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Everything posted by Red
[color=002E55]Ha, people actually like Muse? I'm amazed. *Huge fan* Well, I got and iPod, my name written on a dragon in Japanese, some random clothes and "dude, where's my country?" by Michael Moore. That, along with a 'muse live' DVD, something my cousin got me because he's filmed a lot of their shows and got it free. :)[/color]
[color=002E55]My favourite out of all of those banners has to be the fourth Matrix Revolutions one. I like the way your edits seem quite minor, yet make a significant impact on the image as a whole. They seem very 'neat', too, a style which is easily recognisable as yours and a nice touch. As always, nice banners. [size=1]Make an M.Bison banner. ^__^;[/size][/color]
[color=002e55]I agree with what James said at the top of this page, but I guess I'm guilty of some of those things myself. However, sometimes I just want to divulge how I feel to people outside of my life, but who are my friends. Prime example, those on the internet. When something bad happens in my life, it normally involves absolutely everyone in my life, and I have no one to fall back on. I've felt suicidal in the past, heck I've even tried to kill myself, obviously failing - but when I look deep down I feel I had valid reasons at the time.. because then I didn't think anything was going to get better. If anything - my life has decided to fall downhill faster than ever, but I'm trying to sort it out instead of giving up. James - and others - have mentioned to look at positives. There are times when a person can literally find absolutely nothing to keep them going; life feels like an old machine that needs oiling but will never receive it, and will only grind to a slow and painful halt as it fails in its working capacity. I met someone a couple of months ago, who astonished me because she had kept going through years of hell, years of punishment and pain; yet there I was giving up. The thing is, to a person looking on the outside, it may seem like there are better things and positive things to look for, but for the person themselves it looks like there's nothing to live for. She had nothing, yet kept going in the vague hope things would look up. They are now for her, and I can see she's happy she didn't give up despite 16 years of crap being piled on top of her. So I won't either.[/color]
[color=002E55]I don't really have a curfew.. I haven't had one for years. Only time restriction my parents like to try and put on me is going to bed reasonably early on a school night; which normally doesn't work anyway, lol.[/color]
[color=002E55]What minor problems are they? Specifics would be really appreciated. >.>;[/color]
[color=002E55]This is rather rough, I would call it a first draft. I like it so far but could use some outside opinions and criticism. It's not meant to be long at all.[/color] [center]Jay[/center] He lay awake on his bed, living the usual dream out in his mind, which was gradually growing more twisted as his life seemingly dragged on. Sitting up, he glanced out of the open window to see a bleak night sky; a few stars resisting consumption by the clouds and showing their distant faces. A gust of wind sent the curtains flapping into the air, and Jay smiled faintly. [i]Cause and effect[/i] he thought. The two words whirled around in his mind like the curtains. The wind had blown ? the curtains had moved as a consequence. Now he was trying to find a cause for his effect. The small smirk disappeared from Jay?s face as he began to think. He felt like a walking cliché. Boy grows up, boy gets tired of life, boy dies with what seems like miniscule reasons to do so. But they weren?t miniscule reasons to him. He had played every strategy in the game, but had always lost. If he was always going to lose ? why bother playing the game? He admired the picture of a former love and the blade at the same time. They both seemed so innocent, yet both left you to bleed without a care in the world, and both were cold. Jay would never place the reason of his death onto her, she wasn?t worth it, despite how he had said she meant everything in the world to him, he had to deny it now. He had to pretend it was all okay ? pretend he had let his love die. It hadn?t, and he couldn?t do it; so he had to die and take it down with him. He realized he was placing the blame on her, let out a long sigh, and slowly lifted the blade from the table. It shimmered, even under the room?s discreet lighting. Jay?s hands dripped with sweat; which was soon mixed with blood as the blade fiercely kissed his flesh. A thought of regret momentarily dropped into his head, but he shook it off, reciting his previous reasons over and over until they consumed all thoughts of going back. Jay whispered to himself as he drew the blade across his other wrist, as if to reassure himself that what he had chosen to do had good reasoning behind it. As blood poured from his arms, he forgot his reasons. The thick blood oozed from the deep wounds in his wrists, as if eager to escape and it all for Jay. He wondered if his body whole-heartedly agreed or was just trying to make it painless. The walls gently waved and swirled into a mix of colour and light, Jay?s head floating slowly down onto the now blood-soaked pillow. He whispered a sweet goodbye to nothing, along with everything, forgetting all except the person he gave the life he was taking a long time ago.
[color=002E55]You have to do "
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]Nice, nice. My favorite is Red's with the whole "tech" look. Very cool. Is that stuff to the right realtime data, or just part of the picture? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=002E55]It's real-time updates, I got it because I was having problems with my CPU and RAM getting used up for no reason and I wanted to see when it was happening. It's a little program called CoolMon. [/color]
[color=002E55]I'd like a desktop image that is a little brighter, but I recently formatted and lost all of my old ones. 'scuse the bad quality, no image conversion programs except for paint.. due to aforementioned format. ;) [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=489306[/img][/color]
[color=002E55]Harry, you're still generalising. There are racists [i]everywhere[/i], obviously more in some places than others. Just because someone lives where there are more, it doesn't automatically make their argument flawed.[/color]
[color=002E55]I think parents are like that because they don't understand the internet. My aunty was worried that someone could get her home address by talking to my little cousins, but I assured her that's not going to happen. So, I think most parents are just trying to 'protect' you because they think you don't understand how someone like a paedophile can be lurking on the internet, and they also think he/she has the means to track you down, lol.[/color]
[color=002E55]Erm.. First of all, you tried to hit him in the balls. Then you say you're going to the police, but tomorrow you're going to go to his neighbourhood and [i]start[/i] a fight? If you do that, you're the one in the wrong; not him.[/color]
[color=002E55]I know that the things that have happened to me in the past, no matter how much I hate them, have made me who I am today. I wouldn't want to change me.[/color]
[color=002E55]Smarter racists out there, Die Krähe? Exactly how does that work? People who are unable to accept that there is absolutely zero difference between someone who (for example) is black and someone who is white are just plain stupid to me. I might understand or try to comprehend your views, had you provided reasons as to [i]why[/i] you hate or dislike all those things. Instead, you come on blurting that Communism simply 'doesn't work', and that certain races piss you off. I've already stated my reasons as to why I think racists are just plain stupid, how about you justify racism for me?[/color]
[color=002E55]You don't by any chance go to the Muse.mu board do you, Quicksilver? lol. I'm going to Leeds this weekend with a bunch of friends, hopefully meeting a few people there too. Can't wait to see AFI, and as much as I don't really like The Used, I've heard some of their live stuff and it sounds pretty good. Guess I'll have to wait and see. It's gonna be one hell of a festival, heh. :D[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] If you don't believe in Him, I'm sorry--I pray that you find Truth one day. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=002E55]Who's truth is that, though? Yours, and maybe many others, but not necessarily everyone. There is no conclusive proof that God exists, yet there is none that proves that he doesn't. I don't bother with this kind of thing anymore. I'm split down the middle when it comes to believing in God, for many reasons... so I'll wait until I'm proved 100% either way.[/color]
[color=002E55]I weigh 161lbs at the moment, I used to weigh 170 but I've lost a few. Hoping (although not trying so hard, as that seems pointless in my opinion) to lose a few more, but I'm certainly not hopping mad anymore over my weight. I've actually come to accept it (shocking revelation!). I realise that if I lost more weight I'd be quite thin for my height, which is 6'2. I'm not in bad shape at all, I have a pretty regular excercise routine, and if I'm really bored I'll just stick some music on and do some exercising. Bam, weight gone. People really shouldn't be 'worrying' about weight in my opinion, it's unnecessary and quite easy to get rid of; meaning it shouldn't be such a high priority.[/color]
[color=002E55]Where there are small-minded people, there shall always be racism. The world seems to be in no short supply of people with miniscule minds. I live in London. It's about as multi-cultural as you can get; I see people from all races and cultures just by stepping outside my house and walking down the street. Yet, a lot of people are completely unable to accept the fact that these people are [i]no[/i] different in terms of who they are. Skin colour, who you worship and so forth seem to be immediate deciding factors to what kind of person you are to a lot of people, which is sad but unfortunately true. My best friend is black, and I've known him since I was around 2 years old. What colour he is bears no relation to anything; it never has and it never will. I guess I don't understand why people think something on the outside, or how someone lives part of their life makes them such a 'different' person on the inside.[/color]
[color=002E55]One heck of a strange career change/decision you've made there mate, but all the best to you in your pursuits, just don't get yourself hurt or anything. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Logan [/i] [B][size=1][color=700000][b]I have one question: Why is Australlia under Queen Elizabeth? I have nothing against the English, but she hardly does anything in power. Was there some war or something? Leh[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=002E55]Australia was established by the United Kingdom, so they still have some form of presence there. Even though I'm not from Australia (and to be honest don't much about Australia or it's government.. parliament eh? Guffaw), I think cutting ties with the English monarchy and becoming a republic would be a good idea, even if it is replacing it with a similar system. As for the flag, getting rid of the English part would make sense if Australia did become a republic, but I can understand how people feel towards their countries flag; changing it might not please many people.[/color]
[color=002E55]In my opinion trying to generalise how most women think is a tad bit silly. Everyone is their own person, although some people think/act the same sometimes doesn't mean that everyone from the same 'group' will do too.[/color]
The Terminator/Politician (Arnold runs for Governor)
Red replied to OtakuSennen's topic in General Discussion
[color=002E55]Just because someone is/was an actor doesn't mean they're not capable of doing that kind of job. If he manages to pull it off, good on him. If not, people can continue to group actors as bad at everything else (including acting if you're a critic).[/color] -
[color=002E55]Sorry to hear about your loss. In January of this year I lost one of my closest friends to a car accident in France, which has led onto many things; including her mother blaming me and some of her closest friends for encouraging her to go over there for a break. In June a close friend of mine committed suicide for what seemed like no apparent reason (at the time). It was pretty devastating to have both those things happen pretty close together, so I know what it feels like to lose a friend. :/[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]::slaps Ger out of his trance:: Pervert :p I was referring to the [i]drunken-ness[/i] as being good, wholesome fun, sillies![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=002E55]That's what I was staring for! The drunken-ness. Oi, honestly, guv. :toothy: When do American schools get out for the summer anyway? If you get off at the same time as England (July over here, June if you did exams like me *cough*), August is awful early a time to be going back.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] I went to Detroit for my boyfriend's 21st birthday, and THAT was good, wholesome fun :toothy: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=002E55]*stares* Well, my summer lasts until September 6th, or just a little while after that I'm not sure. Hopefully I can get a job and some sort of cash flow going before I get back to school, since I have plenty of time to go around getting boring applications. As for my summer so far, it's been actually quite fun and eventful for a change, impulsively camping out in a park illegaly is fun, you know.[/color]