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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. Ok. Five people are in this rpg. Depending on the answers I get from the pms I sent you Ill start this soon. If most of you are on often and not justo nce a week I can start this really soon (like tonight or tomorrow) Anyways... The sign ups are still OPEN so anybody who is interested come on in and join. (and pm me telling how often you come on OB or put it in your post. Im just asking everyone who joins so i can determin when to start)
  2. Yes phayt thats fine. I forgot to mention mixed race is ok as well. Part human part elf is fine. Um... Who am I? You will edit in the descriptions later I hope heh. I have seen people in rpgs say that and never do it. But your sign up is good too except for lack of descriptions. EDIT: I edited my OWN SIGN UP... I took out the sword. Someone brought to my attention (because i had not thought about it) that the weapon in the picture would be cooler for my character and i realized it does work well. So She now nolonger carries a sword but a large Scythe (grim reaper girl!) but it is black instead of the color it is in the picture. EDIT #2: I would like to point out too that the dragon isnt grey lol. His furry patches are bright orange and his scales are deep dark green. The spikes are bone color (the big ones on his back and the horns and spine on his head) the two spike thingso n his tail are black.
  3. okiday im here! [color=darkorange][b]Name:[/b] Quinn[/color] [color=darkorange][b]Age:[/b] 23[/color] [color=darkorange][b]Gender:[/b] Male[/color] [color=darkorange][b]CT:[/b] Thief[/color] [color=darkorange][b]Appearance:[/b] Attachment (no sword and darker clothes that cover his body. His hair is short and spikey.[/color] [color=darkorange][b]Personality:[/b] When alone he is rather relaxed and calm. When with others though he is tense, suspicious and sometimes even paranoid. He looks calm but most of the time is the opposite inside. Once he gets to know people he halfway trusts them. Since childhood he has never trusted anyone. He figures they are either after what money he has or they just want to use him to get things they want. It will talk more than plain words to break through his brick wall of protection. To get trust from him is almost impossible. This is why he has been alone all his life. And being alone so long causes him to not trust people which makes an unfortunate loop.[/color] [color=darkorange][b]Bio:[/b] Quinn was young when both his parents died of some unknown sickness. He realized that to survived he would have to do things differently. He started off by stealing small bits of food and then as he got older learned to steal more things like money and objects that could be sold to very curious characters hiding in the shadows waiting to make a profit.[/color] [color=darkorange]One day though he was doing his daily routines and went to sell something to a shadey character. The one thing the character didnt know was that Quinn normally stole back the items and sold them to other people to make more money. One day a he lost track and started to steal an item back when the vendor was having lunch but Quinn was so tired from a night of steal to notice the vendor returning. He was caught and called at. He knew he had to run. Which led him to the cathedral.[/color] Its been a while since i played a male character. I hope this is ok.
  4. The earth. A large but fragile world. Different from the earth we know but with similar problems. Food shortages, less water to be found in areas that need it most, and the dark evil ones seeking to either destroy the world or rule it. It has happend time and time again. Every once in a while there would be a war. Then a peace that lasted only for a short while. One day someone described seeing a large dark cloud decend onto his village. He wrote what he saw in his journal, about how it seemed to move like numerous creatures, about how it left the village so dark even torches didnt give off much light. He then wrote how a black fog filled his village and thats where his journal ends. In other books and journals found across the land described the same thing. People, animals, and even plants seemed to die in this black fog that spread everywhere. One book stops dead at an entrie describing a bright silvery lizard sweeping into the village and with its mighty breath eliminated the fog. Many beleive that this person kept writing even after he knew he was going to die like the others around him... as if he knew there would later be others that might need this information. This wave was called the "Death Wave" for it eliminated every living thing on the planet. The water became poison, the air became stale, and plants turned into dust. Soon nothing lived and the entire planet was just another planet floating in space. One day though life appeared again. Only in small things untill everything seemed normal again. New humans looked at the destroyed world with confusion and began to build and live on their own. They would get more advance and they read the books left behind but they never fully understood what happend. Then one day it happend all over again. And this cycle continued. The blackness blocking out the sun, the black fog of death, and the silvery dragon swooping in and with its mighty breath ridding the world of the fog and briging light back to the now dead planet. Some people wrote that they beleived that this great silvery dragon was the one that brought the life back to the world but this was just a guess. And everytime they reached a certin level of technology the wave would come again. Finally the people began to learn that progress was bringing this so they stopped inventing new ways to travel and new ways to cook. Then progress slowed to nothing and the world seemed to man as if time had stood still. Many people beleived it was a good choice to quit moving forward and that where they were was just fine. Others on the other hand thought to live like this was living in fear of the wave and holding ones abilities back. Some people beleived that progress was the only reason to live. They figured if they were just going to sit around with huts for houses and feet for transportation (or a horse if you could catch and tame one) that they might as well be dead. This depression caused many people to either kill themselves or kill others. The world was again going sour. In one village though they taught the young kids defense with a sword and taught them to protect and search for a way to prevent the wave from ever returning. Each generation failed to find the cure but they did help the village by becoming protectors. They fought off the bandits that murdered for fun. This year a small group of young adults (and a few older ones too if you like) have decided they will also search for a way to rid them of the black fog forever. With little knowledge they will need help. Mysteriously every time a group of young people in this village decide this a group of eggs appear. One egg for each person deciding that they will be the ones to fix the world and allow progress to pick up again. One egg is left after people chose. The left behind egg hatches on its own and it helps protect the village. Inside each egg is mythological creature. Some young dragons (no wings and no larger than a smaller sized horse.) and some pheonixs too (small... Not much larger than a bald eagle) and even some other crazy creatures. Each creature forms a bond with the person who hatches it and each creature can speak english. Also the creatures can talk with the animals of the land. Animals are smart and can pick up on things that humans might not. So with that these young adults decide its their time to search. The eggs appear and the eggs are chosen. Then the journey begins. Unfortunatly after a year or two and no information has been found the creatures die. They are up against time. Are you one of them? Can you handle it? [center]----------------[/center] I apologise for the length of this but it just came to me. I wrote it all as it came to my mind and it got a little long. I hope this works out. Iv been wanting to use my character/ creature in an rpg and couldnt find one right enough so i decided to make one. Sign ups are shown below: [b]Name:[/b] nothing like Olthaneth Uilos (Keep it somewhat easy to pronounce and read) [b]Age:[/b] 17 - 30 If human (Look at race section for available races to chose from... decide your age from that if you wish to be something other than human.) [b]Gender:[/b] Simple... Male or Female [b]Description: [/b]What your character looks like (picture or details) [b]Race:[/b] (Didnt see this coming now did you?) Elf, Dwarf, Human (those be your choices! If you want something else pm me and tell me what the race is with some information about that race and perhaps ill allow it) [b]Weapon:[/b] Bows, Swords, and stuff like that. (meaning no guns laser swords and tanks) (Limit of two. A bow and a dagger, a bow and a sword or a sword and a sword. You get the point.) [b]Egg Color:[/b] Pick a color. There can be more that one egg with the same color but if someone signs up with a blue egg and you want a blue egg give your egg details... like stripes or spots. [b]Creature: [/b]This means what hatched from the egg. (Note on the creatures. Dragons for example hatch out of small eggs but within a few days are full size. Keep this in mind) [b]Creature Description: [/b]What does your creature friend look like? (Picture or detailed description) [b]Creature's Name: [/b]You gotta name your friend! The same rules apply for its name as it does with your own. [b]Creatures abilities:[/b] Like fire ice lightning or water (nothing huge just small powers like SMALL fireballs or SMALL shocks... now fire storms and lightning storms large enough to level a village) [left]OH and a note to people who choose to have BOWS:[/left] [left]You cant have an unlimited supply of arrows (like on lord of the rings *laugh*) Your character will have to occasionally make more. I mean taking the arrow tips off the arrows once the target is dead and using them to make more arrows later works. Or extreamly sharp plain wooden arrows... Just as long as you do remember to run out once in a while and make more...[/left] [center]---------------[/center] [left]Here is mine:[/left] [left][b]Name:[/b] Nida[/left] [left][b]Age:[/b] 19[/left] [left][b]Gender:[/b] Female[/left] [left][b]Description:[/b] Picture Attached (Without the wings and pigtale things. Her hair is also longer and darker brown. She wears long pants and a tanktop that is a dark green color that looks belt like. Think lulu from FFX)[/left] [left][b]Race:[/b] Human[/left] [left][b]Weapon:[/b] A strong bow and the weapon in the picture except black.[/left] [left][b]Egg Color:[/b] Black with orange spots[/left] [left][b]Creature:[/b] Dragon[/left] [left][b]Creature Deescription:[/b] Picture Attacked.[/left] [left][b]Creature's Name:[/b] Zash (Pronounced Zay-Shh)[/left] [left][b]Creatures Abilities:[/b] He can spit small fireballs.[/left] [left]As for the picture of the dragon.. Ignore the wounds... Just picture skin or fur where its needed... the wounds were just part of the drawing when i drew him... Its not like hes a zombie that wanders around with wounds like that.[/left]
  5. Tao shrugged, "I will be fine. I mainly cut the snake kings tail off and he melted in his own acid... As for his followers they werent that herd to exterminate. This sword is rather nice." Tao said looking down at the old looking regular blade on her waist. Inuyasha frowned at it, "You went all that way for that lousy piece of metal? Seems like a waste to me.Just look at it... It has a hole in it." Tao untied the sword, took the gem off its chain, and put the gem in the hole in the blade. The blade instantly burst into flames and got larger and sharper and newer than before. Its curves and sharp edges sparked. "Really? I didnt know this was a waste of time. A waste of family skilll, or a waste of fur..." Tao said mummbling the fur part to herself. Tao held it up for a moment and shippo stared at it and miroku did as well. She then took the stone out and put it back on its chain. Doing this caused the sword to retun to its old look. She tied it to her waist and looked around. Hana wasnt very happy about kagome and her healing items and tao had to laugh in her mind. Tao looked down at her feet and up to her hands. She had dirt and marks but no cuts. She then lifted her tail around to look at it and nodded silently to herself. She then looked on her arm and noticed a tear in her clothes. The cloth was bloody but the skin looked like it wasnt touched. "What happend there?" Miroku asked. Tao hesitated for a moment, "I uh... " She knew it was there at one point but she couldnt remember what gave it to her. The real question was where it went so fast. Cuts dont dissapere in only five hours after all. "Uh I got it during the fight but I cannot rememeber what caused it." Miroku blinked, "No cut I have ever seen on someone normal has vanished that quickly." Tao glared at him, "Who is calling me normal?" Miroku stepped back and was silent for a moment , "Oh I uh... I only meant that iv seen demons heal like that before but not without extra help like with a shard or when they were possesed orsomething like that... But i wasnt suggesting you are possesed... " Miroku rambled. Shippo laughed, "His big mouths getting him hurt again. Idiot" Tao smiled at Miroku, "No no Sir monk do not worry about it. I know what you mean and I can assure you I am not possesed. No harm caused so case closed." Miroku sighed a sigh of reliefe when he realized she wasnt going to hit him or yell. Shippo looked at Tao strangely, "Uh... She didnt yell or harm him... Where is the fun in that..." Tao looked at Sasuke and Hana. She then looked at Kana and then looked ahead of the group. She stretched, yawned, and then smiled again. "Why is she so chipper?" Miroku asks Hana. Hana shrugged, "I havent a clue."
  6. The black scales were very hard and just hitting them with her new sword wasnt working. She leapt backwards to avoid the flying acid from his tail. She shook her head and her earts twitched. She sliced off an underlings head with much ease and moved on. She lifted the sword and concentrated. She brought it back down into the ground and four red blasts of energy raced at the King. The king saw this and slithered out of the way. "You missed!" Tao laughed, "No I did not." The king looked behind him and realized the blast soared right into the rocks over the cave entrance but before he could move they started falling on him. Large boulders hit him extreamly hard on the head and he hit away others with his large spiney arms. He hissed and roared with anger once the rocks stopped falling. "Dirty Trick!" He hissed. But tao was not paying much attention to him anymore. She was slicing away at his minions. He took this moment to slither his tail around behind Tao. Tao killed another lowly demon and moved on to the next. Hana noticed the King's tail was rearing up to fling acid into Taos back. Hana grabbed Tao and got her out of the way just as the acid hit where she was standing. Small bits of grass melted away as did the remains of some of the demons laying in that area. Tao nodded to hana, "Thanks... Im focusing so much attention to control this sword I didnt even hear him sneaking around. Shall we finish this?" Hana grinned, "Yes." Tao lifted the sword again and brought it back down. The four energy waves were sent flying at the king who now had no where to go. They ripped into his flesh and bones. Once the tail was cut he was renched in his oun acid. The acid had no effects on his scales but his flesh on the inside was just as anyone elses. He hissed as he felt his own flesh digesting away. Tao took the stone out of the sword and it shrank down and looked like a normal sword with a hole in it. She put the stone on the chain around her neck and tied the sword onto her belt. "Lets go... The others might have had fun without us!" Tao laughed, "And id hate to miss out on all the fun."
  7. Tao had slipped into the dark cave but her eyes made seeing in the pitch black of the cave easy. Only occasionaly did that king move a bit and let light in but it never lasted long. Tao didnt mind though because her eyes could handle this dark cave. She glanced around and moved closer to the back. She knew it was in here, she could feel it. "Tsst... Finally made it did you?" A voice came from beside tao. She glanced down at the rock and grinned. There was a small creature sitting on the rock. "Yeah... Cant see a thing can you?" The creature nodded, "Right... I can hear and smell but cannot see anything in this darkness. How did the fight go?" Tao laughed, "He isnt dead yet if thats what you mean. I have a friend handling the goons and the king. Once I get it I can take out the kind easily but first i need to find it." "There is a puzzle in here or so I have heard. It is to prove you are who you say you are I guess... So no one but a tiger clan member can aquire it." The creature said. It had tiny pointy ears and a long pointy nose. It looked like a tiny human. Tao nodded, "Ok." She then darted along leaving the creature on the rock. She made her way into a chamber. There was two pedestals. She glanced at the floor to look for secret switches or traps and moved forward when she saw non. Suddenly the room began to fill with mist. The silvery mist began to shape into the form of a grand tiger. It had silvery eyes and a body of mist which made tao just stare at it. It opend its mouth and spoke, "Three things must be done. Here is thing number one." Tao looked at it a little strangely, "Great... It thinks its a poet." The mist tiger glared, "Fine fine... You must do three things to get what is hidden here. First you must drop fur of the black and fur of the orange into the pedestal of fire! If the flame turns blue your heart is true." Tao shook her head, "Again with with the poetry stuff. Sheeesh. Fine fine." Tao walked over to the left pedestal that had a fire mark on it. A small fire started atop the pedistal and tao stared into the flames. She slipped off her armor and moved her tail in front of her. She pulled off some black and orange hairs and tossed them into the fire. The fire flickered for a few moments and the silvery mist tiger watched as the fire went from orange to blue. It nodded. "The second thing you must do is drip some of your fresh blood into the pedestal of water. Wait for a reflection to appear and tell me what you see." Tao didnt like this much because if she had to cut herself the snake would surely smell it. She shook her head and dug one long claw fingernail into the tip of a finger and dripped some of her blood into it. She watched the water carefully. "What do you see?" The mist tiger asked. Tao frowned, "Nothing. There is no reflection at all. The water is all cloudy." The tiger nodded, "Now to prove yourself you must let your voice be heard. Only the roar will open the door." Tao knew if she did this she would get the snakes attention if he wasnt to proccupied by fight. Tao instantly changed into her large tiger form and roared with all her might at the misty tiger. It nodded and stepped to the side and a rock moved aside. It led into an even darker room. Tao stepped inside and the misty tiger followed her. Tao returned to her normal form and looked around. The room was empty she noticed. She could see the misty tiger grinning, "Tell me child... What was wrong with those three tests?" "A quiz?" Tao asked. "Just answer." "Fine. One... Anyone can get their hands on black and orange tiger fur... Or at least they could have if they knew how. SPecially after the slauter. Also any demon could have gotten the blood. Capturing one of the tiger clan could have been easy seeing as how the young arent to bright when they are blind and after the slauter there was plenty of blood. And as for the roar... There are all kinds of cat demons who can roar... Even plain regular tigers can roar... So those tests would not have filtered out the fakes from the real tiger clan demons." The silver tiger nodded, "Exactly..." "Then WHY did we do that?" The silvery mist tiger thought for a moment and laughed, "Iv been here for ages waiting for someone to get the item hidden here. I was bored." Tao glared, "Bored? You telling me I plucked my own fur, drew my own blood and probabbly gave myself away with my voice to entertain you?" The mist nodded, "Yeah..." Tao growled and paced, "Just tell me what I must do to get the sword. The blade of Tigers... The blood red blade thats true power comes in the form of a blood red stone." The mist tiger nodded for a moment and floated there, "I never said there was a sword hidden here." Tao was growing more impatient. "I know! My family knew about it. Now that they are all dead I seek the blade because there is no one else to retrieve it. It belongs to me." "It was mine originaly cub! I made the sword with my own two hands and the stone as well! I put my heart and soul into both items. Wait... dead did you say?" Tao nodded, "Yes a demon slaugtered every last tiger clan demon except for me. It took my brother. I know you have been in here for a long time with no entertainment of conversation and all but can you please just get this going so i can get out there. My fr-.... My friend is fighting the demon that blocks this cave!" The mist sighed and flew into tao without another word spoken. Tao suddenly saw the battle. Hana was doing fine but the king was growing more and more angry. The mist then left taos body. "That battle hmm... Mmm alright. You are indeed of the tiger clan I can tell. Hell you wouldnt have been able to enter the depths of this cave if you werent. That is how I tell if you are who you say you are. But tell me one thing and ill give you the blade." "What?" "Why are your black with orange stripes instead of orange with black?" Tao nodded, "I am unsure... A mere halfbreed and I have the rare colors or whatever... I truely dont know." The mist nodded, "I too was colored like that. You are the only other tiger clan demon I have known to be colored like that... Thats why I asked. This was no coincidence that it was YOU to claim the sword i belive. I warn you though... This sword is not for the weak hearted and weak minded. It has a heard of its own and the stone has its own as well. The stone and the blade together are not easy to weild." Tao nodded and the mist began to form a stone pedestal. Laying carefully was an old looking sword. Tao picked it up and felt its lightness. She placed the blood red stone into a small hole in the blade and it burst into flames. The plain looking sword grew. It had a straight back and the blade edge was curved and jaged in places. The shape was indeed different but it felt light as a feather and it seemed to have a will of its own. It seemed that it could sense the fight and wanted to tear into flesh. Tao realized the mist was right. This sword was indeed more challenging to wield. She would have to work at it. With a nod she dashed to the exit where the snake was. She raised the sword at his body that blocked the path and concentrated. She then brought the blade down onto the ground. Four giant red waves of energy blast from the sword like she did with the blade she made with the stone but this time it was much more powerfull. It tore into the king and he hissed with pain. Tao lept out of the cave and landed next to Hana, "Well Im back did you miss me?"
  8. Tao noticed Hana's seriousness but tried to look like it wasnt a big deal to her so Hana would notice she wasnt afraid. Tao was her self again. If hana while full demon tried anything she could defend herself but she wondered what Hana would be like. This sparked another thought too. What would she be like if she wasnt just half tiger demon. She wondered what she would be like if she was full tiger demon. She nodded to herself and closed her eyes. She fell asleep almost instantly. The only thing that moved was her chest with her breathing and the tip of her tail twitched around. Occasionally her ears would twitch in the direction of a sound and then settle down again. Hours seemed to pass and then the wun was up again. Tao leaned up and with a mighty yawn smiled at Hana. "Ready to go?" Hana nodded, "Yes." Tao stood up and put her armor back on so it hid her tail. She shook herself and got off all the dirt and then moved towards a small path into the canyon. Hana silently picked up and followed behind her. It only took a few minutes for them to easily jump from rock to rock to get to the bottom. Tao felt more energised with this workout. She felt ready for the fight. If nothing else this would be a nice workout and a bit fun. She entered the demons hideout and the other demons just stared at the two of them. She approched a pile of black shiney scales. She grinned. "Yo! scale head wake up." Tao shouted. The mound of curled up scales began to move. Slowly two arms pulled the upper body up out of the mound. His arms were black and scaley. He looked almost human from his arms up. He had a firm chest and a regular human head except for his extreamly large fangs. His arms were spikey too. His neck and the top of his head made the shape a cobra did. The Black Cobra was fitting. He moved and you could see the spine on his tail. He growled and glared at Tao, "It isnt wise to wake the king of the snakes you know." He hissed. "I was never know to be wise." Tao replied. "You know you have been fooled right? You silly cat. I know of your scouts and i sent false imformation with him." The large snake man pointed to a demon i nthe corner that was taos scout. "Good cause I know that too." The snake man looked confused, "But you still unwisely walked into a fight you cannot win?" Tao nodded, "Yup. Because I still know your weaknesses. I had my own spy that none of you knew about. She has been great help." You could not tell how long this snake man was but he started to unravle himself. He was well over fifteen feet. Tao didnt seem to mind much. The black cobra made a signal with his sharp hands and suddenly twenty of his fellow demons lunged. Hana and tao leapt in different directions and started tearing apart the demons. The cobra man also tried to get rid of the two pests by spitting acid venom. Tao liked this and let him aim at her. She moved just in time to let the acid hit one of the demons she was fighting and he melted into a pile of bones. "Why you!" The cobra hissed getting even madder. This continued for a few minutes untill tao stopped by hana. "Can you stall them and keep scaley here occupied while i take a trip into the cave?" Hana looked up and suddenly noticed that the snake was coiled up in front of a cave and only when he moved a bit did he make an opening. Hana nodded, "Sure... These guys arent to strong and mister snake isnt to hard to dodge." Tao looked at him, "Um... He can attack four different ways at the same time. Both hands his mouth and his tail. Be quick."
  9. ooc: Goodness Sorry... Im back now ---- Now that Tao was back to her regular self she grinned showing long fangs, "I guess its time we headed to the Black Cobra's hiding spot." Hana nodded, "So what are we going up against?" Tao nodded, "He is of the snake. He has eadly venom and I have heard he has basalisk traits but that seems to be a myth only considering his followers havent told me that when they stare into his stupid eyes they drop dead..." "Perhaps thats because their dead?" Tao laughed, "I would figure my scout would have said if his buddies had done that. But it is a good point. His venom... He has different kinds depending on when he uses to attack. His own fangs are deadly... The venom could kill you almost instantly. But from what iv heard he doesnt like it to be that easy. He wants to be entertained I guess." "Sheeesh Of course hiding in a canyon would make me bored so yeah i get it." Tao yawned, "Yes. He has many spines on his body as well though I beleive. Various effects come from the venom. I beleive his right arm has illusions and the other has blindness. Might be the other way around... The scout didnt know which did what. There is also a spike on the tip of his tail... That poison slowly just eats away at your flesh... Like acid more than venom. This acid can be flung at us... One whip of his tail and a small stream of acid vemon could be coming our way." Hana's eyes were wide, "You really need this sword?" Tao looked at hana as if that were a stupid question, "Yes. It is a family thing. Also if this sword we are searching for... not mine but this other one the others are looking for that is. Anyways if that one is a powerful as they say jsut about every demon is out to get it... We could use all the strength and power was can get hold of." Hana nodded, "True... I guess your Blade of Tigers is worth the risk of getting melted.." "Indeed." In no time they had reached the canyon. ,"We should wait till morning..." Tao said yawning, "I have been awake far to long. Since the middle of last night. Plus being human takes alot of energy."
  10. Tao bit into the chocolate just as soon as the wrapping was peeled away. "So uh can I ask you now?" "Ask me what?" Tao asks devouring the chocolate. "Why you knew about Bi Polar..." Tao shook her head, "Heh figured. The truth is I have been to your time once before. I was only three at the time but I remember some things I heard there. I cannot remember what I saw because we of the Tiger clan mature differently of course. For the first four years of a cubs life our eyes are sealed shut. Sure a lot longer than an ordianry regular house cat but we are demons after all." "That seems like a long time. How then do you know you were in my time?" "Iv never heard birds sound so high pitched like that... I have not heard birds sing songs like that either." "Oh... Cell Phones. Yeah I guess you were there. They sure wouldnt work here. Cells wont be invented for some time. But why were you there do you think?" "Not a clue. Apparently we were somewhere where they talked about different things. Machines, Equipment, and Health issues too. I heard Bi Polar and many other things there. Of course at the time I didnt care. I was only three after all. But now that im older I think about what I heard every once in a while and wonder why I was there." "And theres no one to ask..." Tao nodded, "No one but perhaps my father. But if he is dead or not is still a mystery. I dont care to much now." The conversation stopped silent for a while. Tao looked up at the moon which was appearing slowly. She wondered about all her relatives. What her family would say if they were still alive. Suddently Hana coughed. "What?" Tao asked. Hana laughed, "You must have been really deep in thought to not notice your back to normal." Tao looked down and saw her claws were back. She looked behind her and saw her tail and she could feel her ears twitching. "Heh... I guess I was..."
  11. Hmm... Princess Mononoke: Iv loved this movie since... Well I cant remember the first time I watched it but when I first saw it I loved it. The whole huger than life animals were great. Cowboy Bebop Movie: Faye is just great. Going on and on as Ed is trying to get her attention. Ed going around saying trick or treat... Some of the people who answer the door just made me laugh and I had to rewind. I just loved every moment of it. Inuyasha Movie Number 2: Though I cannot remember the real name for it I loved this one more than others. I just loved Kaguya... Evil chicks are fun to make fun on while Inuyasha kicks their butt. I really liked the part where shippo leaps out and screams fox fire but stops in mid attack. He then scurries back behind miroku. Demon Inuyasha is cool... Though I did have to shake my head at the predictability of what happend. Spirited Away: I love this movie. Sure I dont fully like the whole lone person in new world all confused and stuff story lines but this one was nice. I liked the animation... The water was cool. I liked the baby as a mouse too. (Or was it a rat?) The Dragon is my forvorite though. I love dragons more than anything else so of course I liked Kohaku (Haku/ Dragon)
  12. Tao stopped after about an hour and a half and stared up at the darkening sky, "We should stop to rest for a bit. If we get close at night we will surely become snake snacks." "Ok. The moment your demon half comes back will we be leaving again?" Tao thought about her plan for a moment and then nodded, "Why not. Ill have my regular scent back... The demons there will recognise me. But for now we wait if that is ok with you." "Ok!" Hana said sitting down. Tao smiled and hana pointed at her. "What is it?" Tao asked. "Your fangs are growing back already." Tao laughed, "First thing to always come back are my teeth. Then ears tail claws and the last part is my hair for some reason." "Hmm Today was sort of long and exhausting. We didnt even fight anyone and Im tired... " "I think the train drained you of your energy for its own evil uses!" Tao said with a smirk. "The train isnt alive. It cant suck anyones life out. Its just a-" "Machine." Tao finished. "I know... That was a joke." Hana nodded, "Oh heh I see."
  13. Tao stared at hana, "Its alright... My question though is... You are all mature and taking charge one minute and then you just turn right around and your bouncy and carefree. Do you have a history of Bi Polar or something?" "Well perhaps but I uh-.... Hey wait a minute... How do you know anything about Bi Polar?" Tao slapped her forehead and sighed, "Ill explain later. I figured I wouldnt let my big mouth slip but to late. Promise me though you wont pry till later on. I dont feel like explaining it now." Hana thought for a moment and nodded, "Yeah, alright." She looked around, "So uh... where is this Black Cobra dudes hide out?" "This forest goes for a few miles untill you get to some forest covered hills. On the other side of that is a small canyon and he hides down in there. You would think that would be unwise considering yyou could get surrounded but his demon forces are so vast through the forest that no one can get close enough to even think about surrounding him." "But they wont hurt you right? Some of them know about your plan or at least your pretend one right?" Tao nodded, "Right... But they will not recognise me looking like this so we must be careful for a while. I feel the sun starting to go down so I will soon be normal again but im unfamiliar flesh for the moment." "Understood."
  14. Tao thought for a moment... She looked up at Hana. "I thought I told you though that I have to aquire something first." Hana nodded, "You did." "Hmm. I guess Im going to get it alone then. I guess Ill catch up with you guys later." She ran her fingers through her bright orange hair and sighed. She turned around and walked away. Tao walked quickly almost angry at the whole situation. She broke off from the group for a reason and Hana followed her. Tao sniffed the air and shook her head. It was useless. She couldnt smell or sense anything near her. "I guess if the snake man knows Im coming ill be toast. Well lets just hope I get there in one piece. He has demons all over the territory and non of them will recognise me like this... I look like a snack. Hana might think im strong nad skilled in the way of fighting as a human but Im not. I cant even use my stone unless Im part demon. That is why I need the sword so badly. Wait a second... Why am I talking to myself?" Tao shut up and continued on. meanwhile back with hana and sasuke... "But her leaving by herself... Wont she get hurt?" Sasuke pointed in the direction she was walking. "Why would she?" Hana stared at Sasuke for a moment. Sasuke pointed at Tao who was now quite far away with her quick pace. "She isnt very strong. She still is human after all..."
  15. Tao shivered a moment and nodded, "I hate that thing. If people want to travle they should use their own two feet!" Sasuke nodded, "Yeah but its quicker to travel by car or train than to walk." Tao didnt care how quick it was. She just didnt like the whole feeling of moving but not moving. "Whatever. At least I can feel my demon half coming back. The day is almost over, my nose can smell better, I can hear real well, and whats even better Is i feel agile again." "Uh... Right. Well lets go." Hana said sigh another sigh.
  16. ooc: Do you people ALWAYS need me to make us start moving? I mean you all know we need to climb up the mountain... You guys could have us start that trip. You dont need me to set it all up for you. I have a Kidney stone which makes internet visits a bit difficult. I figured you guys could handle it. ------------ Kya and the others started walking up the mountain. It wasnt a very large mountain and it was not very steep yet. It was like a plain hill for the moment. They walked silently for a wihle. Most of them were thinking about the fights from before. Kya wondered about hawkmon for a while and then nodded to herself. She would be fine... She had a digiegg so hawkmon wont be in to much trouble later on. They saw different shadows in the sky and they realized they were mountain digimon just going on with life like they normally did. Hunted for food, got excersise, and protected the mountain. Kya hoped the digimon far above them wouldnt think of them as enemies or a threat. She didnt wish to have someone else get into another fight. OOC: Short I know but I am in pain and im loopy from my lovely dose of vicoden so eh nothing much more i can say.
  17. "I honestly think Inuyasha is an Idiot... Kagome seems to nice. how can anyone handle being that nice all the time? Shippo is ok for a bite sized little ball of fluff Miroku is a pervert and Sango is quiet. Sango is almost the only decent one out of them all... Ok Kilala is nice too." Tao rammbled. "There she goes again..." Hana said as tao began to ramble about different things about the group. "Then there was this one time when she threw her large boomerang and killed my great aunt but she was killing people so i guess it was needed but...." Tao continued. "Its odd though. About the only time we can hear what she really thinks about people is when she is human. You just have to have quick ears." Hana said. "And then He asked me the same question he askes everyone and I was like BAM and he was like THUD and I was like SEE YA!" Tao had her arms going in all directions as she talked. She was extreamly hyper. "She has very bright orange hair..." Sasuke's mom pointewd out. "Uh Its normally Black with orange streaks. She does have big roundish and kind of pointy black ears with orange stripes as well. But when shes like that shes... not like this." Hana said trying to ignore tao. "And Inuyasha was like IM GONNA HIT YOU... and ZOOM I zipped out of the way and barely touched him and PAM he hit the ground." Sasuke shook his head, "Ill stop this..." He moved the box just enough to hit Tao in the head. She frowned at him and rubbed her head, "Hmm.." She slowed down her talking and sighed, "I just dont see why we have to travel with them. I have some things I need to do when Im back to my normal self. We dont need Inuyasha and the gang. I just dont see why you worry about catching up with them. They arent waiting. They are just going on without us figuring we will catch up when we want to"
  18. Tao blinked and looked around. The patches of fur she had tied to her arms and ankles seemed to stand out now she noticed. She figured it was because she no longer had ears and claws to accompany it. She had tied the small patches of fur to herself... It was to remind her of her family. Tradition was that if something tragic was to happen the living relatives were to keep some of the loved ones fur with them untill the lving reletives got revenge. Tao took this seriously and wore the orange with black striped fur untill she found the demon who killed all those she lived with. She tied one a bit tighter and scratched her head where her ears used to be. She never liked having human hearing. "What are the fur patches for?" Hana asked. "Eh... Long story. Lets just say they are a part of me till a mission is completed." Tao said staring at Sasuke's mom. "So um... Tao what is with the armor?" His mom asked suddenly. Tao wasnt sure how to answer, "Well I uh... I do alot of fighting. But with my skills the armor isnt really for me I normally just wore it to hide my uh..." Sasuke's mom stared at tao as she paused, "Your tail?" "Yeah..." "You sure dont have one at the moment." Tao nodded, "Its my human day. Ill have Tail... Ears... Fangs... Claws by dinner time but for now I will be human. I take it you arent suprised to hear stuff like this." She shook her head, "Not surprised at all. I told Sasuke stories for a reason you know." Tao nodded, "So he told us. Saying something about stories of two dog demons. He has been asking me and Hana questions about Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru... Who happen to be dog demons... " She began to ramble fastly. Hana sighed, "Shes normally not like this... She is normally very quiet but apparently the quiet calm self is from her Tiger blood. She cant shut up when shes human."
  19. Tao enetered without an invatation and looked around, "Interesting... Much different than the huts back where Im from. My cave wasnt this fancy." She then got a funny look on her face. "What is it?" Hana asked. "Uh... You know Iv had this sword tied to my side for this entire time... I find it odd that no one has asked about it or even noticed it. My armor isnt from around here either." Sasuke nodded, "This is a strange place. People have strange things so you look some what normal to them I guess. Being human helps heh." Tao nodded, "Im sure if i had my Ears claws and tail they would notice me a bit more" "Ears? Tail?" The voice came from another room. "Oops..." Tao said covering her mouth as if she had said something wrong.
  20. As they pulled Tao along tao stared at everything and asked questions and even before hana or sasuke had time to answer one question Tao would ask another. This girl never seemed to run out of energy. Hana bought some things and they walked onto a contraption. Tao instantly wondered why they were boxed in, "What is this?" "A train..." "Is a train some sort of cage?" "No... You will see." Within moments it started to move. Tao's eyes got wide and she leapt into the air. She grabbed the bar abover her and held on tight. She hung there for the entire ride. She was above most peoples heads and she had her eyes shut as she waited for the thing to stop moving. Tao was getting more than her fair share of stares from other people getting on and off the train. "Id prefer to walk..." Tao mummbled as the train rolled on.
  21. Well the original topic was experiances right? Well I havent had any... Well I have but it was one sided. I was invited to a party and decided to go even though I normally dont do the whole social thing. She invited like 20 people but only one person and myself actually showed up. So the three of us just sat around watching movies listning to music and playing guessing games and such. Like who said "______" and what movie was it or stuff like that. We also acted out scenes and the other two people would try to guess what scene and movie it was from. I felt EXTREAMLY uncomfortable there and did not participate in quite a few things they did. For example The girl throwing the party took out duck tape and put it on like you would wax. She then ripped it off and laughed about the hairs that she had removed. She whined about pain but did it anywyas. The other girl joined in and they begged poked and bugged me to get me to join but I refused. I also didnt like the get close and draw on each other thing. I also refused to slide down the stairs and get to involved in any of the close contact games and close contact things they did. Your wondering by now what that has to do with my sexuality but well... I am BiSexual and here I am with two other girls whom I find extreamly attractive. Well I felt very uncomfortable being around them even though they personally didnt know about me being Bi. I just couldnt let myself enjoy for fear of how they might react if I got into having fun and let something slip like saying something or something like that. Later I did tell the girl who threw the party but only because I let it slip. I refuse to tell my father and mom because of different reasons. My mother is JW and I dont even want to go through the lectures that I know Ill hear. As for my dad... He thinks that "gays and people like them should just leave everyone else alone. They can get married as long as they call it something else." as he has said it. Im just afraid of telling him. So only a few people really know about me *laugh* and I dont care now about telling them. And I agree with JUU. I beleive that the soul is genderless. Ageless too but lots of people have problems with age differences. I dont get it *Shrug* But that has nothing to do with this thread so I wont go into it. EDIT: As for the Bi-Curious thing Im not to sure on that subject. I would have called myself curious many years back but Iv had experiances since then that has made it apparent. Anyways I sort of beleive that If you have a crush on someone of the same gender and you also like the opposite gender its not exactly curiousity its attraction. Same thing I guess *shrug* Im not a very smart person so I could be speaking nonsense. I do think though that you really dont know if your one or the other or inbetween untill you experiance it. They sometimes say that when you want to be a nurse you should try doing something like that. Experiance it and it might change your mind. I think that works with thinking you might be Bi... But like i said im not to intellegent on subjects such as these so eh... It might be nonsense flowing from my fingers.
  22. Tao shut the fridge door almost completely ignoring him. She searched through drawers and found an odd looking thing. It was short and skinny with a round end. She held it up and then grinned. She snuck around the corner and leaped out infront of saskue and held it to his throat. "AHah! Be afraid!" Tao said playfully. Sasuke looked down at the item held to his throat, "Tao... Thats called a spoon. I prefer chopsticks but yeah its for eating with. It is no weapon." Tao glanced at her spoon and tossed it over her shoulder with a shrug. Hana stopped her before she could go off in search of more things to mess with and toss around. "Im ready... Lets get to your place Sasuke." With that they headed out. Playful childish human Tao just couldnt stop asking what things were for. She made them stop at a vending machine. "Ooo! I want one!" "You collect bugs? Thats what this machine is for. Bug collecting..." Hana said. "Can i have one?" "Uh... sure I guess." Hana paid and Tao got her insect. Tao held it carefully and then with a grin on her face she chommped it down and swallowed. "Tasty... Neat contraption." Sasuke and Hana again a bit grossed out drug her to Sasuke's house, "Ill be good i promise!" Tao whined as they kept her from touching anything.
  23. Tao stared at the picture for a while and nodded. "Our pasts are full of interesting mysteries." Tao looked around at all the strange things. She saw a tall box making odd noises. Tao snuck over to it as if to be hunting. She could smell something and she scrept closer. She sniffed the handle and then grabbed it with her hand. She pulled it open and laughed at what she saw. "A HAH! FUTURE FOOD!" "Thats called a fridge... It holds the food and keeps it good for a while at least. Dont touch the thing in the green box... Iv been meaning to throw that out..." Hana said watching tao pick it up anyways. Tao lifted the lid and stared at its contents. "Wonder what this is..." And with that she gobbled down the fuzz covered green stuff. A strange look came across Taos face and hana stared absent mindedly. "Didnt I just say not to touch that?" Hana couldnt help but feel sick for tao. Then she remembered last night. [i]'She DID eat a whole raw fish last night so I guess thats nothing...'[/i] Hana thought to herself. Tao swalloed a few times and shrugged. Tossing the dish over her shoulder she started searching for something else.
  24. I know this guy was mentioned like in the third or something post but I have to re say him. The guildmaster from Fable is quite annoying. The ""your health is criticle"" when your already dead and back again gets on my nerves. He even says it after you heal with food. But the reason i dislike him so much is he reminds me of Obiwan from starwars... I swear his voice would echo and id expect him to say "Use the force luke." Uh it drove me up the wall.
  25. For sheer stupidity: Herdy Gerdy gets my vote For fun: Paper Mario: the thousand year door The different whacky looking bad guys and the whole luigi similar story and his partners seemed just funny to me. Made me laugh for who knows what reason: The sims 2 for computer (the pregnancies are just funny) Oldie with funny characters: Pitfall 3d beyond the jungle. This game is quite old in my opinion and the things the character says to different enemies and situations just made me laugh. Him to a pit opening and closing, "Open or closed make up your mind!" And thats just the tip of the iceberg. There are other games but I honestly cant think of them right now.
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