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Demon Slayr

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  1. Dante is from the video game devil may cry
  2. Could Someone Please make me an avatar and sig with Dante that says Demon Slayer Across it? If i need to supply the pics, please tell me and I'll find some, but if anyone has some good ones, id appreciate it, thanx.
  3. Alright, Let's do this. I'll say three quotes from an anime and the first person to get all three right does the next three. Your answer must include 1. the anime and 2. The character who said it. I'll start off with some easy one's and we'll go from there. Quote 1:"Wind Tunnel!" Quote 2:"Ally to good, Nightmare to you." Quote 3:"Since when did you fill out in all the right places?" (Extra Credit:Quote 4:" ________, the worst punk of seriashki Jr. High. __________ the much much worser punk of seriashki Jr. High.....2 characters, the blanks are their names.) Remember, write the anime it's from and the character who said it. You only have to answer 1-3 to win, 4 is just extra cuz its got 2 characters. Like I said, easy ones for now. PS-Please dont use some obscure anime that only 4 people know of
  4. I know this is not on topic and might make people mad, but there is no point in posting just to tell people to follow the rules ok? Help the person with their question, dont just tell people to follow rules. Its pointless and annoying. Itachi, sorry but i dont know what ur talking about so i cant help, im just tired of people saying "follow the rules" all the time.
  5. Wow, ur question is a bit mixed up. However I think ive got it. I'll reccomend some games.(thats what u wanted right?) The devil may cry games are really good as are the silent Hills. Dynasty Warriors 4 is great and should give you plenty of things to do. If u want a time spender then final fantasy 7 or 8 will suck up at least a month unless you play nonstop. Soul Caliber 2 is good for fighting and the metal gear solid games are just plain awesome. Let's see... the DBZ Budokai games are ok. Umm, o yea, Castlevania and Lord of the rings(The 2nd and 3rd. avoid the first LOTR) are fun but short. There, that oughta hold you.
  6. My favorite temple would have to be the spirit temple. You got to play through it twice and you got the mirror shield.Plus, i liked the bosses. It was fun to watch kame and kotake argue. My least favorite is definately THE FREAKIN WATER TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!! It is annoying, repetitive and has a dissapointing boss. The only good part of it was shadow link.
  7. Toonami needs to stop showing dragonball shows all the time, they showed the ends of both the dragonball and dragonballz series so those need to be replaced. If they want to keep showing gt...fine, at least there can be new episodes of that. Also, I wish they would show new episodes of yu yu hakusho...im tired of it going up to the fight between the toguro and urameshi teams, then stopping. If it's too bloody, put it on adult swim! I dont know if anyone cares about anything i just said, but i thought i'd voice my opinion.
  8. I find one of the craziest moments to be in rurouni kenshin when kenshin snaps. When that one guy with the whip sword is about to kill the baby and kenshin just starts screwaming and charges him then does that spin dodge in midair and slashes the dude across the chest.
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