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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. [QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]To draw: [b]Kev[/b], a big puppy of a wolf. He's blue, has big tufts coming out of his ears, and he's got fangs coming up from his [i]bottom[/i] jaw (I drew it wrong!). He's also got a history with electricity (make of that what you will.) [img]http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/14-20040704170957.jpg[/img][/size][/color][/QUOTE]MINE! I hope... EDIT: OK its done, I didnt include electricity or color, because when i color things i ruin them *Shrug* i just dont have the color skill yet :p [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25605&stc=1[/img] [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25330[/img] This guy is Azari. Clothes can be different and colors can be whatever you choose. Same for shoes. He has green eyes and those earings... they are like tsume's from Wolf's Rain (the hooks that point forward...) and his hair always has the brown with the golden blonde streaks in it.
  2. Ok this kind of sounds strange but im looking for something that isnt art based but is, so I didnt know if I should but this here or not. Anyways I just want a site or a book recomendation that has different japanese symbols for growth or change or both. They dont even have to be Japanese if you know of something that means what I am looking for and looks good. I have searched for hours on the web and havnt found anything yet. I am going to be getting another tattoo soon and I would love to incorporate those things into it because my next tattoo is going to mean alot to me about a time in my life that was so low and then brought back up, changed, and when it has grown. All because of two little girls. So maybe not just symbols but like creatures and such. I mean on Miami Ink they said today that the KOI represents LUCK... and such. Im kind of looking for stuff like that. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
  3. when the power is out sadly it isnt... very cool because my dad just says "oh ok" goes into the back yard fires up our large generator and we are watcihng dvds playing computer and microwaving hot pockets in no time *sigh* So much for quiet nights with a book and candle.
  4. I was depressed for the longest of times for so many different things. I had no friends and it always got to me. My appearance also made things worse, i always thought "ah no one wants and ugly friend like me" and so on. I didnt have much family learning or school learning so i truely didnt KNOW about certain things like true friendship so things just got worse and worse. I decided i hated the state i lived in (oregon) so i moved to washington under the actually beleife that moving from one place to another and starting fresh would change much. I was quite wrong and right at the same time. I was wrong thinking i could run from the problems because... they were my problems, where i go there i am... problems and all. I learned that. I also learned that i didnt hate oregon... I hated the way i made life for myself so i learned a great deal about things that way and i wasnt so depressed. Now i was right because it did change things but not in the way i expected. I met my two little cousins (second or third i dont know... dont care either) both below the age of ten. Mary the older of the two soon became so attached to me everyone thought i was just such a good help to her. I learned after asking that her parents had split up and both were dating again and neither of them had much time for her so she spent most of her time where i lived (at her grandpa and grandmas house) I was like the big sister she never got to be with (she had one but she is more into her own thing and doesnt spend time with her) and so like Tohru and Kisa I would do something or go somewhere and mary would follow. This wasnt one sided either. For the first time in.. .EVER someone wanted to be around me and follow me and do what i did the way i did it, wanted me to teach them how i drew and so on without even being bothered by my attitudes or looks. She soon became like this little sister to me and jynaa as well, not as much as mary. So after being around them... the depression finally slowly lifted and i was able to move back to oregon, leaving the negativity behind. I visit mary often and we talk on the phone all the time :) matter of fact those girls's names are my next tattoo (i just gotta design it :) ) Not sure how this helps actually but it is kind of my story of how i unexpectedly helped myself by becoming more open with people and letting others in without questioning why they are around. I dont always wonder what someone is up to when the ask me if they want to hang out... i just.. im more open now. And so slowly i have become less and less depressed
  5. Right on. That looks to cool. You got her personality almost completely perfect. She doesnt let anything stop her...most of the time... I dont mind the not blindyness of her eye, i almost didnt put that in my own picture of her lol.
  6. OOC: As i said inmy underground update i deleted my post of where Rianna leaves the island... i did that mainly out of boredum and so shes back at the oasis. ----- Rianna took her boots off an sat down next to the water. She let out a happy sigh as she slipped her feet into the cool yet warm water. Water from the undergound sources was cold and it fet into the oasis... The sun warmed the water up so the balance was quite comfortable. At least for her feet anyways. She glanced at the waters surface, it shimmered in the sunlight. Old treasure chests were at the bottom, all of which were open and empty, for some reason the look of the oasis was always comforting. She could always listen to the water moving as the wind blew over the desert and just get lost in thought. Today was no exception. She sat there staring at the waters ripples as the wind moved her hair. She was thinking but she was in a daze. If someone had asked her what she was thinking about she wouldnt be able to tell you, not because of secrecy, but because she wouldnt have any idea what she was thinking about. A sound in the sand nearby caught her attention and she snapped back into reality. She heard a deep growl from the other side of a small sand hill. Suddenly another sand wolf leapt up over the hill and snarled at her. She glared at it and yanked her feet from out of the water. Because of the desert light and heat they dried almost instantly and she shoved her boots back on and tied them halfway. She was quick about it and did a sloppy job but she was more concerned about the fiend. A second sound however startled her even more than when the Sand wolf howled. It was a squawk of some sort and sheh eard wings. Following the wolf came an Alcyone. "Great... Just what you need when you are alone." She muttered to herself and got her blades ready. The bird attacked first. [img]http://www.kristasalter.com/gamesguru/ffx/alcyone.jpg[/img][img]http://www.kristasalter.com/gamesguru/ffx/sand_wolf.jpg[/img] It swooped at her butshe rolled out of the way just in time. She slashed at it but it got higher into the air before it could connect. She snarled at her opponents. Both fiends were simple desert fiends that were common and were suddenly getting on Riannas nerves. She dodged another attack from the bird but its sharp beak grazed her leg just below her shorts. The pain only came after the harsh wind and sad started to hit it. The wolf took its turn and rammed into Rianna but she quickly reacted stabbing it in the eye as it left. So she caused it harm. She retrieved her blade from the sand wolfs face and slashed at it with the other. It leapt out of the way and waited. The bird dove and Rianna moved just enough to avoid being impaledby it but she stabbed it in the process as it rammed into her. She spun her blades around to change their position in her hands, thus changing the element that radiated from them. She didnt even watch what she was doing but she leapt back out of the way of another attack. "I think its time I give this a fling" She said before preforming Dagger throw. The blade flew at the bird and hit it in the chest. It fell to the ground and burst into pyreflies. She was about to take on the wolf when she suddenly felt tired. She looked up and realized, while figting in the ruins it isnt as hot as on the surface, and being on the surface in the head made her very tired after doing so much. She got both blades and put them away. She made a move for her hover and leapt in. As she took off she ran the sand wolf over and it burst into pyreflies as well. [b]Rianna Level 2 - > Level 3[/b] "Not exactly the way I wanted to end that..." She grummbled. She was thankfull she had a few potion things from before. After some driving she was back at the main camp. She felt much better but was thirsty and headed straight for the water. Once refreshed she cleaned and bandaged the small cut on her leg and walked up to a man. "Hey is Nhadala busy?" The man looked at her, "When is she ever not busy?" Rianna nodded, "Right. Well I just wanted to ask her if she knew when the next transport will arrive that i could get a ride with. I am headed for the mainland." The man took note of that, "Ill ask her when I see she isnt as busy as usual. You look a little tired whats up?" Rianna shrugged, "Stupid fiends. Interupted my thought process at the Oasis. Oh well. Take it easy." She decided now was a good time to get a little shut eye after all that work. So she found a comfy spot in her tent and fell asleep. --- ooc: I wasnt sure if one against two fiends would gain one or two levels for winning the battle. I also wsnt sure whther running a sand wolf over with a hover was really considered "rianna beating the sand wolf" so i just leveled her up once. If its wrong just tell me and ill you know... edit.
  7. I would just like to add a little update now. You can go to bikenel but it wont get you Rianna. I kinda sorta got impatient (my very bad habit) and i ended up moving rianna via small airship to the DJOSE side of the moonflow... EDIT: I have deleted that post.... never mind, Rianna is still at the Oasis. :) come get me peoples :)
  8. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior] [img]http://img351.imageshack.us/img351/8936/ruelle2km.jpg[/img] [/QUOTE]Did I get it? Right on! Claim! My first time! It might take some time but ill get it here before the deadline is up :) This outta be interesting. EDIT: He is done, however the quality was lowered when i scanned it because the stupid thing is stuck on low so I apologize ahead of time. Not only did the scann make it scratchy, so did the fact that the thing automatically saved as jpg. (And my pen skills suck) [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25578&stc=1[/img] The girl attached is a pokemon fan fic character. As you can see her left eye is whited out. This is because she is vblind in that eye. She also had a mesh like skirt but i didnt really put that in when i colored her on my pc. Nida is her name. You can twak her clothes if you like but her hair (if you color) has to be red, and her eye has to be the way it is. Other than those have at it.
  9. [color=green]They had met with the Devimon shortly after leaving for his den. He had heard someone was coming so he came out to greet them.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Ogremon set Rain down and she looked at the tall devil digimon.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I hear you have something that needs done and so far all who have tried has failed."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"No one of worth has tried. All weaklings with nothing but hot heads and big mouths."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain smiled, "Well I wouldnt mind giving it a try."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]He looked her over, then lopmon, and lastly Ogremon who had a blankish look on his face. "Hmm perhaps. Since our victory in Saware Ih ave been unable to enter Serenity city for a package and a friend. My friend is waiting for me and is unable to actually find me by itself. The previous player to take this mission didnt know when to keep quiet about his mission and got himself beaten up quite badly by a good player who wasnt to happy. I am unsure what was said but I am still waiting for my friend and package."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Serenity city it is then."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain discussed the details in full with the devil digimon and they were in the city in no time. However Ogremon was not with them.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Why did you leave him behind outside the city?" Lopmon asked quietly.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"A lopmon can go in either direction. Good or bad. It depends on the person with it. An ogremon however is evil all the way so..."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Lopmon smiled, "Ah... Acting?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain nodded and whispered, "No one can tell if i am evil or not. Sure im dressed darkly but iv seen good players darker dressed than I am. The only problem I might have is if someone recognises me from the battle. So keep your mouth shut about our mission and keep your eyes out for our destination."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain walked for a while and felt a tapping on her shoulder. Lopmon pointed into a corner near a shop. A dark colored renemon with silver details was sneezing. That was their signal and then slowly made their way over there.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The Renamon greeted them quietly and looked around. She handed Rain a box that wasnt to heavy and vanished. Lopmon looked a little confused. "But i thou-"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"She will meet us on the outskirts of town." Rain answered. [/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]A few minutes of walking and they were outside ofthe city. But they had company.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The boy she had beaten earlier during the battle had appeared. His new partner with him. A terriermon.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]They exchanged looks and the boy stamped a foot into the ground, "What is your deal!? Most players dont completely destroy opponents partners and friends!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I am not most players. Plus I only did that to you. You were being rather babyish."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Babyish!?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Yeah. But explaining it to you might be a waste of time."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Terriermon!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]A moment later a golden rapidmon stood in front of them. Lopmon was growling.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Want me to pummel whack them boss?" Ogremon said approching.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"No i think this is a battle between bunny and rabbit."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Lopmon digivolved to Endigomon quickly and the two began fighting rather quickly. Rapidmon had some flight but he was a little slow. Endigomon dodged a rapidfire attack and sent his own koko crusher. Both attacks were dodgesand they moved on to phisical attacks. Endigomon slammed rapidmon down and he hit the ground.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Miracle Missile!" Rapidmon shouted a few moments before getting hit with a cable crusher. He was weakened.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The attack hit Endigomon stright on and endigomon fell backwards, very tired. [/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Not today Endigomon..." Rain growled. She pressed the digivolution button in hopes it would work and she came in lucky. Endigomon began to glow and shorten. He was skinnier and tall but not as tall as his champion form.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Antylamon. Good to see you!" Rain said, "Now teach him a lesson. Non fatal this time." She said the last bit quietly through the digivice so only antylamon heard it.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Anylamon held up his arms. "Bunny blades!" Both arms transformed into large blades and he slashed down at the armor covered champion digimon. He fell backwards and fired a missle but Antylamon knocked it away. A black sphear of liquid like stuff formed a solid ball in antylamon's hand. He threw it at rapidmon and it exploded. The weak digimon was near deletion when antylamon approched.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Not...again..." The boy muttered, in shock that he was about to loose another partner... just after loosing one.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Antylamons arm was a blade and he put it up to rapidmon who was using all his strength to stand there. the boy and rapidmon both thought antylamon would finish it off but instead its arm transformed back into a hand and he poked rapidmon hard enough to knock him over. When the digimon hit he devolved into Terriermon and lay tired on the dirt.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green] The string of data rapidmon gave off as he devolved was absorbed quickly and she devolved into Lopmon to rest. Rain noticed the "ultimate progress bar" was now "mega progress bar" and instead of being almost full it was basicly empty.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain picked up lopmon, said nothing, took the boy and gave it to ogremon. Renamon appeared and all of them vanished leaving the boy and his bunny tired and shocked.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain yawned, "That was easy. And devimon said a rookie couldnt do this?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Renamon sighed, "You see the previous player to take this mission was... a blabbermouth. Gloated about a victory in the saware battle and some good players who were still ill mannered about the whole loss decided to shut him up."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain sighed, "Stupid."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]After a bit they met with devimon. He looked down and took the box and opened it. He smiled as he pulled out several items. He handed rain a few. Some healing tablet items which were stored in her digivice and a few weapon like items. She also stored them. If she never used them she could always trade or sell them later. After they left renamon with Devimon the walked out of the forest and sat on a rockey hill.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain yawned, "Im bored..."[/color]
  10. Rianna walked into her tent. Well it wasnt HER tent really. Several people lived in this large tent so she wasnt the only one. She walked over to her mother who was resting from working out in the sand. She took one look at her daughter and sighed, "Out at the ruins again. I keep telling you It isnt safe. You might run into fiends." Rianna shook her head, "Fiends are no problem. Well the small ones anyways. I couldnt deal with a Zu on my own. But those wouldnt get inside the ruins anyways. Those dragon things well thats a nother-" "You mean to tell me your actually fighting out there?" Rianna shrugged, "Just a Sand Wolf." "Rianna I -" "Look I found what I was looking for, at least part of it. I wont be going out there anymore. Not only that but I am old enough to do things on my own now. Speacking of which plan on leaving the island soon so dont be surprised to find me gone one day." "What for?" "Maybe because I dont want to live in this sand heap anymore. Im old enough to choose so somewhere cooler. Im tan enough as it is." Her mother nodded "Fine. Anyways what did you find?" "The locket." Rianna pulled it out. The locket spun on its little chain. Her mother took a look at it and the pictures inside. Rianna could tell her mother was sad to see a picture of her husband but happy to see it too. "I almost forgot what his face looked like." She muttered handing it back. She went on doing some chorse and left Rianna to sit there. Rianna grummbled. "To bad Gippal hasnt stoppped by here recently when I could ask for ride to the main land. No one else is around either, no one able to go across sea anyways. The boat left yesterday. Makes me wonder why i decided to leave so late..." She trialed off and put the locket back into the pocket. She went outside and stared at the bright blue sky. "Hmm." She got back into her hover and drove to the Oasis. She needed to think on a few things and the Oasis was the place she could concentrate the most.
  11. I have to agree with cancer. This thread notifies me if someone has posted, but by then it is to late because the post I have been notified of is someone else claiming a picture. I never did much like the set up, where once you draw a character you edit the post with your own character. I kinda think your own character should kinda be a sepret new post so some of us dont have to hover over the board for hours waiting for a chance at a piccy. ... *Shifty eyes* its not that I was doing that or anything *cough*
  12. [color=purple]It was extreamly hot but Rianna was quite used to this. The desert was always hot after all. Even after Home had been destroyed she had stuck around for a while. Sure she went to Lady Yunas concert in the thunder plains but after that she found a way back to the island. She spent quite a long time there. Today was just another day to her. Digging up Machina parts or just exploring the ruins of Home.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Today was not a digging day for her. She spent all of yesterday digging in the hot sands with other Al Bhed diggers and a few who werent Al Bhed. Today she was alone. Most of the ruins had sunk deep into the sand, or was covered by it, it all depended on your point of view. Either way hardly aything of the old Home was showing now. She found a large hole in the south wall that wasnt covered with sand and moved on inside.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]She had been told time and time again that going in there was very stupid. The whole place was unstable.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]"What would you do if the sand covered up all your exits? There is nothing in there anymore that you should want..." Her mother would sometimes grummble and move off to her own work.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Rianna made a snarl like face, "There is something, And I refuse to stop looking for it untill I find it." Saying this out loud to herself sounded a bit strange. She looked around. The same old rubble. However she knew where to look now. She had eliminated several areas off her list of places to search. The summoners Sanctum had nothing... She figured if he had wanted to keep something safe it might have been there.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]The AirShip hanger had only a few things. A few parts, tools, and of course some stray potions that almost looked to old to use but she had taken them anyways. She burst off into a run and came to a main hallway of the living quarters area. She frowned, the pathway had fallen, broken off. She would jump it and move on. Once across she realized that, perhaps what she was looking for was no longer here. It was quite possible someone else found it and took it, or perhaps a fiend did. Maybe he did when he left.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]"He's I dead Rianna..." Her mother would say time and time again.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Rianna would always snap back with lines like "You dont know that!" or "You have no proof of that."[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Her mother would always give up and remind herself that her dauther was just traumatized from losing her best friend and her father to the guado attack.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Rianna turned a corner and went into a room that was a small living area. She rummaged through things. Dispite what her mother always told her she felt like she knew her friend was alive. He had to be. She searched this place time and time again. Nothing pointed towardsh is death. He could have easily made it onto Cids Airship.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]She thought perhaps he did die and fiend took care of the proof. She shook that thought from her mind the moment she saw something shiny. She pushed the junk off of a small golden locket. She felt happy to see it again.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Inside were two pictures, both of men. One had dark hair and blue eyes, it was her father, and he looked quite proud. The other was of a boy who at the time was about 12 years old. Dusty blonde hair and a goofy grin. The locket itself was now somewhat dull because of the sand but it still had Al Bhed like details. It was a oval like shape with different markings. They were like the markings on her Gloves and ribbons.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Rianna slipped the locket into her shorts pocket and stood up. She heard a loud growl behind her. She slowly turned around and saw a Dog fiend starting at her.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]She slowly pulled out her blades and readied her self.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple][img]http://www.kristasalter.com/gamesguru/ffx/sand_wolf.jpg[/img] [b]SAND WOLF[/b][/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]It leaps forward and bites at her but she dodges. She runs forward and slashes at him with her blades. It growled and leapt at her again. It was intent on having her for dinner. Rianna wasnt quick enough but didnt take much damage. She had seen these before. Grabbed her the right blade and threw it at the Sand Wolf. It yelped in pain as the blade went in right between its eyes. It fell to the ground and burst into PyreFlies. Rianna retrieved her blade and smiled.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]"Piece of cake." She said before running for an exit.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [b][color=purple]Rianna: Level 1 -> Level 2[/color][/b] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]She found what she had wanted so she decided it wasnt to smart to stick around this place. She left in a hurry and was soon back in her hover and headed towards the camp. With his picture she would now be able to ask around about him. Perhaps someone would remember seeing someone even if it has been several years.[/color] [color=purple][/color] [color=purple]Now she just needed to find a way off the sandy rock.[/color] [color=#800080][/color] [color=#800080]----[/color] [color=#800080]ooc: I hope the picture thing is ok. I mean I figured if they could get the GuadoSalam peoples pictures into the wall, and if someone could record stuff with spears that there would certainly be a way to have pictures of people. If its not ok then ill change it around to some thing else. She just wanted to find a peice of her past, and as for who shes looking for. Heh well... Im still thinking on that one. Yes a guy albhed frined she had growing up but other than that not to sure. It was something that came to me but I havnt thought to much into it yet. Any suggestions VIA pm would be nice *smile*[/color]
  13. [color=darkorchid][font=Century]Name: [b]Rianna or "Ria"[/b] Level[b]:[/b] [color=indigo][b]3[/b][/color][/font][/color] [color=darkorchid][font=Century]Weapon:[b] Elemental Blades[/b], a long blade for each hand that has been made to be useful even against flans and elementals.They wont cause MUCH damage to these creatures but it will cause more than usual due to their Multi-Elemental build. Her right hand blade contains Fire and Lightning, and her Left contains Ice and Water. The way she holds the blade determins what element it is switched to.[/font][/color][color=darkorchid][font=Century] [/font][/color][font=Century][color=darkorchid][b]Abilities:[/b] [b][color=indigo]1: Dagger Throw-[/color][/b] She grabs one of her daggers by the blade and hurls it at her target. [b]10: Blazing Blades-[/b] Holding both blades carefully they burst into flame and she throws one and follows quickly with the second. Much Like dagger throw except with two blades and the Fire Element [b]20: Cold Steel-[/b] Her blades power up with the power of ice. She rushes up to her target and slashes them four times quickly causing Ice damage. [b]30: Thunder Slash-[/b] Slashes multiple enemies with her electrified blades. (sorta like Tidus's OD slice n dice) [b]40: Tears of Pain-[/b] Four blades with water power rain down upon the enemies. This happens twice. (4 blades rain down hard then go back and fall again) [b]50: Angry Slashing-[/b] No elemental power with this one. Only pure anger. She gets very angry and stabs, slashed, and punches her enemies. [b]60: Liquid Lightning-[/b] One blade takes on the water element and she hurls it at the opponent wetting them down, the second blade takes on thunder element and contacts the target next causing painful electrical damage [b]70: High Flash Kick- [/b]Instead of using her blades she drops them into the dirt or ground and dashes at a target. She quickly spins around and kicks them in the head. (Slightly ineffective against SHORT enemies such as the tonberry, or ones that are flying to high such as the Zuu, that is unless you damage it enough to make it fall to the ground) [b]80: Thundaga Jabs- [/b]Again instead of her blades she sets them down. This time her purple leather gloves electrify (she feels nothing) and she punches her target several times, quite hard. [b]90: Dance Of The Blades-[/b] Summons two more blades to accompany her already existing two and all four take on the highest level of elemental powers (for example firaga and all the others at that level). She does a little dance before sending all four at her enemies. Causes large damage to ALL enemies. [color=indigo][b]Overdrive:[/b]Dragon Fang Explosion-[/color] First she targets the middle opponent and stabs then with her blades. She leaps back (blades still in person or fiend) and the blades burst into flames followed by an explosion that blasts not only the middle opponent but the others as well. The blades will then return to her like boomerangs.[/color][/font] [font=Century][color=#9932cc]----[/color][/font] [font=Century][color=#9932cc]the color changes from this purple to [color=indigo]this color when its new, like when she levels up the new number will be this color. I might even put a (*) next to it to let people know its recently updated, i dont know. Either way, i hope i did this right...[/color][/color][/font]
  14. Rain got up early that morning and made it to the facility just before it got busy, She quickly signed in and went into her vr unit. She logged in and felt that odd sensation... [color=darkgreen]When she opened her eyes and found herself staring at a large green hideous face. She smiled and saluted the Ogremon. He nodded in response and Lopmon flopped down from his head and landed in front of Rain.[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"Welcome back!" She cheerfully greeted. "I am feeling very good today."[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"So that means...?" Rain asked with a slight smile.[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"I have a feeling the Ultimate Level will reached very soon!" Lopmon replied taking her place on top of Rain's head.[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]Ogremon scratched his head and looked around, "So uh Boss, What are we going to do today?"[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]They stood in a wodded area near Saware valley and they were protected by trees and rocks. Rain didnt quite remember why she chose such a spot but it didnt matter, they would be moving along now anyways.[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"Well I was hoping to find something interesting to do. Something that envolves fights so we can achive Ultimate quicker. Any news while I was gone?"[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]Ogremon shook his head, "Not really. I kinda uh.."[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"The big lug went to sleep moments after you left. Ican say for sure though that being where we are i couldnt pick up much. Thankfully I have abnormally large ears. I hear a certain virus digimon a few miles south has need for some.... help. Not entirely sure what it is but I heard an evil player who was just starting out tried and didnt fare so well. I, however, think we have what it takes to help him out."[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"Lopmon, what digimon is this?" Rain asked[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"A uh... Maybe we shouldnt..."[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"Which is it... Lopmon." Rain said sternly.[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]"A Devimon."[/color] [color=#006400][/color] [color=#006400]Rain shook her head, "Just because One Devimon was an ass doesnt mean they all are... well you know what I mean. Being an ass as an evil character doesnt exactly mean the same if your a good character. Meh whatever, lets go."[/color]
  15. [QUOTE=Sandy] Here she is: [url="http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Final%20Fantasy/ff-fic-ffx3-rianna.jpg"][b]Rianna[/b][/url] [/QUOTE]Oh. My. God! That is so tottaly cool sandy! That like fits what I invisioned. Yeah i realize i forgot hair length but.... THAT is exactly how i invisioned it anyways. You read my mind! *Saves picture for later rpg uses* Heh, Yay! And Dont worry, I love the way you kinda changed colors around, thats just to cool!
  16. Ok! I can officaly say my sign up is completely done. She has a name, a weapon picture (and description due to the fact i couldnt find a blade that QUITE looked like what i wanted) she even has all the abilities written down now. She even has a better Overdrive. However I couldnt draw Ria. I tried but every time I picked up the dang pencil i just blanked. I knew what i wanted her to look like down to the very tattoo on her arm but i just could NOT draw it. I deleted my OTHER post stating i was partially finished. Anywyas off I go. I may still get a picture but its... doubtful.
  17. [font=Century][b]Name:[/b] Rianna or "Ria"[/font] [font=Century][b]Tribe:[/b] Al Bhed [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Birthplace:[/b] Home, Bikanel Island [b]Appearance:[/b] She has the normal green swirly eyes as usual but they have a slight blue in among the swirl and a very light brown hair. The discolored eyes and hair are from her father who wasnt pure Al Bhed. She is slender and about 5'10. With a light tan from the desert life. She wears a shirt with a strap that wraps around her neck and holds it up. She also has tie on sleeves. (Sorta like yunas in FFX, except they arent pink and not huge like that) They are a dark purple with a light pink ribbon that ties them to her arm. Her short shorts match the sleeves and shirt. Dark purple with light pink ribbons or in the shorts case a belt. She also wears Knee high dark purple boots with pink strings to tie it around the top. She wears dark purple gloves with strange designs in light pink where the palm is and on the back of the hand. She has a tattoo on one of her arms just above the tie on sleeve. Its of a swirly purple flame around a Dark Elemental design. [/font] [font=Century][b]Personality:[/b] She is not as enthusiastic about this as others her age. She does however make friends quickly and she stays quite loyal to them. She gets sad sometimes but she tries to pretend she is not. She enjoyes being out in the world and is sometimes a little to eager to fight.[/font] [font=Century][b]Story:[/b] Growing up she didnt get much "play time" it was always "rebuilding this" or "rebuilding that" and home went kaboom. This was some what traumatizing for her and she lost many of her friends, and she lost her father who was battling the guado intruders and lost to some of their fiends. She hasnt quite gotten over it but doesnt blame anyone now. She wants to live being surrounded by her people, she even hopes to find her best friend who she still beleives is alive. She thinks he made it out alive before cid and the others gave the order to destroy Home. So when she heard of Rikku's quest she felt it was the BEST way to find her friend.[/font] [font=Century][b]Weapon:[/b] Instead of the egyptian look the handle looks more like a drake. It has one red stone for one eye and one yellow stone for the other eye on the right blade. The left blade has the blue and light blue gems for the drakes eyes. This is part of its elemental magical make-up.[/font] [font=Century][img]http://crystalsandsonline.com/blades/blade-HK20811.jpg[/img] [font=Century][b]Elemental Blades[/b], a long blade for each hand that has been made to be useful even against flans and elementals.They wont cause MUCH damage to these creatures but it will cause more than usual due to their Multi-Elemental build. Her right hand blade contains Fire and Lightning, and her Left contains Ice and Water. The way she holds the blade determins what element it is switched to.[/font] [b]Ability:[/b] [b]1: Dagger Throw-[/b] She grabs one of her daggers by the blade and hurls it at her target. [b]10: Blazing Blades-[/b] Holding both blades carefully they burst into flame and she throws one and follows quickly with the second. Much Like dagger throw except with two blades and the Fire Element [b]20: Cold Steel-[/b] Her blades power up with the power of ice. She rushes up to her target and slashes them four times quickly causing Ice damage. [b]30: Thunder Slash-[/b] Slashes multiple enemies with her electrified blades. (sorta like Tidus's OD slice n dice) [b]40: Tears of Pain-[/b] Four blades with water power rain down upon the enemies. This happens twice. (4 blades rain down hard then go back and fall again) [b]50: Angry Slashing-[/b] No elemental power with this one. Only pure anger. She gets very angry and stabs, slashed, and punches her enemies. [b]60: Liquid Lightning-[/b] One blade takes on the water element and she hurls it at the opponent wetting them down, the second blade takes on thunder element and contacts the target next causing painful electrical damage [b]70: High Flash Kick- [/b]Instead of using her blades she drops them into the dirt or ground and dashes at a target. She quickly spins around and kicks them in the head. (Slightly ineffective against SHORT enemies such as the tonberry, or ones that are flying to high such as the Zuu, that is unless you damage it enough to make it fall to the ground) [b]80: Thundaga Jabs- [/b]Again instead of her blades she sets them down. This time her purple leather gloves electrify (she feels nothing) and she punches her target several times, quite hard. [b]90: Dance Of The Blades-[/b] Summons two more blades to accompany her already existing two and all four take on the highest level of elemental powers (for example firaga and all the others at that level). She does a little dance before sending all four at her enemies. Causes large damage to ALL enemies. [b]Overdrive:[/b]Dragon Fang Explosion- First she targets the middle opponent and stabs then with her blades. She leaps back (blades still in person or fiend) and the blades burst into flames followed by an explosion that blasts not only the middle opponent but the others as well. The blades will then return to her like boomerangs. [/font]
  18. Rain sat in ogremon's arms as he travled through the different evil players and wild evil digimon who were still enjoying their win. Rain however was beggining to feel a bit foggy and didnt feel all to excited anymore. She checked the clock and realized why. It was very late. She yawned and looked at lopmon, "I will be logging out soon. Ogremon can you please get us somewhere a little more quite, such as a forest or something. Some kind of tree cover, and perhaps a secluded camping like spot." Ogremon paused, "Sure boss" Rain frowned,"Just call me Rain." "Alright Boss Rain...I uh mean Uh Rain." After a few minutes of large jumps and moving out of the way Ogremon had settled down in a small group of trees near some large boulders. The trees gave good cover and the boulders gave her a deeper sense of security. Yes this was now an area under evil's control but she did not want to take any chances. She went about the normal log out procedure and said goodbye to her digimon for a while. She yawned just as she started to feel strange and then [i][color=green]suddenly she was back in the vr unit.[/color][/i] [color=green][/color] [i][color=green]She stretched and stepped out. She fele tired and exxited the room. Soon she was out of the building and well on her way home. She sighed at its looks. A small plain place that did not see much activity of any kind. This was because she was either at work or in digimon, she figured that would be the schedual from now on anyways. She was slightly new at digimon but she was getting a quick hang on it. Neeless to say her new home wasnt really a home. It was more like a place to sleep at night and eat when she needed to. Other than that she didnt need much.[/color][/i] [i][color=green][/color][/i] [i][color=#008000]---[/color][/i] [i][color=#008000]ooc: Sorry the green was supposed to be my normal font color... (for in game stuff) but i kinda forgot so ill switch it back when i "log back in"[/color][/i]
  19. [b]Name: [/b]Kira Blackhart [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Everything that is RED or BLUE in this picture should be pictured as purple. Her eyes are dark purple and so is the tattoo. The clothes are a bit lighter but still quite dark. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25188[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Dispite her dark looks she is slightly kind. She is seen smiling rarely but that doesnt mean she isnt happy, it just means she doesnt want others to know what she is thinking or feeling. She has always been this way. It takes a lot to gain her trust, and her friendship. [b]BirthDate:[/b] October 30 2002 [b]Person Type:[/b] Regular Student [b]Abilitiy:[i] Levitation[/i]. - [/b]She can use some of her energy to rise two to three feet off the floor and float to where ever it is she is headed. This takes some energy which leaves her tired sometimes but she has gotten used to it. She cant stay up for to long and cannot go to high. This is not flight. She mainly uses it to get to class if shes late because she is faster when floating.
  20. Avian saw the black thing or stuff trying to slither its way under the door and she sighed, "I highly doubt that guns will do us much good in here." Dash nodded not sure whether to agree or not. Mike and Kate looked at avian questioningly. "Well guns didnt work on sharpe now did they? We dont have much light, the torch cant stay lit forever! AND we have a wounded person too..." She pasuehd, "Though thats not really .... My brain is so scattered i cant even put all the points together" She growled. "No time to worry about all that anyways..." Mike warned as he pointed to the door again, "Can we please move.... NOW?" They all decided not to argue or discuss anymore and they all followed Kat.
  21. Uh Im not sure if i should put this here but i will just for the "record". Rain has a new befriended digimon (more like her first) That digimon is Ogremon. Other than that there is nothing new. Im thinking about changing lopmons digivolution line but im still thinking on it. Not sure if I will or not. Im putting alot of thought into it before i even start so *shrug* anyways im out...
  22. Rain watched from her safe spot as Mekratrimon managed to win the battle. Rain felt extreamly happy. Sure her and Endigmon had hardly anything to do with the battle, only taking a few good newbies out but she still felt good that the evil had won. In all the excitement she lost track of Endigomon and as she looked out over the battlefield she was good players fleeing but out of the few Endigomon out there she couldnt tell which was hers. She glanced at her device and a small blip showed its location but it wasnt moving nor did she see that familiar digimon sheh ad grown so used to seeing. "Damnit all... I know you are not dead since i havnt been logged out yet so where are you..." She grummbled to herself. Suddenly she saw the blip move but no endigomon in that area so she knew her partner was now lopmon again but lopmon couldnt move that fast. Soon however she figured out what had caused the burst of speed. Ogremon had appeared and leaped up to Rain. He landed with a loud thud and stood over her with a pink a brown fuzzy, and tired, lopmon in his arms. Rain took her friend from Ogermon and smiled, "Thank you Ogremon, for bringing her back. Uh is there anything I can do to you know... thank you for making sure she returned to me safely?" Ogremon tapped a large foot for a moment as he leaned on his large bone club weapon. "Nothing really" He said in his deep growly voice, "Though I wouldnt mind you letting me tag along for a while." "But...Why? I have not done anything for you to give one reason to want to join me." Ogremon smiled which looked more like baring his teeth than a smile but rain could tell, "So you... Refuse?" Rain suddenly shook herh ead and stepped back, "No no of course not. If you would like to acompany me I have no problem with that." "I too would like to know why you want to join us..." Lopmon said with an enthusiastic smile. She was sitting on Rain's head now and looked rather happy there. Ogremon nodded, "Well I just happen to like the way you two work thats all. I figure letting me tag along is your way of doing something for me..." "Howso?" "I will be able to learn a lot from you, that is good enough reason as any in my book." Lopmon giggled, "However short that book might be..." Ogremon picked up his club and stomped the ground which ALMOST knocked rain to the ground, "Hey what is that supposed to mean..." He paused and thought about it and then laughed, "Yeah, I suppose you are right. Some battle..." He looked over to Mekratrimon who seemed to be soaking in the victory. "Some battle? That was downright awesome. I cant wait till Lopmon can get to ultimate. It shouldnt be long now. Then maybe we can really of some use! Im tired of being grouped in the weaker sections of battles like this." Lopmon nodded silently in agreement. She was rather looking forward to evolving to the next level as well. Ogremon picked Rain up so both lopmon and rain were in his large green arms. He turned to the groups of evil digimon that stuck around and he walked on into it with his new friends. Rain smiled. She was glad they had won. One of her first major events... she didnt want to lose it, after all that would have been a let down, but the evil players victory was a mood lifter. She wondered what was next for them.
  23. With the appearance of sharpe and Jane being shot Avian felt a sudden surge of anger and fear. She couldnt possible think of anything she ever did wrong to deserve to be killed by some undead monster beast man on some uncharted deserted island. Part of her wanted to just give up and let whatever it was rip her to pieces. She had a feeling she wasnt going to make it out anyways. And now that sharpe said he wanted alex she just knew she was on that "to kill" list. Another part of her wanted to just keep running. That will to live. When they started heading farther in with sharpe behind them and Dash took the torch she didnt know what to think of feel. It was all to mixed with a sense of hope and hopelessness. She couldnt help but feel they might actually live but she also figured it was just a false hope, a fake thought to keep her going. She shook her head... All her thoughts were starting to confuse her. [i][b]"You honestly think heading down to the gread 'lord of the island's' chamber is a good idea... I meansharpe works for him and sharpe s trying to like kill us, so... isnt it suicide to go to the supposed lord that wants us dead?"[/b][/i] She said this under her breath not really to anyone in particular. It was her thoughts and for some reason she couldnt help but say it out loud as she moved along with the others. [b][i]"Of course with Sharpe behind us the only way we can go is forward..." [/i][/b]She replied to herself. "[i]There I go again... talking to myself... and answering" [/i] She thought
  24. Rain had been fairly distracted when the evil leader appeared and she couldnt help but stare at her. She was magnificent. Rain was very impressed at how easily she took out some of the enemy troops. Rain looked at Lopmon "You think You can digivolve now? After that rest?" Lopmon nodded, "Yes sir! What is it that you want?" "You see that fabulous beast over there. The one being bothered by those pesky birds and good digimon. I want to help out you know. Fire at some as Endigomon or distract them at least. Give her some room to freely attack those goodys." Lopmon nodded and was quickly Endigmon again. With Rain sitting on his head he was off through some of the fighting towards the bigger fight. Once close enough Endigomon looked around and spooted a wild Ogremon. "Ogremon, Friend, Could you take her away from the danger. She rode in her and I realize this might be a little more dangerous..." The wild ogremon scratched his head and agreed. Rain reluctantly climbed down and Ogremon escorted her to a safer place. She quickly got up where she could see her digimon fighting. She saw Ogremon reaturn to the battle and Endigomon fired off a Koko Crusher at one of the digimon battleing the leader. He wasnt going to just sit around and watch them swarm over her after all. ---- ooc: Sorry it has been a while... I have had a lot of things to do
  25. Avian wasnt feeling all that good with the smell and just knowing what it was everyone was seeing. She kept her eyes on anything else.. the walls the floor the darkness anything worked for her. She saw it again, that funky light. But she knew no one else saw it... After all if if was there they would have turned to SEE what was creating the light. She then thought of something. [i]If no one else can see that light perhaps its parto fm y past, like a ghostly vision of something i have forgotten. Now if only I could remember what it is that I have forgotten, you know aside from everything. Perhaps its something from a game, or a movie, or.... uh i dont know. I suppose if Alex can remember who he fully is and all his memories then maybe I will too. If im not dead that is...[/i] She thought about this for a while then realized thinking about the light made it go away. She sighed and waited... Too long. [b]"What now people? I dont like just standing here letting my skin marinate in this lovely stench."[/b]
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