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Everything posted by Frankie
Kya smiled at the whole wormmon thing,"Heh... You know I think certin digimon dont like humans to well." The group was silent for a while and then each pair began to talk with each other quietly. Wormmon and Ken were taking turns asking each other questions about their worlds. Guilmon and Arthur were talking about their own worlds foods and things arouind that topic. Sakura and Salamon just seemed to be chatting. Vaxla and Labdramon were silent though. These continued for a few hours or so and during a few breaks and then suddenly they seemed to be in the center of a small village. "Well... That took a while..." Kya sighed, "But at least we survived those attacks. Now Where exactly is the guy seth was talking about." "Did I hear your strange looking outsiders say Seth?" A wierd voice came from behind them. They turned around and saw a little creature. It had one floppy green ear, A pointy yellow ear, its head was blue, its body was pink, and each foot was a different shadw or tint of red. Kya coulsnt help but stare. It looked like a mix between a dog, a rabbit, a cat, and a horse. It had the paw of a dog for a left hand, the claw of a cat for a right hand, one rabbit foot and a hoof for feet. His tail was reptillian. Kya muttered a few words to herself and then asked, "Yeah we said seth... Uh who eh... What are you?" The creature of different parts smiled showing a rainbow of different colored and shaped teeth, "I happen to be a Colormin native to this world here... The mis colroed digimon are not. And My name is Jip. Im the only one here who knows Seth after all." Sakura nodded, "Uh... We were looking for you. Seth said you know where the gate is to the Tech World. Is that true? If so where can we find it?" "Do I know it? Of course I know it ... hic... Yeah my tall little darlings of course I know it. But why would you like to know?" "Seth said something about gateway controling technology from that world. Uh it would be usefull for what we are doing." "What are you doing?" Jip asked in a verty curious manner "Jigantro or at least his home world or creator. He is terrorizing the Digital world and perhaps our world soon." Jip nodded, "Hic... Uh oooook. Never heard of Jigantro but i know the gates location. See those mountains behind you. Its up there... The only cave tunnel system is half way up. And inside the cave you got some strange cave marking and right after the marking you see a strange wavy thing and step through that and there you are in the tech world. Been there twice and I aint going back." Kya nodded, "Uh... Why not?" "I look odd to them androids so they uh once wanted to experiment on me so I spread my wings and flew on home." "You can fly too?" "Yup." He lifted his arms and feathers grew out of them making wings. The feathers shrank and he lowered his arms, "I know you humans cant without machines but thats because seth and I have eh... Had conversations. Anyways sorry I couldnt help with the Jigantro bit." Kya nodded, "Yeah... Thats alright. Thank you anyways." Kya turned to the gang, "So uh... Everyone up for a bit of a hike?" She said pointing to this purple mountain, "Sure takes that song to a whole new level." "What song?" "Dont know the name actually because I dont live in america but its a song they sing there. Anyways it doesnt look that hard." Everyone was silent as they stared at the mountain for a few moments. Kya looked at hawkmon then back at the others, "So eh Are we going hiking?"
Kya first thought it might have jsut been the wind but when the trees started to growl kya figured it wasnt just the wind. Suddenly a large digimon leapt out of the trees. It had long arms and a bone in its hand. It had bright neon green fur. Salamon noticed one thing... It had a crest mark on its belly. She hopped up and down, "Sakura Sakura that is the mark of FATE! Thats not normal for an apemon. I sense a digiegg in this creature." The apemon rose its arm then then flung the big bone at sakura and salamon who were the closest. Wormmon, Labdramon, Guilmon, and Hawkmon all got ready to fight but Salamon shook her head and got in the way. "He is mine... he has something that belongs to me!" Salamon turned around and watched the bone miss sakura. She leapt at the apemon but he just hit her away with his arm. Sakura, "Hmm... What level is he?" Hawkmon answered, "Champion" Sakura nodded, "Well then I think you need a boost Salamon." Salamon nodded and dodged a punch from the monkey, "Sure but I dont know how we do it..." "Hawkmon do you know anything?" Kya asked. "Yes... I remember hearing that you need to beleive in your partner and it has to be a situation where you really need them to digivolve." "Check and Check..." Kya said pointing at Sakura and the apemon of neon green. "Um... the red button" Hawkmon said as if they should have already known that. Sakura nodded, "Yeah well Ill try and see." Sakura pressed the red button on her digivice, "Digivolution!" She said this with energy hoping it would help the chances of the button working. Salamon began to glow and change. Her paws became gloved claws, her long floppy ears became long upright cat ears, and she went to the standing position. Her short tail sprouted longer into a cat tail. She had white fir and blue stripes on her tail. "Salamon digivolve too.... Gatomon!" She said as she changes. Suddenly the green digimon threw a bone at gatomon. Gatomon quickly and easily leapt out of the way. Her reflexes were good. She leapt up into the air and did a flip. she landed right on the monkey and slammed her clawed fist into his face, "Lightning Paw!" She then punched it a few times before it managed to push her away. Gatomon's eyes began to glow, "Cat's eye hypnotisim!" Rings of hypnotic energy went from her eyes and into the Greenapemons and he stumbled around slightly but was fighting sleep. Gatomon took this moment to try again, "Lighthing Paw!" She hit him and a series of slashes and punches with lightning quick speed. The apemon fell waek but it grabbed its bone and threw it at sakura. Gatomon leaped quickly and pushes sakura out of the way. "No one attacks my friend like that!" She ran up to the wounded apemon "DASH PUNCH!" She shouted as she picked up speed. She slammed right into apemon with great speed and punched him so hard with claws glowing. Apemons body could not take the energy and burst into tiny bits of data. Gatomon turned around but noticed some of the data was forming something. Some of apemons data formed a digiegg but before you could see any of the details it began to glow and turn into energy. The egg then flew into Sakura's digivice. "I feel funny..." Gatomon said and in a flash she was salamon again. "Well that wasnt to hard..." ------ ooc: Tag anyone... just make us continue to the village but an hour before the village make us stop for a rest or something... I wont be here for the next day or so... so encounter odd colored digimon (Champion level only) and have your digimon try out their normal champion forms... Uh... and remember this is the world of color... if you have a gargomon attack make sure its orange or blue or hot pink or something other than the normal green.
Kaida sat on her bed and stared at the wall. This place was nothing like her old home and yet that old home was no longer her home. She had no home and this place felt strange. She felt out of place everywhere but here the most. She curcled up on the bed and continued to stare at the wall. [i][b][color=orange]"Your not fit to live here"[/color][/b][/i] [i][b][color=darkorchid]"You are an Embarrasment to the dragon kind!"[/color][/b][/i] [i][b][color=blue]"Fireless and Flightless! Those are things that make us different from lousy lizards!"[/color][/b][/i] [i][b][color=red]"Your just a lizard!"[/color][/b][/i] [i][b][color=darkred]"You were a mistake..."[/color][/b][/i] These words ran through her head over and over... The last one from the closest person she had ever known. She felt so alone just then. Suddenly though she could hear Lanins quiet sobs and shook her head. Kaida should not be feeling bad for herself, concidering herself a mere lizard with wings when someone was having a worse time than she was. Kaida sighed, "Cant help it..." --- ooc: sorry but i havent had much to post but i decided to post a little about her past
OOC: One... you had several days to post and two if i dont keep things moving along my rpgs die off because not enough happens and people get bored. but anyways we will jsut pretend that you guys and your partners just appeared like we did just a bit later. IC: Kya didnt know any of these people and felt as though se was the odd one out. They all seemed be recognise each other or perhaps it was her own imagination. She shrugged off the thought as hawkmon hovered above her. Hawmon looked around and pointed south. "I see something like a village in that direction... Why not try there." Kya nodded, "Im going..." Kya started off in that direction. She noticed there was some movement in the trees way down the path towards the village hawkmon had seen. If it was so far away and made that noticable of a movement then it either had to be big or some interesting wind. She looked at the screen on her device and smiled, "ay... These things tell us how far away from each other we are. Watch your screens." Everyone looked at their screens and watched and Orange dot move away. The looked up and saw Kya was walking farther away and the dot was moving. On her screen the group of dots from everyone was also moving away but it was because she was moving. Guilmon scratched his head, "Well at least we cant get lost from each other. We should b able to always find each other if we get seperated then." Wormmon nodded, "Yeah. Lets just hope the bad guys dont get hold of one of these devices. It could lead them right to us." Salamon grinned, "Well... We are looking for him so if it lead him right to us it would be a good thing." Labdramon shook his head, "No it wouldnt... We dont have enough power yet to even fight who ever it is we are looking for... So if they found us then we would be in a spot of danger." Kya nodded, "Yeah well can we get going? These colors are making me remember my younger days of some very creepy childrens shows..." Kya ket walking towards the village not really sure if theo thers would go as well but she didnt care all to much.
ooc: jijimon and the guardians werent sapposed to go with but thats ok I can work it to ...work lol. ----- The three girls stared at the purple grass and then at the digimon behind them. Jijimon shook his head slightly, "Unfortunatly the guardians and I cannot go any father. We must return to the digital world and stall Jigantro for as long as we can." "Where are we...exactly?" Sakura asked staring at the purple grass. "Who knows..." Jijimon said as her and the guardians stepped back through the portal. "Well thats great... Uh... Could I perhaps get some to change into my regular clothes?" Sakura asked gripping her bag. Salamon looked at her and turned to hawkmon and labdramon, "You boys have got to turn around and hide behind that very odd blue rock over there. Sakura you can change clothes behind the orange bush." Sakura was wondering about the colors. Did mother nature get her paint all mixed up when she did this world or was it all done intentionaly. Whatever the case sakura leaped behind the bush and made sure no one was watching and got dressed really quick. When she came back out she was in her regular clothes. Salamon called the boys back out and Labdramon came running up to vaxla and hawkmon landed on Kya's shoulder. "So... I wonder where we are. This place looks like the color wheel got a messed up." Kya said letting out a bit of an accent that she instantly hid away again. She said nothing more because someone appeared. "This place happens to be the world of Color. Sounds stupid but once you meet the people or things that live here you will realize that it IS stupid. My name is Seth." The boy spoke and seemed to appear out of no where. "If your wondering Im world hopping just like you guys." "How exactly is that possible? I mean The guardians and some fuzzy dude Jijimon collected us and sent us here. How did you get yourself into this mess?" Kya asked. "Eh, Not an easy question to answer. Time goes much slower in the digital world and most worlds around that I have been to... Anyways it was not Jijimon who got me into this. His so called wife Babamon did it. If you didnt know Im not from earth. Anyways Babamon said something about making sure there were others because Jijimon might not do so well. And it seems all he could gather up was three girls. Figures. She didnt even tell me why I was going or what I was going to do..." Kya didnt like Seth's attitude to well and she could tell Vaxla didnt trust him to well. Suddenly a strange looking creature appeared next to him. It had long floppy ears a horn and it was short. Salamon spoke first, "You look like a terriermon but your color is all wrong..." The terriermon lookalike tapped its tiny foot, "You dont know much now do you puppy? I am not a simple Terriermon. I am a digimon from here in this world of Color. The digimon from your digital world all look pretty cool but the digimon here happen to be tottaly different colors. I am Blue Terriermon and there are even PinkSalamon and OrangeHawkmon here but you wont see much of any digimon around here. They hide alot." The little thing had big attitude just like seth. Kya nodded, "Ok so for some reason there are digimon even in other worlds. Id say it makes sense but I have no clue what makes sense or not when it comes to digimon." Hawkmon nodded, "Indeed. Well If you are both not from earth or the digital world where are you from... We already know about you BT but what about Seth here?" Seth glared at the bird in a playful way, "If I must say... The world of Night. Its just very dark. It is constant night there if you couldnt figure that out by the name." Kya then noticed that this boy had pitch black hair and very pale white skin... As if he had never been in the sun, "For some reason Ill beleive that." She looked around , "So uh. Have you guys heard of Jigantro?" Seth thought for a moment, "Nope... Never been to your digital world except for Babamons place and shes all I talked to. She said nothing of Jigantro. She just sent me to this world and i met BlueTerriermon and then I got my own gate opener program and iv been trying to find my world again." Kya seemed to be not completely conviced of this and kept it to herself. "Gate opener program?" Seth held up his gold and silver digivice that was a complete square cube. "A program that can go into your digivices... It lets you control the gates or portals. You cant exactly control where you go but it works. To get to the tech world where I got it you might want to go to the nearby village which is a few Hours away. A guy by the name of Jip knows the location of the tech town gateway... The natural gateway that appears here anyways. Go talk to Jip and he might also know of Jigantro. I gotta go though... Ill probably see you again somewhere." He held up his device and a portal opened. He and the blue terriermon stepped through and dissapered with the portal. Vaxla growled, "Ill beleive his load of bull when pigs fly!" Kya laughed, "Hey... Be careful. You never know... there might be a world where pigs really do fly." Vaxla glared at Kya, "Ill beleive his load of bull shit when I grow fangs and start howling at the moon... That betteR?" Sakura shook her head... "Hey lets just look for some kind of village and find some stuff out. See if it matches Seth's story and see if we can get something out of this wierd world." -------- ooc: go south mwahaa. Dont go TO the village just get close. Because thats when Sakura finds her DIGIegg... (if takuya posts have us arrive at a cliff over the village and leave us there...) AND (if sakura posts do the same or go from where takuya posts depending on who gets here first. Have us all hear something in the trees. Ill bring on the first challenge for salamon.
ooc: Lol sorry bout that (i was under medication...) Actually excuses arent going anywhere are they... Anyways With this horribly large kidneystone (large for me anyways) im very ... grumpy the pain just ugh... why do you all think i was in the hospital. ooc: Kya waved her hand in the air though she didnt have to. She could have spoken up but decided to follow Jijimons rules. Jijimon nodded at her, "Yes Kya?" She nodded, "So my question I think everyone is thinking is... Why are WE here?" Suddenly a large grumble started from above. Everyone looked up and noticed the larger creatures. They were much more dangerous compared the Jijimon... everyone could tell. The large bird surrounded by fire snorted a small ball of flame out of its beak and looked around at the others, "Id like to know that too!" The blue dragon nodded slowly, his body much longer than the other digimon and he had to spiral his long snake like body higher into the cavernous cave. "Because a creature... has appeared in our world not to long ago and non of us... Not even us guardians can stop him. It is like he has limitless power that seems to grow depending on who is there to defeat him." Kya then nodded, "So you brought us to help our partners digivovle to gain power so we can kick this creatures butt right? But you just said he seems to gain power no matter how much power you guys aquire... He or it can always counter it right?" "Its more complicated than that. We dont plan on having you guys travel this world to gain power. He seems to only gain power to match the power of the digimon in this world. Or out match it in this case." The tiger spoke, "There have been tales of a very long time ago that children from your world and digimon from our world made it to another world one of wishes... A creature whos name has been lost gained power here and it took some great miracles and wishes to gain power to defeat him and even then it was almost not enough..." The left head of the turtle nodded, "This world could grand wishes or something close to that. So if these three worlds could exsist we believe others could as well." The right head nodded in agreement, "Your speech is good today... Anywaysss. We wish to send you through the gateway before we lose our power to open it. Search nearby unknown worlds so you can find the source of this creatures power... or where this creature came from for he is not of our world and not of yours." Vaxla rose her hand again and when jijimon nodded that she could speak she asked, "Can we please stop calling him he... I mean doesnt this thing have a name or something?" "Jigantro... Thats what the digimon in then earby villages are calling him. For every digimon that hatches in Primary village he crushes and devours the same mount of digimon from a mature village. So say five baby digimon are born... He can easily crush and devour five mega digimon. So like I said... There is no way you puny pathetic humans could help us." The fire bird ranted. Jijimon turned to the kids, "Ignore bird brain for a moment. Its true about the born and devouring thing but unfortunatly for our human hating guardian here we beleive you humans can help. We have tried to attack this cr- Jigantro but it almost seems as though it does not phase him. It is like he is out of phase with our world. We figure that his true form or creator is in one of these other worlds... So we were going to use you to travel around looking for clues." Kya could not stand it this time, "You guys think you can just grab some people out of their own lives just to save your own butts? Your guys are nuts. Ill help but you guys go about getting help the wrong way!" Jijimon muttered something and nodded, "I guess so... But it is not just OUR world in danger. Yours is too. Im sure once Jigantro is bored with our world he will go to yours seeking more power or just to terrorize more people. He is the one that closed the gateways to and from earth and here after all... He could open them again and go from our world to yours. And if your world tries to fight back with the technology you have then... Your people are going to just destroy yourselves... So we need you." Kya nodded and suddenly a red bug flew in. It was huge. Taller than here but not to big. It could stand taller than here and easily carry her. It looked at Kya and kya stared right back. She knew who it was for some reason. "Ill help." Vaxla nodded, "Doesnt seem like I have much choice." Jijimon nodded and waved his cane. Suddenly Labramon appeared. Sakura nodded as well being quite silent and another wave and suddenly Salamon appeared. Vaxla watched salamon hop over to Sakura and Labdramon approched her. She then looked at Kya. "What about yours??" Kya nodded, "He is already here." The red bug nodded, "Sure am. Jijimon could you give me a little drain?" Jijimon nodded and waved his little stick again. Suddenly the red bug began to glow a wierd purple color and somethign solid left his body. This item flew into Kya's digivice which she had absent mindedly hooked to her waist. The bug shrank donw into Hawkmon. Hawkmon flew over and landed next to Kya. "Ken and Aruthor... They havent woken up because their partners have not spoken to them yet. If they dont soon sir Jijimon I recommend just sending them back to their normal lives... We dont have time to lose so I think the three uh six of us can handle it." Jijimon sighed and nodded, "Yes we cannot wait any longer... Lets go guys." Above them the four guardians started to glow and a portle opend before the three of them, "Ok guys... Step through and help us take back our world." --- ooc: Sorry itsso long but i needed to get this going and seeing as how the others have not posted Im moving on without them. Three is fine as long as we continue to post. Anyways step on through and make sure your characters end up in a field of purple grass (dont ask lol I just thought of it but its part of my plan)
Tao saw building after building from this large window. Tao watched as many tiny people below scurried from place to place. Crossing the busy street filled with odd contraptions that were moving fast and controled buy people. "Hey what are those things?" Tao asked pressing her head against the glass, "Odd little things... They look like a cart with a cover... With no horse and is controeld by a circular object." Hana laughed, "Your off only by one letter. Thats a Car... Cars are machines. Technology gets to be quite amazing at times." Tao went to the wierd looking thing in the middle of the room, "Whats this?" She said bouncing on it. She was like a little kid in a new place and had to know what everything was. Hana laughed, "Thats a couch... Better than the floor in the huts in your time I must admit." Tao calmed down for a moment and sat down in a chair. She didnt notice her hand hit a remote and a huge box in front of her seemed to come to life. She was startled to the point she knocked the chair over backwards. She pulled herself up to look over the overturned chair at the living box. The picture on it moved around... People runnign and doing things. "What kind of demon is this?" Sasuke shook his head at this... She seemed to be acting like a 3 yeard old. She was curious and scareable... She was surely from the past to be amazed at such a silly and almost already outdated device. "Thats a TV... Television... Its also a machine. Its no demon. Mainly people watch things on it. Like sports, cooking, comedy... " Tao blushed slightly, "Im sorry... Everything is just so different here. And being human impairs my senses... Im not this excitable when I am myself. I wouldnt have falled over in the chair either if I were myself. I apologise for acting so childish. Curiosity can get the best of alot of people. Me the most I bet though..."
Tao was home today... She was quite intellegent and sometimes thought she deserved a day off or at least this is what she told people. No one ever knew that this was just an excuse... She actually worked in a building that never had many cars in front of it and the building also had no signs in front of it. A building on the outskirts of town. It was extreamly secretive. She was well at work but she was taking a break. She wandered across the hard shiney stone floor and looked into a cage. She smiled and opend its glass door. The creature inside made it so they couldnt use bars because it could easily get out. She reached in and pulled out a large snake. She held it carefully and checked its chart. It was its feeding time again. They dont eat very often because digestion takes a while so she made sure it had been long enough. She stroked it slightly and put it back in its cage. She shut the glass door and latched it. She kneeled down to a cage below and lifted the lid which was on the top. She reached in after she put on a thick glove and grabbed a rodent. She gripped it tight and soon it stopped squirming. She closed the rodent cage lid and dangled the dead rodent for a moment as she opend the snakes cage. The snake knew by smell what was coming and when Tao put the roden inside the snake instantly latched on and started to swallow. Tao latched the cage after checking humidity, water, and tempreture and then moved on to her lunch. She looked at the man much older than her who seemed to be having a date with his lunch. Tao rolled her eyes and sneered at the man, "Quit making out with your lunch and eat... Sheeesh..." She sat down to her lunch which was puny. The man put his sandwich down and looked at her, "Speaking of lunch where is yours?" He said looking at the tiny container in Tao's hands. " Your blind... This is my lunch" She popped the lid off and inside was a few carrot sticks, a piece of super spicey jerky not even as big as her thumb, and crammed in the corner was a bite sized amount of granola. The man looked at her but decided he was not going to say what he was thinking, "Oh... Anyways Brett wants all the cages checked by noon and after that we can move on to the lab." "Ok..." Tao said as the man stood up to leave, "Greg wait... You have mayo or something.... Heh... On your face. It would be wise to ... clean that off before walking into the office with some clients heh." He wipped his face off, shook his head, and left. Tao sighed and ate on her lunch. She planned on going to school later though... She never stayed the full day. Brett never wanted her there after a certin time for some reason.
ooc: SOOOOo sorry for not being here... I had to go to the emergency room *sigh* my body is against me i guess... Anyways im back. ------ Tao shifted her weight from side to side and then bounced a bit, "Ok... Sasuke are we done playing with the mutt? Can we go now? Please?" Hana nodded and smiled, "Yeah I guess we should get going. The longer we wait the less time we have... It wouldnt be the best thing if Tao here turned back into her tiger self in the middle of the crowded streets of tokyo. Lets go Sasuke if you still want to anyways." Tao jumped happily, "Cool! We get to go somewhere new and exciting..." Tao was acting hyper... She wasnt so cool calm and collected when she was human. Her tiger self made her less talkative but now she was human and curiosity was the main thing driving her forward. Hana nodded, "Alright.. "
[font=Verdana][size=2]ooc: Two things takuya... ONE: THIS is pg13 not R... words like fuck and bitch and most swears such as that shouldnt not be in your posts... and TWO: YOUR not in a HUT... you in a huge cave... jijimon and the four guardians are in a huge cave...[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]-----------[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] There was a few moments when Kya just stood there in the darkness and she nodded a few times though she wasnt to sure why. She looked at the black and orange device and shook her head, "Well whatever..." Suddenly she felt as if someone was pulling at her again... Like she had a rope around her waist and someone at the other end was pulling. She suddenly leaned forward and her eyes opened. The first thing she saw was that furry old creature again. She rubbed her head, "Hi Jijimon..." She said shaking away the groggyness that had lingered. "Kya Lee... Or just Kya... So I take it Your partner spoke to you in your dream?" Kya nodded, "Yes sir" She looked at the device in her hand, "So why did you pair me with him anyways?" Jijimon although you couldnt see his face looked almost confused, "Uh... No body choose who your partners will be... Well no one except your partners. They chose you. Anyways I was just about to ask who your partner was so I could summon it here." Kya nodded, "Alright then... It was some small red bird thing. It called itself Hawkmon." Jijimon made a sort of strange grunt and then laughed, "Funny. He is the one that went for you kids. He at the moment is not Hawkmon but I know of whom you speak... He must have sensed something when he was taking you from your party and chose you to be his partner. He will be here shortly." Kya nodded, "Alright..." Jijimon tapped his foot impatiently, "What no questions? No wondering if this is all real or not? No saying your dreaming?" Kya smiled, "Nope. I beleive it is no dream because If it was I would not have the headache I have now. And It looks real enough so I can deal with it. Plus I am the leader of the Black Dragons... A band, a gang of friends, and the class council all in one. I deal with a lot of strange things so Im cool with this." Jijimon shook his head, "Go figure..." Suddenly the others woke up as well. They all shook off the groggyness and all started talking at once. One girl in peticular was loud, foul mouthed and demandedto be answered first. She was very rude so Jijimon waved his cane with the paw at the end and suddenly her mouth went shut and she was glued to the floor where she was. "Vaxla... I asked you once not to use such language... And concidering you all have the same questions we are going to do the hand thing you do in your schools." Everyone noticed that it wasnt just vaxla who was glue to the floor and had their own mouths magicly shut. Everyone did except for Kya who just stood there. Jijimon looked at everyone, "My name... As you all know is Jijimon... If you want your questions answered we are going to do this one at a time. I know much of your human schools. YOu are to raise your hands to speak and if you dont I wont 'un zip' your mouths." Kya looked up and saw the four guardians silently watching. The fire bird looked rather annoyed. The dragon looked calm. The tiger was sitting on a rock ledge Kya noticed and he looked patient. Then there was another sitting on a rock ledge. This one was a two headed turtle creature with a huge tree groing off its back... He... they looked old and wise and yet a little impatient. Kya didnt say anything about them being there. She saw them before she went to sleep and now she did not want to scream. She felt strangly at home and calm with all this. Jijimon then tapped his cane again, "Alright First question?" --------- ooc: Gosh im so sorry for being gone so long... I had another emergency trip to the hospital and i stayed there for a few days. I worried about this thread the whole time too lol. Sorry im back now.
ooc: Havoc88 you need to put more detail into your posts for your role playing inthis rpg to ever work. One thing you need to know is that you are not betting transported through the computers... they are portals that open up and flybemon makes it dark and snatches you and throws you through. Anyways thats alright... But remember to put more detail into your post... You also forgot to put in the arriving in the cave and having the hairy dude put you to sleep. Kya was asleep... she couldt tell for some reason that she was asleep. She could hear herself breath and it was slow and her heartbeat also going as if she was asleep... Then why was she awake at the same time. [i]'I cant be dreaming in a dream can I? Wouldnt that mean I am awake?' [/i]She thought to herself as she looked around the empty darkness that surrounded her. She heard the sound of wings and turned around. She saw a small red bird with a strange feather coming from his head. She realized he was wearing some kind of headband. He gave her a little bow. "The name is Hawkmon... Im just a figure of your imagination for the moment... My real body is off collecting other kids... But I knew when I grabbed you at that party that there was something different about you." Kya not really wanting to beleive in talking birds in a dream world just nodded as if she was listning, "Uh huh..." The bird continued, "I sense you can handle my power and you can help me control it too... You see digimon naturally never make it past ultimate on their own... A few of us cant even get to ultimate... I like a few can only make it to our second form which is champion... I have a special way of doing this and it needs to be harnessed." Kay decided to play along. "Yeah yeah whats a digimon then..." Hawkmon shook his head, "Digimon is short for Digital Monster..." [i]Monster is right... [/i]She thought to herself. "We are digital beings that can grow in unexpected ways. Anyways... Here... take this..." The vision of hawkmon tossed something at Kya. She caught it and looked at it. It was completely round like a ball. Every side was perfectly spearical except for at one spot which had two buttons on it and a screen. The screen flashed and flickered and the device was black with orange markings on it. "What is it?" She asked still just playing along. "It is a digivice... When you wake up it will be in your hand so dont freak... Andas for Jijimon dont be angry at him... He uh... Figured instead of several panicing kids at once to put you all to sleep and have their partners try to explain things while they were asleep." "Partners?" Hawkmon wondered if she was being slow intentionally or if it was natural. "Each of the kids that I bring to this digital world of ours... Has a partner. I am yours if you havent figured that out yet... I hawkmon will be serving with you... Though I am beggining to wonder why Im destined to be with someone as slow as you..." Kya took offense to that, "Hey! I am not slow! I just dont happen to beleive a single word you say... So Im just simply playing along in this dream... Nodding where I need to and acting interested when I need to... Im not slow Im just not going to beleive In a talking bird that comes to me in a dream... that babbles about partnership." Hawkmon nodded, "When you wake up you will beleive..." With that he vanishes and Kya was left in pure darkness again. Kay groanded unhappily, "Well thats just dandy..."
[color=#8b0000]A large creature appeared out of no where and sealed all the gateways to earth... No one could leave the digital world. This large creature then started terrorizing the many villages and groups of digimon. Never destroying them completely but just enough to keep them from ever being strong enough to go against it. The elders of a secret village decided if the digimon alone could not defeat this creature then perhaps with the help of humans. [/color][color=red][color=darkred]"Sir!"[/color] A large red bug with black armor on it came flying into the room. It had the mark of knowledge on its forehead. [color=red]"Sir... The monster just sealed all of the gateways... No one can go to earth."[/color] This digimon was known as Flybeemon. If a Hawkmon were to use the digiegg of knowledge they would digivolve into a Flybeemon. Swarms of these digimon lived in the forests. This one was in a panic.[/color] [color=darkred]An old looking dragon floating over a tiny old looking digimon that didnt look like anything in peticular. The little one wasnt little at all but the dragon was huge. The dragon looked over at the puny red flybeemon in front of him. [/color][color=royalblue]"Hmmm So this creature has such strong magical powers that he closed the gates... Fellow guardians... We must use the last of our power to force open these gates."[/color] [color=darkred]A giant red bird surrounded by flame seemed shocked, [color=darkorange]"YOU want ME and the rest of us guardians to waste all of our power just so we can get those puny humans to help us again. We digimon are beggining to look helpless... It would be a waste. I think no human could help us now even if they did try."[/color] This large red bird never liked humans.[/color] [color=darkred]The large white and blue tiger spoke with a thundering growl, [/color][color=navy]"We have no choice... They saved us many times before perhaps they can once more."[/color] [color=darkred]Then there was some slight grunting which came from a two headed turtle with a tree on its back, [color=seagreen]"Wee...mm... Should do it yes? Though the humans frommmmm before are quite old no?"[/color] The other head nodded, [/color][color=seagreen]"Yess... Though time goes slow there compared to heeere... Ages have gone by... We cannot possibly use the same humans from before."[/color] [color=darkred]Flybeemon, now feeling like a speck of sand compared to these large guardians whispered into the elderly digimon by the dragon. This small elder spoke up, though small in size his voice was loud, [/color][color=black]"Flybeemon is right... We should choose new younger humans... ones with special traits. Ones who can wield the devices from before."[/color] [color=darkred]The dragon nodded in agreement, [/color][color=royalblue]"Only a select few can do that but I think it will be possible. Flybeemon... We will need you to collect them. You do not say anything to them do not answer questions or say a word. You will be able to see an aura around them no one else can see. Grab them and send them through the gateway. We have little time. And even though we are guardians our power is growing thin. Battles with this creature have worn us down. We cannot force the gate open for long."[/color] [color=darkred]The small big nodded, [/color][color=red]"I can handle it sirs... Just point me in the right direction."[/color] The four large guardians began to glow and a portal opend up. The short elder then looked at flybeemon, "You... Go through and collect the first child with an aura... Once that happens a portle will open next to you and it will talk you close to the next child... Seeing as how they could live in different places." ----------- Meanwhile on earth things werent going so well either. Kya ran back and forth up and down the halls of her school... She was the class president and things had fallen apart. It was an activity day but non of the counsil members had shown up yet. She was in a panic and wondered how she could get everything done on her own. She then stopped as she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She glanced at it and it was a fabric cut out in the shape of an arrow... It pointed to the empty band room. She decided to investigate. She picked up the fabric arrow off the ground and opend the door. It slowly swung open and she looked into a pitch black room. She sighed, "What a waist ofr time... Time I dont have..." She turned to leave but noticed the door was shut. She whipped around and suddenly there were shadowy figures standing all around. The lights flashed on and she saw what had happend. The class council was throwing her a party. There was a cake and a big box with a bow on it. A table covered in food and such. Kya smiled, "We dont have time for this...." A boy her age grinned, "Knew you were going to say that... Thats why we did everythign last night... Didnt you notice the lights in the gym?" Kya sighed, "Hadnt made it there. I was franticly trying to find you idiots..." She glanced at a banner hanging over her head which said 'Happy Birthday Kya Lee Black' Kya smiled, "You guys are such dorks... I didnt need a silly party..." "Yes you did... Now just open your present." She frowned, "I only get one?" The boy grinned, "Thats my Kya... Yes you get only one but its a great one. We all chipped in to pay for it." Kya walked over and looked at the box. She lifted it over a smaller box and ripped it open. She couldnt screech but she wanted to. She pulled out a black electric guitar with flame marks all over it. She grinned and ran her fingers along its sleek shiney surface. "You were right... It is a great one..." The boy nodded, "Its a replacement for uh.. The other one... The one your father gave you before he died... Im really sorry about the incident in the cafeteria last week... I felt... We felt so bad we all chipped in to buy you this new one. Plus the leader of the Black Dragons needs the best equipment." Kya nodded, "Thanks guys..." Suddenly there was a sound of breaking glass and then the lights went out. People screamed and tripped over each other trying to find light and when the lightes were back on one person was gone... "Where did... Kya Lee go?" --- Kya was swirling and spinning. There were colors all over the place and suddenly her body felt like it was no longer flying around in circles but it did feel like it was being pulled to a stop. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was sitting on a dark stone floor and the walls were to far away to even be seen. She shook her head and looked in front of her. This little short dude with wierd furry feet, a face so furry and bearded that you couldnt see his face, and in his small hand was a stick with a paw at the end. He grummbled a bit and then pointed the stick at Kya. "Welcome! Im Jijimon and im a Digimon Elder... Everything will be explained but before you start to freak out Im putting you to sleep." Kya began to feel sleepy before she could scream at this freaky looking creature. When she fell back onto her back she got a shock... but she was getting to sleepy to even scream louder at what she saw. A huge tiger head, a fire bird, a dragon and a freaky looking two headed turtle. [i]I must be dreaming....[/i] she thought as her eyes slowly closed. ------- ooc: When you post guys... your characters are not to see Flybeemon and are to be instantly put to sleep before you can react to your new location (a cave in the digital world but they dont know that lol).. When at least four of us are in the digital world ill get everyone to wake up and ill explain things more! plase post and have fun.
Everyone your good... Takuya sorry about that... Neverm ind on that rule lol... I was incorrect on the male to female ration thingy ma jigger lol THE RPG HAS STARTED... it is in the adventure arena now
Tao grinned with her human mouth and laughed, "I bet she will beleive every word of it!" Sasuke looked at her again with a deep look of confusion. "Why do you say that..." "She was the one telling all of the stories... Stories start somewhere. A story told in the present started in the past. Perhaps she knew about all of this and kept her mouth shut and told you stories instead." Tao stretched, "To mess with ones past is to mess with ones present and to mess with ones present messes with the future. Perhaps you coming here was destined to happen and you perhaps are a great part of those stories you heard." Sasuke thought for a moment, "Never thought of it that way..." Tao looked to hana, "Lead us to your well!"
Help? For one thing one word posts are concidered spam. Have you read otakuboards rules? If you want to sign up then do what the others are doing... Name age gender and so on. Read the rules. Ok as for role playing send me PMS if you have questiosn If you want digieggs then chose form my earlier post with all the armor forms... pretty simple... Plus this isnt the rpg yet... this is just the sign ups.
For one... the name is blanko not blamko And for two... I have a picture already... which is her appearance
[b]Ok Phayt you need to tell me which crest you are using to get your digimon to ultimate...[/b] [b]And sakura your missing a digivolution line (I know i told you it was perfect last night but i just realized something...[/b] [b]Salamon- gatomon- angewomon- magnadramon is one digiline[/b] [b]Salamon- (EGG) Maildramon- ????- ????
Just in case you people want to know what other armor forms the season 2 digimon have ill list them... just cause they are here doesnt mean you have to take them. [b]Armadillomon:[/b] Courage: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Boarmon.jpg"]Boarmon[/url] Kindness: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/cd/Chameleonmon.jpg"]Chameleonmon[/url] Miracles: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ef/Elephantmon.jpg"]Elephantmon[/url] Sincerity: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ef/Frogmon.jpg"]Frogmon[/url] Love: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Pteramon.jpg"]Pteramon[/url] Light: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Seahomon.jpg"]Seahomon[/url] Friendship: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Sepikmon.jpg"]Sepikmon[/url] Hope: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Sheepmon.jpg"]Sheepmon[/url] [b]Hawkmon:[/b] Courage: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Allomon.gif"]Allomon[/url] Reliability: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Orcamon.jpg"]Orcamon[/url] (the digidex says orca is of the hope egg but its not) Kindness:[url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Toucanmon.jpg"]Toucanmon[/url] Miracles: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Peacockmon.jpg"]Peacockmon[/url] Light: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/gh/Harpymon2.jpg"]Harpymon[/url] Friendship: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/qr/Rinkmon.jpg"]Rinkmon[/url] Hope: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Moosemon.jpg"]Moosemon[/url] Knowledge: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ef/Flybeemon.jpg"]Flybeemon[/url] [b]Veemon:[/b] Reliability: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/cd/Depthmon.jpg"]Depthmon[/url] Kindness: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/kl/Kangarumon.jpg"]Kangarumon[/url] Light: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/gh/Gargoylemon.jpg"]Gargoylemon[/url] Hope: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Sagittarimon.jpg"]Sagittarimon[/url] Knowledge: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/gh/Honeybeemon.jpg"]Honeybeemon[/url] Love: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Sethmon.jpg"]Sethmon[/url] Sincerity: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/yz/Yasyamon.jpg"]Yasyamon[/url] [b]Patamon:[/b] Courage: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Baronmon.jpg"]Baronmon[/url] Friendship: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Stegomon.jpg"]Stegomon[/url] Knowledge: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Mothmon.jpg"]Mothmon[/url] Reliability: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Mantaraymon.jpg"]Mantaraymon[/url] Love: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Pipismon.jpg"]Pipismon[/url] Sincerity: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Ponchomon.jpg"]Ponchomon[/url] Light: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Manbomon.jpg"]Manbomon[/url] Kindness: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Prairiemon.jpg"]Prairiemon[/url] Miracles: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/qr/Rhinomon.jpg"]Rhinomon[/url] [b]Salamon:[/b] Courage: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/kl/Lynxmon.jpg"]Lynxmon[/url] Friendship: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/qr/Rabbitmon.jpg"]Rabbitmon[/url] Knowledge: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Butterflymon.jpg"]Butterflymon[/url] Reliability: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Tylomon.jpg"]Tylomon[/url] Love: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Swanmon.jpg"]Swanmon[/url] Sincerity: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/kl/Kabukimon.jpg"]Kabukimon[/url] Hope: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/gh/Goatmon.jpg"]Goatmon[/url] Kindness: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Opossumon.jpg"]Opossumon[/url] Miracles: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Maildramon.jpg"]Maildramon[/url] (For salamon the egg is fate) [b]Wormmon:[/b] Courage: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Shadramon.jpg"]Shadramon[/url] Friendship: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Togemogumon.jpg"]Togemogumon[/url] Knowledge: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/st/Searchmon.jpg"]Searchmon[/url] Reliability: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Archelomon.jpg"]Archelomon[/url] Love: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Aurumon.jpg"]Aurumon[/url] Sincerity: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/mn/Nohemon.jpg"]Nohemon[/url] Hope: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/ab/Bullmon.jpg"]Bullmon[/url] Light: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/qr/Quetzalmon.jpg"]Quetzalmon[/url] Kindness: [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/op/Pucchiemon.jpg"]Pucchiemon[/url] Miracles:[url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/kl/Kongoumon.jpg"] Kongoumon[/url] That about does it...
[color=darkred]A large creature appeared out of no where and sealed all the gateways to earth... No one could leave the digital world. This large creature then started terrorizing the many villages and groups of digimon. Never destroying them completely but just enough to keep them from ever being strong enough to go against it. The elders of a secret village decided if the digimon alone could not defeat this creature then perhaps with the help of humans.[/color] [color=darkred][color=red]"Sir!"[/color] A large red bug with black armor on it came flying into the room. It had the mark of knowledge on its forehead. [color=red]"Sir... The monster just sealed all of the gateways... No one can go to earth."[/color] This digimon was known as Flybeemon. If a Hawkmon were to use the digiegg of knowledge they would digivolve into a Flybeemon. Swarms of these digimon lived in the forests. This one was in a panic.[/color] [color=darkred]An old looking dragon floating over a tiny old looking digimon that didnt look like anything in peticular. The little one wasnt little at all but the dragon was huge. The dragon looked over at the puny red flybeemon in front of him. [/color][color=royalblue]"Hmmm So this creature has such strong magical powers that he closed the gates... Fellow guardians... We must use the last of our power to force open these gates."[/color] [color=darkred]A giant red bird surrounded by flame seemed shocked, [color=darkorange]"YOU want ME and the rest of us guardians to waste all of our power just so we can get those puny humans to help us again. We digimon are beggining to look helpless... It would be a waste. I think no human could help us now even if they did try."[/color] This large red bird never liked humans.[/color] [color=darkred]The large white and blue tiger spoke with a thundering growl, [/color][color=navy]"We have no choice... They saved us many times before perhaps they can once more."[/color] [color=darkred]Then there was some slight grunting which came from a two headed turtle with a tree on its back, [color=seagreen]"Wee...mm... Should do it yes? Though the humans frommmmm before are quite old no?"[/color] The other head nodded, [/color][color=seagreen]"Yess... Though time goes slow there compared to heeere... Ages have gone by... We cannot possibly use the same humans from before."[/color] [color=darkred]Flybeemon, now feeling like a speck of sand compared to these large guardians whispered into the elderly digimon by the dragon. This small elder spoke up, though small in size his voice was loud, [/color][color=black]"Flybeemon is right... We should choose new younger humans... ones with special traits. Ones who can wield the devices from before."[/color] [color=darkred]The dragon nodded in agreement, [/color][color=royalblue]"Only a select few can do that but I think it will be possible. Flybeemon... We will need you to collect them. You do not say anything to them do not answer questions or say a word. You will be able to see an aura around them no one else can see. Grab them and send them through the gateway. We have little time. And even though we are guardians our power is growing thin. Battles with this creature have worn us down. We cannot force the gate open for long."[/color] [color=darkred]The small big nodded, [/color][color=red]"I can handle it sirs... Just point me in the right direction."[/color] ------- Sorry for the long intro but please keep reading... Notes: 1- NO ONES characters are to be related to the characters from the show. The characters from the show are long gone now... None of our characters are to even have any knowledge of digimon (show cardgame or anything of the sort) and are to know nothing of the digidestined from before... this knowledge has been lost for ages. 2- No more than one digimon unless you have a good reason for wanting 2. And if you want two pm me and give me a good reason if i feel it isnt good enough though the answer will still be no. 3- Digieggs can be used BUT not with the same digimon this time. FOR example. Armadillomon had Knowledge and Reliability... in this RPG he could have... Courage (Boarmon) and sincerity (Frogmon) or any of the others but not the ones he had from the show. 4- If you chose Patamon, Salamon, Veemon, Wormmon, Armadillomon, Or Hawkmon please... keep in mind these ones will not be the ones from the show... They wont remember going to here and there and saving the world because they arent the same ones. Ill post the egg forms for the digimon after one person signs up... so you all can see what eggs you might want. (There can be doubles... say one person has armadillomon and the egg of friendship someone can have patamon and the egg of friendship as well. Just make sure they dont have the eggs from before. Ill list below.) I will also post my post later due to the fact that this post is getting really long... [b]DIGIMON:[/b] [b]Veemon:[/b] EGGS HE CANT HAVE = Miracles, Friendship, and Courage [b]Patamon:[/b] EGG HE CANT HAVE = Hope [b]Salamon (gatomon):[/b] EGG SHE CANT HAVE = Light [b]Armadillomon:[/b] EGGS HE CANT HAVE = Knowledge and Reliability [b]Wormon:[/b] EGGS HE CANT - er wait... He can have Kindness (it wasnt on the show so its ok lol) [b]Hawkmon:[/b] EGGS HE CANT HAVE = Love and Sincerity Eggs / crests availabe: Courage Friendship Love Sincerity Hope Light Kindness Knowledge Reliability Miracles ---sign up--- [b]Name:[/b] Anything... no need for last names [b]Age:[/b] Keep it between 8 and 17 [b]Gender:[/b] this is easy people one or the other no in-betweens [b]Digivice Color:[/b] Simple as well. one to two colors only though. [b]Digimon:[/b] (ONLY rookies... no digimon like gatomon that stay in champion most of the time, you can USE gatomon just dont have gatomon stay gatomon most of the time.) Please also list in-training forms, champion forms (and how they get there either through egg or normal) and ultimate(list your crest if you have one) and dont forget megas. A note on digimon also... If you have two digieggs... there can be two lines... For example read below: Veemon- Gargoylemon (Egg of Light) - Cyberdramon- Justimon Veemon - Honeybeemon (Egg of knowledge) - Dinobeemon - Imperialdramon So two possible lines dont forget this info. Crest or DigiEggs: (Note that if you have a crest you can only have one. If you have eggs you can have up to two If you chose to have a crest you can use any digimon that is not made up. If you chose agumon for example... Click below for the digidex and use the dex to find a digiline usable by agumon... Sure agumon accroding to the dex can go to Togemon and then lillymon but does that seem reasonable... a little lizrd going into a plant... Though i dont much care... Agumon can digivolve to whatever is on the list (in the dex below) then be creative i guess... instead of the old used alot agumon greymon metalgreymon and wargreymon mix it up a little! [b]You can have one crest, OR one crest and one digiegg, OR two digieggs...[/b] [url="http://www.thedigitalfantasy.com/digitalempire/digidex/digidexE.html"]Click Here for Digidex![/url] Go there and look up digivolution lines for digimon that dont use digieggs. Oh and no higher than megas... so no omnimon and digimon like that (the highest lever is mega but some megas can digivolve into other megas and im not allowing that) [b]EDIT PLEASE READ!!!!!!:[/b] If you decide you want a digimon outside of the digimon from season 2 (veemon and such) YOU can have them AND digieggs... If you do this though you MUST I repeat MUST have egg forms descriptions and such. [b]ANOTHER MUST READ!!!!:[/b] If i did not make this clear i am going to now. If you choose to have digi eggs... That is the ONLY way to get to champion for example Normaly a Veemon would go.. Veemon - Exveemon - Paildramon - Imperialdramon... If you have 2 digi eggs you cannot have a line like this. you can have Veemon- Gargoylemon (Egg of Light) - Cyberdramon- Justimon Veemon - Honeybeemon (Egg of knowledge) - Dinobeemon - Imperialdramon but you cant have all three. IF you chose to have one digiegg and one crest then you could have something like this: Veemon- Gargoylemon (Egg of Light) - Cyberdramon- Justimon Veemon - Exveemon - Paildramon(by use of crest) - Imperialdramon So you can have 1 crest, one crest and one digiegg, or 2 digieggs...
ooc: ONE its in the middle of the night and two Tao would NOT have gone running to see what the comotion was. She has ears and a nose thats all she would have need. Concider those things when you start to control other peoples characters so I will be posting as though tao hana and sasuke had not come running. ----- Tao stared at the dying fire and then up at the sky whcih was getting lighter. She could feel it already. Her ears slowly shrank into her head and human ears started growing. Her tail soon dissapered as well and he claws shrunk down into plain old human hands. Her long black hair went from black to bright orange. And her eyes went from orange to blue and the pupils got larger instead of slits. She shook her head and her orange hair went everywhere. She smiled at Hana, "Well Like i said I look different as a human and so now i will blend in."
Anime Best and worst anime or Manga charatcers to have as roommates
Frankie replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Otaku Central
[b]Come on In:[/b] [b]Rin [/b](Inuyasha) Shes cute and helpful... Shes my fave [b]Sesshoumaru[/b] (Inuyasha) He is quiet and yeah he may get angry and turn into a huge monster dog but i wouldnt be able to anger him and i live in the country so heh... he can go eat the neighbors cows lol. [b]Kagome[/b] (from inuyasha) I know you call say she is annoying and that is why id let her in... so i could give her a pice of my mind for the rest of her life... of course that is untill she decided she needs saving and leaves lol (id annoy her to no end and SIT wouldnt work on me :) ) [b]Miroku [/b](inuyasha) Because I wont have a problem with im (Im ugly so he wouldnt be asking me to bear any kids lol) and he is very kind. [b]Shippo [/b](inuyasha) : Hes cute fluffy and very sweet. [b]Go Away Please!:[/b] [b]Seres Victoria[/b] (Hellsing) For a new freaking vampire you would think she could handle things on her own but good lord people... Shes always calling for master... Pluse her american dub voice is just... UGH it makes me want to shoot her with her own bazooka thing. (Hellsing is my favorite anime but also has my least favorite character lol) [b]Inuyasha [/b](inuyasha): No fleas please (Plus his brother is on my admit list and id rather not put both of them in the same house.... i could see the destruction now) "What happend to your house" someone would ask and id have to say , "The brothers were fighting again..." and you could see my house torn to bits with a four or five slash mark in the ground. "Wind scar... whips and then kagome said sit and everything fell apart" [b]Koga:[/b] He scares rin... shes on the admit lis so he is on the ban list (plus he is to hot headed at times just like inuyasha) there are more but i dont have time to list them all.... -
Tao nodded, "Id love to... Though my ears and claws might scare a few people." She watched as the boy just one year younger than her sleep. He must have been extreamly tired. She looked up at the stars in the clear sky and then found the moon. "We could go to Tokyo Tomorrow... Sasuke could get some things he needs like food and such if he wanted." "Why tomorrow?" Hana asked. Tao had to laugh, "You forgot already? Tomorrow is the day I become fully human." Hana nodded, "Oh right. No need to wory about looking odd and getting stared at." "Thats right. No ears No claws No tail." Hana blinked, "You have a tail?" Tao smiled ,"Yes... I do. I keep it hidden because I get enough stares because of the ears and claws. Its funny. I once walked around with my tail in plain sight. Little kids who knew nothing of this 'evil power hungry' half demon they used to pet my tai land tug at it. Thats not why I hide it though." "Why do you hide it then?" "In battles if I am in this form... Well it gets in the way. Enemies can use it against me. Something easy to grab ahold of swing me around and throw me off a cliff." "Speaking from experiance?" Hana asked. "Yes..." Tao laughed, "After that I fixed my outfit to keep it hidden." Hana grinned, "Can I.... see it?" Tao laughed, "I knew you were going to ask that." Tao stood up and untied the lightweight plate of armor around her waist. This wasnt skin tight but she always kep it to keep the tail hidden. She always took it off before transforming. She looked at hana and removed the bit of armor. She turned around. In the back of her almost skin tight clothes was a hole. You couldnt see anything inside the hole because something was blocking it. Her tail of course was coming from that hole. It un curled and stretched out. It was extreamly long and black... It had a few orange stripes but not many. Tao poked Hana on the head with her tail. "See... I can control almost every thing it does... Its almost like another hand but its not usefull in battle so i just cover it up. It will be gone tomorrow though." "Right. Fully human for you..." Tao nodded and sat down, tail still out, "So could be go to your time tomorrow? While Im still human?" Tao looked at sasuke, "He can come if he wants or go back to travleing with Inuyasha and the others its up to him. So can we?"
Everything was just happening so fast Kaida was no sure where to start. So this goddess needed help. Why did she select the people that she had? And why 2 dragons? Why not just let the one with flying ability come Why chose one who is afraid of heights, who cant fly, and only knows basic ice powers... A dragon who cant even use her fire breath yet. Kaida took this moment to ask her question, "I hope i am not the only one wanting to ask this but Im going to ask even if I am." The goddess nodded, "Go ahead" "Why me? I mean... A full dragon who has not learned to use her fire breath yet. I cant even fly yet. Im sure I could fly but eh..." The dwarf spoke, "What do ye meant ye fly?" Kaida lat her head hand sadlyy, "I am terribly afraid of heights... So even if I could fly Im afraid to. I get struck with fear with just the mention of me having to fly. Thats why I always travle looking like a human. SO I will as again.... " "Why you?" The goddess repeated Kaida's question. "Yeah... Why a Firebreathless and Flightless hatchling like myself?"
Tao's ears again seemed to fall with the mood, "Im sorry." Tao smiled slightly, "Speaking of full human half beast days... Be prepared to fight well tomorrow if we run into trouble because tomorrow Is my day." "Uh... Its not even a full moon..." "Nope. I change into a complete human every 45 days. Not based on the moon or sun or positions of the planet... Just every 45 days. So tomorrow I may look a bit different. But that shouldnt be a problem except for I wont be able to use my gem. I can still fight but now with claws and gem weapons." "Oh... Ok" Tao then tought about a while back. [QUOTE]A long pause came between them as Hana thought to herself. [i]Maybe I could... no way she would't go for that... well maybe I should just ask.[/i] Tao could see the thought process clearly as it crossed Hana's face, what ever it was it ws obvious that she was thinking hard about it. "Something on your mind?" Tao asked. Hana blinked a moment then replied. "It's nothing, maybe later. Besides I think I hear InuYasha's loud voice catching up with us." She laughed as she said this. Tao knew Hana had somthing she wanted to say, but decided against prying. [/QUOTE] Tao remembered this moment from a while back and had to ask, "A while back before the others showed up and seconds after my storm of questions you had this look on your face... What did you want to say. I know you wanted to say something..."
Tao looked at the look on Sasuke's face and then at the bones of the fish in her hand. She laughed and shook her head, "Sorry about that. You know real tigers dont just catch their food and cook it over open flames after all. I sometimes let my tiger instinct get the better of me. Ill eat it cooked next time I swear!" Sasuke nodded, "So uh I just realized whe dont have a way to start the fire..." Tao stood up, "Stack the wood as you would when you make campfires Ill handle the rest." Hana and Sasuke did so. Making it like a nice campfire the wood sat there without the fire. Tao took the jewel off its chain and held it in one hand. She held out the other hand and a small ball of fire began to grow. With the gem in her left hand her right hand created a nice sieze ball of fire. She tossed it onto the wood and it instantly caught fire. No starter fluid no matches no need for newspaper for Tao's gem could handle it. "Right on..." Hana said getting close to the fire to stay warm. Tao grabbed some sticks and peeled the bark off a few places and then put the fish on the sticks. She stuck each stick into the ground at an angle so they could hang over the fire to cook the fish. Tao smiled, "There. Food is cooking."