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Everything posted by Red

  1. [B]He only won by 500 votes and they're counting 2,700 supposedly fraud votes in Florida[/B]
  2. [B]George Bush Quotes (he actually said these!) 1. "Most of our imports come from other countries." 2. "Receptionist! What time is my 11 o'clock?" 3. "It isn't the pollution doing to the environment, it's the harmful gases and toxic liquids." George Bush is essentially the most powerful man on Earth, he has access to 3,500 Nukes![/B]
  3. [B]Happy bday........[/B]
  4. [B]erm...... I live in England and I'm in year 9 what Grade would that be?[/B] :confused:
  5. [B]I got 3 weeks left too, but then again I live in England so our holidays are really short[/B]
  6. [B]Awesome Awesome Awesome----- Get the point?[/B]
  7. This story takes place after the End of FF8. Squall never got together with Rinoa, thery went their seperate ways... Irvine eventually got married to Selphie. Quistis became president of Balamb garden and Zell took a job as leading fighting instructor in Balamb Garden. (This story is based around 9 months after the FF8 story) Squall receives word that Edea has died suddenly in her home, and whilst Rinoa was seen going to Edea's house, she was never seen coming out. Nobody could find her when they searched the house and in the area. All communication has been lost with Esthar city and the surrounding area, their last communication was about a large object on radar heading towards Tear's point.... Could it be the Lunatic Pandora??? Has Ultemecia returned??????? Right... Now who wants to be who??
  8. Red


    [B]3.0 Is Definetly a lot better, although I do feel very sorry for Thimoc when he registers and finds out all his 3,500 posts are gone.[/B]
  9. [B]Does Nobody like Tenchi all of a sudden???[/B]
  10. [B]Vegeta: He's unbeatable mentally and has a lot of physical ability. He has the best personality.[/B]
  11. [B]This new board is certainly a graphical leap over version 2.0[/B]
  12. Red


    [B]How do you put an avatar on??[/B]
  13. [B]Is there ever going to be a new series of Gundam Wing on Cartoon Network??[/B]
  14. Red


    [B]I'm unable to get onto otakuboards for a week and what happens? Hackings, new versions....... Oh well, nice new version, that's for sure. :)[/B]
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