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Everything posted by Red

  1. [b][size=1]Oh God.. Birthday beats. Half my school rushes someone when it's their birthday, to the point that one kid barely came out standing, lol.[/b][/size]
  2. [b][size=1]Knowing that I'm one year closer to owning a motorcycle, and getting the food I want to eat. Even though it's traditional Irish food, (bacon and cabbage, ohh so exotic), I still like it. Then there's just the laughs. I like being with my friends and all my close family for one day of the year, and just having one great big joke around. I would say presents, but as I'm getting older I'm realising I'm not getting as many presents I [i]want[/i], but presents I [i]need.[/i][/b][/size]
  3. Who was your first kiss? [b][size=1]A girl called Christine..[/b][/size] How old were you? [b][size=1]About 15[/size][/b] How was it? [b][size=1]It was pretty good.. I counted it as my first kiss because it actually meant something.[/size][/b] What were the circumstances? [b][size=1]We had just been out, and were at my cousins house when it just kind of happened, lol.[/b][/size] What was your Worst/Best Kiss? [b][size=1]My worst was really my first, :p I'm still waiting for my best I suppose.[/b][/size]
  4. Red


    [b][size=1]This is a banner for something to do with Counter-Strike, where my name is 'RedDragon' (usually), so I decided to a red banner. Ratings, comments, suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks :)[/b][/size]
  5. [quote][i]Originally Posted by Lalaith Ril[/i] People argue that you have the right to protect yourself right. Well if guns were illegal you wouldn't need a gun to protect yourself from another gun.[/quote] [b][size=1]Making guns illegal does not eliminate all trace of them. Guns are illegal in the UK, yet gun crime is rising rapidly. Also, you say at the bottom of your post that getting rid of guns will not 'leave' if they are banned. Why, at the top half of your post, say the opposite thing?[/size][/b] [quote]A Spud gun can to serious damage, so can a high-powered BB rifle[/quote] [b][size=1]In the UK there are strict limits on BB gun's rate of fire, along with the overall strength. Beyond a point, they become classed as lethal weapons and are therefore illegal. I don't know about the US, though. Also, it's incredibly doubtful that anyone could kill someone with a BB gun, even at point-blank range with a high-powered rifle. I find the idea of having a gun for your own protection a very flawed one indeed. As Mnelmoth said, guns are made to kill. Nothing else. Yes, people do use rifles for hunting and so forth, but those rifles can easily be used to kill people. In the UK, police fight fire with fire. Most of them carry sub-machine guns and since 9/11 a lot of regular police officers have been given 9mm pistols due to a 'large presence of gun activity'. The problem is, the only real way to fight against gun crime is to use guns, since I doubt anyone is going to run out with a baton to try and club the criminal mid fire-fight.[/b][/size]
  6. [b][size=1]Well, technically this is advertising. You have posted a link where people are "recruited" so you have a stronger army, I don't think there is much participating in that. Try putting the link in your signature instead.[/b][/size]
  7. [b][size=4]Okaaaaaay.[/size] [size=1]What can I say to that? Is it [i]art[/i]? I suppose I'll give you the award for man 'most likely to be dragged away by the other men in white coats'.[/b][/size]
  8. [b][size=1]Man.. is there [i]anything[/i] that hasn't pissed me off recently? lol. Over the past few days it's been my parents. My mother took all my money from my account preventing me from going to America in the summer, and leaving me no money to pay for things that I have subscribed for or have to pay for in the near future. I have pissed myself off recently, too. I've acted the complete idiot with those who are close to me, and I regret doing so. I'm not exactly someone who you could say is emotionally stable, as when something really pisses me off I like to put holes in walls, or other people. My temper is very, very bad. :p[/b][/size]
  9. [b][size=1]I'm going to close this. Even though the replies in this are kind of old, this keeps getting bumped to the top, and I really think Sushi/Cyko has been grilled enough by everyone in this thread. I agree with Charles. This thread has run its course, and the recent post by dr. septagon is basically showing the way I think this thread is going to run if I let it stay open.[/b][/size]
  10. [b][size=1]Well, I'm going to go on the massive search to find Sing the Sorrow this weekend, so I haven't got the CD quite yet. However, I have downloaded a lot of tracks from the album, and I must say I'm impressed (to the point where I spent most of the night getting a heck of a lot more AFI tracks, lol). [i]The Great Disappointment[/i] would have to be my overall favourite. I love the introduction, something that doesn't give away what the rest of the track sounds like. (I wonder if I'm making sense. O_o) [i]This Celluloid Dream[/i] and [i]The Leaving Song[/i] would have to be my two next favourites from what I've heard so far, although I think [i]The Leaving Song[/i] is a little too short.[/b][/size]
  11. [b]I try to express myself through writing. I've got plenty of stories handwritten here, stuff that I just begin to write when I get the slightest hint of an idea. I've always been pretty good at writing stories, and I think I'm getting better. It's just something that allows me to let my imagination run wild. I like music, too. I love singing (when family and friends aren't around, or else I turn into a nervous wreck), learning to play the piano and guitar; even though I haven't practised with either in a long time, I still like to sing. Being crazy lets me express myself too. No, not locked inside a padded room crazy, but "hey, you should jump off that" kind of crazy, where I will actually do it. :p[/b]
  12. [quote]Jews don't drive Fords. Just thought I'd say that[/quote] [b][size=1]Transtic, what exactly are you trying to say here? Because even if thats a joke, I don't find it funny.[/b][/size]
  13. [b][size=1][color=043F88]Well, I can't just vote for one of those. >.< The Aston Martin DB7 is one of my most favourite cars, especially since the new and old versions both maintain a sense of 'cool', but are actually quite powerful. My next favourite would be the Ferrari F355 Spider. I mean, WHAT a car! A bit smaller than most other cars of its type though, which I think lets it down a bit. Especially since it's got a lot of "vents" and grooves lining it, which makes it look a little chunky. I only really like the TVR Chimera for the fact you can get it in two-tone colour, and it sounds like a beast on the road. ^_^ Last, but definitely not least, would have to be the Porsche 911 GT II. The improvements on the car were very cool, not just steering/suspension changes like the other Carerra/911 models. Although, I would have liked to have seen more visual changes, but hey, its a damned fast car. Anyway.. those are the kind of car brands that I really like, lol.[/b][/color][/size]
  14. [b][color=515050][size=1]As others have said, I don't there's really much point to this topic. It's not going to bring up any real discussion at all.[/b][/color][/size]
  15. [b][color=515050][size=1]Well, I have to agree with what Ginny has said here. This thread has totally strayed off topic. Yes, religion is part and parcel of the topic, but there is way too much arguing that really bears no relation to the subject. [/b][/color][/size]
  16. Red


    [quote]Please, don't be so foolish. The reason those people died was because their problems were treated as just a cold, not something more. Kind of reflects on the doctor's care for the patient's well-being, eh? LOL.[/quote] [b][color=515050][size=1]That's not entirely true. Originally, yes, Sars was treated as a common cold as that's what the symptoms surfaced as; but not now. Canada has had well over 100 cases for Sars, and they have a very good medical system. Yet, 8 or so people have died from it. It's a deadly disease, and it's not deadly because doctors aren't treating it the right way. I would be worried about catching it in some ways.. but in others there's nothing you can really do except for wait to see if a vaccine/cure is found.[/b][/color][/size]
  17. [b][color=515050][size=1]Popping all my joints back into place once they were dislocated. This includes: Right kneecap twice, right and left shoulders once, all the fingers on my left hand and my ankle. One of the most disgusting things to happen, lol.[/b][/color][/size]
  18. [quote]and i do know but it aint like i went in there my self they dragged me in there at a party,and they always do.[/quote] [b][color=51505050][size=1]Did they force you to drink, too? I fail to see how you can be dragged into a party completely and utterly against your will; and/or do bad things against your will. lol. [/b][/color][/size]
  19. Red


    [b][color=515050][size=1]Ah, I like. The blue is a nice tone, especially for the text to show up nicely. However, I think you should put it on a long loop, so there are big intervals between the animation.[/b][/color][/size]
  20. [b][color=515050][size=1]Please try to stick to the topic instead of going off on one about sex, and... shoeboxes? O_o;;[/b][/color][/size]
  21. Red

    New toon

    [b][color=515050][size=1]Welcome to Otakuboards. ^_^ At the moment we do not allow introduction threads here at OB, so this is going to be closed by me. The rules haven't been changed to include this yet, but I still suggest you [url=http://www.theotaku.com/rules.shtml]read them.[/url][/b][/color][/size]
  22. Red


    [b][color=515050][size=1]I don't really think that this can go anywhere.. and the pair of you have just spammed this thread silly. Cloricus, posting just to tell someone else that a thread is going to be closed and that they are breaking the rules is, in itself, against the rules. I suggest you refrain from doing that in the future.[/b][/color][/size]
  23. Red

    Card forum news

    [b][color=515050][size=1]As James (and many others) have previously stated a lot of times before, feel free to start a thread in Otaku Lounge to do with card games. I fail to see why you are starting an entirely new thread, as you have already asked about having a card forum barely 3 posts down the page, and you were given an explanation by James as to why there is not one/what you should do, etc.[/b][/color][/size]
  24. [quote]The UN is a joke. Like the League of Nations. It hasn't, won't, and never will accomplish anything. It's like a spoiler on a Toyota Camry, it's only for the looks. Sure the idea is great, but it simply won't work, especially when we disregard everything they say. As you said, whats the point in it even existing. None. It was Wilson's idea for the League of Nations, which we didn't join because we were afraid of the commies, and FDR's idea for the UN, which we did join just to say we're cool. The league of Nations didn't do anything, even though that was the only of Wilson's 14 points we kept, and it was a complete waste of time. The UN is almost the same way. It's been around longer, but thats about it. As with what we've seen recently, the UN serves no purpose but to look good it seems. Maybe a few influencial things here and there, but obviously, we Americans are too good and right for them.[/quote] [b]A few points: America didn't join because of the Communists. In fact, the Soviet Union wasn't a member until a few years before WW2. The reason America didn't join was because they weren't interested in Europe's affairs and were isolationist at the time. Also, Wilson's fourteen point plan was never adhered to. Most of it was dismissed as impossible and idealistic. I agree with your "UN looking good" point though, that's all the UN seems to be doing recently.[/b]
  25. [quote]If everyone is so anti-war because of al the lives that will be lost then I have an idea. How about you be quiet. How about you support your loved ones over there. The more you guys shout about how they are doing this for nothing, the more demoralized they get.[/quote] [b]Lalaith, people protest because they are against war and don't want to get anyone to hurt. If you hated war so much, I'm sure you would understand that. Some people don't want to support their loved ones [i]over there[/i], they want them back home, safe, sound and happy. I am completely oppposed to striking now. Yes, Iraq has had sufficient time to disarm and comply with England and America, but they're not any extremely real threat at the moment anyway. Also, America and Britain are only causing further problems for themselves within their own governments, with the UN and other nations such as China by striking now. China have already warned America and Britain to end the campaign now, along with France and Germany expressing their objections to the 'war'. Millions of people have protested all over the world, yet America and Britain don't even flinch on their stance of war with Iraq. A few English Ministers have resigned already, and a rather large rebellion in a recent vote means the Labour goverment (currently in power) is split down the middle, Tony Blair relying on the opposition parties for support. This is insane. Whatever happened to the power of the people and democracy? Neither goverments listened to [i]enormous[/i] opposition from the public, England seeing one of the largest demonstrations ever, with over a million turning out to protest against war. Opinion polls showed around 80% of people in England were against war with Iraq, but still we go ahead. Another thing: The UN is going to crash and burn. After World War 2 the UN was set up with Britain and America pioneering the idea of a group of nations far more powerful than the League of Nations (a group of nations not including the US that poorly acted on military situations in the 1930s, especially the Nazi rise/invasions). When 2 largest powers within the UN turn a blind eye and go against a veto, votes and rules defined within the UN what's the point of it being there? To me the whole democratic approach was just America and Britain 'testing the water', seeing if they could resolve peacefully but if not more than willing to commit to war. The UN is supposed to be some sort of moderatory power to all member nations, with clear guidelines and rules set out for all to follow. In my opinion sanctions should be imposed on both Britain and America for going straight to war with no absolutely clear (where's the [i]real[/i] evidence?) reason or agenda. The UN is there to do what it has to when trouble erupts in the world, and this time America and Britain are causing it. America and Britain should not create rules they cannot adhere to themselves. So, in some ways I'm saying it's partly the UN's fault for not doing something against America and Britain for striking againts Iraq, as I'm sure they would to [i]any[/i] weaker nation taking action like this. Welcome to the golden age of democracy. Enjoy.[/b]
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