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Avian could smell another one, Flowers, canine, and a similar smell now. She peeked through the curtains of her front window and noticed chuck and zum talking to a girl. She frowned, She wanted to find some but so many all at once, ones an idiot and two are young. This was not what she had in mind. "But maybe its been so long since the last escape that... there arent any older ones really left to find... If thats the case ill have to take what I can get I suppose, wait what am I saying!? I have nothing to take them back in!" She said quietly to herself. She turned on her handheld screen again and took pictures of all three of them and noted the area of town they were in, and traits. She wanted as much details as she could before she decided what to do next. Once all the information was logged in is proper space the computer hummed up, "Hey why not build another ship... With the money you have, finding a secret place to build it, buying supplies, and building meterials should be to hard..." She frowned down at the computer, "It has been almost a whole year and NOW you tell me to build another ship! Why have you waited so long!?" The device beeped a couple times and pulled up a picture of a hard rocky blue substance. "Because of this..." Avian sighed, "Your right, Earth doesnt have Shizray..." The computer made some beeps that almost seemed like laughs, "Iv been doing my research on earth too! There are all kinds of things they use for power. If we tweak a ships blueprints enough I am sure I can find a way to integrate the proper meterials from earth to run the ship, we would have to bring maybe two sepret power cells though. Earth technology doesnt last as long as Solkudorian power cells do." "Been busy I see. No more secrets ok?" "Alright, If I think of a single detail I will let you know immediatly." "No no! You think to much, Id be getting messages from you all day! Log them and send them once a day to my earth 'email' I can catalog them there." "Roger Roger!" "No Star Wars Quotes!" ----- ooc: Just need a mage to post but ill give him a day or so, then ill get the gathering going, I have an interesting idea to bring in certain people who havnt met yet :D
[CENTER][B]The Solkudorians: Return Home[/B] [B](Rated M: For language, blood, death, and other stuff!)[/B][/CENTER] It had been 9 months since she crash landed on earth. The small ship had run into several different issues along the way, and Avian spent most of her time repairing the ship. On her spare time she researched earth, its cultures, the way people spoke to one another, and on some occasions she spent many hours practicing a lot to her, and conversing with the ship. A few times the ship made a few comments that made Avian want to pour water on the console but she had to ration the supplies she had, and she didn?t want to crash on some airless rock because the ship insulted her. Upon entering the atmosphere of earth, the ship began to have multiple failures, so a crash landing was all Avian could do. The gear was fried, so she couldn?t land and hide the ship like she had planned. Once it crashed in the forest outside of a small city, she took her hand held equipment and fled the ship. Once far enough away she started the self destruct sequence. She remembered the heat and the crater left behind. Not a trace of the ship was left behind. Such was the technology her planet had. She remembered walking down the street the next day and watching a TV in a window. It was far less advanced as her own gear, which she had hidden in a backpack she found by someone's house with a free sign in front of it and a bunch of junk. The TV news reporter made comments about a large explosion outside of town late last night and how investigators were looking into it, and they didn?t think it was an attack or anything. Avian sighed. It had been 9 months since then. She felt the weight of her failure, she came in hopes of gather others like her, yet in the entire time she was here she could not sniff out anyone like her, plus, without a ship what would be the point of wanting to go back. They had no way off the planet. The van pulled to a stop in front of a small run down duplex. It was obvious to her which side was hers, since she had paid for renovations, fresh paint, repairs and every thing else she knew the nice looking side was the one she so much money into. The other side looked the opposite, cracked paint, broken trim, dirty cracked windows, dead lawn and trees in the yard. It was a dump. It was good enough for her though, so she pulled herself out of the van and instructed the men, who followed in another van, where to put her stuff. She didn?t have a lot. Just furniture and a few boxes of personal effects she had collected over the months on earth. As the men finished getting the appliances where she wanted them she paid them and sent them on their way. Her boxes sat on the small creaky wood porch. She picked up a box and hauled it inside. She could smell some very strange things and couldn?t quite put her finger on it. It was familiar, yet it wasn?t. She deducted it was the freshly dried paint that she smelled and went outside to get another box. Two guys met her on the front porch; both were making odd glances at the very few boxes on the porch. "Dude... For someone so rich, she didn?t bring that much stuff...." "Maybe this is like a vacation home or something..." The other guy said quietly... "Dude you get vacation homes in Hawaii or ... Malibu or something, now run down, down town." "Ahem!" Avian coughed slightly, "I got this place because it was quieter around here, less traffic, and close to work and it was cheap. Who might you two be?" One of them was clearly older; he had black short hair that was gelled up into a Mohawk. He wore a black shirt with a band name on it and skater jeans. He leaned against one of her boxes and gave her a fancy grin. "Well, My name is Charles Spier, that?s SPY ER, and you cute stuff, can call me Chuck. Everyone else does." Avian ignored his idiotic comment and took note of his name. She needed to document and keep a close eye on her neighbors. The quiet one looked at her with deep grey eyes. She could sense he was nervous, she could smell his fear. He was sweating a little bit but suddenly he threw an arm up, "Hi!" He said with a smile. "Oh for crying, Ok Miss, This silent mess over here is Zumiah Withro, Just call him Zum. He gets all nervous around cute girls. He will get used to you being around eventually. You can torture him in the afternoon's when he isn?t at school." Chuck was still leaning on her boxes and then he eyed her up and down again, "So... What?s your name?" Avian was growing impatient with this Chuck guy, his comments and looks were making her rather anxious. "My name is Avian Torain...now if you-" Chuck interrupts her, "My that?s a fine name... Hey... You?re kinda hot and I was thinking..." Avian took no more, She grabbed the box he was leaning on and yanked it out from under him, as he fell downwards she caught that strange scent again. She suddenly knew what it was, and she saw, as he caught his balance and pulled himself upright again, that he smelled her too. He looked more shocked than she was, she glanced at the other guy, the young boy, and she realized..."I have to go." She said really quickly before taking the box in her arms and entering her home and shutting the door. She locked it and stared blankly into space. "Nine months of looking, I give up and find a good place to live, and there they are, TWO of them... and they are idiots! Well one of them anyways..." She yanked her tablet computer out of the box she was holding and took note of their location. Meanwhile outside both of them still stood. Chuck, a little shocked and almost sure he was imagining what he smelled, but his keen nose argued the point. He looked to Zum, "Do you...?? Zum nodded, "I agree. Now what?" Chuck shrugged. He was used to running into odd people like himself, and this was just another one. He glanced down at the boxes still left on the porch. "Guess she isn?t used to running into others... Or she doesn?t like the smell of wolves... Im not sure if I should laugh, or be insulted..." Zum coughed, "Maybe it was my scent that..." Chuck laughed, "No! You always smell like flowers, it?s to annoying to be shocking..." ----------- ooc: Ok here we go, for the first bit, just have your characters go on with their normal lives...
Already do :) I mean the gaia part, See me and my friends who made up this idea, started with our characters on gaia, look up Avian Torain next time your there, shes in halloween garb right now but shes normally fully how i described her, (minus a few details like the hair, since gaia doesnt have hair i need, and the wings lol) anyways im holding out for at least one more, SUPER DUPER EDIT OF DOOM: Ok I started it, more people can join for a while, sign ups are not closed yet. Ill edit this post or make a post here when i decided its closing time. :)
With being in charge of making up the daily life on your own from the info i gave you, you did QUITE well, i like it, your good to go, now i just wish a few more people would sign up cuz then i could start this :D And as for the computer thing, thats ok, its understandable. and yes, our teacher is an airhead :P
So far so good! I love chance already! "Im takin it easy" the next thing you know hes got more alcohol in him than he intended, sweet, I can see this, if it gets going, will be a great mix of personalities :D WOOT! I also love your creative way of combining the two creatures and how the elements match it, nice. I wonder how many more i can get to join.
All good! Interesting character, thisll be good, shes gonna be like a sister (animal wise) and heres why lol. My sign up! my premade character: [B]Name:[/B] Avian "Ava" Torain [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Species:[/B] Bengal Tiger / Red Tailed Hawk [B]Class:[/B] Air Fighter [B]Elements:[/B] Water / Electricity (energy) [B]Personality:[/B] Having been created, not born, on Solkudor she has been raised to be a fighter, to kill. But somewhere along the line she realized how flawed it all was, how wrong it was. She knew the leaders plans and questioned then, this caused her to endure torture she never speaks of. Because of this she cares about life, doesnt want to kill, and hates everything that she was made for. Upon fleeing to earth she aquired a new life, where once she knew people nad trusted them, she was very open and outgoing (except about her origins of course) but if she didnt know someone well or didnt trust them she was shy and quiet. Her personality is mixed, and shes aggressive at times as well. [B]Human Appearance:[/B] (Ill get a picture up eventually but for now written!) Slender and tall. She has a very faint tan. Whe wears black combat boots, green baggy jeans with the suspender things hanging down at her size (they too are dark green). She wears a long sleeve white shirt with a black t shirt over that and two orange wrist bands (one on each wrist). Her eyes are bright yellow and she has brown hair with HORIZONTAL blonde highlights. (this is explained in pictures better) [B]Beast Appearance:[/B] The body and tail of a large Bengal Tiger, bright yellow eyes, and feathers sprouting from the top of her head and down her neck, she also has very large wings from the hawk that match her hair color, brown with highlighting of blonde. Some of her stripes also have hints of that color scheme. [B]Daily Life:[/B] [center]Planet Solkudor[/center] Deep within an under ground facility Units' Z1076 through Z1086 were returning from a mission. They were tired, some were wounded, and some were missing. Unit X301 watched as they returned to their quarters almost like a silent line of drones. The two group leaders boasted about their success and how the boss should be please wth the results. X301 frowned as someone tapped on her shoulder. She spun around and it was her own group leader. "You ready X301?" He asked calmly. X301 glanced down at the number stitched into her uniform and sighed, "Yes... Sir." He smiled, "Good! We have some very important paperwork to aquire and we wouldnt want a repeat of last week now would we?" His tone went from kind to 'you better stay in line or ill kick your damn ass to the curb'. She flinched even thinking about how last week turned out, about the pain, the blood, all because she questioned what they were doing. "No sir!" She replied as they headed to the briefing room. They were told to go to a small village on the outskirts of the North Continent. The mission went by swimmingly, no one on their team died, few were injured, the paperwork was aquired, lots of other people died though, and that bothered X301 to no end. Once back at the base she sat in her personal room and tried to think of a way to fix things. Suddenly her unit was called back to the main room by Mr Zith. "Very good. You new units are doing very well. I will say this though, those papers you brought back were quite useless, dont get me wrong you didnt fail me, it was all a test. I wanted to see your fighting potention compared to the older groups. You did wonderful. Keep up the training X Units, and have the day off." With that the slender man left. Back in her room she punched the wall so hard it cracked in three places. "All those innocent people we just killed for a bunch of useless scraps of paper to show off for the boss, How screwed up is this gonna get! All for a war he wants to start. Argh!" She growled with anger as her eyes grew more cat like. She took a deep breath and then her door opened. An older woman entered. "X301, what is the matter?" A woman with ZY897 on her suit seemed concerned. "Oh... Just, This is wrong, you remember last week, well this week he sent us out to kill innocent people for useless junk so he could test us, I cant stand this anymore!" "Thats why Im here Avian..." The woman said with a smile. "Avian?" X301 asked curiously. The woman smiled again, "That is your new name. It fits you. You are going to escape. I was going to but... Im older, my time for decomission is coming soon and you have more time to live than I do, So you need to make the best of your life far from this horrible place." She quietly put a small device in her hands. "Its still cloaked and parked just outside the training field on the south side. They wont follow you once your out of the atmosphere so go quietly, and be quick." "But dont people on earth have last names?" The newly named Avian asked. "Oh dear i forgot... Avian Torain has a nice ring to it. Now go! Mr Zith has no use for earth, So you should easily make a normal life for yourself, just remember, earthlings cant see your beast self, so keep it hidden, you must assume the life of a human now." And before Avian could thank her for such a gift, the woman had slipped out of the room and mixed with all the other people in the hallways. "Thank you..." She muttered. Leaveing the planet was easier than she though, no one noticed her slip out of the facility, or past the training field. No one noticed her vanish instantly as she entered the small ship sitting there. No one even heard it take off. Radar didnt notice it and once out of the atmosphere she took a deep breath and relaxed a little, she set a course for earth and watched as the ship came to life oni ts own and pointed itself in the right direction. She glanced at her home planet as it slowly grew smaller. "Ill be back guys... Someday, I fix this." ------ sorta long but its longer in my comic folder so :P
[center][B]The Planet Of Solkudor[/B][/center] [LEFT]The planet of Solkudor is a small world far from earth. Covered with war over terrirtory, trade routes, and resources. The four major continents ruled by their own governments have kept as much peace as possible for the most part.[/LEFT] One on continent, rich in many different resources, there is an underground facility led by a man with ambitions as large as the planet he lives on. The basic horribly over done "im gonna rule the planet" bad guy. Thinking the planets governments are doing a horrible job a man known as Mr Zith beleives he can do a better job being incharge of all four continents. But to over throw them he needs an army. Not enough normal people would be trust worthy, or willing enough to volenteer, so he came up with his own plan. After several years of scientific research him and his scientists have created pure fighting machines, or so they thought. Solkudorian people infused with the DNA of two animals to create changing beasts of war. Most loved fighting and did not care... Many however learned of what they were fighting for, and who they were killing, and realized how horrible this all was. These people fled the planet in search of a new place to live. They found earth. Able to blend in a s normal humans they made out new, normal as can be, lives for themselves. One such person was Avian Torain, a name givin to her by a trusted friend on Solkudor. Previously she was only known by her number (which was her make date and model number). She made it to earth in hopes of finding more like herself, Solkudorians, and return as a group to free the people of her home planet from the terrible things that were happening. [center][B]Details [/B] [B]This will contain blood, fighting, language, and other MATURE elements[/B] Ok so in this rpg, you play as an escaped Solkudorian Beast Unit (SBU) or a decendant of one depending on your chosen age.[/center] [LEFT]The animals chosen are two earth animals, no mythological beasts, for example in my under ground thread (WHICH IS REALLY LONG and more deep details about the planet and so on) i had a man who was a cobra and a bear mix. Now depending on the two animals you choose you can also choose how you look. For example if someone choose a gorilla and a lion they can have a gorilla body and back legs, lion face and front legs, or any combo , could be a lion body with a gorilla face... who knows. Its up to your imagination there. (kinda like the game impossible creatures)[/LEFT] I would hope that whoever signs up can come up with unique combo's where not to many look alikes exist. The rpg will start off with normal life on earth, and progress to my character meeting up with others and trying to convice them to return. For the SBU's getting them to want to go back to what they fled from might not be easy, and for the decendants it could go either way, they (you) could be scared to go because of what youv heard from your parents or grand parents or you could be all up for some action and butt kicking. I have some pre set characters if you need help or would like to play someone already made (however they each have personalities what shouldnt be changed so if you choose to play one of them you will have to play them the way they were intended) Oh and, not all units have to be fighters, we have our spys too so pick animal combos that fit what you would like to be. [center][B]And Sign Up[/B][/center] [LEFT][B]Name:[/B] (Earth or whatever, be creative)[/LEFT] [B]Age:[/B] (Please no younger than 13 and no older than 60,13 -30 are decendant ages and 30-60 are SBU ages) [B]Gender:[/B] (no comment) [B]Species:[/B] (this is where your two animal species will go) [B]Class:[/B] (Fighter? Stealth? Spy? Air Combat?) [B]Personality:[/B] (how they act, what they like, you know...) [B]Appearance Human:[/B] (In human form, what do they look like?) Pictures work! [B]Beast Appearance:[/B] (no humanoid, what does your animal for look like? remember the combo of 2) Pictures work too, but itll be hard to find a picture on google with exactly what your looking for unless you drew it or photoshoped it, or even used the game Impossible creatures [B]Elements:[/B] (any 2 elements, these powers form at puberty so just about everyone will have them, but how skilled they are with them is a different matter) [B]Daily Life:[/B] (This should be A couple paragraphs on their life on earth, what they do for a living, school, talking with others and so no. And please keep in mind, showing off the beast animal form to earthlings is .... bad so dont go flaunting that stuff around. This is to be written like you would in the rpg itself.) Sorry this is ... again so horribly long, ill post my sign up later, if anyone signs up that is.
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][B][center]The Planet of Solkudor[/center][/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Far from earth there is a planet. A relatively small planet, half the size of earth. The terrain is not unlike earth. Same kind of plants, same kind of animals, and humans as well. Thing is, the plants and animals are not native. Human scientists, after the planets decline and extinction of all animal species and almost all plant species needed a way to restart the planet. With their technology they sent scouts out in every direction in look of samples. Only three ships returned out of the six that were sent out.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]The first ship brought back unfortunate news that their ship encountered engine difficulties while approaching a life covered planet. The second ship also brought back unfortunate news that in his entire search no such sample was found. The third ship returned and with fascinating news. A planet far from there had life, although much more primitive than theirs. Their technology was far less advance, but the planet itself was full of life. His scout had even returned with a few plants, some seeds, and a few harmless animals as proof.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]The scientists enrolled the help of what was left of the government. Many cloaked ships entered and left earth over the course of several years. First acquiring enough plant samples to keep their atmosphere from failing. Then came edible crops to feed the small population. Following that came the animals and the decorative things. Some scouts were able to blend in with the humans of earth and acquire information on the things they gathered. [/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Centuries later, Solkudor, once an almost dead planet was now thriving and the people led very comfortable lives... But all peaceful times come to an end.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]The planet comprised of four large land masses surrounded by deep oceans. Each continent had its own government, laws, and style of technology. War began to brew between these four continents for one thing or another. Either it was weapons, or technology, crops or resources not native to one continent but native to another. War raged, and finally slowed down to a small scale battle for trade routes here and there, but little did any of the know, deep underground the real cause for war had sprouted.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][B][center]Underground Facility[/center][/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]A Scientist stares through a high tech microscope at a sample of blood. Changing the magnification a look of shock crossed his face. Just then a door slammed behind him. In even more shock he looks up and turns his chair to see who entered his office so late at night. At realizing it was his boss he relaxed.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"How are things going Vin?" The tall narrow man asked, his narrow eyes deep and emotionless.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]The scientist nervously slides his chair out of the way and gestures towards the microscope. "Very well sir! The two samples mixed perfectly!"[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]A small look of pleasure crossed the man's face as he crossed the room to look for himself. Upon seeing the results he grinned a grin that sent chills down even his closest employees. "Very good. Move to the next phase, I want a LIVE subject by next week!"[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"But sir! Even with the equipment here, that would only produce a very small subject, not nearly full grown!"[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"I don?t care, I want to see how well the process works before we move to full human testing. No use wasting perfectly good volunteers." The man the left the room as if he had never been there.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][B][center]One Year Later[/center][/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]The narrow man walked a long hall lined with windows. The windows looked into rooms where human subjects lived as normally as possible while being monitored for unwanted behaviors and possible hiccups in earlier growth experiments. After they solved the combining they had to make it possible to combine it with yet another sample of DNA. Humans. After many failures, and many vicious child like abominations they had to alter the growth process.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]As the man walked the hallways he was people eating, reading, watching the video screens. Simple... Normal. This pleased the man very much. He turned down another hall and went down a floor via some very darkly lit lights. This floor had no living quarters. It consisted of a huge gym and training rooms. He observed two men sparing on the mats. Two large muscular men both about the same in height and weight fought as though they hated each other. Shortly after one pinned the other they shook hands, joked a bit, and refreshed themselves with drink. The narrow man approached them.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"Hand to Hand combat training I see? Went well did it?"[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Both men almost dropped their bottles at the man's voice. "Yes sir!" They both replied.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"Very good, May we venture to the larger room and you can show me your more..." He paused and gave them a sly sinister look, "More advance fighting skills."[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Both men knew this was by no means a simple suggestion, a direct order was more like it and shortly after that they were in another room. This room was larger, and had no equipment in it.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"No kill right Mr. Zith?" One of the men asked the narrow man.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Mr. Zith grinned, "Although that would please me, to see your full power, we have very little fully operation units at this time, so no, please only damage each other. Damages can be fixed."[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Both men secret thanked the gods and each took a side of the room. The fight began at Mr. Zith's clap.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Before each man even moved a foot, other changes had begun. One man's muscles bulged and bones cracked. The other man quickly followed with the same behavior but shortly after that it was obvious these two men were very different.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]One man stood, four thick legs covered in brown fur, a large body and visibly no tail. He looked like a bear, except for the fact his head was that of a cobra. The other man was far larger, his grey thick hide was going to provide him with far more protection against claws. Wit the body of a rhino, partial features from a rhino, and a lion for his head, he looked far stronger than the other man, and in the end of a massive battle he proved to be the superior.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]His thick hide protected him from most of the other mans attacks, even the cobra head's fangs couldn?t penetrate the thick tough skin and soon the other man had called it. Once over both men transformed back, their bodies barely showing the injuries all except for the deeper cuts.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Mr. Zith kept his emotionless face this time, "Very nice, although it was not the best match on the beast side, however, you won?t be fighting others like yourself so there is still use for you." He was looking at the man who was the bear, and that man knew that had things been different, he would have been disposed of.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Mr. Zith returned to his office for a good drink when his assistant entered, "Another escape today sir."[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"Where to? And who?"[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]The woman with a tired face sighed, "The six newest volunteer?s sir. All of which have stole one of our cloak ships and fled the planet. Earth was the direction they were headed."[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"Eh let them be." He waved his hands in aggravation, "Earth is none of my concern."[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"But sir, they were our products were they not? Also, why wouldn?t you want to take earth instead of our own planet? Its larger for sure, your kingdom would be great."[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"It would be primitive. Earth is a rock, Shanea, A useless rock that doesn?t even produce Shizray, our technology's key ingredient. Now earth is useless, as are the inhabitants, any units that even make it that far are of no worth retrieving." He took a long drink and sighed, "Was that it?"[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"Yes sir." And the woman left.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]"Useless..." He muttered.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][B][center]------[/center][/B][/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Congratulations, you endured it this long! 100,000 COOKIES FOR YOU! Ok, now I know this was long and, sort of uninformative but it?s the basic beginnings of my planet in a comic I am working on.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]The RPG idea will also be based on my comic, however unlike my comic the plot could go either way really, and it?s not set in stone like the comic.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]In this RPG, should I ever get it off the ground, is kind of like animorphs and the game Impossible Creatures, on some serious crack. Nothing like animorphs other than the animal thing. Only like Impossible Creatures because of the fact it?s mixing two animals together (I.E. Bear + Cobra) But this is on humans, and once they were changed, they weren?t human any more.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]So the people who sign up would be descendants of those whom escaped to earth. Yes that gets explained in the RPG. But basically, it comes down to decedents have learned to live on earth as normal humans, no changing, no NOTHING, their other form was completely non existent. It had to be if they didn?t want to be dissected or studied. Until one day, someone comes to earth hoping to find all the escaped units, and their children and their children?s children (yes they do have extended lifespan) to create an army and return to Solkudor and free the four continents from the Zith facilities attacks.[/FONT][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]I think ill stop writing now, you poor people, anyways if you read through all of this and would be entering the RPG I have hopes that you will reply and let me know what you think and such. It?s been a while since I posted on OB, let alone made an RPG.[/FONT][/SIZE] [/SIZE][/FONT]
As the group headed to climb the stairs Rei sighed. Before anyone said anything Xander and Airobeth helped carry her up the stairs. Slower than everyone else but eventually getting to the next floor, then the next, and eventually the group made it to the top floor where Xander and Airobeth sat her down safley away from the stairs and on solid ground. "We could have switched off! I could have helped..." Xander heard one of Rei's friends say suddenly, as he stretched towards the...dark dampness stained ceiling. "No problem really," He said through a huge yawn. "Damn why do I feel so tired still..." Airobeth muttered, "Drugs probably..." She paused and thenshook herh ead, "Wait how the hell could an exit be on the top floor of a building? I mean... its what... like THREE floors down to solid outside ground, I cant fly so im not sure how you all expect me get all the way back down..." Xander put a hand on her shoulder which made her flinch, "I mean... thats like hoping to find an exit on the top floor of .... like.... the... empire state building or something, mere suicide if you ask me!" She continued, ignoring Xander's attempt to calm her. "Let's just see what we can find...." He said after she took a breath. ---- ooc: i remembered in the first post she used a lift, but in the undeground it says no working, or just none at all, of the lifts or elevators... so i figured to have them carry her up, if thats ok...
Xander thought a moment on the trouble that just occured. He quieted the room slightly so he could make an observation. [COLOR=darkorange][B]"That phone is old, and probably connected to the lines herei n the building, for it to work, and then be cut off right after that..." [/B][COLOR=black]He paused has he picked up the phone again as demonstration, pure silence, not even a dialtone,[/COLOR][B] "that MUST mean they cut the line that directly feeds here. So whoever called, has to be in the area, either outside of this building or somewhere inside."[/B][/COLOR] He could see the horror and paranoia on Airobeth's face and sighed. [COLOR=darkorange][B]"Anyone know how many floors we have here. I came down two flights of stairs to get here... and there werent any stairs leading up."[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=magenta]"I went up a floor"[/COLOR][/B] Xander heard Rei say. [COLOR=darkorange][B]"Hmm Could you tell if there were stairs going down as well?"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=magenta]"It was so dark Im surprised I even found the lift going up!"[/COLOR][/B] She remarked. He paused, [COLOR=darkorange][B]"So at lease three and maybe a basement... Uhm... So i say we should search on this floor for the exit. If we split up into teams we could search more quickly. I would think."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"Why just this floor?"[/B][/COLOR] Airobeth asked quietly. Xander frowned, [COLOR=darkorange]"[B]Because I am asuming this is the ground floor, and the ground floor of any hospital normaly has an entrance, which in turn, becomes our exit."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=black]He paused again,[/COLOR][COLOR=darkorange][B] "But its entirely just a suggestion. I just figured standing around here wasnt getting us anywhere."[/B][/COLOR]
Im glad you like it :) Yeah that font, next to some wierd other thats all i got "scarey" wise. This one looked the best, then i bloodyfied it :) Enjoy!
Here, I died my best with what programs and fonts i had availabe. I tried to make it look more like blood as well... Not sure how well it worked. But since i knew people would be dying and there owuld be lots of blood in the rpg i figured why not. If you chose not to use this banner then thats alright :) I understand completely, I dont have indesign so its hard to do any typography stuff lately. I had done one that looked rather nice but it was to large, the text looked even more like blood in that version. I had to make it resize to where it fit both pixel and file size so its not the max size (I wanted the picture to actually look the same only smaller) Anyways I hope this works, I hope you like it.
[COLOR=green]She walked quietly, and so slow she would get 2nd place in a race against the spider creeping along the wall next to her. She glanced in every direction every few seconds, all in hopes of finding an exit, normal day light, or someone who could explain why she woke up in the middle of an abandoned building.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"This is stupid! Who had this bright idea? They could have at least put me closer to an exit or something. Man my head hurts. Oh I found some stairs!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]She sped up and got to the half way point in no time at all only to see a broken pay phone on the wall.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"OH MY GOD!"[/B] She shouted to herself and started digging through her pockets and found that he cell phone was missing.[B] "NO! Its not fair!"[/B] She shouted and stomed down the rest of the way to the floor below. It looked the same as the one she was on.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]She, for the first time, realized most of the doors were locked tight and had barcode scanners. She imagined herself getting into a wierd position so it would read her forhead, only to have the door open and let loose some crazy animal or something. [B]"Gosh I hope this place didnt have, or still does have, animals... Starving animals are... no... not possible."[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=green]~~~~~~[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=green]Meanwhite Xander walked down his hall, all the doors were locked and had no way of seeing inside of them. He got near a stairwell and almost smiled. He then heard the sound of someone going down the stairs farther down and his heart jumped. He raced down the first flight of stairs only to find it and its halls empty.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]He suddenly heard mummbled words down another floor and went down the stairs to come face to face with a girl he recognised.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"YOU!"[/B] She screeched.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]"[B]Wait what?"[/B] He said quietly as he grew more confused.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"It must have been you! You drugged me or something, danced with me to make me comfortable or something.... or.... and now im here and there arent any exits! You must be some psycho killler or rapist of something!"[/B] She was mummbling fast and quietly but enough to still understand. [B]"And what kind of sick thing is this!?"[/B] She said pointing at the barcode on her head.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"Hey calm down, Im none of those things. I danced with you because you looked terrified and no girl should be a club and not dance! I am in the same boat as you! See?"[/B] He said pointing at the barcode etched into his throat. [B]"If you think your head hurts imagine it right here."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]She relazed just a little bit and sighed, [B]"I just dont know what to do... My phone is missing, Hey! You have one right!?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Xander did a long check of all pockets in his boots pants and huge jacket and found his phone was missing. [B]"Not possible! I just got that thing."[/B] He said with a sigh.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"What is your name miss?"[/B] Xander began to ask.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Airobeth cut him off, [B]"I hear more voices!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Without thinking both of them headed in the direction of the voices.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][I]"Oh sure you hear something and you head to it! Real smart stupid! They could be ready to kill you or disect you or something. Yes run towards the unknown sounds!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]They came into what looked like a hospital lobby with a bunch of other people in it, all with visible barcodes and lost looks on their faces.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"Two more huh, you guys have phones?"[/B] One of the girls asked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Xander shook his head, [B]"We already checked, ours are missing."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]The girl sighed, [B]"That is just swell."[/B] she paused, [B]"Names?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Xander nodded, [B]"My name is Xander..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Airobeth reluctantly gave her name in a quiet voice as if she thought the very walls were going to hear it and use it against her somehow. [B]"Airobeth Durant... were you guys at the club too?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Most of them nodded in agreement. Airobeths hear began to race and her mind went even faster.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"They drugged us, shoved us in a hospital for experimenting, something went wrong with the world and while we were here for what seemed like only hours was actually years and they just left us and now were stuck in some post apocalyptic world and...."[/B] Airobeth started mumbling even more theories.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green][B]"Someone's been watching to much science fiction horror flicks."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Xander took a moment and explained how her theory couldnt be possable, including reasons such as they would have dehydrated, starved, and even as far as to say that hospitals would be the last thing to be abandoned since it would help everyone who got hurt or sick during those 'terrible times'.[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Airobeth frowned a sat on the ground by the wall. [B]"Now what...."[/B][I] "Good going, you let your mouth run and now they all think your nuts... smoooooth."[/I][/COLOR]
[B]Name:[/B] Xander [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Calm, quiet, and collected. Speaks quietly no matter what situation, unless its highly chaotic. Known for trying to make others feel better. Even though he doesnt look like the kind type truely deep down he is. Known for violent out bursts when very angry, or threatened. Whe his friends or those dear to him are in danger he will also react. Quietly but effectivley. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff140/Airobeth/001-1.jpg]Xander[/url] doesnt have wings or armor like that. He has skin tight black Tank top and black jeans. He has black boots and a long black coat! Basicly what you see but minus all the fancy stuff. [B]Cell Phone:[/B] Black iPhone 3g complete with internet, music, and total calling ability! [B]Barcode:[/B] Middle of the throat! (OUCH!) [B]Snippit:[/B] It was getting late. Xander sighed heavily as slowly got closer to the already busy club. He just couldnt walk fast enough. He took full advantage of the club and got drinks for himself and a few random other people. He was feeling good like that. He saw a girl a bit younger than him sitting on a couch looking rather out of place, afraid if that was a good word for it. He frowned, chugged the last of his drink, and placed the glass nicely back on the table. He crossed the room easily, with such long legs a few steps and he was standing in front of her. Over the music he asked if she would like to dance. She looked like she was going to die at the thought of it. And not in a good way. She agreed to it though and after a bit she loosened up and began enjoying the night. Later she parted and headed to get something to drink. But dashed in her direction as he saw her passing out. Unfortunaly before he got there he felt wierd and was instantly on the ground. Darkness crept in. When he woke up he was not happy and his throat hurt like hell. Leaning up he glanced around a darkend room that reminded him of some horror film torture room. Just sitting in a room that looked that dead, unused, and dirty would torture most people. He pulled himself off the gross floor and crossed to the sink and mirror. The water didnt work so he used the sleeve of his coat to scrape gunk of the mirror. Glancing at his neck he notice a barcode. He frowned. He was mad but one would look at him and only think he was dissapointed. He glanced around the room and the first door his eyes came to he headed for. Once it was open he charged into the hallway it led to and headed in search of someone, or the exit.
[COLOR=maroon]Rain watched as Kerrian came out of the water and proceeded to dive back in again. She frowned, was he insane? If she almost drowned the last thing she would want to do is go diving, but somehow it did the trick and he started to vanish down a newly uncovered tunnel. She shrugged to Zeek. So much for catching your breath. The group silently followed behind him and he vanished into a large area.[/COLOR][COLOR=maroon]They all were soon next to Kerrian in a huge room barely lit but what light they did have was enough. [/COLOR] [COLOR=maroon]He was standing on a stone walkway that led deeper into the room. The room was so large the ceiling was barely visible and there was a deep crevice on either side of the stone pathway. Rain thought it seemed somewhat familiar to a movie she had seen in the future time. She shook that thought out though when she saw what he had seen. Dark shadows within the room outlined what should not have been possible in Rain's mind.[/COLOR] [COLOR=maroon]Zeek, despite his lack of energy, shot a fire ball high into the air to shower its glow over what they were looking at. A grand castle came into clearer view within the cavernous room. Rain's mouth was hanging wide open at the sight of it. Huge towers at each corner and an even grander on in the center. Windows were everywhere from open ones to stained glass that shimmered in the fireball light. The path led to the grand front doors were more like giant wooden slabs, it was clear one was ajar a bit. The light died down and Rain blankly stared at the castles dark outline.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=maroon]"How is that...??[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=maroon] Before she could finish her comment they heard the cave door shut behind them.[/COLOR] [I][U][COLOR=maroon]I don?t remember too much about this but I do know it was done by magically taking the castle apart in certain pieces and reassembling it back here. I only head IDEAS of it happening though; I did not fully know that Sistania had actually done it. I always just reappeared inside from wherever I was at the time so I never noticed the castle's actual location.[/COLOR][/U][/I] [COLOR=maroon]Rain glared at him, "[I][U]You know, how you could not know with all those windows, I mean hello?"[/U][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=maroon]Zeek ruffled his feathers and stretched his wing out as if to point at the path,[I][U] are we going to stand here and chat about it or are we going to actually check it out?[/U][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=maroon]She nodded, it did seem stupid to just gawk at it. She took lead and headed forwards along the narrow stone path. Small bits of stone crunched below her feet and those who followed her. Soon they were by the large doors. From afar the castle looked large but standing right next to it, the thing was enormous. It towered over them like a giant over ants. The dark area behind the doorway seemed inviting and ominous at the same time.[/COLOR][COLOR=maroon]Taking a deep breath she pushed on the wooden door just slightly and squeezed her way through. Miraculously the door swung open more with great ease. [/COLOR] [COLOR=maroon]Suddenly a flash of torches sprung to life and lit the entire castle. Every corridor, every room, but no one would know until the searched. The entrance hall was grand.[/COLOR][COLOR=maroon]Large tapestries lined the walls with suits of armor silently stood along the base of large granite columns. Everything looked so fresh and new, one would not believe that it had been hidden in the mountain caves for several years touched by no one. It seemed as though just yesterday it had servants and nobles wandering up and down the halls to and fro doing their business. Royal knights patrolling and guarding the very doors they stood next to.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=maroon][FONT=Tahoma]"Holy cod..."[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=maroon] Rain said quietly but even her slightest whisper echoed through the hall. [B][FONT=Tahoma]"This place is even larger on the inside!?[/FONT][/B][/COLOR] [B][/B] [COLOR=maroon]They did a fair bit of walking until they came into a smaller room but not that much smaller than the hall. No chairs or nothing just an open floor with beautiful rugs and a huge candle chandelier hanging over the center of the room. Two large candle holders were lit across the room and in-between them was a large throne. Without a word she dashed for it and even though the room was large she crossed it in record speed. Staring at its large stone grandness left her in awe and yet sadness as well. Soon the others were there too. She ran her fingers gently across its back as she walked around it.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=maroon][FONT=Tahoma]"To think... Not a spec of dust on the place."[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=maroon] Milo said as she glanced around.[/COLOR] [I][U][COLOR=maroon][FONT=Tahoma]Rain...[/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/I] [B][COLOR=maroon][FONT=Tahoma]"Yes?"[/FONT][/COLOR][/B] [I][U][COLOR=maroon][FONT=Tahoma]That throne... once all of this is done and over with, is yours. You must understand this.[/FONT][/COLOR][/U][/I] [COLOR=maroon]Rain hung her head but said nothing. After a rest everyone slowly wandered the halls to check the palace out. Rain was looking at some random artwork on the walls when she heard milo
ooc: with college and stuff noticed a lack of posting and had lost all hope, thought this thing was dead... you people sure hit me by surprise sometimes! ----- [COLOR=darkred]Rain watched as Milo was now surrounded by what seemed to be a swirling spear of water and she recognised this ability. When she first arrived in this time one of the techniques Zeek used on the men who attacked her was very similar. He drowned while his head was surrounded by water, for Zeek's size she figured that was as large as he could make it but Bryne was another story. It was clear he had years of experiance and practice with this ability.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She worried, how was she supposed to help Milo now... She had seen Zeek use it but how did you stop someone from using it. Everyone was fighting with the man who, for his size, was actually quite agile and skilled in many different arts of combat. Even with the distractions he could keep the hold on milo.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Suddenly there was a splash nearby and Rain saw Kerrian stand up, soaked to the bone. More fear ran through her as she realized what a bad spot that was for him to land in. Suddenly he too was surrounded by a dome of water and struggling with it.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Zeek we have to do something...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Suggestions?[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Air wind or SOMETHING i mean cant we like, alright in the time i gre up in there was this movie where this person could... god nevermind, isnt there a way we can like inject air into the bubble and make it explode by expanding the air?[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Its risky and look, his bubbles got weaker when he grabbed kerrian but if we destroy one bubble the other with get twice as strong again, and i only have one shot in me if its using air...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]we have to do something, and dont you dare thing of chosing between the two because ill pluck you clean! I got it! Why dont we[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Fire wont work, to much water around and vines and eary things arent effective in a place like this and electricity would kill them.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]During their conversation the others had managed to get wounded and barely lay a scratch on their opponent virgil was bleeding really bad on the stone ground and sage was getting tired, but worst of all milo and kerrian couldnt hold out much longer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain growled in frustration [B]"DAMNIT!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][I][U]It would all go away if we could get to him![/U][/I] Rain thought...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She clenched her fists and shouted extreamly loud. Over and over this stuff happend and she had enough of it. A large cloud of dust at her feet picked up and almost created this look of a tornado around her, [B]"Zeek we do this together at one, you on milo me on kerrian and i dont think we need to count!"[/B][/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]But he will just reform them...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]No he wont, just do it![/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]The two prepared mentaly at the same time and released strong jets of air at the bubbles. a stream of it entered and gave milo and kerrian some air and it expanded. Bryne had realized what was going on and focused on it, he fought the air and moved the water back down on them.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I told you...And that was all I had in me.... At least they got some more air, they can hold on a little longer.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]Rains eyes were almost on fire she was so pissed. Her swirly wind had returned to circle her again. She didnt hear anything but that wind, she saw all the action of the fight but heard not a single thing. She could hear the blood of anger rushing through her. She lifted up slowly with her hands and at the sight of Kerrian and Milo struggling to escape she shoved a wall of air and wind at Bryne.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]It hit him like a ton of bricks and he flew backwards. Sage and Virgil leaped up at this chance and attacked. The bubbles broke and swords were about to impale the man when suddenly another person appeared and blased everyone away from the man.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Kerrian, soaked and coughing staggered up to shore near Rain who no longer pissed but extreamly afraid. He looked over to see a man, it was the same man who interupted during the fight with Flayr.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain stood in horror, something about this man struck deep fear into her, after all the encounters they have had she had yet to really fight this man and prayed she never had to but here he was again, was her here to take her this time?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Not...again..."[/B] She barely whispered to herself. She wasnt afraid of her own fate at this point, she didnt want him hurting anymore of her friends like he hurt kerrian that night.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"Waterman I dont think you can accomplish what you are searching for."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred]The man was up and ready to attack everyone again when he stopped, [B]"Wussnt dere like,..."[/B] He counted but was interupted.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"I can help you get what you want but you cannot have her for she is MINE."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred]Suddenly he put his hand up and a dark sphear like berrier surrounded Bryne. He pounded his fists into it and yelled, [B]"Ill deal with you later..."[/B] He said to everyone standing in bewilderment and the two men vanished.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain felt light headed and so she sat down. A warm sensation swirled in her head and down her face until she realized her nose was bleeding and her head throbbed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The soaked Milo was next to her trying to comfort her because it was clear that the nosebleed wasnt the thing upsetting her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain shook her off not intentionaly to seem rude but because she wanted to stand up again. Zeek was panting next to her and she patted him on the head.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I have a feeling next time we see Bryne he will be stronger and .... if we ever fight the other guy.... we will be doomed..."[/B] She spoke aloud trying shake everything off.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]zeek shook his feathers,[U][I] But at least we found sistanias pool right?[/I][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain shot him a glare.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]--[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]ooc: anybody still out there go for it, rest, camp, whatever you choose, its just a giant pool of water, watch out random mountain creatures or whatever... *twitchyness*[/COLOR]
ooc: thank you muchly, with school i dont get over to the computer as often maybe once to three times a week so MY posting will be spaced out but please dont let this die yet, i mean its pretty close that that already. id hate to see it end at page 6 --- [COLOR=darkred]Rain glanced around, everyone was there but Kerrian who was still up talking to the mystery man who had "helped" her down here in the first place. The pool of water was shimmering and absolutely still at the same time, there was no wind in this place. Again she refered to the book even though she somehow already knew the answer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Sistania's Pool obviously..."[/B] She sighed mostly to herself.[B] "But i guess she wanted it like cryptic or somethign because there isnt much of an explination as to where the entrance to her chamber is..."[/B] She flipped on but got into more complicated stuff about the inside and she shut it and re tied it to her back. [B]"I guess its like a puzzle or something."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"One you aint figurin out..."[/B] A deep brutish voice echoed behind them. They all spun around.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Standing there was a big brute of a man with blue jean like pants and a light blue tight shirt shoing how buff he had gotten over time. His dusty blue hair as still as the water itself.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"Who are you?"[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Bryne is muh name and gaining your powers is my game prepare to die."[/B] With a swift move of his hand water from the pool bursted up and became almost solid like. It smashed down into the ground in front of them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek sighed, [U][I]great a water master in a place like this...[/I][/U][/COLOR] --- ooc: no killy kill , but you can have him retreat in the same manner the fire witch did.
[COLOR=darkred]Rain noticed that milo was back now and still unconcious and now virgil was out too. This mysterious man was getting in the way and pissing people off. She was sick of it. She ran over to Virgil as did sage and they argued for a second about was going to heal the woundsand agreed on a joint effort to save energy. The cleared up the cuts and got him away from the edge.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]All the while Kerrian had a very cryptic and confusing conversation with this new mystery man who insisted on calling him brother. Of course there were people like that even in her time. Those of power or of a certain race wouldnt hesitate to call a perfect stranger brother but then rain realized that... they were talking about stuff strangers didnt talk about...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]This man KNEW all of them name and all. He knew information about some prophecy and apparently they all fit it perfectly so far. He also was merely focused on Kerrian. Rain sighed, [U][I]How come we cant get a single moments peace...[/I][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She checked everyone carefully from where she stood[B], "Now this is getting out of hand..."[/B] She said to herself quietly. She stood up and approched the man.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"I dont know who you think you are and I dont care. I just dont think we need to be bothered with your bull shit anymore."[/COLOR][/B] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Hmm is that sooo[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]His voice rang through her head like a jackhammer on a city street. She wasnt used to that and he was more amused at her actions than worried.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"You are upsetting Kerrian.... You are upsetting my friends.... I suggest you leave now."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred]He glanced at her and gave her a very eerie smile. Those whisps of black from earlier shot at her and she backflipped out of the way. They came from the side and she quickly doged to the side. This continued untill several came in from all directions so fast she couldnt think fast enough to react. She was on the edge of the cliff above some very jagged rocks and didnt even know it. The man smiled and the whisps launched themselves at her but stopped an inch from her face, but the reaction was all he needed. She stepped back just a little bit and the rock on the edge below her feet gaveway. She fell backwards in an almost slow motion sort of way.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Sage and Kerrian were by the edge and watched her fall in horror. They knew it was not going to be a pretty site when she hit those sharp rocks but couldnt look away. All ideas of helping her fast enough escaped them. They watched her make contact with the rocks at an alarming speed and...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"What the!?"[/B] Kerrian barked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The man laughed, [B]"Oops, did I do that intentionaly? Well look at it this way, she is perfectly safe, for the moment..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]What they had seen was when Rain made contact with the sharp jagged rocks she kept going, stright through them and they heard her land in something wet. Then they heard her scream [B]"GOD DAMNIT How could I be so stupid!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The mystery man laughed again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Meanwhile down with Rain it was light, cold, and wet. She stood chest deep in shimmering water. She glanced up and saw Kerrian and Sage near the edge completely horrified from watching her fall.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Well thats odd, There was no pool of water here when I saw down here before I fell. Must be some kind of illusionary magic."[/B] Of course it was one way because they couldnt see her but she could see them. It was like those police mirrors in her time. She sighed and walked out of the water and up onto the sandy beach that surrounded it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Removing the book from her back she flipped through the pages,[B] "Well This is it, I wonder if he knew... He did! The way he moved me from spot to spot, it is like he hearded me here. Thats so wierd and confusing. I would sense that a man like that would only do harm and seek to bring even more chaos into this flipping journey."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She sighed and tried to figure out how to help.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8b0000]---[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]ooc: i am guessing ugamon had a plan for his mystery man so i didnt get rid of him but i used it to my advantage lol[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]Rain was the first to follow after him, she did not want any of them split up. Sage and Kerrian were right behind her but neither of them could really keep up with her pace. They had just finished of a raging man bull and now a giant bird thought they were lunch, she didnt think so.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Zeek you are the only one who can fly obviously give us a hand.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]It isnt like I can magicaly grow fifteen times bigger and like let you ride me around what good will I do?[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I know you cant you tiny feathery friend. Suoh please just help try to get above this fog and see if you can see it, or its nest, or something useful.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Very well, And we will discuss that nickname later.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]He flapped his large wings which were now a dark blue and he dissapeared into the fog above them. She noticed their climb uphill got more and more steep and soon they couldnt run anymore and all they could do was climb. She could see the spots where Virgil had placed his feet and hands and followed them exactly.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]After a little they climbed up onto the edge of a cliff that cut into the mountain. It was a football sized area of flat rock that cut deeper even into the mountain and a cave very close to the edge on the eastern side. Virgil stood there in the center of the clearing, the fog was gone in this area and he was glaring at the circling Roc high above the ground. No way to get to it and It landed on a level landing several hundred feet up and sat the unconcious Milo down. At least rain hoped she was unconcious.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek flew out of nowhere and sipped at the Roc and slammed into its face. He zipped back and fired off a blast of fire from his beak, burned and singed its feathers. It let off an ear piercing screech and followed after him. He led it down to the others. If he could get it close enough perhaps they could disable a wing or something. After that take it down.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Get ready everyone he is bringing it down here..."[/B] Rain said pulling her sword out.[/COLOR] --- OOC: Dont kill it just yet peoples, its part of the plan yes *evil grin*
[COLOR=darkred]Once the noticed he didnt fall over dead they all started to eat as well. [B]"Well its about bloody time..."[/B] Rain heard someone say.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The sound of grinding rock followed that. The rock wall with the writting started to move like a sliding door at a supermarket. A short little man with bright red hair, mustache, and beard walked in. Another small man followed him but had blackish grey hair. They were both short and carrying axes on their backs similar to the Minotaurs oversized one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Uh..."[/B] Rain paused. [B]"Who are you guys."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Names not important missy. Bout time you got here though, but ya reek of blood, what happend?"[/B] The red haired one said first.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The black haired one frowned, or what seemed like one from below all that hair, [B]"Cant ya tell? Siyavash has finally be brought down. Ever since he went nuts and started ignorin our orders every time he comes around we shut shut out gate and wait."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"We are sorry for imposing on your meal, It is just... we havnt eaten much in the past few days."[/B] Rain said quietly and started feeling very ashamed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The black haired one let out a brutish laugh, [B]"Hah no worries lass it is there for eatin and eatin is what your doin so its notta goin to waste. But uh... Where did ya all come from?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Virgil was the first to answer due to he was the first with an empty mouth as every had taken a bite. [B]"Korina Village in the Wild Wood forest and we are headed to the peaks to Haindru mountains. Hey by any chance can you tell us what the writing on that wall said?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The two men looked at each other and the red haired one spoke up first, [B]"Nothin important, it just says 'entrance'"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Just about everyone either dropped their forks or sighed in anguish. All that wokr to figure it out and it was just a sign to say there was a door there. What a way this was turning out to be.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain swallowed and glanced at the armor,[B] "Then what does that say over there, over the armor?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]They both glanced at each other and the black haired one spoke in another language for a moment and then said,[B] "Go ahead and tell them. I need to head back to the main chambers and tell the others what has happend."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]After he left and the stone door slid shut again the red haired dwarf smiled, [B]"A long time ago we had a great leader, he was part of the royal army back when Queen Sistania was still ruling. He was in charge of one of her royal army platoons however after her and the kings dissapearance or downfall he was driven away and we dwarves were looked down upon. I guess the queen brought tolerance and once she was gone so was the tolerance. Needless to say that was a while ago and a few years back he died due to that Minotaur going crazy. It used to obay our orders and protect these hallways from intruders only when we saw a need to defend it. If it was some person who was just lost we left it be and left little hints as to how to get out, however one day he stopped payin attention and started killin anyone who wandered in."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain nodded, [B]"Oh then you might know where this passage way Queen Sistania writes about in her book. The writing is so smudged and smeared we cant even read the parts in our language, but there is some in yours."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The man scooted over to the table where the book lay open next to rain, [B]"Hmmm. Well its a good thing you asked me because you would have never found it otherwise. Now ill tell you ut only if you tell me the real reason you guys are climbing the mountains."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain sighed and took the next twenty minutes to explain their entire story, about where she used to live, how she got here, who she met, who attacked her, and how she got the book and how rude her realizing who she was turned out to be.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"Aye quite a story and I can tell you speak the truth. It is amazing to look upon the Heir like this. Never in my day did i think... Anyways this passage way you seek is hidden in one of our closed tunnels. The writing in your book says seek the eagle and the lamb. Its actualy refering to a drawing on the rock walls but thats a few miles from her. Then once that doors open it takes about another four hours to climb that tunnel to the entrance towards the top"[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred]After everyone was full and washed off slightly they followed the little man down another tunnel and through a secret doorway. He was indeed right, they would have never seen it. It had no writing or indication that there was a door there. How did these little men even see such things in a dark place like this. The continued down and after what seemed like forever they came to a wall with a big drawing on it. An eagle on a branch overlooking the land with a lamb below the branch sleeping peacefully.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"Queen drew this herself, not sure what meaning its got to her but it dont really matter to us."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred]He pushed in a few rocks in what seemed like an order combination and another rock slid out of the way to show a steep uphills tunnel. [B]"Sorry but this is as far as I myself go. And there are no forks on this path so just keep following it and you will reach the surface soon enough. Be well and,"[/B] He glanced around carefully,[B] "Once out there watch out for the Roc, been terrorizing the Tundra village for some time now and likes to roam these mountain tops... So be on the lookout at all times."[/B] With that he wandered off as if he had never been there in the first place.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain glanced at Zeek, [U][I]Well things just keep getting better and better...[/I][/U][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Rain was feeling better yet felt a hot rage within her as well. She did not think it was hers though. For some reason it came from deep within. She was tired of this.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1][B]"This shit better be over with... Im tired of it..."[/B] She muttered.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]She got up and glared at the guts and blood that surrounded her. Kerrian was pissed by the looks of it and she was tired of this dark passage. Suddenly she smelt something. It was coming from the direction that they were headed towards so without a word she dashed down the passageway without the others. Completely disregarding some left over pain and slight recovery that was still going on. She could handle it. It seemed so familiar and yet so strange at the same time.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]She heard the others call after her but she ignored them. Some light shown from far ahead and she continued to run. She came to a halt in a grand room that looked like it belonged in a house not in a mine. Three tables in the center, each with three chairs. A counter was carved into the very rock and stone dishes were stacked there. Strange food was already on the tables. It had looked like... someone had just been here. The torches were still almost completely full she realized as they had oil in them instead of just flamable objects. Shefrowned.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]"Who was just here... Hey guys get up here, I found something..."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]She glanced at the walls and noticed a writing. It looked nothing like any writing she had ever seen. In the corner of the room below some fancy lettering a very... short suit of armor sat on a stand as though for show or decoration. This seemed very strange. It seemed as though they werent in the normal mines anymore.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1][B]"Where the hell are we?" [/B]She unstrapped the book from her back and dropped it onto the table. She glanced down and yanked it open and started combing the pages for any kind of clues. She could hear the others appoching so she continued to glance at the pages. She passed something and went back to it. The same writing was draw into the book.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred][B]"So what is this..."[/B] She read a little but nothing useful came up untill the next page which mentioned Siyavash as a guardian of the "other" mines and that he wasnt easy to bring down, though he did not die the queen was still able to disable him. None of this info seemed to help her figure it out.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred][B]"Well would you look at that... Hmm Dwarfs and they left us a table and a bunch of words we can't read... Hey look Zeek there is some armor we could shove you in..." [/B]Kerrian said as he entered the room.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=#8b0000][U][I]Hah hah very funny, Wild Man. I wonder where the little guys went, since the food is fresh and the fires are well lit.[/I][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=#8b0000][B]"Who cares, I want to get out of this psychotic place and this damn book mentions a passagway but not how to get to it. Something about gah its so old the damn writting is smeared and faded in areas... Man I wish Mother had used some kind of wear proof ink at a time like this, sheeesh."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][U][SIZE=1][COLOR=#8b0000]I Dont think that kind of thing exists yet. What do they use to write in your time?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/I] [SIZE=1][COLOR=#8b0000][B]"You have got to be kidding me... this is not the time to be asking for future lessons!"[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=darkred]Taking a better look at the Minotaur Rain realized it had dark brown if not black hair on its body. Rain took a breath as she landed again from another dodge. Pulling out her sword she glanced at the others who were also getting ready for battle. This was going to be a normal thing for them from here on out she figured. The Minotaur roared and many pebbles and bits of dust and rock came loose from the ceiling of the tunnel. It fell down and got in Rain's hair. She sighed, [B]"This, mister cow, is not cool."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The guardian roared at her comment.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I guess cow was the wrong term to use..."[/B] She heard sage mutter.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain laughed in an almost completely different voice,[B] "Aww to bad. Did I hurt your feelings? Tough Shit!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She leapt up as he grabbed his axe and prepared to attack again. She ran at him but he lifted up his fist and stood taller. She skidded to a stop ten feet from him, well within range to be hit by his attacks.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"No one shall pass here! I am Siyavash the Gaurdian Protector. You will not survive this."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain grinned, [B]"Then why tell us your name if we are gonna die? Kinda wasted your own breath huh? Or is it you like hearing yourself talk?Course if I was stuck down here for who knows how long I think I might like to hear my own head rattle too."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek fluttered there, [U][I]Dear lord what has gotten into her? HEY... Rain get outta there!?[/I][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Siyavash roared in fury and swing his axe again but rain moved far to swiftly as though she intended for him to move that way.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]Stay outta my head right now SUOH![/I][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]SUOH?! How do...you...Unless....[/I][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain ignored his comment and launched at the Minotaur while everyone else moved in. They all attacked at the same time dodging and slicing and everyone moved back when a rock fell from the ceiling. Rain saw the condition of the ceiling tunnel and smiled.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"He is large, stupid, but strong. Everyone get on the other side of him... we need to go down that part of the tunnel... If we cant kill him I want everyone in position. If he wont go down with just the few of us... I have a plan."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She snapped her fingers and they ignited and a small fireball appeared. She ran at him while still maintaining the flame. When he pulled back to swing at her she flicked the ball of flames into his face. He stepped back to claw at the burning and Rain sped up and slid right between his legs to the other side of him. He roared about the flames and swung his arm around and hit rain square in the chest. She flew back into the rock wall and left a dent where her head hit. She slid to the ground and looked up at the back of Siyavash's head. He faced the others figuring they were more of a problem now.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]Well... that plan backfired... Now i cant see clearly... Thats what I get for getting cocky...[/I][/U] She rubbed at her eyes, they were pretty fuzzy but she wasnt gonna let that stop her. The rocks were not really that hard, they were of a soft make up which is why her head left a dent but it hurt none the less.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Come on guys, all together!"[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]She had her eyes closed for what seemed like hours but it was only actualy a few seconds. In those few seconds she imagined the many different directions they could go and what could happen but nothing out of the ordinary pushed her in a certain direction. But something in her told her there was the knowledge down there somewhere.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She placed both hands together as if to pray and thought deeply. Each path looked equally worn, the air from all three was stale, and there werent any flourecent lightbulb arrows pointing the way so she was shit outta luck on this one.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"What am I supposed to do now!?"[/B] She shouted suddenly... Everyone was silent, except for her echos which reverbarated from each tunnel. Her mouth dropped open, [B]"Was it really that simple?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"What?"[/B] Sage asked curiously.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain shook her head and laughed, [B]"Listen..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Again her voice echoed through the different path choices and sage smiled, [B]"Clever..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Kerrian too had figured it out and Milo caught on a few seconds later, even virgil nodded in agreement.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek glanced at Rain, [U][I]How did you figure it out and which one is it?[/I][/U][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"Easy Zeek, The echos last longer in that tunnel right there meaning its deeper than the others, meaning it goes deeper into the mountains so with that being said I say its our best choice for now. Maybe we will find clues along the way or maybe you might remember something huh..."[/COLOR][/B] [I][U][COLOR=darkred]I... Right... I never traversed these tunnels, I was always able to shift between one place and another... thats why I seem to randomly appear to you. So i never had to take the long ways so I am as lost as all of you are.[/COLOR][/U][/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Yes but maybe... Sistania ever say anything to you about the mines and tunnels?" [/B]Rain was now walking with everyone down the far right tunnel, the only light was that of their torches.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Just that its more dangerous than you think even if it is unused by the Korina Villagers now... Thats all I know. I am sorry.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I am sure... Mother... had her reasons for not saying anything to you, I just wish she had said something, anything.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [I][U][/U][/I] [I][U][COLOR=darkred]She did say you were going to grow up to be smart like your father and a quick learner like she was. Like it said in the book you keep strapped to your back now... She had someone she just called her seer. THey fortold you would have most of her powers but that little goblin blowing up thing was your fathers special ability and you have inherited it. She always talked about what she figured you would accomplish one day, while she was pregnent anyways, once you were born she was sure you would figure this all out and stop what was going on... I Wait.... Mother?[/COLOR][/U][/I] [I][U][/U][/I] [I][U][COLOR=darkred]Well... No matter what I say... I am the princess whether i like it or not. That means Sistania is my mother, so i should show her some respect for what she did to protect me. Calling her sistania after all that trouble she went through isnt right so yes... Even though she never raised me, didnt know me, and didnt watch me grow she is still my mother.[/COLOR][/U][/I] [I][U][/U][/I] [I][U][COLOR=darkred]She might not have raised you, might not have gotten to know you, but she has always watched over you no matter where or when you were...[/COLOR][/U][/I] [I][U][/U][/I] [COLOR=darkred][I][U]Thanks Zeek... [/U][/I]After that Rain was silent as they manuvered through the curving dark corridor of the mine.[/COLOR] [I][U][/U][/I] [COLOR=#8b0000]-----[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]ooc: Ugamon is your turn...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]She was more in shock than any other time here in this past world. What he had just done was so much of a shock it put the shock of the royalty stuff and general shock of being in the past to shame. Did he do that to calm her down like she had done with him earlier? Or was there another reason?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]As he held her there the rain slowed to a stop and the sky cleared up so they were standing in the bright moonlight. He pulled away finaly to mess with his cloak a little and she noticed the look on his face, He couldnt lie to her if she brought it up but felt that she shouldnt, though she could see some feeling of being torn about something, and it ALMOST looked like he had been crying orwas about to. She could see the color around his eyes but decided not to question it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]He recommended that they return and get some rest and she silently nodded. After a while of some bland silent walking the returned to the camp and Zeek floated up to her.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Rain... I...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Do not bother yourself with apologies for keeping shit secret from me. I dont care at this point. Even if you hadnt said anything I think I was destined to find this in the forest anyways so I would have figured it out on my own eventually.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]She held out the Journal of Sistania. So its alright Zeek. Sure I beleive the way you guys went through all that wasnt right but Kerrian is right it needed to be said, I needed to know.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Where did you find her journal?[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]At the shrine in the forest. Korina Shrine or something like that. It solidifies everything so I wont run from the truth anymore. But that doesnt mean I will face it yet. I am Rain and no matter what that is the person I made myself out to be and thats who I will remain to be unless I see need to change something. So do not expect much princessy actions out of me.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]Hmmm Zeek said,[/I][/U] his feathers switching from angry red to a deeper depressed blue color.[I][U] I was looking forward to your return to this time. It was always said that when you returned things would get better and the throne would be taken by the right people again... once we find it that is...[/U][/I][/COLOR] [I][U][/U][/I] [COLOR=darkred]Rain glanced at him, [U][I]Find it?[/I][/U][/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Well the castle, the entire royal court castle vanished right before your birth. I could teleport stright into it no matter where it was but I couldnt figure out its actual location, so the castle itself is missing and the throne along with it.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]Rain glared at him, [U][I]Dont expect me to take up throne any time soon buster. You will be lucky if I do it at all![/I][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]A hour later everyone was packed up and ready. Zeek had located some prey and toasted it up right nicely and got a pack for Rain to carry it in. She felt better doing SOMETHING even if it was carry rations and stuff. They all walked quietly for quite a while and made it to the mine entrance. The air coming from the mine was stale letting all of them know NO one had worked in there for years. At least not the silver mines created by humans anyways. Rain nodded and took the first step into the darkness after lighting up a torch with Zeek's help.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Hmm this may take a while."[/B] She muttered and when everyone else joined her in the dark corridor they saw what she saw. Several different corridors branching off in different directions. This wasnt in their favor.[/COLOR]