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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. [COLOR=darkred]Rain was staring at him and he was soaked from walking in the rain. She was contemplating the many futuristic terms she could use to describe his actions but so many came to mind she had no idea what to say. She slowly moved and pulled herself from the ground and stood up. She glanced at him and stepped out from the Shrine's roofing and was instantly soaked just like he was. She walked closer to him untill she was maybe two feet from him which was far closer than she wanted to be but she felt compelled to do something.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"You... Are by far.... the biggest DICK I've ever met!"[/B] She shouted.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]He looked comletely confused by these words and Rain didnt care.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She continued,[B] "So what if I am or not... You said I am not her but here, read this, the whole thing!"[/B] She slammed the book into his chest which made him step back a bit to keep his balance. He opened the book and glanced through the pages and stopped when he reached the end. He had to reread a few things and nodded.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Rain... What I meant was... You have made yourself into your own person. If you really were Princess Alanna then you no longer follow that path. You are you... Rain is Rain. I didnt...mean to say it in such..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]With a roar of frustration she punched him in the chest,[B] "Dont you dare say that you fuck face! You ment it, When you say something at that time you mean it. You never go back on your word, its retarded!"[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She continued to hit him, which barely actually effected him but he stood there looking down at her drenched red hair as she continously pounded on his chest. He reached down and grabbed her by the wrists, [B]"Let me just say this one thing..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She glanced up at him with anger and sadness in her eyes, why did he have to be so damn confusing![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred]Rain then looked up at sage and remembered what had happend earlier, [B]"How did you get wake up so fast..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Sage thought a bit back... At camp everyone was there and on edge, and rain took guard and sang moments later everyone had passed out into a deep sleep. [B]"Hmm... Ill riddle that one out later, what is wrong? Why are you huddled here by this..."[/B] She realized the ywere at a shrine in the middle of the forest and the words Korina Shrine had been carved into the wood above it. A shield of some sort had been protecting something but the barrier bubble was empty... She then also realized rain had a book laying next to her but in the darkness she couldnt figure out what it said on the cover. [B]"Shrine... Hmm. What is the matter?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain stared at the ground as rain poured down onto the small wooden roof of the shrine. Not the best time... for someone to pop up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I dont really want to talk about it right now... and I... I want you to go back to camp. Do me a favor too..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Sage glanced at the crying girl, [B]"I dont think you should be out here by yourself..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I dont care... Just go back for now and please... Please make sure Kerrian and Zeek dont kill each other... They were arguing so badly earlier... I couldnt stand it. Please go back, maybe you can wake the others... You have the healing ability maybe you can wake them up but only if it is needed, they will sleep soundly untill morning unless something happens and they need waking... I just really need... to be alone right now."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Sage was still very concerned about her being out here all by herself, [B]"I..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain glowed for a moment with anger and frustration, [B]"Please!"[/B] She was still crying but made it sound quite forcefull just the same.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Sage nodded and stood up. It made her worry seeing Rain like this but it couldnt be helped she figured. Without anything else said she returned to camp where Kerrian and Zeek were glancing around and occasionaly shooting very nasty glares at each other...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"If you are wondering where Rain went... She is at Korina shrine but... She wants to be left alone, glowed quite a nice red when I was adamant about staying there with her... She also wanted me to make sure you two didnt destroy each other for some reason... So what the hell did I miss when I was passed out?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]---[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]ooc: Rain crying upset alone in a rainstorm... Oh yeah... Wonder why it started raining :P[/COLOR]
  3. [U][I][COLOR=darkred]To be honest here it was a STRICT ORDER from the queen herself that I say nothing to anyone about this matter. If you are so smart then you should know i was her advisor of sorts. At her side durring the harshest of times and was there when she wrote her last words into her journal about sending Princess Alanna to saftey. Since you leave me no choice I will say that it is true that The queen died almost instantly after sending the newborn into the future... However only two people knew exactly when the baby was sent... Myself and her Father. I had nothing to do with her return and that means whoever did bring her back knew when and where she was... and how to do it.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek's feathers were golden red now, showing his slight anger.[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=darkred][U]Yes...Rain is Princess Alanna but that changes nothing at this present time. We still are headed in the same direction with the same thought in mind and I would appreciate it if you stopped calling me names. I dont beleive I did much of anything to piss you off so much. For the son of a secret keeper you sure compose yourself as something far lower than that. You should also treat the princess far nicer than that, not because she is royalty but because she has a kind heart and has been nothing but kind to you up to this part ofthe trip. And I hope you realized she is fragile and your breaking the very will she has to keep going. You surely see that.[/U][/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=darkred]They both glanced in the direction of where she was sitting only to notice she wasnt there anymore.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][I][U]Oh shit...[/U][/I] Zeek sighed...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Farther away Rain ran... Fast and far. Anywhere but where those two were yelling. This couldnt be the truth... No way... She slowed down and saw something reflect ahead of her. She slowly approached what looked like a shrine. There sat the book from before, the journal malin showed her. Sitting carefully with a barrier around it. She threw a rock at it and it bounced off.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"This cant be true... It..."[/COLOR][/B] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]It makes sense though doesnt it, You were found as a baby on the orphanage doorstep, odd huh, yet your here ... listning to them say the queen herself sent her dauther into the future for safty... now where would a baby go...in the future all by itself...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]She reached out as if she knew the berrier wouldnt hold her and she was right her hand slipped right through. Grabbing the book she pulled it out and opened it up. There on the inside cover, a page which malin hadnt shown her, was a drawing of a woman with long red hair who looked much like rain. She was crying again but ignored it. She glanced down and turned the pages to the last. The last page was similar to what she read before however she noticed that the back cover was a fake... she peeled the paper off to reveal another picture... the baby zeek and the queen and written below it were the words [I][B]"Princess Alanna must be protected at all costs. She will be sent far into the future to live there untill the time is right... Zeek, Myself, and the childs father, who has left and been gone for a while now, knows where the child is being kept. She will be much like me our seer says. Songs of power and her fathers kinetic force she will indeed be a force to be feared..."[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rains eyes were to blurry to read the rest... she slid down along the wall of the shrine to the ground. Rain began to fall from the sky in a thunderous downpour. [/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Why me...[/COLOR][/I][/U]
  4. [B][COLOR=darkred]"You were doing well at getting nice points from me up till that point. QUIT... CALLING ME THAT! I dont understand why you have the stupid idea in your head that im some princess. Desmond, you know you were asleep when this happend but hes the one who cut your face! He is the one telling me ill be a princess if i go to him, says im his and no matter what he will get me... so dont for a second thing i beleive that im anythign but some simplistic girl from the future!"[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred]She was on her knees again, he had been so nice a few seconds ago, comforting her so kindly even though he didnt fully understand what had happend. How safe she felt there in his arms but then for him to stand up and say something like that... It was the harshest thing she had experianced so far. [B]"As for the others..."[/B] Her voice was weak, [B]"You all fell asleep when I was signing. When I worked at the orphanage in my time At night the kids would ask me to sing for them before bed. By the time i was done they were all asleep. I figured at the time that...it was just, i dont know... i guess i was wrong..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Des...mond?"[/B] He said after a moment.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She glared at him, tears still streaming down her face,[B] "Yes. He was the one who intterupted the fight with the fire witch. He calls himself a prince and says he went through alot of trouble to find me and im his and he always gets what he wants... He then cut your face, i tried to heal it up best i could, im sure it wont scar... that would be just another damn burden to you now wouldnt it. Something to mess up your day... something else I caused... you are so heartless, and just as I was begining to think you were nice..."[/B][/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I am rain... i dont know who alanna is or why that name keeps popping up but i cant stand it. Why... what is it with people...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]She rubbed at her neck where Desmond had gripped her so hard. It hurt terribly but not as much as the confusion and anger she felt towards Kerrian at the moment. Why did he insist on pulling that stuff up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"And even if i was some princess alanna what the hell difference would it make?! Why the hell would you care!? its just a title... just...a ....name... nothing else."[/B] She was at her limit, no longer able to speak but to just sit there and silently cry as she stared at the blood stains in the dirt in front of her, the blood from the wound she had so quickly tried to heal...[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]You wouldnt care either way![/COLOR][/I][/U]
  5. [COLOR=darkred]This comment shocked her. She stared at him with such confusion she couldnt even beleive what he had just said. She had a sneaking suspision that the Alanna who had been mentioned so many times within her own mind might be herself but she didnt beleive it, she never would. How can someone help you or meet up with you if they are already within you. She didnt understand it and surely had no idea HOW he knew of all this. She remembered he knew of their converstaions, her zeek's, but...[/COLOR] [I][U][COLOR=darkred]What was that stare... was it just me that kept me from moving... or was it him...[/COLOR][/U][/I] [COLOR=darkred]She wondered to herself not even caring now if he heard it or not. She looked at the crystal he had handed her and her eyes narrowed. She was following him silently to where the others had apparently made camp. She suspiciously put it around her neck. What were his intentions. Was he telling her the truth about the crystal or trying to mess with her. If he was able to go crazy like he did before, or give her such a stare that she couldnt move, what else was he capable off.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]For some reason she felt afraid of him and a large part of her couldnt help but trust him and appreciate all that he had said back there in the forest... And that she couldnt explain. There was no way possible she was alanna, that was for sure and no one could convince her otherwise. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek appeared beside her as if he had been there the whole time. He kept silent but floated alongside them untill they got into the clearing where a small fire was made and Virgil was on watch. Sage was zoned out near the fire, it looked like she had taken extra care of her swords again and Milo had joined them again. She was wide awake poking the fire with a stick.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Welcome back you two, having a little fun in the forest alone eh?"[/B] Milo said with a wink.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Not Quite..."[/B] Rain muttered,[B] "No worries though everything is fine, you are all safe from me now I suppose."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]All three of them asked about that comment but rain stayed quiet and kerrian figured it was his turn to stay well out of it. Rain sat by the fire and several hours passed and guards changed but no one was sleeping or resting for that matter.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"Why dont you guys sleep at all, I mean really... We need rest right."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I am severely tired, that is true, but for some reason I cant help but feel I should stay awake."[/B] Sage said with a sideways glance.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Milo straightend up, [B]"Wierd, me too!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Virgil nodded, [B]"Hate to admit it but I feel the same."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain shrugged, [B]"Well It is my turn to take guard anyways so-"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"But"[/B] someone went to say but before rain could even tell who said it she held up her hand, removed the crystal and blew a bush tweleve feet into the air.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I dont want to hear it. I am nothing precious to protect, I can guard camp too so dont think of me as some preacious cargo that should be kept in the middle! Kerrian... THAT one was controlled!"[/B] She started walking around camp in circles.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Once her nerves were calmed down again she took a deep breath and sat on a stump on the edge of camp. Everyone was up awake and on edge. She hated it. She did not like the feeling so she began to sing to herself. Something she hadnt done since she got here because she wasnt comfortable enough to do so with all that was going on but now she couldnt help it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The melody that surrounded her was both happy and sad. A sweet happiness daced in the flames of the fire but a deep sadness flowed with it. Both moods and sounds dancing in and out of each other.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Suddenly Virgil toppled over where he sat, deep asleep.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Milo pointed and laughed, [B]"A man cant handle a simple song and is out like a baby, How pathe......tic"[/B] She muttered as she also fell over asleep.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Oh what the!"[/B] Sage followed and like the others she too was curled up on the ground sleeping peacefully.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Kerrian was the last to fall.[B] "Rain... stop..."[/B] He said right before he was out like a light. He had tried extreamly hard to fight it but the power that was flowing through camp overwhealmed even him. the last thing he saw was her turning to look at him, the song over and the camp silent, then it was dark.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain looked around and everyone was out.[B] "Oh...darn. I just thought the kids at the orphanage were easy to put to sleep, To be honest not one kid was awake once i finished that song. I thought it was just..."[/B] She realized even Zeek was dead to the world... unable to hear her thoughts and comment on them. [B]"I guess they were right, I do have more powers than I thought... So even if i have stopped they... they wont wake up well untill morning. I am such an Idiot!"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I wouldnt say that my dear... Just a bit careless."[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She whipped around and the man from before stood by the fire. He had interupted during the attack with the fire witch.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Who... Who are you?"[/B] She asked nervously, Shit! Why of all times, no one is awake and the creepy guy shows up...[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"Oh my lady I am sorry, I forgot that last time we met. My name is Desmond. Fear not, I will not harm you, MY NO, you are indeed precious. As I said you should come live with me, princess."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred][B]"You know,"[/B] She said rather annoyed now, [B]"You sound so much like a slimeball whet you say that. I am a girl from the future who lived in an orphanage and there are no 'ROYALS' in my time!"[/B][/COLOR] [B][COLOR=darkred]"I never said you were the princess really. You see I am a prince, and if you finished your mission and came to live with me in my palace you could be a princess, a queen even."[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Ugh, you make me sick for some reason."[/B] With a flash he held her by the throat more than a foot off the ground.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]He glared at her as he held her there. She struggled but his strength was outside of what she thought he was possible of. She couldnt breath. [B]"You are mine. I went through a lot of trouble to find you and you WILL come to me when you are finished, be sure of it. Because if you do not... the concequences will be great."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]He let go of her and she fell to the ground in a heap.[B] "D..dont..."[/B] She squeaked out as she saw him approach Kerrian.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"This one is dangerous... And just to show you how serious I am here, Ill leave a reminder to you."[/B] He pulled out a knife and cut Kerrian across the face. Blood stained the dirt by his head. [B]"Keep it in mind. You are mine and in the end I always get what I want."[/B] And then he vanished into the night.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain rushed to Kerrian's side. She focused as best she could on the cut and soon it was mended but not very well. The bleeding had stopped and it wouldnt start up again unless someone tore it open. She was shaking terribly and tears flowed down her face, landing in verious places on kerrians face. A drop landed on his right eyelid and he twitched. She glanced down suddenly very quiet. His eyes slowly opened and he sleepily stared at her then he realized that she was crying and the wound on his face...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Im so sorry! I am sure it wont scar! Im so sorry..."[/B] Was all rain could spit out once she realized he was awake.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8b0000]----[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]ooc: HAH really long i know but iv been trying to get this part out for ever now... so yeah. Anyways yeah.. I guess rain now knows why everyone else was on edge lol[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred]Rain jerked as he knelt down in front of her, her blood rushed swiftly through her veins and her heart accelarated. Why of all times did he have to appear now?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Looks like I Owe you a rather big debt."[/B] He said staring at her, still dripping wet.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She took a deep breath, and noticed he was looking her right in the eyes. This left her almost frozen, unable to avert her gaze or shift herself to get a little farther from him because she also just realized how close he was to her. She was completely paralyzed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Oh, dont say that. It had to be done, It was... uhm... It was repayment from earlier in the forest with that fire lady... How you protected me. I yeah you owe me... uh... you dont owe me anything."[/B] She found herself hardly able to keep a sentance together. She could at any moment say the wrong thing, do something stupid, or blow him up accidently. Or maybe all three at once. That would be her luck.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She realized he just stared at her even after she said that. Either thinking about something else and she didnt even WANT to know what a half naked man would be thinking directly after a girl kissed him in his frenzy through the forest. She hoped he was just thinking of his reply.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Man Zeek where are you![/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]You are on your own kid... Human communication is something you gotta learn to deal with on your own.[/I][/U] she heard, he was somewhat distant.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"[B]Damn..."[/B] She whispered to herself, [B]"Yeah, no .. Ahem! You do not Owe me a thing Kerrian, but thank you for the gesture..."[/B] She hoped that was gonna make him say something... she couldnt take that stare much longer.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred]Rain heard movement in the forest and quickly scaled a tree. At least thirty feet in the air she watched Sage wealk near and Zeek circled her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"He is telling you I want to be alone for a while... I wont move from this spot unless it is to return to the group, even if you move from the battle scene I will be able to find you and so none of you need to worry. I just need to think thats all so I would appreciate it is I could have a little more time to myself."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Sage did not answer but glanced up at the girl sitting on a branch so high in the air. She shrugged and nodded. Once out of the area Rain came back down and relaxed at the base of the tree. The bird returned to her once she resumed her little hum. She figured no matter how much was going to happen she would be the odd one out. She would be the single one they felt needed to protected or not trusted because of how quickly she picked up on slashing things to bits. No one person was more shocked about her powers than she was. The exploding goblin from kinetic energy was enough to make her realized she shouldnt get close to anyone untill she got the hang of everything. She might accidently blow someone up with a simple friendly hand gesture. She didnt think about blowing the goblin up, and she did not plan for that to happen, it just did. She was dangerous.[/COLOR] --- ooc: yeah got a little carried away but starwind hasnt posted since like... several days ago im begginng to think he isnt going to. Oh well yeah me and ugamon will calm down, and slow down, so you can get in on the action. as for rain right now, it was sort of getting night when the battle ended and now its even later, set up camp somewhere close but a good distance away from the battle scene to keep predators at bay and all that... Ugamon knows what to do with the rain in the forest thing but untill then make camp and all that, i need to put together our next issue in more detail [B]EDIT!!!!!: Lilt has messaged me and reported that she has been grounded from the computer for who knows how long and has givin us complete control over milo, she even said we could kill her off if we needed too... so anyone who posts can have her return int othe group and we will go from there...[/B]
  8. [COLOR=darkred]Rain stood there just about as shocked as he was. She didnt know if it was going to work and when it did she was glad but... She had almost slightly enjoyed kissing him. She thought she wouldnt, she thought it was just going to be done to snap him out of it. Shock from her enjoyment, his reaction, and his lack of reaction filled her mind and she turned away.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I know that must have been terrible for you but It had to be done. Now get ahold of yourself and uh I am sor-... Ill be back."[/B] She quickly removed herself from the bloody clearing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Standing there in the trees by herself she heard something. She realized she left her sword back there. Good job. She turned to find Zeek hovering hear her.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]You know you shouldnt come out her by yourself.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]What does it matter... Anyways earlier you said he is annoyed with our chatter... You mean he can hear us when we speak like this?[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Oops...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Oops is right feather head. Meh I dont care. He surely isnt going to guide us through the mountains now! What the hell have I done... He hates us after all, I sense it anyways... He hasnt said it, he just makes it clear in his attitude towards me at least that he is far from happy about being here and now I think I blew it...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]But what other way did you know of to snap him out of it?[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I dont know! Kick him in the nuts didnt quite come to mind at the time! What is worse Zeek... I kind of enjoyed kissing him like that. Go figure. I kiss the guy who would rather be anywhere but here and near anyone but my stupid self, I probably-[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]OH FOR THE LOVE OF THE QUEEN SHUT UP!!!!! Do not worry if he leaves, I am sure we will find a way. He does find us annoying and would prefer we not speak at all. I sense what you sense. A complete distaste for everything but that is no reason to break yourself up about. Calm down and whatever happens happens. Thats it. No need to stress yourself over it..[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]BUT I ENJOYED IT ZEEK!!! I DONT EVEN KNOW THE GUY...Not only that but I mean I just gave him extra reason to hate my guts and thats the last thing I wanted...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]She plopped down on the ground and leaned against the tree. She began to hum to herself and a small bird hopped down the branches to the ground. Flying up and landing on her knee it chirpped quietly. She held out her hand and the bird hopped onto her fingers. She sighed...[/COLOR] [I][U][COLOR=darkred]Oh well, I just need some rest, I might not look it Zeek but surely you can sense I am close to passing out again...[/COLOR][/U][/I] [I][U][/U][/I] [I][U][COLOR=darkred]Exactly so stop stressing out...[/COLOR][/U][/I] [COLOR=darkred]She quietly sat there staring the little bird in the eyes. What a day this turned out to be...[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred]Rain stared at the feral Kerrian and she knew something was still off, aside from the glowy thing going on. She tried to speak to him but it seemed as though he had no understanding of what she was saying. She frowned. She needed to snap him out of this state and had no idea how to.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]Heh you know he is annoyed by our chatter perhaps we can talk him to death...[/I][/U] Zeek laughed[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"No zeek, but... it does give me an idea..."[/B] She said cleaning her blade off again and setting it in the ground.[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]He is annoyed by me, i sense, so anything i do to him might just snap him out of it, of course it cant be just ANYTHING... but [/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]What is it?[/I][/U] Zeek asked as she hesitated[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I would prefer not to, all the blood, AND of course how he will react when he comes to... if it works.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Just do something, we need to get somewhere safe and make camp, bloody battle areas always draw in predators and scavangers. We are not safe.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred]Rain took a deep breath and slowly approached him. He glared at her with his wild eyes and instead of fear, she felt understanding. Yet she didnt understand what it was she supposedly understood about the bloody wild man before her. He almost snarled at her but she decided to ignore it. If she got bit she got bit.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She glanced him in the eyes and reached up slowly to not alarm him. Setting her palm on his cheek she pulled him closer to her and then pulled him into a deep long kiss. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][I][U]By the name of queen Sistania... that is NOT what i thought you were gonna do...[/U][/I] Zeek said shocked...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred]She was tired of this defenseless little girl thing, being ushered to the back and protected like a treasure, she was just some girl from the future, she wasnt a trasure to be protected and she was sick of it. She sliced through a goblin like a hot knife through butter and Kerrian's face was slightly shocked.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain rushed past him and his twisted ivy mess that had risen out of the ground. His voice was mezmerizing to her but she kept her head straight and when one slipped by she wasnt about to let anything happen. As she went by she passed Sage and Virgil who were also busy with their own problems.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She felt as though she knew what she was doing, even though she had never done it before. She sliced through a goblin completely removing one of his arms. The mess was huge but she didnt stop there, after removing his other arm she moved on to more goblins. It was a rush through her blood stream like something else had taken over her and entered her memory making it seem like she had done this for years.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Finaly she made it to a brown one closer to the trees... on the outer rim of the clearing they were in. She slashed at it but it moved to soon. She tried again and dodged out of the way but his small blade sliced down her upper arm. Blood spilled from her arm and pain seered there. In a rage she punched at the goblin and the goblin was hit with what seemed like an invisible force. His body exploded and Rain turned around. Everyone else had gotten rid of the others, and no more were left alive enough to put up a fight.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Everyone's shocked faced fixated on Rain's arms. She glanced at the long cut and shruged. Taking her free hand she quickly moved it across the cut as she rubbed the blood off her arm everyone noticed that the wound was completely gone. She plopped down on the ground next to the exploded goblin carcas.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Tonight is going to be a long night..." She muttered to herself as she cleaned off the blade.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred]The comment he made, although true still made her a little mad. It wsnt like she was a master but she figured she could help in some way. She stayed behind him anyways and kept her trap shut. This was going to be one helll of a journey if she was going to be treated like some fragile unskilled child she might just hack someones leg off.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"What a fantastic day!" she mummbled sarcasticly.[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]----[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]ooc: Ok here is the deal everyone I am moving saterday but tomorrow (well friday = today really) but anyways needless to say friday morning the pc is being packed away and so i will not be able to post very often for a while. This rpg is now in the trusted control of my partner Ugamon. He knows the plot line and where we are headed and what happens along the way so trust him and dont let this die just because i am missing for a little while.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkred]Rain smiled slightly, the man who didnt want to be here was actually offering help. Of course she figured that he was offering to help only because he was obligated to keep her safe and didnt want his mission blown all to rat shit if she was unable to keep herself alive in dangerous situations. She could see it now. Kerrian bitching and complaining as she dies because she couldnt swing her damn sword fast enough. That was a swell thought.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She nodded and stood up. She untied it from her waist and carefully handed it to him. He pulled it out and stared at the blade carefully, almost annoyed she had the sword in the first place. She didnt question it, she didnt want to start some dispute that would wake ever living fang bearing monster in the forest.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]There was a moment of silence and then Kerrian asked Rain to follow him to a clear part of camp away from others but still within the warm glow of the fire light. It was comforting to know she wouldnt need to worry about tripping and landing in the fire for everyone to see her burst into flames.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Over the course of a few hours he showed her the basics. First using the sword to show her different moves and letting her try after she could explain why the particular move was done and what it was for and all that technical stuff that made her head swirl. Soon she was using it against him in a single play spar. He warned her ahead of time that she wasnt going to win but it was for practice and if she kept it up enough that eventually she would be good enough to stand a chance against some enemies and even more training she might be able to be at the same level as some of the other people around her. She didnt mind how he made it seem like she was some kid, after all she was in a place like this, age had nothing to do with it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]He held his staff in both hands and motioned for her to advance. At first she was slightly clumsy, getting knocked down every few minutes, suddenly she got very frustrated at how she couldnt get a good swing in.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"I can do this!"[/B] She growled to herself, suddenly leaping up off the ground as though she were a feather caught up in a wind.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Suddenly she was almost to quick for him. He was now on the defensive as she swung visciously at him. She spun around and almost caught him on his right side with the flat edge of her blade but he realized it fast enough to dodge out of the way with a quick foot motion. He bumped her with his staff and she tumbled to the ground. With frustration in her eyes she reached out her free hand and suddenly vines and roots from the trees nearby sprouted from the ground and tangled themselves around his feet. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]This distraction gave her two seconds, she used them. She spun around on the ground knocking him onto his back with a swift kick and leapt up and placed the tip of the blade to his throat. He looked both shocked and amused as his staff head was pointed at her temple.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Had I any good skill with attacking Magic you would be down before I was but that... was impressive. How... after just an hour are you able to manuver so fluidly?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She pulled him off the ground and untangled him from the roots that were still clutching to his feet. [B]"I dont know to be honest. I just got... I just had to do it you know and suddenly I was moving. I had no idea I could do that. It just all came to me."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek was slient, saying nothing to her but he had noticed the other part of the battle that he found more interesting than her physical movements and sudden stratigic win, sort of.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"And wait a second,"[/B] Kerrian paused and looked at the ground, [B]"Well I suppose I know one of your abilities now. Other than the healing part anyways."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"How ... How did I do that anyways?" She wondered, "I cant say I didnt do it because I know I did. I felt it swelling inside of me, the need to distract you, the need for the upper hand even for a moment and suddenly I felt energised and then the roots took your feet. I dont understand it, but it happend."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][B]"Very interesting... Intent has alot to do with it, you didnt hold back and that is good, we will practice more later on. For now I must take over watch, get some rest." [/B]Then he sat where he could take in the entire surroundings and went into deep thought on what just happend.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She returned the sword to its rightful place at her side and sat by the fire. Its pulsating glow soothed her thoughts and she felt no worry. She rested her head on the ground and soon found peaceful sleep. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]I wonder if she realizes...[/I][/U] Zeek thought to himself, blocking his throughts from Rain so she could not hear them. He then trailed off and fell asleep near her, keeping an open mind for danger.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8b0000]----[/COLOR] [COLOR=#8b0000]ooc: guess what, in the morning we head through the forest again, this time we make it closer to the mountains but dont get to them yet, I have some more things planned.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred]Rain stirred, she felt very strange, as though she had been stripped of everything. Her eyes slowly opened and she realized she HAD been stripped. Literally. She jerked into the upright position and realized it was harder to do because Milo, who was also naked like always, was laying next to her in almost a cuddle. Rain's right eyebrow twitched a bit and she stood up and put the cloak back over milo and found her clothes again. Quickly putting them on she retreated the out skirt area of camp.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Even though Milo was used to walking around and fighting nude and was not bothered by it one bit, Rain was raised far more different than that. Plus she just felt some what uncomfortable in a situation like that with another girl. She shook the thoughts out of her head and stared at the fire in the center of the camp.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Alanna..." She said quietly to herself. It seemed familiar but she knew she hadnt heard that name before except for earlier when she was first here in this time period. She glanced at Zeek. He was curled up by the fire, fast asleep.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Who was this alanna and why did the person in her mind talking to her look so much like her. [/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Probably your sub concious relaying a message. Most who enter another persons mind like that would most likely never be able to form their own physical looks. Notice how it had your modern time clothes on and your hair... if it were longer? So if someone was trying to communicate with you their own mind would appear in a similar form to your own... At least that is my guess...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I thought you were asleep...[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]I am, he said, I am able to communicate while I sleep, tis all in my mind so while my body rests my mind is in constant connection with you so therefore i saw what you saw while you were asleep. BY the way, dont waste so much energy like that again. His wounds were minor and didnt need that much care. You could have injured yourself.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]I am sorry I dont know what came over me, I just had to help him, it was an impulse, but you are right. He doesnt want my help, he doesnt even really want to be here and its my fault hes dragging himself along to lead us through these stupid woods. [/I][/U]She said with a sigh, this was getting irritating, was she ever going to get a NORMAL moment?[/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Meh he has a lot more to him than he lets on, so dont be so sure.[/COLOR][/I][/U] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]What do you mean? [/COLOR][/I][/U] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]Its uh...[/I][/U] He decided not to mention his conversation with Kerrian to Rain, [U][I]just , what you call it? A hunch?[/I][/U][/COLOR] [U][I][COLOR=darkred]Yeah somethin like that...[/COLOR][/I][/U]
  14. [COLOR=darkred]A long haired girl stood before rain in a vast dark spaces of her mind, her hair reaching the middle of her back. The girl wore modern tight jeans, a ruby covered belt with a ruby covered scabbard tied neatly to the side, Rain guessed a sword was inside most likely with more rubies imbedded into the blade or something. A modern day long sleeve blue shirt seemed to glow on this girl. Her green eyes met Rains and they stared at each other for several minutes with not a word between the two of them. Just unsaid questions.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The long haired girl put her bright red hair up in a pony tail and pulled on leather gloves what were missing the fingers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"So I see you are here..." She said quietly.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Where is here exactly?" Rain asked and realized the sound came from all around her, not her mouth.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"In your mind of course. You must have expended quite a bit of energy doing whatever it was that you were doing. You seem to have fallen into the deepest of rests next to a coma."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Im not gonna wake up?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"I said the next deepest, you will wake up, It will just take you a while. But because your so deep you are in a place now where I can communicate with you. It is verry difficult to travel through the mind of someone...." she was going to say something but paused to decide her words carefully, "Someone... else. It is not easy to break into the mind of someone such as yourself."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"So if you went through all this trouble to get to my mind what is it you wanted?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"To tell you of something important... Rain there is more going on than meets the eye. Someone who is has helped you has darker things in mind. You must have sensed it when the stranger looked at you. He is no friend even if it looked like he was helping you with the Fire Witch."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"So... what is going on really? Do you know what I am actually trying to locate and where it is?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The girl looked sad and shook her head, "I am afraid I know just about as much as you do on that subject. If you are separated from the others in the mountain, seek out Alanna, she knows the way."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Alanna, thats not the first time I have heard that name... Who are you?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Who am I? Who are you? Do we ever really know who we are truthfully?" And the girl vanished as if she was mist.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain stared into the blackness around her, the silence overwheleming. "I am so confused..." And things went black again... to a dreamless sleep.[/COLOR]
  15. She didnt have much of a clue as to what she was doing but she caught on quickly. The process of gettng everyone checked in or whatever was continuous and repetative. Once she snapped at this one very rude man and he made a comment about how roses have thorns. She couldnt help but laugh. She once had a boyfriend who said that to her and both men knew nothing of her powers... She did have a bite to her. That is how she got the nickname Thorn when she was with her ex, he knew nothing of her powers but mad eit because of her sharp side when she had it. She found it slightly ironic now. She dealt with this for what seemed like ages when things seemed to quite down in her mind. She wondered what was going to happen to her and all the other many people who were drug here in the middle of the night. She still wasnt over the incident at her own home. She was in danger but from who? She felt so out of place and alone that she wanted to find a corner to curl up into. -- ooc_ my filler to A keep this up and to B keep my character busy somewhat. where is everyone anyways
  16. [COLOR=darkred]Rain was more shocked than anything else. Why her, she thought, Why would they want her? Why would people go to protect her when the dont even know her? When its someone the know nothing about and babbles on about the future. She figured they all thought she was off her rocker and they were going with her to pass time or humor her for a while. She suddenly shook off those thoughts and looked up. The light shilding thing around her pulsated with energy as Flayr now beat on it with her whip and steady fireballs.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Suddenly a man in black jumped from a tree above and came down right next to the Fire Master. As he fell he used a small blade and cut her arm as he landed. She wailed in pain as blood dripped from her new wound.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"This one shall not be harms. You are a selfish old woman. I have heard many things but could not beleive all those things i heard could amount to one old bitter woman. Everlasting Youth will NOT save you from the plague. She she is trying to do is find a cure havnt you heard? Now stay out of her way!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]For a slim built man he looked very intimidating for some reason even though he looked like a regular person.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She growled and sent a fire ball at him however it was quickly extinguised by Zeek who sent in his own elemental abilities. Flayr stopped suddenly and got this look of horror on her face. She hissed at them all and Ran in the other direction, dissapering into the forest.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Look like she got a message telepathicly." Rain said, "I get that distant look on my face when I talk to Zeek."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"Prolly just her inner demons fighting amongst themselves." The man said facing her. He smiled kindly and helped her off the ground. "If she had taken your beauty and youth it would have been a mere shadow to the beauty you posses now. No one can wield it like you do." He kissed her hand lightly, "After all this jounry stuff is over you should come live with me in my paradise. Be my princess, how does that sound princess?" The look he was giving her now made her feel very uncomfortable and suddenly he leapt back as a flame ball flew at his feet.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Zeek flew in between the two of them and hissed such as a bird like thing could. [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]The man sighed, "Im sorry, I get the point. I went to far with that line. Anyways I have no doubt I will see you all again. Good luck with your trek." And with that he vanished into the night forest.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Rain shook of what shock she could and ran over to Kerrian. He had some cuts and some bad burns and few big bruises from his collusion with the old building wall. She couldnt understand why a guy like him would even consider helping someone he had no obligation to and the fact that he really didnt want to be there to begin with, yet he tried so hard and almost got burnt to a crisp for it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She placed her right hand on the worst of the wounds and he left hand on a minor burn. She concentrated on the feelingshe got before with Zeek, how she wanted him to not be hurt any more. With her eyes closed she felt it surging again, the tingling power flow through her hands. This aura of blue and gold glowed around her hands as she moved them from spot to spot. She did this rather quickly but everythign was as good as new when she was done.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]She stood up as Kerrian pulled himself up from the rubble. She figured she had to help him up before he stopped her. She knew he probably didnt want her help. She stepped back away from him cautiously and suddenly a rush of energy swelled in her mind and she swayed a bit. "You protected me, I had... to help you in return..." She said to him as she swayed even more.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][U][I]RAIN![/I][/U] She heard Zeek's voice in her head and then it went black.[/COLOR] ---- OOC: she is fine she is just gonna be unconcious for a while but whoever posts next move the group farther north towards the center of the woods more action will be available there. (camp and taking turns watching out stuff like that, monstrous bears, ill leave it to your imagination)
  17. ooc: this has been plenty of time for people to catch up and post so im moving this along, interesting starwind that you mention fire because there was a fire in my plans so im taking it from here, we need to get the hell out of this village, im goin crazy. ~~~ Rain was tired, the others seemed annoyed, and Malin was ruffling through the pages of the Sistania journal. With this former queen being so vague on every detail Rain wasnt sure if all this was going to turn out well. She sighed and leaned back into her chair. The map she stared at wasnt complete, so many blank spots. She hoped this Kerrian guy knew this place well enough to keep them from getting lost. "Get the water!!" She heard a man scream as he ran buy the Inn. Malin burst in, "You guys need to go! I have faith in you to find what your looking for but to do that you need to move out now!" Malin shoved the journal into Rain's hands and ran out of the Inn along with just about everyone else. Quickly rain gathered everyone she asked to help her. Everyone who had agreed to it. They left the Inn quickly and a few of them wondered if they should stay and help put the flames out because once they got outside the flames were vibrant and glowing a hateful orange to the north end ofthe village. The direction they needed to go. Kerrian seemed put out, now they had to go around all of it and that was just gonna take more time and effort. If he was gonna be stuck with these people he wanted to get done what needed to be done... and be done with it. Rain fought the urge to help the village because she was told to get out. Kerrian led them east into the forest where the rounded around and headed north from there. They heard the sounds of the village fighting the fires and soon it seemed to die down. Rain stopped to catch her breath. Kerrian stepped closer to her to pull her back to her feet, "We need to keep-" Before he could finish his words a fireball slammed into the ground a few inches from his and Rain's feet. They looked up in shock to see this elderly woman in darker cloaks glaring at them. "Do not touch her. She is mine young witch and I shall have what I seek!" She said in a very calm collected and yet unerving voice. "What do you want with me?" Rain was sick of this. "Oh my dear, you are a rare one. I have heard so many things. Of course what I hear is you nothing about what you are capable of. No matter, I dont need your skills. I need your youth." "My youth!?" Kerrian glared at the woman, "She thinks your young age and energy will give her new youth and extended life. She tends to sap you of everything you got." "You put it in such harsh words... I am so hurt." "Who are you anyways?" Milo asked suddenly. The woman laughed as though everyone should know, "I am the Fire Master Flayr. Tempt me not child for I will burn you all down to the ground to get to the girl. Trust me." ---- Ooc: Ok Ugamon your turn, now she shouldnt be dead and shouldnt be beaten within the first post, i need her later, but she cant get rain obviously :) have at it.
  18. Rain was about to say something to Kerrian when another person was escorted into the room. Rain sighed. This one looked like she was ready for anything. Two blades strapped to her back carefully. She asked about the situation and rain again went through her speech and once done she left the woman to think about it. "Please Kerrian, we need your help, Malin told me you would be the best person." She gave him this look and suddenly everything in the room went quiet. Malin in the other room was speaking to someone ,"She really does look alot like her... dont you think?" "Yes but still... its hard to say..." A deep manly voice echoed down the hall. "Anyways please, we need your help."
  19. She had so many things on her mind. Virgil, Ky, and Milo had agreed to help her and the one who was supposed to meet her before they left still was not there. Zeek flew around the room quietly, the air current in the room kicked up by his feathered wings. Upon seeing a red bird outside her made a wierd noise that was similar to a birds and everyone watched as all of his feathers changed colors. They are all red with black tips now. "Nice..." Rain smiled, "I mean after all that could come in handy." The others, who had been called down to get their stuff ready for the next day, looked at her like she was slightly bonkers. [U][I]Well anyways, it could be used for camoflauge and spying if we needed it.[/I][/U] [U][I]Let us hope we will not. I just use it to get a little change in my life. Flyin around out there as one color is boring for so long.[/I][/U] [U][I]How long have you lived?[/I][/U] [U][I]To long to count the years thats all I know.[/I][/U] [U][I]Oh...[/I][/U], she straigtened up and glanced at a map that was sprawled out on the table. "So we are here right?" She pointed at the small area on the lower section of the old paper map. "Korina Village just on ther outskirts of the forest but still in the forest. Deep in the forest, around the middle, is a lake. To the west of the forest is plains and one ofthe large cities. Saem to the east, plains and a large city right?" "I have traveled those ways and yes that is correct." Milo nodded. Rain sighed, "And north of us is some fields then at the base of the mountains that stretch to their side of this land, i find that very cool, wait sidetracking myself... At the base od the mountains is the silver mine... Somewhere on the peaks of the mountains is this pool we are looking for and chamber of goodies or something." Zeek nodded with enthusiasim in agreement. "There isnt much on the map of the north..." Rain pointed out. Ky agreed, "Yes but that is because not many have charted the areas. They know there is an ocean way on the other side but I havnt seen it so who knows." Suddenly the door opened and a man walked in with a younger man. The older one left in a grumpy mood and the other seemed very confused. "Oh hello..." Rain said stading up, her sword moving with her and barely knocking the end of the table. Kerrian noticed it and looked at Rain. This girl barely looked like she could lift a sword but he was going to listen anyways. "As I said my name is Rain. Can I get your name?" "Kerrian." He responded. "Oh Malin said you were the one we had to wait for. Yes ok." And again she went on explaining her situation to him just like she had with the others. She thought ths process was getting very old but she knew the others had heard it the same amount of times she has said it so she knew she wasnt the only one getting a little annoyed with the "speeches" Kerrian looked at her with some question, "If you are from the future as you say, why do you have a sword?" "Malin had someone find it for me. Small simple said something about dragons on the blade or something. Thats when I told them that i cant use it-" "Dragons on the blade? Can I see it..." Rain looked a little take aback by that but agreed and pulled it from its plain brown scabbard with small red stones on it. She pulled the golden handle out and the shiny metal of the blade reflected onto the ceiling. "He said dragons were engraved on the blade see..." She showed it to him and he seemed very interested in it as if he knew the design from somewhere. "Do you know of it?" "Oh uh no, just admiring the work, not often you see engraved weapons now a days." "Anyways will you help us, Malin said you could teach me some of the basics with this thing and your expertise would come in handy on this trip." "Did she really say that?" He asked curiously. Rain nodded, "Of course..." [U][I]Well no but it makes everything sound a little more convincing... [/I][/U]she thought to herself. Causing Zeek to let out a strange growl like chirp that sounded like it could have been a laugh.
  20. Ok you are in the rpg is already up and going so if you can weazle your way in to Korina village before my group leaves then thats cool if not we can meet you along the way through the forest towards the mountains. As of now i am no longer accepting applications... I have plenty of people and got ideas forming around my current group so this is the end of the sign ups :) thanks everyone that did sign up
  21. Rain smiled at the man and looked up at her friend floating nearby. He nodded in approval and Rain stood up. "My name is Rain..." Over the course of a half hour she explained to him all the she had just been told. While explaining things to him she heard another person enter the Inn and request a room but continued on the task. After everything was said and explained she straight up asked him. "Will you help me with this? I know it sounds crazy or wierd that a complete strange would ask you this but It is all i have to go on. In the long run id like to return to my own time but i need to do this here first and I cannot do it alone." Virgil thought for a moment, "Well-" But before he could say anything else Jaden walked into the room. "Rain, A nother person as just recently arrived who Malin thinks will be good for this and Tobin has looked into it. I will go get him for you." Rain held up her hand, "That will not be needed. I shall do it myself." "Buy my lady..." "I need to start doing stuff for myself, if im the one who needs help i should be finding the people to help me. I appreciate you help and all but I need to not be like the defenseless little girl whos way out of her league and cant do anything for herself. Thank you but i will handle it." "Very well" And he backed out of the room. "Escuse me a moment Virgil. I will let you think a little on your reply and I will go talk to this newcomer." She gave him a slight bow, her red hair falling in front of her face a little. "I will be back shortly." A few moments later she was upstairs at a door. She had talked to the Innkeeper and he gave her the right room number. She stood there and stared at the number for a moment. She knew it was late, and thereason the traveler wanted a room was to sleep. She kenw also that if a man came to the door and woke the traveler it might not seem so good. She thought it would look better if she did it herself. She took a deep breath and then knocked loudly a few times. Silence, she tried again. This time someone stirred inside and she heard them cross the room in sort of a groggy fashion. The door swung oope nad a man leaned against the doorway. "What is it..." He seemed irritated and Rain didnt blame him. "Yes my name is Rain and I need to... I need to discuss something very important to you. I am sorry to wake you for this but it is important." Now that he was a little more awake he realized she wasent there for a certain...job so he seemed more aware of things. He nodded, "Go ahead...My name is Ky by the way..." Like with Virgil she gave him a quick overview of what was going on and how things were going. What she needed and why she was asking people. Once it seemed he had a good idea of the plan and what was really happening she bowed, "Again I am sorry for waking you but i needed to ask now. If you need time to think on this please do. I will be in the medical room downstairs." With that she left him standing there and dissapered down the stairs. She re entered the room and Virgil stood there still contemplating his answer. She sat at the table next to Zeek and smiled at him. Hopefully more than just the nude woman would decide to help her.
  22. Malin nodded and Jaden led the naked woman into the room. Malin was expecting the young woman to have put on some kind of clothing along the way but did not but then again she wouldnt be the nude woman with clothes now would she? "I take it you have a clear enough explination as to what is going on." The woman nodded, "I do. Some girl got ripped from the future, got stuck here during these dark times and is being hunted by psychopaths who think her power will save them or something. She has to go on this long trek and needs help and protection because she is not skilled in swords or powers because she didnt even know she had them." "Okay... What be your name child?" "Milo." "Well Milo meet Rain." Rain smiled and felt extreamly out of place once again with all these people appearing from other places. She wished she could be back in her time with the kids at the orphanage with their hovcraft and the luxury of modern medicine and no plague. " 'Ello. Ye in a bit of trouble I see. Glad to 'elp ye." They shook hands and Malin took over again. "Well that all done and out of the way you have a room set for you upstairs. It will be a while untill we are prepared to send you all off so be sure to rest up and stock up on your needed supplies. The shop keepers in town are aware of your situation so they wont give you any trouble." Malin led Milo out of the room leaving Rain in there alone. That is when Rain suddenly realized she was alone. Where did Zeek float off to? [I][U]Zeek... can you hear me? You close enough or does it work like that? Where are you?[/U][/I] [I][U]One question at a time my lady. It is a link we share so no matter where I am I can still hear your mind. Hold on a moment...[/U][/I] A few seconds later he floated in through the open window. "Ok Zeek I know your holding out information. What is going on with me?" [I][U]You helped my healing go faster, you have the ability to help heal small things like cuts. That is not all though. Let me ask you a question. When you lived in the future, have you done something you thought was normal and strange things happened?[/U][/I] "Well..." She thought for a moment, "When I sang for the kids not a single one of them was awake when I was done. And they were always so tough to get to go to sleep otherwise. Wild things came around when I was in the garden. Animals that would never come near humans." Animal communication and lullaby. Never heard or seen another Pure Blood with that ability. Normal water and earth but nothing so distant. "Wait pure blood?" Oh Malin wouldnt know this information. There are mortals who who have no special qualities ot their blood. Pure bloods are decendants of creatures who posed as humans long ago and forgot their origins after a time. Going on creatuing children and so on. Their blood creature Pure Bloods. Most specialize in Water and Earth type magic. Dark blood's storys are the same except they specialize in Fire and Air magic. Normal mortals can do magic but not much at all. They are not strong in it they have no blood from creatures with special abilities so they draw what they can from the world around them and unfortunatly magic in this world is dying just as fast as all the special blooded people who catch this plague Malin told you about. "Wow. How do you know all this?" [U][I]I will tell you this now child... No matter how many times you ask me more into the matter I will not say. It is best if you find out all the truths out on your own.[/I][/U] [U][I]I wonder why I dont see any other creatures like him around...[/I][/U] She thought to herself [U][I]Because as Malin calls me... I am the Final One. All the others of my species have all been hunted or killed or died off. I am the last one.[/I][/U] "I forgot you could read my mind even if it is not directed to you..." She frowned. "Sorry, why cant you tell me. It would be so much easier than for me to search for it." That is it though. You never really learn things if it is handed to you. You learn so many lessons on your journey to find answers. That knowledge you will gain on your trip will be usefull later on down the road and I cannot teach you these things. Nothing should be to easy to aquire or it not worth aquiring. She sighed, "I guess you make a point." [U][I]Of course I do. Now here someone comes.[/I][/U] Suddenly Jaden walked into the room with an arm load of clothes. "Here you go My Lady. Clothes so you fit in more around this time. Notice i got you boots too. It might be a little out there but I am afraid it is all I could find on such short notice." Rain took the clothes and thanked him before he left the room. She enjoyed the greens and once the boots were on she felt very comfortable. She now had a place to tie her sword and she did that as well. She almost looked like she was from this time and that she belonged... to bad her feelings couldnt match it. [I][U]Fear not Rain. Alanna will come to you soon and you will no longer feel like you are the only one out of place.[/U][/I] "Who is Alanna." When he did not respond she glared, "Oh right the whole 'I must seek my answers' thing right?" When he nodded slightly as he hovered there she sighed, "You are a complicated being." [U][I]I know[/I][/U]
  23. Ooc: For now im moving this along a little bit. ------ "So, you are saying they brought me back for my power? The power I dont even know I have?" The woman was smiling, "It is alot to take in considering all you have gone through in just a little time but it is true. I myself am unsure as to what power you do posses but the others do beleive it will help them in some way." Rain nodded, "What is going on here." She asked as a very young muted looking boy was rushed into the room. Malin sighed as though this had happend many times before. "Unfortunatly this time is in a lot of trouble. There is a plague going around. All of those who have special blood get sick, mutate, and die very quickly. I can ease some of the pain but there is no cure. I have been trying to figure it all out but I dont understand it." "What do you mean special blood?" Malin applied some crussed herbs onto the boys open wounds. "Unfortunatly there is nothing I can do for him but he has special blood. Blood that allows him to use special powers. Depending on the blood the powers are different. This boy was a little hellian in his younger years. Almost burnt down my shop accidently a few years back. He can use fire, or could, and that is all he was able to do. It was useful. However now he can hardly talk let alone move. Soon he will mutate further and die and all I can do is apply what I can to ease a little pain before it happens." "So these special blooded people get sick and die..." Malin nodded with tears in her eyes, "Unfortunatly it effects us normal mortals too. We may not mutate but we get very sick and can die after years of infection. The special blooded people die within a few months of getting it." "Oh my, But in my time there is no such thing. No special blooded people with extra powers and no plague." "Yes my dear and that might be because of you here now. Some people after you beleive you can cure this sickness. This much I know that they will do all they can to get ahold of you to fix things. Even though their ideas seem just, they are greedy and are only trying to save themselves before they get it. They wont kill you but they will harm you to get you to help them." Tobin walked in the room, "Well, oh no not Gator too..." He trailed off at seeing the boy. "He doesnt deserve this. He is so young." Malin wiped her tears of, "Yes Tobin what was it?" "Oh well some people have come into the village, They might be perfect for what needs to be done. Of course two of them were fighting earlier but it seems to be cleared up. A girl her in the village talked me into not kicking the rather odd nude woman out, yet. Dispite her nudeness she seems skilled enough just so long as you keep her from booze." "What is going on?" "Oh I hadnt gotten to that part yet I am sorry Rain. Because I was telling you all this stuff I forgot the main point. You are here Yes but unfortunatly you will not be staying here. You have a quest you must go on. Now I know it seems pretty bad for me to tell you this but know you are not going alone. You need a weapon, did you get it Tobin?" "Yes ma'am!" He pulled the sword off his back and handed it to malin, "The blade itself is engraved with dragons. Some of the power from the creatures of old is still infused in the blade. It might help her in more than just protection." "I have no idea how to use a sword, how am I supposed to wield one? I will cut someones hand off, most likely mine." Malin nodded handing it to Rain who stared at it completely lost. "I understand Child but not to worry. I have a young man in this village who will accompany you on your journey and teach you the basics. As a matter of fact to you know if he is back from is task yet?" Tobin shook his head, "No. Kerrian is not back yet. I will know the moment he walks back into the village though. Untill then you should work with her on the info of what she should be doing. I am going to keep an eye on the village. Strange winds have been blowing lately and I dont like the feel of it." Malin turned to rain as the man left, "You need to head to the high mountains of Haindru. They are to the north. There are no cities, no villages except for one small one on the other side but you are not headed for that spot. You are headed for a place no one knows how to find except for Final One. It is said that it is where he originated from. Not sure if it is true but There is said to be a cavern full of treasures there and in that store there is said to be information on this plague and where it started." "How do you know all this?" Malin pulled out a book. Journal was written on the cover in golden ink. "This. This was the Journal of Sistania, our last queen before the world went bad and that kind of system feel to ruin. No one has ruled the land since then. Each town village and city has run itself in its own way. It was grand when sistania ruled but i was a mere child at the time of her death. It says here she had a pool in the mountains and near that pool of water in a carven she hid her kingdoms glorious wonders. Not gold and trinkets like that no... she cared not for those things. She hid her precious things there... Scrolls of our past, and many other things. She wrote that the truth of this plague was written in one of those scrolls but she refused to write about it in her journal. I guess I can understand why but it would have been a lot more ... well easy for us if she had." Rain took it all in, "So you want me to avoid the bad guys trying to get ahold of me, and find this mountain pool, treasure cavern, and then this scroll. Then what?" "Well that I had not thought of but if it does have the origins it might have a cure. The high queen was close to figuring it out when something happend she wont tell of it but she says she sent something precious to her somewhere safe with the last of her strenght. She died later but not before she wrote that she was so close. If I could see that scroll, if it does indeed exist then I might be able to go one step farther than she could and help this world before it is to late." Rain nodded, "This is all really hard to take in but I guess I cannot refuse. It is what I am here for now. So what comes first." Malin smiled and hummed quietly to herself, "Unfortunatly until Kerrian returns we need to get a few more people to accompany you. Tobin just mentioned a few so I will get the boys on it." She whistled and two young men entered the room. The first boy had shoulder length blonde hair and brown eyes, "Yes miss?" "Good, Jaden I wish for you to seek out this nude woman of which Tobin has most likely already told you about. Tell her the basics about Rain and what she is trying to accomplish. Hopefully she will help." "And myself my lady?" The short brownhaired boy asked. "Yes Zaden, There is a man staying at this Inn. You most likely were also told about him. Seek him out and do the same. Tell him the basics about Rain and what is going on. Keep it quiet, we dont know who else is here that might be after her." The boys nodded, bowed, and left the room. Rain watched silently then decided to point something out, "Jaden and Zaden?" Malin nodded, "My sons. Twins by birth but look and act nothing like it. Jaden is older by five minutes and is very reserved and quiet about how he does things. Zaden is loud and not so refined in what he does. Both special blooded people. I worry for them." "Does that mean..." "Yes, I am as well. I have yet to catch the plague. No one knows how it gets from person to person because I have worked with them for years now and am still as fit as a fiddle. Others have never come in contact with others and caught it quickly. No one knows really."
  24. Upon arriving and meeting several other people who looked just as confused as she was she decided to find who she needed to find. After asking several people who knew nothing she was pointed in the right direction. After someone moved she found this man who she was told to find earlier. After some conversation she was in a very small room with a small single bed, a bedside table and a lamp. The drawer had a note pad with paper and a pen. A small light buzzed in the ceiling above her. She didnt even remember most of her conversation in the other area of the building. She was so tired from all this stress she sat on the edge of the bed and scooted back against the wall and curled up into a little ball. Crunch sat next to the lamp on the bedside table and it was the closest thing to home for her. Slowly her eyes fell and everything was dark. ---- ooc: Didnt know how to go with that so i just threw her into a small room for the time being.
  25. A while later in the day a feathery creature flew through the air through the village. A man followed her with a girl slung over his shoulders. He passed two people fighting and one of them was completely nude and slightly drunk but he had no time to deal with them like he would normaly do. It was his job to keep some order in this village but this was far more important. The creature flew past which drew the eyes of everyone who was not used to this particular village. He burst through a door to the Inn. Running through the building ignoring everyone he burst through the back door and into a back room. A woman stood there and with a horrified look on her face she slid everything off the table. "What happend!?" The Zeek could not tell her what had happend. He could not tell anyone of what transpired in the forest. The man sat Rain on the table. "Well miss as you know the Final One cannot tell us but the scene looked as though a fight insued. Two dead bodies and three sets of prints so one person fled. Seems the Final One used his rare abilities to help her but how she got in this state I am unsure." The woman nodded, "Thank you Tobin. You can go out and return to your routine." Tobin nodded and smiled before he retreated through the door. Zeek floated there over Rain and stared down at her. The woman stared down at the girl and placed her hand on Rain's forehead. "Ouch!" Rain jerked upwards cluthing her head. "Sorry miss but I had to do that to wake you. Can you explain to me what happend?" "Well Zeek met me in the forest and three men appeared. Zeek got hurt and I touched him. I didnt want him hurt no more. He healed. He told me he had abilities to heal himself and that I made it happen faster." "Zeek?" Rain looked at the woman as if she was nuts, "Yeah this guy!" She pointed at him. "Oh the Final One has a name? He cannot speak to any of us. How did he speak with you?" Rain smiled, "He spoke to me in my mind. Anyways what is all this? Where am I?" "My name is Malin and I run the herb shop nextdoor to this Inn. We are in Korina village." "I am Rain. And I am from the future. Apparently WAY into the future." "Oh honey I know that. Dont you worry we have you well taken care of for now. I have a man I would like you to meet but he is not here right now so for now eat, rest, wash up and stick to this building untill I can find some clothes that make it look like you belong in this time. Yours are far to modern futuristic. To many heads would turn in question." "A.... Alright." [U][I]Hey Zeek is this who you wanted me to meet? Do I trust her?[/I][/U] [U][I]Yes, She is the closest thing to a friend we will have for now. She knows what is going on and is willing to explain it but not right now. She is right, you need to rest up and get the blood off you.[/I][/U] "Ok..." She finished aloud dragging herself off the table. [CENTER]~~~~[/CENTER] [LEFT]Ooc: Ok this is a filler from me, it gets my character near where she needs to be and gives the other stragglers time to get in here. If by tuesday they arent in yet I will start the plot and get going. Ill wriggle them in when they do show up. So like I said, for now just chill and dont get into TO much trouble (lilt lol drunken nude madness can only go so far before Tobin kicks you out of the village lol)[/LEFT]
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