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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. She awoke quietly and looked around. People were already up and some were missing. She figured they got a head start on food and water. With a large yawn and a nice stretch she was on her way into the jungle. She made her way through a path that some other people had made. Eventually she made it to an eara with several coconuts on the ground. She began picking them up, "If the guys missed these Im really dissapointed. After all these can be considered food or liquid of some sort." She said to herself as she kicked on. She walked over to pick it up when she saw something. "Good lord!" She said leaping backwards into a tree. She turned to look at the tree and it had a hole in it and blood dried to its trunk. "Thats way uncool. Whats going on. I think i saw this guy ... earlier. Goodness he was alive just last night!" She decided to gather what she had drapped and take it back to the beach. She placed them somewhere safe and headed back into the jungle. She felt very strange. She knew he was alive last night so someone must have killed him while everyone was asleep. "Wait a minute... Why am I out here alone!?" She shrieked suddenly. She looked around and turned in the direction she thought the beach was. "I shouldnt be out here alone..." She ran. She realized she was going the wrong way when she came onto a large chunk of metal deep within the sand. It felt warm still thought. "A chunk of the plane?" She thought. "Perhaps I can... Find some usefull things here." She got to searching. She found a few not so fortunate passangers. one crushed by the chunk of plane and a few other that were pretty much mangled from the fall and the landing. She tried to ignore it as she ruffled through the things. She pulled a seat off what seemed to be a metal box and she smiled widely. Several minutes later she had marked a trail to the beach (which took some searching to find again) and then drug the large metal box out to the beach. She hauled it towards the camp. She pushed it over onto its side. Someone, a man, approched her. "What is that?" She smiled, "I found a chunk of the wreckage. In it I found this! The drink cart!" She yanked it open to reveal several cans of soda, some alcoholic beverages and several bottles of water. It was cold inside and they were submerged in what must have been the ice that had melted overnight. "I Figured this would settle peoples thirst untill the guys find fresh water." "Nice" The man said with a smile. He was quickly grabbed a thing that was neither soda or water. Avian thought about stopping him but... It was obvious he was over 21 so why should she care. She took a water bottle and sipped at it. She wanted it to last. She got up and decided to take an arm full and pass them out to others. After all they must have been as thirsty as she was. "Ugh" She said as the picture of the dead mans body re-entered her mind, "I best not be telling anyone of that..." She whispered. She know people woud freak out. She did after all. She just hoped she could keep it quiet long enought to talk to one of the guys about it. "Alex, or clark might know what to do..." -- ooc: since she was left beind lol...she helped in her own way.
  2. Avian watched the fire flicker, for some reason she did not feel tired at all and staring at the fire seemed to calm her and make her not feel so uneasy around all these stranger men. Sure there was another girl in the group but she looked preoccupied with thought and some what sleepy. Either way Avian was feeling a bit more comfortable around them. She had figured one large fire and one large group of people was what was goingto happen and was releived when the men and the girl [color=black]she learned to be called Kat had made three smaller fires. Less stress.[/color] [color=black][b]"What could it be? Who could've done that?"[/b] Dash asked nervously. [b]"I don't know, but I think it means this island has been populated before"[/b], Avian replied. [b]"For all we know"[/b] , the man named Clark interrupted. [b]"we might not be here alone. For all we now, we could be surrounded by savage cannibals right this moment."[/b] [b]"Stop that!"[/b] Dash exclaimed, making Clark laugh out loud. [b]"Don't take it seriously, dude. Let's go check out the surroundings tomorrow morning and we'll maybe get more answers. What do you say?"[/b] [b]"I'm worried we'll only find more questions..."[/b] Avian sighed. Dash bit his lower lip and shuddered.[/color] Avian also thought to herself that there were some odd things in the world, natures little signs. She for some reason remembered a flash of something. A cloud in the shape of a hand. Not like a photo but she saw it... she thought she did anyways. It wasnt fake but... just a strange thing. She then noticed Alex the man who had already fallen asleep was making strange movements and noises in his sleep. Suddenly he woke up he was covered in sweat. Avian smiled slightly with a slight look of concern, [b]"Bad Dream?"[/b] He sighed and nodded, [b]"Yes."[/b] [b]"What about?"[/b] [b]"Scrammbled voices... Familliar voices. Some needle? Pain I guess. Then I woke up..."[/b] He said as he caught his breath. Avian frowned, it all sounded wierd ot her, [b]"Perhaps faint memories? Maybe we all will have dreams like that. I mean untill we remember eveything."[/b] [b]"Perhaps..."[/b] He said, [b]"I would just hope my next one wont be so...."[/b] He trailed off and kind of shivered. Avian wasnt sure if it was because of a chilly breeze that blew off the ocean or remembering the details of the dream. She decided to leave the conversation at that and she once again looked out over the fire at the ocean. The water was some what calm and the surface sparkled as the sun left and stars sprang out. Even the moon was bright. It all made Avian some what forget she was extreamly hungry. She did finally get sleepy though. Perhaps it was the fire, she thought.
  3. HEY DUDE! Yeah well i saw that but i found a really old one i think.... it still works for me. [url="http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidexE.html"]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidexE.html[/url] Not sure if it will work for you guys but it works for me... still. Anyways here it is.
  4. Ah yes yes i remember this... Ill be the same person as before. And i found my old sign up so yay for me! [b]Name:[/b] Rain Anne Hawthorn [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Username:[/b] Rain [b]Partner:[/b] Lopmon [b]Digivolutions:[/b] Endigomon [i](The one from the movie.)[/i] Antylamon [i](The one from the movie. Not season 3.)[/i] Kerpymon [i](The dark purple one. From the movie... Who liked to juggle)[/i] As for appearance everything says the same with the pic below except for two things. She has no tail and she has no cat ears. Her hair is that long but more blue color but everything else is the same. Well except for clothes. She wears darker things. For example the pants are black, the under shirt is hot pink and the over shirt coat thing is black as well. Oh and her eyes are purple. (Outside the game however its uh... Well she uses contacts to make them purple.) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24673[/img] OOC: See same person.. except for i changed what she wears...mainly. Aside from that its the same.
  5. [size=2][font=Verdana][font=Tahoma][b]"That is creepy"[/b] avian said quietly. It sent chills up her spine.[/font] [/font]As they were heading back she heard a sound and the next thing she knew she was on her rear in the sand. Another guy was there too. He had apparently ran into her from what dash saw.[/size] [size=2][b]"What are you doing!?"[/b] Avian snapped not exactly trying to be mean but trying to get the point across that she didnt like being run over randomly. Dash helped her up to her feet and she dusted herself off.[/size] [b][size=2]"I'm sorry. I've been alone for a while now and when I heard voices I couldn't help but come running. I should have been paying better attention. I aplogize."[/size][/b] [size=2]Dash remained quiet during this whole exchange, looking as if he was examining Clark. Like he didn't trust him. Avian gave a shrug and a smile. [b]"Apology Accepted."[/b][/size] [size=2]She thought a few seconds and then smiled again, [b]"We should really head to the main group. I expect that is where the others will return to once they bring fire wood. I will be honest with you both. I well... Never did like groups much... not to mention strangers but I would rather not freeze my toosh off tonight because of a silly little fear. You should stick around too. Im sure things will calm between a few people and we can spend the night here without any... fights..."[/b][/size] [size=2]She trailed off and walked a ways off from the two guys ,"[i]Some man going on about how we shouldnt be chit chatting and getting to know each other and be more focused on surviving. Ok sure that makes sense but if we just focus on that then alot of us are..."[/i] She trailed off again. She was thinking about what would happen to the mind if all one did was eat sleep and wait for rescue. [i]"No... it wont do."[/i][/size] [size=2]She whirled around and faced the guys. She nodded to herself about something nad tried to ignore the looks both of them gave her.[/size] [b][i][size=2]"No matter... Shall we?"[/size][/i][/b] [size=2]After a bit of walking all three had gotten towards the others who were packed together. Avian drew back a little after looking at how many people were there. Dispite the one mans outburst earlier most had seemed to find something to talk about. She couldnt imagine what they could talk about considering she figured everyone else had the same memory problem. All the same she watched as the two guys kept walking. [/size] [size=2]She nodded and figured, untill the fire was lit, she was close enough to the large group of strangers for the time being. She turned her vison to the ocean again. This seemed... all familliar. Not this particular beach or the situation but... For some reason the ocean seemed to be something she recognised a little more than anything. She sat down in the sand higher up the beach from the high tide mark and tried to think about it.[/size] [size=2][i]"What are we going to do now... For food... For water... What about shelter. What if a storm comes."[/i] Suddenly she felt a little afraid. She sighed at herself. She was surprised it took her this long to worry about these things.[/size] [size=2]---[/size] [size=2]ooc: did i ...do this right...melt the two posts together... the... scary rock one and the running into me one? If not pm me and ill try t ochange something.[/size]
  6. She picked up iJake's body and silently walked him farther up the beach so his body wouldnt get washed away when the tide came in. She would find something to use for a shovel eventually. She didnt know the boy but she knew he deserved better than floating out to sea untill he sank for the fish. She did not beleive he deserved being burned either. Maybe in the civilized world but not here. She placed his body beneath a tree and walked down towards the water again. She washed the blood from her hands and walked up the bach away from the water. Lots of people around and this made her nervous, She never did do well in large groups of people. Then again she feared silence and being alone. This caused her mind to ache as it tried to remember why she felt like that but it was no use. She couldnt think of a single thing. After a while she noticed this one man run off in a panic. She kept it in her mind where he went. She wasnt sure if it was because she wanted to knwo where everyone was because she thought they were not to be trusted or perhaps it was just curiosity. She didnt know and she didnt care much.S he stared out at the ocean as the sun went down. She was in sort of a silent trance but was suddenly on her feet and back a ways. The tide had come in a ways and rached her soaking her feet. She grummbled to herself. Dry was fine but wet ment the sand would stick and cause discomfort. Somthing came to her mind as she realized the tide was coming in. That one guy had run to some rocks and the water looked rather close. She headed in that direction. Eventually she growled and took her shoes and socks off and left them up near a tree. She walked over to the rocks. She had heard this guys name earlier and remembered it. Now all she had to do was find him. [i]"Uh, Where could he be?"[/i] She said to herself, [i]"I should leave him alone, he ran off for a reason after all."[/i] A few moments passed, [i]"But..."[/i] She protested to herself and then shut up. She was feeling more and more uneasy but also thought if he heard her talking to herself he would surly thing she was crazy. She found him asleep with his face red and salty like he had been crying. She frowned. [i]"Hmm. How to wake him up without giving him a heart attack..."[/i] but then she thought waking someone up would be rude, [i]"Just let him sleep."[/i] [i]"But, what if the tide comes in?"[/i] [i]"The water will wake him. THEN he can come back to the beach."[/i] [i]"He kind seemed like the kind to panic. I hmmm."[/i] She fought mentally for a while and then decided to gently shake him awake. [b][i]"Mister... Mister Dash wake up."[/i][/b] [b]"Hnhh?"[/b] He groaned as she shook him carefully. [b][i]"The tide is coming in sir. You should come back to the beach. I hear there will be fire wood and a fire soon. You wouldnt want to catch cold out in the dark would you?"[/i][/b] ------ ooc: Hope this is ok... If not pm me sandy and ill figure something out. Italics is Avian talking be it to herself or someone else. just so you know.
  7. Heh I apologize for making mine so long. I just got going and the next thing I knew it was quite long and I was still willing to write more. Anyways Iv edited the bottom with a clearer look to her uh... personality... its kind of mixed.
  8. Rylonamon now seeing the next challenge sighed. She wished she had stayed in her ultimate form longer. Now she wont be much help at all. Her stunning attack wont effect him and she knew it. She growled in frustration. "Rylona, chill." Azari said "Yeah dont worry." WereGarurumon said quickly, "Its now or never. There is no use complaining." "Yeah ok... How exactly am i even touch him when hes floating way up there? Its not like i have wings you know." Azari shook his head, "Let the flying digimon take care of that!"
  9. She felt a hard pain in her side. It stung terribly and she growled quite loudly as she leaned up. She felt her side. A small cut was there. She glanced at what had caused it. A small piece of metal from... something. 'What was it again' she thought. Oh thats right... a plane. She slowly stood up, her head and side hurt but other than that she felt fine. She glanced around and saw other wreckage. Stuffing from seats was scattered around her feet. She glanced up and saw the seat she must have been in. It had been torn in several places by the metal and branches. She must have fallen from the seat when it got caught in the odd tree. "Now..." She said but stopped. Who was she again? She remembered something bird like... "Now Avian stay calm." She said to herself quietly. She remembered her name was Avian Hawke. "Where is uh... Jake." She muttered to herself. "Avy, anne!" She her a quiet cry. She shook her head and looked for the sound. She located it in another seat hanging from the trees. This time however someoen was still strapped into it. "Jake!" She leapt into action looking for a way up into the tree. She found a route with some vines and branches that in a way created a ladder for her. She got up there and saw a little boy with golden curley hair but nost of it was red now. Blood from some wound had soaked his hair. She went quickly into grabbing a hold of the small boy who seemed to be just around the age of seven. She un did his belt and hel onto his arm as his body swung freely below her. She slowly and one handedly crawled back down the tree and set him on the ground. She looked him over all the while talking to herself, "Hmm i wonder where he is hurt. he is bleeding quite a bit. Hmm I should find something to ... here we go a bag. She unzipped the bag that must have been in an overhead compartment and found a yellow shirt and a green one. She tied the green one around her wasit to cover her own wound and then started mopping up jakes blood from his head. She soon found a very deep gash in the back of his head. He looked weak so she picked him up and began to walk. She could hear waves so went towards them. If there was a beach or lake that mean clear open spot so she wanted to find it. She pushed her way through the jungle and made it out into the sun. It hit her lightly tanned face and she had to shielf her light brown eyes which had little hints of yellow around the edge. She couldnt think of what to do but it wasnt long before she didnt have to do anything. She watched as Jake's eyes slowly **** and his body went quite limp. She sat there staring at him for a while. She couldnt beleive what was happening. She looked out over the ocean. Where were they? Or where was she? She saw other people not many but a few stepped out of the jungle. This made her feel uneasy. She didnt like large amounts of people. Many people at all for that matter. One walked over to her and seeing all the blood asked, "Who was this?" She looked at the woman silently, "My little brother. I think..." She muttered. She remembered the word brother but couldnt remember much other than that. She stood up and dusted the sand off her loose tan cloth pants. She did remember she wore them when flying, they were the most comfortable. They had a rope around each pant let got keep the bottom tight if one wanted and a rope belt with a small stone like object the rope went through. She was also wearing a dark green t-shirt that had a large rip across the back and one in the side. She untied the shirt she had tied around her waist and the bleeding had stopped but she knew it pain wasnt over. "I shouldnt have fallen asleep. I should have stayed awake the whole time." She grummbled to herself. "I doubt that would have kept the plane from crashing." She said again. "I know that its just that... I could have I dont know kept him closer or something." "It wouldnt have helped." "Why am I not that sad... I mean someone died but I mean saddER that my family member died." "Maybe because you only knew him for a few hours. Remember." Indeed she did. She remembered meeting her mother and little HALF brother at the airport. The mother couldnt keep Jake so she was handing him over to her ex husband and daughter. She rememberd her father was in the seat in front of them and they were both falling asleep. Then the plane shooke and it all happend a little to fast. She remembered next waking up with a pain in her side. She ran her fingers through her light brown hair that had very thick bold blonde streaks through it. It was very hot from the sun. She looked around and the lady that asked her who jake was had backed off to the others. "She sees me talking to myself and shes all scared... sheesh." She said blankly. "Meh some people just dont understand thats all" She said. "Now... I wonder if father survived. And if so where is he?" She sighed. She was 18, her life just beggigng only to have it pretty much end in the crash. She had very high doubts of rescue or survival. ------ PERSONALITY EDIT: She talks to herself. Says something or asks a question and then she answers it as if there were two people in the conversation. This isnt exactly because of insanity or anything... She just doesnt like being alone, Nor does she like silence. It makes her severely uncomfortable which results in her talking to herself. However she is afraid of large groups of people, or strangers, as well which makes her some what anti social. So most of the time you might see her shying away from people AND talking to herself because of it. If this isnt clear then Now I understand why I get so many strange looks sometimes...
  10. The battle was turning in their favor now. With one of the challengers down it was only a matter of time till the tamers won. Azari was happy about this fact. "Raagh! Wolf Claw!" Weregarurumon slashed at icedevimon and he growled with anger and slapped him out of the way. Silphy mon sent a static attack at him and as he twitched for a moment Weregarurumon slashed him again. As he fell weregarurumon swirled around and kicked him hard in the back. he went flying into one of the trees. Before he could even move after that chain of attacks Rampantmon slammed into him after charging across the clearing they were in. Zyphermon, Livremon, and MetalGreymon all attacked at once resulting in a huge explosion that shook the ground and sent digital dirt and trees into the air. They all saw icedevimons body fly into the air and burst into tiny bits of data. Finally things were looking even better. However Rampantmon twitched a few times and reverted to Rylonamon. As she sighed she answered Azari's silent question as to why. "Well when I slammed into him he had his claw and I kinda ran into it. But I can still fight now as a champion..." "Good because Ladydevimon is asking for punishment." -- ooc: I wasnt actually complaining about the devimons.... lol its just funny. It remindsm e of myotismon... who in the show seemed to die come back die again and come back and die again. lol and you tube is so handy some one has already put the first two digimon savers episodes up (each ahs three parts but they load quickly enough. Sure its in japanese but it has subtitles. So far i am impressed. however i wonder what the american version will be like since since im sure some dialog will need to be edited.
  11. [font=Verdana][size=2]"Rraikmon I think its time you helped." Azari grumbled.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Digivolve...too" The tall dog twisted and grew into Rampantmon He charged forward and sent his diamond attack right into Ive Devimon. He was getting tired of the "devimon" pattern. Lady Devimon twice, neodevimon, ice devimon and lady devimon again. It was getting annoying.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Raaaaaahhhh" Rampantmon shouted asn he thrw his tail into one of the digimon. He wasnt paying attention to which one it was though.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Zuri stared and forced a smile, "So what exactly is his problem?"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"He is all about battle and rage in this form I think. Against Neodevimon in the caves he could barely speak and was very simple when he did. I wonder if his mega will be the same."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Hmm."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]WereGarurumon suddenly joined the battle so several ultimates were ready to blow the devil's heads off.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]----[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]And what was all that about Rraikmon?[/size][/font]
  12. Azari was wondering where some people were, and why they sat around aiting for them to show up. He paced for a few seconds when he saw Rraikmon's ears perk up. Gabumon also showed intrest. "What is it girl?" He asked. "I hear two sets of feet heading this way." "One is small." Said gabumon quietly. Azari looked at his digivice, "Oh look at that... another blinking dot of dottyness. Lets go greet them." Azari was on Rraikmon's back in seconds and she took of in the direction the digivice told. A few moments later they were in front of a girl and a plant like digimon. "Ah, I figured you might be Zury but apperently I am wrong. My name is Azari. Thish ere is Rraikmon." The girl nodded, "My name is Jade and my partner here is Raramon. So where are the others?" "Follow us, or the digivice, both work." Rraikmon said with a grin as she turned around to head for the group again. --- ooc: Again i didnt have much to go with. I wish i was more creative but i want this to still stay active so...
  13. Ooc: Hmm devimon... neodevimon... mwahaha --- Azari stood there with a terrified look on his face as his digimon plopped down onto the ground and sighed sadlt, "Im just not strong enough to fight this guy. I feel so depressed, like i couldnt lift my claw to attack. Im so weak..." Azari's fists were clenched tight as NeoDevimon slammed his large long arm into the saddened Rylonamon. She flew into the wall and made a noise as though she was in pain. "Guilty Claw! Mwahahah" He reached out and stuck the tips of his long sharp fingers into Rylonamon's back. She roared in pain and then sat there. "Sorry Azari. I failed you. Im such a bad digimon. I ran away when everyone vanished and..." As she rammbled on NeoDevimon watched. He was rather amused with this. Azari, however, was not. His fists began to shake violently as his muscles were so tight they began to hurt and shake. Soon his whole upper body shook with rage and anger. He was not known for outbursts and anger but his ability to think things through and do things in the most simplified way possible. He never saw a need to do things complicated and to get frustrated over the hard things seemed rather pointless to him. Yet even now the fires of anger burned within his chest and he seemed to lose all his thoughts on the subject. This was not the first time someone he knew went into serious depression... and he did not want to lose another person because of it. NeoDevimon looked bored now, what with Rylonamon not fighting back and rammbling on about her failures in life. He raised a huge claw and was goingto swipe down on Rylonamon. Azari ran in front of Rylonamon and shouted as loud as he could, "STOP IT! Some dumb digimon made us fall down here! We didnt come here on our own. Get your big fat head out of your a** and let us leave!" The digimon glanced down at him, his arm halfway down towards the boy who now stood in the way. He began to laugh viciously. "BlackWargreymon is not dumb. He is magnificent. A Dark Lord digimon if ever there was one. I am bored with you two. I shall dispose of you both and reap the benefits once my lord hears." He began to attack again. "I will NOT lose someone like this! Not again!" "What are you doing... You will get yourself killed Azari..." Rylonamon mummbled. She felt as though she was coming out of her wierd phase but she still felt there was nothing she could do. Her own attacks would do nothing against the ultimate. "I dont care anymore. I am tired of this. First everyone vanishes! Then people lose their partner. Now I am about to lose you like I lost my mother and I am fed up with it!" NeoDevimon swung his arm down but the light on Rylonamon's collar began to shine very bright. He held an arm over his eyes to block the blinding rays of golden shimmering light. "Rylonamon Digivolve too...." A few seconds later a large dinosaur like digimon stoof before Azari. Its horns no longer curled under but bent up and forwards. It had small diamond shapes under its eyes and long spike covered tail. "Rampantmon! Raaarr!" Before NeoDevimon could react he was slammed into the nearest wall by a large pain of horns. "Stun Claw!" The dark digimon hit Rampantmon very hard in the chest but it only knocked it back a ways. Rampantmon roared louder than ever, "Diamond Eye!" The diamonds under its eyes began to glow bright blue. Large diamond like stones appeared much like a renamons diamond storm would but there were only six. One for each diamond shape. They flashed from blue to pink and pointed sharp ends at NeoDevimon. They shot at their target like arrows from a bow. They hit hard and exploded into tiny shards upon impact. "You just dont learn do you!" NeoDevimon said standing up from his spot where he had fallen. "GUILTY CLAW!" He reached a long claw out and slammed it into Rampantmon's chest. However if did not have the effect it did before. As a matter of fact it had no effect what so ever. "Tail Slammer!" It swung its tail back and brought it upon NeoDevimon's head with a very solid hit. It backed up quickly as NeoDevimon shook it off and attempted to attack again. "You dont stand a-" "Horn Rammer!" It ran full speed (which was really fast for its weight and size) and pointed its sharp horns directly at NeoDevimon's Chest. It slammed right into NeoDevimon and the horns pierced right through him. NeoDevimon groaned in pain and burst into data bits. "RAAHHHH!" Rampantmon roared as the data vanished. "Holy... Cow. Its gone crazy..." Azari muttered. The large digimon turned around and looked at its tamer. It triedto smile which just showed some teeth. "Me do good?" It asked in a deep male growl. "Another gender change, oh brother your confusing." "Me do good?" "Not much in the way of brains either. You seem to be more about the rage, which might explain why the guilty claw attack didnt work. You are not much of a thinker." The digimon looked at his strangly. "Me do good?" "Yes you did good." Azari finally answered. "Rah ha haah!" It laughed happily. "Careful there. We dont want big rocks falling on our heads." Azari said as Rampantmon began to jump up in down liek a little kid who just learned he was going to the candy store. "Rock Hurt..." Rampantmon said suddenly looking at one of his claws. Suddenly he began to glow and devolved back into Rraikmon. "Are you alright?" "Yes... I dont remember much." "Yeah your ultimate form doesnt... All brawn no brain I guess. You were a he again and didnt spend to much time thinking. You were able to avoid being effected by NeoDevimons attacks." "Hmm that would explain why I am still alive." They began to find their way out of the cave. They saw light and walked towards it. "May I ask you a question?" Rraikmon asked after a minute or so. "Go ahead." "What were you yelling about before I was Rylonamon?" "Oh that. Well a long time ago my mother got sick. For a long time she was sick. I had to take care of myself and she slowly became depressed. She also went on about how she couldnt do this or do that. Eventually she decided evne though she was sick she was going to do something for me once and for all instead of mope around about it. She drove to pick me up at school but never made it to the school." "What do you mean?" "Semi ran a red light. She never saw it coming.She didnt have to." ----- ooc: Meh i kinda was going along and forgot about character stuff and had to think of something quick... hope this is ok... GOW (girl of wolves) wont be able to post till tomorrow or perhaps friday.
  14. Azari awoke a while later. It was almost as dark as it was when he was asleep with no dreams. He spread his arms out and pushed himself up off the ground from lyingtherei n the dirt. He felt fur next to him and ran his fingers along it to find Rraikmon's collar. "Owchies!" She yelped. "Sorry girl. I didnt mean to hurt, whatever it is I just hurt." "No It was not you. I... Yes something is stuck on my front left paw." She whined quietly. "Can you light it up in here then?" He asked. "Oh I forgot." He heard her say this right before a bright light began to glow around the dogs neck. Her collar's stone had lit up brightly like a tiny flashlight. Azari noticed a large rock on her paw. Green moss grew on it and it was damp. It was the size of a beach ball and had several jagged edges. He looked for a few solid and dulledges and lifted it towards the wall. Rraikmon pulled it out and stood up. She kept it off the ground. Apparent even for her it hurt. It must have landed on her foot or something because it looked roughed up. "Now what?" "Follow the yellow brick road." Azari answered. Rraikmon looked down and saw nothing but black rock, "But..." "Its from a movie Rraikmon. Dont take it seriously. What I mean is, Take the only path open to us." She looked down the dark cave, "Oh... Ok I get it. Get on my back Ill carry you." "No your foot is hurt." "Ill heal. And plus it will get us out of here faster." He shook his head, "No. I will walk. You will heal quicker if you dont put any extra weight on it." And so without any more argument or talking they both started walking along the dark cave. Of course Rraimon was limping a bit but she was still almost faster than Azari because of how long legged she was. Azari was grumbling. he was tired of having digimon randomly attack ever other minute. He didnt want his digimon hurt anymore. "This couldnt get any worse." He grummbled suddenly. Suddenly of course the ground shook. Azari looked up to see two large eyes glaring down at them. "You just HAD to say that didnt you?" Rraikmon growled at her partner. Azari tried to find out what digimon it was, "Lovely, NeoDevimon. Ultimate." [img]http://cf.geocities.com/digi_josied5/images/NeoDevimon.gif[/img] "Digivolve! Rylonamon!" In a flash the large cat stood before Azari. Even in this form her one paw looked swollen and kind of beatten up but she no longer had to stand on it. She let out a roar as the eyes glared at them. "Pathetic humans. How dare you trespass into my domain of darkness! No matter, I shall deal with you weaklings and be done with it. Deep Sorrow!" A black cloud which no one could see in the darkness floated around and swarmed around Rylonamon. She coughed and then roared. The blackness vanished and her facial expression changed. She looked sad and almost deeply depressed. "This cant be good" Azari said quietly. -- ooc: Never seen this guy on the show so i made up what that attack looked like. So...meh im not done with this im just to tired to continue so its going to be a two parter.
  15. Azari grummbled, He didnt like any of this. Evil digimon, few humans, and fights around every corner. It seemed like the whole world was out to get them. And in this case he knew he was right. Only a few "survivors" and all up against three huge bad guys and whatever digimon decidedto obey them. Not only that but now they had a kid with social issues running loose. Azari growled to himself which sounded much like a grummbled. Rraikmon frowned, "Whats wrong?" "Feel hungry, Im tired, And It seems as though we never get a break." Rraikmon sat down next to him. She was still quite tall even when sitting. She smiled slightly and sighed, "Well you must be up for the challenges to come. Or I will never be able to make it to Ultimate." "Yeah... So what are we doing now? Standing around or are we going to actually head to the next dark losers hide out? I am bored." "Let us rest, sheesh." Gabumon hissed.
  16. Azari watched as Rylonamon shrank to the size of a basketball. He walked over to the red lump of bright red fur. It had two little yellow eyes and a silver horn jetting up from its forehead. It sighed lightly as he picked it up and held onto it tightly so he wouldnt drop it. "Ploymon, you fought so bravely. Goo job pal." The little red furball shivered a bit as if it were cold but he could tell it was just stress from the battles. The little creature looked up at him, "Are the others all right?" He said in a small male voice. "Well, Oramon didnt fare to well either I am afraid. So two of us have fallen in this battle but they will be back eventually, you know that." "Wait a minute, wasnt he a girl just a bit ago?" One of the girls asked, he wasnt paying attention to who it was. "Oh yeah uh, This guy is kind of confusing. His fresh form doesnt talk so im not sure what gender it is but his intraining is male. He has a sudden gender change once he is a rookie and champion. Lord knows what ultimate and mega will be like."
  17. ooc: Yay more peoples, After i post this girlofwolves will post hers :) shes right here bugging me to hurry up. ------------------- Rylonamon roared loudly and leapt at the spider. It moved a leg to trip her in mid air but she saw this coming and used the weight of her tail to swing herself around and land on her right front claw. She launched herself into the air again and then flipped over to face the ground. She pointed the top of her head at the digimons back and began to hurtle downwards at it. She hear nearby that a new digimon had appeared and digivolved but she was to busy to pay any attention. She saw the ugly bug preparing to send webs at her so her eyes began to glow a bright crimson red and a bright beam shot forth from her face and connected with the spiders own gaze. The spider stopped momentarilly and thats when Rylonamon slammed into her opponent skull first right into its back. It screeched and then slammed a long leg into Rylonamon sending her into the nearest tree.
  18. ooc: I sure hope the others are thinking about posting sometime too, id hate to be the only other one here... perhaps pms are in order? Id hate for this to die...jsut because there are only three people... --- Azari, still in a bit of pain from being thrown around in the trailmon and then yanked out onto the ground, sighed. If it wasnt one thing it was another. The digimon that supposedly worked alone brought along a bunch of friends. Rraikmon was the first to digivolve. Her ears curled back and downwards and solidified into two large horns. Her skull shape changed and she got more blue stripes. She was now standing on her hind legs and each front paw had a band around it, not to mention sharp claws, She had several blue dots under her cat eyes and a long tail with four plates you would see on a stegomon. Her collar was bigger and more golden now. The stone hanging from it was no longer yellow but a light sky blue and it glowed brightly. [i]"I wonder which one I should go after."[/i] She thought to herself, [i]"I only have one really good long distance attack for the flyers so perhaps ugly buggy would be a better choice. Sonic horns travles far but Tiger eye does not... Yup I guess its ugly spider butt kicking time." [/i]
  19. Azari and Rraikmon sat farther from the others on the trailmon. He didnt know any of them, not even Zalina and he felt kind of uneasy. Rraikmon noticed this and leapt up on the seat to his left and layed her large head across his legs. He gave her a faint smile and scratched behind her ears. "Well I guess this means I should get some rest then huh?" he asked her. She smiled and did not move, "Yup, I am not moving so your stuck in this very seat. Best get some rest. Thats what Iiiiiii aaaaam doing." She said with a yawn towards the end. He wasnt very tired though. His body was tired but nothing else was. Even if he did try to sleep he didnt think he could. Not with so many strangers near him. It wasnt that they were really strangers now, they had been introduced after all, but he didnt know them and he wasnt very comfortable sleeping around people he didnt know very well. Perhaps once they got off this train he would sleep, perhaps not. It all depended on what was going to happen next. --------- OOC: Sorry, didnt have much to go with, its late and my brain is kinda dead but i have been waiting for a chance to post again so lol here i am. Oh and girl of wolves will be here at my place tomorrow (back from her trip) so she will most likely get a chance to post which is why I left her character out of my post. [i][b]EDIT: Fixed some spelling, not sure i got it all but oh well.[/b][/i]
  20. [b]Name:[/b] Avian [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Passerine/human [b]Physical Features:[/b] Her arms extend to two very long wings. When she needs to though she can make them shrink and vanish into plain arms. When she has her normal wings she does not wear a shirt, the wings shape and the feathers make clothing hard to work with but the feathers cover everything anyways so no worries. Her head is covered with feathers. All are brown with bright thick blonde colored parts. [b]Height:[/b] 6'2'' [b]Weight:[/b] How would she know? She flys all the time. Lol. [b]Eye Color:[/b] All dark Purple [b]Hair:[/b] She doesnt have hair in a sense. Its feathers. Brown with blonde streaks through them. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] "The bird place" [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing quite tall she is slender. She also has feathers that take up the place of where hair would be. Her wings have large brown feathers with blonde in them. She can change from arms to wings easily and flys quite fast. Her eyes are dark purple. [b]Loyalty:[/b] Kaenia [b]Personality:[/b] She can be very depressing from time to time but is rather good at hiding truths and hiding her emotions. She can easily look someone in the eyes and lie to them without flinching. Of course there are those that can get her to tell the truth but she hardly lets herself get into that situation. She, unlike some of the others that she knows of her kind, she does not have the probelm with being distracted by shiny objects or riches. She does, however, have the bad habit of sitting near fires and being mezmorized by them. She doesnt know why but it has gotten her into trouble before. [b]Weapons:[/b] She has her powers mostly but she has a very light weight but sturdy sword which she has tied around her waist. [b]Short History:[/b] Living where she can easily get to the skies she has been reletively happy but for some reason no matter what freedom she has its not enough. She, when she was younger, wasnt treated all that properly and so she dislikes lots of people because of it. [b]Magical Type: [/b]Manipulator EDIT: CHANGED IT!!!
  21. [font=Verdana][size=2]Airobeth stood there, shocked not at what happend just a few moments ago but at the fact they had nothing, absolutely nothing, to go on that might actually help them figure out what was going on.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][i]"What, does the hot dog man have some secret underground society that may ACTUALLY know something or what?"[/i] She thought to herself and let out a snort.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]She lifted her head and took in a deep breath of crisp clean air.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Well at least this place has clean nice air." She said aloud. She looked at the others with her, "So uh, what now?"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]---[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]ooc: Sorry so short but as she is thinking i dont have much to go on at the moment.[/size][/font]
  22. Azari was the first to say anything, "Well then ok. I am up for it. If its them who caused my group to vanish id love to rip them to pieces." Rylonamon, who now had a deepr more female growl like voice stepped up next to him, "The same for me. Id love to take my claws and rip his data to bits. I had friends in that group, not to mention I find it completely wrong for someone to decide they can take over things." Her tail swished from side to side like what a cat does sometimes. She let out a soft growl and looked at the other digimon. She was ready to fight, but were they? Zalina and Garurumon nodded to each other, "I will go. What you can do is wicked awesome but wickedly powerful too. Our digimon couldnt even hurt that ladydevimon freak, so if that other guy is like you kinda, Yeah Ill help. Id rather defeat him before he figures out how to become even more powerful." Garurumon watched his tamer speak and then growled, "Me too. You cant do it alone." Zalina ran her hand over the fur on his forehead and smiled, "Always at my side. Its nice. So uh, when do we leave?" ---- ooc:girlofwolves is going away for the weekend (spring break weekend trip) and asked me to keep her character in this and going so thats why I added her into my post.
  23. OOC: I assume you mean rraik of course --- Azari was sitting there very quietly, he had heard some noise but thought it was just the tree branches. After a few minutes he had forgotten about it. That is untill he heard footsteps. He hid behind a branch and peered through the leaves to locate who was making the noise. He saw a red bird like digimon and a girl. She shouted something and the bird went into action. Azari watched as the attack flew at Rraikmon. Rraikmon's ears perked up at hearing the sounding of the attack. She frowned and growled. She seemed to vanish almost completely. her body was like mist, just barely visable. The attack flew right through her. You could see in her eyes it still hurt but not as much as it would have if it had hit her directly. She opend her mouth to return fire but suddenly Azari was in front of her. He had lept down from his hiding spot in the trees and landed right in front of her. The bird digimon was startled and Azari made a noise as if to say "back off" "So whats the big idea huh? You guys normally attack random people?"
  24. Azari nodded, "I understand, But because I am here I think you would not have vanished either. Anyways what are we going to do now?" Zalina yawned and looked around, "Its late, Sleep I guess. And once the sun is up I suppose we can look for others. I mean you and I couldnt be the only ones walking around..." "You are right but I just woke up and so I am starting to not be tired anymore. You guys can sleep and I will keep an eye out for signs of others like us or hostile digimon." He said walking towards the nearest climbable tree. A few mments later he was on a high branch looking out over the forest. He was in a good spot where he could see below most of the branches as well. He glanced down at the others. Gabumon was curled up next to Zalina and they both seemed to be resting already. Rraikmon was no where to be seen though. "You know, you are going to watch over or protect someone you do not even know? I find that odd." Rraikmon said appearing right in front of him as if out of nowhere. What was stranger still was that all you could see of her was from the collar up. A floating head in the tree canopy. 'Just another day in digiland' he thought. "It is what we did in the group. You should know that by now." "She is an outsider. Even the others thought that about us when we first joined." "But they still protected us, even if we caused them trouble. Remember the ninjamon that were after us. That caused quite a bit of trouble for them but they fought them and helped us anyways. I dont judge by first meeting someone. If she tries to kill you or me, THEN I will worry." Rraikmon floated around him, "I guess you make a good point. So what is our next stop?" "You heard us talking. Find other survivors I guess."
  25. His eyes slowly opened. He was on his back and he could see it was slighly dark out. He felt so tired. Did he sleep so long it made him even more tired? Or was it just his imagination? He suddenly felt a pain in his side. He leaned up slowly with a grunt. He looked next to him and a large mound of white and blue fur was next to him snoring lightly. "Watch that horn will you..." He groaned as he stretched and yawned. The fur stopped snoring and stirred a bit, "I cant help it if I have sharp edges." The boy smiled," They should have had a warning lable on you,'Warning: Contains sharp objects, Not made for kids under the age of 12' something like that eh?" "Not funny Azari. Anyways are you alright now?" [i][b]"Uh Gabumon, what happend? And which member of the group did you belong to anyways?"[/b][/i] The fur shuffled around and sat up. It was a reptillian creature with a white and blue fur draped over its body, all held up by the long sharp horn coming out of his head. He had a strange design on his belly and sharp nails on his feet and hands.. Even the fur had arms and claws but they werent much use. [i][b]"Well after you passed out I went to sleep next to you to keep you warm, you looked cold after all. And I belong to the girl Zalina. She went off in search for your partner who was scared away."[/b][/i] Gabumon yawned showing his many teeth white teeth. [i][b]Azari nodded, "I meant before that. Zalina huh, Thats the girl me and Rraikmon didnt have time to introduce ourselves to before all this happened."[/b][/i] "Oh, You cant remember? Well something went terribly wrong and people vanished. You know like-" "Like they were deleted. That is what you were going to say. I remember parts of it." "Yeah everyone in our party froze and vanished, [i][b]well except for you and Zalina of course.[/b][/i] You paniced and shortly there after you passed out." "I dont like being alone. I havnt since I was very young. And seeing everyone just vanish and notice how alone I was made me panic a bit." "You can say that but your not alone." Gabumon sounded quite offended that the fact that Azari would even say he didnt like being alone when he was standing right next to him. "You know what I mean though right gabumon? Oh well, So what next?" Gabumon dusted his fur off lighty, "I am not sure. [i][b]Wait for Zalina now I guess"[/b][/i] ----- OOC EDIT: everything that is bold and italic is what i either added or edited to fix my post so it doesnt seem like gabumon is his partner.
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