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Everything posted by Red

  1. Red


    [color=002E55]I really don't think this is something that can be forced on members using the rules. Good grammar and spelling, etc. is encouraged at OtakuBoards but forcing it on people who just can't for whatever reason wouldn't be fair. OtakuBoards has a very diverse community, and some members just don't have good spelling/grammar and so forth. That can't necessarily be forced upon them. Sure, the really bad stuff is asked to be cleaned up (eg. hay u, tht flim sux0red, rofl!!11), but that's mainly because it's virtually incomprehensible.[/color]
  2. Red

    The Matrix

    [color=002E55]Heh, I only saw this a few hours ago, so I'll suppose I'll put my thoughts on it here too. At first, I thought they had accomplished the feel of desperation among the humans; unlike in the first movie where they seemed like they were fighting an easy war. I suppose it's because Zion was shown in this movie, and everyone was able to see what kind of struggle they were putting up with, and the desperation of people to survive. The problem I had with Zion, is that it seemed so run-down and terribly dirty in some places, yet perfectly clean and technologically advanced in others. I think they should have kept to one theme or the other, since they seem to conflict far too much in my eyes. One of the major problems I had with this movie, is there didn't seem to be too much 'flow'. In the first Matrix, the story progressed and expanded steadily with the action. In Reloaded, it seemed to be a bit of action here, a chunk of story there. Like the scene with the architect.. that just came out of nowhere to me, lol. That's not to say that the action wasn't any good. The fight scenes were [i]incredible[/i], especially showing off the new effect set (I think it's called Virtual Cinematography). That scene with the multiple Agent Smith's was an amazing piece of choreography, something that a lot of movies will now have to live up to. The graphics work also greatly impressed me, but then again advances are being made so fast in movies nowadays it's kind of expected for a high-budget movie to blow everyones minds. As people have pointed out though, there seem to be my 'hints' in the story, such as character names and so forth. I think it's a cool idea, but it seems to try and make people think too hard for a movie that doesn't require a lot of thought; except for that darn scene with The Architect. I swear, my brain was just in 'punch, kick, punch, block' mode, when that guy started talking I thought he was talking Latin. O_o;;[/color]
  3. [color=002E55]EMU, you can't force people or expect them as some obligatory thing to reply in your post. It's freedom of choice as to whether someone replies or not. Do not then go and break the rules by double posting, and complaining that people aren't replying. People will tell you if they want to.[/color]
  4. [img]http://www.allfunnypictures.com/images/potd/EGYPTAIRa.jpg[/img] See how happy these two budding pilots are? Join today! Copyright England's International Flying School, 1946-2003.
  5. [color=002E55]*closes this thread* Sorry, but this is spam and against the rules. We had something similar to this in the past and it was closed, basically because it was just one long spam thread. I suggest you read the [url=http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml]rules, which can be found here;[/url] before you post again.[/color]
  6. [color=002E55]I try to act online pretty much how I do in real life, although it's hard to convey emotions, jokes etc. using text. I suppose a lot of people do, but it's a welcome break for them. They don't want to be the same person as they are in real life; maybe they're having problems or are just sick of their regular lifestyles.[/color]
  7. [color=00203B]Well, someone closed this thread without an explanation, so I guess I'll provide you with one. We don't allow Introduction threads at OtakuBoards anymore, and I'm afraid this one falls under this category. The rules haven't been updated to accomodate this yet, so this thread will just remain closed. Welcome back, though. :)[/color] [color=indigo]Sorry, that was me. I was writing a post to explain, but you got here first. - Desbreko[/color]
  8. [color=00203B]Mitch, regardless of what reason it is for, double posting is not allowed in this forum unless it is because your post exceeds the character limit - which yours most certainly does not. As a moderator, particularly of this forum, you should know that. I don't want to see any more double posting in this thread.[/color]
  9. [color=f08700]I would want the ability to travel back in time so I could change something I did a long time ago. I don't know if that's a 'superpower', but it's pretty super to me.[/color]
  10. Red


    [color=f00f0]What disturbs me is what reasoning you have behind asking this question. O_o;; IP bans would be used on those who keep creating new accounts deliberately so they can spam the boards. vB software allows for the administrator to do this. I think all the questions in this thread have been answered, and in the future PM a moderator with questions such as this.[/color]
  11. [color=002E55]Beautiful can be used in so many ways, like a lot of people have said here. You can say that a sunrise is beautiful, that your girlfriend is beautiful, etc. Then again, when you're talking about [i]someone[/i] it doesn't have to be how they look. I mean, you can use it for how they look, it's completely valid, but if you say that the person on the inside is beautiful, it means something else. I know a beautiful person, both personality wise and looks wise, but the former means a heck of a lot more to me than the latter. I fell in love with the beauty of who she is.. am I making any sense? lol. [/color] [quote]Does beauty really have a definition? Is it looks? Or is it something else about the person (or thing) that makes them beautiful.[/quote] [color=002E55]Like I said before, it depends how you say it. "She looks really beautiful" and "She's such a beautiful person" would be two completely different things to me. Then again, it's different for everyone.[/color]
  12. [color=054276][b]I find the fact that people link violence to video games hilarious. You simply cannot do that, it's not a valid argument. Basically, someone arguing that point is saying that a form of media is causing violent behaviour. If this is the case - wouldn't it be the same for things such as movies? I've even seen some really disturbing pictures on the news before; dead bodies, [i]real[/i] blood and terrible injuries...not fake images. Of course, this isn't to say I'd go and let one of my smaller relatives go ahead and play a really violent game. But, I don't think it effects behaviour. In fact, I'd say that movies influence violent behaviour more, since a child is seeing a [i]real[/i] person do [i]real[/i] things. (of course not in cartoons, but even in movies with edited fight scenes like the matrix, it looks real to a kid). Overall, a lot of games are quite violent. I've been playing video games since I could walk and I've always been able to have a clear distinction of whats real and whats not, in the sense that something I see in a game is entirely fictional and shouldn't influence me in any real way. Anyway, that's what age restrictions are for on the really 'bad' games.[/b][/color]
  13. [b][size=1]To put it ever so simply: When I get off school, it will be 2 months of worrying whether or not I'll make it into 6th form.[/b][/size]
  14. Red


    [b][size=1]I agree with James entirely. Just ask - there's no harm in doing so.[/b][/size]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] However, yes, I am actually a Diet Coke addict.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [b][size=1]Ah yes, the Diet Coke. *twitch* I've been drinking the stuff for years and I'm still addicted. [i]Somebody help meeee...[/i][/b][/size]
  16. [b][size=1]Mom, mum or mam. (how the Americans, English and Irish pronounce.. mother..) Whenever I say it over and over it just sounds wrong, especially 'mom'. I don't know what it is. Mam just sounds like ma'am way too much if it's not said by an Irish person, and mum sounds far too stereotypical British. Random posh dude 1 : "I say Jeeves where's the old mum" Random posh dude's butler : "I say she's down at the old bill, chap" Come to think of it.. I hate any words that are pronounced in a posh english accent, but that's going off-topic.[/b][/size]
  17. [b][size=1]Entirely random title, entirely random piece of.. stuff that I did as soon as I got Photoshop 7 working again, which was all of 30 minutes ago. Supposed to be some sort of impression of how a flashbang would affect your vision (which isn't really true, but hey, I can't sit in front of a flashbang for the sake of making my stuff more 'realistic', but hence the blurring) if you were looking at one in the middle of a Counter Strike game. I would then be 'behind you' :p. Comments, etc. please. [img]http://kojin.250free.com/behindyou.jpg[/img][/b][/size]
  18. [b][size=1]Meh. My mum is everything to me, yet nothing at the same time. It's so swingy with her sometimes I feel like I'm on an emotional pendulum. I love her, because she's my mother; but at other times I want to explode because she's just being her. It's hard to explain. I mean, she's been there for me when times are really rough - but it's reached the point where I feel I can't tell her something, like I [i]should[/i] be able to. A couple of people know what she did to me a few weeks ago which drove me through the wall instead of up it, but I won't go into that. Let's just say it was really, really unfair. The problem with the unfair thing is that there was no reason behind it. That's what she's like a lot of the time; one moment very happy, the next incredibly pissed off and wanting to do something as a 'punishment' to me. But, at the end of the day; I know people who lost their mothers when they were so young.. and I know I'll thank her one day for all the things she's done for me. So, for now, I'll just have to put up with the nitty gritty things that annoy me so much and thank her when I move away or whatever. Some of you may think that you have it hard with your mothers.. but I know someone who had their mother beat them with every household object in the book for doing so much as sneezing; so count yourselves lucky.[/b][/size]
  19. [b][size=1]Oh...God. Trans Fat and Oreos are bad? *curls up in a corner and shudders about the countless amount of oreos he eats* Still, I don't think they will be banned; but like Semjaza said they'll only raise awareness to the whole trans fat thing. *goes back to shuddering*[/b][/size]
  20. [b][size=1]In the future, I suggest you PM a moderator/Category Moderator if you need help with things like this. I also suggest you read the [url=http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml]rules.[/url] As far as I know the FAQ is coming..soon.[/b][/size]
  21. [b][size=1]I really suggest you read the [url=http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml]rules before you keep posting.[/url] Like Sara said.. you should start a Love Hina thread, or find a recent one in Anime Lounge.[/b][/size]
  22. [b][size=1]You can put a link to the spar in your signature. Double posting to 'promote' your spar is clearly against the rules, so the signature way seems to be the only way to go.[/b][/size]
  23. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=395245[/img] [b][size=1]Mummy mummy! I found a worm in the toilet.. but it ran away! I'm just gonna go chase after it, come join me![/b][/size]
  24. [b][size=1]White Kitty : I got rolexes.. c'mon, you love rolexes...everyone loves them..[/b][/size]
  25. [b][size=1]I think this would belong better in your signature. People can PM you if they want to get in touch about it. :)[/b][/size]
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