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Everything posted by Sage Kaley
Personally I believe in ghosts. About two years ago I saw a woman with a blue aura in my house. It scared the living crap out of me but it's what I saw. There wasn't a person in my house, it wasn't my mom, etc. I don't know what to think it was, ghost does answer it. You can say I was seeing things but she was there for several minutes before going through the wall. I've also heard our heavy door open, slam, open, slam randomly. But these are just some of the things that make me believe in them. My mom believes in them too because of things she's seen. I think it has a lot to do with your mindset though. I don't hear a noise and think 'omg ghost' but I'm open to the notion.
I agree that Fate fries my brain but that's because it ends up sounding odd. If you try to defy fate, then you were fated to defy fate. I was fated to sit here today and type this. But then choices and such end up being useless. If you believe in fate too much, you end up thinking things are useless because it's going to happen no matter what and so nothing you do will change it. Or will it? Because maybe you're fated to change it. Then you're not really changing anything because you were supposed to. (cue my brain frying) I don't even think any of that just made sense. I don't like the idea of fate but at the same time, I do think something that is a bit like fate. I think, for example, that every person you meet, you met for a reason. But that's more because I think that you yourself give meaning to the meeting. So no, I don't believe in fate, it's too hard on my brain.
I read both the Time and Newsweek articles on this, they were both amazing. I hope I still have those issues around here... I think what bothers me about ID is how it tries to both have religion and distance itself from it. One of the leaders of the ID movement has said that it's not saying God created us but rather that a Creator did. That just sounds silly. Not God but some Creator, which is another term for God...but not God...that bugs me I suppose. I think they should just say God. I don't mind if someone believes God created us but I don't. I mean, a Creator is vague...God, aliens, what? Christians originally created ID so why not just say God? I don't like it when people say evolution isn't possible because there's still monkeys. Ugh...it might help if evolution itself was taught properly. It's such a touchy subject that most schools skip over it or only mention it in passing. I would like it if evolution was given a good teaching in schools before they consider dragging in ID. Then maybe some people would understand 'why there are monkeys'. (sighs) What's funny though is plenty of perfectly reasonable religious people believe in evolution and dislike ID. Although what also seems odd to me is that they reject evolution so much. Evolution is a theory yes but it's got more evidence to back it up than, well, many things. Like God. God is about faith, I understand and respect that...but God shouldn't be taught with evolution, something much less about faith and more about facts. Teaching ID would be fine but not in a biology class. To me, ID isn't science because it can't be tested. There, end of my ramblings.
An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Sage Kaley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I'm glad this thread came back...I was shocked to see gas jump so high so quick. I know, before anyone tells me, that the hurricane has had an effect but it's also a holiday. I hate to be cynical in such a time but well, business men in the oil business love to make money. Everyone loves to make money but price gouging happens all the time. I'm fairly sure it's been happening. I'm not entirely sure on this next part but the oil rigs that were hit...weren't they mostly exporting? I;m not sure, I know we do export some but I wasn't sure if those ones were. If they were the mainly exporting ones then wouldn't the hurricane not effect oil prices as badly? Ah I don't know on this one if someone wants to help me out. Although with the new rise in prices, it brings my original point into sharper focus. In some areas gas has hit 4.50 and minimum wage is 5.15 [B]before[/B] taxes. Wow. It actually made me sick today thinking about it. Minimum wage is most certainly not a standard of living now more than ever. I don't even like thinking about it. My parents are already freaking out now. And also about all that global warming, I remember learning if the sea temperture rises another 2 degrees, most coral reefs will die. That will have a massive impact, a negative one, on well, everything. Global warming is real and in no way good. The ice caps are important, if they melt...ugh...more unpleseant thoughts. Last I knew though, the Kyoto Treaty was our current best shot. Not many businesses here are trying to do anything. It would be nice if at least something was done to help the environment. -
Ahh someone said [B]FLCL[/B] already but I truely love the pillows. I would like to own their every cd simply because they are amazing and their music really helped FLCL if you ask me. I love that anime but the music, that was something that made you instantly want to hunt down the OSTs for. Every song is good. Literally. Moon is Mine and Hybrid Rainbows are my two picks for now. [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B] is another good choice for the sheer atmosphere that the jazz and rock, plus the softer things, set. It was able to increase tension and I truely think it was a mix of the song and ending that actually made me cry, not just the end itself. The Real Folk Blues of course is everyone's suggestion but with a good reason. Although that music in the Faye's Past series of episodes was wonderful. No one has said [B]DNAngel[/B] yet but I'm going to go ahead and say it. I own the OSTs and love all the songs, especially the vocal ones. Krad's vocal is amazing and the opening and ending themes are all just as good. Yasashii Gogo being one of my favs. Lastly I'm glad Dagger mentioned [B]Fafner[/B] because while I haven't been able to see the anime, my obsessed friend has sent me the music. It's brilliant, I'd love to see it in the actual scenes. She also hooked me on Angela because of it. Those are my music picks.
Ah I had to start this thread because I didn't see one and I'm hyper about this game. I'm sure some of you out there have heard about the Sly Cooper series and like myself, are also excited about this next game. All signs point to September as the release month, which did surprise me a bit since it hasn't been that long since SC2: Band of Thieves but I'm nonetheless happy. I suppose I'm most excited about revisiting the Cooper gang and playing the oddly charming Sly through more stylish levels. Oh yes and watching anything between Carmelita and Sly, it's cliche and funny so yay. The villians are fun too and I absolutely love the way the story unfolds. The first two games were amazing too, they made me put away my rpgs for a bit and trust me that takes some skill. I'm already planning on buying this game and playing it endlessly until I beat it. Then replaying it, because it's actually fun to replay the series. The cel shading looks so slick too. Ah I could rant on and on but I'll leave that for everyone else. So what about the rest of you? Do you know of this game and are stoked? Or just curious or plain hateful? I do know people who hate the series. Well let's hear it folks ^_^ [B]EDIT:[/B] Well I thought I'd give out some more info in the form of links. As you can see, I even have a banner/avi set now for my current obsession. [URL=http://ps2.ign.com/objects/738/738000.html]IGN's[/URL] Sly 3 section and both of Gamespot's [URL=http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/sly3/preview_6122059.html]preview[/URL] and their [URL=http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/sly3/preview_6131688.html]hands-on demo thoughts[/URL] should be enough to get everyone pumped ne? I know all this news is just making the days go by slower. It's nice to be excited about a game release. It's been months since I was.
Ahhh this is very exciting to me. I'm a long time Lunar fan so seeing a new one after years of Lunar 3 rumors is just amazing to me. In fact, it might be what sways me from my 'middle ground' on the DS vs. PSP debate going on in my wallet. Really the DS isn't hard to use from the times I've played it and it has enough good games that I would play that the new Lunar is just the finishing touch. I think the battle system sounds fun really, yelling into the DS to run will be amusing and I'll probably do it just to yell. Lucia though, odd that they are using that name again. I'm glad it's coming out so soon but I still need to buy the DS first... I'll be waiting on Lunar 3 though, blue and black dragons still need some love.
Well I've been a gamer since I was old enough to press the buttons and watch the screen at the same time. In fact, my mom has pictures I drew when I was 4 of me playing video games. They look horrid but anyways... I think in a way, I haven't lost that feeling. I still go into games like Star Ocean 3 excited and wait for certain game releases with just as much joy. But I've also matured and gotten older since the times when I thought Home Alone 2 was a wonderful game. So while I still get excited, I look at different things. I'm not just excited anymore because of the 'oh somethine shiny' reaction. I'm excited because this battle system sounds fun, the story is fresh, the characters sound interesting, the graphics stun me, whatever it may be about that game. Now, also unlike back then, when I'm disappointed in a game, it's not because I can't beat level 13. It's because the story is a let down with boring characters or the controls are confusing. The games I buy I treasure in the same way though that I did when I was a child. Maybe my mind is just simpler (laughs) I don't know, I just still love games. I still replay the ones I have and I still try to beat them all. Sometimes to do move on, that's my 'something shiny!' kicking in again but...I remember when I beat Chrono Cross I threw open my window and yelled to my dad that I had done it, he was outside mowing the lawn. I was so happy. So I dunno what to say ^^ That's just how it is for me. I just love video games and haven't lost that feeling yet, it's just become a bit more refined.
Whos your favorite J-pop singer or wats your favorite Anime songs
Sage Kaley replied to kagomefruitcup's topic in Noosphere
Hm I like Hikaru Utada and Ayumi Hamasaki enough but I prefer the pillows and Angela much much more. I only like some of Hamasaki's techno songs like Heartplace and for Utada I enjoy Hikari~ from Kingdom hearts, Why, Deep River and First Love. I love her voice but for some reason, most of the actual music annoys me. the pillows are pretty well known thanks to FLCL and well I haven't found a song by them that I don't love yet. The rank very high on my favorite bands actually. Some of you may remember Angela from Soukyuu no Fafner and Stellvia. They aren't as well known yet but I hope they will be, the single Asu E No Brilliant Road is beautiful, I love the lead singer's voice. Also I love Rie Fu, again known for the Bleach ending theme Life is Like a Boat. FAKE? Is very interesting too from what I've heard, I'd like to hear more of their music. Orange Range is also a good band. So those are my recs. -
Echo smiled at the waiter as he finally came to their table. It had been quite some time since Echo and her friend, Vernacular, had been able to get out and relax. With a mission approaching, this was the best time. Neither she nor her friend were truly looking forward to their grim sounding ordeals and so they had taken a night out. The waiter listed off the night's specials and Echo nodded until she heard one she liked. "Steak with the side salad." Echo repeated easily. "With or without the tomato sauce?" He asked. Waiters were some of the best to talk to. "Without." Echo answered. Vernacular grinned at her friend, it was the first time she'd smiled since she'd heard what her mission was to be a week ago, and turned as the waiter directed the same question at her. "No, I really, truly, honest to goodness, do not want any of the specials. I'll have steak, rare, priceless, hard to find and mashed potatoes..." The waiter stared at her as she continued, "And I'll have a red wine please, of a nice vintage, year, era, decade...." He nodded and attempted to leave but Vernacular grabbed hold of his jacket, holding him in place "you haven't taken my friends, comrades, companion?s drink order yet!" Echo giggled at the look on the waiter's face. "I'll have red wine please...nice year." Echo smiled, glad that she and Vernacular had the same taste in food and drink. In fact, they had the same taste in many things so whenever she was in the area, they'd go shopping and such. It was lovely being back with her, even though she knew what it meant. Once the waiter had walked, more like ran away, Echo sighed. "I really do not want..." She mirrored a few words but that was all she could say. Luckily, Vernacular always understood her. They both knew the only reason either of them were unhappy this evening. ?To go on the mission I'm assigned to..." Vernacular finished for her. "I know, that is not a pleasant, joyful, fulfilling, mission...And mine, my own, the one I am assigned to...I do not know how I will be able to fulfill, finish, complete it." She sighed, shaking her head "To see, observe, watch, children going about jobs, assignments, of such a nature...." She shuddered. "It is going to wound, hurt, pain me..." She played with the silverware on the table. "Children...that is not joyful. To see that..." Echo shook her head, looking down. Sometimes she hated her limited words. "My own mission is..." She groaned, then smiled and took out a small piece of paper and wrote upon it 'and don't even get me started on my teammates'. "Not pleasant." Echo groaned, handing the paper to Vernacular. Her teammates were, to say the least, dreadful. She knew from hearing the mission briefs that Vernacular hadn't faired too well there either. "I would never be able to help, assist, work with Okita....there are certain things I cannot, will not, refuse to, deal with....Vampi-" She stopped as the waiter brought out a tray bearing their meals on it. "Thank you, danke, gracias..." The man rolled his eyes. "Ok, you frighten me with your incessant babbling..." Vernacular grinned. "It is my goal, endeavor, hope in life to scare, frighten, terrorize people this way..." She reached out and stopped the man as he tried to place her meal in front of Echo and smirked. "Mine." Echo chuckled, taking her plate from the slightly afraid waiter, who then set down their drinks and dashed off without even pouring them for the ladies. "To work with Okita..." Echo mused, shaking her head. "Frighten me." She said as the girls inspected their food, finding it to their liking. "I cannot deal with it." She laughed lightly but the truth was, she really couldn't deal with it. Vampires were...freaky. That was one thing she never wanted to mimic and her other teammate well, he wouldn't be any help. "Your?" She asked, in a way that might confuse others. Of course, she meant Vernacular's teammates. Vernacular poured some wine into two glasses and used the time to reflect on her team-mates. "It's going to be hard, difficult, nigh-impossible to work with Saturn, my personality is happy, cheerful, carefree and Saturn is depressed, angsty, moody...we will not mix well. And Dust...Well you know, can relate to, have been around me enough to remember, recall that I do not really hold with violence, force...and he's a master, expert with the gun..." She shrugged as she cut into the steak. "And the one we are to recruit, coerce, bribe, into joining us, I have no opinion formed, figured out, as of yet." she chuckled. "Saturn?" Echo made a face, she had only worked with her once and didn't want to think of it again. "Angsty, moody...I can relate." She shook her head. "Dust...hm..." She had not worked with him but still, he didn't seem too bad. "A gun expert...enough force to recruit?" It seemed strange to her that there would be such a forceful man in a recruiting party. After all, even if it was an army of children, they were still just children. She knew that Vernacular had a child of her own, that had to make this mission even worse. "Yes...I'm going to try, attempt and see if we, the team, can do this as un-forcefully as possible...." She speared a piece of meat into her mouth. "I fink we woul d'bes to jus get in an' out af foon and af quickly as we canf..." She swallowed her mouthful, grinning. Echo blinked at her companion and laughed, pausing in her eating to write 'Silly, don't talk with your mouth open' on her paper. It was times like this that she was so glad to have paper and pen on her always. "I fink it bes to." Echo mirrored her speech, strange as it sounded. Then, more curious than anything having not seen her in so long she jotted down quickly 'How's family life going?' before diving back into her steak. "Glad, happy, joyful you asked! Daniel is doing fine, good, quite well even if I do not understand how he is not bored beyond belief with his accounting. And Hira is doing more, greater, immensely better than fine, in her opinion anyway. The little fright." She chuckled at a memory. "Last week she asked, inquired, wondered were you were and when you'd be visiting or residence, home, house, domicile..." ?Little Hira...a fright. Good!" Echo smiled, glad to know the girl was still as hyper as ever. She was rather fond of the little girl and truth be told, seeing Vernacular's family made her wish she had her own. That still had yet to happen in any of her lifetimes. She leaned back in her chair, listening to the table over discuss travel plans. "I'd love to come..." She paused, waiting for them to continue. "It's hard to arrange a time." Echo smirked. Dropping in on other's conversations was always good for her too. Vernacular finished her mashed potatoes and pushed her plate into the center of the table. "We'll have to have you over soon, sometime after, ensuing, our missions...Hira has started to call you, has named you, refers to you as Auntie Echo..." She smiled. "Auntie Echo..." Echo grinned, nodded. She too had finished and pushed her plate aside. "Soon, after our missions..." She agreed, happy to have something to look forward to after their dreadful missions. Vernacular nodded as well. "It's settled, finalized, permanent then. You are coming." She stood up from the table, and glanced over at Echo. "Whom shall we leave, drop, give the check to?" Echo paused thoughtfully then grinned and pointed at their waiter. He probably didn't want to see them ever again and that was exactly why. She stood, snatching up her pen and notebook as she did and listened to the words around her. "It was a lovely evening." She repeated, meaning it of course. Vernacular paused before the largest grin that evening spread across her face. "Good, brilliant, genius idea! Love you..." She hugged the younger woman before she headed out the door. "Don't forget! You're visiting!" "Love you!" Echo said back with a smile. "Brilliant, visiting!" It really had been a wonderful night, she thought, as she went through the doors.
Well G4 isn't really the best source for game information. It certainly is a fun one sometimes but I find I like magazine sources better. OPM and EGM being my favs but ah well. I don't think that I'd be buying crappy expensive games without G4 around ^^;; I think I'd be researching up coming games online or using magazines or something like that ^^ I'd miss X-Play though...(sighs) So let's hope that doesn't happen until X-Play comes out on DVD heh. I am sad that at GPhoria some of the games that won...well it's not that they were awful just...not exactly what I would have thought would win. Ah well like Manic Webb said, that's the fanbase for ya. Still, I wasn't all pleased but what can you do? It's an awards show.
I'll admit, as much as I love shounen-ai and yaoi pairings, I have trouble finding manga that I enjoy for it. Yes I like Gravitation but more for the funny than for the shounen-ai. It's a great series though, at least I thought so. Usually the pairings I like are only hinted at in anime/manga or fanon pairings sadly. Like in DNAngel for example, lots of hints and tricks but what will really happen is well, probably nothing shounen-ai related. Pet Shop of Horrors, to me, counts though because I feel the Count D and Leon relationship was more than just a bit of fanservice or teasing. I think Demon Diary counts as well, even if they never really kissed or anything like that. I've heard of Cut and La Esperanca and thought they looked good but that's all I know of them. FAKE looked good too but something about the art put me off a bit. I don't know, art is very important to me in a manga, I mean that's part of the joy of a graphic novel. I found I didn't really like Only The Ring Finger Knows just for this reason but I feel I should give it another try. Plot is important but characters mean more to me so characters and art is anyone has any suggestions. Ah! I know one I loved, Our Kingdom. I enjoyed that one a lot from what I read. I know it's being released soon. I don't know, I need to break out of fanon and into real canon pairings in actual shounen-ai manga I suppose.
I like them but then again I like two of their songs so really that doesn't count for much. I like Niki FM and Screenwriting An Apology, I'm not sure why I just do heh. I enjoy those songs and sometimes Blue Burns Orange but I dunno, I don't think I'd but their cd. They aren't bad but at the same time, nothing really special to me.
Actually I think I know why my team's thread has such a high rating. If I'm not mistaken, Generic NPC #3's posts will all be M only. So I think Shy was just taking the high road and labeling the whole thread M to be safe. I could be wrong though. I know I freaked a bit when I saw my thread's rating. I believe my exact quote was "I'm going to die" but anyways... I'll also add how exciting this is and say congrats to Shy on the good work.
[quote]oh man, that sucks! i thought that it was a good thing when they introduced him to the manga, but now i know that the manga will be over soon *.* poor Krad, he's my favorite character, and they barely had him in the manga too...[/quote] Yes I know but I'm not entirely sure if it's the end or not. I read this somewhere so really who knows how true it is. But it certainly seems like it's all coming to a climax ever since he was introduced. Which would indeed be sad, meaning my two favorites, him and Krad, didn't get much airtime. But it is a good thing lol It gave me my favorite character! Ah well, that's why I read so much DNAngel fanfiction.
DNAngel is probably my favorite manga series. The plot and such is much darker and stranger than most (really, think about it) and yet it still remains fun and interesting. Of course I know the main draw for some is the romance and for me it is no different, except that I view this as a shounen-ai manga and treat it as such. You can tell that [spoiler]Satoshi loves Daisuke. I mean, Daisuke is his trigger for turning into Krad and there are many moments when Satoshi is seen struggling over his relationship with Daisuke. There are plenty more hints through the manga, not to mention you also can tell Krad loves, at least in his own twisted way, Satoshi. He calls him Satoshi-sama and 'my everything' and well yeah...Although these things are easier to see in the Japanese manga. [/spoiler] Krad, Satoshi, Daisuke, Dark, I really love all the characters. My favorite though is one who hasn't quite been introduced to the English manga yet: [spoiler] Argentine. He's so awesome, kidnapping Risa and he's powerful to boot. He frickin levitates! He's cute too, he reminds me of chaos from Xenosaga and he's crazy so yay! I just love how he pisses off Dark so much that Dark uses his REAL wings and nearly kills Daisuke by doing so. Argentine though marks the start of the end of the manga IMO...[/spoiler]
Ha! I do love the Hiro Rule (I'm a Lunar fan so...) They also mention dictionaries as a weapon. I wonder if that's from Star Ocean, Leon did use one. Hm...it's fun to pick out times I remmeber these rules happening. I still say my favorite is strolling into a house, taking all the crap in it and then walking out. I think I'd lock my doors if I was in a RPG. Locks must be hard to find though. I think I know most of the games that list is refering to as well. It certainly made me smile anyway. I don't mind RPG cliches though because well nowadays it's hard to avoid cliches in anything. Really though, when a cliche is done right then it doesn't matter to me if the stupid princess is kidnapped for the #3,546,387 time or I have to go find the five mystical crystals of bob. If the developers can make it interesting, I'll play it. I'm not TOO picky but I can be. (just say no to Shining Tears) ...Although come on, it would be fun to walk into your friend's house, take their computer and walk out as if nothing happened. The best part is they never bring it up or hate you for it and will still tell you the info you need. What a good NPC...I mean friend.
I liked the little I saw of it and as you guys have pointed out, I got to see it on MTV. This still shocks me so I will not speak of it. However I did like it. The art style was different and sometimes looked a bit odd but it was usually very good. I liked the crazy guy. He was a mob boss I believe, I don't know, he was the token crazy guy of anime and I loved him. I also loved Daisuke and that wolf guy. The wolf guy episodes were good. See I don't know much about it, I only remembered Daisuke's name because his nickname was Dice and I started calling Daisuke from DNAngel that. Ah but I did like the show, I wouldn't mind seeing it again. The ending theme was good too, I don't know what it was called though.
I have to say, as much as I love the manga the anime bothers me to no end. I can't watch it ever since I heard Sanji's voice. (weeps) Ah but the voices, while mostly bad, aren't my only complaint. Somehow I feel the fun and light feeling that the manga has was somehow lost to the anime. Perhaps this is only a dub problem, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen it subbed, I'm basing this all on the dub and it's bad, to me.
(laughs) Ok my summer is going to sound so boring compared to everyone else but that's alright. I slept. A lot. I also played a lot of video games, mostly rpgs. I read, I listened to music, I searched for jobs... Mostly I've been sitting on my butt playing games or writing. Most of my friends have been busy this summer and I don't invite myself over >_< Ah well, tis ok. Oh yes and much net surfing has been done. Huzzah. Hm...it probably didn't live up to my expectations but I suppose I figured my first summer free from high school would be different. At least it was relaxing, if a bit boring. The only real events was a funeral and various other drama. Now I have my first year of college coming up, my 18th birthday and job hunting lol So really I don't have anything planned. Just trudging along at this point and seeing where it takes me I suppose.
It was times like this that Molly was glad that someone in her family had bothered to teach her to read. She read over her schedule while everyone around her clapped for Madame Davis. First up she had Physiology, which a classmate had been nice enough to tell her was Biology. If she understood right, it was a class all about plants and animals, how they worked and the like. That definitely sounded good to her, anything where she could learn more about her rooted friends. Her hand strayed to the leather pouch on her neck and she smiled brightly as she continued down the paper. Later on the list she also had Arithmetic, a math class. Math?well she had learned to count and that sort of thing. Molly paused, her brow furrowing as she tried to imagine what sorts of things she?d learn there. One of her brothers had once told her all about division and multiplication. It sounded hard and a bit pointless to her. Adding and subtracted seemed like all she needed but still, learning was learning and she wanted knowledge. Penmanship, History, Singing, Latin?suddenly a hand fell on Molly?s shoulder and she jumped, only to see one of the other students smiling at her. ?Come on kid, everyone?s leaving.? The boy said with a laugh. Sure enough, she?d been so engrossed with her classes that most of the others had long filed out of the room. ?Ah thanks!? Molly blushed, feeling embarrassed. Still at least someone had bothered to shake her out of la-la land. She grabbed her satchel and stuffed her schedule in it, determined not to get distracted again. Hastily she rushed down the halls of the school, overwhelmed that a place could be so large. It was easy to get taken in by such a strange, beautiful new place, especially for a girl from such a sightless little town. Part of her wanted to go through the tour one more time, to gaze around in wonder at such a wonderful school. Still, it was almost time for class to start so she had to hurry. Or had class already started? Molly stopped dead in her tracks and sighed, reaching back in her bag to search for her class list once more. Yep, she was late for Biology and going in the completely wrong direction. She didn?t waste another moment and rushed off down a different hallway. Molly really hoped she hadn?t missed much as she finally reached the classroom door. Sure enough, everyone else was already there and the teacher looked up as she entered. She was smiling and excited but Molly could tell it was going to be a long day already.
Heh I'm finally replying to this thread because my friend and I just fought over this. Well as many have said, it's too early to tell what console looks good but I am worried about the PS3. I'm only saying this because so far from what I've read (and what you guys are saying) it sounds more computer-ish. Actually so does the 360 but much more on the PS3's end. I just want to play games. I honestly don't care about all the fancy crap, I'm not a techie like that. I use compy here for music/movies/net/all that good stuff. My PS2 does get plenty work as a DVD player too but that's when I'm not farming in Harvest Moon or something. I use them for games. That's really all I want them to do. But I understand that these are moves to gain certain bases and niches etc. I understand the marketing reasons. Still... It's odd but from early reports, I might swing Nintendo or 360's way. It depends on how they look after launch. If, after they are all out and into the market, I see tons of good games I want for PS3 and so many more on the horizon, then yes I'll look into that. If they are going towards 360 then I go towards 360. I'm just a gamer who plays games. I follow the games I like and interest me and that is the system I buy. I'm happy with my PS2 right now but I don't yet know what the future holds. Price is another thing but I don't like thinking about how much these things will cost...>_< It hurts my wallet. But yes that's all I have to say for now...I hope this made sense, it's 4 am and I'm beat...
I didn't start as early...let's see, 7th grade sounds about right. I used to go into video game and RP forums as bluemoondestiny or BMD and just rp and chat and my parents honestly didn't care because they had already scared the crap out of me about crazies on the net. I used to look up FF7 fanfiction and spent a lot of my time on Oh No Not Another Final Fantasy 7 Webpage's forum, run by Frank. Man I loved him, he's the one who got me to write again. Even if it was only fanfiction, he encouraged me. I had a lot of friends there and it was nice but it sorta fell apart due to internal struggles between the mods and a group who wanted to be mods. Now Frank's page is gone too, though you can still find the internet series he wrote. So I left the net for a bit and when I came back, it was mostly for fanfiction and music. I still use it for fanfiction, most of my net friends I met through fanfics. I also use livejournal a lot and I suppose this is my new forum heh. I like it here anyway. I also now use the net for webcomics and anime news. Go me. I just sit here all day writing and scanning the net heh.
Hm, I cry pretty easy though. Like in Fruits Basket, I pretty much cried once an episode. It's just really sad. But no I think I cried most the first time I watched Cowboy Bebop. I was on the phone with my friend Matt and we were silent, just watching the final episodes until it got to when [SPOILER] Faye and Spike were talking and he tells her about his eyes and she doesn't want him to go. Gods that was frickin sad, watching her fire the bullets in the air and start crying because she knew she'd never see him again. [/SPOILER] I broke down at that point, it was just too sad. Matt had to comfort me but it only lasted until [SPOILER] Spike and Vicious battled. That whole scene of Spike running through the complex blowing crap up to Real Folk Blues was so intense and when he died at the end...yep, I lost it again. [/SPOILER] Cowboy Bebop was one of the first animes to really grip me and to this day I still can't get through the first scene I mentioned without crying.
Well, I own her new cd actually...but I'll admit, I only like two songs on it. I bought it because I love No Doubt, I liked how Gwen was sort of a tomboy always hanging out with the guys and singing with them. No Doubt's stuff is just fun and neat but most of her solo work seems centered on promoting her fashion line and the Harajuku girls... It annoys me a lot and you're right, I read in a magazine Gwen said on her new diet she's "always hungry" and I find that sad. There's no reason to be hungry.