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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. [size=2]Rae and Lucemon were sitting next to a river. Rae stared at the water as if in a trance. Lucemon looked the same... Then Rae moved her head to the side and made eye contact with Lucemon.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Its morning already..."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Lucemon nodded, "I know..."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Rae shook herh ead and stood up, "Why did you not tell me?"[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Because you seemed to be so peaceful and calm. I did not want to disturb you." Lucemon said placing his feet in the water.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"True... My meditation does make me very calm... But yeah... We should get back with the... Others..." Rae said as she dusted herself.[/size] [size=2][/size] "You dont like the others?" The angelic boy asked. "Heh... Lets just say I feel out of place... Emma and Phayt have their own thingbe it emotions or just plain rivalry between them. I stay out of it. And as for the other guy..." "Meteo?" "Yeah... I dont know him... I dont know any of them... Oh well. Lets not mention any of this to the others." "Very well..." He gave a small bow. With that they walked off towards the house. Once inside Rae silently got something strange and ate it... She sat down at the table with the others but avoided eye contact. She folded her arms and looked around... Still avoiding eye contact with the others. She let out a sigh and placed her head on her arms which were on the table. Lucemon floated behind her watching everyone carefully. [i]"I wonder how we could get the group closer... Get them to trust and know each other better... If Rae continues to feel alone... It could cause problems..."[/i] Lucemon thought to himself. -------------- OOC: Italics are thoughts just so you know. Its what my characters are thinking in their head. So your characters dont hear that.
  2. Heh... Im a fifty seven... But I know at least one thing thats in me. Swedish. Oh and English (as my mom put it "It gots da england in me" Which I sappose was her way of trying to sound cool....) But I know for sure my birth father (whom iv never met) Is Swedish... So.. yeah.
  3. Tala turned quickly and halted Vaxla, "Sister... The weakest of weak demons couldnt even cause that much damage... Me and Aaron can handle it... Hari seems strong... And Kyo is for sure... He can handle this Im sure... You didnt wee what I did when I retrived him from earth." Vaxla stared blankly, "UH-huh..." "Its not an Impossible mission... It is Experiance training... You and I even went through it far before their age.." Tala said calmly. Vaxla nodded, "Yes but we were born here... We knew the actions of the weapons before we even started training... These newcomers dont." "They are no longer NEWCOMERS Vaxla!" Tala growled, "They are changers! We are all that is left from an entire kingdom! Our race is slowly becoming exticnt! They shouldnt be treated like the...'NEWCOMERS' anymore... They are now one of us..." Tala was raging mad... "Being here over one day doesnt make one a true Changer... Its Skill" Vaxla said with a blank stare on her face. "Its HEART!" Tala yelled with a growl, "And I would advise you to Remember that!" "Yeah and Heart is something these noobs dont have yet. Heck Hari cant control her headaches and cant seem to find the heart of the dragon to well... To think SHE got mothers form." Vaxla said and walked out. "Th... She can Handle It!" Vaxla mummbled from the corridor, "We shall see..." Tala sighed and sat down. Aaron appeard in her room a few moments later. "It is time... Though I might inform you that perhaps your arguments should be a bit quieter next time...." "Its jsut your hearing..." "No actually... I noticed everyone heard that... But everyone is ready to go. Kyo and the others are waiting." Tala nodded, "Ill be right there."
  4. Rae stood outside still as Apollymon floated above her. "Did I over do it?" Apollymon said looking down at his partner. "Not really... At least we kept Meramon from getting hurt... Though... Someone wasnt very greatfull..." Rae crossed her arms, "Hmph..." "He said thanks... " "Phayt said thinks as if it were a question as if he wasnt even sure. AND meramon didnt even thank me... Sheesh..." Rae said sitting down on the ground. Apollymon flaoted down next to her and sat on the ground next to Rae. He was huge compared to her but that didnt bother any of them. Rae climbed up onto his shoulder and sat there. She looked around and smiled. "Though Im angry at the both of them for being so ungreatfull when I look at the stars... I feel calm." Rae said smiling slightly. The stars were bright... They werent exactly real stars Rae figured. They were probablly just a digital illusion... Rae didnt figure the digital world was like earth... A planet floating around a sun and surrounded by other stars and planets. Rae didnt care though. The stars... Small silvery lights against a dark blue background... "They look like I could reach out and pluck them right out of the sky..." Rae said smiling brighter now. "Watch..." Apollymon lifted his hand up towards a sparkling dot in the sky and placed his large armored hand over it. He gripped his hand and pulled it close to Rae. He opened his hand and a spiral of sparkling specks flew around in circles in the palm of his hand... The light lit up Rae's face as she smiled. "How did you do that?" Rae asked almost mezmorized. "Its not the star..." "I know... How did you do that?" Apollymon laughed, "Im a magical creature... I can let you see whatever you wish to see... As long as you can describe it well enough." Rae smiled even more, "Really?" "Truely..." Apollymon smiled at her... Not in an evil way but in a kind way. "He has dirty blonde hair... Emerald green eyes and hes tall... around 5'8''. Hes got tan skin... His hair... short and spikey... " Rae began to describe this boy and she went on for five minutes. Apollymon smiled and closed his eyes. In a few moments the boy appeared. Rae smiled. The image disassapeard, "Um... Rae... Who was that?" Rae looked at him, "Oh... noone... I dont know him... I just wanted to see how good you were. I made him up." Apollymon looks at her and grins, "Is everyone from your world like you?" "like me what? What am I like?" "80% Devil..." Apollymon joked. "Oh please... Uh... Why havent you returned to Rookie yet?" Apollymon looked at her and nodded, "Um... With card evolutions like I do... It takes a while to run down and return to rookie. The others can do so by themselves... by choice. I have to wait for a while." Rae nodded, "I understand. Whiley our still big why not go for a little ride?" Apollymon said nothing and began to fly. Rae wrapped her arms around his neck so not to fall off. He flew around above the forest ad a swift yet calm speed. He kept quiet as Rae stared at the view and mainly the stars. Apollymon noticed she spent most of her time staring at the stars and the moon. He figured he shouldnt ask and let her be... She seemed so peaceful. After a while he lowered back to the ground and stood there. Rae still on his shoulder. He blinked and looked around. He suddenly became lucemon again... Small and floating there. Rae suddenly realized there was no huge shoulder holding her into the air. She fell about ten feet into the ground. Her legs and fingers twitching as her face glanced at the grass arounder. "Sorry" Lucemon grabbed her ankle and pulled her into the air and sat her down lightly. Rae rubbed her nose, "Oww..."
  5. Mwahaha Ok. When I was in sixth grade or perhaps fourth (i cant remember the time of year) I had a nice little experiance with a Kitty. No one was around... I was small. I went outside to play around the area... The movement got my attention and I watched stupidly as a couger stalked closer and closer to me. I finally realize (when he was less than 10 feet from me) that i should not be there. I went back in the house of course. I have more stories but no time to tell them right now.
  6. Rae looked at Lucemon.... "What are we gonna do..." Lucemon whapped her on the head, "Cards my dear Cards..." Rae pulled out her cards and pulled out two cards. Ultra Upgrade and another... "Digi Modify... Angelic Light activate!" Rae used. An arrow appeared infront of lucemon. He grabbed it and shot it into meramon. Meramon was then suddenly surrounded by a bright light. "Whats that!?" Phayt asked. "Lucemon may chose to send the effects of a card to a friend if he wants to... Angelic Light protects meramon from demonic attacks... No one else risk attacking... Lucemon you ready?" "I dont know what to say... Except for thanks" phayt said quietly "Yeah!" Lucemon grinned as his bangs of his blonde hair curled upwards making him look quite evil as if he just grew horns of hair. Rae slashed the second card. "Ultra Upgrade activate!" With that lucemon got a strange feeling. He growled loudly and began to glow so brightly everyone had to look away. "Lucemon digivolve tooo..... Lucemon Falldown Mode..." Rae glanced up at him. he looked half angelic and half demonic... He laughed evily. "Lucemon Falldown mode?" Rae asked almost dissapointed. "What? Im also known as Apollymon if you really want to get into that... " Lucemon looked at mudfrigimon. "Ok... heh what punishment shall be given today..." Kyuukimon looked at lucemon like he was crazy, "Hey let us help too!" "I cannot... If you add to the attack... Meramon will be hurt... The angelic light keeps him immune to my following attack... though if you want to i cant truely stop you... but its up to you to take that risk..." "Hes right... " Kazemon said quickly. Lucemon then shouted from the air, "Satan Curse!" ---- ooc: Good enough right? I figured it was lucemon's turn for some fun... falldown mode is also called Apollymon if you would like to use that. This attachment is Falldown mode/Apollymon.
  7. [font=Tahoma][color=red][b]Name:[/b] Teyla Fox[/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=red] [b]Codename:[/b] Tao [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b]Attachment... She is wearing black jeans and a black longsleeve shirt under and short red t-shirt. [b]Weapons?:[/b] A long whip with an electrical charge. [b]Powers:[/b] She has the Power to pull anything to her... be it metal or rock or paper. For example a bullet wound she can easily take care of... She can place her hand on the wound and easily (yet painfully) remove the bullets. Her other power is healing. She can heal herself...(Think Wolverine) But its a little more difficult at times. Shes not immortal. She can also heal others... She can also reverse the magnetic effect. She can slow things coming at her... or make herself go faster towards something. [/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=red][b]Personality:[/b] She is kind and caring but sometimes beleives she can do whatever the task is alone... She has yet to learn not everything can be done alone. Normaly though she is simple and kind. She doesnt joke much but can be sarcastic. During certin times of the day she shows signs of two completely different personalities. One thats kind and sweet and one thats sarcastic and mean... But this isnt often.[/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=red] [b]Biography:[/b] When she was born she was sent to an orphanage because her parents couldnt take care of her. She didnt mind though when she was told.... She understood for some reason. She got along with everyone and then her second personality sometimes flared up. Her attitude changed far to often and soon everyone didnt like having her around so she went to live alone. And at the age of 10 she was wandering around by herself... She didnt seem bothered by the danger around... Once away from everyone the meaner side of her took a break... She had to balance how she acted to keep herself kind. She then was walking through a tough and rough neighborhood and someone was attacking other people... She stepped infront of an attack and was thrown down... The attacker left and she lay there... But soon her wounds cleared up... She realized then she was different. If there is something that needs changing PM me please...[/color][/font]
  8. [color=red]OOC: Phayt quit as well... so mole dude isnt there anymore either... oh well.[/color] [color=red]---------[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala nodded, "I think its a good idea... the best way to learn is to experiance... Though... if I lost the changers of today.... as well of the changers of yesterday... Im not sure what I would do... Iv lost so much..." Tala said sadly.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Your brother... Your husband... Your child... and now we have lost almsot everyone we grew up with..." the large tiger said.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala nodded sadly but shook her her head right after that, "Aaron... We need to train them as fast as we can... They can learn to handle their forms as we go... weapons and such are our main goal... So these demons you speak of will be a good starter... You should prepare... Ill be going with you."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Aaron sorto f stopped his thoughts and turned to her, "Are you sure thats a good idea:? You have been under alot of stress lately. Maybe you shouldnt-"[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"I will... I am not going to sit here all safe and cozy while you guys go out and risk your necks and souls... If your gonna do it im doing it as well." Tala growled, "Now... You better get something in your belly... And prepare..."[/color]
  9. [size=2][color=red]OOC: Just a notice... Ohkami told me earlier she quit... so it be best just to exclue the name sakura from our posts now.... because i cant think of any way to get her character to either return to earth or to die but eh... im not cruel enough to kill her... *shrug*[/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]---------------[/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]Tala had made dinner.... she put even more effort into it when here emotions were going haywire... She made a large meal... Breads, Veggies, Fruits and... a huge platter of different meats. Something that looked like a leg of a reptile or some sort and some chopped up dried meats and jerkey too.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]She made almost twice as much food as she normaly did when the others were alive... It Now looked like she was making food for an army with fifty percent less people... to eat it.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]She grabbed a leg off the meat platter and bit into it... She ripped meat off it like she was killing it though it was already dead. She stripped it clean quickly... her anger was intense. [/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]"Argh!" She was left with the bone and she threw it across the room with such force it shattered near the doorway which Hari and Bakuryu had just walked through.[/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]"Oh... Sorry..." Tala said running her fingers through her hair and left the meal room... How on earth could she let this happen....[/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]She went outside and sat down on the mountain top... In wolf form she watched the sky grow darker... The moon was now high... "I should have been the one to die... I should have been there with them.. Im so weak... Staying in the caves while i send them out to meet their dooms... Argh..." [/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]The wolf growled to no one... She felt like leaping off the mountain top... The idea swirled around in her brain... but she knew that wouldnt be right.. leaving the rest to manage on their own...[/color][/size] [size=2][color=red][/color][/size] [size=2][color=red]What good was she to them now though... She felt confused. She threw her hugeh ead backwards and began to Howl.[/color][/size]
  10. I have a few. [b]Frankinstine:[/b] I got this because my real first name is... Frankie... And because i was born the day before halloween. [b]Franka: [/b]Because my middle name is Flora... and my first name is Frankie... My civics teacher put the two together. [b]Florie: [/b]Because my middle name is Flora... and my first name is Frankie... My civics teacher put the two together. [b]Flor: [/b]Because... Well im not sure but a girl here on OB called me that... because she forgot to put the A i sappose but it stuck...
  11. I meditate every night before I sleep and every day at lunch time (I know where to go when Im at school.) At lunch time i tend to meditate in a classroom... The teacher lets me meditate in there during the lunch break. Anyways... There are times while I am meditating where time around me seems to stop... Not literally of course but It just seems that way. Anyways most of the time though I have something more like this: My eyes are closed but I can see everything around me. I seem to hear my breathing differently than normal and I see things I normally wouldnt see... Probably my imagination but still... I sometimes dream but most of the time what I see is vast emptiness in my mind.... And in this emptyness... Is a small flickering flame as if a candle was lit... Without the candle.
  12. Once Rae was inside she changed her mind on sleep. She was a night person... So once upstairs she made her way out onto the window seal. Lucemon grabbed her wrist and flew her onto the roof of the house. Rae lay there next to Lucemon and she stared at the stars. "Uh Lucemon..." Rae asked... "Yes Rae?" "Are you going to Digimon into something... like... UltraAngelmon or something like that?" Rae asked. "I cannot digivolve unless you help. And No... My higher forms arent... eh... That Holy if you know what I mean..." Lucemon said with a slight laugh. Rae seemed to understand that last part and answered with a giggle, "So how DO I help you digivolve... Phayt and the other kid ... They have crests... Emma is the digimon... so what about me?" Lucemon held out his hand and instantly the pack that held the many many cards flew out of Rae's pocket and into lucemon's hand. He handed it to her and smiled. "There are a few cards in there that are for Digivolution... I unfortunatly dont even have a Champion form though..." "Does that mean you cant digivolve at all!?" Rae shouted. "No no no... I just never had a Champion form... I go straight to Ultimate or Mega... I guess I wasnt programmed to Go to champion. Anyways you have cards that can make me go to my higher forms. Look through and see if you can find them." Rae did so and pulled out three of one and five of another. "Hmm... Warp Gene..." Lucemon smiled, "Those three... Warp Gene... They make me digivolve to Mega." Rae put them back and looked at the other five. "So these... Ultra Upgrade cards are for the Ultimate form?" Rae put them back in their case. "Yes... The other cards are simply to enhance my abilities... Or give me abilities from other digimon. There is a card in there that is called... Kazemon's Light. It gives me or which ever form i am in... It gives me the ability to use an unnamed wind attack. There is also a card in there that is called Drill Arms... It gives me arms that are drills and I cant dig through thick rock and such... There are many different types that do different things." "These all might come in handy somewhere.... Cool... Hey do you hear something?" Rae leaned up and looked around. She coudlnt see anything but she could hear... Heavy footsteps coming their way... Lucemon looked around, "It be best if we warn the others... I dont have a good feeling about that." Rae nodded in agreement and lucemon took her wrist and flew her back in through a window. "Guys something is coming!" Lucemon and Rae shout at the same time.
  13. [color=red]Tala couldnt help but stare in shock... All of the most skilled changers... dead... Without physical proof she would normaly not beleive it but somewhere deep inside her heard she realized... It was true... She needed no proof.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala became a wolf quickly and with her large wolf teeth she grabbed Vaxla carefully by the clothes and pulled her up onto her back. She then walked silently into vaxla's room and set her carefully on her rock bed. Tala returned to human form and sat down for a moment.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Aaron and the changers (Ill be saying changers from now on because the newcomers are all thats left) returned to the training room silently. Aaron knew tala would tell him to continue with the training.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala wasnt sure what to do but she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Bo Nee Wai..." She growled to herself in some odd language if anyone heard they wouldnt understand... She then shook her head and went into the training room.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Aaron had them working with normal straight sticks... Tala shook her head.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala cleared her throat, "Let us work on our morphing skills first Aaron... Those will be needed most."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala watched Aaron and the others put their sticks away. Tala stepped towards them all.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"This loss is bad but these arent the times to be mourning... We need to train you all up now... With no others except for us... You need every bit of skill you can get... There arent many of us to protect you if you get into trouble."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala got even closer to them, "Now what you first must do is picture your inner beast... Your inner animal... You must see your forms in your mind... Then you must concintrate on becoming that... It may take a few minutes but... Once your used to it... You will soon be able to do it within a few seconds. Aaron here will help you..."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala left the room and went outside... As she watched the horizon she saw several bright lights flying at her. She stepped out of the way just intime to see them fly down a corridor. She followed. They went right into her room... Where the soul was kept.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Each little glowing orb of light was then absorbed by the Soul. Tala picked it up and looked at the crystal.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]She saw Kaikura and Kaida's faces... Then Lyn... Fawn... Avian... and last was Roc... He was walking in the mist as the others were... Walking towards the core of the crystal. Roc turned around and looked right at Tala. He lifted a hand and waved slowly at her... Then the fallen... were shrouded in mist... The crystal returned to what it looked like before.[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]Tala realized that... those orbs were the fallen changers souls... Entering the Soul... as she had been told in ledgends... She sighed and sat down in her chair... What was she to do...[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]------[/color] [color=red]ooc: I know not much action yet but if EVERYONE posts their training themselves to chainge then we can get on with this and get our characters into the temple.[/color]
  14. [color=red]ooc: Dont be so pushy... I have personal problems going on right now and one of them is Three huge projects for school. A career reserch paper... A bill (like LAW) for civics... a cartoon (like comic) for civics and such... so i have been busy.[/color] [color=red]-------[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]Tala glanced at her sister. She was kind of expecting a worse talking to but that was fine. Tala shook her head and smiled.[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]"Quit being so extreamly paranoid... You need to beleive in something you dont see yet... Im Not being misled... If you wish to think that I beleive you can just wait and see."[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]Just then Lyn, Kaikura, Kaida, Fawn, Roc, and Avian entered the room.[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]Avian glanced at Vaxla and then at Tala, "Did we interupt something?"[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]"No... What is it?" Tala asked.[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]"Actually we should be asking that... Due to the fact that you had a mission for us..."[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]"Oh yeah I need you guys to go to the Temple Lyn checked out earlier. You have to retrieve the stone from inside. I figured with as many creatures there it wouldnt be a starter for the newcomers... So if you call could go and get it id be greatful." Tala intrucked.[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]Lyn smiled, "Yo.. I know where to go Follow me." Suddenly an oversized preying mantis was in front of them. A hawk, a Raptor, a pegasus, a small young deer, and Roc were leaving the room. Roc stoped a bit but turned around and went up to tala. She nodded and he went into the back weapons room and came back in with two laser swords. He winked at tala and smiled.[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]"We shall be back before dinner!"[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]Tala turned to vaxla, "Im ordering you to go with them. You know... the eyes of a ... hawk..."[/color] [color=red] [/color] [color=red]Tala said this once avian was out of the room. Tala knew vaxla might take that as tala was wanting her to check out the surroundings and keep an EYE on the Hawk... Vaxla nodded and left ... catching up with the others.[/color]
  15. [size=1][color=red]Tala was still in deep meditation when she realized she could smell Aaron. She leapt up and left her room. She found him in no time.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]"Aaron... What on earth has taken you this long to return? I know you like to run and spend the night in the forest an all but... We had to work with our new members!" Tala said instantly before he could react to her appearance.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]"Eh.. Im sorry I forgot! Plus it was just one night..." Aaron protested.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]"I know but its dangerous... No one should sleep outside during this time... Anyways head to the training room... Im gathering everyone there." Tala instructed and left before Aaron could say another word.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]Tala made it to the meal room. All five newcomers were there... Tala looked at kyo, hari, sakura, mune, and Baykura... She smiled and cleared her throat, "When you all are done eating please go to the training room... Everyone will be there. Its important."[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]Tala in fifteen minutes had spread the word to everyone. She heard wings come up behind her. She turned aroudn to see a preying mantis the size of a horse. It quickly changed into a blonde girl with tan skin. She wa carrying a large sword.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]"Oh good Lyn... What did you find?" Tala asked the bug girl.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]"The stone we are looking for... The upgrade stone... Its in a temple near the wastelands... Apparently the royals forgot it during the war... "[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]Tala looked pleased, "Good the ne comers have been changed from mortals to one of us and such... We can make that our first mission."[/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]"I am not so sure... Its heavily guarded by SoulSnatchers and LowerDemons... About fifteen of each outside... Not sure about how many are on the inside." [/color][/size] [size=1][color=red]"Thank you lyn... Go to the training room please." Tala let out a sigh and thought deeply on this. The stone was something they needed... It would make it where they could be partly human and partly animal... So when in animal form they could wield their weapons... and such... Tala knew without this they might not ever suceed. She wondered what she would do... Risk the newcomers... or send the older members to do it...[/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000]She then wandered into the training room where Lyn had just arived. She was swilring her sword around keeping herself active. Vaxla was standing there with her poles. Vaxla had the look on her face as if she needed to talk to Tala... or perhaps... talk about tala.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000]Tala looked at lyn , "Lyn can you give me and vaxla a moment?" [/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000]Lyn nodded silently and left the room.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000][/color][/size] [size=1][color=#ff0000]Tala turned to her sister, "Whats on your mind?"[/color][/size]
  16. [color=red][i]There was some silence and a bit of a tense moment but Tala decided it needed to end.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]"Now... Why not get something to eat. The sooner we eat The sooner you can gain a little more control on that form of yours. And... Plus you cant go for long without eating." Tala said standing up. Kyo followed.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]"No I would like to say that the caves with blue walls are paths to the sleeping chambers and meal room. Green walls lead to My room and the weapons training place. Im sure my sister is there now..."[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]"Your ...sisteR?" Kyo asked suddenly.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]"Yeah.. Vaxla. We dont talk about it much... No need to. And the Orange walled caves are just corridors that lead to our supply rooms. Nothing in the orange corridors." Tala said leading Kyo straight to the meal room. They entered to see a few of the others eating.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Good morning everyone... I hope you like the meal. Its the best i can do for now. After you eat we shall train you in the basics of fighting with a weapon. Yes your forms are mighty and strong but... Im afraid sometimes swords and weapos of that sort are better." [i]Tala paused,[/i] "Just eat and enjoy. Hopefully the others wont sleep to long."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]Tala took a fluffy pice of brad and bit into it. After swallowing all of the bite she had.[/i] "I need to go meditate before we begin. I will be in my room. If any of you need me I will be in the room at the end of the green hallways. Green is my room and training rooms. Orange is nothing but supplie rooms. Blue is your rooms and the exit and entrance of the cave and to here... Just so you guys dont get lost."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]With that tala headed slowly down a green hallway... She went into her room and sat on the cold hard floor. She sat silently and closed her eyes... She began to concintrate on clearing her mind.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Haa..." [i]She would say with each exhale. Her montra was Haa and she said it with each exhale unless she heard someone coming near. She didnt want the others to think she was loopy.[/i][/color]
  17. [color=red][i] Tala shook her head again trying to get her brain back in reality. She thought for a bit and was instantly a Wolf again. The emotions that flowed through her earlier changed her to human. Now wolf again she went after Kyo. If seen outside or anywhere but inside the caves he could be in danger. She figured he could take care of himself but she still had one thing that was her main goal. Keep all the changers safe.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]She was soon standing behind Kyo. He lay in the grass next to the caves mouth. She glanced down at the forest... Then to the desert. Last she looked up at the sun. It wasnt very high but it was climbing. A few bones cracked and snapped and she was human again. She sat down next to Kyo.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"You Its not wise to be outside... You never know what might be out here... Waiting to feed on your soul." [i]Tala said as she stared out at the land around her.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]Kyo looked up at her... startled as he had not heard her approch.[/i] "I... Im sorry for waking you..."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"No no... Its quite alright. I needed to be waken up. I cant lay there all morning with people to train... Plus... Eh... Beautiful isnt it?" [i]Tala suddenly went from saying one thing to saying another.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"What? Oh the view... Yeah...." Kyo said. He then looked at Tala, "I need to ask you something..."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Why I called you Marxius...?" [i]Tala predicted.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Yeah... Who is Marxius?"[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]Tala let out a sigh, "[/i]He was my husband. He was killed a long time ago by an assissin trained to hunt changers. Shes long dead. But The reason i called you Marxius was because... Well first ill say this. Changers can only haveo ne form and no one can have the same form... So I saw you as a black pantherand called you Marxius as I woke up from a dream... because Marxius had the Black Panther form..."[/color]
  18. [color=red][i]Tala was seeing flashes of the assassin... Her husband... And felt like she was being touched somehow.... She then realized something was really nudging her face. Her eyes opened and glance at what was touching her and suddenly they were open wide. Animal... In her room.[/i][/color] [color=red][i]She leapt up and was much taller than the panther she saw but it didnt matter. She looked around still not quite awake. [/i][/color] [color=red]"Wha? Assassin? No get out! Or Ill... Uh... Wait a minute... You are no Assassin... Your..." [i]Tala said solowly as she was trying to figure out what was going on. She shrank down quickly into human form. She again had long long black hair that reached her knees... Wearing a white dress and simple shoes.[/i] [/color] [color=red][i]She stared at the familliar form... The form she had see all to often... Her mind was spinning... Was she in her dream still or... was this reality with an impossible twist...[/i][/color] [color=red][i]She held a hand out to the sleek black creature... Her heart was racing.[/i][/color] [color=red]"M-... M-m-... Marxius... Is... It you?" [i]She said slowly. She then remembered the day before. Kyo had the form of the Black Panther... She shook her head.[/i][/color] [color=red]"Im sorry... Kyo... You startled me. Having a bit of trouble with your form?"[/color] [color=red][i]The BlackPanther was silent.[/i][/color] [color=red]"You can speak english in that form." [i]Tala said... Her heart finally slowing down... And a great hurt flowing through it.[/i][/color]
  19. [i][color=red]As tala lay there asleep while the others ate she began to dream.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]It was a dark night back when the Changer Hunts were something that happend all to often. There was only about a hundred of them left.... The dream took place in a small cabin in the forest below the mountains.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]"Hey... Are you feeling alright?" A man with dark eyes and hair asks Tala.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]"Yes... Im fine. Its getting close though..." Tala said rubbing her belly which was the size of a basketball.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]"A few weeks and he will be here!" The man said with a large smile upon his face, "My very on son will be here... And then Ill be able to train him to be strong like his old man!" [/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]Tala shook her head, "Itll be years for that Husband... You cannot train a baby to change from one for to another...Nor can you train a newborn how to wield a sword..."[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]The man laughed loudly that seemed to be thunder, "Oh I knew that... I wasj ust imagining the future. Anyways its late... lets sleep." The man smiled and crawled into bed next to his wife. A few hours after they had fallen asleep things went quickly.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]Her husband got up to get some water.The wind was blowing fiercley outside and tala thought it was just the wind that she heard but she was wrong. She closed her eyes after looking around. She then heard a muffled gasp and the sound of someone trying to breath.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]She leaned up quickly and saw her husband standing in the middle of the room. A woman in black stood next to him with her sword up high. She had spikey blond hair and the longer parts were in a single large braid. Tala realized that this woman had just cut her husbands throat.[/color][/i] [i][color=darkred][/color][/i] [i][color=darkred]The lightning flashed and the woman in black vanished. Tala got to her husband as he fell to the ground... He died quickly and she didnt know what to do... She wondered why the assisain spared her... Was it because she was with child... or was it something else...[/color][/i] [color=darkred][i]After a few weeks of mourning her husbands death she lost the child... It was born but didnt last very long... Now with both deaths she was not the same person she was before.[/i][/color] [i][color=#8b0000][/color][/i] [i][color=red]Tala opened her eyes and glanced around. She shook her large wolf head and sighed. That was no plain dream... It was one of her worst memories... She never slept in human form because of this... Her husband... Tala beleived he died because he didnt have the grater hearing that his animal form did... They werent alert enough to sense the assissin was near....[/color][/i] [i][color=#ff0000][/color][/i] [i][color=#ff0000]Tala now always slept as a wolf so she could hear and smell and sense everything around her... Not for her safty... But for the saftey of the other changers.[/color][/i]
  20. [color=red][i]Kaida the raptor girl and Kaikura the pegasus brought in large bouls and placed them all around the solid stone table. Roc brought in a large pot of stew and Fawn went away and returned quickly with a large stone platter of bread... some was big and puffy other was flakey and flat. Once it was all sat down on the table the changers went away. They all decided thatfor today they wouldnt disturb the new comers... They did not want to make them nervous.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]Roc looked into Tala's chamber and saw her sleeping in her animal form. She always slept in her animal form and no one knew why. It was a personal thing and she spoke of it to no one... And no one ever asked. Roc stood outside her room as if to keep guard.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"That isnt needed Roc." [i]Tala said quietly... She was far more alert and her hearing and sense of smell was much stronger so she could tell he was there.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"As you wish..." [i]Roc said and walked away some what dissapointed... He wished to protect her even if it wasnt needed at the moment... just guarding her made him feel needed.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]Fawn smiled, "[/i]Ooo... Werewolf man like leader? Werewolf man be kinder to fawn girl?"[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]Fawn's speech wasnt the best due to her age. She was just about 13... She was still very young. She smiled and spun around.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Dont count on it squirt." [i]Roc said with a grin as he dissapered into his own room.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red]"Aw..." [i]Fawn smiled and also went into hers.[/i][/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]Tala's large wolf like snout form what could have been a smile.[/i] "Kids..."[/color] [color=red][/color] [color=red][i]------------[/i][/color] [color=red][i]OOC: The changers that arent to important... kaikura...fawn...kaida... they will soon dissapere...(they just wont be in the story line) And the new changers.. like when I say the new changers blah blah blah... Uh Im not just going to say changers because your all now one of the gang![/i][/color]
  21. Rae smiled, "Well most girls would say they wanted the bigger room... So they could feel pampered or something like that. But... I say us girls take the small room... For most of the guys and their digimon are guys. I mean sure i trust you digimon... But still... I dont want some guy digimon watching me while i sleep." Rae said... "So I vote the guys get the bigger room." "You actually think we would do something?" Kotemon and Lucemon said together. "Not really but I just wouldnt feel right if I had some guy digimon or not... watching me while i sleep... Just the thought would make it so i couldnt sleep." "Im not sure whether i should feel insulted or not...." Lucemon mummbles. "Oh dont worry I trust you... Angels could never harm anyone... At least thats how the people in my house beleives." "Satan was an Angel and he went against god and brought suffering to earth..." Meteo muttered. "Oh brother... Never mind..." Rae laughs.
  22. "Spore... Yeah! THe archives were writen in a different language and it was hard to read. Anyways their enemy was the one boy... Then it turned out to be two ultimate level digimon... They turned out to be slaves as well. Then this guy appeared to be the main evil... But in the long run a mega digimon was controling the man... So it took a while to figure out who the real bad guy was..." Lucemon said as he floated above everyone. "Well that was then and This is NOW... Maybe things will be different." Meteo said quickly. "Yes... Lets hope we figure it all out soon... Before to many bad things happen...." "In the records what was the boy doing before he was returned to normal?" Rae asked. "Well... He first used rings or something... Once on a digimon he could control those digimon... Make them do what he wanted. He amde an even stronger one for stronger digimon.... Later he created his own digimon by using parts from all different digimon... After its defeat and the destruction of his base... He returned to his home on earth... Thats all I remember."
  23. Well These will of course change as life goes on: Wish one: A tutor... So They can help me understand what I dont understand in school. Wish two: For all my friends to be well and happy Wish Three: For my room to be clean for all eternity. And on the movie alladin the genie said that he cant make anyone fall in love, cant bring back people from the dead, and you cant wish for more wishes... But eh... Im just repeating what good ol Sara said.
  24. I originaly joined way back in V2 ( cant remember dates) Under a different name... When they switched from v2 to v3 i had to re register ( i beleive everyone did) So i got this new name... But it was a While after that i joined... I joined originaly because i was looking for help with some games I had. Legend of Zelda games to be exact. I got the help i needed and sort of left... A year later or so I found OB again accidently and was like "Wait a moment.. .I remember this place" So i got a new account here and ov been here ever since... Which has been a very long time in my opinion. Most of my friends rom way back when have left... But i have stayed here... Mainly to RP..
  25. Lucemon thought for a moment and smiled, "Just because im an angel now doesnt mean i will be when i digivolve... But you have a poiint.... I remember something... A very very long time ago... I beleive something similar happend." "Like what?" Rae said suddenly. "Well... There was this boy... He was a nice kid at first so i heard. But it turned out that he tried to gain contrl over the entire digital world... Digimon Emperor is what they called him I think. Turns out he actually had something In him and it was controling him... Digital S-.... S... Digital something... I cant remember what it was called... but it started with an S. He was returned to normal and kicked the crap out of the guy who put it in him... But.. Eh. It was all before my time. I hatched years later." "Then how do you know all this?" "Because the Sanctuary where i lived with all the other angel like digimon had archives of all the evil work in the digital and real world... in the past. I spent some time reserching..."
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