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Everything posted by Red

  1. [B]When Did Vegeta Do That??? When He Was Majin?[/B]
  2. [B]Oh please tell me what you guys are going on about, I'm incredibly confused and disorientated from all this chat about vegetables?????? *Needs explaining to*[/B] :huh:
  3. [B]Nah man they were way too slow, yeah there was a lot of silly chit chat in DBZ but at least their punches didn't last for an episode[/B]
  4. [B]I think it really sucked, the ideas were all there but they tried too hard, I mean SSJ4 was terrible, and so were most of the storylines in the series, the action was slow paced as well(Watch the Evil Shenron Saga you'll see what I mean).[/B]
  5. [B]Yes I know you all think that my theory is incredibly weird but think about it for a moment, their bodies wouldn't be able to cope with that much pure energy, so it would be wasted, so where else to store it?! That also explains why the SSJ hair gets longer each SSJ level. Oh and as for the spiky hair, how would you feel if you had 3ft of hair that always grows back if you cut it off hanging over your face when you were fighting?! I rest my case * Rests briefcase*[/B]
  6. Red

    Damn UK DBZ

    [B]I know it's a little late to say this but if anyone lives in London there's a little Japanese import store that used to sell import games AND subtitled episodes/movies of DBZ/GT. I don't know if they still do.. The shop is on Tottenham Court Road if anyone in London is interested[/B]
  7. [B]Outlaw Dragon i got the information from the horses mouth, AOL themselves, they've admitted that i does **** up your computer and on another note, AOL isn't just a dial up it's a program that uses it's own modified browser that can monitor your every move on the net[/B]
  8. [B]An ISP is an internet service provider.... The person you pay to have the internet in other words[/B]
  9. [B]May I please say to all Aol members that you should switch your ISP as soon as you can. I ask you to do this because you may regret it in the future. AOL puts files in your system folder that your computer sometimes rejects, ruining your hard drive to a point that it cannot be recovered. AOL have admitted this in the past and on the disk it says : "We cannot be held responsible for anything that may happen to your computer during the usage of AOL" etc. etc.[/B]
  10. [B]I saw parts of the new abilities system, it looks amazing. It's some kind of board game which you move characters around to get an ability on a certain square (e.g fire). As for the CGI movies- All i can say is tha---- *Gargles and falls over just thinking about em*[/B] :hippy:
  11. Red


    [B]The Second one was the best, but I didn't really like the fonts that you used Goten. That was a great picture Gohan.[/B]
  12. Red


    [B]May I please take this moment to ask WHAT IS EGGNOG?! I'm hearing all about how sick it is but not any description, we don't have eggnog over here in england so could someone please tell me what it is?[/B] :alcohol:
  13. [B]I only watched PPGs because of mojo jojo, that guy cracks me up too much. You will not beat me, for I am mojo jojo! etc. etc.[/B] :rotflmao:
  14. [B]He was forced to name Goku Kakkarot because that means "weakest fighter" which Goku was at the time.[/B]
  15. [B]My friend got terribly drunk once and fell out the window at a party. We were on the first floor of someones house and we were all thinking about how much trouble we were in when to our surprise he came running back up the stairs and jumped back out the window, screaming to us that it was "Really ******* Cool!" I don't reccomend....[/B]
  16. [B]*Shrugs Shoulders* well you know what i mean.... C'mon though, you have to admit it's a great saga[/B]
  17. [B]I like the Great Saiyaman Saga, where majin Vegeta fights Goku, no pointless chat, only useful stuff, and plenty of action. I also like the saga where Vegeta comes to Earth (Saiyan Saga) because of the first Goku vs Vegeta fight....[/B]
  18. [B]I study a bit before exams, i study a lot long before an exam (3 or 4 weeks) because I have a type of long term memory that makes me remember the smallest things weeks after i saw/heard them. Best thing to do in an exam is 1- Bring too many Pens/Pencils 2-RELAX! 3-Make sure you use your time well....[/B]
  19. [B]I look a lot like my avatar, huge blonde hair, the ability to fly, enormous muscles, energy waves.... And then i wake up[/B]
  20. [B]After much deliberation with about 40 people a couple of months ago, we came up with the fact that the hair is used to store the energy that is produced, the more energy, the longer the hair. SSJ4...... Red Fur maybe.... But Akira Toriyama didn't help in the DBGT series did he? Maybe he came up with the "Store power in the hair" theory[/B]
  21. [B]OK I can tell you know that unless that movie has some killer footage of when he transforms and Goku beats him the first time... That movie SUCKS, it was originally a saga.[/B]
  22. [B]A Very good book is "A Child Called 'It'" by Dave Pelzer..... Very emotional, excellent book[/B]
  23. [B]thats a good point babygirl, i don't think someone from 400 years ago would try to relate that sentence to todays comedy.... but what can it be meaning? Shakespeare did write a lot of tragidies in his time, maybe he's saying that he always seems to write tragidies instead of comedies or any comedies he writes turn out as tragidies.. AHHH! It really does make you think.........[/B] :wigout:
  24. [B]If you want DBZ pics, try [url]www.aurora-net.com[/url] [url]www.planetnamek.com[/url] [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] [url]www.pojo.com/dragonball[/url][/B]
  25. [B]The strangest thing about me... is that i can release adrenalin if i use a certain fighting technique i have that raises my strength and my speed slightly.. Learnt how to do it by reading a book[/B]
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