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Everything posted by Red

  1. [b][size=1]Judo is derived from Jujitsu I think.. or its the other way around. Karate is a very forceful style; thats why I don't like it. There is too much concentration on power and not enough on flow and overall style (not as in looking cool, but the moves themselves). Also, a lot of Karate Sensei's introduce weapons into Karate, which is [i]not[/i] within the style at all. Karate basically means art of the open hand (or something along those lines), and is built upon the principals of no weapons. I'm pretty flexible anyway. I can put both my legs behind my head, my arms through my legs and walk on my hands. Yes.[/b][/size]
  2. Red

    profile sig

    [b][size=1]Yeah, the second way does look a lot better. The image at the bottom looks very polished and uncluttered now the robot is your avatar. Nice work.[/b][/size]
  3. [b][size=1]I took Karate when I was a little younger, and I hated it. I'm desperate to take up Kung Fu and re-start Wing Chun soon, since I really like both styles. I've taken one or two classes in Tae Kwon Do and Kung Fu already. At the moment I practice moves that I've learnt from others or practiced myself. I love to train, but I suppose I've been a bit lax lately. Being 6ft 2 is a little tough when it comes to sparring though.. I have a lot of space to cover, lol.[/b][/size]
  4. [b][size=1][i]Excellent[/i]. That's about all I can say, really. This kept me gripped throughout. I love your writing style, Charles; especially at the end.[/b][/size]
  5. [b][size=1]Looks mean a lot with a car! Especially due to the fact that I can't drive yet, lol. I've been driven around in an Elise, and I just thought it was really awful. Cars like Ferraris are low down on the road, but don't look as though they are. Lotus' look about an inch high.[/b][/size]
  6. [b][size=1]No order except alphabetical, eh? :P The one car brand I cannot stand is Lotus. All the cars produced by them seem way too overdone, with too many dents/streaks/vents. Someone just bought a TVR Tuscan on my street, too; so I'm leaving 5 minutes early in the morning to stare. [/b][/size]
  7. [b][size=1]Hitto's work is great, but Neph's is just the one that does it for me. Nice size, brilliant colours and blending, and it looks very polished overall. The font and logo fit very nicely into the image, too. Sorry Hitto, great work, but I just think Neph's takes the biscuit.[/b][/size]
  8. [quote] And catch up on coursework (and probably get to work on making GCSE revision notes.. I'm lazy so me starting soon would be a good thing). [/quote] [b][size=1]Ah, the joys of doing your GCSEs and getting an extra month off. Even more time to waste doing useless things! *walks off*[/b][/size]
  9. Red

    My banner

    [b][size=1]Uh... First off, this would belong in Art & Design if you even [i]had[/i] a banner to show. If you have somewhere to link it from (a website, not your hard drive), use the [IMG ] -image URL here- [ /IMG] tags, without the spaces. I suggest you read the [url=http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml]rules,[/url] before you post again. Welcome to Otakuboards.[/b][/size]
  10. [b][size=1]I see a dragons head right in the center, looking slightly to the left. Incredible.[/b][/size]
  11. Red


    [b][size=1]We don't really have anything along the lines of a prom over in England. Even if we did, I wouldn't be able to get a date. Even if I did get a date, I would make an idiot of myself. Realise why I'm glad there aren't proms over here?[/b][/size]
  12. Red


    [b][size=1]My idea actually came from Ghost in the Shell and listening to Roads by Portishead too many times, lol. I'm half-way through a first chapter, so I'll post it up when I'm done. ^_^[/b][/size]
  13. Red


    [b][size=1]I love this show, but I [i]hate[/i] the fact that no one can catch on. Also, I really hope he changes his fashion sense for a superhero costume in the future. :)[/b][/size]
  14. [b][size=1]The full story? Beatrice (my friend) was offered the chance to go over to France for a very small price. The only thing that would really cost was accomodation outside of Paris, where all her other friends were staying. I told her to go and have a good time, since she was having a rough time after a break up. As far as I know, she was out of Paris in the country somewhere, and she was driving back on her own. She came off the road at high speed and hit something (I've also yet to find out what she hit, great) and died instantly. The horrible thing is, when something like this would happen to me, she would be the one I would turn to for advice and comfort.[/b][/size]
  15. Red

    chek it.ma sig

    [b][size=1]The rules are on Otakuboards are there for a good reason. Clearly, you can't abide by them, especially judging by your last post. You were asked to follow some simple rules and a request by Syk3, yet you decided to be abusive instead. We can, and do talk here. If you took more than five seconds to read some of the topics here, you'd see intelligent discussion regularly take place. There was quite a heavy debate and talk about drugs, sex and various other things, you just haven't seen them. And... you might be the shiznit, but now you're the banned shiznit.[/b][/size]
  16. [b][size=1]Thanks for the advice and support, guys. I still haven't received word from any of her family or friends.. so I suppose they just really don't want to upset her mother. *shrugs* I'm just gonna go to bed.. lol.[/b][/size]
  17. Red


    [b][size=1]This is something I wrote off the top of my head, right now. It's not exactly how I planned (nothing ever does turn out that way), but I think it's okay. It is, of course, just a very short beginning, but I'm working on improving/expanding it. Any comments would be appreciated.[/b][/size] In the near future, a boy named Reik was the first human to be merged with a machine by mind. However locked in he might seem, his mind is totally free to do what it wishes. Whilst it does this, a company known as Proto-E feed off the power of a human brain, something which can do calculations no computer can ever achieve. Reik danced happily within the land of blue. His hands swept through the air slowly, making strange light shapes in the octarine bathed sky. He was a small boy, dressed only in a pair of grey shorts, with a matching hooded sweatshirt. Yet, the land seemed so colourful around Reik. Spark's flew from his fingernails, tinting the swaying grass orange for a brief moment in time. Reik stopped and plucked an apple from a side pocket on his sweatshirt. Slowly his feet began to raise from the floor, and he lay back in the comfort of the breeze, chewing slowly on the perfectly ripened, yet artificial apple. For everything was artificial in this world, but Reik knew of nothing else. Outside Reik's own dimension, a balding man stood in a white coat, typing furiously onto a worn keyboard. He stopped for a moment, wiped the sweat from his brow, and glanced at the tube. There was Reik, naked as the day he was born in a tube full of traslucent green fluid. It bubbled and flowed around his hair, causing it to wave as if it were out in a strong wind. Metal pins pierced through the flesh of most of his body, allowing the scientists to attach various instruments to the boy. A heavily bound group of wires hung out of the back of Reik's head, pulsing with bright blue light every few seconds. The man paused for a moment, before hitting the return key. [i]Let's see what it does to the boy..[/i] The scientist watched as the bundled wires pulsated more violently and frequently than before. Reik's tiny body writhed inside the tube; his limbs pounding against the thick glass. Inside his world, Reik saw thick, black clouds swirling around a central point. He pondered briefly over what might be wrong, and closed his eyes to imagine the clouds away. A few seconds later, his eyes burst open, but the clouds were still there. Reik's feet began to settle on the floor as he started to try and run, but no matter how hard he tried the swirl's focal point was always above him. Tears began to stream down his face as the thick smog engulfed him. He tried to scream and cry, but no sound came out. Instead, there was darkness, with only a slight whisper of noise to be heard. Reik tried to listen to the whispers as he lay on the black floor. "We'll begin once he is asleep." And it all went quiet.
  18. [b][size=1]Oh, that looks even better. ^_^ I love the colour and shading of the tail, excellent work. :)[/b][/size]
  19. [b][size=1]I hate to start another depressing thread, I really do; but I don't know where else to turn. Someone very dear to me died 3 months ago today. Since then, I've found it very difficult to cope with the fact that she's just not there anymore; a friend who I could count on for advice and who was always there for me. One of my only true friends. The situation hasn't been helped by the fact that her mother won't let me go to her funeral.. for a number of reasons really based on her mental state. To cut a long story short, she blames me for encouraging her daughter to go to France, where she died. To me, it just seems I'm counting the days, weeks and months that she's been gone, and she's on my mind a lot. I just feel very.. confused. I just burst out crying earlier on, then tried to cheer myself up.. then just started feeling down again. I haven't got a clue how to deal with all the feelings that sit around now, and I just wanted to know how everyone else copes with loss in their life.[/b][/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]Appearently ive been misunderstood. I was just wondering if anyone would cry like the people cried for those lost at 9-11. Like the fact I have no true friends... I have (now) no reason to take my life and i won't but I, like many others I see, am tired of living this life and the other people around me.... I want to destroy them, or move... Oh and to finish up, I HATE p:flaming: pular kids. They are all jerks. Thus i dont want to be popular, only recognized... I have no identity, I am pitiful, I would explain that last comment but I dont feel like it, but if you MUST know ill post it later. [/B][/QUOTE] [b][size=1]I don't think I want you to explain your last comment, there. How in the world can... why am I bothering? To me, saying what you said in the first sentence was an incredibly selfish thing to say. I'm tired of my life. I'm so tired of my life sometimes I wish I'd fall asleep and never wake up. But hey, I don't wish that people would cry for me after my depature on a scale to that of 9/11. How can you generalise that all popular kids are jerks? I can see where you're coming from on that I suppose, but you're just categorising people so you can criticise them. You have an identity; you are not pitiful, or else you wouldn't have half the replies in this thread, would you? Go think about it.[/b][/size]
  21. [b][size=1]Okay.. here goes: "IS THAT IT?! Well, there was me thinking you were well endowed." -- "Oh GOD! I knew I shouldn't of eaten all that fibre filled food" -- "Upon taking a trip to the woods, (insert character name here) discovered the curious Koala."[/b][/size] --
  22. [b][size=1]I'm gonna try and piece together my totally screwed life this summer. I'm actually going to make an effort to get my fat arse off this computer and do something with myself, other than pretend I have a good life. I have to do something with the time I was supposed to have in America.. so I suppose I'll get a crappy job to earn some money, so I can eventually go.[/b][/size]
  23. Red

    I see you.

    [b][size=1]*BIG SIGH* Fine. This is it with small white text. I'm keeping the font though: [/b][/size]
  24. Red

    I see you.

    [b][size=1]I put the text there because I thought you guys would think it would look too bare! *sighs* here it is without the text:[/b][/size]
  25. [b][size=1]You said yourself that pieces were falling off the house. He could have easily been killed after a burnt section of his house collapsed on his head, and have easily taken firefighters (who could have been trying to help/pull him away) with him.[/b][/size]
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