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Everything posted by Red

  1. [B]I would love to see some pics up here, lets just hope they're not sephiroth tripping over eh? [/B] :)
  2. [B]There has always been a better quality show (picture wise) with American DBZ episodes but in England because we have our eps edited by a Candian company our picture quality is worse. Only recently has the quality improved after the Canadians Went BACK and re-did the eps using American episodes. Weird I know, but you americans should count yourselves lucky[/B]
  3. Red

    Android Saga

    [B]Well Kakkarot SSJ4 DBZ was made years ago, just got dubbed in recent years. US ARE ON THE BUU SAGA! unbelieveable[/B]
  4. [B]That makes no sense though, they're can't be two timelines, not if we travel bac in time. You would travelling back in time and slipping into a parallel dimension[/B]
  5. [B]If you went back in time to save the president from being assasinated, you would stop him being assasinated, then you forget why you were there and everything that you had experienced beyond that point in your original timeline (say 5 five years), therefore, you would not be able to go back to your original timeline because you would have not had the idea to stop the assination because it had never happened. confusing eh?[/B]
  6. [B]HOLY S*** I didn't know you were gonna get married sephiroth, bloody hell. It seemed like only a while ago that we were all on version 1 of the boards and all we would do is do FF RPGS. You better not leave the boards[/B] :eek:
  7. [B]I just had the one person who I know who is a Gundam expert and works on my site quit the project, so i now have a half constructed music vid, info, and biography section. Anybody that may be willing to write a little info about the Gundam series or a bio to help me out? (You would be fully credited on my website) [/B]
  8. [B]Yeah I go to Ireland quite a lot and whenever I meet a girl over there I come back to England and lose all contact, but if you think about it, unless you really like the person you're not really gonna want to stay in contact with them[/B]
  9. [B]I was just visiting a website that I know of and it had a flash movie that I didn't notice until it started playing, It's just slightly down from the top of the page, the first update notice it should have a little black box saying loading on it, wait for it to load, I found this very funny, I hope you do [url]http://www.neogohan.net[/url][/B] :laugh: :rotflmao:
  10. [B]The fact that cell regenerates from one living cell is based on the fact that all cells contain all your DNA, so if they could divide and increase in number, they would be able to "regenerate" your entire body. But piccolo did say that Cell couldn't regenerate without his head, but the DBZ series has many silly faults in them, just be glad it's a good series.[/B]
  11. [B]Um Cibo I don't know where you got that from but Goku is a full saiyan. His real name is Kakkarot which means weakest fighter (in the saiyan race). Gohan is half saiyan so Pan is quarter saiyan etc. etc[/B]
  12. [B]Every Second day I try my best to go training in the park, preferably with a friend of mine who is only slightly better than me at martial arts. Since he has stopped training and only building up his muscles, I have surpassed him. This angers my friend greatly to the point of constantly punching, kicking me etc. It's really starting to get on my nerves because he thinks he can push me around but he's been a friend of mine for a long time. I've already asked him to quit trying to push me around but he won't listen. What should I do??[/B]
  13. [B]*Looks at babygirls picture of the rollercoaster* That Drop is Huge! I live in England so any really good rollercoasters are in short supply. I went on a "rollercoaster" that went backwards in the dark. If you can't see the huge drops you're about to go down, wheres the fun? Once again babygirl, that drop is HUGE![/B] :wow: :wow:
  14. :flaming: [B]I don't mind school, although sometimes it gets on my nerves, since my school isn't too great and i excel in some subjects where i get easy work and in subjects that i'm not good at i get really hard work [/B] :flaming:
  15. Red


    [B]Ok this kinda long but nasty (my parents don't know about this)- One day I was training in a park near me when a couple of kids that were bigger than me decided to take my stuff whilst i wasn't looking, i was watching my bag the entire time that they started to take it, so I ran up to them and told them to give my bag back. In response, the first kid kicked me in the balls and hit me across the back with my training stick. By this time i was very ticked off, so i got up and kicked the first guy in the chin. The other 2 kids went for me so i grabbed my training stick and hit the first one across the head and punched the second one, subsequently breaking his jaw. MORAL: People who hang around in gangs are cowards, and cannot fight for themselves, do martial arts, it helps. And Son Goten: I know how you feel, someone broke my arm once doing almost the same thing[/B]
  16. [B]Desert Shadow used to brilliant pictures, but i haven't got a clue where he's dissappeared to..... I think his website is [url]http://www.desertshadow.homestead.com[/url] i used to be affiliated with him, but since they introduced the new homestead i don't know if his site is still up there[/B]
  17. [B]I sing pretty well i suppose, I'm in a kind of band but our guitarist would like to get into bed with Mettalica he likes them so much (nothing wrong with them, he just takes it too far), I also play a little bit of the piano, i just learning to play the guitar and i play the recorder. (also shudders)[/B]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B] Not that i don't like Lego... I bet i love it more than anyone here. I haven't met someone with more of it than me, I just hate Harry Potter i can't use hardly any of the pieces to continue building my 18 and a half foot tall 1 square foot in diameter type tower thing... *GASP* [/B][/QUOTE] [B]That one big piece of lego building Cloud, that must of taken you a while, what happens when the lego people stop paying rent- you gonna build a lego wrecking ball and destroy the lego tower?????? Go on, give in to evilness[/B] :flaming:
  19. [B]Have you ever seen another anime- Tenchi for example, or Pokemon, people fall over when they hear stupid statements, or hit their toes off tables etc. It's the same with DBZ, it wouldn't be funny if Krillin threw the stone at Goku and it just shattered on his face and he just stared at Krillin, gloating about the fact that he can withstand a rock. That isn't funny![/B]
  20. [B]Ah yes, the old lego, i used to build so many cool things with that, buildings, spaceships. If only building was that simple in real life![/B]
  21. [B]Yeah I got the most terrible Sweatshirt of all time from a relative last year, it was in a really dark green colour[/B]
  22. [B]As long as they keep it reasonably close to it's roots, with a firm and complex storyline, I shall be happy with the Final Fantasy series.[/B]
  23. [B]Man... The old boards, brings back memories, anyone remember the hump war?[/B]
  24. [B]Christmas because everyone gets together for a day of happiness (except those idiots who think they can steal your christmas presents by standing outside in the -5 weather, idiots). But new years always gets the adrenalin flowing..[/B]
  25. [B]Can I just ask, is Pokemon still very popular in America? Over here in England Pokemons popularity has pretty much died except for the latest games, which have sold reasonably.[/B]
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