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Everything posted by Frankie
Moon read my pm, I think it might help with your digiline Speaking of Digivolution Lines I pieced the pics of my digimon all together to make one BIG picture so the link is [url="http://www.boomspeed.com/thunderblast/digiline.JPG"]http://www.boomspeed.com/thunderblast/digiline.JPG[/url] I still havnt gotten the character picture up but... It will be just a few bit (maybe tomorrow... unless i can find a suitable sub which is unlikely...Anywaysitll be up soon. and a friend of mine should be joining in as well so watch for that.
Hi! I saw this and was interested but then forgot to post, so sorry... hope im not to late, if so well sorry, if im not id be glad to help you get the member cound up a notch. [u]Sign Up [/u]Name: Azari Color of Digivice IC: Orange Age: 15 Appearence: Digimon Parner/Digivolutions and Attacks: Rookie: Rraikmon (Rakemon is how you say it) Attacks: Hot Steamer, Ice Ribbons, and Silent Mist Champion: Rylonamon Attacks: Tail Slam, Tiger Eye, Sonic Horns Ultimate: Rampantmon Attacks: Diamond Eye, Horn Rammer, Spike Slammer Mega: Ramrexmon Attacks: Sonic Spin, Jaw Crusher, Spike Slasher ooc: ok I have the pictures coming soon, so if its ok ill edit them in soon, I have a picture for EACH digimon and if you like i can give you a description of each attack. also id like to ask and see if its ok to play a male character (iv had him drawn up and ready for an rpg for like... ages and this seemed a good a time as any...)
The swirling blackness around Airo was a bit daunting for a moment or two but then Airo felt some what at ease. She felt rather calm, apparently she didnt mind dark places as much as she thought she did. Suddenly however things changed. Instead of the floating feeling she had a few seconds earlier she felt as though gravity was yanking at her and pulling her downwards. She fought against it with her wings but it did little to nothing to help. She lost balance began to somersault in blackness. Suddenly however she felt her front hooves hit solid ground and slide forward. ]Her head came into a place full of light compared to where she was but before she could look at where she was her hind end came following with enough force to flip her. With a loud thud she ended up on her back, she was staring at a ceiling now and could feel the cold floor under her. Her feet were bent slightly and she straightened them out quickly to roll herself back onto them. Even though it was flames surrounding her hooves she noticed it didnt seem to affect the floor. "Wierd, For the best, yes? Wouldnt want to burn this place down, speaking of which, Where am I?" Spinner, who had also went rolling, crawled back onto her back and waited. Airobeth looked around a little better after shaking her mane out of the way. She hadnt noticed this Faerie in the room before but she suddenly saw it and blinked blankly. "Uh, Are uh... You a darkness faerie?" Airobeth asked, Not scared at all, just shocked to see a faerie, What with all the dissapereances of them and such.
OOC: Hope this is ok... If not well ill think of something else... --- Airo was flying over the deserted fairgrounds by now and it looked as the name suggested, rather deserted, well except for a few empty game booths that charghed money for games she knew were most likely rigged or a waste. Only foolish humans would play them in hopes of winning big She thought as she landed carefully next to what looked like a white rock. She leaned her nose down and snorted on the object and it snorted back. "Wake up you lazy brute." Suddenly the object moved and a little head popped up and looked at her. It was a drackonack, a white one, and it blinked several times before completely realizing Airo was there. "Wake up spinner. We are going for a flight." She said coldly, ignoring its look of fear. You would expect to see fear on a drackonack but this one didnt like heights to much. He hopped up on her back however and she was into the air in no time. After some flying, and some silence, spinner snorted as if to say "im back here you know... and im cold!" So she slowed down a bit so the wind wasnt so rough. After a bit she noticed she was feeling a bit tired. She found a nice patch of dead grass to land in and as she slowed down to land the ground seemed to bend as if an invisable weight was pressing down on it. Suddenly a black hole opened up and before she could start upwards again it swollowed her up. She groaned a bit as she was sent sailing into darkness.
Airobeth sat below a tree in the darkness. The dark green dead looking fround was lit up by her flaming hooves and all life that would have been there (such as dead sticks and grass) were all now black dust. The wind picked up and the dust flew away. Airo watched quietly as the moon moved across the sky. She had a lousy life from the get go but now she felt more comfortable. After all where else could such an ugly uni feel at home than the cold dark Haunted Woods. She yawned and leaned her head down closer to the ground letting her black mane fall over her eyes. The haunting sounds were not what she was used to but it would have to do. After all she didnt fit in where she USED to live. The islanders all made fun of how she looked. All told her that a rotting bandaged uni like herself did not fit in to the islanders feel and personality. It was all her owners fault. Living there and buying a Halloween Paint Brush. "Why couldnt she paint me Island or leave me green..." Airo said to herself. She looked up at the star filled sky again and blinked. Her deep red eyes had a small light in them. Fire of determination to have a better life and to steer clear of humans as much as possible. After all it was her humans who caused her pain... the first one, the pound, and then the mental and emotional troubles caused by the islanders. She felt the wind blow from behind and she nodded. She stood up and shook all the dirt off, using her tail to get the dirt off her legs and rear. She spread her wings and flapped. Even though they had portions of flesh missing, were bandages, and bones showing she was still able to fly. She didnt question it... never did. She thought to question it would drain the very magic out of it so she just whinnied and flew towards the deserted fairgrounds. ----------- ooc: Hope this is ok for a starter... I go home this coming monday (the one that comes AFTER the3rd... lol. ANYWAY then ill be able to sit comfortable and think of better posts...
[size=2][b][i]Sign-up [/i]Name: [/b]Airobeth [b]Age: [/b]21 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Race:[/b] Human[/size] [size=2] [b]Weapon:[/b] A Black Wristband On each Wrist with a blood red stone. BloodBand is what it is called.[/size] [size=2] [b]Magic: [/b]She can do all of the basic black elemental spells such as Thunder, Fire, Blizzard, and Water. She, however, prefers Fire and Water spells. She is almost done perfecting Bio.[/size] [size=2] [b]Overdrives[/b]: It depends on the spell she uses but most of the time it is fire or water related. So she uses [b]InfernoBlast[/b] which is a massive fire attack that hits all enemies in a decent range. She prefers this one over all the others. (PM ME if somethings wrong here)[/size] [size=2] [b]Biography/Writing Sample: [/b]She grew up in and around the Mihen Highroad. Going from the shop on the road to Luca and back was something she did often. Eventually her mother died of a sickness and she was pretty much alone except for her father who didnt have much time for her. She met this shady old lady on the road one day...[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"You look tired my dear..." The old voice said from the shade of a tall bush.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Airo looked at the old lady and nodded, "Daddy keeps me up at night sometimes with his infernal racket, Whatever it is he does with those machina he does it loudly."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Ah yes. Well take it easy, Healthy youth have been rare around these parts."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Airo wasnt to fond of stranges and went on her way. Later on though she was returning from Luca when she was attacked by some Fiends. When she thought she was dinner a bolt of lightning stuck the fiends and quickly they evaporated into pyreflyes.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Ye Must be careful on the highroad. The Fiends are always around, Preying on the weak." The old lady said appearing from the shadows of a chunk of ruined city.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Thank you. What was it that you did to them?"[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Havnt you seen Magic my dear?"[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Airo nodded, "Not like that."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]"Well yes I suppose you are right. With my age I have perfected most spells so not many out there are as good as myself."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Airo thought about this for a short moment and smiled, "Can you teach me? To use spells, black magic, like you do?"[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]The old lady smiled, "Ah yes I can my child. Meet me here around sunset and I will show you what you need to know."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Well after that time went by and she snuck out each sunset to learn more about magic and controling it. Eventually she was quite good with the basics. Her father died in a Fiend attack one night when she turned 20 and on that same night the old lady vanished as well. She has been working on spells on her own now using books and any kind of info she can dig up. She hopes to be very good one day.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][b]Appearance:[/b] The picture below is what she looks like. However her hair has red and yellow streaks through it. The tattoo on her back is red and blue and is of a serpant. The Skirt and Shirt colors are RED instead of blue and yes her eyes are red. (Remember Paine? Yeah I like the color red so Im keeping that.)[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Pm me if anything needs to be changed, and like i said in the earlier pm it might be awhile after this starts before I can post. (If im accepted that is)[/size]
Well the song stuck in head thing is kinda what i went through the other day. But first ill say one that happend little over a year ago. I was in my room playing the sims and suddenly i kept singing amazing grace and couldnt... I couldnt figure out why, i never liked that song. Anyways once i was able to quit i went out into the kitchen and three minutes later that very song comes up on tv. I was like "wiiiieeerrrrd" And just last week I wanted to hear a certain song once because i was depressed and it fit (Beautiful by james blunt) Anyways It came on the internet radio and i was like "yay" Unfortunatly for the next three days on regular radio they wouldnt stop playing it. Over and over again it would pop up, with not even an HOUR between them. By the end of those days i was utterlydepressed and so tired of the song i wished i hadnt wished to hear it in the first place. Aside from that i get those wierd things all the time most i just shrug off though. I am so used to it. EDIT: I also seem to know what my friends will say when we chat. For example i was explaining something to a guy friend and he said something and i was like "You didnt get it" he didnt get my point... I KNEW he was going to say "yes i did" and he did...exactly liek i said he was going to. I do that all the time even with people i dont know and conversationsthat are less predictable.
Unfortunatly due to a horrible dark past I shall not discuss I have grown to hate the whole valentines day thing. Dont get me wrong here people, I think the whole "love" thing is great and all but... I dunno its just ever sicne I was very young id get very deeply depressed during this month and still do to this very day. Matter of fact Im kidan depressed right now but I am slowly growing out of it. Perhaps it is because I never had anyone to give valentines to or never got any. Of the brainwashing I got when I was a kid in a bad situation. Whatever the cause as I said I am slowly growing out of it. Eventually I will get back into the whole "Valentines is nice" Not going into details when I was very young even saying the word valentine meant punishment of the painful kind so *twitch* Yeah... memories and such. But in a way i sit back and look at Valentines day and think of how lucky every one is or how cute the holiday is in its own way but its never been a think iv participated in.
I used to use Yahoo only then I was introduced to AIM and switched by only occasionally going to yahoo because all my friends were on AIM more. I used AIM for most of my OB years but now I only use Msn Messenger. One person saw me log onto Aim the other day (like for the first time in over a year and a half) and was like "OMG YOUR ON AIM!!!" Yeah... So now im strictly MSN Messenger person. Of course thats only because the only 2 friends I got that i chat with use msn... so i dont have much of a reason to log onto any of the others.
Well I dont like drugs at all in any way for shape or what have you. First of all when I was young my mother had several boyfriends and I could always sense the drugs. I always reminded her that I had a bad feeling about each guy and all she would say in reply i "You just dont want me to be happy" and at one point I gave up. However I was right in all five cases so meh to my mother. Anyways my father drank heavily. I never saw him when he WASNT holding a can of beer. Sure that might not be as great and horrid as some of the drugs you all have mentioned, however, it did ruin and and my fathers relationship in my childhood. I grew up not knowing who he was and not know why he was angry. Finally one day I came home from school and he was crying, Something he NEVER does, and I asked him whats wrong (I am to damn nice as I have been reminded but oh well) Anyways dad refused to say anything. He just stared off into space with his eyes watering and his face red. I returned to my room and waited. My sister got home from work and talked to dad for a long time. The very next day he was in Serenity Lane and going through treatment. While we visited him on saterdays I got to meet many other drug uses and alcoholics as they were recovering from their addictions. The stories I heard were not good ones with flowers, pixies, and pretty ponies. I also went into several classes with my dad and learned alot of stuff I at the time would have rather not heard. In the long run I grew to hate drugs of any kind. Which brings me to the painful part for me. My only two friends both do Pot. "You cant get addicted to Pot" One of them says "I dont do it often" The other says. One day they were at my house and because i hadnt had anything to eat or drink for three days I wasnt myself so I just let them smoke in my house. I didnt quite mind to much on getting caught because my father cannot smell, he lost that sense long ago, and so meh. Anyways long story short they worry me. One says shes never liked smoking and it makes her feel funny yet she and her boyfriend keep on at it. She even once said she would "set it down and walk away slowly" Yeah....Right. As for the other on... Well He... Ah I dont know. All my pointless dribble aside I will never do drugs, nor will tell someone its ok. I care to damn much about people to say "Yeah go ahead...go rot your minds and bodies with impure substances!" Yeah yeah I let them smoke in my house but I regret it. But I also know asking them not to smoke would have been pointless so meh. Main point is: I dont much Like drugs and would rather have nothing to do with them.
[b]Name:[/b] Airobeth [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Uni [b]Colour:[/b] Halloween [b]Home:[/b] Haunted Woods [b]Personality:[/b] Well She isnt so nice any more, at least towards humans. She blames her former owner for the torment she went through on Mystery island. With everyone else (pets faeries and other neopets world beings) she is a bit different. She is always trying to please people or at least be nice enough to where they like her. She alwaysh as this fear that she isnt good enough and sometimes it causes trouble. Over all though she is caring enough. Very brave as well. [b]History:[/b] Airobeth was a young Uni (green) just looking for a home after someone created her and pounded her. Often people decided they might take her because of her name but always went for the occasional painted pet. Untill one day someone finally came in and without saying a word took her to the neolodge for some real food, rest, and healing. When morning came they went directly to Rainbow Pool. The girl who had taken her from the pound finally turns to Airobeth and smiles, "I have wanted to paint a Uni since the color was released. This wont hurt at all." And Airobeth fearfully closed her eyes as she was painted. When she opened her eyes she wasnt sure exactly how to react. Her bones were showing on her wings, she had bandages all over and she looked like somehting out of a mummy movie. "I just LOVE the Halloween Unis. I saved up my points for ages to afford the brush you see. And you have such a nice name." [center][img]http://images.neopets.com/pets/rangedattack/uni_green_right.gif[/img][img]http://images.neopets.com/pets/rangedattack/uni_halloween_left.gif[/img][/center] Well Airobeth was silent. For a while she wasnt sure whether to scream or not. She didnt mind being a plain solid colored Uni but she decided she was going to wait and see whether she liked the new look or not. After all it would come in handy during the Halloween time of the year. Well they got to her new home on Mystery Island and things went downhill from there. The other pets, cleverly painted island to blend in with the theam of the island, didnt much like her look. She was often picked on and eventually became a bit of a mean pet. After taking it for so long she decided she was done and she left. With a bit of work she flew to where she might blend in a bit better. Her destination was Haunted Woods. [b]Petpet:[/b] Spinner The White Drackonack [b]Abilities:[/b] Lava Spit, And she gets a few other fire abilities due to her hooves always being on fire she can also use her horn to temporarily disable opponents (kind of like a pulsing thing a high pitched sound that only the target can hear) [b]EDIT:[/b] Airobeth is a real pet on Neopets (My Halloween Uni... I seem to be collecting Halloween pets. I also have a cybunny which is halloween. Anyways the story isnt true... lol I bought the paint brush (yup saved up and all) and created a green uni and painted her instantly so there was no time in the pound or anything of the sort. Anyways pm me if there is anything needed to be changed or so on.
I didnt read EVERY PAGE (my settings say 4 pages) but i read the first few posts and decided to post because i wanted to. First of all I am Female. My name is Frankie Flora-Lee Shaw and I Live in Oregon. I am 18 years old and live with my father. I have 6 half sisters and 3 half brothers. I have a butterfly sister... if your curious pm meabout the butterfly thing... if not ignore the fact that i said it. I am 345 pounds ...whatever. Im fat... get over it. ok enough of the small crap... I was adopted the day i was born. When i was young my adoptive parents divorced. I lived with my mother who turned out to be an abusive witch from hell and of course i was to young to know any better than to just nod and do what she wanted. She used me to get child suppor and finally one day i moved to my dads. I have lived with him since and its not going well. He is sick, grandmother is dying, and Im falling apart. I am not saying this for attention or anything of that sort... the question was WHO ARE YOU.... so here is my answer. I am an 18 year old girl who is on the brink of seriously considering harming something be it the computer or herself. I am losing touch with my reality.... Everything is falling appart around me and i feel like there is a clamp on my heart squeezing the life out of it. If i were to die or go whacky enough to be thrown in a padded room with no sharp objects then guess what... Id spend my time counting the buckles on my stright jacket(stole part of the jacket talk from my butterfly sister). I would be missed by two people and the rest of you wouldnt even know i was gone. I have slowly limited my posting to the RPG section of the boards and because of recent things i havent done much rpging lately either. I used to be called Blanko around the boards but most people who knew me way back when are gone so meh. Yes I am depressed. Yes I am lonely. Yes I am a pessamistical down type of person but im trying to get better. Its very hard though once you get so low. Anyways ill shut up now... theres not much more i could tell aside from my likes and dislikes and no one cares about that anyways so meh. I have fallen so far into the darkness, I need help finding the light. ~Blanko, Frankie, Flora, Flor, The Idiot
[color=green]Rain, Amon, Lopmon, Candlemon and Devidramon flew toward Astralis. After a few minutes they saw an explosion and many digimon and humans enter. Rain growled to herself... It would be difficult to sneak in undetected and actually get ahead of them to slow them down but she figured , being a shadow dragon evil digimon that he was, Devidramon would know what to do.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Once they got there Devidramon quickly got into the shadows of the castle. There was a Machinedramon and a Garudamon near the entrance. Devidramon looked around and seemed to be going a different way then the main entrance which was now just a rather large hole.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Disrespectful fools. Busting down Master Armageddemon's door like that." Devidramon quietly hissed. He was over the aggrivation of having another person on his head but didnt seem to happy about the attackers. Rain noticed there always seemed to be something he wasnt to pleased about.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]He snuck around a wall quickly for his large size and found a small brick that even Rain thought was tiny. He pushed it and a strange mark appeared on the wall. He placed a large claw on it and it began to glow dark red. A shadow covered the section of the wall large enough to let him fit through. He stepped into the wall shadow and the it closed behind him. He was in a large room with a few other people and didmon that looked startled by their arrival.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Late..." A girl said looking a Rain. She had black hair that covered most of her face. "But thats ok you are just in time for the fun. A few have already gone off to battle the intruders and there are a few of us scattered around. What is your name?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Rain rose an eyebrow, "My name is Rain and the pink and brown ball of lazy is my partner Lopmon." Rain slid off of Devidramon and landed near the girl. "Lets party."[/color] -------- ooc: I hope the entry to the castle was ok takuya.. i mean he is evil.. i figured the symbol on the wall could like tell or something... if its not ok please give me an idea through pm
OOC: My computer finally let me back on here... i dont get what its problem was. ------------------- [color=green]Rain felt rested but kept hereyes close. The constant yawning had stopped.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Hey lookit... Someone heading in the same direction." Lopmon pointed out. [/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Devidramon stopped and swooped down and landed in front of the person. He growled and Rain leapt up, "What on earth are you doing Devi?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"They... Headed for astralis. If they are one ofthe good guys We should stop them before the get there!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain shook her head, "And what if hes on our side?" She said taking not it was a boy and a candle mon. "You should learn to ask before getting ready to attack."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"But,..."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain slid down Devidramon's arm and landed next to the boy who looked a bit chocked at their sudden appearance from the sky.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"So who are you?" She asked putting a hand on her hip and with her other hand pushing her long hair out of her face.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Is that really any of your buisness?" Candlemon asked as he hopped in place.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Well if you are headed to attack Astralis, no not really. Id just eliminate you guys. But if you are headed to defend it then, yes id like to know your name."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Ill answer. Call me Amon. Me and Candlemon were on our way to help defend this place. Im new and wanted to participate in an event... whats it to ya?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Just curious. Wanna ride? We are headed there now. It kinda sounds like we are a bit late but I highly doubt that matters." She said with a smile. Devidramon was smiling too as lopmon just rolled around on his belly with an impatient look on his face.[/color] ------ ooc: Your turn and take devidramon and get us there... i dont care control her a bit i mean sheesh... ifmy computer decideds it doesnt want me coming to ob again I need someone to keep my character around...
Rain had worked rather hard that night and that morning. She had one of the odder timed jobs but did not mind. She just did not like how rusty and some of her co workers could be a little tiresom to deal with. She yawned even though it was a little after 4. "Tired eh?" A boy about 17 said elbowing her playfully. "Yes I am Tod. I... had my first Digimon experiance and then went to work again... its kinda tiring you know." "I see." He waved goodbye as they parted ways. Rain smiled. Tod was a bit younger than her but not by much. He was her only friend since she moved here but she tried not to think about most of that. He didnt like digimon all that much. She walked into the facility and chose a machine. She plugged in and was sent into the world...yet again. [color=green]She regained her vision and looked around. Devidramon was there and so was Lopmon. They both looked at as she yawned.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Welcome." Devidramon said quietly.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Anything happen while i was gone?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"No but I did hear news from passing digimon of something interesting." lopmon spun on one foot.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Do tell Lopmon do tell." Rain yawned again.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Lopmon flipped over and did a ear stand. "Some kids are going to try to take on armageddemon in Astralis."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Really. You little fuzball? You didnt think of telling me?" Devidramon[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Well no. You arent in charge so why should I? Anyways I hear all those that wish to defend it should -"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain waved her hand and yawned again, "Ok whatever. Devidramon put me on your head and fly us to wherever we should be. I need to shut my eyes again..."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Devidramon did so and Rain lay there with her eyes closed. She needed some rest. Something had kept her up part of the night. She figured a little rest would do her some good. She didnt care about this latest idea of Lopmon's but it was something to do so she deviced to go with it.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Lopmon poked her with an ear, "You think we can protect it from those filthy do gooder humans?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Considering how new I am to this... I have no clue." Rain grummbled as she felt Devidramon swoop to the side. "But perhaps I will make a friend or something there... someone who hates those angelic losers as much as I do."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"There is that possability. I mean seriously... if people are to attack there will be some of those who wish dearly to defend it. You might meet alot of people." Devidramon said. His voice was a little strange due to the wind but Rain heard him fine.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Ok whatever." She said with yet another yawn.[/color]
[color=green]Rain thought about what to do next... Devidramon seemed rather tired as did Lopmon. She could tell Devidramon did not want to do to much so she looked at the clock on her digivice.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Oh twig!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"What is it?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Lost track of time completely I am afraid. I need to go to work..."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Uh so you want me to land?" Devidramon asked.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]She nodded and he landed on a cliff. She slid down his arm and landed safely on the firm ground. Lopmon waved at her from devidramon's head.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"So we be seeing you soon?" Lopmon asked loudly so she could hear.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain nodded, "Indeed. I work in the mornings and evenings. Ill be back tomorrow during the afternoon i guess."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Whatever..." Devidramon said curling up for a nap. Rain pressed the button that was to log her out...[/color] and within seconds she found herself staring at the machine she was in. She got out and left the room. She was out in the parking lot within a few moments and tried to remember where she parked. It took her several minutes to remember she came in a cab today to avoid any accidents. She shook her head at her forgetfulness and headed down the street. Her work wasnt to far from it. After a few minutes of quick walking she arrived at the arcade. The more primitive games compared to the VR facility... these games were here. From really old joystick stuff to the driving and sports. There was also a small place for drinks and a pizza burgers place. She worked in both places. In the morning hours she helped count inventory and check all the machines... in the late evening she kept the area decently clean and she helped fix the machines. She was once in trouble for being rude to a customer... When he approched her saying their stupid game was broken she checked it, fixed it, and smartly said "It was not broken... It was the stupid customer who needs to learn how to put the coins in." Once inside she was it was extreamly busy, mainly with people playing after school. She over heard some kids talking about how they were slightly bored with the digimon thing and taking a break here. Others were to young to go into digimon or their parents wouldnt allow them. Because of these people she figured she would never mention her account. "Your late..." A soft voice came from behind the drinks counter. It beleonged to a man in his twenties but his voice made him sound a bit younger. He had rusty brown red hair and brown eyes. He wore jeans and a gamers t shirt but rain didnt care which it was... she didnt look at those details. "Yeah sorry Rusty... I forgot I didnt ride to the.." She whispered to the others wouldnt hear her, "facility... I had to walk." "Oh... Well yeah ok. Um What did you get to start with?" He asked quietly. He was curious. "Lopmon... Though from the time i logged on i was able to get Devidramon to join me for the time being." Rusty gave her one of those suspicious looks, "So I take it you are..." "Indeed. Say when was the last time you logged on?" "Bout a month ago... I have had to work alot. I am sure Patamon and Glademon are not to bored. Anyways Machine 2 in the back is on the fritz." Rain nodded and headed on back. She couldnt wait till after work tomorrow so she could log in.
Ok sounds good. Do you know how long i have saved my 20 dragon pictures for a chance to use one in an rpg? [b]Name:[/b] Rain Tormell [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Apperance:[/b] Attached... Without the ears of course. And her eyes are blue. [b]Bio:[/b] Rain was born on a very dark cold night. Her mother had been out in the forest gathering flowers for different teas. The flowers were only good for picking late at night when they were closed and the water was still inside them. Her mother gave birht in the middle of the forest. Rain grew up hearingdifferent versions ofthe sotry. First it was jsut late at night, then it was also very windy, then even heavy rain was added to the story. Rain never did care all that much. The story was boring and she was not afraid to say so. Her mother one day grew sick. She had no real illness and nothing seemed wrong but she no longer moved or spoke and soon she died. Later rain found out her father, who was away in a hunting party, had died. Rain pieced it together and thought that her mother and fathers bond was so strong that when her father died her mother gave up as well. She went off to live with her uncle in a larger town. On her way she had gotten lost in the woods. By nightfall she was tired and lost even more than she ever had been. Something began to glow and she was curious. She came upon what she thought was a stone or relic of some sort. She slept next to it. It was warm and dry. When she awoke she realized it was an egg. She also realized the egg was next to the path she had been looking for. Once at her uncles the egg hatched into a dragon. It was as white as the snow on the mountain tops. Rain named her Snowfall. [b]Personality:[/b] She speaks her mind most of the time. She does keep quiet when she knows or thinks she needs to and when it comes to friends she will help whenever it is needed. [b]Side:[/b] Allies [b]Weapons:[/b] A curved blade on a chain (like the scythe without the handle/ Or for those of you who have seen Inuyasha... the weapon Kohaku uses.) And for close up two small daggers she always has hiding somewhere untill she needs them. [b]Dragons-[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Snowfall [b]Apperance:[/b] Attached... [b]Personality:[/b] She is rather blunt sometimes and states things how they are no matter what or who may be effected by her words. She loves the water. She also has a very deep connection with Rain that even she cannot explain. She felt connected to Rain even before she hatched and only Rain knew why. It was rather hard to explain. Snowfall is rather kind yet hard to deal with at times. Stubborn as well.
[color=green]The large digimon that had appeared was rather angry looking. Rain didnt seem to care though and Lopmon just yawned.[/color] [color=green]"If you think a two on one battle will finally finish me off you are wrong. I figured at one point you would seek help but stooping so low as to seek the aide of a human? I feel sorry for you now. So there are two of you ready to fight? I have a friend as well."[/color] [color=green]A large white and blue spiked digimon growled as it came from the hole. It was unable to fly but something told Rain that this small detail wouldnt change much.[/color] [color=green]"The power of Friendship and Light can destroy all who challenge us." The large one growled from the ground. It was a Togemogumon.[/color] [color=green]"Indeed it shall!" Quetzalmon took in a deep breath, "Toltec Wind!" As she breathed out the wings on her head flapped as well sending a hurried breeze at the three floating in the air. Devidramon guarded well against it and Rain stood up on his head.[/color] [color=green]"Leap off lopmon. You know where to aim." She whispered, " Devidramon do you mind placing me somewhere that might be a little safer?"[/color] [color=green]"Fine." Devidramon took her in his hand and lopmon leapt off his head and with his large ears he floated downwards towards Quetzalmon. He was small and she was focusing on Devidramon.[/color] [color=green]Rain silently pressed the button on her device and lopmon grew in size within a few seconds. The next thing Quetzalmon knew a huge brown digimon slammed into her as it fell. He snake like body spiraled down as Endigomon gripped onto her and pushed her down towards the ground.[/color] [color=green]Devidramon placed Rain on the top of a tree. She stood on a branch and watched. Endigmon had landed but unfortunatly he had not landed ON quetzalmon like planed. She had slithered her way out of his grip enough to land next to him instead of under his weight.[/color] [color=green]She prepared to fire off another wind like attack when Endigmon swung his huge fists at her. She never had a chance to actually take a breath or to fly higher because he kept jumping up and grabbing her tail and pulling her back down.[/color] [color=green]Devidramon was having trouble as well. Although he could fly and Togemogumon could not. Togemogumon had weather power on his side. His Hail Machinegun attack caused Devidramon some pain and annoyance. A rain of hail would slam into Devidramon and he would have to shake it off and try his own attacks again. He was unable to use Crimson claw due to the armored spikes on the digimons back but Dark gale and red eyes seemed to have more of an effect.[/color] [color=green]Rain had thought about this and groaned. "They are fighting seperate battles... They need to work together although they are not partners yet." She thought about this a little more, "That one digimon has an armored shell of spikes on its back..."[/color] [color=green]"DEVIDRAMON, ENDIGOMON! Work together for crying out loud! Lord Devi... Figure out a way to flip that hunk of hail."[/color] [color=green]Endigomon heard this and smiled. He had thought of an idea. He swung a fist at Quetzalmon who fired off an attack. The attack missed and she tried to retreat into the sky. Once she noticed she was flying but going nowhere she noticed that Endigomon had a grip on her tail again. Instead of just pulling her down this time he also began to swing her around. He moved is way closer to the Togemogumon and slammed Quetzalmon right into the spikes on the back of her friend.[/color] [color=green]She screeched in pain as she and her friend rolled from the impact. Togemogumon's spikes got him stuck in the dirt but before Quetzalmon could help flip im over again she found Edigomon's fist in her jaw. Devidramon took this moment of weakness on Togemogumon's part and landed. He lifted his huge red claw and it began to clow. He grought it slashing down upon the digimons belly.[/color] [color=green]"Crimson claw!" He shouted as hs claw sank into the stomach of his opponent. The Togemogumon deleted and vanished. As devidramon flew into the air for a bit of rest he noticed Endigomon was having a bit of trouble.[/color] [color=green]Quetzalmon had managed to get out of range and even Endigomons ranged crushing attack wasnt hitting its mark. Devidramon swooped on by and slammed his long whip like tail into Quetzalmons back. She fell into the ground and Endigomon began to swing her in the air. He let go and she was flung back into the sky.[/color] [color=green]Devidramons four red eyes began to glow dark crimson. He fired off a red beam that tore right through Quetzalmon. She twitched mid air and Devidramon grabbed her by her wings. She pulled and ripped both wings right off. She was soon deleted. Endigmon, Rain just noticed, had one leg that didnt seem to move right. She realized it was in stone. Quetzalmon must have used her fossile wave at some point but missed by only a little. Endigom smashed his fist into his leg and the stone vanished. He devolved into Lopmon and whined.[/color] [color=green]"I just rested too. Remind me next time to take on the one on the ground." Lopmon sighed. Devidramon picked both Rain and Lopmon up and placed them on his head.[/color] [color=green]"Well Lady Rain. I beleive you did help me. So... I will accompany you on your journey wherever it may take you."[/color] [color=green]Rain smiled, "Just call me rain ad Ill just call you Devidramon or Devi ok?"[/color] [color=green]He nodded, Rain had to balance to keep herself from falling over, and he flew a little higher, "So Rain. Where to first?"[/color] ---- ooc: meh... If anyone wants to see rain or something go ahead. Im gonna take a while to think of something new to do... unless ou have something in mind takuya. if so do you mind PMing me?
[color=green]Rain began to think of the Quetzalmon. Protecting her eggs and villages. Rain frowned. A small voice in the back of her head said what they were about to do was not right. Rain invisioned a little angle popping up on her shoulder and scolding her for even considering such a crule idea. She then imagiend a larger devilish figure appear on her other shoulder and start to praise her for what great fun it would be. Soon both visions began to argue. Rain's Imagination took the two figures from arguing to punching and scratching at each other. This caused rain to laugh.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Somethin the matter?" Lopmon asked sitting up.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"No nothing at all. Just laughing at my imagination."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"What is it doing?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain rose an eyebrow at the question but didnt say anything. She opened her mouth and said, "Well let me just say someones little inner angle needs a beatdown."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Lopmon smiled, "Second thoughts?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"No..." Rain said as she imagined the Angelic figure burst into databits after getting poked lightly with the demonic figures pitchfork., "Its nothing. Just random thoughts. So uh Lord Devidramon or whatever... Why exactly did she take out a bunch of your friends again? I thought that type of digimon was supposed to be peaceful."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Devidramon nodded, "Just because they are mythical beasts does not mean they are pure hearted and kind... She hed decided to destroy a potential threat before it even really became a threat. I had not planned ot attack the villages or her eggs." He paused at Rain's silence, "Yet."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Ah. But she thought you were?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Yes. My gazimon friends were not that high in numbers and were no match for a champion such as her. We were going into the dpeths of the forest to merely train up and get more numbers. She figured she should take us out first. Or perhaps thought we were going to take some of her eggs and raise them into our ranks. Really I dont care now."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"What is done is done right?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Indeed. I was made leader after being the only champion of the group still alive. However soon one of them will digivolve and want my place. If you help me take out Quetzalmon I will join you. To avoid a potential fight to the death and to simply move on from my repetative routine."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Ok." Rain nodded. She under stood.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]They all heard a digimon make a roaring noise. "That would be her..." Devidramon said pointing at a hole in the forest floor. It was like a den. "She lives in an under ground cavern."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Suddenly another roar was heard. A large white, red, and gold digimon flew out of the hole. Her green hair seemed to stand on end. She knew they were there.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"This is it." Devidramon said.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Lopmon yawned, "Well I am ready. I had a good rest and all that. Go ahead and press the button if you like." [/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Rain shook her head, "Not yet. You are large enough as Endigomon you will make it hard for devidramon to fly."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green][i]"This is just a game... why should i care about their safty or their eggs or villages? I mean its just a game. Things return to the way they were quickly. This is just another fight with just another digimon in the program."[/i] She thought to herself.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Ok Lopmon prepare yourself." Rain said. She felt a friendship with her digimon even though she knew it was a game. She couldnt help but wonder about different things such as bonds and friendships between partners... even if it was all simulated. "With the two of us this shouldnt be a very hard battle."[/color]
[color=green]Rain nodded and Devidramon brought his huge claw up to his chin. He scratched it and continued. "My question is this... Do you mind helping me out with something else?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Rain looked at him silently, "Right of course. An explination would be first. Well you see."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Lopmon was up on Rain's head. He rested and listened. "Ahhahaaw" He yawned.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Devidramon nodded, "Right. There is this Digimon who has been giving me some trouble as of late. I mean well I have been giving her trouble as well but we both clash to the point where I myself am unable to do much damage to her, and she cant do all that much to me either. She does have the advantage though. I would like to squash her like a bug myself but I am able to... At least not alone."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"You would like me and Lopmon to get rid of her for you?" It wasnt really a question. Rain knew what he ment.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Indeed."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"If we do... What do we get in return?" Lopmon yawned again waving an ear at Devidramon.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Devidramon thought about this for a moment, "Well I hadn't really thought about that... I mean I had an Idea but if its items or treasures you want I guess we can do that..."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Rain was interested and she couldnt help but ask, "What thing were you thinking earlier?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"If you were to help me. I would join your party. You seem strong and I am sure you wouldnt mind having and extra fighting force."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Transportation!" Lopmon said happily, "I wont have to cart her around!"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Devidramon coughed, "Yeah sure. YOu guys could easily get around the area with me as a member of your team as well I suppose."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Then we will do it." Rain said clenching a fist and striking one of those confident poses she would see in anime or other older videogames.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"You will?" When Rain nodded Devidramon nodded as well, "Very well. Step into my hand." Rain did so and Devidramon lifted her and Lopmon onto his head where they sat comfortably.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"So Who is it we will be meeting and uhh... Whats the problem between you two?" Rain asked as Devidramon left the gazimon crew and took flight.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Well her name is Quetzalmon. Well... She took out quite a few of the gazimon brothers when we entered the forest a long while back."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Revenge then?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Yeah I guess so. Even if she had not done it merely to protect her eggs and the villages nearby... Id still like to see that do gooders wings ripped off." He said flatly.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Rain grinned, "I think we can help you with that..."[/color]
[color=green]Rain was faced with a choice. Fight with them or just watch. She knew a bit about human vs digimon combat. One can do some damage to a rookie but not much. It was more of a distraction. She decided to just sit back and watch and if she was needed she would help.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]She watched at first as the three Gazimon leapt into action and how Lopmon also opened his ears and glidded into battle. The three Gazimon would electricute their targetswith their stun blast and Lopmon used a fire attack to since the Flybeemon's wing till it hit the ground and then proceeded to attack with Blazing Ice and TinyTwister.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]The little bee slammed its head into Lopmon sending him flying towards a tree but Rain jumped and caught him. He silently thanked her and bounced back into to battle. In the frey however one fanbemon and one gazimon beat each other up to the point where they both could hardly move. Rain stepped in. As the fanbemon was going to fire an attack from its stinger Rain leapt in and kicked it right in the face. Rain picked up a stick and smacked it right into the bee's belly. This gave the other gazimon some time to recover and he blasted the fanbeemon out of existance.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Within a few short minutes the other three were deleted or close to it. It seemed a little easy though. As rain looked around and saw the really hurt Gazimon sneak back into the dead tree trunk she made sure to check for any other dangers. It seemd fine. It seemed as though they had drivin off or deleted all four of the Fanbeemon. One had fled but the werent worried about it.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Well that was rather easy..." The leader Gazimon said triumphantly.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Yeah you should have seen the look on their faces they were completely-"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Suddenly though they heard the sound of large insect wings beating together. This was far larger than the group of fanbeemon and rain gripped her digivice just in case. In a few seconds it seemed the noise grew quite loud.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]A moment later a large wasp looking digimon fell from the sky and landed on the ground in front of them. Rains digivice reacted and told her it was a Waspmon. Champion level. Rain automatically hit the button on the device to initiate digivolution and Endigomon stoof before her a few seconds later.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Waspmon said nothing and charged, flying straight at Endigomon, stinger pointed right at his chest. Endigomon put a huge hand on the ground and flipped out of the way. Waspmon turned and came back again. This time in Endigomon's flip he landed on waspmon pinning it to the ground. It flopped and struggled a few moments was able to free itself but not before taking a few strong punches from Endigomon.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Fools. Attacking innocent rookies. I will rid my forest of you." Waspmon finally spoke. It hada buzz to its voice and all could tell he wasnt happy.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"KoKo Crusher!" Endigomon shouted. The attack hit waspmon and it fell back into the ground sending dirt, grass, and stuff from the forest floor into the air. Rain brushed the dirt clump off her shoulder and continued to watch. Waspmon got back up and charged. This time its attack struck Endigomon in the chest and he growled in pain. Rain was worried that the stinger had a poison of something because Endigomon seemed to slow down.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Come on Endy! You can beat that nasty insect!" Rain laughed.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I know..." Endigomon placed both hands on the ground and crouched. He waited for waspmon to return for another attack. When the bug came around again Endigomon lanched with his legs and arms acting as springs. He flew into the air and flipped over. He whipped his arms around and began to spin as he fell back towards the ground. Waspmon couldnt move in time and Endigomon slammed into him with full force from the fall.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Waspmon gurgled a bit then deleted into bits of vanishing data. Endigomon devolved back to Lopmon and lay on the ground. He was tired. The gazimon all came up to him and congradulated him on his win. Rain just watched. She was happy. This was a cool game and she planned to take things to a next level later on. For now she wanted Lopmon to rest and to explore a little more.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"How clever. You know I never expected you kids to do so much while I was away." A dark voice echoed through the trees.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Oh no!Lord Devi is back!" One of the Gazimon gasped. Rain suddenly felt a little afraid to learn who Devi was because it sounded like something bad. With lopmon so tired from battle they wouldnt stand a chance.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]However things werent as bad as she thought. A Devidramon landed in the small clearing they were in and due to his large size some of the trees bent or broke out of the way. He glanced down at the three Gazimon. All four eyes were glowing.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Actually my retrun was to check up on you but when I saw no trace of you in the village I went looking. I saw the comotion here and decided to check it out. You know... I do beleive I told you three you were not strong enough to tackle this yet."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Oh we werent! We had a human help!"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]He made a sort of grunt and looked a bit. That is when he noticed Rain and Lopmon.[/color] [color=green]"Ah. So it was you who destroyed that annoying Waspmon who was keeping us from taking over this portion of the forest. I had gone off to find other digimon like us to help take it over but found most were busy with some war thing i didnt feel like getting involved in though i am extreamly qualified." He looked around a bit.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"May I ask Lord Devidramon... Why did you want this territory?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]He smiled in his own way, " It is good grounds for the Gazimon to train. Once they are older they can gather more digimon likethemselves and build a small army. It was really our former leaders idea however he decided to go with some human after a while and left me in charge."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Oh. Well thats cool. Well I hope you guys do well in your plans. I guess I will take lopmon and go somewhere to rest. I need to explore a little as well."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Devidramon held out a huge claw and she stopped. He throught for a moment. His wings twitched slightly. "Hold on now. You say explore..."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Yes I am new to the area. I just recently got Lopmon."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"For a begginer you both seem quite able in battle. You see I watched it from high above. I was curious about what was going on. I saw the Endigomon but didnt see you. You are kinda small and were being hidden by a tree."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I see."[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Hmm." He throught for a second, "I have a question..."[/color]
[color=green]Rain and Lopmon had looked at some things to do and Rain had made a choice on their first real act since she started. She wanted to start off small and found something that was for the more inexperianced ones around so she chose it before some other newbie took it. She held a piece of paper in her hand. It seemed to be orders of some sort. Lopmon hadnt gotten a chance to look at them or hear exactly what it was they would be doing but he figured it did not matter.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Rain stoppped on the outskirts of the village she first arrived in. She looked at the paper in her hand and smiled. She rolled it up and shoved it into her pocket. She then just waited.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"What are we doing?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Waiting. It says the one in charge will appear after I stand here for a while." She began to tap her foot and lopmon thought this was just out of impatience of something.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Soon however the ground shook a bit. The Gazimon from earlier leapt out of the ground. They seemed rather ticked off at seing her again.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"What do you want." The one in the center growled.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"I have this order from one of your pals in town."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"So, what, You gonna help us now?" When she nodded he stared, "Why?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"For a few reasons. I want to. Sounds fun."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]The largest one coughed, "Right so uh what did he say that made you want to help that we didnt?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"For one he didnt attack me. You guys lied about the work needed done... Well Lying gives you points but uh lying about sonething so gushy like that didnt help you all that much. I dont much care for goody goody jobs. Beating up the bullies and such."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Why."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Because I am a bully. I dont like taking out my own kind ya. Earlier i was just kinda angry with you guys and your insistance. Though I needed time to think on the offer but now can we do whatever it is you wanted me to do?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]The three nodded and silently led her and Lopmon into the woods. They stopped behind a large fallen tree and crawled inside. Inside it did not look like a tree but Rain did not pay attention to this.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Ok. Since our younger Pagumon friends talked I am afraid the Puroromon they wanted you to beat up happend to um..." He paused, "Digivolved... So now we have four fanbeemon on our hands. I am glad to say though we will still be even matched now that you are helping us."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"I hate bugs. Ill help you squash em. Enough said." Rain sighed glancing around the odd looking tree they were inside. She hear movement outside but remained silent like the gazimon did.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Ok. So there are four of us four of them. Ok. Lopmon you ready?"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Lopmon nodded narrowing his eyes, "Whatever you say Chief."[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Rain eyeballed him a bit. She thought it was odd that he called her Chief but she didnt mind.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Get ready. They sense us. Here they come..." The leader gazimon said quietly "One my signal we leave this stump and attack got it? Good." A few moments later and the sound of wings got louder, "Now!"[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]All five of them crawled out quickly to find themselves face to face with the four fanbeemon who looked half confused half shocked at the intruders.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Prepare for a beating bug boys." [/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]Rain grinned. This was the best way to unleash anger she thought. For years she hated bugs and her little sister loved to throw them on her. She used to beat the daylights out of her sister who just seemed to enjoy watching Rain get angry. Then her parents began to favor her sister. She knew hurting her sister in real life would get her in deeper trouble than she wanted to be in... but in the game of digimon that was a different story. She could unlease all the anger or hatred she wanted.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Crud!" The brown and yellow bee looking digimon groaned. They had green eyes. They looked buggy enough.[/color] [color=green] [/color] [color=green]"Get um boys!" One of the gazimon said, "And um... girl?"[/color] ----- ooc: Finalized it for you. considering your pm you said you needed another Bad charcter so i gave my self some time and went with it. :)
Nait was working as usual. Today was a gathering say. Her shop was closed for the morning while she gathered fresh fruit and shells from the beach near her home. She enjoyed the walks and today her brother was with her. He held a baskept partially full of some large fruits on the bottom and the medium sized ones in the middle. They were now looking for the more delicate stuff that could crush easily if not on top. "Xiki put the basket down for a minute and sit with me." Nait said with a smile. The water didnt bother her that much anymore. At least not the shores she grew up around. She was still weary of unfamilliar bodies of water but because she never traveled very far she never came across water she didnt know. "Ok sis." He sat the basket down and sat next to it. Nait sat with him. It was a good day she thought. "So Xiki, What do you pla to do when you finally leave on your own?" He grinned, His dusty blonde hair fell in front of his eyes forcing him to push it back behind his ears. It was long and went to his jaw bone. His silvery blue eyes scanned her for a moment. "I want to be a Palace guard or something cool like that! I am pretty good with a sword after all. I can fight." It was clear from his voice that he was pretty sure this was something he really wanted to do so Nait decided not to try and pursuade him against it. She knew he would do well though. He was after all very strong for his fine young age of seventeen. Almost old enough to leave. Though he could now if he wanted to. "Ok. Just dont get yourself hurt or killed... Or I will beat you to a pulp." "The others might think you were crazy if you were beating a dead body for no real reason." He said glancing out across the sand they sat on. "Maybe so but still." ----- ooc: his name is pronounced Zee- key
Nait was feeling a bit better but decided she needed food. But instead of asking for some she just stood up and wandered around untill she found a place to make her own. She was so used to doing things for others. Getting the beer serving the dinner making the beds. It was all normal for her. Sure she occasionally got the thought that she was everyones servent or slave but she didnt mind all that much. It was all a part of her job after all. Once she had something in her stomach she found a vacant bench and decided to take a nap. As she lay there taking up the whole bench she drifted of to sleep. Her dream was at first very peaceful. She was in her Inn. Just serving the usual customers. Beer, Ale, Water and so on. She would occasionally cook a meal for everyone at a certain time of the day and people were happy. Her dream turned ,however, from a peaceful reminder of what it used to be to a mix of things that have happend over the past several hours. Running in darkness, fighting people, slashing at them with swords, and of course drowning them. Her dream slowly got into a pattern of showing her the same things over and over again. First was her throwing herself in front of the blade. Was the stress of the day so much that she was willing to just die there? Or was it something more? Then the shield of water... How did she do it? And how come the moment she thought about it the wall fell away? The last thing that repeated was her losing control. Draining the man of all water. Him becoming dusty, crumpled, and stiff. How was she able to do all this? Why couldnt she control it? Why cant she wake up... As she lay there dreaming the three things over and over again she would occasionaly make a small noise or something like a leg or a hand would twitch. She was caught in the nightmare and was unable to wake from it. Her extream tiredness made it so she was sleeping and wouldnt wake up untill she was rested enough. But how can one truely rest if their mind is being harrased by visions of the past? Her mind raced so full of questions and so full of doubts. ------------ ooc: She wont wake untill morning. Not even if dunked in water... Lol people can try if they like but she aint waking up (gives me a little break of thinking and plus it gets my character from day two to day three...)
[color=green]Endigomon made it to the city rather quickly and devolved to Lopmon. He sat on Rain's head as he rested. He thought about the earlier little dissagreement and figured nothing of it. Rain was in thought as well but none of it was very important.[/color] [color=green]They wandered through the city. There were several people going from here to there and some sounded wierd when they talked. Rain knew they must be out of country or something. She saw several types of digimon and digimon of many levels. It was amazing. In all her dreams she would have never figured a game like this could ever come into existance but it amazed her how awesome it looked. Lopmon was breathing heavily into her face before she realized she was just standing there staring.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Are we going to become a decoratiion?" He asked.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"I would hope not. Hmm I wonder how long I shall stay on, when should I log off." She thought aloud.[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]Lopmon blinked, "Huh?"[/color] [color=green][/color] [color=green]"Oh nothing." Rain sat on a bench and decided to wait it out for a bit. Just watch and see what she could see. After all this was a world where she could do anything she wanted basicly.[/color]