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Digital Monster

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Everything posted by Digital Monster

  1. Heh, another FFX help question. I (finally) got a PS2 the other day and got HP2 and FFX, but I can't get my head round the Sphere Grid system. I'm basically just playing the game without upgrading anyone, I'm just on the South End of the Highroad, where Yuna can get into a Summoner's battle. And she keeps losing. Is that the point?
  2. Jenniyah's Scanlations and Janime's Yu-Gi-Oh Manga are just getting into that part of the manga where they both appear, check any search engine for the sites.
  3. If they do it at all, I'd say stick with anime/CGI. They'll need it for the monsters anyway. I'd hate them try to do animatronics with some of them.
  4. Solo, just in case you didn't notice dude, it ain't closed.
  5. Tvtome.com has half-decent ep guides for the Japanese version beyond what has been shown (in the UK and Canada, this is "Yami vs. Yami (Pt. 2)")
  6. Dude, Y. Marik´s voice is screwed beyond compare. The ´One Turn Kill´ ability was renamed ´Point-to-Point Transfer´. As to the first appearance of Y. Marik, [spoiler]we see Odion lying there and his dad says that he can´t come back, Y. Marik appears, takes the Rod and pins his dad to the wall and sends him to the Shadow Realm, he then pins Ishizu down and goes to Odion to finish him off, until he sees the markings and goes back to normal.[/spoiler] I´d do that in more detail, but I´m currently in Lanzarote on holiday and don´t therefore have the tape, though I have seen Shin-chan, Detective Conan and Shaman King in Japanese on the Cartoon Network here. Very strange.
  7. Pent= 5 Hex= 6 It´s basic geometry mate.
  8. If it´s YVD, it´s at Xerocreative.com, for Apprentice I know Pojo has it with the YGO patches.
  9. Well, what happened in the original version? If I knew that, I´d be able to tell ya.
  10. Yugi's mum does have a appearance in the anime, but she's only seen really briefly once. Most of the small appearances she had were cut when it went to dub. I have noticed the lack of Yugi features. I was looking for pics to make a new banner and there's a fair imbalance of pics from normal-Yami Yugi.
  11. I hate to say this, but I don't think that's really a combo. That's just loading up a monster with Equip cards. Combos are things like several magic/traps played to basically stop your opponent in his tracks.
  12. You, good sir, are an idiot, as my sister would say. There's no point in posting in here if you don't like the discussion, therefore I suggest you get your butt outta this thread. As to the actual point of this thread, I had a good one, but I forgot it. I'll get back to you on this folks...
  13. Heh, apart from me, there's no girl duellists in my area, mind you there's practically no duellists at all here that are serious. The only guys I know that have cards are too stupid to learn the rules. *curses anime= lil kid stereotype.*
  14. Jinzo and Freed the Matchless General (1st Edition). Freed came in a nice way- my mate Rebecca, who originally came over from Canada for two years coz of her dad's work contract, left to go back last Thursday. A couple of days before she left, she called round just to say bye, and gave me a LOD pack (her bro's into it, so she got an idea on what to get). Afterwards I opened it and Freed was in it.
  15. Well, the real card game wasn't actually released until sometime around the Battle City saga, which accounts for most of the inconsistencies in Duellist Kingdom (the rules simply hadn't been set in stone at that stage.) DK rules did not require sacrifices for strong monsters.
  16. Sorry dude, but this technically should be in Fan Fiction. Please read the OB General Rules and Digimon Forum Rules. In the meantime, welcome to OB. :)
  17. A huge dark-coloured mass had gathered on the edge of the forest, which was now pouring down towards the battlefield. Some of the mass took to the air and swiftly advanced towards the fray. Valkyrion groaned. [i]"Come on, [b]more[/b] monsters?! Is there [b]any[/b] limit to the Dark Realm's capabiliites?" "I'm not sure those are Dark monsters, Valkyrion."[/i] St.Joan looked a little closer. [i]"A lot of those flying monsters are Insects."[/i] [i]"You sure?"[/i] He looked again. Sure enough, there were Great Moths and all sorts of flying insects in the oncoming swarm. He looked at the monsters on the ground and saw Buster Bladers, Crawling Dragons, Flower Wolves- Earth monsters of all types and capabilities. Even the supposedly weaker monsters were being put to good use- Millenium Shields were ramming Dark creatures out of the way, and Cocoons of Evolution were being used like bowling balls to similar effect. His eyes drifted over to a group of female warriors, Beautiful Head Huntresses, Warriors of Tradition, Amazons and the like, in the front line. It was then he spotted Rydia, sitting on a massive Garnecia Elefantis, showing everyone the way to the battle. [COLOR=red][i]"Come on everyone, [b]CHARGE![/b] Divide and conquer!"[/i][/COLOR] Her voice could barely be heard over the din, but the troops were in earnest. The huge gathering of creatures entered the ranks of the enemy and charged right through them, neatly split them into two groups, hacking every Dark monster in their way. One of Rydia's arrows happened to hit Jinzo in the eye. [i]"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" WHERE'D THAT COME FROM!?!?!?!?![/i] He turned round and saw the advancing teenager. He tried to attack, but the Garnecia Elefantis was equal to his strength and deflected it. She dismounted quite near Valkyrion. [COLOR=red] [i]"I hope that this will turn the battle in our favour, sir."[/i][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonstar [/i] [B]Correct me if I'm wrong but at one point in the book [spoiler]does Hermione not kiss Ron..?[/spoiler][/B][/QUOTE] I very much doubt it, all the Ron-Hermione 'shippers would've picked up on it. The nearest thing between Hermione and either of the boys that came close to intimacy was at the end of Goblet of Fire when she kissed Harry on the cheek.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jagan [/i] [B]When Joey washed up Mako's sea, what happened to the whale?[/B][/QUOTE] It was already destroyed before that point by Joey's Panther Warrior. Mako then played Return of the Doomed and summoned the monster he resurrected (Legendary Fisherman). It was [i]then[/i] that Joey played Giant Trunade to suck up the sea, expose the Legendary Fisherman and lower his attack points.
  20. This thread's Spamming a bit, but in the manga it was simply Burger World.
  21. Well, as to the US I don't know, but in both the UK and Canada, we've seen up to Yami vs. Yami Pt. 2. I thought it was slightly screwed to be honest, but then again I'm not a Marik/Bakura fan-girl, so it's not exactly eye-candy for me ^_^.
  22. Here's mine. It's supposed to be a Dark deck, but due to the lack of high 4-star hitters, there's a few Earth and Light types in there. [U][B]Monsters (20)[/B][/U] [I][B]Fusion Monsters (1)[/B][/I] Skull Knight [I][B]Tribute Monsters (5)[/B][/I] Summoned Skull (x2) Jinzo Dark Magician Red-Eyes B. Dragon [I][B]Normal Monsters (14)[/B][/I] Gearfried the Iron Knight Ancient Brain Dragon Zombie Big Eye Wall of Illusion Neo the Magic Swordsman Man-Eating Treasure Chest Witty Phantom Ryu-Kishin Powered La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Battle Ox Witch of the Black Forest Man-Eater Bug Tainted Wisdom [U][B]Magic Cards (19)[/B][/U] Giant Trunade Axe of Despair 7 Completed Book of Secret Arts Remove Trap Dragon Treasure Fissure Polymerisation Mystic Plasma Zone Soul Exchange Spiritualism Card Destruction Dian Keto the Cure Master Graceful Charity De-Spell Change of Heart Scapegoat Monster Reborn Swords of Revealing Light [U][B]Trap Cards (7)[/B][/U] Ultimate Offering Just Desserts Fake Trap Trap Hole Enchanted Javelin Waboku Magic Jammer
  23. Next two'll be interesting, well [i]"The Tragedy of the Ishtar Family Revealed"[/i] will be, dunno about the Yami duel...
  24. The weather's been fairly good recently, can't guarantee that during your stay though. And can I just say that our English was here first ^_^. BTW, where in Ireland you going to? Belfast or Dublin?
  25. Yeah, I know, the head's drawn at a very strange angle. Kinda went skewiff. But that's what happens when your sister nicks all your erasers and she's never around to ask when you want them back.
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