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Everything posted by Ketsurui

  1. That's about all i use for school projects. i use it in art, literature, and any where else i can fit it there. i alway's make a good grade on the assignment and/or report to. so yeah it definantly helps me in school. it's gotten so that they expect me to do a report on anime or manga.
  2. Ketsurui


    I thought the series was realy good, not the best, but it's definantly one of my favorites. i liked the last part of the series with all the drama. i realy liked the characters (except for vash), my favorite is Knives the anti hero. although i didn't like the way the series ended, i think it should have been more dramatic, like the should have killed each other.
  3. i don't get why so many people hat it :( . i realy liked the series, i still like the series. it had an interesting feel to it, i liked the atmosphere. any way, for the people who did like (YOU ROCK!!), the manga is supposed to come out April, 13 i hope it continues the story further than th OVA. it just seemed to stop... :(
  4. It seems more sophisticated to me... It is unique from other media, not just in it's art work, but also in the story's and characters. the story's are usually more elaberate, the character's are also the same, in as they are three dimensional and realistic and not just some super hero fighting robot/creature thing (most anyway).
  5. i've read the manga, and seen the whole anime series, i loved every minute of it (i realy liked that part at the begining of the series when alucard was being shot by the priests gouls and the bullet tore open his cheek, the sound it made was awesome). that irish guy in the manga was harder then h*** to read though. i've heard that the manga explains more than the anime. the anime didn't do very well in japan, so i think they kind of rushed the ending on us. the only problem i saw with the series was that serres (police girl) served no purpose but to give you something to oggle at. besides that i think the series is great
  6. try a comedy like flcl. and i hope you want to enhance your drawing abilitys further and not just except them as they are.
  7. i loved the book, i'm beginging to see more and more man-wa these days. it has plenty of drama, and some of the best comedy i've seen, also the characters are totally awesome, they're actually believable and 3 demensional, and the art work fits the mood of the story perfectly. by the way "Kun's friend's" name is Ga-woon, it's on the cover of the book...
  8. this is the intro to a story that i hope to eventually turn into a manga. Please excuse the grammar, i'm not very good. please, please give me feed back on what you think. Tears of Blood By: Ketsurui Im standing there with my gun pointed at a man, that I didn?t even know the name of and yet . . . I hated him. He was lying on the ground slowly crawling away while looking up at me in horror, the man asked in panic ?what do you want, huh, money?! Here you can have everything I?ve got, just don?t shoot me!? I reply while clenching my teeth and my gun in my hand ?you. . . you offer me money! No price is high enough to repent for what you?ve done!? He begins to mumble to himself words of panic. I felt more tears role out of my eyes and down my face, I screamed in aguish ?you son of a ***** why . . .? I reached up to wipe the tears from my face as my pain grew ?why? d you do it . . . no one... No one deserved that.? I could feel great sorrow building up in me, it felt like something inside of me was trying to escape, ripping through my body and soul. I wanted to kill everyone and everything, just to see them burn, I couldn?t take it any longer, my body started to shake as everything built up. I started to breath heavily, as my body grew more and more tense, I felt a snap in the back of my head, my whole body flinched. A breeze rushed across the ground, blowing dust up into the air. I looked away from the man who was still too afraid to speak sense, everything was quiet for a while except for the man?s heavy breathing . . . I looked back at him, and said in a very calm and emotionless voice ?people like you don?t deserve to live.? I smiled, there was a deafening scream from the gun it was almost demonic, and yet so angelic, it . . . It was pleasurable. Then a loud and sudden moan came from the man as his fleshed ripped apart and blood shot from his now disfigured face. . . The blood flew through the air in a very satisfying and beautiful way, I reached out slightly as my smile grew, I began to laugh. I felt it running down the side of my face, I reached up to wipe the blood from my hair, as I saw the blood . . . I fell to the ground and cried in sadness and in hate of all that has just happened. I pulled my hands away from my face and looked, they were covered . . . In blood and tears.
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