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Everything posted by Red

  1. Red

    Woo number 2..

    [color=002E55]I tried adding some more colours like red, but it turned out very badly, heh. I'll try some more tones with orange.. but I want it to stick close to 'amber' for a good reason. :p[/color]
  2. [color=002E55]Wow, I must say this looks excellent. I love the chain coming from the left arm, it looks very.. real. (yes I know I can't describe what I think well) The only gripe I have is that his left eye looks a little, empty, but other than that it looks incredible.[/color]
  3. [color=002E55]Well, before I go away for a few days I thought I might post this and get some ideas on it. I've already gotten the basics (font change, position of font change and yes, a border); but any other improvements to it would be so appreciated. Yes - you may have seen the base for this in my other thread, but as I said I was making something bigger. Also, I have to add another picture to it, so if there is any blank space it'll be used for something special, heh. Quality's a bit low, so it doesn't take days to load. :p[/color]
  4. [color=002E55][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25707]Ditto.[/url] Seems to be cropping up everywhere. Is the database recording times wrong for posts and putting them on top of each other or something?[/color]
  5. [color=005E55]My cousin wants me to get a piercing, but other than that I've never, ever had one. If I was ever to get one done.. it would be my eyebrow. That's because I have an annoying scar that digs right into it and I'd love to cover it up.[/color]
  6. [quote]The weather's been fairly good recently, can't guarantee that during your stay though. And can I just say that our English was here first ^_^. BTW, where in Ireland you going to? Belfast or Dublin?[/quote] [color=002E55]You say it like those are the only two places to go to, lol. Tipperary! *trails off* The weather in London has been very, very hot by our standards. By yours, it could be just like spring weather. Oo;[/color]
  7. [color=002E55]London is the best (:p), but also particularly big. Tell me where in London/when you're going to be there and I'll [strike]stalk[/strike] meet you. I want chopsticks.. Oo; Pack lots of chopsticks. They're always very good.[/color]
  8. [color=002E55]I have so many regrets that I've tried to push them all out of my head. When I think about stuff that I regret doing, or moreso stuff that I didn't do; it's all full of 'what ifs' and 'if onlys'. The only thing I can do now is think that whats done is done and move on.[/color]
  9. [color=002E55]I don't sleep very often, as many people might know. O_o; Mostly it involves me drudging into bed when there's nothing else to do. Sometimes when I come back from going out at about 2am I just sit around watching TV.. or listening to music. At about 4.30am I normally get really bored and go to bed to 'pass the time', I suppose. My dad gets up at 5am in the morning, and he [i]hates[/i] me not sleeping.. so normally I go to bed before just to keep him from having a go at me. When I [i]do[/i] actually want to get to sleep, there's nothing like some mellow music to get me off to the land of nod. I stopped counting sheep due to an overpopulation problem. :)[/color]
  10. [color=002E55]Any 3D rendering program is good to start out with. Trust me, you have a [i]lot[/i] to learn. I use 3DS Max, and I have been for about 2 and a half months. I still barely understand how to get some basic things right. The book that I'll be borrowing (which is just like one long, fat tutorial) is well over 900 pages long; and that's for an older version. Free is good, too, so I think you should go for it. Most other 3D rendering programs would burn a huge hole in your pocket to buy, unless you get them other ways.[/color]
  11. Red


    [color=002E55]Someone told me to post more art type stuff, so this is what I'm doing. I tried to get the impression of blood running across a surface, but I'm not so sure if I've done it so well. Improvements/suggestions would be much appreciated. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=412807[/img][/color]
  12. [quote]There is no possible way for Ki/chi to exist. A person tapping into his innner strength is just when he needs to and his brain pullls it out of him. Like when I am enraged, my strength more than triples. I can't exert that force on purpose, nor most or nearly all of any time. Our bodeis have amazing potential, we just can't use it for just anything. An example would be a normal man lifting a car. He wouldn't be able to do it on his own. But lets say his daughter is stuck under the car. He probably could lift the car enough for her to get out. All potentail. Same with speed and agility. Ever almost fallen into a pool with an expensive shirt/shoes on that would get ruined? Probably. Thing is that you probably pulled of cat-like acrobatics and reflexes to prevent yourself from falling. Could you do that normally? No. Could you do it if you ever need to? No. Could you do that if you ever HAD to? Yep![/quote] [color=002E55]Did you actually read what I said? lol. Adrenaline. It's a chemical released by our bodies when our brains pick up on the fact that we're in a not-so-normal situation. You said yourself, people have been known to lift cars off the floor (by a few wheels, but it's still amounting to around 750kg) when they're in desperate need to. Adrenaline is like a drug - it gives your body a massive boost when it most needs it and expends most of your energy in one big burst.[/color]
  13. [color=002E55]In stuff like fighting, I don't really believe that it's there. When adrenaline is released into the body, that's when a noticeable increase in senses, strength and overall physical ability seem to rise. I mean, I believe there is a certain physical energy, but it's all just science once broken down. (e.g when you feel like you can't fight anymore because you're so worn out - there's scientific basis behind that but you call it 'energy' overall). Stuff like forming energy balls in your hands.. moving stuff, I don't really believe in. The part about humans only using a certain percentage of their brains is true, but the part that supposedly controls things like psychic ability (the lobe at the front of your brain I think), is inactive.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]... Tell me exactly why those are "crazy" again? Lol. It seems like a normal show to me. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=002E55]Thank you for stating that.. it was so badly needed. (and I'm not being sarcastic, lol) When I was at a Linkin Park concert about a year or so ago, everyone was throwing bottles around at the start. For some completely strange reason someone from the crowd jumped onto the stage and started beating one of the support bands' members with a bottle full of water. He actually got some darn good hits in and the band had to go off stage because the guy was pretty beaten. Suppose it's not so crazy as it is weird.. heh. Nasty moment was when someone at a concert turned around and said 'save my spot'.. happened to be my ex-girlfriend. Woo.[/color]
  15. [color=002E55]There are many points that are just making me laugh my head off here. A lot of you are blatantly offending others, lol. Anyway, if I was president of America for one day, I'd try to pass many things; only to have them declared 'unconstitutional' and have them blocked. Whoops.[/color]
  16. [color=002E55]Over here it doesn't seem like there is a legal limit. Kids can get alcohol over here [i]so[/i] easily even though the legal age is 18. They might as well abolish it forever - since to me it only seems to make kids want to drink more.. like they're being 'rebellious' or something. lol.[/color]
  17. [color=002E55]The whole background effect looks cool, with the green, but it just seems [i]way[/i] too white in the bottom left hand corner. What I'm saying is just trying to get more of that effect down there.[/color]
  18. [color=002E55]The font looks great, but the background image really doesn't look that good. Try making it seem like there's more going on, because it just seems a little bland at the moment in that department.[/color]
  19. [color=002E55]I get that sleeping twitch thing, but only when I fall down something in a dream or something along those lines. My hand twitches all the time. I can't hold it steady, especially with something like a pen in between my fingers. When I fight or get really angry/nervous both my hands twitch like mad, lol.[/color]
  20. [color=002E55]16?! Argh.. I have to wait until I'm 17/18 to drive. Even then - the costs of insurance for that age range are insanely high over here. Guess being 18 isn't all it's cut out to be; but that's why I'm buying a motorbike. :p[/color]
  21. [color=002E55]I really like the part in the top right hand corner. It looks like a pair of angel wings to me.. maybe melting into the background a bit. The major gripes I have with this are the text and that little star-like thing next to it. Other than that - it's great.[/color]
  22. [color=002E55]I can type text messages faster than the phone can interpret them on screen. Yes, that is an indication of how excessively I use my cell (mobile damnit!) phone; but I do adhere to the unwritten rules of turning them off during movies and such. People are very obsessed with them over here. 46 out of 60 million people own a cell (mobile again damnit!) phone. I've heard a number of them go off during exams over the past few days, lol.[/color]
  23. [color=002E55]When I turn 18.. it's all about getting a nice fast bike. That's really one of the main things, lol. That, and some sort of car if the cost of insurance has gone down. When I turn 17 on the 19th of September (little reminder to all of you.. *Cough*), I can get a 125cc bike; which will be fun for that year. The thing is - smoking is legal for me now due to British laws, and heck, if I wanted to go drink alcohol until my eyes turned pink and everyone I saw was my 'wife', I could. Not legally, mind you, but easy to obtain and do regardless. I take a lot of responsibility for what I do now. My parents will give me money for the basic stuff like going out or whatever, but if I want to buy something I have to earn the money for it. Unless, of course, I use the 'teenage powers of persuasion'. ;)[/color]
  24. [color=002E55]Too strict? Like Manic said, there aren't many messages boards out there with similar rules to Otakuboards. Then again, I doubt there are any message boards with communities as strong as Otakuboard's either. Moderators maintain the rules; they don't rule the boards with a tight grip. [/color]
  25. [color=crimson][b]PERSONAL[/b][/color] [b]Member Name:[/b] [color=002E55]Red[/color] [b]Former Member Names:[/b][color=002E55] The Elite DBZ; Elite[/color] [b]Member Since:[/b] [color=002E55]August 2001[/color] [b]Current Status:[/b] [color=002E55]Otaku[/color] [b]Nicknames:[/b] [color=002E55]E-dawg, 1337, Elita, E, E-monkey, leeteh boi, Ger (thought I'd stop there)[/color] [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] [color=002E55]Otaku Lounge; Poetry; Art & Design [/color] [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] [color=002E55]Project Gamer[/color] [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] [color=002E55]Down with newbie lounge[/color] [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] :drunk: [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] [color=002E55]When James offered me a staff position. Something that was hardly expected. [/color] [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] [color=002E55]"WHAT EH? R U MENT 2 BE IN THIS CHAMBER EH?? WHAT WHAT? EH? U KISS MY ARFEFER ARGY BARGY...FERJAJF BLAH." ~ James[/color] [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] [color=002E55]Live, laugh, love.[/color] [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] [color=002E55]Me.[/color] [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] [color=002E55]1 r0x0r3d 4LL d4 w4Y 2 d4 Gr4v3, |34|3Y (or something..I don't plan on dying soon :p)[/color] [b]Favorites:[/b] [color=002E55]Talking to Amber, friends, laughing, going out, knowing I'm in love, making sure others know that I know I'm in love, singing, and a bunch of other stuff that I won't mention. [/color] I will.... .......[color=002E55]my [u]craziness[/u] to [u]Weh[/u], just to see the combined effect. .......my [u]diet coke[/u] to [u]Jenna[/u], because she's as addicted as me. .......my [u]kingdom[/u] for a [u]horse[/u]. Oo;[/color] [color=crimson][b]MOST AND BEST[/b][/color] [b]Most likely to succeed:[/b] [color=002E55]James, Jenna, Juu.[/color] [b]Most likely to secede:[/b] [color=002E55]...[/color] [b]Worst spelling:[/b] [color=002E55][strike]Kjua[/strike] Kuja [/color] [b]Best poster:[/b] [color=002E55] Charles, James, Shy, Semjaza.. the list goes on. [/color] [b]Cutest couple:[/b] [color=002E55]James and his many wives/husbands; the bigamist. [/color] [b]Best writer:[/b] [color=002E55]Charles or Sara. [/color] [b]Best artist:[/b] [color=002E55][i]Way[/i] too many to choose from. [/color] [b]Best...spar-er?:[/b] [color=002E55]
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