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Everything posted by Frankie
The world was still and the morning light had just raised over the Haindru mountains and flooded Sterling Valley giving off a warm and comforting glow. Her eyes opened slowly and her chest felt heavy. Her fuzzy vision began to clear and she realized that something was lying on her chest. It looked very feathery. She tried to move but this object was much heavier than she thought. Struggling slightly she flipped on to her side dumping the creature to the ground. It ruffled its feathers and curled into a ball making a strange growling noise. Standing up she realized she was no longer in the garden of her former home. Far from it. She seemed to be in the middle of the country somewhere with a huge feathery creature by her feet. Her first reaction was to panic. "What happened? Those voices... what was all that?" And many questions flooded her mind faster than she could ever imagine possible. The feather creature stirred and almost sighed. Lifting its head Rain realized she had never seen a creature like it before. Its long slender body was covered with feathers and no legs or arms, just two large feathery wings. It had an almost birdlike beak and large eyes with one solid color. It floated off the ground and stopped a few feet from her. [I][U]Calm down my lady please so many thoughts can cause headaches.[/I][/U] Its voice, male sounding, rang through her mind. Not her ears but her very mind. "Oh my god! What are you!?" She screamed. Overwhelmed by the severity of her situation. [I][U]I am a...[/I][/U] He then said a word she couldn?t think of even pronouncing or spelling if she had paper and a pen. The fact this thing was talking in her mind was enough to make her think she was crazy. [I][U]You my dear are not crazy but we do need something for you to call me since I will be with you for a while.[/I][/U] He floated there not moving a feather. He floated there elegantly and nodded his head as if to again reassure her silently that she was just fine. [I][U]Ok if you?re really reading my mind then here we go. I think I got the first part of your species name so I will call you that. Zeek sounds kinda weird but it will do.[/I][/U] She said in her mind only. [I][U]So where am I, Who are you, and why are you going to be with me?[/U][/I] [I][U] [/I][/U]He blinked, [I][U]well my dear it is complicated. You are, well you see... Ok I am here to protect you. Last night you were sucked here by a summoning ritual preformed by those would seek to harm you. I want to prevent that at all costs. I am your protector. Zeek is just fine but very off from normal pronunciation. Anyways as for where you are my lady. Do not freak out but you have been brought back way into the past. Nothing looks the same but you are standing in the same place you were standing last night, just several thousand years in the past.[/U][/I] [I][U] [/I][/U]Her mouth dropped open. She did what he said and kept herself from doing what she wanted to. Freak out. [I][U]So uh, the past you said if that is possible why do they want me back here?[/U][/I] She asked calmly even though she wanted to scream. [U][I]You have abilities they want, you are no normal mortal but you might not believe this for now. I know someone you should meet in the nearby village; she can help you figure out what is really going on. You just have to trust me.[/I][/U] "Fine then. I will trust you even though I have no idea why I feel like I can. You look like you could peck out my eyeballs and eat them for dinner." Tired of the mind speak. As it was causing her to feel dizzy, she spoke aloud. [I][U]Trust me I could but I never would. Humans don?t taste good to me. [/I][/U]The look on her face changed instantly and she heard him laugh in her mind. [I][U]I am kidding. I do not eat those that I serve. I serve the race of man. I eat small critters and bugs. We should head towards the village soon. I sense they are getting closer.[/U][/I] "Who?" [I][U]A group of... Wow that is small. [/I][/U]"What?" [I][U]Only three of them. They must be just scouting ahead to make sure you arrived safely.[/U][/I] "Uh you said they wanted to harm me right? If they are close how am I going to protect myself?" [I][U]When the time comes you will be able to figure that out on your own. Until then like I said, just trust me. [/I][/U]"Well hello little missy. Turns out you did arrive in perfect shape. Now come quietly. We won?t hurt ya, much." A man said stepping out into the clearing. He had green eyes and no hair on his head. The man that followed had a scar across his face that looked much like a burn. "We need you in one piece but that don?t mean nothing." A younger man stepped out fresh shaven, nicely cut hair that was dusty blonde, and silvery grey eyes, "Course we can do what we want with you on the way there, just so long as you?re whole and complete physically when we return." The three men laughed. Rain thought that the last guy was kind of attractive, or at least he would have been if he hadn?t just implied some very nasty things and intended to deliver her to those who wished to hurt her. She kicked herself for even thinking the slightest thing about it and Zeek reminded her to stay calm. "What do you mean calm!?" She screamed at the creature. "Look here Gar, she thinks she can talk to animals, maybe she is wonko. Why would the boss want a nut?" "Who cares it is not our concern. Get her and hurry up with it." The bald man commanded the scarred man to do the work. The young guy just stood and watched. Slight amusement crept across his face. "NO!" She shouted. [U][I]Stand back![/I][/U] Zeek got in between her and the three men and opened his beak. A jet of flames erupted from his mouth and engulfed the scarred man. The bald man jumped out of the way just in time. Two voices screamed out. First the man as he burnt to a crisp and Rain as this horrible scene burned into her memory and the sound of his voice ripped her nerves to shreds. The bald man stepped forward and over the burnt carcass of his partner and pulled out a long simple sword. "No, that won?t be needed fluffy.? She slashed through the air quickly but Zeek moved. This left Rain open and the man moved in to wound her. Zeek swooped in just as he slashed and Rain was splattered by the creature?s blood as it fell to the ground. [I]That is enough![/I] Zeek shouted to his own mind. A bubble appeared around the man?s head and filled with water. No many how many times he slapped at it and pulled his hands went right through the water. After a bit the man jerked and fell to the ground still struggling. A little more and he jerked a final time before lying lifelessly on the ground. "Very good. The guardian had better be strong or this would not be an entertaining chase." The young man said with a smile. With that he leapt into the shadows and vanished. Rain fell to her knees where Zeek was now laying on the ground bleeding profusely. She ignored the men?s bodies and stared at her protector. "Oh no..." She cried to herself. She placed a hand on his cut and closed her eyes. What had she caused? This was her fault. They wanted her and now this creature fought to keep her away from them but at the risk of losing its own life. [I][U]Child, do not weep. I am fine now. Your tears are soaking my feathers. [/I][/U]She looked up and his wound was completely healed and his large eyes stared up at her. "But..." [I][U]I have a slight ability to heal myself, that coupled with your own healing abilities it quickened the process.[/U][/I] "What powers? I couldn?t heal anything..." Just about that moment she felt extremely lightheaded, "On second thought... We can discuss this after my nap." And she passed out. [I][U]Well this complicates things. [/I][/U][CENTER]~~~~[/CENTER] OOC: Ok italic bold is mind talk for Rain and Zeek. Sorry this was SO long but it will not be this bad again I hope. So for your first posts I want your characters getting into Korina Village (except you ugamon since yours already lives there) you wont meet Rain yet but soon you will. There is a tavern there. Dulzan's Tavern. Old, man runs it. Make your way there. Happy RP-ING
Ok blood types, yay. Well will start with dark bloods. They are strongest in Fire and Air magical abilities. Meaning they can start fires, wind, and various other effects. Lighting a camp fire, drowning out a conversation with the wind, blowing something over, and so on so forth. They can use other magic but they are very weak with it. Most prefer fire and air. Dark bloods along with Pure bloods are more affected by the plague than others and quickly mutate and die from it. The mutations are ugly gruesome wounds and growths on their bodies and then they soon die. Purebloods are better in water and earth magic. Drowning out a fire with water and dirt without even lifting a finger. Moving large rocks or drowning people in their own body waters if they so choose. They can manipulate the water, pull the water right out of the air and make it become a liquid instead of a gass, they can also purify it so it is drinkable or usable in different means. But this does wear one down quite quickly. As for the normal blooded people, they are balanced in all four but weaker than the ones who specialize in it. Instead of being strong in one or two they have weaker abilities with all four. Normal blooded people also have a slight ability to heal. I dont mean loss of limbs and severe bleeding but small things like minor cuts and colds and similar things. They actually have to apply physical work to larger things such as deep bleeding wounds and sicknesses however they still cannot cure the plague. As for these three types they are very rare and in the rpg you will not likly run into many who posses such skills. Darkblood's are sometimes prone to more irritablility and purebloods are sometimes more trusting than they should be. If there is anything i missed i will edit this, or if i think of something else i will edit it in with bold colored text. Untill then this is what iv come up with for now. I sort of posted this info in my original sign up thread post but i didnt go to far into details. This is it for now, gotta go to work!
She was in the deepest of sleeps she ever thought possible. One of the best dreams in a long time had visited her that night. That is untill she heard loud banging on her shops glass doors. She threw herself out of bed and put on something decent. Fluffed her hair a little but gave up on it almost instantly. She slipped on her house slippers. She entered her hall and went down the stairs. A man whom sheh ad never seen was pounding on her glass doors. She crossed the shop and opened the door. [B][SIZE=1]"Miss Durant, this is going to sound crazy, but please hear me out. You're in a lot of danger - I work for a company which specialises in people...like you. Special people. We've been monitoring you for a long time now, and we think you might be in a lot of danger. May I come in?"[/SIZE][/B] [B][/B] [SIZE=1]"You may... If you were a customer I would have said come back tomorrow but since you seem to know so much here I dont have much of a choice." She stepped out of the way and let the man enter her shop.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"So is this a good spot to talk or...?" He began.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"Sitting room please," She lead the way up the stairs into the room, "From the sound of it you are in a big hurry so I wont keep you by questioning you to much. You have been monitering me for some time now you say?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]He nodded slightly, "Uhm, Yes we have."[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"Well so much for privacy eh crunch." She said to the flytrap next to the table. She had moved him there before she went to sleep.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]He gave her a questioning look but stayed on the task and asked no question. "You are in danger."[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"From what?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]He looked at her and she could see in his eyes that he had seen something quite terrible. She was beggining to think she didnt want to know what was going on. She knew however, that if she did not listen he was probably right and something bad was going to happen. Best for her to be quiet and listen.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]"Go ahead and explain it... It doesnt sound all that crazy to me so go ahead. You seem frazzled." She left it silent after that. It was his turn to explain what the wake up so late at night was all about.[/SIZE]
Ok cool. Good job and thanks. I hope we get at least one more sing up soon but if not i will be starting this saterday or sunday. I will send ALL of you PM's as a reminder when i start it up. I hope everyone participates and enjoys the rpg iv been working so long on.
Nope all good, Man i beleive that is the LONGEST bio i have read so far. Nice work. Well i have the basic minimum of people now so ill start this in a few days, I just hope that everyone is stead posters. Not the type to start and then just ditch out when it hits a tad dry stop. I have seen some of you in rpgs before and know that we all hit times like that so i hope this RPG doesnt go that way. I spent WEEKS putting this thing together ask ugamon he knows... this has been work in progress for ever.
So far so good everyone. Well Ugamon you still need that bio but i can easily wait untill later. You and I have already discussed that character some on messenger. I just hope some more people sign up and then I can start this up within this week I hope. If not by the beggining of next week.
All the radio jabber about wierd goings on and distubances in other places fell upon deaf ears. Shylin was used to it. It was new york after all. She expected this stuff every day. A few years back an old friend of hers told her that it was stupid to be so hohum about that kind of stuff because one day she was going to find that it was her front door that got busted down and her ass shot and dead on the floor for a few dollars and a rose bush. She always ignored those comments though. Sure it could happen to her but why be all paranoid about it by listning to it on the radio. Plus her friend never knew she had her own way of protecting herself and in her shop no would be burgler had a chance. She had plants people couldnt imagine and that combined with her powers made a potent combination. She chuckled as she remembered the movie Jumanji. Where the two different flowers caused those people so much trouble. That was kiddie stuff compared to what grew in her private home upstairs. Of course you wouldnt find any of those plants in any book or database anywhere. She made them herself and they werent just pretty, they were deadly. She sighed thinking about it now. Her friends all move away. The violence of the city to much for them to handle. She had no family anymore either. That was blown to bits when she was still a young teenager so the only people in her life were her customers. A depressing idea but she dealt with it. Her plants and customers gave her enough company to make it through each day without wanting to curl up into a ball in the corner of her room and scream. Another customer walked in but wasnt a regular. They glanced around and stared at the vibrant reds of the fly traps and many other plants that linned her greenhouse like shop. After five minutes they went with a dozen fresh cut roses. Mentioning an date or something before leaving the shop. Putting the money in her safe she wondered why she felt so strange lately. Nothing had changed. Yet. "I wonder what is going to happen. I have a strange feeling about all this but I cant tell what it is." She tied her long hair in a pony tail and flipped her closed sign. Closing the blinds to the shop she wandered upstairs. Sitting on her sofa she munched on a pizza slice from the fridge and flicked past the News station and went straight to some tv show about penguins. "Oh yeah thats really educational. Like knowing how a penguin lives is going to save my life." She changed it and now it was about ants, "Well I guess thats good information to know an ant can carry ten times its own weight. I might need to move a potato chip across town and have no way to do it. Now i can just call my ant buddies." She gave up and turned the tv off. She decided to get some rest.
It was early, or maybe it was late, Shaylin never noticed anymore. She did not care much either. Her life revolved around her shop, no matter what she did outside of the shop it seemed unimportant. Her shop was her life. She rose out of bed with a yawn. As she awoke the small plant next to her bed moved and bloomed as if it woke from a sleep as well. It's petals were bright pink and orange. She smiled at it and glanced at her window. "Love it... Rain." She muttered. She glanced at the plan by her bed and smiled, "I understand you need rain to live but to much rain is a bother. And this is getting rediculous." She yanked herself out of bed as if it was the hardest task she had ever done. She had no energy for it today. When the sun was shining she felt much more alive. Rain only affected her if she was standing in it. After getting dressed and eating some leftover chinese food from the fridge she wandered downstairs. The shop was dark and quiet. The only thing living in the shop were large and small plants of all colors and types. Each closed up and almost dormant. Once she flicked on her special lights and entered the room however, they grew bright, opened, and vibrant in color. She smiled and glanced at her favorite plant of them all. Upon looking at it she frowned. She crossed the room quickly and got to its pot. The leaves were turning black and it was not as vibrant in red on the inside as it normaly ways. "Crunch... You must be going into your dormant stage but is it that time of year yet? I havnt kept track. I look into it but for now..." She removed the black leaves carefully and pulled a cricket from her small old fishtank that was remodled to house crickets for Crunch and all the other Venus Flytraps in her shop. She only had a few left but they were all doing well... Except for crunch. This plant was never for sale. It was her favorite, a gift from her father long ago. It was display only and that would never change. She placed the cricket carefully in one of the traps and when it snapped shut she let go with the tweezers. Now she did not need to feed it for a long while. She moved on and watered every plant that needed it, cleaning up fallen leaves or petals, and she had to stop once on a rose because it looked ill. She carefully placed her hand on the soil and concentrated. The rose soon grew green again. The flower opened and was bright yellow. She heard once that yellow roses stood for friendship. Her plants were her friends so she saw no specific color. She saw them all. She turned on her radio. The static crackled and she sighed. Rain always killed the little radio's reception. She did hear some disturbance in some area in town but hey it was the way the city was. Someone was always getting shot, killed, mugged, or something like that so she turned it off and flipped her sign. Open for whatever hours she felt like. That was the thing about her shop, it was open any day she wanted it to be for whatever hours she wanted it to be. She made enough money to run it that way. If someone needed something at a specific time they could easily make an appointment with her. She was open for all that. She smiled as almost instantly a regular customer came around the corner and entered soaking the welcome mat. "Hey sue! What can I do for you?" Shaylin asked. "Oh shay! How do you do it? I dont understand it. Your plants look so vibrant and alive. Remember that rose I got from you last week. That beautiful red and orange one?" "Oh yes, something wrong?" "Well It just isnt doing so well. What is your secret, it does so well here and the moment it gets to my house it starts to get a little dull. I must be cursed when it comes to plants." Shaylin smiled, "What did you do when you got it outside?" "Well I have been giving it this plant fertalizer for roses. I bought it downtown the day i got it from you. I see you never sell stuff like that so I figured I would still need it." Shaylin nodded, "Quit using it. Believe it or not most of my plants need no fertalizer or compost of any kind. They do perfectly fine on pureified water, distilled water, rain water, and sunlight. Most of mine require indirect light but it depends. I would recommend you quit using what you got and make sure it gets some weekly care. Clip off old buds and dead leaves. Dont worry about it for now but if it starts going grey, brown, or black please give me a call. I will come out and look at it." "Thank you so much. If any of that happens I will be sure to call you." With that the lady left the store. Shaylin sighed, "I guess it doesnt help that it was partly my powers that made it so awesome in the first place. With the right care though anyone can make plants that look like mine. It takes work but its possible. Isnt that right Crunch?" She smiled and picked up the watering can. She was headed upstairs to water her personal house plants. All the while thought she had an odd feeling about the day. --- My first post and its huge, sorry. I dont know what i was thinking
So far so good, just remember you may have skill but so do the ones we shall face mwahahah, I wont make this easy. Anyways here is My sign up. [B][SIZE=2][B]Name:[/B] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2]Rain (Later gets a new name)[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Age:[/B] [/B]22[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Gender:[/B] [/B]Female[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Blood Type:[/B] [/B]Pure Blood[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26409&stc=1&d=1192087728[/IMG][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Before entering the past she wore simple jeans, a t-shirt, and combat boots. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]After entering the past though, well look at the picture. Everything in the picture is the same except well? On second though a lot changed? She has regular human ears. Her hair is slightly longer with almost golden tips. She has lightly tanned skin and bright green eyes. She has a tattoo of a white tiger on her left arm which is hidden by her little feathery thing. Her sword is more for looks due to the fact she is not trained to fight with one. She will use it when needed but it is mainly for show. It has dragons carved into the blade.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Personality:[/B] [/B]Before her jump back in time she was quiet yet some what outgoing. She cared for others deeply and did all she could to help them. After her jump she is mostly the same. She is quiet, careful, caring, kind, and giving. All of which could easily get her into trouble. She is also very strong of mind, body, and heart. She is loyal to her friends and keeps her promises. Basically she is an all around a girl who will try her best to get things done to the best of her abilities.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Biography:[/B] [/B]When she was a very young baby she was found on the porch of an orphanage in the middle of a rainstorm. No parents were found and no note was left with her. Because of the situation they named her Rain and raised her. No matter how many people came to look at kids for adoption she was always passed. She was not tall enough, she was too tall, too young, too old, and not quiet enough, too quiet, and all around she grew up watching all the other kids move on. This never worried her though. She felt at home there. Some when she was old enough to leave on her own (18) she decided to stay and get a job there. She demanded they not pay her much at all for she enjoyed taking care of the kids. A few years passed and she is still at it. That is until a certain day.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Weapons: [/B]She has one short sword. It has a silver blade with dragons carved onto the blade. Very sharp but she is not skilled in using it. It is more for looks.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Magic:[/B] [/B]Being a pure blood she has abilities she never knew she had. She has the ability to open gates between their world and another realm called the ?Holy Ocean? which is like a paradise. She is the last living person able to open such gates and her trip back in time has something to do with it. Aside from this she can mentally speak to this creature that she meets once first arriving in the past. This creature cannot speak any human tongue but is able to communicate with her through their minds. He gives her advice and guides her when she needs it. If not doing that he is there to give random if not awkward comments to lighten a mood or change a subject. She also has minimal healing powers. She can heal small wounds like cuts and scrapes but she is unable to heal strong sicknesses like the Plague or large wounds like huge burns or deep cuts. When she over does it she gets light headed, dizziness, and will sometimes get nosebleeds.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]This isn?t totally magic of any type but since she was very young she has had the ability to sing extremely well. This comes into play later for once she learns how she can use her song to call the aide of animals, or put someone to sleep when needed.[/SIZE]
[center][IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff140/Airobeth/HolyOcean2.jpg[/IMG][/center] Or is it... Under water? Anyways few points there are manhy people after rain. There are three different types of blood. None of it means keeping it in the family like when i say Pure blood... Just means angelic blood runs in their line. Anyways I will describe the areas and such a little later as i get things all sorted out on my computer. Untill then you can ask me questions here if you like to decide whether you want to join or not or find out if you are allowed certain powers if you choose to have them. (Ps for mods: Sorry it slipped my mind real fast to put the rating on this thread too so i edited it in but its not showing up on the main thread listing, if you could fix that I would appreciate it, sorry about that)
[center][IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff140/Airobeth/HolyOcean.jpg[/IMG][/center] [I][SIZE=2][I]“A long time ago there were these realms. From these realms came beings that took on the form of human to blend into their new world. The angelic like creatures then made normal lives and produced children. The blood that was passed down from the Angelic created the Pure Blood’s. It just means the blood of the angelic like beings runs through their veins and helps with certain types of magic. The same goes for the Dark Bloods but they were not from Angelic beings. Demonic beings came from the neighboring realm of that of the Angelic and they too made lives and children passing on their blood.” ~Diary of Sistania[/I][/SIZE][/I] [center]Outskirts of Portland Maine[/center] [SIZE=2]With her nightly chores finished Rain snuck back into the hallway and pulled the board from the wall. Sliding the wooden panel to the side a ways she snuck into the now visible passageway. She shut it behind her and continued through the darkness until she felt the cold air. She kicked the wall lightly and it popped open to reveal the side path to the garden. She smiled and shut it behind her. This was her relax time and she did it best in the garden.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Elsewhere four shadowy figures huddled over an old worn leather book. They read its contents quietly to themselves and discussed the details in hushed whispers. After what seemed like hours the leader stepped back and nodded. “The time has come. The gatekeeper must return. If she does not many things will come to be that should not ever happen. Prepare for the calling ritual.” And with that all the people in the circle sped off in different directions for supplies and other needed things.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Back in the garden Rain watched the roses dance in the light breeze that swept through the garden. She heard voices and looked around. No one was around but the voices did not stop. As a matter of fact the voices only got louder. The wind went from a calm breeze to hurricane speed in a split second and the voices still got louder. It was as though they were right around her but she could not see them. Their words were unknown to her, dark frightful words that made her heart pound and her muscles tense.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]“Plague… Keeper… blood…. Gates… dar….pure.… Alanna…Gatekeeper….re…urn…..o….ere….ou….be….ong.” She heard now some words that she understood but none made sense to her. Suddenly a swirling light appeared before her eyes. She felt very light headed and before she could even move or say anything she felt herself falling. When she was supposed to hit the ground she felt as though she was still falling but now all she could see was that light. From that light she heard a voice, clear and calm. “You are the Gate Keeper. You are our only key to the Holy Ocean and the only hope to flee the Blood Plague.”[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]When she woke up she found herself in a place full of problems. She wouldn’t know this until she visited Korina Village in Wild Wood Forest, but there were more things to worry about that a little trip through time. There was a plague ravaging the world at an alarming rate and apparently many people thought she was their key to survival.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][center]~~~[/center][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Ok She is back in time as you can see. All of your characters should be native to this time. So no guns or stuff like that. I did not let on to TOO much because there would be no fun in that. Rain has to go on a quest to figure out a cure or a way home. She also has several different people after her for their own mysterious reasons. She will need help on this quest. After all there are Artifacts she will need to locate in order to get all the info and abilities she needs, but she isnt the only one. She cannot do it alone. Are you strong enough?[/SIZE] [B][SIZE=2][B]Name:[/B] [/SIZE][/B][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]Nothing to plain like “frank” or “bob” Be creative![/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Age:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]From the age of 18 up to… well you’re human so you can’t live for to long now can you?[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Gender:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]Simplistic really.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Blood Type:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600](Are you a pure blood? Or are you a dark blood? Maybe you are just a regular mortal?)[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Appearance:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]Brief description or a picture. At least a paragraph of certain details would be nice…[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Personality:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]At least a paragraph of how your character acts. Do they cower in a fight or are they the first to charge in screaming?[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Biography:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]What were your characters doing before they met Alanna? Short paragraph history would be nice. What past experiences made them who they are today?[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B][B]Weapons:[/B] [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]Nothing modern like rifles or laser guns. Swords, bows, staffs and so on. Think past, way back.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]Magic: [/B][/SIZE][SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff6600]Optional… Please nothing to powerful; each person has their limits and using any magic drains a person considerably. If there are questions PM me, and we can discuss it. I might make an underground thread for this so we can discuss magic limits and such there. Remember magic is scarce in this world.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Oh and a note on Blood types, I don’t want a whole lot of pure or a whole lot of dark people. By the way just because you are a pure blood that does not mean you have to be a perfect angel of a person, you can break the rules sometime. Neither does that mean you have to be fully evil if you are a dark blood. The two types are just ancestry. But each one does work better in certain areas in magic.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Dark Bloods work better in Fire and Air magic [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Pure Bloods work better in Earth and Water magic[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=black]Oh and some info on the Plague for now, The Blood Plague effects Pure Blood’s and Dark Bloods. They all grow very sick very fast and die. Some lucky few HAVE evaded getting it and some are immune luckily. This plague also affects normal people too but it kills them mush slower. The pure and the dark bloods are mutated (like skin bubbles and boils and burns and nasty stuff) and then shortly after that they die. So far no cure has been found, but some believe that Rain is the key to figuring out a way to escape it. [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Anyways I will be posting my sign up once someone joins. I think there is enough in this post for now. Questions? PM me and ill try to answer them, I will get my undreground thread up here soon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Shaylin Durant (Prefers to be called Thorn)[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Age:[/B] 20[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Gender:[/B] Female[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Physical Description: (Picture attached just ignore the sword) [/B]She has long rose red hair and a tattoo of a thorny rose on her left shoulder blade. Her eyes are emerald green with neon green highlights that are hardly noticable unless you are very close to her to see them. She wears a black shirt with a tan coat over it. She changes her outfit from time to time but the thing that stays no matter what is her jacket and her loose flower buckled belt. She stands at 5'8'' is lightly tan.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Personality:[/B] From day to day she is very quiet, doing her work when she gets and order and keeping her shop up and running. When faced with situations or troubles she will lock up sometimes and not talk at all. Once she opens up to a person (which is a difficult thing for most to achive with her) She is still quiet but more open with her past, her fears, and her dreams. She is sometimes over confident in her work and it seems to backfire on her causing certain troubles with her products.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Occupation:[/B] Flower Shop Owner[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]Power: [/B]She can manipulate or grow plants at will. For example when she was a little younger something happend and she was in such a devastated state she lost all control that she did have and her home was engulfed with ivy and rose bushes over the course of three days. Why thish append though she wont speak of. She has made this into a living. Yes she has created some very special fertalizers and plants on her own but she adds just a little simple touch to any plant someone wants and it is radiant in color and nice in size. She can even bring a fully dead plant back into bright life. She can only do this with small to moderate sized plants however. She has failed and ended up very sick the next day after trying it on a tree in her back yard. She just cant control it on large objects. She can also grow thick roots through the toughest surfaces like cement and wood. She never sees a use for that particular ability so never uses it.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]I hope this is alright, it is an idea i was using for something else but seemed to fit pretty well. :)[/SIZE]
Avian while on the ground started to stand up but Rraikmon standing up knocked avian over. As avian saw herself falling and the others saw it too and went to help her even if they were to far away. They didnt need to however, She placed one hand on the ground and kicked upwards. A twist and a backflip later she was standing up again. "Rraikmon watch your tail next time..." "Sorry." She said with a smile. Avian looked at Kredion and Ryu and gave them both one of her deep confusing smiles, "Heh... lets get out of here!" ooc: some filler my post became lol
With her head against the wall and ploymon in her lap she fell asleep. Despite everything and where they were nothing could keep her from falling asleep. About an hour later however she felt a huge weight on her body and slowly opened her eyes. Ploymon was no longer there but Rraikmon was. With her almost the size of a horse she weighed a ton. And she was sleeping as hard as a rock. Avian tapped her partner and then when that didnt work she hit her on the head with her fist. Her large yellow eyes slowly opened. "Huh?" "Get off me you lunk head!" She laughed, "You crushing me. No more expensive kibble for you. Cheap ass stuff for you from now on. You weigh a ton!" Rraikmon leapt up causing pain in Avians dead legs and then laid down next to Avian. "Sorry. I must of digivolved in my sleep." Avian smiled, "That is alright." She stroked the fur between Rraikmon's shoulders and smiled, "Just so long as you dont kill me it is fine."
Avian let out a snort, she didnt like the guy after all he was a dark lord or whatever but then again she didnt trust anyone so what was the difference here? For all she knew ichi and cody could be serial killers and Kredion could be some sicko off the street before all this digimon stuff started happening. And she trusted them enough to be around them so whats a "dark lord" gonna do? "Well I for one agree to let him stay. You are right, he is strong, i can sense that. And we need all the help we can get." Avian said after a long moment of silence and exchanged glances. Kredion nodded, "Thanks for the support on that one..." Avian nodded back, "And hey, one more cute face to add to the group. What is a poor solitary girl like me to do." She gave a fake sigh and laughed, "Now if you dont mind I think I am going to rest." She walked over to the wall, sat down and fell against it. Ploymon sat in her lap as she stroked his fur. "You did well today." "Heh, thanks... So did you."
Avian watched and grinned as Rylonamon leaped into the air towards Megadramon. Even though she was far smaller than him her strength was all she needed. She slammed into him with the force of the other digimons attacks and he was sent even farther into to gate like portal. "Good job!" One last concentrated blast from all the digimon combined, even the newly arrived ultimate, and Megadramons screams were silenced as the gate closed. Moments later it desintegrated into a billion tiny pieces of data that vanished instantly. Moments later all the champions and ultimates returned to their In-Training forms. Ploymon in all his boyish ability said, "No sweat! Could handle that kinda stuff anyday." A strange noise came from the red furball, "Im hungry..." Avian picked him up and shook her head, "You silly dust ball..." ---- ooc: ugamons out of it right now from what i am getting so i am posting just to keep this .... here and aliveishness. So yeah. If he doesnt post soon i might keep it going from what he and I have talked about a while back. And ill just continue this till he can come back and take over again. But we will see what happens
"This was NOT what i had in mind!" Rylonamon said, her champion form growled. Avian sighed, "Well i take it its all or nothing at this point." The other digimon hadalready digivolved. IceDevimon, Sangloupmon, and Rylonamon stood facing the large Gigadramon. Three champions against a single ultimate. Things would have looked good on earth but things looked terrible within the confines ofthe dark dreaded castle. It is like its dark cold stone walls had soaked up all the hope and left nothing but dread and fear. "If you hesitate I wont! Giga Destroyer!" He opened both of his clawed hands and sent a blast of energy right for them. Each of them moved in their own ways to avoid it. Icedevimon took to the sky but whas instantly slammed back into the stone ground by the ultimates large tail. Rylonamon rolled out of the way and was flicked against the wall like a bug. She groaned as she pulled herself out of the remains of the stone pillar near where she hit. Sangloupmon dashed out of the way but was also hit with the digimons long tail. All three champions shook their heads and got up to fight again. This was bad. Really bad.
Avian and the others stood in the strange new world some confused and others just a little miffed. She glanced at her partner in her arms, he squirmed and leaped from her arms. "Hey! It is not safe!" "Lookie! Digital Grub!" He said glancing at her with half of a strange fungus looking thing hanging out of his mouth. "Do you even know if that is safe? It could be poisonous." He laughed and bit it in half. He munched on the half and gave the rest of it to Koramon. Moments after the ate it they began to glow and their rookie forms soon took their places. "I lived here once remember?" Rraikmon said fully female again, "I might not remember it well but I do know the difference between mushrooms of forgetfulness and data mushrooms." "Data mushrooms?" "Yes they are a type of mushroom that absorbs stray particles of harmless data that were lost or discarded. Once it absorbs enough it becomes ripe enough to pick, eat, and absorb the data. Considering the fact its all data to begin with its like not harmful. Energy boost and back to rookies we go." Avian glared. This place was just to wierd. "Can we not stand around here like lost dogs?" Rraikmon, "Hey!" "Not what i ment! Anyways... I have a feeling we should go..." She thought for a while looking in all directions and thrn she stopped. Something within the dark ignored areas of her brain (like the area for processing high forms of math, gut feelings, and peanutbutter and banana sandwiches) pulled at her. told her to go that way. "Lets go this way. We wont get anywhere just standing around." And with that they all headed off. Avian wondered off in that direction and they all followed. What seemed like hours they walked and slowly the terrain changed. They came to desolated cliffs and below them was a blackend dark crashing ocean that seemed far more dangerous than it appeared, and it appeared really dangerous. "Well dusty land of doom to deadly oceans, nice." Impmon grummbled. "Hmm." With a few glances up and down she noticed something in the distance. They headed in that direction and in another hour of walking they saw it more clearly. A dark dreary castle lay upon the rocks in the middle of the ocean waves. It sat hight above them on jagged cliffs of jet black sharp stones. It had a small bridge of rocks that looked none to stable but after watching a dark dinosaur walk across it out into the wilderness they figured it could handle the weight of a few kids. "Wait, your thinking of going in there?" Cody said with shock, "It reeks of evil! JUST LOOK AT THOSE CLIFFS!" "Not to mention the... water, the bridge, the dinosaur of evil, and oh yeah the large menecing castle of doom." Rraikmon agreed. Avian looked at Kredion whos attention was now fully fixed onto the building. "Uh what do you think Kredion. Looks like an evil guys perfect plotting paradise right?" He nodded silently and said nothing. Before anyone else could even argue it he and ugamon stepped forward and headed on towards the castle. "This is a bad omen i swear to digigod!" Rraikmon growled. "You act as though you havnt seen anything evil or scary before. Your acting like a puppy!" Rraikmon realized this and straightedn up, her fur standing on all ends, "Yeah right! I just didnt want to seem to cool for these other guys!" Avian smirked, "Riiiiight." And quickly she followed behind Kredion. Everyone else sighed and went along. They all remembered they came here to stop evil but the didnt expect evil to look so.... deadly. Or they werent expecting a fight so soon. It took a while to get to the entrance of the bridge and only a few digimon guarded the huge metal gates of the castle. Both of them champions of medium size. Rraikmon digivolved to Rylonamon and used Tiger Eye on both of them to immobolize them momentarrily while the others could run up and delete them as quickly and silently as possible. "Why only two champions as guards?" Someone asked. "Two possible reasons. One is that he is so confident in himself that he doesnt think he needs much protection, or two the bigger badder ones are inside and this is all a trap." To the first response people seemed almost relived but when Avian spilled the last and more likly answer they all shot glares at her. Kredion stood there staring at the huge black metal doors. "I'm going in." And with that he puched the huge doors away with ease.
They waited for a moment and when they were ready Kredion got to his feet tiredly. "Lets get to the portal then." Once there it looked as though nothing was there. Just a space that looked like everything else around it. Avian looked at her digivice, its orange and black edges shinging. She saw the screen, some reading had it going crazy. The portal was there. It just needed the keys. "Interesting. Digivolving devices, communicators, locators, and house keys to the digi home. Who would have thought." She commented to no one in particular. Plomon stared at the screen, "Do we get Sci-Fi on that thing?" the others glanced at her oddly and she laughed, "American Science Fiction tv station... heh." "You used to live in America?" one of them asked. "Cant you tell? My japanese sucks compared to you guys and I dont look like I am from around here. Yeah, I... did live in america. Dont matter now. Anyways lets do this." She smiled and held out her digivice to make it face the invisible gate. Instantly it reacted and came to life. Flashing lights and swirling orbs around it began to pulse, change color, and orbit the gate area. Avian saw a bright flash of white and she was out. -------------- ooc: Filler basicly for now, Ugamon had some serious things he needed to attend to in his life and he will be back here soon. He said he would get on the posts here soon so just a little more time to wait please. Be patient and we will be on our way in no time. Within the next day or so i figure.
Avian smiled and then laughed, "What and let you have all the action and fun. Heck no. I am not afraid. I have nothing going for me here, If this is the end for me, whereever we end up, It wont matter to much. No one will even notice I am gone." She realized she said than suddenly the smile was gone and she moved her glance at Ploymon in her arms, "Anyways No worries! Dont you dare think you are going in alone. Lets go!" Ploymon wiggled in her arms, "Well lets go then, there is little time left!" A few minutes later they were all up and ready to go. Avian however looked a little distracted.
Rylonamon twitched a few times in front of Avian and instead of devolving into Rraikmon she went a step farther down. A small red fuzz ball with a horn sat in front of avian. Its yellow eyes stared up at her. It opened its mouth and yawned. "Man to much for me today. Must have over did it. I prefer taking it easy part of the time. This was rough." What shocked most of the other kids was that the red fuzz bals voice was male. "Thats alright Ploymon. You will rest and be yourself in no time." Avian picked him up and smiled, "Well I guess we need to get out of here." Kredion gave her a questioning look, "I thought your partner was... female." He could barely ask this from his spot on the ground. He seemed more tired than his partner. Avian laughed, "Its rookie and Champion forms are. The in training form however is male. The same with its baby form. Since hes never been ultimate or mega i would have NO idea about those. But gender changes with my partner." "Hmm interesting." Avian stroked the fur around Ploymon's horn which curved at the tip and was silvery on the tip like a blade. "Im hungry..." He said quietly.
Rylonamon already being in her champion form did little but prepare to attack/ She noticed Impmon getting up and ready for more she shook her large head and smiled, "Seems you are doing better. Not so bitter at the moment I hope. You know these human loving freaks here to help yet again. Hope you dont feel to disgusted by our presence." Before IceDevimon could make a comment she turned to him, "Hey sorry about that. I just dont understand how you can hate them so much. You say you have been alone, always alone. Look around you, are you alone right now? We came to help you guys, dont think your alone. You are never alone with friends nearby. And before you say anything yes i said friends. Even though your attitude ticks me off you are still a friend to me. Digi Pals in action. Raarrrh!" And with that she leapt at the oppponent who loomed over them with rage in his eyes. The dark ultimate seemed far more angry than a usual digimon rampaging through the street. Avian saw what was going on, "Hmm whats his problem..."
Avian pulled out her cell and called cody. It rang several times before his voice answered. She explained all that was happening and what they had planned to do. She left the choice up to him and let him know how they planned to do it so he could catch up later if he couldnt get with them right away. She took her cup of tea and headed out with ugamon and her partner Rraikmon in mist form. The entered the room and she drank her tea in one go and looked at the new kid. "New one huh?" She said simply, "Fantastic, but by the looks of it he is as clueless as I was when I got mine. I didnt have my partner then, same here i expect?" Kredion nodded, "Yes..." Avian introduced herself, "Yo, My name is Avian. This here mist cloud is Rraikmon my partner in crime, I mean my digimon partner" She laughed, what the heck was wrong with her. Were these people actually having an odd effect on her? He seemed pretty confused and not only that but straight out shocked about the two creatures near her. "They are digimon as I explained." "Hearing and see... TWO BIG DIFFERENT issues. Anyways My name is Ichi and I guess I am a part of your team now..." Avian thought the herself about how she never ment to get caught up in any "teams" to begin with and how suddenly she couldnt get away from it. Being around people worried her. If she let them to close... bad things were bound to happen. And of course being part of a team brought together to fight evil or whatever surely ment being.... close to people. "What a drag..." She muttered out loud. "Huh?" "Oh sorry, im just uh," she thought something up real quick, "Really tired from the battle with impmon." Rraikmon formed the full sized dog, "I did allthe work!" "I know dear but what you do takes some of my energy too. And you used alot of it today."
Avian sighed, this dramatic night was getting more and more taxing on her nerves. First interference in battle, then dream talks, then another fight, ending with a jail break. She was becoming quite the little hoodlum. After they all got a chance to rest a little Rraikmon formed beside her. Her large furry form leaned against Avian wanting to make her partner feel better. "Whats wrong now?" "Well," "Impmon huh?" Rraikmon smiled in her own way, "I could have said some things differently I suppose. I mean if he wasnt so "i dont need anybody" bab digi like I would have had no problem being his friend, if only he realized that his attitude might be the main problem. I hope I didnt hurt him to much." Ugamon laughed, "From the looks of it I think you beat him up pretty badly but I also think you hurt his pride or whatever more than anything else." Avian nodded, "Anyways Kredion, How do we go about getting into the digital world. I had a though, Isnt there some way we can lock earth down, keep them from getting in through these normal gateS?" "I suppose but i am not entirely sure. I do know if we blocked them from getting in, and we went there, how would we get back?" Avian thought, "Well to be honest i thought i heard some digimon discussing that once. Something about smaller portals for smaller digimon, not huge ones like greymon or anything, but they also said you need some kind of code or key to use them. I was hoping we could block the baddies from getting in and causing to much damage while we were gone, and still able to come back using these gateways... But its just an idea that formed from a good game of eavesdropping." They thought on it a while and then Kredion spoke, "Well, I beleive it is time to round up EVERYONE we can to go in. I know the others are around here somewhere." About that moment another dot appeared on both their digivices indicating yet another digivice was in range. "I wonder who that is..."
For some reason Avian could hear everything going on over the digivice as she ran. She cursed aloud to herself and ugamon questioned. "Whats wrong?" He asked. Avian sighed, "I should have been the one to stop and distract the cops. I am over age. They wouldnt have caught Kredion if they got me to worry about. To late now." As they kept going she found IceDevimon pulverising what seemed to be an Innocent Garurumon who seemed determined to defend himself. Not destroy things. Avian looked at Rraikmon and both agreed silently. In a flash Rylonamon was standing in front of Avian while Ugamon watched. "NOW!" Rylona blazed into action. First thing she did was let her eyes glow. IceDevimon was weak enough compared to the other digimon the battled before that its extra effect could take hold. Her eyes released a red beam that hit IceDevimon right in the eyes and his body froze. He went to attack but everything stopped working. He was able to shift his gaze enough to see who interfered. "Dont look at me like that you data-thirsty beast!" Rylonamon growled. "I am not the one attacking random digimon for data!" "Might as well be! Whats wrong with getting stronger!?" Rylonamon slammed into him with her heavy skull. "Everything. The way YOU do it! You cant sacrafice the lives of Innocent digimon just because you cant get strong enough." The next few seconds were spent plowing her claws into him like well aimed punches. Each knocking him down farther till he was on his knees. The effects of the Tiger Eye attack was wearing off because he was able to reach up and use his arm to knock Rylonamon back. "How dare you human loving weakling judge me!" He broke loose of the bind and lunged. He got in a few good hits before she leapt away. She was to fast for most of his attacks. That same fammiliar sound began to ring through the air and sonic waves blasted from her horns. The noise hit him in the head and he grasped his headwith both claws. Screams of agony echoed through the park. She slammed her tail into and kept punching and Kicking him down. "Dont even try it buster!" It was even for a while but another Tiger Eye and a speed boost gave Rylona the Advantage. She hit him so hard he slammed into a tree. He quickly devolved back into Impmon. She stood over his small beat up body that was barely able to move. "Going to absorb me now huh?" Rylonamon grinned, "Oh how i would love to but then I remember how you got most of your data. Innocent lives, it would feel bad." "They are not strong. They deserved to... their only purpous is for others to get strong off of them." "Not true. I know it isnt!" "You say that because you only get your power from that human!" "No. If i was alone like you were I would be strong anyways. I get my strength from our friendship. I get strength from everyone around me not just her. We work together for a cause! You go around griping about meat bags and data. When you work together, you encourage each other, and work together you become much stronger. If you continue thinking this way that you are, You will be no where fast. You think you dont need friends but beleive it buster, Life is so much more fufilling when you have some." She devolved and returned to Avian "We need to help Kredion"