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Digital Monster

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Everything posted by Digital Monster

  1. Know this is a bit late, but here's Rabid's audio diary- [COLOR=red][i]The second and third tasks have been assigned and completed, with both Tribes losing a member, Ryan of the Limeys and Benjo of the Indigoths. The Indigoths cruised (almost literally) to victory in the Sugar Boat Task, winning running water for the Hellhole- sorry, Haunted Hotel. But the Limeys struck back in the Elephant Melee Challenge, coz the Indies' elephant didn't like sugar, although a couple of theft attempts on the Mall may have affected the result. This currently makes it 5-4 to the Indies, with all 'the evicted' just happening to be boys. It also seems another male could be ejected from the contest, due to the fact that he's disappeared off the face of the RPG (wise man indeed). But once Sage gets a hold of him, it'll probably make some good entertainment... best thing to do would be to sit back with the popcorn and watch the fun.[/i][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=red][i]"Kitamon, I think we're needing a digivolution here, waddya say?"[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Right, here goes! Kitamon digivolve to... LEONAMON![/COLOR] A huge lioness appeared before Kaci, with fire-like fur around her head and leg joints, which was also noticeable on the underside. She got ready to launch herself at Pouncemon. A Digimon Analyzer entry appeared on Kaci's D-Tec. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b] Leonamon [b]Type:[/b] Animal Vaccine [b]Attacks:[/b] Blazing Roar, Claw Blaster A true queen of the jungle, her speed and agility can't be matched by most other Champions. The Claw Blaster attack shoots out like a nail gun, and her Blazing Roar, is just [i][b]hot![/i][/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=red][i]":wigout:Woah! Jeezloeez, I didn't think you'd get big!"[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Never mind that, we gotta take this big cat down![/COLOR] [COLOR=red][i]"Come on, Kairi, I think we'd better get out of the way of this cat-fight!"[/i][/COLOR] While the girls ran for cover, Kaci noticed something knocking against her near her back pocket. On further investigation, it was a pouch on her belt containing a pack of cards, but they had various stats, boosts and Digimon attacks programmed into them. Shuffling through them, she selected one and without really thinking about it, slashed it through the D-Tec. [COLOR=red][i]"Alias Activate![/i][/COLOR] Several copies of Leonamon surrounded Pouncemon, for the moment disorientating her. [COLOR=orange][i]"Silleniimon, digivolve and help me out here!"[/i][/COLOR]
  3. Could someone write me in a bit? It doesn't have to be very big, just being part of someone else's actions or something would do, coz I'm finding it really hard to jump in and continue the story.
  4. The quote's not too memorable, but the look on Kaiba's face was fecking priceless.
  5. [COLOR=red][i]"Wait a minute though John, what do we do about this 'Bent Metal' character? I mean, can we trust him? How did he know we were even here to contact? Do we go to him at AncientArugorumon's Temple and see what the score is, or do we go on to Burning Peak without him?"[/i][/COLOR]
  6. Das ist cool, HyperShadow, but as I don't that much about the English game, let alone the Japanese one, I can't rate it. I did manage to get some cards recently, namely a Yugi starter deck, 1 Magic Ruler booster, and a few cast-offs from someone else. I've composed a Deck that I think is Dark/Earth based, but there's also a big element of magic in the monsters, so there's a few Light-types in there as well. [b]Monsters (24)[/b] Sorcerer of the Doomed Witty Phantom Man-Eater Bug Dark Magician Trap Master Summoned Skull Baron of the Fiend Sword Celtic Guardian Winged Guardian of the Forest #1 Beaver Warrior Anicent Elf Wall of Illusion Ansatsu Mystic Clown Battle Ox Doma the Angel of Silence Ryu-kishin Curse of Dragon Giant Soldier of Stone Gaia the Fierce Knight Mystical Elf Magical Ghost The Stern Mystic Neo the Magic Swordsman [b]Magic/Trap (20)[/b] Remove Trap Waboku Reinforcements Sword of Dark Destruction De-Spell Axe of Despair Castle Walls Dragon Capture Jar Soul Exchange Card Destruction Last Will Dark Hole Reverse Trap Change of Heart Dian Keto the Cure Master Fissure Trap Hole Monster Reborn Book of Secret Arts Yami I also have the following (in no particular order): The Inexperienced Spy Hamburger Recipe Upstart Goblin Two-Pronged Attack Ultimate Offering Ceremonial Bell Boar Soldier High Tide Gyojin Claw Reacher Feral Imp Man-Eating Treasure Chest Silver Fang Dragon Zombie Mammoth Graveyard Weather Report Great White Spear Cretin Chain Energy
  7. Not being involved in the task, Seth and Rabid wander off the pitch. [COLOR=red][i]"Hey Seth, fancy raiding the mall and getting some stuff while the Limeys are out?"[/i][/COLOR] Seth: Sure. The two break into the mall, searching through the shops and nicking anything useful. Rabid finds a military supplies shop and nicks quite a few things from that, Seth goes for the food court. They meet up at the entrance, and Seth notices a set of reins in Rabid's hand. Seth: What are those for? [COLOR=red][i]"Uh, for riding the elephant."[/i][/COLOR] Seth: :laugh: :rolleyes: You're weird, man. [COLOR=red][i]"Would I be here if I wasn't?"[/i][/COLOR] Seth: True.
  8. Suddenly a girl with messy, brown hair with purple streaks and brown eyes crashed through some nearby bushes, a small lion cub with wings hot on her heels. She stared around at the chaos as she paused for breath. [COLOR=red][i]"What the feck happened here? Was there a fight or something?"[/i][/COLOR] Frankie: Yeah, pretty much. [COLOR=red][i]"Aw man, I missed it![/i]"[/COLOR] John: Who are you anyway? [COLOR=red][i]"Name's Kay-Celes Kuryido, but everyone calls me Kaci. And the little dude here's Kitamon. What about you?"[/i][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=red][i]"Hey, I was just passing!"[/i][/COLOR] *wanders off to get a bath*
  10. Rabid leaned over the side of the boat as safely as she could, and peered cautiously into the water. Yami: What the heck are you doing? [COLOR=red][i]"I was hypothesizing whether this whirlpool is caused by a thing at the bottom, or a natural vortex, coz if it were a thing at the bottom, we could blow it up with my rocket launcher."[/i][/COLOR] Candy: And if it were a natural vortex? [COLOR=red][i]"I have no idea. They never discussed this back in the Army."[/i][/COLOR] Others: *groans*
  11. Kaci, after a long time sitting on her bed leaning over her atlas, finished her sketching. She held up her picture and took a good long look. It was basically a small lion cub, but had wings. [COLOR=red][i]"There, my little fantasy creature's complete! Now just to scan it in."[/i][/COLOR] She went into the room where the computer was kept, and quickly scanned the pic. Then she had an idea. [COLOR=red][i]"Uh, Mum, can I use that program you use for making pictures 3-D? I wanna see what this drawing I did looks like."[/i][/COLOR] [i]"Sure, Kaci, just don't mess around with it too much. It plays up from time to time."[/i] After some time trying to master the program, she eventually got it exactly how she'd imagined it. She sat back and considered what the little dude was gonna be called. [COLOR=red][i]"Leo's way too obvious, plus it looks like a girl, so... little lion... cat-like... Kita? Yeah, Kita."[/i][/COLOR] Suddenly the screen digitized and coloured squares covered the screen. A screechy noise seemed to come from nowhere and Kaci had to cover her ears. [COLOR=red][i]"Aw, no, I've so screwed this up big-time! Mum's gonna kill me!"[/i][/COLOR] As suddenly as the screen went funny, it stopped, but started to glow brightly. Kaci wasn't sure if she should cover her ears or eyes, and worrying frantically what would happen if her mum saw. A few seconds later, the light faded, and she felt a bundle in her lap. Looking down, she nearly jumped out of her seat when she saw the creature she'd just created sitting there, alive. She also had a strange device in her hand. [COLOR=sandybrown]"Heya, I'm Kitamon, what's your name?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red] [i]"Uh, Kay-celes, but everyone calls me Kaci. But I never called you that, just Kita."[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"I'm a Digimon, we all have 'mon' after our names."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][i]"What the feck's a Digimon when it's at home?"[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"Listen, it's a long story, but the reason I got created for real is because the Digital World wants you to help save it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][i]"Perdone?"[/i][/COLOR] [i]"Kaci, who are you talking to?"[/i] [COLOR=red][i]"Uh, voice chat on MSN, Mum."[/i] [/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"Anyway, Kaci, the Digital World needs your help to save it. Make up some excuse to get away and come on. The portal's open."[/COLOR] She pointed to a small screen on the computer. Kaci's mind raced, and she came up with an idea. [COLOR=red][i]"Mum, Hamiko's asked me if I want to go camping with her family, but I gotta get to her house ASAP coz they're leaving soon, is that OK?"[/i][/COLOR] [i]"Sure, get your things together."[/i] As soon as she'd packed and put her laptop in its case, Kaci made sure here mum was in the kitchen, then pretended to leave, but went instead to the computer. [COLOR=red][i]"So how do we get there?"[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"Point your D-Tec at the portal, it'll do the rest."[/COLOR] Kaci duly did so, and she and Kitam were dragged through the screen, and landed in another world.
  12. Yeah, use character descriptions, but if there's no-one that particularly stands out when you read them, I'll give it a shot.
  13. About 2 hours later. Everyone is working away at their tasks, except Benjo, coz there's nothing to varnish yet. [i]"Can I raise a point here?"[/i] Others: Yeah, sure. [i]"What's this thing for? Sage never mentioned what it's for or why we need it, and what the feck would we do with it afterwards?" Candy: It's so one of us doesn't get thrown out on our hiney. [i]"Whatever. But I don't see what we do with it. Where in the city would we use it? Is this just for a contest, or does Sage just want a novelty Christmas decoration for his front garden?"[/i] Franky: I reckon the second one. Yami: Is this boat getting a name? Most boats do. [i]May as well, for the sake of it. Any ideas?[/i] Candy: Tooth Traumatiser? *thinks "if this idea works, that's one-nil to me! Ya boo sucks Tooth Fairy!"* [i]"Dental Destroyer?"[/i] Seth: Mr. Boat? *gets weird looks* Seth: Or maybe not... Benjo: How about THE BOAT I HAVEN'T VARNISHED YET! MOVE YOUR BUTTS! Candy: It's not easy, even for an all-powerful Sugar Fairy like me, to conjure massive blocks of sugar like this, you know! [i]"Quit your bickering, we all gotta shift our b-cheeks."[/i] The quiet hum of work ensues...
  14. Rabid's audio diary. [i]"Well, the first interim period of [b]Survivor: The Freakshow[/b] has ended. The 2 tribes met, formed and gelled as much as is possible given everyone's... differences. The Indigoths have just won the first challenge, with granted immunity and now some electric into this pit they call a hotel. Iggy of the LimeTime Tribe (hereby nicknamed the Limeys) is the first victim of the Tribal Council. He's not a happy bunny, to say the least. He told me that it wasn't over. Spouting rubbish, as usual. There has been much chaos in the meantime and one can only imagine the pandemonium that could erupt at any time in the time this contest has to run. I know, shuddering thought, isn't it?"[/i]
  15. I'll sign up with my fic DD and Digimon. This'll give me a chance to develop her character for my story. [u][b]DigiDestined[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Kay-Celes 'Kaci' Kuryido [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Description:[/b] 5 feet 5 inches tall, long brown messy hair with purple streaks, brown eyes. [b]Background:[/b] Though originally from Japan, she's travelled all over the world due to her parents' work. Both her parents work for the Army, her father as a training officer, while her mother works as a software designer. [b]Character:[/b] Though most of the time she is fairly calm and thoughtful, she has a very fiery temper if something gets on her nerves. Is hard-working and enthusiatic. She?s not the most trusting type, as she hasn?t kept any friends from her travels, so she thinks everyone just forgets about her. [u][b]Digimon[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Kitamon [b]Type:[/b] Animal Vaccine [b]Level:[/b] Rookie [b]Attacks:[/b] Claw Swipe, Cub Roar [b]Description:[/b] A lion cub with wings, basically. [b]Digivice:[/b] D-Tec: A cross between the D3 and D-Power [b]Digivolution Method:[/b] Normal S1 digivolution, but Crest (Passion + others) can be used to Matrix Armor digivolve to Ultimate once activated. Kitamon can't digivolve to Ultimate until all Crests are activated. Card Slashing also used.
  16. Rabid removed her gas mask, screwed up her nose and quickly put the mask back on again. [i]"Aw, jeezloeez, this would [b]not[/b] be the situation for an enhanced sense of smell!"[/i] Candy: Want some sugar? [i]"Feck off Candy."[/i] Yami: So, how we gonna stop the other tribe reaching the generator? [i]"I reckon a cave-in. Block off the tunnel in two places near them. By the time they break out, we'll be home laughing."[/i] Franky: That's not very nice. [i]"They're getting off lightly. I was also thinking of flooding in the section we trap them in."[/i] Yami: That's just pure evil. [i]"So's this RPG."[/i] Yami: True.
  17. That's not decided yet. It's just an idea though, I'll try to make a prototype out of cardboard first. But here's a more descriptive picture. This could really be used as a carry case for tournaments and stuff. It keeps them organised until you compile your deck for a match. There's a 4th compartment there for possibly a Side Deck.
  18. Right, I decided to stick this pic up just to let people see what I'm on about. It's just a plan view, and I'll put up a more decent pic later on.
  19. Rabid, still standing in the entrance hall, stares around at her new surroundings (for at least a week, anyway). [i]"Oooh great, just purrrfect. I've always hated horror movies, and now look which hellhole they've dumped me in."[/i] She checks her army survival kit- a Swiss Army knife and emergency rations amongst other things. There's also some personal stuff- a dictaphone and tapes, personal CD player and small speakers, and various other bits and pieces. [i]"Wonder if this joint's got any food."[/i] Only when she thinks this, that she detects the the smell of food. She wanders off, and eventually finds Franky. [i]"Franky, what's that smell?"[/i] He shows her the seafood bag. Franky: Food. Who are you? [i]"My name's Suzanne, but everyone calls me Rabid. And I know it's food, but I need something more specific here."[/i] Franky: Salmon and dolphin brains. Want some? [i]"Dolphin ain't exactly my thing, but some salmon will do."[/i] When she recieves it, it's raw. Her more animal instincts take over suddenly and she eats it like that. She looks up to see Franky staring at her strangely. Realizing what she just did, she blushes. [i]"OK, so I have my quirks... but this don't happen often. Just don't show me raw meat."[/i] She runs off to find a room, but spies Franky still looking at her on the way out. [i]"Hey, don't look at me weird, screw-neck!"[/i] [i]"Man, what have I let myself in for?"[/i]
  20. My guess, Iggy, is that Sage'll pick tribes, and leave us to kill off/ humiliate (whichever is more embarrasing) any other contestant we choose after that.
  21. The quote's from the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh Movie. It's summarised on Lelola.net. The full quote's- [i]"The Blue Eyes White Dragon will bring victory, however, what the Red Eyes Black Dragon brings is not victory, but potential. But this card is only for one who has the courage to duel."[/i]
  22. Are there any actual Bloopers in this topic? I got one if anyone's interested, but this is just a 'things you'd never hear' topic...
  23. OK, due to this idea, I know I've gone nuts. I was watching my fave Yu-Gi-Oh eps on tape this morning, and I suddenly realized how inconvenient it would be to carry the cards around in one big clump like they do. A idea suddenly hit me and I rooted out my old Pokemon cards. Using them as a template, I drew and designed this boxy idea to keep them in. It's about the size of a small book, 11 by 15cm, sorted in to Monster, Magic, Trap and Other compartments. I was wondering if something similar has already been made, as well as any comments. If there's enough interest, I'll put up the pics. A kinda appropriate quote: [i]"This ain't no dream, Tristan. This is just me going insane, it's all one big delusion."[/i]- Joey, [i]'Evil Ring Spirit'[/i]
  24. [b]Character's name:[/b] Suzanne Delaney (aka Rabid) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Race/kind:[/b] Battle Mutant [b]Occupation:[/b] Former army commando, now social outcast [b]Origin:[/b] The young Suzanne volunteered into a army program investigating genetic enhancement in humans. An overdose of a cocktail of radiation and animal DNA resulted in her... abnormalities. [b]Description:[/b] Fairly human in shape, but abnormally tall, about 6'7". Huge paw-like hands with retractable claws. Green eyes that go various shades of green. Firey coloured hair. Large canine teeth (not fangs). Her lower body is like a lioness minus the tail.
  25. I noticed that Mai and Cecillia Pegasus had more or less the same hairstyle.
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