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Sage Kaley

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Everything posted by Sage Kaley

  1. Well I didn't see a thread for this but I've been wrong before so forgive me if this is another of those times. Now then, has anyone else read this manga? I'm not sure if it's coming to America or not but it's very interesting. I've only read the first volume but I'm hooked. It's about Allen, an exorcist who is trying to stop the Akuma demons. Allen seems to just be wandering around, sort of reminds me of Fullmetal Alchemist in a sense. It's hard to say much without running into a few spoilers but it is good, though it is very creepy. I personally love that though. In the first chapter alone [SPOILER]a priest's wife is killed by a falling cross just as he tells her that God would never betray those who believe in him. Ouch. Talk about morbid (and ironic)[/SPOILER] For those not willing to read that part (I don't want to spoil it after all) let's just say it's creepy. Very very creepy. For what I'm reading, the whole manga is this way. Especially how the Akuma are actually formed: [SPOILER] sad morbid and ew, shoving the skeleton into the body like that, wow. [/SPOILER] My friend has recently sent me the remaining volumes (what has been released anyway) so I hope to see even more strange things. The main character is very cute and full of angst and I tend to like that in my manga men ;) The one odd thing is the main bad guy. [SPOILER] He's one weird looking guy, he's a clown thing and he's always got little hearts floating around and yeah, just weird [/SPOILER] So then, any other readers of this interesting little gem?
  2. [QUOTE=Lrb][color=#333333] And on that note, what's so bad about the ear phones? I have no problem with them. The sound is very crisp and clear and they can go fairly loud. If you get them in your ear right (most people stick them in wrong) then even if you tug on them they don't fall out.[/color][/QUOTE] Ah well I just don't like having things in my ear. They are sort of sensitive to that sort of thing. Plus my ears are small anyway and the default ones are huge! At least for me. But I know plenty of people who like the earbuds just fine. It's a matter of preference I suppose. I still get perfect sound on my headphones though. It just works for me.
  3. [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo] Have you consistently been called the wrong name for most of your life? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yep, my name is Kisha. That is like the word wish or fish, Kish, with an uh at the end. I rarely get called Kisha though, except by friends. Usually it's Kesha or Kasha or Keisha or something like that. It irks me and even friends slip up sometimes. I'm not sure why it's such a hard name to remember. I love my name. But I answer to Kesha now too, blah. [QUOTE=Delta] Question: Do you think it's right for people to sue fastfood chains because food there makes them fat? [/QUOTE] Bah, I don't think so at all. I mean like the woman who sued McDonald's because she spilled hot coffee in her lap and sued saying she didn't know the coffee was hot. That is stupidity (and no, the aruguement 'their coffee isn't usually hot though' is not valid) If you honestly think that eating McDonald's or whatever is healthy for you then personally I don't care if you get fat. I know when I eat Taco Bell it's bad for me so I don't blame the company. They aren't saying "Eat Taco Bell everyday and get skinny!" So no...and yes this logic works for most everything. Sueing a rock group because their lyrics made a kid kill himself...I just don't believe in that sort of thing. But! I have a question everyone! Do you have a weird snack or just a slightly odd snack that everyone thinks you are crazy for liking? Mine are Junior Mints mixed with hot buttered popcorn and french fries dipped in ice cream ^_^ Yes, salted and peppered french fries at that. Mmm, yummy.
  4. I have to second James when he said the iPod earphones are awful. I actually just use my bulky normal ones rather than the earbuds ^^ It doesn't bother me at all. I still listen to my music just fine without earbuds. I only know about iPods and about the one I have. It's a 20gbs one and he (yes I named him a guy's name so ha) works great but I will be honest and say that two weeks after getting it, it broke. I don't know why, it just wouldn't turn on at all. I knew the battery was fine because I let it charge all night. We took it back to Best Buy, they plugged him in, he turned on. I have no idea why. I know a few friends who also have random iPod breakdowns like that but then others don't. The bad thing is the guy at Best Buy told me that after 30 days, if I had a problem with my iPod I couldn't get a new one. They'd just have to try and fix it. That really bothers me but I still have the same one and it's been 30 days. He seems to work fine now. So yeah, it all depends on how much you want to spend and how much music you have. Oh and another thing I like about my iPod is that it can play my songs on a radio, like in the car or whatever. It costs a bit more but it's been very useful ^^
  5. Looks like OB ate my first reply. Bah. Hee it's funny but one of my favorite video game memories are those hard shooters, the scrolling 2-D ones where you would have a jet or something and be shooting well, everything. I played a lot of arcade games, the old ones. On Saturday mom would take me with her to the laundromat and I'd watch cartoons and play those shooters, and pac-man haha. At home I had a SNES so once a week I was allowed to rent a game. I can't say I had great taste but I played a lot of games back then. I liked Lion King and this 7-UP game where you played the red dot in some bubble world or something. I played Mario RPG and Final Fantasy and well...I played a lot. One game I hated was Home Alone 2. I could never beat it. Even when I was little I had this thing where I HAD to beat a game, get every item, everything. Oh but my favorite memory is playing my mom in battle modes, usually in Mario Kart. I loved beating her heh. She hated it but it was so fun to win against her and it's making me want to set up my SNES as a surprise for when she gets home! It's nice to remember these things, they are wonderful memories ^^
  6. A one-year warranty would be a nice idea, just before the one year mark was when my PS2 decided to give disk read errors. I called them and at first they didn't want to fix it. I got mine when it first came out though, that was a hard lesson on Sony technology. Still it's fixed now and runs just fine. I'm glad someone made Sony fix their mistakes or else I would have been extremely upset. I don't know if I'll even get a next gen console at this point, I'll be looking at games rather than company if I do. But just in case I'll probably wait several months after all the consoles are out and watch for error reports. Hopefully by the time I get one, assuming I do, any errors will be fixed or getting taken care of. I would like to think though that even if it costs a little more to get the bugs out, that it would be worth it in the end.
  7. I agree with everyone about kids growing up too fast but I thought I'd share something else too. I know a lot of people have been discussing clothes, mostly on girls, and how short and revealing they are getting. I've actually asked a parent about this, one who let her daughter run around in clothes that I myself wouldn't wear. Her daughter is roughly age 6. Her mother told me "It's only us adults who see sex in children. They don't know anything about what they are wearing or doing, they just think it's cute. Adults need to stop pressing their viewpoint on children and let them stay in their own happy world." Does anyone else see something very wrong with this viewpoint? For one thing, some of the children DO know what they are doing. That is a sad but true fact. However what bothered me is that she could say that only adults see the sex and yet not think ofchild molesters. I have seen the scary things pedophiles and the like write about young girls in revealing clothes. It's a major turn on to them. Yes, some children think halter tops are cute. But they shouldn't be wearing them. There's no reason to dress like that unless you want attention and no parent should allow their child to advertise herself like that. Not to mention the girls are dressing like that BECAUSE of the adult influence...
  8. [QUOTE=Doukeshi][SIZE=1] I know, but what I'm trying to say is, there is always so much more emphasis placed on white racism towards other cultures, hardly ever the other way round. Although it is terribly sad that such young children are being used to spread this hateful message. Sorta like sticking a bomb in a teddy-bear. Get a load of this picture, I dare you to tell me its not in the least bit disturbing: [URL=http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/129/1310/1600/DSCN0105.jpg][B]Scary...very scary[/B][/URL] P.S You're right ULX, the music is seriously bad, even if one ignores the lyrics[/SIZE][/QUOTE] That is very disturbing. I honestly can't believe they would wear that. Well actually given their songs and such it is quite believable. It's still disturning though. You're right, racism in general is a very big problem. I think though that the reason we're all so surprised and upset over this is because it's coming from these younger girls. Like you said, bomb in a teddy bear. It's just sick. It would be just as disturbing, for me at least, to hear any racist remarks from young girls like that, who honestly believe what they are saying. It's sad to think these girls can just blindly believe something like that. I really would love to hear how they were taught WW2. It must have been hard to put a good spin on that. And really, who is their record label? They are just as guilty of helping spread hateful messages. And of being greedy. Either way.
  9. It hadn?t been an easy trip but somehow that made seeing the massive movie studio lot even more impressive. Echo took a deep breath of the evening air and smiled, adjusting the pack slung across her shoulder. As much as she loved Greece there was something refreshing that only traveling abroad could give her. Maybe that was why she enjoyed being a member of the Legionnaires so much. It wasn?t really that she enjoyed fighting, because she certainly wasn?t the best at it. Unless, of course, her teammates were good at fighting and gave her enough to mimic properly. Yet it was more of a social deal for her, something she could have fun with and just treat as another aspect of her life. That was why this mission disturbed her so much. She hadn?t been briefed for very long, it was a rather urgent case. Still the information she had been given was enough to give her nightmares for a few weeks. Not to mention the rumors of a monster, although those bothered her less. Echo had dealt with deities in her original life and certainly terrible beasts were also part of that. In fact, that was the only reason Echo could think of that she was chosen for this mission. Her knowledge of so called mythical creatures was rather vast, given that she was a nymph. Echo made her way across the lot, her guard up the entire time. Even if she was used to dealing with strange creatures, being alone when confronting one would most likely get her killed. She knew some martial arts, nothing that could save her from a monster. Alone, with no one to mimic, she was quite vulnerable. A shiver ran down her spine as an evening breeze blew past, rippling her summertime dress. She finally found Studio 12B and walked swiftly towards it, trying to ignore the growing paranoia the dark lot was giving her. Echo dashed inside, moving past the crates and discarded props until she found her two teammates. Another thing that made her nervous was that she had never worked with either of them. In fact she barely knew anything about them. They stopped talking as she approached and one moved forward, extending his hand. ?It?s nice to meet you Echo. I trust the trip went well. I am Okita and this is Persona.? Okita said, nodding towards the other, silent man. Echo shook his hand, wondering if Persona would approach her, though he did not. ?It?s nice to meet you Okita and Persona. The trip went well.? Echo said back. Though she was usually easy going and didn?t mind speaking, the air was so heavy tonight that she found mimicking words difficult. There was a moment of silence and Echo almost pulled out paper when Okita?s eyes widened slightly. ?Oh, yes. I?m sorry. I forgot that you can only echo our words.? ?Yes, I?m sorry.? Echo sighed. It was a limitation and an annoying one. ?Hm, that will make things a bit more difficult.? Okita said, more to himself than to her. ?I?ll have to keep that in mind then. Well we should get to business if that is alright with you.? ?Alright.? Echo agreed, the two moving back to Persona. ?If I remember right, you can only mimic. You can?t fight on your own.? Okita said, pulling some notes out of his pocket. ?Right.? Echo confirmed. He flipped through them again, pausing. ?And you can mimic our fighting techniques?? Okita looked back up at her and folded the notes up. ?Then let?s fill you in real quick and get started. We have a job to do.?
  10. Sage Kaley


    "Red will go to the Old Mineshaft down at the valley enterance and wait for further instructions. Blue will navigate." (grins) I loved this show. I thought it was very funny to see teenagers scaring the crap out of themselves, listening to the freaky stories and sitting in a cage overnight in some room where three little boys were raped and killed. I don't know, maybe it hit the morbid side of me but watching people afraid like that was great. Hearing the stories even scared me sometimes. It was even better when something odd actually did happen, like a door slamming or a strange noise and just scaring them so bad that they'd go home. It was a great show...it wouldn't happen to be out on DVD would it? It'd still crack me up to see. It was like...Blair Witch the game show!
  11. Bah it's a Monday and my writing class doesn't get out until 9 so I'll still be at school. I suppose I'm a little too old for Halloween now anyway (sighs) Which sucks but anyways... So I'll be the broke college chick with kitty ears and a Cardcaptor Sakura wand sticking out of her backpack. Heh I might bring out the clow cards and a few plushies, I'll be creative lol I'll probably buy a few bags of candy and give them out to everyone I see around the campus as a trick or treating thing. Who knows, maybe people will like that...(shrugs)
  12. Big or small, if it's a spider, it scares me to death. That science class one? It was probably a little smaller than a ladybug but I still cried out and asked Mr. Summers to kill it for me. I know spiders are a common fear ^^;; I don't have a reason though, I just do. Mama says it's because she used to be really scared of them when I was little and I probably learned it from her. I know I used to like Daddy Long Legs but even they scare me now.
  13. [QUOTE=Dagger]I'm not sure if there's a Kyo Kara Maoh manga, but the anime is based on a series of novels (which include some manga-style illustrations). With the recent trend of anime/manga-related novels being translated by American companies, I hope someone will pick up KKM soon. I'd love to read the original version of the story. Kyo Kara Maoh actually reminds me very much of Demon Diary, heh (both in terms of its premise and its style of humor). ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Just wanted to pop in an add that KKM is indeed a manga ^^ It's done by the same girl who drew for the novel, according to my friend. and KKM happens to now be my (tied for first) favorite BL series, Wolf and Yuuri are just too funny. Wolf running around looking like Link...best episodes ever. I'm also very excited about BLU...there's only so much I can get through friends after all. I'd rather own actual copies of things than scanlations and fabsubs and the like. (although they tide me over, ahem...) So now I can finally buy some of these. Tokyopop is aiming to please the BL fanbase, this almost makes up for me missing out on "Hiwatari-kun!" and "Niwa-kun!" in the DNAngel manga. But not quite. ...DNAngel is still my fav BL related series though. KKM's gaining though.
  14. (laughs) Ok then I have one for everyone that seems to entertain people whenever they first here it: My first and to date only job was... (drumrolls) Official Pickle Sorter. Not at a nice plant either that you see on TV. Dark and loud and dirty and omg the pickles!! Nasty, some with worms, some with sticks in them, some oddly clear looking or rotted...and where did they go? The relish bin. I made your pickles and relish. I need some thanks. (waits) We even got a dead animal stuck in the machine one day. It was not a fun job. 7 an hour though, which was awesome for me. But such long days...6...8...11 hours. I was underage! Child labor I say! But It was money so I dealt with it. It bought Christmas presents and that was all that mattered. But damn... And my coworkers? Well...I liked the Spanish ones. There were a lot of them and I knew basic stuff. They were nice and good workers. The teenage girls there were annoying and the older woman was odd, told me all Canadians are from space or something and that the mothership would come back for them. She was serious. ...So there, my job. I hope you are all entertained/disgusted/slightly scared.
  15. Ick, sounds bad. (thinks) I was probably more emo in school than I am now. I don't emo as in the stereotype lol I just mean emotional. I would cry during the day and rant in my journal about being lonely and depressing and crap. Blah, dark days. I was actually fine though, I just felt really sad. I remember one time randomly crying in art class. I put my head on the table and cried and didn't want to talk to anyone. Now well, I'm stressed over college and well, emo. I ended up going home Wednesday because I felt sick, I was tired and dizzy and blacking out to an extent (luckily nothing but) I just couldn't do it. My one friend thinks I should drop out of college simply because it's driving me nuts. I suppose I don't have much advice or anything really important to say. As you can see you're not alone though ^_^ Like everyone else, I offer my ear whenever it is needed. It's the least I can do. Don't worry...usually things turn out for the better. I end up looking back and saying "Geez I was emo..." and stuff like that lol
  16. [QUOTE=Fiacha]*chuckles* Roxie apparently doesn't remember Skye. Ah, well. *grins* Si, se habla espanol porquito mui buen. (IOW, I speak a little spanish very well. Atleast, that's the best I can do.) Most of the Spanish I know I got from my mother because she spoke it to me when I was little. I'm not even due ot take Spanish till next semester. I know a few phrases, words, and whatnot, although I'm horrible at writing it. V_V *wracks her brain* Let me see... te amo la cabesa rojo mui buen! *hopes she got this right, although she's just guessing* ^_^ I also tend to piece together words I know and make them into sentences - although my sentence structure is also horrible. PM me, si? Methinks we're straying off-subject. Yeah, it's a great way to celebrate the dead, and it's fun. It takes a lot of the fear out of the holiday, and out of the idea of greeting spirits.[/QUOTE] Ahhh I love you for knowing this. I've always thought it was really interesting and even used it for an rp character. But as for my Halloween traditions, they involve running around with my friends, scaring the daylights out of ourselves with the scariest stories we know... We dress up, get our candy, talk about spooky things then go home and divide the goods between all of us, trading for candy we like and stuff. When I was younger we'd go to Halloween parties and do all the fun stuff like haunted houses and scary movies and bobbing for apples... I might not be able to do anything this year because of college (sighs) But I will at least wear my damn kitty ears all day and pass out candy to random people. -_- LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF HALLOWEEN!
  17. Spiders spiders and more spiders. Did I say spiders? Cause sometimes I forget spiders. No seriously, I am as afraid of spiders as someone can be...well at least to the extent where I don't jump out a window if I see one. I can list off countless times that spiders have driven me to screaming. Today for example I got out of the shower and reached for my underwear, only to have a spider jump out (eh, crawl, whatever) at me from...well...them! I screamed. Or in Spanish class, there was one on the ceiling and I made the teacher kill it. In science class, same deal. One night a spider did doughnuts around my room for three hours until mama woke up for work and killed it for me at 4 am so I could finally go to sleep. I have no idea why I fear them. They aren't too creepy, some of them are pretty actually. But dear Gods do they scare me ^^;; It's awful. I love ants and everything else though. Flies are just annoying...(thinks) that's all...
  18. Oooh a fangirling spot heh heh. Well this seems fun, allow me to join. I noticed my anime type is a lot different than my real life type...(thinks) Or is it...eh...I can sum up my list for you all right now: Gay, blonde, white hair, psycho, thieves. [B]Eiri Yuki from Gravitation-[/B] He's got issues and in anime that's hot with a capital H. He's blonde, he's angsty, he's tall and that smile/smirk melts my fangirl heart. And smoking, while a huge turn off for me in real life, is hot here. Weird... [B]Krad from DNAngel-[/B] Hee again with the blonde, only Krad is more crazy/homicidal. Krad is an interesting one and he's as gay as Yuki up there so I wouldn't have a shot with him anyway. And he'd kill me. But he's hot. [B]Wolfram from Kyou Kara Maou-[/B] Ten points if you guessed he's blonde and pissy. He has catchphrases though! ('wimp' and 'cheater') Um and he's cute with kids. [B]Yami no Bakura from YuGiOh-[/B] A non-blonde but the start of my white hair fetish. He's also psycho. I love me some psychos. And thieves. He's white hair, psycho and thief so yeah... [B]Kaworu/Kaoru from NGE-[/B] White hair and red eyes and angelic to boot ^_~ Wow. And him and Shinji... [B]chaos from Xenosaga-[/B] Since it's now an anime, I can say him. Cause he's white hair, angelic, hot and secretly angsty. [B]Mute from Princess Tutu-[/B] The white hair thing? Yeah...and angst...and stuff. [B]Lyserg from Shaman King-[/B] He has enough angst to break the pattern And honorable mentions goes to: Dark (DNAngel), Yuki (Fruits Basket), Kurama (YYH), Tsukasa (.hack), Satoshi (DNAngel), Dios (Last Exile), Ken (Digimon), Akira (Hikaru no Go, the only reason I watch is for him and Hikaru's rivalness) I think I could handle them all ^_~ Angst and psychos and all.
  19. Well ok this is a bit of an old topic but I didn't want to start a new one just to go "omg I wanna talk about this now!" Well recently my friend has given me a list of anime I must see and after viewing them, I found myself hooked on KKM. I'm up to episode 30 and must say I'm in love with Conrad, Wolfram, Yuuri...heck I like everyone. But pairings wise I meant hee. But I actually really like how it's serious sometimes but just funny and zany enough to keep you happy. I can't believe how hard I fell for this anime. I'm really glad it's being dubbed, although some of the changes were a little weird. Like the urine joke ^^;; It might have been easier to just explain the pun with the names...but it's fine (minus Izzy from Digimon as Wolfram, I still see Izzy in my head) I love Gunter though. Goes right with the Pegasus/Ayame type that I find so funny. So I hope no one minds me reviving this thread (nods) I just wanted to see if anyone else is new to the series and in love with it.
  20. [QUOTE=Dagger]Yes! More angela love! :catgirl: I'm almost desperate to hear their version of the Nadesico OP ("You Get to Burning") and the Evangelion OP ("Cruel Angel Thesis"). I've been told that both covers are excellent, and of course I would expect nothing less from my favorite J-Pop band. If they ever come to a con near me, I might actually be motivated to brave the crowds and attend. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Ahh! They did covers? I want to hear those too, if you find them please tell me. My friend saw them at a con and said they were amazing. I wish I could see them but I've never even been to a con =/ Of course if I heard that angela was going to be there I might have to...they really are amazing.
  21. Hm if everything that I'm reading/watching died midseries I would be to say the least mad. Only because I'm the kind of person that will hate a series but read it till the end because I have to know what happens. So I suppose I would make a mini journey to the holy land a.k.a several select manga-ka's homes, ask them my questions, get answers and feel closure. Ha, I'm so weird but it's the truth. As long as I can know what was going to happen I should be alright... I don't think it's going to die out ever though, there will always be fans of anime.
  22. I was wondering this myself but I figured that I just couldn't find them for some reason ^^;; I think more than that went missing too, at least five I think but I'm not sure. It just seems like the Lounge suddenly shrank by a lot. They didn't seem like bad threads so I'm assuming they went missing somehow but I don't really know.
  23. Ah someone said DBZ is better than Cardcaptor Sakura, a sin in my book but oh well. I'll just say that I don't think by watching it, you become stupid. It happens to be one of my favorite animes. Everyone pretty much covered DBZ for me so thanks for that. Did anyone else think that Inuyasha is overrated? I still like it and all but I don't think it's anything especially good. For underrated eh...that's kinda hard but I'll go ahead and say Detective Conan even though it's not that underrated. It has a good solid fanbase but it's not really that popular around here. I think it's a cute, interesting show though and I wish I could figure out more of the crimes before Conan did >_<
  24. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] So now I'm wondering if anyone or any organisation in your area is doing any fund raising to help out. And please no more of that above crap.[/color][/QUOTE] I believe that the Red Cross in my area just had a blood drive because my mom gave blood. And she's very afraid of needles, hospital related stuff. I agree, blame and all that is stupid now. But wow, people leaving their pets. I couldn't leave Abby (my dog) and I know that's silly but...I just couldn't. I read some owners asked a vet who was staying in New Orleans to kill their animals, so they wouldn't suffer. She's taking care of dozens of pets on top of that. I think that's amazing that she would ease people's minds like that.
  25. Actually I think you're part of what the industry needs. Video games need fresh ideas right? Well who better to give those ideas? I think more people going into the industry will help it. If you want to do graphics then go ahead, there will be jobs for you after you get your degree (I think, it's a pretty good guess). I don't think people will move on in gaming by the time you get your degree. I really doubt that. So there's no worries there. I say if that's what you want to do and you're willing to work for it, then do so. New ideas start with new people there to spice things up.
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