Gir Kon
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About Gir Kon
- Birthday 02/20/1983
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Factory worker
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mmmm woke up and worked a boring day on a boring line. Tried to keep the hyperness up with the food, but to no avail. I have no idea why sugar or caffene does not work on me. Very strange indeed. Had lunch yum yum, then worked some more, then came home for some Warcraft 3 (lost if you're wondering), and here I am now. Kinda dull in some respects, but better than most of the other kinds of days i've had.
.....beep beep beep.....accessing galactic brotherhood database....concerning subject of one.....Raharu a.k.a Haruko, Haruhana......Enter Login..... Name: Age: Gender: Faction: (Space Patrol, Medical Mechanica, Pirates, Interstellar Immigration, Regular Human) Story Info: (Original Characters Only) Acess Granted.....Loading Information...... Raharu was last reported pursuing the infamous pirate Atomsk. While contact was made with her on some occasions, it was unconfirmed of her intentions. what was concluded was that she had followed him to earth, and was in the captivity of Medical Mechanica. Being used as a source of power for their factories. Raharu though did in fact have the key to his re-capture. In a young earthling named...Naota....in a turn of events Atomsk had attempted escape through one of MM's robots, but was eventually split in two, the physical remaining in the robot, the mental aspect within the boy. As this had been demonstrated upon their merging together on some occasions. It had all come to a head though when Raharu was doing more than just trying to capture Atomsk, she had fully intended on taking his power. Her plans had hit a snag though, when Naota ended up taking it instead. The two fought for a short time......after that it is unknown what went on. What is concluded though is that Atomsk has now escaped and is very much free. MM's factory was destroyed and Raharu ended up dissapearing. Despite this, it seems as though Medical Mechanicas' setback did not put them out of action though. As even more factories have started to sprout around the globe. Something is still giving those factories power, and agents have been dispatched to try and solve the problem. It is more than just an isolated incident anymore. Though it is for certain others will be in search of this power, and will try to find the right head to do it, or even worse. OC:I will start it up once enough people sign up. We need at least one person as a regular person, and one or two of each other faction. Hopefully it will do well enough. Thanks in advance for looking. Any questions on your mind don't hesitate to ask.
Name:Girkon MacNally Gender:Male Age:18 Looks:Tall yet pudgey, wears a pair of thin frame, thick lens glasses. Story:ever since he could walk Girkon has always wanted one thing. To be an evil mastermind. While he has tried and tried, using his genious to make many neat inventions. It never seemed to pan out well. His smarts let him progress through school easy enough, but he kept suffering through a social dilemma. But he never let it get to him anyway as he saw it as a typical standard of being evil. Now on the verge of finishing his online college courses he seeks to be at the peak of his skill. By defeating his longtime rival and arch enemy Manic. Even though by scale manic couldn't beat him brains wise, Girkon still ended up being beatene in terms of anything else. So in this he bares a deep grudge and resentment which he hides by acting like a dork (which he is anyway but he doesn't seem to know the difference). That and his inventions keep breaking, lord help him if he ever actually had an invention that works.
I've seen the original and in comparison the new one looked like it would stand up well as far as zombie movies go. Though at least there's always consistancy with those zombies no matter how old the movie is. I say it's worth a go as well.
Actually I prefer a balance of both. For one thing yes having characters to relate to is certainly good, gives it some much needed plot in most cases. But it can't be denied that there are times where just plain cool butt kicking is required. In anime form of course because they are...dare I say it.....to cool. So overall one way or another it's all good to me.
I carry a deep interest in the animes of lore that brought to us the fine shows we see today. When I had heard that such shows like Astro Boy and the like were going to be aired. For reasons such as-I for thel ife of me couldn't find any other samples of Tezukas work at the time, which was many years ago (still fresh to anime at the time) and as far as it goes remake or no, I think it's worth a viewing, if at least through the first few eps so that you can at least run it through your brain for a few days or so. Get an idea for it at least. Plus like Domon said, at least it brings some new life into things. Won;t go into the other stale things that could use some change. So give it a go, it won't kill ya thats for sure. It's a part of history.
Well when I first read Shonen Jump and saw this, I thought it was kinda so-so, but upon reading it further I warmed up to it vastly. The story and characters were good enough, but I could say it's also the style of drawing that kind drew me in as well. So all in all a good viewing, anime or mangawise.
I have to agree on it, out of all the animes i've seen. Outlaw Star has the most potential for me to actually get some pretty dang good adventures out of it. Specially with characters as unique as the original crew. So at least it would never be a dull moment. Though for diversity's sake, i'd have to say i'd wanna see what it's like to live in the world of Trigun.
Hmmm i'd want it to stay totally true as close as can be. While everyone has good points, the fact is i'd prolly go see the movie anyway. Maybe out of morbid curiosity, or just plain boredom, fandom, or some other flight of fancy, but maybe...just maybe.....it can pull it off....*sees the torches* uhhhh maybe not.
My idea is the kind of epic story, of a star angel that is cast into hell after taking a wrong turn. She is saved by a cursed death knight before she is raped by a pack of demons. Throughout the story you'll see em get over their rage and shyness, and not without it's share of humor and sadness, and that despite what they are, there can be something far more important. Yeah a bit corny but it has been proven to work.
It's all good to me, the laughs, the tears, and the overall good times that can be had with such a beauty as anime...will forever stich it's place in my heart, by defention I am Otaku, and even if it is bad, at least it's something to be a part of, and then maybe someday the Otaku of the world can unite under one banner to say out to the world "WE ARE PEOPLE DAMMIT!!!" Then all will bow before us in a blaze of glory ahahahahahahaha :devil: But uhhh yeah thats why i'll love anime to the end no matter what tags it may have.