]"I seem to be repeating what I am saying again. Well... the eggs wont hatch for a few hours or might not even hatch till tomorrow but keep them warm and safe. Now away with you... An elder needs her rest!"[/color][/color][/size][/left] [left][/left] [left][size=2][color=darkorange][color=#000000][/color][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=darkorange][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=darkorange]Nida silently stood with her egg and looked around the room. She went outside the hut and looked around. The wind had kicked alot of sand into the village but it always ended up back in the desert one way or another. The others followed her outside. Nida's father stood before them.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=red]"Nice collection of eggs this year I see. Well... This journey might be long and might be short. Who knows. Anyways please remember to stick together when times get rough and protect each other."[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff0000][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=darkorange]Nida nodded and then smiled, "What partner did you have pappy?"[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]He looked around nervously and laughed funny, "I eh... Heheh... My partner was a Pixie." He laughed, "Your mother had a dryad."[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Nida nodded, "Heh... Interesting." She looked to everyone and adjusted the scythe on her back. "Everyone ready to go?"[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Some nodded and nothers plainly said yes.[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]"Ok... Where do you think we should go first pappy?"[/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Her father looked around, "I suggest something easy for the first few days so go south towards the jungles. The plains are pretty calm so your eggs wont get to cold or to hot and you wont have to do alot of climbing."[/color][/size][/left] [left][/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00][color=#000000][/color][/color][/size] [/left] [left][size=2][color=#ff8c00]Nida smiled and looked at everyone, "What do you guys think?"[/color][/size][/left]
[color=darkorange]Nida looked at her,[/color] [color=red]"There is Zero and Kyo but im not sure if they will actually show [/color][color=red]up."[/color] [color=darkorange]The elder nodded,[/color] [color=red]"Yes... If they take to much longer we will have to start this without them and you might have to leave them behind. It seems harsh but if you arent prepared enough to be on time then you are not prepared enough for such a journey as this." [/color][color=darkorange]The old woman nodded to herself as if she knew everyone else understood what she had said.[/color] [color=#ff8c00][/color] [color=#ff8c00]Nida looked around at everyone who was in the hut and she smiled. She didnt like the stillness or the silence. [/color][color=red]"Has anyone thought of any names for what will hatch from their eggs yet?"[/color] [center]---------[/center] [left]OOC: We have quite a few people here already so if the two who are playing Kyo and Zero dont post within a day from now I plan to leave them behind. I asked everyone that signed up how often they got on and they both or perhaps just one of them replied to my pm and said they were on every day. (pretty much everyone who joined said that) so im not waiting forever for them.[/left]
OOC: Reishi You did not sign up for this rpg. You are not a part of it. I dont mean to be rude but to be a part of this rpg you must sign up and unfortunatly now the sign ups are closed. Please delete your posts (via edit button). There will be other rpgs similar to this and I hope you find one you can enter. I also hope you learn how the rpg system works so you can enjoy rpgs more. [center][b]--------------------------[/b][/center] [left][color=darkorange]Nida noticed Sean and Katelyn walk in right [/color][color=darkorange]after Azalea did. Nida smiled and then looked up at the elder. The old woman was getting up their in age and looked far older than she really was. Her skin though fairly wrinkled still had an odd glow to it. She had deep purple eyes like Nida and they patiently looked from each person to the next.[/color][/left] [left][color=#ff8c00]Nida stretched and yawned. She got bored more often that most others which is why she was always found wandering around ruins searching for something or something to do. She was getting bored already... waiting for those others to show up. [/color][/left] [left][color=#ff8c00]Then the elder cleared her throat, [color=red]"I might as well tell you something while you wait for the others. Start thinking up different names for your companion. You will need to call them something after all."[/color] Her voice was calm. Everyone noticed for her age she still had deep dark brown hair and she seemed to have the energy of Nida.[/color][/left] [left][color=#ff8c00]Nida shrugged, [/color][color=red]"But how will I know what to call it if I do not know what will hatch."[/color][/left] [left][color=#ff8c00]Her grandmother blinked silently at nida, [/color][color=red]"Child... You dont need to know what it is to name it. Just like parents do not need to know the gender of their unborn child to decide names for it. Just think of a few things and once it hatches you can choose the best one."[/color][/left] [left][color=red]"Alright Elder." [/color][color=darkorange]Nida nodded and began to think. It took her only moments and then she looked satisfied with herself.[/color][/left] [center][size=4][color=black][b]------[/b][/color][/size][/center] [left][size=2][color=black]OOC: Like I said Reishi . You were just a bit to late to join this rpg. So I am afraid we have to continue on with the rpg without your characters. You dont have to delete your posts if you dont want to or dont know how yet. Ill just make a reminder to the players that those two posts dont count. [/color][/size][/left] [left][size=2][color=black]Anyways hopefully the others will post soon.[/color][/size][/left]
Ok everyone i started this. Takuya is going to post his sign up here some time soon but aside from him the sign ups are now closed. [font=Arial Black][size=4]I Repeat... The sign ups are now closed [i][size=1](except for takuya who pmed me earlier)[/size][/i][/size][/font]
OOC: Just a note: Remember... Anyone with dragons... those dragons dont have wings. They will gain the ability to fly but that is later on in the rpg. Thanks everyone who joined up and lets see how far this one can go! --------------------- [color=darkorange]The winds were blowing harshly through the north end of the Therin Village. The mountains were to the west, the forest was to the east, deserts to the north, and plains that lead to jungles to the south. This village was in the center of almost everything. Springs in the mountain, hidden lakes in the forest and special flowers that grow in the desert and plains. This was a more secret village. Hidden among the mountains and trees. Most people that dont know it exists would never find it. Those that do know where it is keep its location secret and spend their lives there for this was a special village.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Young adults were at this very moment getting ready in their huts for a metting that would change their lives. They are about to enter the elder's (and village leader) hut to finish off thier training. Once this is done they can head out together to search for a way to stop the black fog of death from returning when people advance to far with technology. These young adults would search with partners they will have a special bond with.[/color] [color=darkorange]Out where the village and the desert meet there was a large yet broken down building. It had been left behind when the last Death Wave had come and wiped out all life on earth. Plants, people, and animals died but the buildings and things were left behind. Most were unusable and feared but one person was more curious than scared. She snuck into the sandy stone building and looked around. Light filtered from the cracks in the roof and sand was everywhere on the floor.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]This young girl had long dark brown hair with dark purple eyes and carried a Bow on her back that was over a very long scythe weapon. She used it for protection... Any bandit near her wouldnt be leaving her in one peice... Bandits roamed this area for treaures from people who died in waves long ago... but the people in the village protected all they had with weapons and skill. This was the only village that was not afraid of coming in contact with items from the past... They beleived progress was something needed. But every time someone tried to progress to far the Death Wave would come and all would die.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Everyone was afraid and stopped progressing, afraid of what might come if they went to far. This village wanted to progress. Young adults were trained and then sent out to search for a way to stop it. None ever returned with a cure but they did come back with knowledge of the land and became protectors for the village. Those failures never stopped younger kids to dream of going out on their own one day. The young girl knew that those before her failed but she knew she had to try as well.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]She glanced around the room and smiled. Small square and rectangular things hung on the wall. They were once beautiful and abstract paintings but now almost completely blank canvas was inside the frames. The sand and years and drained the pictures of their color. The young girl dug through some sand on the floor looking for books or anything that might be interesting. She enjoyed learning what these things were.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"Niiiida!" She heard someone yelling from the village. Nida rolled her eyes and stuffed a small object in a bag she had in her hand.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"Pesky old Elder. I respect her but she worries to much..." Nida mummbled as she left the building half covered in sand.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Once she dusted herself off she walked up to an older man standing by a large hut. He shook his head at her, "This is not the time to be searching for trinkets. The elder is meeting the new crew today. You get your eggs today remember."[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Nida again rolled her eyes, "Yes I know. Every group of searchers meets with the elder and mystical eggs appear. Always one more than people in the group. Each person picks an egg and the left behind egg protects the village when it hatches. We hatch and raise our eggs to translate and protect on our journey." Nida rammbled to the old man.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"Nida... Try not to be a smart ass with the elder... You know she doesnt like it."[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"Grandmother never liked it... even when she was one." Nida replied.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]The man nodded, "Yes I know. But still... She is elder right now and soon she will pass on that name to me and then Ill pass it to you. But for now you need to show your elder some respect... Even if your related."[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Nida nodded, "Yes pappy I understand."[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"Are you sure you really want to do this?" He asked his daugther with care in his eyes.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"Yes pappy. Ever since you went iv wanted to go."[/color] [color=#ff8c00]He sighed, "I was in the last group to go you know and Only half of us returned. If your mother were still here she would have tied you to the trunk in the hut by now. I lost her in my journey and I do not wish to lose you too." Her father said turning his gaze to the ground.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Nida sighed sadly, "I miss her... But even that wont change my mind. Someone has to figure it out and I want to be in the group that does!"[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Her father nodded, gave her a hug, and walked away. He always got silent when he knew he had to realize she was old enough to handle herself. His silence wasnt always sadness but sometimes happiness as he realized that his daughter had grown up enough to make strong good decisions for herself. In this case he had wished he had convinced her to stay. He knew that she knew the dangers out there but he still wanted her to stay. But he knew she had to go for herself if nothing else so he always left the conversation at that point.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]Nida watched him wander into their hut where she knew he was going to sit on his cot and stare at a portrait of her mother and weep silently to himself. Every time he mentioned her he got that way. Nida sighed and walked into the large hut.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"You know nida... If you continue to go into that building it might just sink into the sands with you in it." An elderly lady said from a small chair in the corner.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"I doubt it." Nida said sitting down on the carpet in front of the village elder.[/color] [color=#ff8c00]"Right right. You must sit here and wait for the others to arrive... Then we shall start."[/color] [center][color=black]----------[/color][/center] [left]OOC: Ok... start where you want as long as its really clost to the village. pretty much end your posts in the elders hut sitting near nida on the floor. Thats where everything will start. And thanks again for joining every one.[/left]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=black][b][u]Name:[/u] [/b]Young Hi [b][u]Age: (14-18)[/u][/b] 18 [b][u]Nationality:[/u][/b] Korean [b][u]Grade: (9-12)[/u][/b] 12th [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Attachment [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Quiet and secretive. Tends to never speak unless spoken to and sometimes even then she doesnt talk. She has a lot of hatred for pretty much everyone and this is why she keeps quiet. At times though (Once or twice a day) she flips and will yell and/or hurt people. [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] She was given away as a baby and adopted by a couple. She grew up for a while with the couple and then the two began to argue and then the man murdered his wife and dumped the silent girl in a foster home. She lives with a few other foster kids who are scared of her because she is extreamly violent when messed with. [b][u]What do they whisper about you:[/u][/b] "That girl, Young Hi, kills anyone that bothers her iv heard!" and "Shes violent... She does and deals drugs" [b][u]Schedule:[/u][/b][/color][/font] English Advanced IV Chemistry Pre Calculus Advanced Drawing II Gym Civil History Advanced Law and Government - ooc: By the way Hawaii huh... Kailua-Kona (big island)... Its also just known as Kona. (Im planning my birthday vacation there actually heh. Note about my sign up: Young Hi was the name of a south korean girl on the tv show "MASH" And as for this attachment. She doesnt wear those clothes. She wears long black pants and a orange t shirt under a leather jeacket.