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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. Tao thought about this for a moment, "Well you have Inuyasha's Iron Reaver Soul Stealer and you have Sesshoumaru's whip... Id say the odds of them being your relatives are extreamly good. But then again you never know. Perhaps its inuyasha that is your uncle and Sesshoumaru is you grandfather. You never know but I understand your curiosity. I am related to a man from the future." He glanced at her, "Who?" Tao's ears fell slightly, "I dont know. He died shortly acter my birth. Thats what my mother says anyways. She only told me that he came here a long time ago from the future. She mentioned a place called... Kyoto." Sasuke nodded, "Thats not Tokyo but its close." Tao sighed, "So I know nothing of my human side but im sure I could go through to the future." "Your father died before you were old enough to know him. How sad." "Actually my mother said that he died as if she wasnt really sure. Or perhaps that he was dead to her... not in a physical way but perhaps a emotion mental way. I really dont know." Hana stopped and looked up at the sky, "He could have returned to the future. Bake to Kyoto." "Who knows..." Hana's stomache suddenly started to rummble. "Its getting really dark out... And Im hungry for a meal" Tao looked around, "Be right back." In an instant she had dissapered. But about a minute later she reappeared with several fish in her hands. "Fish anyone?" Sasuke stares, "I dont want raw fish today so ill find some fire wood." Hana nodded in agreement, "Ill help." Tao looked confused and took some leaves off a nearby bushes and put the fish on them. She didnt see what their problem was but shruged it off and took a bite into the fish and chewed it. By the time the others returned with enough wood for a decent fire she had just one bite left. She ripped the last pice of meat off the bones and chewed it as she looked up at the others. "What?" She said once she realized they were looking at her like she was crazy.
  2. Tao couldnt help but laugh in her mind. She figured it would be an odd couple... a cat and a dog but who cared really. A few years difference in age didnt mater for demons or even half demons either for they live much longer than normal but it all still made Tao wan to laugh. Tao turned and caught up with Hana in a blink of an eye. Sasuke had to catch up. "So uh. Where you two headed?" He asked. Tao looked at him kindly, "Same way the others are, though we might take a different route. I have extra buisness to attend to." "Yeah shes after a sword." "Uh... The sword the others were talking about?" Sasuke asked. "No. A sword that belongs to me and only me. I is a powerful sword in anyones hands but... Only me and my little stone here around my neck can really give it its full power. So if a demon appears dont attack it. It if says something about me being power hungry and slaying his leader then just play it cool. Like say your my underlings and I am power hungry. Itll be just an act of course but he doesnt know that." Sasuke seemed to understand. He wondered though if he should go to the others and travel with them or with the two girls. He decided that he could stick with the girls for a while and if he needed to go with the others he was sure his nose could lead him there sooner or later. "Hehee" Hana laughed and continued along with Tao and Sasuke.
  3. [size=2]Tao nodded, "Yes now that I think of it. Sesshoumaru is Inuyasha's older half brother. They really hated each other and would fight to kill each other but their fights have died down and they are no longer as angry with each other as before. Sesshoumaru Hates humans and halfbreeds."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Hana decided to add something, "But even though he hates Humans he has a Human child wander around with him. He protects her and once Naraku kidnapped her and he went to kill naraku but that battle got interupted by inuyasha. Anyways he got Rin back and they continue to travel around."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Strange how a demon who hates humans lets one follow him around like that." Sasuke said looking around.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Actually I dont think he hates humans as much as before... And I dont think he hates them as much as he lets on." Hana smiled.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Tao nodded, "He had the energy whip thing you used earlier. I might not have been there but I have great hearing you know."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Tao smiled, "Actually the Tiger thing was directed at Inuyasha because he will never stop calling me that. Plus I enjoy getting on his nerves. I may be part of the Tiger Clan but that doesnt make me better in heart than Hana here. I dont think my self higher than her."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Oh... Ok." Sasuke nodded.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Plus... Why should I be proud. There is no reason to be proud about being the last Tiger demon alive... Well as far as I know anyways."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"What does that mean?" Sasuke asked.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Hana's ears twitched, "Eh... Shes the only Tiger Clan member left."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"I AM the tiger clan..." Tao laughed, "But I am not going to sit around and whine about it. I have hope that my brother is alive and I wont stop my search for him untill I have proof that he is either alive or gone for good." Tao then noticed that the gang was extreamly far ahead.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Tao pointed to Inuyasha and the others, "Arent you going with them? Cause It looks as though you are being left behind. I dont mind if you hang around though. Its up to you. Remember that."[/size]
  4. Tao watched as the gang approched, "I am not just a cat you two... I am of the Tiger Clan" Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "Come one we dont have time for this..." He continued to walk. Sasuke looked up and saw that Tao was looking right at him with a Kind smile. "How are you so far Sasuke?" Tao asked. "Good I hope." Before Saskue could even think about answering or not Inuyasha stepped in between Sasuke and Tao. "Hey! Just quit it with the chit chat miss FUR! We dont have the time." Inuyasha ignored kagome for a slight moment. Tao smiled and looked right past Inuyasha and continued to smile at Sasuke. "I sure hope you dont let him boss you around and tell you what to do... Just because you have a move he has doesnt mean he can tell you what to do. Just remember that. Sure kagome has a little power over you but she is nicer than that. Dont let him tell you what to do." Inuyasha was amost so angry Hana could imagin steam flowing from his ears. Inuyasha ignored the tiger girl and kept walking. He knew if he took action that well his face would be full of dirt. Plus taking action would waste time. Tao liked that not because she was afraid of him but because it was pick at him. Miroku took this moment and grapped Tao's claws but before he could say anything he was face first in the dirt with a mark across his face. Tao didnt draw blood but figured he got the message. Sango came over and pulled him off the ground and pushed him along after Inuyasha. "Sorry about that Tao..." Sango mutters. Tao nodded and watched the walk on. Hana looked at Tao, "Arent we going with them?" Tao laughed, "Yes... Just not so close. We can follow from behind. Plus if I need to take a different route I can. Many paths can lead to the same place after all."
  5. [b]Character's Name:[/b] Tao Lee [b]Character's Gender:[/b] Female [b]Character's Year in School:[/b] 11 [b]Characters Age:[/b] 17 [b]Description of Character:[/b] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22467[/img] [b]Extra Bio And Info:[/b] She is a secretive quiet girl who sometimes gets angry easily. She prefers music class and plays the electric Guitar and drums very well. She is not a part of a band because not many people trust her shadowy and secretive attitude. When they get to know her they would know shes quite cool and fun to be around with but noe one yet has ever tried to get to know her. As for classes she takes math right off in the morning and is good at math but not the best. Art Band and Choir are also classes she takes. She is one of the top art and band students and many people dislike her for this. [i](Innocent The year means grade... And when they said keep to your characters year level means your characters age should be what most normal 7th grades are aged at. Which for me was 13 with a few 14 year olds but not many. The leader just doesnt want 4 year olds in 12th grade and probably doesnt want 21 year olds in 8th.)[/i] [b][i]But [/i]If you wanted to be teacher age i guess doesnt matter but you gotta be at least old enough to be out of high school. (dur) And as for the year that (for teachers) means what year/ grade you teach.[/b]
  6. "What is a grocery Store?" Tao asked very curious of this crowded tokyo. "Uh... Well. This time has shops right?" "Yes" Hana nodded, "I knew that Silly me. Anyways they are even bigger shops and they sell food and such." "Next Question... What is a Post Office?" "Heh. Sometimes people live to far from each... They cant walk to their friends house so they write on paper a ltter of sorts. The post office is where they send and recive Letters from other people." "Shopping malls?" Tao then asked. "Heh. Those are like grocery stores except for larger and most of them dont sell food. A mall is a huge building made up of tons of smaller shops. There are shops that sell clothes, shoes, and stuff like that. And others sell things that are electronic like video games which is something i dont think i can explain right now heh. To much detail." "What is an Air Port then?" Hana laughed, "Curious arent you." Hana couldnt help but laugh. It was strange after all being from the future and getting asked so many questions about it. "We have these giant metal planes... Uh... Birds. Many people can sit in these Hallow birds and the birds can fly them long distances. These birds depart and arrive at Air Ports... Kind of like ports for boats." Tao nodded, "Sitting Inside a large hallow bird does not sound very fun... Does this bird have trouble flying with so many people sitting in its belly?" Hana paused, "Uh... Ok these birds arent alive. They are machines. They are caled planes. I used the word bird because they are kind of shaped like a bird. Long shiney metal bodies and large wings that stick out from the side but they dont have feathers and they arent alive. People make them move." "I dont understand that to well but Ill beleive you." Tao looked in all directions Her ears twitching at the sounds. "So then.. What is an Theam Park? Last question I swear." "Heh. Umm... They have rides. Giant metal ones. Theam parks are giant parks with rides and other things for your amusment. Theam parks have theams kind of Like in america they have this place called Disney world. Its mainly theamed on the disney things. A bunch of movies and such. Dont ask what a movie is please. Anyways Its a place where you pay a lot of money and you get to go around and ride rides. Some are slow some are wet some are fast and some are only for little kids." Tao sniffed the air and grinned, "Inuyasha and Gang are catching up. Knowing Inuyasha he just probably left the guy standing there looking like a fool." Tao continued to walk though. She could sense something close but hoped it wouldnt appear to talk to her till later when everyone was asleep. "We dont need to stop and wait. They can catch up in their own time. Plus the less time with inuyasha around means I dont have to keep myself from hitting him for as long." Hana was shocked at all the questions thrown at her all at once. She smiled and continued along with the young Tiger girl.
  7. Kaida turned her large body to the small little man and glared, "Well if ye dont want to be hurt dont stand so close! Its not easy keeping my large body away from everyone on such a small path! Eh... I should have more carefull. Oh hold on a second." She said looking around. She went behind the bush and began to shrink. In a short amount of time she was in human form again and was putting on her clothes fast. Once dressed she walked out from behind the bush and looked at thorn. "Im am sorry... I didnt mean to hurt anyone or nearly hurt anyone. I sometimes my anger builds and I lose control. I didnt mean you any harm." Kaida held out her hand to Thorn. He eyed her and shook her hand, "Apology accepted..."
  8. Tao liked having this Hana around... She would probably never say it out loud but she did appreciate her deciding to go ahead with her. Tao figured the feline types should stick together after all. Hana was now the closest thing she had to friends or family since the slauter. Hana was an older yet less mature sister that Tao had never had. Sure she knew her true family was gone except for her brother which was still a question mark but Hana filled the gap of lonliness that seemed to follow Tao everywhere. "Um by the way Hana..." "Yes?" "If a strange demon approches to speak with me dont say anything or do anything. It is difficult to explain but this demon's temper is always in the red zone. So I hope you dont say anything about the sword or my little brother. He is my scout... Sort of. You see he beleives I am a power hungry halfbreed , which I am heh, that is going to rid the band of demons he is with of their abusive and no longer worthy leader and claim the throne so to speak, which Im not..." "So... Your using him?" Hana asked. "Yes. Im pretending to be as evil as they are and learn the weaknesses of their leader." "Can I ask why though If your not evil and you dont want to lead a band of evil demons why are you wanting to red them of their leader? Aside from the fact that evil demons shouldnt be roaming around." "Because He is guarding something of mine. You see there is this Katana... The gem i have around my neck fits into this sword and it is a powerful sword... It is the Blade of Tigers and it only works with this stone which only works with me. My father hid it in the demons den. This demon knows nothing of it but unfortunatly he is a road block but he powerful. I know Im an extreamly strong halfbreed But... He has a large group of demons at his disposal so I must go about this differently than I usualy do." Hana nodded, "So you are power hungy. I mean at least for this Katana that belongs to you anyways." "Indeed. If this demon I have been talking with was to find out I am after a powerful sword he would be angry and tell his leader and they would be searching for it and there would end my stream of information. And if the leader was to learn that one of his demons was helping an enemy his ass would be toast and there would end my stream of information." Tao had not talked this much since she met up with these people and she seemed to not mind it as much as she normaly would. "Ok. I wont say anything to cause trouble for you. I think we could take the demons he leads and him too though." "He commands many and you still have your attention span to work on." Hana laughed, "Oh yeah... Anyways what is this leaders name anyways?" "He has no name. None like we know anyways. Everyone that serves him calls him master or Lord. Those who live in the forest near him though call him the Black Cobra... He has many poisonous skills so I have heard. And he is part reptile I guess." "The Black Cobra..." Hana repeated, "Well Thats original...."
  9. Tao shook her head, "Great... Some loser appears and just instantly starts a battle. I am growing tired of this." Tao was faster than this guy... She had a special ability to always zip silently out of the way of attacks with great speed. She was also completely unseeable by any eye when she does this. She was growing impatient. She no longer wished to just stand around and wait for Inuyasha to kill this guy. She wished to get back on the road and search for her brother. "Ok I would interfere and finish this for you Inuyasha but I am in no mood to fight some worthless human with a little extra speed. So... If you guys still want me around, which i find unlikely, You should know you can find me heading north." Tao shook her head and left towards the north. "Uh.." Kagome wasnt sure what to say "I didnt even get to ask her!" Miroku suddenly realized as she walked away. Sango growled quietly with a bit of a glare, "Shes a lucky one."
  10. Tao nodded silently, "Count me in. And dont start thinking its because I like you guys. I have my own reasons for following these 'rumors' of which you speak." Hana remembered Tao saying her brother was kidnapped and figured Tao put those two things together and figured where the power seeking demons are that might be where he younger brother was. Tao looked to the north... She seemed to have ignored the intire sesshoumaru thing as she was making sure her jewel was tightly secure and that her clothes were just right for later if she needed to transform. "Well can we go now?" Tao seemed to have the same attitude towards leaving that inuyasha did. She then started walking towards the north, "And dog boy... Put that thing away before you hurt yourself."
  11. ooc: In the show inuyasha is over 50 (hes a demon remember they age a bit differently heck sesshoumaru is ancient lol) The reason i know this is because he was sealed to the tree for 50 years so hes much older than that. A bio read "500 years ago blah blah then stuck to tree for fifty years" I figure the 500 year part was the different between the feudal era and kagome's time but mayby not. Lets just say hes more of an elder than any elder will be lol. -------- IC: Tao watched as another person wandered into the hut. This place was sure filling up with people. She wasnt sure if she was a people person or not from being with her clan for so long and then ending up all alone for rest of the time. She shrugged off that idea and soon she heard movements. Everyone was getting up and ready to head out. She watched as everyone filed outside where she was. The group was getting really big. As she looked at everyone she kept silent. She was known for her silence if she didnt feel like talking she just wouldnt talk and there was nothing you could do to get her to speak. "So which way we headed?" Kagome asked "Dont care..." Inuyasha grunted with annoyence already.
  12. Tao sniffed in a bit and then unwrapped it like Hana had done. Tao bit into it and it somewhat crumbled because of her fangs. She managed to get it into her mouth and she began to suck on it. It was extreamly rich and sweet and yet bitter on certin parts of her tongue. She nodded and smiled, "Not bad this future food." "Future food... Heh" Hana laughed at the title the chocolate got. Hana then looked at the clothing she was wearing... It was pretty much skin tight and unlike most of the kimonos the people around this place wore. "So uh... Why do you wear such different clothing?" Hana asked. "Uh... well... I got them from someone who said they were from the future that you are from. You see I can transform into a tiger... a skill that only full breed tiger demons are able to do but I can do it and no one knows why. Anyways when you transform the clothes that are hanging loosely either rip from your size or fall off if your small... So I have to wear skin tight stuff so it will still be there when I change back." "Oh I get it. I also think your form is beautiful. Mostly black with orange stripes is so mysterious and beautiful..." Tao smiled, "Thanks... Im the only one with that coloration. Everyone else was...heh orange with black." Hana nodded, "Well I think its fantastic!" Tao laughed... It was funny. She was younger than Hana but Hana was treating her as an adult that was much older that 19. Perhaps it was because she acted older and more mature. Tao smiled. "Interesting thing this chocolate... Nothing like meat but its good." Tao was finishing up the last few bits as she said this, "Its so rich!"
  13. Kaida didnt want to change to her dragon form but her dragon scales were almost impervious to sword damage so she leapt behind a bush... With speed she peeled off all her clothes before changing, She needed those clothes for later after all. She suddenly grew large. Her body was taller than a horse and her body was twice as long as one. Her scales were extreamly hard and shiney. Most of them were jet black but all over he body in random places were bright orange scales that stood out. "Yaaaarrrr!" She whipped her tail around and slammed her tail into two of the hooded characters. "You have made me angry and I dont ignore those kinds of things!"
  14. Something inside of Tao seemed to really like this girl. Tao thought for a few moments and then turned to look at the forest. She then turned back and smiled one of her rare smiles at Hana. "Alright... I will stay. I mean I just cant let another feline get out numbered by dogs." "Right on! Cool... But uh I was wondering..." "Yes?" Tao asked staring at the girl. Even though she was two years older than herself Hana seemed to act more a year or so younger than Tao. "Why were you in this region anyways? I thought you stuck to the mountains with the last of the tiger demons like yourself." Hana was curious because even she knew Tao was one of the few tiger demons left and that they normally stuck to the mountains away from others. Tao gritted her teeth but made sure Hana didnt know. Tao looked up, "You are looking at the last tiger demon." "What..." Tao paused, "You see... Well first ill tell you that everyone in my family and that means my little brother too... They were all full demon. I am half because my father was human but almost exactly after my birth he mysteriously died and so mother later fell in love with another full demon of the clan which led to my full demon little brothers birth. Out of all those full demons I turned out to be the strongest." Hana then noticed Tao's ears seemed to droop a little. Taosniffed the air and continued, "Anyways. The reason I said that was because a while back a demon came to our cave and slautered everyone. Every last one of them. This demon however did not kill my little brother. It took my brother and vanished. I feel that this demon was not driven by its own wants and needs. I am sure it was being controled. I also feel that my brother is already dead but I am still searching. Even if he is dead... I will at least be able to give him the proper funeral any Tiger Clan Full Demon deserves." "Oh... Thats so sad..." Tao nodded, "Hey... Just something to keep in mind... No matter how human you might be the feline blood still runs proudly through your veins. Though you do need to work on that cat laziness of yours... Expecially in a battle. That kind of wrecklessneess could get someone hurt." "Oh...heh." Tao thought to herself about he conversing skills. She could slay every demon shes come across but she wasnt sure if she couldeven say something to where hana could understand. Tao knew she should understand but Tao was unsure of her ways of saying but but decided to try anyways. Tao continues, "And please dont refere to yourself as mostly human. You miss are a half demon in blood and a full demon at heart. Blood does not matter in this case. It is your soul that does."
  15. Tao felt no real ties to this group aside from she was a more ferocious feline than hana... She felt similar to her but only because of the feline demon blood. She stood around out in the dusty street of the village. What was the point of sticking around no one needed her here. "Heh... Like every other place... Im not wanted nor needed." Tao said as her ears twitched to every sound. "And what was all that babble about my Tiger Slash being just like that dogs wind scar?" She turned away from the hut the group was in and she heard that the boy was finally away. She shook her head and shrugged. "Might as well be on my way..." She then turned and slowly started towards the forest where she was before.
  16. Kaida stared for a moment... She first felt more ashamed about her flightlessness when the older dragon asked her the question then she felt some what comfortable with another dragon around and now she felt rage and fury. She sometimes let her emotions go a little haywire and she would get over confident. She saw this girl in need and wanted to kick the shadowy freaks butts from the mountains to the desert and back but she did not want to make herself look foolish in front of the much older and skilled dragon... The one who could actually fly. Kaida though could not handly thinking about it any more. "I may be just a hatchling and a flightless one at that but I am not about to sit here and let you jerks terrorize some helpless girl!" With that Kaida rushed quickly at the shadows... Her eyes were red and glowing. She had let her temper eh... explode. Just like a human baby the temper was a very touchy thing with kaida and she was... angry! Suddenly her hand turned to a claw. Black with a few bright orange scales and the nails were very sharp. She lifted her claw and swipped at the robed figure. "Leave her alone!"
  17. Her large tiger body was mostly muscle and she was ready to leap. The large demon was almost completely black so detaisl were hard to see because it was a shadow demon of some sort. Those details did not matter because she wanted to have some fun and it found her. She leapt into the air and slammed into the demon hard enough to knock it over. It falling into the ground shook the ground harder than her roar earlier. She lifted a huge claw and swiped a few times. In the blackness of the demon large red gashes appeared and they began to bleed. Tao then saw the group behind the demon... When the demon stood up Tao leaped up into the air and launched herself off the demons head and stretched out her body as she soared towards the group claws extended. "Maybe coming was a bad Idea..." Sasuke said as the huge tiger was coming at them. Suddenly the large horse size tiger began to change in mid air. The fur vanished and the claws and size got smaller untill she was looking human again. She flipped in the air and landed on her feet in front of Inuyasha and the gang. "I see you guys wanted to see what the comotion was all about... No need to worry though just soul sucking bastard thats all. " Tao looked down at the boy younger than her, "Sasuke was it? Well dont let that demon eat you or he will absorb all your power... Or at least so the demon thinks..." Sasuke then noticed the jewel hanging from her neck. It looked like a cat eye... And it was staring at him. "Uhhh...." Tao pulled the stone from the chain and gripped it. A sword and flames bursted from it. Tao glanced around at the group, "Do not interfere unless I say so or i might jsut put a hole or two in you..." Tao turned around and swung her blade. Three long huge blasts came from the blade and ripped at the demon. Its tail swung around and knocked the sword from Tao's hand... It return to just a jewel and it rolled into sasuke's foot. Before Tao could grab for it the demon lunched at her. She lifted her long claws. "CLAW OF THE TIGER!" and that being said her claw began to glow bright orange and she slashed down at the demon. More bloddy gashes appeared. Kagome leaned over to sango and miroku, "That blast from her sword... Looked exactly like Inuyashas wind scar." Sango nodded, "I noticed..." Miroku stood there staring at Tao . Tao growled and walked over for her stone. The half cat demon was swaying back and forth wanting some action. Tao glanced at her, "What?" "Oh can I can I can I? O please!?" She begged. Tao straightend up and dusted herself off. She put the gem back on its chain, "Go ahead."
  18. Kaida stood there for a second... she felt just just lost a bit of time. Perhaps from staring at the lanin's beauty or perhaps her mind was making it up. Kaida nodded still a bit mystified Kaida clenched her fish and looked at the men running, the two henchmen like fellows were curled up on the ground. Kaida noticed that someone had tripped them. The boss on the other hand had run in another direction because he was nowhere in sight. Kaida looked at the ground 'Dragon... pah a dragon cant fly is merely a lizard...' she thought to herself. "You got my attantion miss. Im interested..."
  19. Kaida, the dragon girl, wandered slowly through a dark alley. She looked human and to everyone else... Was human. No one knew she was actually a pure dragon in disguise. She wandered slowly watching everything untill she saw someone. She blinked and stepped out of the shadows to get a better look at her. She looked familliar but Kaida shook her head and continued on. Suddenly she felt someone tapping on her shoulder. She turned around to see three large muscley guys. Kaida glared at them. "What do you want?" She asked with a growl. "Well well. Not very nice is she boss?" The guy on the left with blonde hair said. "Nope... Put her in her place boss heheh." The guy to the right with brown hair said. "One you dont tell me what to do and second of all... Ladys like yourself shouldnt speak like that to men." Kaida grinned, "I can speak to anyone anyway I please you moron!" She sneered. The middle man had dark blakc hair and brown eyes which began to glare at her, "Why... I... oughta!" He clenched his fist and pulled it back, "You may be a girl but some girls need to be told their place!" He thrne sent his fist flying. Kaida swiftly jumped out of the way and kicked him in the chest. She forgot she was playing human and kicked him a little to hard... because he went flying backwards twenty feet. She said oops in her brain and then glared at the other two guys. "Uh boss you alright?" Blonde boy said running to help his boss up. "She kind of freak are you?" The man with brown hair asked before he went to also help his boss. "The kind you dont want to mess with. Now get out of here and go get rea lives." Kaida turned around and began to walk away. She noticed the woman from earlier was watching her. [i]'now what?' [/i]she thought.
  20. Tao wandered slowly through the forest and was paying attention to the group. She noticed the monk with the cat demon. Tao laughed to herself and figured either she wasnt there long enough or the monk was smart enough to know he wasnt gonna get just a slap in the face but more like scratches if he had asked her that or even touched her for that matter. Tao saw something in the corner of her eye andstopped moving. She put her claw on the jewel hanging from her neck. She sniffed the air and the foul stench told her all she needed to know. She clenched her fist around the jewel and suddenly flames erupted from her hands but it dint hurt her. The jewel turned into a flaming red katana. "You are not to mess with me." She said simply. She turned around and swung the jewel sword so fast if you were to blink you would miss it. The creature lay dead. It was a very large human with an extreamly horrible scent... It was already dead... It was dead before Tao had even sense it approching. She then looked for the spot where the heart was. She lifted her sword slowly and then jabed down into the heart. It was hallow but she heard a crunch... She pulled her sword out and stuck o nthe end was a dead strange looking bird demon. "You cannot fool me you stupid bird. Your stupidity was the cause of your death..." She growled and walked away. Her katan returned to the shap of the jewel and she re put it on the chain around her neck. "Now where is the real demon sneaking around out here out to get me?" She sniffed the air again and nodded, "A demon who things if he devours me he will gain my powers... So foolish..." "argh guuuhrr blaurrrg..." The moaning came from directly above her. She looked up and saw huge feet come at her... She rolled out of the way. She was on all fours now. She grined showing her fangs. She the sneered at the creature and began to change. She sprouted a tail and fur. She was suddenly a large tiger. This tiger form was about the size of a horse and instead of mostly orange and some black stripes it was mostly black with some orange stripes. She rolled her large tiger head back and roared so loud that ground around her shook. Her loud roar echoed through the forest. It could be heard for miles in every direction... ---- ooc: I leave it open for someone to come on in
  21. Meanwhile... A lone figure walked through the shadowy forest in search of something. Clues or perhaps more than that. She sensed something and turned to glance out from the trees. She saw a village that looked at bit trashed. She saw parts of some demons flung all over the place. Her eyes scanned the sighed and her eyes came to a stop on a figure with white silvery hair. "Inuyasha... Hmm. I have heard so much about you. This is the first time I have ever set my eyes on you... A mere dog demon with such great power. Perhaps one day we shall... Play?" She was simply talking to herself but she did not mind. Her orange eyes shifted a bit to see something much different. A boy in strange clothing. Perhaps costume clothes? She sniffed the air and shook her head. "Ugh another one. It seems mere Half Dog Demons are sprouting up all over the place. Like rabbits I tell you." Moments later she was walking into the village. She looked around and noticed the most damage done was to the demons themselves and not the buildings around. She stepped up towards the group and noticed a human doing something with his hand. She notice then that there were two girls there. One dressed as a demon slayer she had come in contact many years before and the other dressed in clothes that seemed to be from the same place as the boy. She then saw shippo. She grinned and thought suddenly of how hungry she was but ignored it after a bit. He had to much hair to make a good snack. She then eyed Inuyasha and the boy. She grinned. Her grin showed extreamly long sharp fangs. Her orange eyes stared at everyone and her large somewhat round ears had black fur on them and a few orange stripes. She had very long black hair with a few orange streaks that went with the orange on her ears. She had extreamly sharp nails on her hands that were more like claws. She was wearing a black and orange outfit that fit tighter than a regular kimono. Tied to her side was an old looking Katana. She had a small chain around her neck and attached to this chain was a small blood red stone. This girl looked no older than 19. "Well... Looks like I missed out on all the fun." She said with a grin, "Just like a dog to hog all the fun." "Say what!? You wanna say that to my face!" Inuyasha growled. "I did." "Arrrgh." Inuyasha reached to his sword again but kagome stopped him. "Inuyasha dont." Kagome commanded. "Oh please let him... Id like to see him try." She smiled. With that Inuyasha stepped forward to punch this girl before kagome could even say sit. Right before Inuyasha could hit her though she vanished and appeared behind him. She barely touched the now startled and unbalenced Inuyasha and he toppled to the ground. In a flash though he was up and angry. "Now now Inuyasha lets not get angry... Im not here for you or your little friends. I was merely passing through and thought I would stop by to see what all the action was all about." She laughed with a slight grin. Inuyasha began to move again but kagome smacked him, "Dont Inuyasha." "Hmph! Who the hell are you anyways?" Inuyasha crossed his arms and turned his back on this girl in black. She began to walk away. Off into the forest area on the other side of the village she had come from. She turned around and looked at the angered Inuyasha and the confused boy sasuke and grinned showing her sharp fangs. "If we ever meet again... You can refer to me as... Tao."
  22. Ah phobias... Well not sure of the names for most of them but one I know I have is Aracniphobia. I apologise if I spelled that wrong by the way. I cant look at spiders without freaking out. If I see one in my room I will back as far away as I possibly can. Then normaly I would go get my father to kill it... Im a coward for running to daddy I guess but hey I cant stand the spiders. I cant even watch them on tv without wanting to switch the channel. Another thing I am afraid of is water. When I was very young me and two of my sisters were running in the water at the beach while our parents watched. Well we were running along chasing the waves and then running from them... I was extreamly young and not very good at the running in wet sand thing so I tripped. When I hit the sand I let go of my prized barbie doll, (At the time I liked dolls but them later I grew to prefer more guy stuff but anyways...) The wave caught me and started rolling me... By this time I had no idea which direction I was going and my two sisters were running along side of me laughing. They thought I was playing even after hearing me scream. I got a glance from my rolling wet ride of doom to see the wave was now sucking me out to sea. My mother got there and stopped me and ever since I have been afraid of evry large bodies of water. Showers, glasses of water, pools, they dont frighten me because they are either not moving or clear. Lakes, oceans, and rivers on the other hand I wont even touch. Now there is one more fear I have. That is the fear of Silence. I am not sure if that is even a real fear but still silence... I cant stand it. My dad goes to work at 3 in the afternoon and does not come home till eleven at night. So all of that time I spend at home alone. I dislike most tv shows and radio bugs me. So when I am sitting there along and there is silence I start to constantly talk to myself. I literally have a conversation with myself or my dog to make some type of noise. And before any of you say it... No I dont leave the house to go hang out with friends. For one thing I have no friends to go hang out with, and two... I fear the outside world. I mean I will go out and do things yes but not if I dont have to. Note: My sisters got me to think that my doll had floated all the way to Japan. My parents said fish ate it. I had a crule family.
  23. Heh... I used to judge others but now that I have no human contact i dont do it anymore... But anyways I wear mostly black clothes because I like black... In my opinion If i like black that doesnt mean Im goth but others might think that way. I honestly dont care what others think of me. Yeah Im a really fat not very pretty person... sure i wear all black most of the time but who cares? Eh to many people... So eh I dont go near others to save them lol. Like madusa im sure one look at me turns others to stone. *laughs* Not really but sometimes I wonder. Im a female and one thing i need to point out... I dislike girly things. Dresses... the devil himself couldnt get me into one. Makeup... Please. Fake nails, manicures, perms they just arent my thing. Style... pfft. Jeans, t shirt under sweatshirt works for me. I avoid people really so I dont really judge by looks. The only person I see each day is my father... But anyways I think I have rambled long enough. edit: The only person i judge by looks is myself if you didnt notice
  24. Name: Kaida Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Dragon... (Mainly stays in her human form. Even though she is a dragon shes young and is not that powerful. One of the lower levels or dragons.) Appearance: She has short silvery hair and a very slender body. Her skin is tan and she is about 5'7''. She may be tall but she is extreamly light... she is around just 95 pounds. No one knows why she is so light but its never been a problem.She is wearing black almost skin tight clothes./ Her dragon form is a bit different. She is the size of a horse and twice as long as one. Her scales are black but with a few bright orange scales in as well. Short spikes are all over her head except her snout and nose. Though she is large she is extreamly light. (Most dragons are extreamly light for their size... it makes flight easier.) Personality: Quiet but most of them time warm and friendly... She is a bit of a coward at times. She has a fear of heights. Bio: She cannot remember the day of her birth and is always wondering about it... Was she born like a human or hatched... She has always been afraid of heights... and because of this she has yet to learn how to fly. A dragon that cannot fly... Its made her outcast from others like herself because they were all ashamed of her and her flightlessness. She left them and travled around looking human. She doesnt have the ability to shoot fire either. She does however have the power of lightning... Small balls of electricity can be a shocking surprise for the foe (hah ha)... She has yet to learn how to use her firebreath. ---- ooc: If dragon isnt ok I can change it to something completely different... just tell me.
  25. Rae smiled, "And Rraikmon here is just a little puppy dog!" Everyone stared at the horse sized dog... "Well eh... You know what I mean. I am not the type to cause harm to anything. Oh my god my pets! Whatll happen to them!!!" Rae thought for a moment, "I have a feeling that they will be alright. Anyways rraikmon and I wont cause harm to anyone." Monodramon smiled, "See... No need to be scared or worried."
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