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Everything posted by mononoke_man

  1. Sure! Im still accepting sign-ups. I won't accept any more after there are two people for each element. So go on and sign-up!
  2. :D [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed]Alright everybody, we have one person for each element so we can start whenever you want to!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. Im sorry, but I can't allow you to have two elements. You can stay with the unknown side but pick only one element okay. I won't add your name to the element list until you choose one. :wave:
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed]A dark figure stares into a strange orb. The orb emits a blood red glow revealing the figure. A person in a dark robe. He mutters to himself in some strange language "Dra desa ryc lusa, ubah drah ramm kyda yht namayca dra ajem fedreh!" Suddenly the orb explodes with a bright light, earthquakes brake out all over the planet. Towns are destroyed, lives are lost. A deep crack opens up in the planets crust, and fire erupts from it like a volcanoe. Everything around it is incinerated instantly. The fire that has burnt down the surrounding area starts to take shape into humanlike figures. The fire creatures begin to destroy all that is around them. Soon more cracks appear around the world, and the creatures that spawn from them destroy the cities and villages that surround them. The dark figure still staring into the orb says something again in the strange language "Huf dre bnubralo ec lusbmada, yht E mrymm nima dre funmt!" "AHHH!",the boy screams as he awakes from his horrible nightmare. He is covered in cold sweat, and his heart is beating rapidly. He sits in his bed, breathing heavily until his heart slows down. And then he said to himself "Its happening". If you wish to sign-up for this RPG, I will need your character information. Here is what you need for it: Name: Age: Gender:Boy, girl, or neither. Appearance: (Either picture or word description) Biography: Type: (I'll give you the types you may chose from) Side: Light or Dark. Weapon: Abilities/Skills: Personality:What does he/she act like? Heres an example of the sign-up using the description for my character: Name: Raven Age: 16 Gender: Boy Appearance: Has black hair, black eyes, really pale skin, and wears a black robe that has a hood, and a cloak. Biography: Was born in a small village on the outskirts of his continent called Gehacec, he was first a nice boy who had not a care in the world. But then his village was attacked and all his friends and family were killed. It drove him mad. His insanity turned him into a dark figure that would stop at nothing to get what he wants. And thats revenge on the people of the planet. Type: Psychic Side: Dark Weapon: His mind. Abilities/Skills: Telekinesis, teleportation, mind control, and reading minds. Personality: Mysterious, quiet, and so evil that him bringing death to a child is entertainment.[/COLOR] All right here are the types you may choose from ( I will only allow 2 people per element, so if 2 people are already that element you must pick another one. I'll keep you updated on who is what element): Fire: shadowofdeath13, yalborap Water: Ohkami Ice: DaisukeAngel Psychic: Okibi Masurao Wind: Swordmaster13 Rock/Earth: Balinese Steel: Cyriel Electric: Lalaith Ril So when you sign up, send me a reply with all this info on it. I will continue the story once I have one person for each element.
  5. A dark figure stares into a strange orb. The orb emits a blood red glow revealing the figure. A person in a dark robe. He mutters to himself in some strange language "Dra desa ryc lusa, ubah drah ramm kyda yht namayca dra ajem fedreh!" Suddenly the orb explodes with a bright light, earthquakes brake out all over the planet. Towns are destroyed, lives are lost. A deep crack opens up in the planets crust, and fire erupts from it like a volcanoe. Everything around it is incinerated instantly. The fire that has burnt down the surrounding area starts to take shape into humanlike figures. The fire creatures begin to destroy all that is around them. Soon more cracks appear around the world, and the creatures that spawn from them destroy the cities and villages that surround them. The dark figure still staring into the orb says something again in the strange language "Huf dre bnubralo ec lusbmada, yht E mrymm nima dre funmt!" "AHHH!",the boy screams as he awakes from his horrible nightmare. He is covered in cold sweat, and his heart is beating rapidly. He sits in his bed, breathing heavily until his heart slows down. And then he said to himself "Its happening".
  6. [quote name='Swordmaster13][COLOR=DarkRed']Wow really that's just freaky!There must be this curse .THat any kid named Jacob is insane in some way.OH YA I'M UP AGAINST SHIKYO FOR THE TITLE OF INANSTY ON OUR TEAM AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/COLOR][/quote] Well you got some more competition! Because I bet that I can become more insane than you and shikyo with the right ingredients of INSANITY!!! But Im not doing it for a team, Im going SCHOOL WIDE!!!!! :blowup:
  7. You see I had decided to add my own character with unknown elements and whatnot. You see I made him up to be a very mysterious character with unknown powers! And his age took forever to get because he has been around since the Earth was created. So I had to look all over the books in the library, and the Internet to find out that the Earth was 4.5 billion years old! But when I read this message you sent me to finish the sign-up I redid the sign-up so you would be happy. Because I knew that if this character was In your RPG without the sign-up complete you would be so TICKED!!! So I hope your happy now!!!
  8. [U]Name[/U]: Oblivion [U]Age[/U]: 4,500,000,000 [U]Appearance[/U]: No one actually knows what he looks like because all they can see is his blood red eyes through the darkness that his black cloak and robe with hood make come over him. [U]Bio[/U]: Nobody knows anything about him except that he might have something to do with the Apocalypse. [U]Element[/U]: Dark Thunder Skills: Can call upon the power of thunder and lightning whenever he pleases. [U]Weapon[/U]: A strange staff that has soom king of black gem on the top. [U]Personality[/U]: Mysterious, quiet, and the purest of evil.
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