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Everything posted by ShippoUnit001

  1. I really haven't seen any other gundams. But gundam seed really got me into mech anime's. I love the chracters. they are full of realism. what got me thinking was, that there are really no bad guys and no good guys. U have to choose. And with the conflict between friends it makes it even harder to choose who you like better. Kira is kind of like Shinji, from evangelion, in a way. He thinks the Gundam is some destructive weapon that is only meant to kill. WHile that is partly true. Both of them find out that the Gundam (or Eva) can be used to protect. I think that really builds up the tension. Also How Kira is so protective of his friends u can't help but feel sorry for him. My favorite chracter is Mu(i think that is how you spell it) Laflagha. And it is true that the Jinns do look like the Zaku's from other gundams. Except they looked revamped. And I don't know if the other Gundams have Mobile Armors but I think they are cool.
  2. Its weird but my mom actually watches anime with me sometime. She actually watches bebop and she likes big o. She also likes Inuyasha alot. One day I heard her sayin she thinks Sesshomaru is cute. :rolleyes: . oh well. My mom doesn't give a damn. I watched the Bruce Lee story when i was 10 and that had nudity and a sex scene. nuthin happened. o well. except she will complain if im watchin american cartoons. She even enjoys pokemon.
  3. Duel Masters is one big joke. Literally. I mean they almost always make comments that they are in a show. The dork with glasses always gets knowcked up in the sky with a weak punch. Its just dumb. Plain dumb. I have watched a few episodes and each one gets on my nervs. It sounds like it was written by a 5th grader. A bunch of 5th graders. The evil genius guy is so stupid. And in one episode the " Evil" guys were complaining throughout half the show that they haven't been paying for cable and its not working. The jokes are ridiculously stale also. It has its moments. But those are few. Oh well. Plus the song sucks so bad.
  4. Inuyasha is very good. But it does have its flaws in the beginning. I mean Kagome is just too plain of a girl. She likes Inuyasha why doesn't she just say it. Her personality makes you think she would. You know. Oh well. Shippo, Miroku, and Sesshomoru are the best. In the Japanese version I hate inuyasha's voice. It sounds like a nagging kid. English is much more tolerable. Kagome's voice does in a way go with her school girl personality though. Later on in the episodes it gets good. And the characters start to develop a lot. I like every song except Change the world.
  5. Thats a little late. NOw: Yugioh 8:00 Pokemon 8:30 Adult Swim: Family Guy 10:00 Futurama 10:30 Aqua Teen Hunger Force 11 - 11:15 Aqua Teen 11:15 - 11.5 Inuyasha 12:30 Case Closed 1:00 Lupin the Third !:30
  6. Well my mom don't care much. I mean she thinks sometimes the blood like in Inuyasha is bad, but she is ok with it a little. She even watches and likes it. She even likes Pokemon :ball: . Weird. But I haven't shown her the Evangelion dvd yet. :D :devil:
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