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Digital Monster

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Everything posted by Digital Monster

  1. The only problem with that, or with putting any card in the totally forbidden list really, is that there would've no point in releasing them if they're weren't meant to be used. What's the point in making game cards if they're not to be played with?
  2. A deck 'hospital' would be good, people send in decks and there'd be suggestions on improving them.
  3. Yeah, he so needs his own bodyguard. Preferably with rocket launchers.
  4. [SIZE=1]Offgame: Just drop the 'h'. I made a wee banner for this too. ^_^[/SIZE] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Alpha, Beta and Gamma wound their their way round the labyrinth of tunnels, Rydia's Burning Spear lighting the way as she followed, Rydia started to wonder what the three Magnet Warriors' intentions were. The fact that they hadn't spoken was unusual in itself, but they'd implied Exodia was involved in their expedition. That could only mean that something big was happening. She ambled on, lost in thought. [i]"My sisters would not like me to just walk into this, especially with these strange creatures. They'd tell me to sit at home while they dealt with things. Story of my life..."[/i] [b]Flashback thingy[/b] [i]"Rydia, for the last time-"[/i] [i]"Why, Vanda, why can't I help defend the village?"[/i] [i]"You know you're not strong enough or experienced enough."[/i] [i]"By Hippolyta, I won't stand for this! I refuse to be treated like a child! I sit at the fire dreaming like an old woman while you're out hunting or whatever. I can't get any experience if you keep me caged like an animal![/i] [b]End Flashback[/b] They'd given her the scout position just to shut her up and get her out of the village. As much as she knew this, she'd taken the chance with a relish. She also trained hard and relentlessly, hoping that one day they'd see her potential. She was as much into battle as the rest of them, maybe even more so. As she came out of her train of thought, she noticed that the Magnet Warriors had stopped and were staring at each other, probably in 'conversation'. Suddenly the ground shook so violently the Burning Spear fell from her hand and straight onto her foot. After a lot of hopping around and a string of expletives, she quickly armed herself with the Silver Bow and Arrow. Arrow drawn, she waited until they seen what was coming at them- a swarm of Meda Bats and a group of Megasonic Eyes.
  5. I've been considering a martial arts class for some time now, but unfortunately haven't managed to get round to it yet due to deciding what type to learn. What would you suggest for an unfit 18-year-old? In my area, there's Jujitsu, mugendo (gotta admit,never heard of it), judo, Thai kickboxing, and a couple I can't remember. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B]Tai Kwon Do (sp?!?!). [/B][/QUOTE] Too much time watching Digimon methinks. ;)
  6. Note there Youko, [i]second[/i]. The majority is Buddhist in some form or other. But trying not to turn this into a religous debate here, I think it's simply a question of perception. I guess some people are easily offended.
  7. Well, during the day he rode across the sky in his boat, and at night he travelled through the Underworld to be reborn the next morning. I'd go into more detail, but I'm at school and I don't have my book on Ancient Egypt.
  8. I thought Kaiba's emotion centre was practically non-existent. Maybe the green-haired dude is his conscience that only he sees, you know like the angel and the devil that sits on cartoon character's shoulders and argue with each other. lol
  9. Just for the record, it wasn't me who shifted this. I'd forgotten this even existed. And try to spell my name right LynnyGin. ;)
  10. So? It's just a bit of fun. Whether you believe in the Heart of The Cards or not, Yu-Gi-Oh's still a cool game. THOTC is a philosophy behind the game and if it helps to encourage people not to give up and play great duels then I say good on them. Just give these people a break. They want to win as badly as anyone else- they just have a different way of doing it.
  11. Pojo and Yu-Gi-Oh Dungeon have Apprentice, Pojo has the latest patch, it's got all the Pharaoh's Servant cards and all.
  12. I've downloaded Apprentice, and put in Yu-Gi-Oh patches for it, but some of the real Apprentice stuff confuses me.
  13. The Millenium Ankh's English name is the Millenium Key, owned by Shadi. As for what Millenium Item Kaiba used to have, according to Forbidden Memories it's the Millenium Rod. Although FM is one of the suckier YGO games, it's a start.
  14. After Yugi vs. Strings it's [spoiler]Joey vs. Mako.[/spoiler]
  15. Well, his company Industrial Illusions sends Duke an e-mail saying they'll take on Dungeon Dice Monsters, but that could happen without him.
  16. Well, Lelola's back up and as promised, here's the links to both the Movie and TV Special. [URL=http://www.lelola.net/yu-gi-oh/movie.shtml]Movie[/URL] [URL=http://www.lelola.net/yu-gi-oh/special.shtml]TV Special[/URL]
  17. Sorry guys, but from what I remember, Bakura is not a main character. It's the usual Yugi vs. Kaiba routine, with extra bits and pieces. I'll put up the link as soon as Lelola's back up.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaizer_Boy [/i] [B]Are you dissing me? [/B][/QUOTE] I was merely commenting on the fact that is is one the very few threads you've made with no bull-s**t in it. No actual diss intended.
  19. I thought that [spoiler]Yami Bakura was killed/ sent to the Shadow Realm by Marik in the Battle Ship (dub name),[/spoiler] coz I heard about this quote where Y.Bakura says [spoiler][i]"You can never defeat me, for I am the darkness."[/i][/spoiler] or words to that affect.
  20. I know of at least 5 episodes that happen after the Battle City tournament. [spoiler]For those of you who want to see Pegasus make a comeback, the last of the episodes is called [i]"Pegasus' Invitation"[/i].[/spoiler] This is as far as I know from a fairly reliable source but don't slam me if I'm wrong.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaizer_Boy [/i] [B]*sigh* your right. Whats the point on making up new cards. it just gets you into trouble. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, there's a 'made up cards' thread for that, but try to keep your card designs realistic.
  22. For once you're actually talking sense. There is a Japanese YGO movie and a TV Special. However, there's nothing to confirm it coming over to the US. I'd put up the link for Lelola's pages on it, but I can't seem to get onto the site.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Digital_Monster [/i] [B]What was the stats of Yugi's Dark Magician when Joey aged him using the Time Wizard, before he became the Dark Sage? [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darncoolguy1 [/i] [B]I believe 300.[/B][/QUOTE] Actually, it was only 100.
  24. Dust, presumably. What was the stats of Yugi's Dark Magician when Joey aged him using the Time Wizard, before he became the Dark Sage?
  25. Aw, come on Altron, leave him alone, he's learning. Once you get some cards, Mark, I suggest you look at this page- [URL=http://www.theotaku.com/yugioh/deckbuilding.shtml]theotaku.com's deck building guide[/URL]. A good page of advice for any potential duellist.
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