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Everything posted by Red

  1. [color=002E55]These are two things I've made recently. The first is finished, and pretty darn simple. The second is the beginning to something that I'm making for someone, and it's going to be a little bigger at the end of it. I just wanted to get everyones opinions on the background, if you catch my drift. Anyway: 1. [img]http://kojin.250free.com/freeme%20copy.jpg[/img] That one's finished.. 2. [img]http://kojin.250free.com/foramber_smallbg.jpg[/img] Beginning to it - going to be bigger, more 'finished'; just wanted to get opinions on the background. Ratings/comments/suggestions appreciated, especially for the second. :)[/color]
  2. [color=002E55]Heh, that 'we drink ritalin' flash that you showed me was hilarious, Sem. And, like Dan-boy said; who would want to live eternally anyway? I for one would hate to see all those that I care for die around me as I lived on.[/color]
  3. [color=002E55]I don't really know about Soul mates. Like James said, there are probably a thousand perfect people out there out of everyone in the world. Still, I believe in how powerful love really is - and how people can believe that they are soul mates because of their love.[/color] [quote]And I also feel that love in first sight is totally impossible. You can see someone and feel a connection, sure. You can even have a stronger reaction to a person on first meeting than you've had with anyone else. But love is something that develops with some time...getting to know a person's flaws and falling in love with those flaws, you know?[/quote] [color=002E55]Ah, you hit the nail on the head there. ^_^[/color]
  4. [color=002E55]So you're perfectly able to stand the people you live around, yet you can't stand living in a city consisting of OB members? There are people who I can't stand everywhere.. I just learn to ignore them.[/color]
  5. Red

    Hybrid Theory

    [color=002E55]Meteora is good. Definitely a good follow-up to Hybrid Theory, since people were expecting Linkin Park to be not able to live up to expectations. However, Reanimation did a good job of 'enhancing' Hybrid Theory.. so I suppose it's like 2 albums versus one.[/color]
  6. [quote][color=crimson]Trying to think of an answer to this and reliveing a ton of memories.[/quote][/color] [color=002E55]Good point. Drudging a lot of painful old memories is worse than just thinking of one.[/color] [quote][color=deeppink]Call me immature, but that's an amazingly funny last name for a person to have...[/quote][/color] [color=002E55]That's a very immature thing of you to say. Shouldn't you know better?! :p[/color]
  7. [color=002E55]By blood, I'm 100% pure Irish. [size=1]By night I'm a crime fighting Lepra-- back to the subject at hand..[/size] Wouldn't count myself as a minority really, since there are huge Irish communities all over the world. Then again, how is anything a minority? Just because there aren't as many types of one person compared to another? Pff.[/color]
  8. [color=002E55][b]When was the happiest moment of your life?[/b] When I realised I was in love; and what that all meant and did to me. When I told her that I love her with all my heart - and always will do. Whenever she speaks to me, tells me she cares for me...you get the point. [b]When was the most pressured moment?[/b] Now; during exams especially. [b]When was the saddest?[/b] When two of my friends died. First was in January of this year, and the other on June 1st. Especially with the second.. since I was thinking of both.[/color]
  9. Red

    Hybrid Theory

    [color=002E55]I still listen to Hybrid Theory every now and then, but I love the remixes on Reanimation; so I suppose I listen to that more. The extra tracks (like High Voltage) really do it for me, too. Still have to buy Meteora. >.>[/color]
  10. [color=025D97]What about the economy? Would it be based solely on trading Pokemon cards or something? lol.[/color] [quote][i]Originally Posted by Sara[/i][size=1] And signatures. We'd need an IRL equivalent of signatures.[/size][/quote] [color=025D97]We could staple messages to each others heads! [size=1]All I could come up with, I'm afraid.[/size][/color]
  11. Red


    [color=002E55]It sounds cool - but I think it would be far too much of an undertaking for the moderators and administrators. They would have to consistantly keep a check on what people were saying about each other, and sort out anyone who was posting spam/negative comments into peoples profiles.[/color]
  12. [color=002E55]Heheheh, like I said over AIM, I really like this. Funny as heck, but Ken might have a go for that Cow/Dog (which one is it again?). Oh, and you still haven't fixed that speech bubble problem in the bottom right hand corner. You know, the one wi-- *gets dragged off* Oo;[/color]
  13. [color=002E55]Well, if OB was a country, James would be King/President... so I would have an affair with him and steal all his money and rule the country for all time; using banned members as slaves for my evil schemes. ^_^;[/color]
  14. [color=002E55]Ah, congratulations Lady M. Heh, that makes two people I know (well maybe I don't know you all too well, but.. back to the point) that are having babies. I'm certain you'll make a great mother. ^_^[/color]
  15. [color=002E55]Hope you enjoyed your unbelieveably short stay here at Otakuboards. Mods are serious because that's their job. There is one heck of a community here, including the mods, and if you don't want to be part of it then so be it. Oh, and this is spam, since introduction/leaving threads aren't allowed.[/color]
  16. [color=002E55]Welcome to Otakuboards. ^_^ Juu has already answered your question - but in the future please Private Message a moderator with this kind of question.[/color]
  17. [color=002E55]Well, a few people know what address my blog is at now, since I gave up with my other two. You bring up a point there which I think I've brought up with you too.. some people are writing their blogs for others. I started doing that and it just seemed pointless; to create something that you put your feelings into like an open diary, but tip-toe around things. My blog allows me to show those close to me how I feel about things without directly telling them. Something happened to me yesterday that took me 15 minutes to say to someone, but I just flowed through it in my blog. In some ways, it's a way of showing myself how I feel and how I think. My typing in there seems to revolve around one person a lot of the time.. and it's like I've been trying to nip love in the bud and find out what it means, why I feel it etc. but I still haven't. It's interesting to see that one day I think I've found out how I really feel, yet the next day I come back feeling so differently. I suppose I feel the overwhelming urge to be an idiot and give out my private blog address. lol. [b]My blog address:[/b] [ Removed ] [b]Blog name:[/b] Confirmed Idiot [b]Thoughts behind it/reasons for creating it:[/b] I got bored of feeling like I was writing stories for people in my old blog - that I wasn't showing myself and others how I actually feel about people, or perhaps just one person. I rant in there, most of the time inconsistantly. That's what I like; not being so darn controlled, just typing as I go. I've always been wanting to keep it simple, so don't expect an extravagent layout. I'm hoping to make a template myself though.. make it a little more personal. I'm not going to stop being very open in that blog now that I've posted it on here.. I just suppose I feel kind of open today. Oh, and anyone who reads that stuff and doesn't like swearing, I apologise.[/color]
  18. Red


    [color=002E55]Well - since your question has been answered I'm going to close this. However, please use the Private Messaging function for asking things like this (e.g PMing someone who has used it in a post), or asking what it means as a side note in one of your comments.[/color]
  19. [color=002E55]I live in London, England. Every day I hear about how a girl was raped, a man was shot in the skull by a gang, etc. It becomes like an everyday occurence, faces being blurred on the news as they just become 'yet another victim'. I don't think people really grasp the idea of crime in a city as large as this one. That is, in the sense that it doesn't affect people unless it happens to directly relate to them in some way. (e.g a friend killed, raped, beaten up etc.). Where my Irish family lives; a tiny town with a population of 4000, a rape took place. It sent shockwaves throughout the whole town, police swarming where it took place and interviewing almost every person in the town. It was insane. When someone gets raped in London - the police take some footnotes, compare some faces, and that's about all you hear. My friend was raped, twice, and the man got away with barely a year in prison; even though it was deliberate and continued. Over there, that rapist was put away for so long you could've thought it was murder that he committed. London is full of 'horrible secrets'. People die in the streets every day to gang wars, racists; I even hear about murderers doing it because they just have 'nothing better to do'. You see in the general psychology of the people here, they just don't care if it doesn't directly relate to them. Again, when I compare it to that tiny town in Ireland - people were so concerned with what happened and all pulled through to help the girl who was raped. It was all over the local news for weeks, updates being given priority over major news articles in the newspapers. In London, the news of a man being burnt to death by a group of teenagers in front of his children is overwritten by the news of a Royal Family member starting at a new school. It makes me sick - that a man who died an agonising death can be brushed aside so easily, but then I remember this is London, and thats how things work. I think every large city works like that.. and one like London certainly holds millions of terrible secrets that shall never be uttered, because how a person high in society does in their sex life is more important.[/color]
  20. [color=002E55]I can't clearly explain why (I don't know why.. lol - sorry), but I love this to death. Maybe it's because the rose seems so defined, but the figure doesn't. Argh, I can't explain. *shuffles off to learn how to explain himself* ^_^;;[/color]
  21. [color=002E55]Yep, as others have said, you won't be better off posting things about theotaku.com here, you should e-mail [email]adam@theotaku.com[/email] instead. Welcome to the boards, though. ^_^[/color]
  22. Red

    The Matrix

    [quote][i]Originally Posted by NorykoAngelcry[/i] [spoiler]On a sad note, Gloria Foster (the Oracle) passed away a few years ago (2001). I was surprised to read that, but thought, well, they could have just recorded her scenes earlier. . but now, I am curious what amount of time she will be in the final movie, if she even will be. I would hope that they got the scenes with her, instead of getting replaced (though, as it is a computer program, it would be easy enough to say she was just 'updated' or 'upgraded'. . or what not).[/spoiler][/quote] [color=002E55]When Neo meets her, she says something along the lines of 'next time we meet, I won't be the same'. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I think she's going to be different. Don't quote me on that, though.[/color]
  23. [color=002E55]There is a thread just like this one.. which you can find [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24486]here.[/url] Please direct your comments there. :)[/color]
  24. [color=002E55]LOL.. I didn't think you were actually serious about making it into an avatar. Oh well, I suppose the end result is pretty darn funny anyway.[/color]
  25. [color=002E55][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21922]Here is where[/url] a thread mainly about evolution with everyones thoughts in it can be found. It's not that old. Yes, it has been closed, but if you wanted to see everyones thoughts and feedback on the subject you can find them in there. James already made some points about this kind of thread in [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24642]his reply to another thread.[/url] I suggest you read them.[/color]
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