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Everything posted by mononoke_man

  1. in this thread, you tell me what you think is the most tragic video ame character death. Mine would have to be [spoiler]Aeris from Final Fantasy VII[/spoiler]. And i'm sure many would agree with me if they saw it :bawl: Im sorry, I need to go use a tissue... :( [size=1][color=blue]Please remember to use spoiler tags when revealing information about a game's plot. You use the tags by doing {spoiler}text{/spoiler}, only substituting [ ] for { }. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  2. I have to say that tokyopop is better. I mean, shonenjump does have some popular manga titles, but the ones from tokyopop are just better in my opinion.
  3. The smoke soon became extremely thick, as Tatsujin, Zet, and Mizukage raced through it. Flames licked at their clothing. "Ziarre please be okay", Tatsujin heard Zet say. Soon a glowing figure could be seen through the smoke. It became clearer and clearer as they ran further. It was Ziarre. Electricity was rushing through her body, a demons body could be soon a few feet in front of her. The electricity soon stopped running through her and she passed out. Ziarre fell to the ground uncouncious. Tatsujin ran up to her, kneeled down beside her, and picked her up. "Ziarre I'm sorry", he whispered. "Come on, let's get out of here", Mizukage called at Zet and Tatsujin. Standing up with Ziarre in his arms, Tatsujin ran as fast as possible back to the road. The smoke had thinned a little so it was easier to find their way back. Soon, they were out of the forest and back on the road. Tatsujin took Ziarre's coat and folded it. He laid her head onto the makeshift pillow. "Is she okay", asked Zet. "She'll be fine, she just needs some rest. Using that much pwer really drained her", said Tatsujin. Tears could still be seen running down Zet's eyes. Tatsujin went and sat down on a log far from the group so he could think. [I]I should never have asked that question. It's all my fault that she's like this...[/I]
  4. Tatsujin's stomach let out a low rumble. "Hungry are ya", said Ziarre giggling, while she was still sitting by the tree. "Geez, when is Zet getting back", he said. Almost immediately after that, Zet came walking out of the forest holding three birds in her hand. Each one had a small hole in it where Zet probably impaled it with a ice spike. "Finally", sighed Tatsujin. He got up, and walked over to the fire he had started. "You know, without me you would probably starve to death, because since the demons scent has driven out most of the animals, these were hard to find", said Zet to Tatsujin. "As much as I'd hate to say it, your right", he said. Ziarre jumped out of the tree, and walked over to help cook the birds. They were cooked and ready in no time. Tatsujin ate his the fastest, being the hungriest one there. After they finished, they all packed up and walked down a path heading west. The climate grew even colder as they walked miles from their last camp. "The demons power must be strong for the weather to be this cold", Ziarre said while shivering greatly. They walked along for a while longer until a loud rumble was heard in the forest. Tatsujin's senses picked up, a the scent of a demon came upon him...
  5. Tatsujin glanced at Mizukage with Ziarre asleep on his shoulder. "This must be another one of the chosen ones", he thought to himself. Mizukage sat down around the campfire, right beside him was Zet. "So, um, hi", said Mizukage a little nervously. "Hello", said Tatsujin. "Uh, do you mind if I camp with you guys for the night", he asked. "Sure", Tatsujin said happily. Not long after that, Zet engaged Mizukage in conversation. Tatsujin was not very interested in what they were talking about, so he shut his eyes, resting after the long journey. He fell asleep within a few minutes, and awoke when he heard someone moving around. Ziarre was still resting on his shoulder, so he gently laid her head down on the ground, trying not to wake her. The dull light given off by the fire allowed him to see only a few feet around him. Then he saw Mizukage, walking out of the campsite. He jumped up, and started folowing him. "Mizukage, where are you going", Tatsujin asked tiredly. "Oh, sorry I woke you up. I'm heading out", he said. "This early", Tatsujin said, "The sun hasn't even begun to rise yet". "I know, It's just in my nature", he said. "Well if your sure then, go ahead", Tatsujin said. "Thanks for letting me camp out with ya'", he said happily. Mizukage then walked away into the darkness. Tatsujin stood still until he could no longer hear Mizukage's footsteps. He then returned to camp, and waited till morning to yet again begin the journey to the Take mountains...
  6. "We're going to the Take mountain range. From there, we'll go into the battlezone of the great Nations", said Tatsujin. "Why are we heading to the battlezone", asked Zet. "Because, thats where the demons are coming out", he said. They went quiet. Tatsujin was still wondering why Ziarre has sighed. He knew that something had to be wrong, even though she said it was nothing. But he didn't ask her, because she might get angry. "Tatsujin", Zet spoke up, "How long will it take us to get to the Take mountains"? "I'd say about three days", he said. Everyone went quiet again. They walked on for about another four hours, talking every once in a while. "Let's stop and make camp", said Tatsujin. "Shhhh", whispered Zet. Tatsujin quieted down, staring at Zet. Ziarre was too. Then they heard footsteps, moving slowly in thier direction... (Sorry about this one being kind of boring :sweat: I just didn't have that many ideas for a new post)
  7. So, you think it should start off like Silent Hill 3 for example. You know, how the main character just wakes up in a shopping mall and has no idea whats going on or how she got there, or the fact that there is monsters roaming all over the place.
  8. What exactly is this game thats coming out? I havn't really gotten that much info on it other that its a new sequel to the silent hill series(Well DUH! :p). So can someone give me a little more info on it? I really like the Silent Hill series. so i want to know as much as i can about this game.
  9. How about she comes home from school, and her parents have the news on. And its talking about disappearences of people, or people being found all mangled and bloody. And it could also say that a bunch of guys at an Umbrella Lab were found all manged and bloody too. So what do you think about that? Is it a good idea? :confused:
  10. Tatsujin awoke, and almost instantly stood up. He wobbled a little bit, dizzy from standing up so quick. Looking around he saw Jukusei and Zet staring at him like they were expecting an answer from someone. "Where's Ziarre", was the only thing he said. "She went out for a walk. Don't blame her either, she was under a lot of stress last night", said Jukusei. "Yeah, I guess your right", Tatsujin said, glancing away. He sat down on the bed again. Zet then looked at him, then looked a Jukusei. "Well, I guess we should get going huh", she said. "Not just yet, we should wait for Ziarre to return", said tatsujin. Zet huffed,"Okay", she said. Soon, Ziarre returned, looking refreshed and ready to go. She looked at everyone, and smiled. "Are we leaving or not", she asked. Tatsujin stood up, "Thank you Jukusei, if not for you, Zet might of died, and I might of also". Jukusei smiled, "You should be going now, the demons are getting restless". "Your right, come on guys", said tatsujin. Ziarre and Zet had left out of the door, and tatsujin thanked Jukusei one last time before leaving. Finally, the trio were on their way to the Take mountain range. On the other side, would be the battle zone of the Great Nations...
  11. Name: Akuma Age: 17 Description:[IMG]http://www.gothic-iowegian.com/images/warvamp1.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Even though he is evil, he swears to kill Takal. When he was bron, Takal killed his parents. She spared him, seeing that he possesed an evil force within him. She tried to raise him, but he ran away one day, swearing that he would kill her. He's been training in secret since he ran away, and has become a great swordsman. Weapons: Demon Broadsword (the one he is holding in his description), and poison ninja stars. Element: Fire Magic: Flame Wheel(surrounds himself with fire), and Inferno9surrounds himself with fire, and then shoots a fireball at his enemies) Side: Bad
  12. [QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]Well, actually, that's what I was pretty sure he meant; I don't know if my interpretation's 100% correct. I happen to think it is. =P ^_~ *cough* I was referring to everyone in general, as well. >.>[/color][/QUOTE] Im sorry if i didn't exactly make out what i was saying.
  13. [quote name='Nwolf']I think it would be interesting to have the girl wake up in an empty classroom and hear some weird moanings and shuffling outside. Then work from there :D[/quote] But thats kind fo weird. i mean, wouldn't someone try to wake her up if they were running from zombies?
  14. Over in japan, there making a sailor moon show, where real people play in it. its not a cartoon. My friend found it in a french gaming magazine. If you've got any other info on this, please tell me!
  15. Tatsujin stood in a small clearing in the forest, clutching his left arm. Blood was gushing out of a large gash near his shoulder. All around him laid dead demons. "Damn! Ugh. I can't stop the blood", he said, looking at his wound. He ripped off a piece of his clothing, and tied it around his arm. He tightened it, hoping the blood would stop, but it didn't. Then, he heard footsteps, moving hurriedly toward him. Tatsujin grabbed his Katana with his good arm and waited. Soon, Ziarre came out into the clearing. "Oh, Tatsujin! You're okay! I thought you'd died", she said happily. But soon, her smile faded as she looked at tatsujin's arm, still gushing out blood. "Tatsujin, your arm, we have to get you back into the village" "It's no use, the blood won't stop". "But there has to be a way to stop it", said Ziarre nervously. "Do you think the shaman could stop it", she asked. "He probably could, we must hurry there". They left as fast as they could. Tatsujin still clutching his arm, went as fast as he could. They hoped they would reach the shaman before he bled to death...
  16. Im not saying that I don't care about my parents, or that Im not thankful for what they've done for me! Im saying that i just wish they would make my brother do something for once! geez, you guys were thinking that i didn't care about my parents.
  17. Akuma had just been sitting in his room, unable to sleep, when a woman came in. "Master Night says that the hunt has begun". "Great. i've been looking forward to a new hunt", Akuma said. After the woman left, Akuma put on his suit, grabbed his katana and typhoon talisman, and leaped out of the window. He could already see the other hunters roaming the street. Akuma began his wn hunt for acolytes. Since he was a half demon, he could sense the evil force that flows through the acolytes. He caught a strong sense, and ran off in the direction it came from. it led to one of the openings that leads into the sewer. "Their in the sewers", he said. Akuma drew his demon katana, and entered the great hole. As he went, the demon sense became stronger. "Im getting closer, I can feel them"...
  18. Can someone make an inuyasha banner and avi. The avi should just have inuyasha on it with a black background. The banner should have inuyasha on it again, with a black background, and should say in red italicized and bolded letters "Tachisuku mu, koe mo naku ikiteyuku eien ni".
  19. I fear heights above everything else. If i can see above the roof of my house, then im too high in the air. It just scares me, so much, that i always feel like im going to fall. :eek:
  20. My parents make me do most of the chores, while my older and lazier brother doesn't do crap around the house. I'll be sitting on the other side of the house from where my mom is. My older brother Jonathan will be sitting right in front of her, and when she wants something to be done, instead of telling him to do it, she calls me from the other side of the house. My brother is so friggin' lazy! they say that I'm more helpful than Jonathan, but that doesn't mean that i have to do everything while he does nothing! He even treats my parents like crap, and he still doesn't get made to do anything! It makes me so MAD!!! :flaming: :mad:
  21. My friend is working on a new manga called Resident Evil: Silent Night. It's basically a new Resident Evil story, just in a different place, with different characters. It takes place a few days before christmas(hence the name Silent night). The main charactewr is a girl in High School, who's name has not been decided yet. He hasn't really started on the story-line yet, but if you have any ideas, please reply to me.
  22. "Zet", Ziarre ran up to Zet, who was laying on the ground. "Zet, Zet! Are you okay", she asked. All zet could do in her weakened state was moan. Tatsujin walked up to her, picked her up, and began walking in the other direction. "Where are you going", Ziarre asked. "Im taking her to the shaman Jukusei. She is the only one that can heal her". "Where does this shaman live", Ziarre asked. "About two miles from here", said Tatsujin. "We'll never make it in time", she said. "Yes we will, the water dragon Aisu will give us more time". "what do you mean by that"? "He will hold off the spread of the poison as long as possible, so we most hurry". They began to walk a little faster. The night sky became clear, and the air cold. Tatsujin stopped abruptly. "Here take Zet", he said as he handed Zet to her. Ziarre grabbed her,"Why". Ziarre saw Tatsujin grab his katana, knowing that he sensed more demons. Suddenly, at least a dozen dark figures leaped out of a tree up ahead. "Go, take Zet and run, don't look back, I'll hold them off as long as I can", yelled Tatsujin. Following his orders, Ziarre ran as fast as she could while holding Zet. she only hoped she would make it in time...
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Book Antiqua]Childhood memories... I remember once, when I was about 3 or 4, i was in Blockbuster. I went searching for a movie that I always got(it had a train in it, and I loved trains back then). I finally found it, and went running throught the isles towards my parents. I tripped on a ladys foot, fell, and cut my lip open on the corner of the movies case. I was rushed to the hospital by my mom, and got 3 stitches on the inside of my lip, and 4[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]on the outside.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
  24. Tatsujin stood still for a moment before answering Ziarre's question. "Were goning after Zet", he said strongly. "But wait a sec, you said she should take care of this herself", she said. "I know, but I sense a strong demon force coming from where she went. She might be in trouble". Ziarre quickly stood up, and they both headed towards the forest. They ran out of the village and straight into the forest. "Were getting closer, i can sense it", said Tatsujin. No sooner did they reach another clearing were, directly in the middle, stood Zet, blood pouring endlessly out of her arm. She was fighting a darkened figure. "It's him", Tatsujin whispered. Ziarre unravelled her whip. "No Ziarre, we can't jump in just yet". "But why, she looks hurt, she might not last any longer". "Don't worry, Zets stronger than she looks". Zet's arm seemed to be weakening. The demon's poison was acting fast. But Zet wasn't going to give up, she was going to kill Kumori even if it killed her too...
  25. Tatsujin, stood there, cold and wet from Zat's waterball. "You know what, if you weren't a really good friend, I would of cooked you to a crisp by now", he said angrily. Zat smiled really wide, while Ziarre let out a small giggle. "You know, I think we should stay here for the night", said Tatsujin. "Wait, we need to go after that demon", said Zat. "Oh, don't worry, I think the demon is right here in this town". Zat and Ziarre looked confused, but followed Tatsujin to an inn on the other side of the square. "Hey Tatsujin, what do you mean by the demons still in the town. the child said it went to the west", Zat said informatively. "Don't worry you guys. Just wait untill nightfall, and I'll show you what i mean", he said. They walked intot he warm inn. Tatsujin felt the warmth wash over him, giving him a very comfortable feeling. They walked up to the innkeeper. "Three beds", Tatsujin told the innkeeper. The innkeeper handed Tatsujin a key, and thay headed up the stairs. Tatsujin unlocked the door to their room, and entered. "Okay, its almost nightfall guys. I guess its alright to tell you up here", he said. Zat and Ziarre sat down, looking at Tatsujin. "Okay, remember that child"? Zat and Ziarre nodded. "Well, when we went to the child to ask him where the demon went, I sensed a demon near". "I did too, but I thought it was just the dead mothers body, because when a demon touches someone, it leaves its scent on them", said Zat. "I know, I thought it was the mother too, but the scent was coming from the child, meaning that hes a demon. Hes the one who killed his mother". Before they could continue, they heard a scream, and a liud crash outside. Tatsujin rushed to the window to see outside. He saw a young woman being thrashed about by a small figure. The child. "Hurry, the demon childs attacking someone else". They jumped out of the window, and landed smoothly on the ground. Tatsujin threw a fireball at it, but the demon dodged it and ran off. "Come on we have to chase it", yelled Zat. They ran towards the demon that had headed towards the village entrance. I ran through the opening and into the forest. They ran after it. "It's gone into the forest! Come on", yelled Tatsujin. They ran into the forest, chasing the demon, not knowing what was in the forest now...
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