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Digital Monster

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Everything posted by Digital Monster

  1. ... and my first post in this Forum come to that. I've always stuck with first Pokemon, then Digimon fan-art, but this is my first fan-art pic for Yu-Gi-Oh. This is taken from a pic in the YGO Viz/Shonen Jump novels. I was gonna try Yami Yugi, but he's drawn too much like the real Yugi at that point and reminds me an awful lot of Chuckie. 0_0
  2. Rydia was running as fast as she could back through the labyrinth, avoiding anyone else along the way in case they were enemies. Her chest felt like it was gonna explode and her muscles were screaming in protest, but the need to keep going was all that was in her mind. A small Invigoration spell gave her an extra boost as she carreered out and through the jungle. After a long while, she eventually reached a clearing with several huts set up in it. Some were in the trees. Climbing up one, she reached the hut and burst inside, startling a number of women, all Amazons like herself, before nearly collapsing. [COLOR=red][i]"Vanda! Yougottacomequicktheresa-"[/COLOR] "Slow down, Rydia, I can't understand a word! Why are you back now? We got your letter about 2 hours ago." [COLOR=red]"Summon all the Earth Leaders. Tell them to gather their forces and join us in the Light Realm. The Dark ones are on their way to get the last Exodia piece and time's not on our side. This is going to be the battle to end all battles."[/i][/COLOR]
  3. Black Skull Dragon was at the beginning of the maze and because of the no-fly rule in the labyrinth, it couldn't move, so Yugi moved his Dark Magician to the end and used Monster Replace to swap the two round.
  4. KiteS23's referring to the question Masterdramon asked, Nefertimon. BTW, it's Alligator Sword, Panther Warrior, and Tiny Guardian.
  5. Pegasus: One day all this will be yours. Sam: O_O
  6. I know you only said one per person, but I've the idea for these two for a long while. Horus of Gold Level: 10 (or whatever the level a God card is) Attribute: God/Divine Type: Winged Beast Attack: 5000 Defence: 5000 Effects: Not affected by Magic/Traps. As well as Tribute Summon, this card can be Special Summoned from the Deck if "Saint Dragon of Osiris" is in your graveyard. If so, this card's attack is increased by the number of cards in your hand. Sekhmet, the Eye of Re Level: 10 (or whatever the level a God card is) Attribute: God/Divine Type: Beast Attack: 4500 Defence: 4000 Effect: Not affected by Magic/Traps. All opponent's monsters cannot attack or defend.
  7. Haven't read Shonen Jump. I'm just telling you what I know and have heard, and those facts were not amongst them.
  8. The eye on the M. Puzzle is the Eye of Horus (the [i]udjat[/i] eye), it's supposed to be a symbol of wisdom and healing. Horus' eye (or eyes depending which version you read) was gouged out by Seth, but eventually got them put back in again. I see reflections in the Pegasus-Bakura incident... [IMG]http://www.british-museum.ac.uk/aes/ps327898a.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B][size=1]The pyramid which is Yu Gi's puzzle and the main symbol on the opening and ending creits of Yu Gi Oh is actually a well known Satanist and freemason sybol[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] How do you explain that Freemasons have got anything to do with Ancient Egypt and/or Satanism?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B]Things I've noticed: *Joey, who spent all of Duelist Kingdom fighting for his sister, should have thrown the Battle City duel to Mako Tsunami, because he was dueling for his father. [/B][/QUOTE] Could I please point out that's not a blooper, that's your opinion.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina [/i] [B]I never do that, the weighing thing ^^; For good measure I sometimes buy the multiset packs. Of course once my sister received 3 packs for her b-day and one of the packs contained Crab Turtle and another one contained Turtle Oath. And nowadays, I'm finding a lot of Flying Kamakiri #2. I just rely on dumb luck. [/B][/QUOTE] That's happened to me a couple of times. I got 4 PSV boosters once and got Jinzo and a 7 Completed, and a Parasite Paracide and Insect Barrier.
  11. In the duel against Mai, it was tributed in the Black Lustre Ritual. Pegasus' Thousand Eyes Restrict had to absorb a load of them when he tried to absorb the Magician of Black Chaos. Yugi used Kuriboh as his ultimate defense against Kaiba's Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
  12. I thought the episode was quite funny and it was probably just to [spoiler]build up Mai's character considering what'll happen in the tournament[/spoiler], and I was told that some people in America are only up to the end of the Double Trouble Duel.
  13. Yeah, the UK's overtaken the US in eps. On Nickleodeon, we're at the ep where [spoiler]Mai duels Magnum[/spoiler]. That's about 7 eps ahead.
  14. Well, Anubis was originally the god of the dead until Osiris took his place, but he's regarded as the god of embalming and cemeteries. As to Shadi himself, he's the Guardian of the Items, so it kinda makes sense for him to own at least 1. I think he actually knows Marik and Ishizu. As to the powers of his Items, we've already seen the Key allow him into someone else's mind. Rumors are that it can also [spoiler]change someone else's personality,[/spoiler] but that's unfounded. The original name was the Millenium Ankh, which was a symbol of life. The Scales in Egyptian mythology are traced to the symbolic ritual known as the Weighing of the Heart. Basically the heart of the person wanting to pass into the Afterlife was weighed against the principles of truth and justice (symbolized by an ostrich feather). If the heart balanced with it, the person would be allowed to pass on to the Afterlife. If the person had done lots of wrong things, the heart would be heavy and tip the scales. The heart would then be eaten by a monster called Ammit and because the heart was needed to get to the Afterlife, the person was doomed to oblivion. The Millenium Scales in the show will probably be used to judge people and if necessary send them to the Shadow Realm.
  15. Probably some sci-fi thing like Red Dwarf, Dr. Who or Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  16. Name: Lostris Takenouchi Age: 18 Country: Japanese/Egyptian Gender: Female Deck Theme: Dark/Earth [size=1][b][u]Monsters[/b][/u] [b][i]Under 5 stars (17)[/i][/b] Man-Eater Bug Mystical Elf Amazon Archer Mystic Clown Witty Phantom Feral Imp Battle Ox Wall of Illusion Magical Ghost Baron of the Fiend Sword Neo the Magic Swordsman Tainted Wisdom Ancient Brain Dragon Zombie Ancient Elf La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Reaper of the Cards [b][i]Tribute Monsters (5)[/i][/b] Dark Magician x2 Jinzo Summoned Skull x2 [b][i]Fusion Monsters (1)[/i][/b] Skull Knight [b][u]Magic/Traps[/b][/u] Dian Keto the Cure Master Axe of Despair Change of Heart Trap Hole Waboku De-Spell Fissure Soul Exchange Monster Reborn Polymerization Card Destruction 7 Completed Monster Recovery Lightning Blade Remove Trap Enchanted Javelin Spiritualism Book of Secret Arts Dark Hole Mystic Plasma Zone[/size]
  17. There was much apprehension in the air as the most senior creatures began to plan any possible move they could make to stop the Dark Realm getting their way. Mared was flipping through reams of registration documents, trying to find someone with Skill Drain as a main ability. Rydia decided to help him out later, but first she had to write back to her tribe and explain where she was. They might've thought that she'd got caught up in the carnage. After rummaging around for a quill and ink, she sat herself down in a corner and started to write- [i]Vanda, No doubt you've heard of the immense battle around the Earth Temple and may have assumed I was part of the fray, as I have not returned to the village. I actually missed the battle, but seen its aftermath. I met up with some Magnet Warriors, who say (well, they did not speak, just drew pictures) that this is part of a far greater issue involving the Dark Realm and the legendary creature Exodia. I decided to join the forces against the Dark Ones, so as I write I am here now with them in the Light Realm. However, it seems as though the Dark Realm's plans to summon Dark Necrofear are almost complete, and we must do everything in our power to fight this thing. I do not expect to return for quite some time, if at all. If I don't, tell our sisters I tried my best. May Hera grant you peace, Rydia[/i] Having finished, she went to the window and asked a passing Fiend Reflection #2 to deliver her message back to the Earth Realm. Then she sat down by Mared, picking up some unsearched records. "Any luck, my friend?"
  18. Apparently Mrs. Motou does have a cameo appearance, but in the English version this is butchered slightly (what's new there though?). He appears to be the only child. He certainly never mentions siblings.
  19. If you wanna know about fire decks, ask Altron Gundam, that's his signature deck theme.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Digital Monster[/i] [B]In [i]"The Gauntlet is Thrown"[/i], what was the card Weevil used to stop Rex's Two-Headed King Rex and why shouldn't it have been used?[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devlin [/i] [B]A: Basic Insect; even with the power-up, it shouldn't have been strong enough to defeat Two-Headed King Rex.[/B][/QUOTE] As much as that was right, I was thinking of the Trap card he used- Infinite Dismissal. That should only have worked on Level 3 or below monsters, and the Two-Headed King Rex is a Level 4 monster.
  21. [b][u]Monsters (24)[/u][/b] [b][i]Below 5 stars (18)[/i][/b] Man-Eater Bug Mystical Elf Amazon Archer Man-Eating Treasure Chest Mystic Clown Witty Phantom Ryu-Kishin Feral Imp Battle Ox Wall of Illusion Magical Ghost Baron of the Fiend Sword Neo the Magic Swordsman Tainted Wisdom Ancient Brain Dragon Zombie Ancient Elf Sorceror of the Doomed [b][i]Tribute Monsters (5)[/i][/b] Dark Magician x2 Gaia the Fierce Knight (yeah, people told me the last time to take it out but...) Summoned Skull Jinzo [b][i]Fusion Monsters (1)[/i][/b] Skull Knight [b][i]Magic/Trap Cards (20)[/i][/b] Dian Keto the Cure Master Axe of Despair Change of Heart Trap Hole Waboku De-Spell Fissure Soul Exchange Yami (should be getting MPZ soon though) Monster Reborn Polymerisation Card Destruction 7 Complete Monster Recovery Lightning Blade Remove Trap Enchanted Javelin Spiritualism Book of Secret Arts Dark Hole
  22. Does anyone know where to get decent walkthroughs for FF Origins? I've tried gameFAQs.com, but most are for the original NES version and/or not working.
  23. Skull Dice (On Fiend MegaCyber against Espa, Ultimate Great Moth against Weevil and possibly Amphibian Beast against Mako) In [i]"The Gauntlet is Thrown"[/i], what was the card Weevil used to stop Rex's Two-Headed King Rex and why shouldn't it have been used?
  24. It was just after the mini-saga of Yugi vs. Kaiba DK re-match, the episode's called 'Shining Friendship'. And I think her name's spelt Téa, pronounced Tay-a.
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