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Everything posted by Red
[QUOTE=DeathBug]The sciences that the global warming theory is based upon is shakey at best, and just as much evidence poiints towards it as points against it. It became accepted as fact in the '80's because it was an effective scare-tactic for enviornmentalist groups looking to increase their political power. Don't take any of it too seriously.[/QUOTE] [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/4349133.stm][b]This[/b][/url], despite how controversial it is, seems to show how industry has effected our climate in recent years. The science it's based on isn't 'shakey' as it involves more than just one form of science; information needs to pooled from a variety of sources to reach any sort of conclusion about warming. Global warming does not mean we're going to see some sort of instant effect, where you can stroll out of your house in a shirt (or of course in the Southern hemisphere, naked). The average temperature of the Earth is predicted to increase by around 5 degrees C in the next hundred years. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong - but as far as I know carbon molecules contained within emitted greenhouse gases absorb the infrared light that bounces off the Earth's surface. After that it's emitted in all sorts of directions; the more gases in the atmosphere, the more this occurs.
[quote name='gaarasgirl90][COLOR=DarkRed']The controversy that had our country on edge. Do you really think that this non-vegetative women deserves a worser fate than those of criminals on death row?[/quote] A worse fate? It depends how you look at it. I don't think it's entirely determinable if she's concious or not - but I certainly would not want to spend the rest of my life in a bed, fed by a tube, unable to do anything except be. A criminal, in most cases, is fully aware of their imminent death & while it is taking place. It's almost impossible to tell whether Mrs. Schiavo is actually aware of her surroundings or not. [quote]Starvation, of all things, they would have been kinder to shoot her in the head![/quote] What other method do you propose for a woman whose sole source of life is that tube? Euthanasia by any other means is illegal. [quote] Her "husband", Micheal, had been seeing another women and had had kids with this women, and all while he is still legally married to her.[/quote] His wife has been in a vegatative state for 15 years, I fail to see what impact this could have on the case. [quote]He has denied using ANY of the money given to him for Terri's benifit and the medical experts who examined her have all said she could have been very re-habilitated by now, if she would have been given the proper therapies.[/quote] Where did you get this information from? [quote] Her husband claims she doesn't want to live, she is a complete vegetable. But she isn't and shows responses and awareness. What her unfaithfull scumbag husband wants, is the million dollars he receibes in case of her death. What is our country coming to when a girl who can't even defend her own life is being starved, when it is illegal to do this to criminals?[/quote] I really don't think that this case would be going on should she have shown true responsiveness - as Heaven's Cloud said so far it's only seemed to be common coma-related body actions. As for the being starved, if I remember correctly she will be given morphine as a precautionary measure; in case she can actually feel it. Again, it's illegal to do it to criminals due to the fact that they are known to be fully aware. Where does he get the millions of dollars from? [quote]Oh sorry, the sources I use are strictly talk radio, news papers and internet. I can't exactly give you specifics because once I read or hear them there gone.[/quote] Sources from the internet & newspapers aren't going anywhere fast - it would be helpful to provide them for the things you've mentioned as I'm sure something along those lines would be quite significant in the case. Personally, I think along the same lines as what some have mentioned in this thread: both sides are trying to do what they think is right for Mrs. Schiavo. I would very much so doubt that any parent would want to watch their child die, but at the same time I think the same can be said for Mr. Schiavo; after this many years of battling I doubt he's doing it out of anything but care for her.
[color=#002E55]A lot of hard drives (internal and external) that go over 200GB simply use more platters to increase storage capacity - which means you have more moving parts and a greater chance of mechanical failure. If you do decide to get something around that size, try to get one with a 3 year or above warranty on it. Also, making an external disk your bootable drive (the hard disk you run the operating system off & store it on) isn't a very good idea, as it will cause a speed bottleneck. Even USB 2.0/Firewire 800 connections (offering 480MB/s and 800MB/s transfer speeds, respectively) cannot provide sufficient speed, even though most disks can't get transfer speeds above 100MB/s, it's not the most important factor in the equation. But, as just mass storage, they're very good and save opening the computer up to get at IDE/SATA cables. ;)[/color]
[color=#002E55]What's special about London? You can get into a black cab (one from decades ago if it tickles your fancy), and drive around to see places like the Royal Albert Hall, Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, just to name a few. Following the river can lead you to the Tate gallery, but if you want something a bit smaller scale you could go to the Serpentine that resides in a seemingly random location within Hyde Park. Speaking of which, I love all the parks we have here. Hardly an accomplishment if you didn't happen to live in this smog-filled package of joy, but nice places nonetheless. Considering they are normally plots of land owned by the Queen and her many cronies, they're regularly paid attention to and for some reason manage to not get overcrowded during the warmer seasons. Primrose Hill has incredible views at night time - the top allows you to see some breathtaking sunrise and sunsets. You can row in Regent's Park or just stroll through it, still being able to jump back into the hustle if you want, at any number of different places. There's Hampstead Heath, a large piece of nearly untouched woodland that happily sits in between quite a few parts of the city. It's incredibly easy to get lost in, and lots of fun to explore. After all that, one of the places that's most special to me is Camden. You can be strolling through a seemingly 'normal' part of it one second, the next you're surrounded by all different types of people, stalls, food and strange dance-inducing music. You can buy anything from bondage gear to noodles; watch an impromptu gig set up in the Lock, or go to one later in the evening in one of the many venues there. The atmosphere never seems to leave the place, day or night. That, to me, is what's special about London.[/color]
[color=#002E55]Hated the movie but I'm a big fan of both series, heh. In terms of Atlantis : [spoiler]I think that the Wraith are people who came across technology used by another race - the people who killed the Ancients in the first place. They might be in the same situation as the current Atlantis team, only having utilised and mastered a few of the technologies they discovered. The Wraith might have been a rather primitive race who stumbled across technology and learned to use it, slowly. Whereas humans have far more experience with new and old technology as a whole.[/spoiler] [/color]
[color=#002E55]I quite like The Killers, they strike me as something out of the 80's thats managed to take on a bit more of a mature approach to the music, while sticking to the same sound style. I met them quite a while ago while they were in London and the few songs they played were great then, I haven't seen them live since. Of all the songs on the album Believe Me Natalie, Somebody Told Me and Andy, You're a Star are my favourites. However, I did hear that they had put on American accents for some gigs and were considering it for their CDs - or something along those lines. If that's true my opinion of the band would certainly change, heh.[/color]
[color=#002E55]doukeshi3 - I've merged your thread with this one. First of all I would make sure that it's not the messenger exploit, do the adverts come up with only a message and a clickable 'ok' box? If so, follow the steps at the beginning of this thread to get rid of them. If not, I don't see how pop ups could keep occuring after you've done spyware and virus checks without an installed program having physically put them on your system. As Petie suggested, go through add/remove programs and look for anything that looks terribly out of place. Although, I wouldn't suggest installing Service Pack 2 if you play many PC games, it's been known to cause a variety of problems in regard to playing/installing them. I'd stick with SP1 and the regular updates until Microsoft completely fix SP2. However, if you don't do much gaming I highly recommend it.[/color]
[color=#002E55]Well, I started out in Version 2 as The Elite DBZ... what a name. I didn't have a clue what I was doing and quickly adopted bold type posting in honour of Desert Shadow with AJeh and annoying Sephiroth. O_o; I went through the first name change, to Elite, and then to this. Not a very exciting history I know, but I still see some of the other older members around and have recently caught up with DS. It 'tis a pity some of them aren't around these parts anymore, but things move on, eh. [/color]
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
Red replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=#002E55]Some things that have been in here so far sound pretty darn painful, eh. I've had quite a few breaks and dislocations, but the most painful things that happened to me were : First, getting jumped by someone with a crowbar on my way home from school. I ended up with something that felt like a 5 bottle of whiskey hangover along with a dislocated shoulder and knee. Second would probably be the first time I dislocated my knee. I was playing basketball when basically stepped on my knee whilst trying to get the ball from me, pushing my leg down onto the floor. I didn't feel anything and thought nothing of it until I stood up and realised my kneecap wasn't in the right place anymore. My knee made a funny sound and then just hurt like it was being repeatedly run over for a week. Third would be when I got beaten up by about 20 people after failing to avoid them, as they were chasing after me. I didn't really feel it when it happened, but I sure did when I woke up. Not fun things that happened really, I just wish I could've avoided them.[/color] -
[color=#002E55]Ahh, it's a joy getting them off finally, isn't it? I had mine for nearly 3 years, they only came off just before I turned 17, I think. My mouth did feel like it wasn't really there for almost a week, though, extremely strange at first but relieving in the end. [/color]
[QUOTE=Siren] Now, if it's so prevalent already, and people light up a cigarette even on their way to campus, what do we think is going to happen if marijuana is legalized? People are going to be lighting up a fat one on their way to class. [/QUOTE] [color=#002E55]Just because it becomes 'legalised' doesn't mean it can be smoked anywhere. The idea is that punishments for smoking outside of places that are deemed okay (i.e your home, a cafe) are increased quite a bit compared to the punishments that people face now. The other thing is that the only thing most likely to be legalised is regular, run of the mill weed, while most people smoke the much stronger variations. While the legalised variety will no doubt be very popular due to it's availability and lack of repurcussions, stronger types will still be there. My point is that people may try weed for the first time in a cafe were it legalised, then decide to move on to a stronger type to get a different kind of high. Although, if it's implemented right, the amount of stronger weed sold by people dealing it illegally will go down due to the harsher punishments they will face, as they will most likely start to sell it for an increased price. In my personal opinion I see no problem in legalising marijuana or even it's stronger variants, regardless of medicinal purposes or not. If the sale of it followed a similar pattern to cigarettes (as in, labels on the packets clearly stating any risks involved and how it will affect the person) I would be happy with that. I think it's somebody's decision whether or not they want to smoke marijuana, the 'risks' involved are often exaggerated to a high degree. Yes, schizophrenia and symptoms related to it pop up, but due to the psychological make up of the person, not solely through the smoking. However, no matter how much people debate the point, there will always be a cloud of uncertainty hanging over the argument on both sides. It's difficult to prove that marijuana will always have a bad or good effect, due to the fact that it relies quite heavily on the state of the person's mind. [/color]
[color=#002E55]If the picture is appearing really small in the window it opens in and you're using Internet Explorer, go to tools > internet options > advanced and scroll down to multimedia. Then uncheck "enable automatic image resizing". The 'error' you got was something about Windows being unsure whether the drivers you were installing would work with XP or not. Clicking continue shouldn't do anything, it does that with quite a few different drivers. :)[/color]
[color=#002E55]Try copying and pasting the thing that the installer asks you, somebody may know what it means and be able to help you. If you can't copy and paste, just hit prntscrn, open paint, hit ctrl + v and attach a jpeg image of the problem into another post. ;) As for the screen going dark, that's almost always a driver program. Are you using catalysts at the moment? If so you could try going back a version or updating them. The same goes for whatever drivers you're using, really.[/color]
[color=#002E55]Welcome to the PC help thread. The intention of this thread is to provide help for those who need it in a singular thread - rather than having loads of threads lying about the place that confuse people and sometimes leading to people not getting the assistance they want. Anybody with links to more free spyware removers/online virus scanners, feel free to PM me and I'll edit my post to include them here. Also, if anyone has any real tips/solutions for Mac problems, I'd be glad to put them here as well. Any threads that I see in this forum asking for tech help will be merged with this one. Please stick to the rules and try to use some of the programs/methods that I'm going to provide in this post before posting here. Many of the problems that people experience can be solved by some of these programs. If not, feel free to post and request for help and hopefully someone will be able to help you along the way. ^_^ [b]Spyware[/b] : Spyware comes in many forms and can do a variety of things to your computer. Some range from startup icons (in the bottom right hand corner, next to the time, in Windows) that monitor your internet activity and pester you to download/buy things, others put toolbars in internet explorer or sit quietly and give certain websites information about your internet activity. Most spyware isn't harmful to your computer, just annoying and a waste of resources. There are two good programs out there that can remove spyware easily (I've included direct download links, these programs cause no harm to computers whatsoever and contain no advertising) - [url=http://www.download.com/3000-2144-10045910.html?part=69274&subj=dlpage&tag=button]AdAware[/url] is a useful and easy-to-use spyware removal tool. After downloading, installing and then opening it, click "scan now". Unless you want to customise your scanning options (such as only scanning certain folders), click on "use custom scanning options". Otherwise, click on "perform smart system scan" and then "next" in the bottom right. After AdAware has finished scanning your registry and folders it will come up with a list of spyware programs it has found. Unless you think it's wrongly distinguished a particular file as spyware, right click on one of the little boxes on the left and click on "select all objects" and then "next". AdAware will then remove the spyware files you have selected. [url=http://www.download.com/3000-2144-10122137.html?part=104443&subj=dlpage&tag=button]Spybot Search & Destroy[/url] is a little more advanced than AdAware, but in some respects better at finding spyware. [b]Note:[/b] If you have AdAware installed along with Spybot S&D - AdAware may 'find' spyware located in Spybot's folder. This isn't actually spyware, but records and backups (that don't work anymore) that Spybot keeps, so don't think that Spybot is a piece of spyware, as it's not. Also, if you have Download Accelerator Plus installed, Spybot will distinguish the adverts in the program as spyware. Deleting them will prevent DAP from working, so uncheck them after the scan. After installing Spybot, open it and click on "check for problems". Spybot will then scan and give you a list of the things that is has found on your computer as spyware. You can choose which you want to keep (such as DAP, if you want it to continue running) by unchecking the little boxes next to each listed file. After you've done this, click on "fix selected problems". Sometimes Spybot will try to create a system restore point. You can prevent this if you wish, but because Spybot detects registry exploits (which Adaware doesn't), it's advisable that you do to allow yourself a chance to restore should you get rid of the wrong file. [b]Virii/Worms[/b] : I recommend taking both of these scans, as sometimes one or the other is unable to detect or clean certain virii. [url=http://housecall.trendmicro.com]TrendMicro's website[/url] provides a free online virus scan which will require you to say "yes" to the download popup window that comes up, so don't be alarmed, it's just the scanning engine downloading part of itself onto your computer so it can run online. You can choose which drives on your computer you wish to scan, and the scanner can either automatically clean files of virii or you can choose to have it ask you at the end of the scan. [url=http://www.pandasoftware.com/activescan/com/activescan_principal.htm]Panda Software's[/url] free online scanner is pretty much the same as above, but as mentioned before, can sometimes find and clean virii that TrendMicro's scanner is unable to. It will also require you to download the engine onto your computer so it can scan online. You can select which drives you want to be scanned and if you the scanner to clean the files automatically or let you decide at the end. [b]Other Exploits[/b] : As I'm sure a lot of people know, there are a number of exploits people have used to seriously annoy Windows users. First up is messenger, which brings little boxes up on your screen with only an "OK" button to click (while you're on the internet), and advertises a variety of things I'm sure you aren't interested in buying. To get rid of it, follow these instructions. [b]Note[/b] : If you have multiple Windows accounts, you need to be logged into the account that has administrator access (normally the first account that was created). Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Scroll down to "Messenger" and double click on it. Click on the drop-down box next to "Startup Type" and then click on disabled, then apply. Once your computer has restarted this change will take effect, and you will no longer get the pop-ups. Second is the worm, MSBlast, and it's many variations. It's rife on the internet, and most people with fresh Windows installs get it after logging onto the internet. If you get the NT/AUTHORITY dialog box telling you your computer is going to shutdown in 60 seconds, click on Start, then Run. Type "cmd" into the dialog and press enter, which should bring up a DOS window. Then, type "shutdown -a" (without the ""). This will get rid of the box and prevent your computer from shutting down, but your profile will be lost for the period that your computer is booted, preventing from doing small things like clicking once on a link to open a new window, among other things. However, this will give you enough time to go to [url=www.windowsupdate.com]the Windows Update website[/url] and download the necessary updates to protect you from MSBlast. Also, if your computer does restart, press ctrl + alt + delete after you log on to windows and look for "msblast.exe", then end the process. Although, this will not stop the 60 second shutdown box once it has come up on your screen. The third is still having the MSBlast variants on your computer, for which there is a program from McAfee Stinger. This standalone scanner detects 32 variants of the MSBlast worm and is a very small download (~720KB), along with requiring no installation. A download link can be located [url=http://download.nai.com/products/mcafee-avert/stinger.exe]here.[/url] Again, downloading the [url=www.windowsupdate.com]Windows Updates[/url] can prevent quite a few exploits from occuring, but for virii and spyware the tools listed above provide excellent protection. You can also download a free firewall from [url=http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/company/products/znalm/freeDownload.jsp]Zonelabs[/url], called ZoneAlarm, but it has been known to cause crashes in some systems due it's use of the true vector engine. If you do download ZoneAlarm and start experiencing crashes (and think they may be related), right click on my computer, click "manage", then "Event viewer" and check the Application and System icons for "True Vector Service" errors with a big red 'x' next to them. Anyone can feel free to PM me with more free spyware killers/virus scanners/tips for people and I'll post them up here. Other than that, feel free to post what problem you're having (if you don't think it can be sorted by the above or you have tried already).[/color]
[color=#002E55]The thing is, it's a private business. The owner can do whatever they want, so who cares if they put an age restriction that's higher than drinking age? It's the owners business, and they can do whatever they want with it. They could even put a 60+ restriction on it. The word discrimination is used far too much in society for the most silly things. There's a chain over here called All Bar One (which is a restaurant as well as a bar) and the age restriction is 21, despite the legal drinking age being 18. The reason? Too many kids coming into the place and trying to get drinks because they look 18. People can get in a [i]lot[/i] of trouble for allowing someone underage to drink in their establishment - even to the point of getting a bar closed down, so why take the risk when you can still cater to the tastes of the majority of your customers? Like Tony said, there are plenty of other places that you can go that don't have an age restriction so high on them. [/color]
Happy Tree Friends (warning: Contains extreme gore!)
Red replied to SilverCyclone's topic in Noosphere
[color=#002E55]I've moved this from PC/Mac to Music, Movies & TV because Happy Tree Friends has been on DVD for a long time, and is currently being shown on MTV; which I don't really brings up much about computers, heh.[/color] -
[QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Yeah, stupid parents! Making us do chores, and all they ever do for us is...put a roof over our head, feed us, clothe us, tend to our medical needs, drive us places, provide heat, water and power, keep us in the standard of living we're accostumed to... And we have to take out the trash? Damn them!! >:([/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [color=#002E55]Indeed. I have no problem with doing chores for my parents if they ask me to. I just remember that they're the ones providing me with a roof over my head and everything that comes with it. Plus, they've been looking after me for years without me lifting a finger due to my age - now it's my turn to return the favour. [/color]
[color=#002E55]Ah, it's about time somebody made a thread about this, heh. England's game against France was an excellent display of football, despite the end result. In all honesty - if Gerrard hadn't passed back to James at the end of the game it would have been a well-deserved draw, on both sides. I really don't know what Gerrard was thinking; he should have known Henry would exploit the fact that he wasn't offside and literally sit inside the box in case a ball came back. No one can really blame James, considering it was either he go one-on-one with Henry or try and force a free kick (instead of a penalty) by challenging him outside the box. Beckham's penalty was well saved in my opinion, and Zidane's free kick just showed why many people regard him as the best footballer in the world, lol. Nothing amuses me more than someone basically avoiding the wall entirely and still managing to completely baffle the keeper. I didn't like the way Wayne Rooney was getting hot-headed towards the end, not a good way to try and show that you have talent as a young player. As for Holland's match against Germany.. as usual I felt that Germany played a thoroughly boring game of football, until Schweinsteiger came on. Now [i]there[/i] is a player with a heck of a lot of talent, I can imagine him causing havoc later on in the tournament should Germany play him more. I really didn't think Holland played well at all until around the 75th minute, just before their goal. I hope they pick up a bit, it would be a pity to see such a skilled team lose out early on. Although, Ireland aren't in it, so I'm left with no one to support. :([/color]
[color=#002E55]I've wanted to get a tattoo for years, I'm just not sure where I want to put it. I've also had the design for absolutely ages, but I guess I've just never got around to getting it done. If I was to get a piercing I'd get a labrae spike, purely because I love the things to bits. Whenever I see someone on the train fiddling with the end of the spike with their tongue I wish I was them, lol. ^_^;;[/color]
[color=#002E55]I have to pay a stupid amount to get my hair cut, and that's about it. The only reason I pay so much a year is because my hair grows back to what I consider full length in about a few weeks. My hairdresser probably knows more about me than my parents by now. Anywho, I haven't bought clothes in around a year. Even then, I don't spend much at all and generally get bored walking around stores and so forth. I know that I dress like a complete fool with my set of sweatshirts, jeans and t-shirts but I don't care. That is, until I get some more money. ^_^;[/color]
[color=#002E55]Well, sex education in England normally happens at around Year 4 (when you're about 9-10 years old); and then takes place once again in year 6 (when you're about 10-11 years old). It normally involves a bunch of naked people running around doing something stupid and the video kindly zooms in on various unmentionables and tells you about them. Hence, I learned a horrendous amount about sex in a short space of time via a video that made it seem like people made babies by playing naked volleyball with their children. That was, of course, until the more 'advanced' sex education took place in year 6, which left me with a year of wondering if my parents played much volleyball anymore. Ahem. To be honest I only think someone [i]really[/i] learns about sex when they grow up and it starts to get brought up in conversation a lot by horny, seemingly undersexed teenage friends. Unless, of course, someone really pays attention to the nude volleyball.[/color]
[color=#002E55]Third-generation mobile phones (or cell phones as they're called across the pond :p) have been around in England for about a year and a half now. They've gained quite a large amount of subscribers and have never been unpopular, but until now have been relatively expensive. Over here you can either get pay as you go, which is top-up credit on your phone without a contract; but you have to buy the handset yourself. Contracts are a minimum of 12 months with a monthly fee, but you get the phone for next to nothing - and many more people are taking advantage of this. Picture taking/sending, video recording/sending, e-mails, GPS and mini-map navigators are all on the 'latest' phones over here now, and they're proving to be as popular as their predecessors. I actually quite like the idea, as it means there is so much more people can do than just receiving and making calls. Friends of mine have given other friends directions to where we were by taking a picture of the surrounding area, heh.[/color]
[color=#002E55]Well, I first stumbled upon theOtaku when I was looking for pictures and episode guides for Dragonball Z, since over here the episodes hadn't progressed very far. I kept visiting, especially as I started to watch other animes that were on theOtaku, but I hadn't noticed the little message board logo in the corner. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was a little Vegeta picture with a link, but for some reason it didn't entice me until I was working in an office and decided to see what it was all about; probably out of pure boredom. ^_^;[/color]
[color=002E55]Ultimately I'd love to get my labret and/or tongue pierced, but my parents, immediate family and a large majority of my friends would kill me. I had my ear pierced by a friend when I was much younger (big, [i]huge[/i] mistake), and my aunty wasn't best pleased by it... so I'll avoid them for a few years. Eheh. ^_^;[/color]
[color=002E55]I don't think I've done this. O_o; [B]Name: [/B] Gerard Hughes [B]Age: [/B] 17 [B]DOB: [/B] September 19th, 1986 [B]Location: [/B] London, England [B]One Word: [/B] Chip [B]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: [/B] Eccentric [B]Occupation: [/B] School-less boy in part-time education [B]Color: [/B] Red [B]Food: [/B] Pizza [B]Beverage: [/B] Strawberry Milkshake [B]Alter Ego: [/B] Nancy (long story) [B]Dream Job: [/B] Programmer/Designer [B]Self-Proclaimed: [/B] Weirdo [B]Ethnicity: [/B] Irish [B]Extracurricular: [/B] None [B]Hobby: [/B] Music, going out, designing, games [B]Dessert: [/B] Phish Food [B]Musician: [/B] Matt Bellamy [B]Group: [/B] Muse; Radiohead; AFI; A Perfect Circle (to name a few) [B]Mac or PC?[/B] PC. [B]Nics: [/B] Red, RedDragon, Ger, Elite and all the other mini-names that go with it ~_^ [B]Blog: [/B] [url=http://www.myotaku/red]MyOtaku[/url] or [url=www.20six.co.uk]hmm[/url] [B]Home Page: [/B] Arr. [B]Religion: [/B] I'm agnostic [B]Book: [/B] A Child Called It or To Kill a Mockingbird [B]Collections: [/B] Nothing really [B]Sport: [/B] Hurling/Rugby [B]Won't Eat: [/B] Celery [B]TV Show: [/B] Futurama, Family Guy, Stargate, 4Music [B]Words to live by:[/B] Live, Laugh, Love [B]Addicted to: [/B] Diet Coke; my beanie [B]Comic: [/B] none [B]Movie: [/B] Of Mice and Men; Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon; Romeo & Juliet (version with DiCaprio) [/color]