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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. Avian thought on this for a while and took a sip of tea. "Hmm well I would say you need a little more information about him before you can make a full assement." He glanced at her awkwardly, "Uh..." Avian grinned, "Have you ever thought of pushing back?" "I dont follow..." Avian sighed and put her cup down. "Ok this dude pushes into your brain and his every whim. When HE wants to. Wny dont you try to do the same thing back? Get into his brain. Recon or something. Find out his true intentions before making your decision." Rraikmon floated in the room as a mist beast with a single yellow eye glowing in her misty form, "I agree. I mean there are different sides to every situation. Night, Day, Up Down, Good Evil. There is no difference they are all opposites but each is run in its own. There is real evil and then there are those who want power. There are those who are truly good and those who do good things to look better in other peoples eyes or to make up for what they have done in their past. Maybe you should do what Avian suggests." "Find out what you can before you decide what you will do. Who knows, maybe we all are on the wrong side."
  2. Avian watched the battle and Icedevimon's attacks broke down DarkKyubimon quickly. She did not mind to much though, her mind kept her distracted for some reason. She had a feeling something was going to happen soon. "evil wing" The attack hit right in the middle of Kyubimon's chest. and she pahsed in and out a few times before becoming tiny particles of data. Ive Devimon moved into absorb it but Rylonamon was there first. She got eavery ounce of it and glared at IceDevimon. "What the!?" He growled. Rylonamon stood up and prepared to defend herself if needed, "It was MY battle to begin with. You should have never interefered. So I took the data that was rightfully mine. Buzz of Bat Boy." Just then Avian felt a shake in her pocket and then a ring followed. She let out a Sigh and yanked out the Cell Phone. It sure as hell wasnt a number she recognised but she answered it anyways. "Yes this is Avian." She said first. "Avian... Its Kredion" "Oh..." She seemed a little annoyed, "Whas is it then?" There was some silence at the end of the line, "Uh... He spoke to me again. I wont go into the boring stuff but he thinks he is like the only salvation or something. I wanted you to..." Avian nodded, "What?" "Be extra careful." Avian couldnt hold back the laugh, It almost sounded as though this kid cared. Why would a teenager care about a cold hearted silent girl he never knew. "What? To get murdered by some dark entity and watch with my last breaths as my Partner gets absorved?" That made the silence on the other end almost deafning Avian twitched, "Uh only kidding only kidding. It would never happen! Rylona and are to close to let it happen." She waved her hand in front of her as though she was trying to calm and old friend which wasodd behavior for her Rylonamon noticed. "Uh right. Just watch yourselves please. But uh now that I think abouit it. I should explain. I had a dream, and could you please come over to my place so we can discuss it?" Avian nodded though he couldnt see that, "Yeah fine. Just got done with a battle. Where you live? And how the heck did you get my celll number!?"
  3. Avian sighed as they turned yet another corner and crossed the street. As they turned another corner Avian locked eyes with a purple fox that stood at her height just a few feet away. Avian glared. The fox grinned, "New play toys!" Rraikmon reformed into physical form. "We are no ones play toys!" She growled. "Sure looks like it to me!" She leaped backwards into the air and send dark crystals flying at her. Rraikmon turned into mist again and the crystals flew right through her but she still let out a small sound that let Avian know that even though she was in that form digital attacks still hurt while passing throug her, though they might not hurt as much as a full direct physical hit. "Dont you dare!" Rraikmon growled and still in that form flew at the fox at full speed. She wrapped her misty form around her and began to squeeze. Avian saw steam rising off of the both of them and knew Rraikmon was rasiing her misty body tempreture extreamly fast. The fox screamed as it began to burn. She managed to get an arm lose and punch the misty form where its head was. Rraikmon let go and flew back away. After returning to physical form she glared at the fox to leap farther back. Avian sighed, "Prepare yourself my friend. DarkRenamon is digivolving." "I can smell that. So its my turn." Both digimon glow and change form at the same time. DarkKyubimon faces Rylonamon. Fangs bared and claws shapened, ready for battle. Avian thinks to herself, [I]I wonder why when I am alone and I run into a dark digimon there is no one else around. No other normal people on the streets. Its completely otherworldly... its just my luck. But no worries, we have this under control. To easy.[/I]
  4. Avian couldnt help but wonder about this guy. He did seem different from the others but maybe that was her own mind. She took his "warning" into consideration. "Ok... Anyways is that all?" She asked coldly but not trying to sound that way. He glanced at her again and then averted his eyes to some trash blowing down the street. "Uh yeah i guess so." She shifted her eyes to the glowing yellow eye hovering next to her and then back at him. This boy made her wonder many things. For such a young guy he seemed under way more stress. Of course with the digital crisis she cant really say much about normal stress levels and teenagers but he seemed even more stressed out than the others. He also was mysterious to her which peaked a curiosity that she thought very unatural for her. She shrugged it off and gave him a fake faint smile. "Then i might be seeing you again. If not in the heat of battle which is where you will always find me and Rraik. After all the fight is what keeps us going." He couldnt help but notice in her eyes that there was more meaning to that than what she had just said but knew best not to question anything. They parted ways the he silently watched the girl and the floating mist turn the corner and vanish out of sight.
  5. Avian was far more ticked off than the others could have seen. She was on the sidewalk before Rraikmon was even out of the building and the digimon could phase through walls. Rraikmon caught up and a small yellow eye glowed in the mist that followed avian. "What is the problem. Leaving like that so suddenly." Avian didnt bother looking at her partners prying eye. "You know just as well as I do that one boy Kredion was not telling the truth. He said something and I know you heard it. Your superior hearing there is no way in flying limbo that you did not." "Well He said..." Avian cut her partner off, "I know what he said. He is playing us, but who... If its important than he should not have said it was nothing. Simple as that. I cant be around people who cannot just come out with the truth no matter how bad or good it might be." "You havnt changed a bit... " "Why should I. The way I work and the way I live suits me." "Why didnt you get more into getting to know them." "For starters I dont need to know them. Once all this digital mayem crud is done with that little group is going to split and so whats the point. Not only that but they dont need to know me. I am not going to open up and let people in just to have everything used against me and me hurt again. I like the way i live, it keeps me safe. Thats all that matters really." Rraikmon sighed. As she floated along people walked right through her without even noticing her. "You are a fool." She said quietly to herself. Without warning Avian swirled around and punched through Rraikmon but instead of going right through like everyone else Avian Connected and the misty shadow flew down the sidewalk. "You know why I live like this. You may think it foolish but you also understand why! Dont talk that foolish crap to me. You know it wont work. Now can we go home now?" Rraikmon floated back to avian who then petted the misty form on the head, "I am sorry its just you frustrate me. We were with others who can help us! But i understand your fears. Lets go." and the two continued down the sidewalk. Avian thought to herself "Who was he talking about...."
  6. Avian was quiet after the battle. Her personality didnt call for other people. She only got involved because it was a battle and her and Rraikmon enjoyed them. She frowned as the others tried to start up conversations with her and she continued to keep everything to herself. They were not getting in no matter how hard they might try. Rylonamon was Rraikmon again and in mist form. Her powers over hot steam and icy vapors let her phase from physical to non physical form. Out in the open she prefered be the misty cloud that silently followed Avian around but in the comforts of their own home she was happy to sprawl out on the couch and take up the entire thing. She was after all the size of a small horse. Avian could ride her if she needed to. Cody tried several times to start a conversation but Avian wasnt biting. She figured it was only because she was the only female around from what it seemed. She let out a sigh and finally chatted with them but never let them know anything really about her, rraikmon, or how she got her partner. It was just her buisness and she figured no one else needed. "So uh what now? I am tired, I am Hungry, and I see no objectives now." Rraikmon's disembodied voice echoed around them again. "I agree with her." Avian said with a nod. "Rest, food, plans... Something. Tell me there is a plan. I mean after all if not ill like give you guys my number or something and go home. Well maybe not. I think he is still watching it..." "Who watching what?" Cody asked. "Oh uh. Some guy watching my apartment thats all and i dont mean that in a good way. Nothing i cant handle when it gets down to it." Avian sighed, "So again... whats the plan?"
  7. Wow been a year since iv even been here otakuboards. Feels good to be back now that im done with job corp. Anyways nicknames huh. The last time we had a topic on this when i was here i had just a few to give and not big of stories for it because i didnt have much of a life to have nicknames sprout from. Now i do. In the culinary training building I was supervisor over all the other students like myself. There were several of us and one was a bit of a handful compared to others. He told me one day to go swim in a pool of gravy. Perhaps he thought that was going to make me mad however i just turned to him and laughed and said "that is right, thats exactly what i will do. After all i am a biscuit and biscuits go with gravy!" Another student chimed in and said "no no your a sea biscuit." Its stuck since. Seabiscuit, not after the horse mind you. but a bisquit that lives in the sea and is magicaly flaky so it never gets soggy. Yeah.... and every time id see a shark (or our instructor) coming i would screak "squark" yeah... go figure. I gave out alot of nicknames. I had this indian joke thing going on. each person got a wierd name. We were the CULINARY TRIBe! so yeah Mitch always tried to make others laugh and smile so i named it Laughing bear Ryan always liked singing during class (disney songs) and i named him Singing boy Eden was dances with ferns because she was in forestry and liked nature Raging mare was sara... sara had an attitude like a ticked of mare. Tweaking boar.... his real name was shawn but after nine cups of coffe in the afternoon he was tweaking boar Dwniece became mad black woman... black woman who was...easily angered or... yeah. Josh became walking stick after mitch said i should call him polar bear. i was like "I see that hes white as all heck but he is built nothing like a polar bear hes more like a walking stick" and that did it... he was know by everyone as walking stick after that. we had many others like chief old man sponge (our teacher/intructor) he got that name because you should have SEEN his office. It was full of sponge bob stuff. scary place all yellow and creepy. yeah... i gave out more than i got but i enjoyed giving them and whats wierd is other people used them!
  8. [I]OOC: OK GUYS my profile stuff is up in the inn... so if you need to refer to it in anyway.... go for it... here i come mwahaha![/I] [CENTER]-----[/CENTER] The street was quiet as she walked past the little shops and vending machines. She had both hands behind her back as she walked. Glancing up at the sky carefully she took in a deep breath of air. Something wasnt right. [B]"You feel that Avian?"[/B] A disembodied voice rings in the air around her. Avian nodded and without saying a word dashed off in the direction she sensed. A dark almost mist like cloud swiftly followed her. She pulled out that familiar digivice and glanced at a beeping dot. [B]"Just around the corner... You ready for this Rraik?"[/B] [B]"As I always am!"[/B] In a flash the mist cloud following her burst into color and life. The form of a shoulder height tall dog with blue stripes appeared running along side her. In another screaming flash she began to glow as she ran. Quickly her form changed. now she was running high speed on hind legs, her boy still white with blue stripes but there were more now. Her long tail covered in spikes and long spiraled horns that curled down under and pointed forward below her jaw line. Her front arms had purple braclet bands that seemed to glow as she ran. Avian turned a corner and screeched to a halt. [B]"Great... dead end and no time!"[/B] [B]"I got this Avian stand back!"[/B] She ran at full speed to the wall and whipped around at the right time. Her huge spiked tail slammed into the wall and it burst into several pieces like an explosion. A huge dust cloud engulfed them both and Avian felt her partners arms wrap around her waist and them both leap from the ground. [B]"Get you over this rubble and me into some fun!"[/B] The tiger like digimon roared as she flew over a last boulder. They landed on the other side and Avian felt her feet hit solid stable ground again. The dust cleared and several other kids and digimon faced SkullMeramon an evil digimon with a bad attitude. [B]"Looks like were right on time!"[/B] Avian smiles and clenches a fist. [B]"Rylonamon help kick this guy to the curb! No problem!"[/B] Rylonamon growled like a wild beast and leapt into action. Her horns began to glow and resonate a strange sound.[B] "SONIC HORNS!"[/B] both horns sent off sonic blasts that flew at the opponent. He moved out of the way just in time to slap them away with his long arm. [B]"Gotta be quicker than that kitty cat."[/B] He sneered. Rylonas eyes were glowing bright red,[B] "TIGER EYE!"[/B] The read beam was to fast for him to dodge and hit him square in the chest. She took this moment to leap into action and spun mid jump. [B]"TAIL SLAM!"[/B] she roared as she slammed her spiked tail right into the side of his head. He growled as he leapt back after the blow. He quickly kicked and sent Rylonamon back into the rubble of the wall she just recently smashed to bits. [B]"It will take more than the likes of you twerps to phase me. Surely you have seen this by now?"[/B] [CENTER]---[/CENTER] [I]ooc: again... yeah anyways thats me in for some action... of course in my next post i will leave detailed descriptions of each digimons attack... because eash is special and unique. I designed all the digimon myself (someone else drew whats in my sign up though) and i designed each attack personaly for each digi. Happy roleplaying![/I]
  9. [quote name='Ugamon']OK people stand back and prepare your self for the Amazing and Wonderful Frankie AKA Blankio el Miez With her sign up created with her own hands! literally she made pictures any everything she is my Photoshop queen and one of the last Grandmasters of the Digimon Era..[/quote] grandmaster of digimon era? you flatter me... heh im not that great.... hheehehe and ginnylyn did the digimon pics and i forgot who drew the chick for me... yeah... i can draw them myself but i figured... well I didnt wanna take another day to jump into the rpg by drawing them all my way... yeah [B][FONT=Book Antiqua]Name:[/FONT][/B][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b] Avian [/COLOR][B][COLOR=black][COLOR=#483d8b]Age:[/COLOR][/B] 19 [B][COLOR=black]Gender:[/COLOR][/B] Female[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Biography:[/COLOR][/B] Grew up in a small town in america. After her parents died in a car wreck she hooked up with a goodfriend in japan (thats where we are right?) anyways she lived with her for a while and then she and avian had a falling out. Avian lives on her own now.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Personality:[/COLOR][/B] After her parents death she has been left a bit cold to the world. She doesnt care what happens to most people and she doesnt let anyone close. She doesnt want to be hurt again and the only one who knowsthe true turmoil in her is Rraikmon. Overconfident sometimes but clears her head quickly with a swift kick *literaly just give her something to kick and she will release enenrgy and calm herself down*[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Digimon's name:[/COLOR][/B] Rraikmon[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Personality:[/COLOR][/B] Quiet and reserved but always tells the truth when its needed. She isnt afraid to battle and is willing to die for those she cares about. Hot headed sometimes. I think its the steam.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Digital Evolvation:[/COLOR][/B] Rylonamon-Rampantmon-Ramrexmon[/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#483d8b] [FONT=Book Antiqua][B][COLOR=black]Digimon Attacks:[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Rookie:[/COLOR][/B] Hot Steamer, Ice Ribbons, Silent Mist[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Champion:[/COLOR][/B] Tail Slam, Tiger Eye, Sonic Horns[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Ultimate:[/COLOR][/B] Diamond Eye, Horn Rammer, Spike Slammer[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Mega:[/COLOR][/B] Sonic Spin, Jaw Crusher, Spike Slasher[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Digimon Appearance:[/COLOR][/B] [URL="http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff140/Airobeth/digiline.jpg"]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/f...h/digiline.jpg[/URL][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=#483d8b][B][COLOR=black]Human Appearance:[/COLOR][/B] MINUS THE BLADES![/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=#483d8b] [FONT=Book Antiqua][IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff140/Airobeth/Rianna.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [/COLOR] [size=1][COLOR="Green"]Took out the linked picture because it was too large. The link will suffice in those cases. - Sandy[/COLOR][/size]
  10. [color=darkgreen]Rain frowned again at the large group of bird digimonthat had suddenly appeared. She was wondering what made her decide to go on this little hike through the forest with so much opposition.[/color] [color=darkgreen] [/color] [color=darkgreen]"Antylamon be on your guard. I got some health tablets and some speed enhancers just in case, you are fast naturaly yes but you might need a little more, just tell me when."[/color] [color=darkgreen] [/color] [color=darkgreen]Antylamon nodded, Rain was now sitting on antylamon's head so she shifted and held on as her digimon moved. Ogremon stood close by and waited. A few digimon attacked but they were easily rendered unconcious.[/color] [color=darkgreen] [/color] [color=darkgreen]Ogremon threw his club in the air at a flying digimon that had flown close by. The bird was hit in the head and it fell to the ground. The cloud ofdust from its impact was blown away by its wingsas it tried to take off but it wasfar to dizzy to fly. Antylamon took this moment to hit it with a bunny blade and it was soon unable to battle.[/color] [color=darkgreen] [/color] [color=darkgreen]Rain coughed slightly, "Dust, Bird Brains... bring it on."[/color] ---- ooc: Sorry its short but i ran out of ideas suddenly, that and i need food or head will explode.
  11. Well I guess I can put mine up. Though I will admit i dont have many of anything on here. Just a few games I play quite often, the top folder is just a folder with my random tings such as music and drawings. The second as the name says is full of art, from the frames I made for my banner to the art people did for me on the one thread where you redraw someones character nad post your own and someone redraws it. I have my verisions of the drawings and the originals (or the ones i posted and what i got in return) The games file has just that, games, lost of them. Matter of fact most of them are from BIGFISHGAMES.COM which is where dad gets alot of his games and sends me the codes. Anyways here it be. Oh and the girl is neirenn from Inverloch, a web comic i read. And yes I hate cluttered desktops, and My recycle bin is always in the bottom corner.
  12. [color=darkgreen]Rain noticed a message come over her digivice and she read it carefully. The bordom on her face melted away into a grin. She put the digivice away and looked to Ogremon.[/color] [color=darkgreen]"My green friend I beleive you should get your running shoes on. We are heading to Miskas to help other forces work their way through. I beleive we shallhave some fun."[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]Ogremon laughed and picked her up. She sat in his arm and lopmon sat on her head, "Right away!"[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]And he dashed off in the forest direction.[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]Lopmon looked down at her partner, "Why not use me? Antylamon is much taller, faster, and stronger."[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]"I am aware which is why we will wait. Save your strength untill it is really needed. Plus I got a few items for you that might come in handy for your Ultimate form."[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]After a minute or two she could easily see the path made by the other evil forces making thier way through the forest towards the city. She could already hear battle sounds and felt a little sad to miss out in the fun.[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]"Ok lets switch."[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]She made Lopmon digivolve to Antylamon and Ogremon took off faster, no longer weighted down. Antylamon picked up Rain and bounded over Ogremon and faster through the brush. Some veggiemon leapt out of the trees to face her.[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]"Oh really? Bunny Blade!" Antylamon's arm turned into a blade and she sent an energy blade blast at three veggiemon who were bouncing in her direction.[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]"Arraagh!" Rain could hear them scream as they were blasted backwards. Antylamon kept her tight grip on Rain and bounded past the lousy weak champion grass types. Ogremon came up from behind and finished them off with a few quick pummel whacks.[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]Rain grinned, "Good job guys keep going!"[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]They got into the main group of digimon and she noticed a few good players in the city, they were ones she had seen in the Saware battle. Large digimon followingtheir commands. Rain frowned.[/color] [color=darkgreen][/color] [color=darkgreen]"This might not be as easy as I had hoped."[/color]
  13. [center][b]Name:[/b] Tala[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b] Human Looks Early Twenties[/center] [center][b]Gender:[/b] Female[/center] [center][b]Appearance[/b][/center] [center][b]Human:[/b][/center] [center][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Final%20Fantasy/ff-fic-ffx3-rianna.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Wolf:[/b][/center] [center][img]http://www.wolfhaven.org/Images/bart_slideshow.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b] She is quiet when she findsit the best time. She can also have quie the temper if she gets angry enough. Overall though she finds herself thinking almost like the humans do which bugs her sometimes. She lived with them most of the time before the freeze. She is half wolf half dog, She sometimes wonders if she is good enough to make it anywhere but does not let it stop her. She is a very determined wolf.[/center] [center] [/center] [center][b]Bio:[/b] Born outside of The Lost City, her Parents did the best they could to keep her hidden from the wolf hunting troops. She watched as they hid her deep within the city and went off for food. She was unsure how long it was but when they returned she could tell something bad happend. Her father was extreamly wounded. Her mother gasping for breath. They left her the food and gave her orders not to come out of hidden and to stay safe.[/center] [center] [/center] [center]A little later she heard that the hunters got two wolves and she knew it was her parents. She felt strange, scared, and she could sense something bad coming so she left her hiding spot and was soon spotted by a young girl and her mother, both were going to find a good place to settle in and stay warm. She saw no choice and when the little girl pleaded with her mommy to keep the cute doggie she was allowed to go with them.[/center] [center] [/center] [center]She was part dog so the company was slightly comforting and she felt the need to protect the mother and child. The freeze came, Tala was the only one to survive. Having all ties in the city gone she left. She felt drawn to something after leaving and went with it. It brought her to an excavation camp. She stayed hidden and watched the humans as they worked, very careful not to be seen. They had found something and she felt herself drawn to it. She decided to continue to wait. Soon the people moved out camp and headed elsewhere, and she was following.[/center] [center] [/center] [center][b]Weapon:[/b] In Picture [/center] [center] [/center] [center][b]NOTE:[/b] The clothes are different colors in the human form picture. She has green eyes if you cant see and anything Pink is a sky blue, anything purple is dark blue, and the really light blue parts (shorts and gloves) are black.[/center] [center] [/center] [center]I hope this is alright. I hope having her a halfbreed like BLUE is alright as well.[/center] [center] If not i can change things around easily.[/center]
  14. I was going through a wierd phase a year or so ago and I couldnt stop listening to one song. I would listen to it for hours, however I only had it playing while I was reading one of my many favorite web comics. Reman Mythology, While the last time I read was ages ago (when I also read the artist was stopping reman mythology to work on sorcerers and secretaries, and then maybe return to do reman mythology better and the way she thought it needed to be done) Anyways I began to read from the very beggining to the very latest updated. The entire time I had the song "My December" by Linkin Park playing. It was a pahse and I dont do it any more but when I DO occasionaly listen to the song (once or twice a week) I always think of that web comic, the characters, the cool art, and even a Fan Made wallpaper I made using Philip. Yeah so now the song will always remind me of that comic because i read it while listning to that song over and over again. Not sure if that was healthy for my brain though but oh well. *shrug*
  15. true, i just finished spiderman mahaahaha The person below me eats sushi and pancaces with katsup and mayonaise :P
  16. [QUOTE=Tical] IKSOSE[/QUOTE]Incredible Killers See Over Sara's Ear Yes stupid I know. DTMHAMTER
  17. Well I read several, A few are the funny kind. VG cats, Penny arcade, and megatokyo (which is now going on a storyline rather than a joke a day kind of thing like the started out as) Friendly hostility, el goonish shive, and of course our very own ob member comic slacks in slacks ... if i got the name right (i keep calling it sinslacks because thats the name of the myspace account where i read it. *shrug*) And Count Your Sheep But oddly enough I like the kinds like Inverloch, Earthsong, Dan and Mabs Furry Adventures (funny stupid and...furry) Zap, Zebra girl (though i lost track of that one long ago). Cat legend comics, Alien Dice, Akaelae, Campus Safari, Shive (Alien dice through Shive are done by the same person). I also read chasing the sunset and anti hero for hire but those two are barely updating lately for their own different reasons though i dont mind. As you can see i have several other web comics to keep me occupied. That is about it at the moment but from time to time more get added to my web comics favorites list.
  18. [QUOTE=GTK]You are made of awesome XD Too bad about the password though T_T Is there no way of retrieving it at all?[/QUOTE] yeah like cant you send in your email to request a password, or send in the name of the account and request a password? Or does that site not do that?
  19. [QUOTE=Delta][color=#354253] [center][size=3][url="http://s67.photobucket.com/albums/h286/draw_my_character/"][b][color=red][i]Draw My Character[/i] Album[/color][/b][/url][/size][/center] [/color][/QUOTE]right on Just one problem. You got the Archer and Azari mixied up. Azari is the uncolored shoelace tying dude, the archer is the green wearing blondie looking dude. That is awesome though. Some of the pictures o have on my pc. mainly the ones iv redone or mine that have been redone. but seeing them all together is nice. And knowing that they wont vanish suddenly is a nice thing to know.
  20. I deleted what i said on this post because i forgot the little "scratchout" thing. Anyways all is well. Ill be sure to think before i type from now on.
  21. NO im not claiming it but i do find it funny that people say how they have been WAITING AND WAITING for a chance to claim it, yet someone posts a picture, and several hours later no one has claimed it yet. Its just a strange thing i just recently started noticing. Odd.
  22. Oddly enough Dare wasnt I just complaining about name changes yesterday on messenger? Well mainly because i thought this "dare" was someone i was jsut meeting and then realized hwo it really was, boy i felt stupid. Anyways back when OB was still rather ... Hmm i keep thinking V2 or something but not i cant remember. I was [b]Mean&Maple[/b]. Or something close to that. That name was because of legend of zelda. I was a bit of an idiot back then and still am. Anyways I left OB for a while and when I returned they ahd done something so EVERYONE had to sign up again. Thats when I went to [b]Blanko_el-miez[/b] Dont even start. I knew it was spelled and placed wrong from the get go. We were doing some stupid class thing in junior high and i just randomly came up with that. After i did though i realized Blanko was spelled wrong. I didnt mind though. While i was BlankoElMiez however i was very, NOOB ish i guess i could say. Post Quality was terrible. Yes it is still somewhat bad now but that is out of lazyness. My posts back then I used to hit the enter key at the end of every sentance and it looked sloppy. When Name changing became available I changed to [b]Blanko.[/b] I know i could have switched the K to a C but I decided not to. My stupid spelling error seemed to stick with me. As Blanko my post quality began to get better. I learned better spelling but I typefast so I am extreamly typo prone. I would hang around the Adeventure Arena and Digimon forums (when it was still... used and popular enough to have some really wierd long threads going) A while back I just got tired of the name Blanko anddecided to do the oddest thing. Use my real first name as a Username. Thus here I am. [b]Frankie[/b]. I still have typos and my grammer isnt great (i doubt it ever will be) and now i stick almost soley to the adventure Inn. I dont watch much anime, and the games I play are old or jsut not worth talking about. I will occasionly come to the lounge and post but not often. So I hardly post anymore but thats because finding good rpgs that i can handle is a difficult thing. Oh well. Sometimes I wish I picked a more interesting name other than Frankie but it is suiting me just fine. For now...
  23. [QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1] To draw: [b]Cinnamon[/b]. Foxlike creature, playful, tan and cream, 'popcorn' like tail. [img]http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/14-20040609124214.jpg[/img][/size][/color][/QUOTE] I have finnished, Ill admit i was a little distracted with the barbeque i ...hosted today (.... they invited themselves ot it lol) And so i dunnno. Somehow i made Cinnamon look more cat like and i apologizzzzze. Anyways here it is. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25614&stc=1[/img] And now my character... ZASH: He has spiky blue hair (you can style it any way you like... i dont care its jsut gotta be pointish and blue) Clothes do whatever, hes a cocky rich little trainer who gets taught lessons... often. But still thinks quite highly of himself. *blinks* Green eyes are a must. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25615[/img]
  24. I have a few but onl one is a real "oh god save her before shes dead" kind of moments. The first one is the less of them all I guess. I was really young nad we were living on a farm. Me and my two sisters were on the back of a long flat trailer that my dad was hauling up the hill. Something went wrong and the chain broke and the trailer went rolling down the hill. Both sisters leaped off but I was sos young i guess i was terrified in my spot. It was slow at first but the hill was huge and bumpy so it would have sped up. My sister (the oldest) leaped in front of it while it was still going slow enough for her to actually avoid being hit and she got my attention and she caught me as I jumped. The trailer veered off its downhill course and CRASHED into a fence post. The post was bent ALL the way over in like a 90 degree angle. That would have been my sister .... Ok so sure it was more like my sisters experiance but at the time i thought if it had went all the way down the hill at top speed, when it hit something i would have died, thats a little kids mind for you. Now the second one, another little kid story, We were all at the beach, yay, and I had my favorite doll with me (some cheap version of a barbi, she had red hair) anyways me and my two sisters are running along the wet sand playing when suddenly I fall. The wave washes up over me and i begin to roll. I dont know WHICH direction I am at this point but later i learned i was "heading out to sea" but both of my sisters thought i was rolling and playing in the water so they ran along next to me and laughed. My mother finally got to me before the wave took me to far out. However i was more devastated that my "barbie is headed for japan" as i said over and over again once i realized the ocean stole her. *nods* Yeah pathetic. The last is pretty major and minor at the same time. It is pretty simple. In the middle of the night i quit breathing. I was asleep and didnt wake up. Thankfully at that time my sister was waking up from the noises i was making, I apparently was gasping for breaht in my sleep, unable to actually restart my breathing, Anyways she yanked me up and shook me awake. A minute later i was breathing about but terrified to sleep again. This has happend several times when i was a little kid and my mom would catch it. Since my highschool one though It has not happend again.
  25. Well my list would go for a while so ill just bunch a bunch together. [b]Many people from the[/b] [b]Adventure Inn[/b]: I have been in MANY rpgs and I always enjoyed being in rpgs with all kinds of different members. For example [b]Blayze[/b] had a very nice rpg that finished, my first rpg to ever make it to the "THE END" part. [b]Sandy[/b] as well. He made some goond rpgs and these people are just overall cool. [b]Sakura[/b], [b]Takuya[/b], and [b]Revelation[/b] are just a few. [b]Sara:[/b] Well who doesnt want to me sara? She made a neat little picture thread and i follow it closely each day. I just like her creativity [b]Hmm BlueMarble[/b]: I hardly know the guy but we had a few pm conversations that were nice and he redrew a character of mine (in sara's picture thread) that looked just tottaly awesom. Id wanna meet him because well i wanna draw like that, even a single lesson would be cool. [b]Roxas:[/b] He is just an interesting person all together, heck hes been through several name changes here and i can still keep up :) There are so many more but like i said this would go forever if i listed them all. [b]Last one though..[/b] [b]DOMON:[/b] To cool of a guy, havnt seen him around here much lately but we talk on MSN messenger alot and hes been a very good friend. He even reads a fanfic i was writing and has pushed for more. He is my motivation.
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