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Everything posted by Sage Kaley
I talk about this show all the time with my friend, who lives in Canada and thus can brag about it to me. I used to love it heh. I liked Andrea the best, she had a devil pitchfork thing as a weapon and generally was just the Xena Warrior Princess chick of the show...and I liked Hexadecimal too, I like harlequinn(sp?) characters though. I haven't seen that show in ages though but I remember watching it religiously. ^^
Plenty of songs annoy me if I hear them too much...rap is more likely to get on my nerves faster. Last night I watched the most awesomely bad dirty songs on VH1, which reminded me that I hate R. Kelly songs (boooooooty) A lot of people said Gwen Stefani's solo stuff, which is addicting and annoying at once. I agree, it's awful but I listen to it. It's terrible, save me. Mostly everything that gets overplayed, which is why I stopped listening to the radio/Fuse so much. Oh and the songs on Lazytown. I had the misfortune of waking up too early and turning on the tv to hear that...that...ugh...that show in general is scary.
Ohh Bloodseeker took one of my suggestions. Lunar did have an anime though but it's fairly rare and I believe it was based on the Magic School game. But SSSC and EBC would make better anime anyway. I personally like SSSC much better due to difficultly level, characters (Nash! Kyle! Mary Sue...I mean Luna!) and everything felt, I dunno, more fun. Don't get me wrong, these are two of my all time favorite games and picking one over the other is hard but I'll still pick SSSC first. But my other suggestions are Chrono Cross and all currently released Nippon Ichi games like Rhapsody, Disgaea and Phantom Brave. Chrono Cross would be one of those great, epic anime stories. Great music, action and enough characters that everyone would find someone they liked. Of course there are probably too many characters so the anime would have to focus on a few at a time perhaps. The story is a twisting, turning one too that would have viewers debating. As for Rhapsody and the like, they were made to be anime. The way I see it, they are all quirky, odd tales where character is pretty much all that matters. I'm not saying the stories were bad but the characters were what made it all worth playing. Anime would best showcase the silly humor too that Nippon Ichi is famous for. I'd also like to see Threads of Fate a.k.a Dewprism done anime style with a sequel to boot.
I agree with Lore. Nowadays everyone has "I love dorks" t-shirts and being called a prep is now a big insult. So really, I'm happy to be a dork. I don't really mind, there are plenty of them. But to the point of the thread, I think anime is only considered dorky because of the more vocal anime fans. They tend to obsess over it loudly and publicly and while I'm not saying it's a bad thing, after awhile people will associate obsessive to anime. Really it's only some fans who are dorky, the rest are just...normal fans lol After seeing obsessed fans, the general public begins to think anime is just all around dorky. That's what I think anyway.
I recently read in Official Playstation Magazine about the lack of games for the PSP.The article in question discussed how the games that are coming out are mostly ports or crap. It got me thinking really. I wanted a PSP months ago when it launched but now I'm not entirely sure about it. It does seem to be in a odd lull right now, with few good, original games and no current library to tide it over. The article also mentioned how the UMD movies were selling well but I can't imagine buying those just to take with you. It seems like a portable DVD player would be of better value. The music aspect doesn't really do much either. I would buy a PSP for the games and right now it seems like games are what the PSP is lacking. So I suppose my question is for both owners of PSPs and those of us who didn't buy one. I want to know what you think of this situation. Are you happy with your systems, owners? What do you think of it's current game library? Or for those that don't own one, is this why? (The lack of games) For me, I don't see anything on the horizon that looks interesting and nothing so far has really made me excited. I actually forgot the PSP came out.
Hm, I'd have to say one of the biggest cliffhangers in my mind came from Pilot Candidate a.k.a Candidate for Goddess. The final episode ended like a normal episode would...and so I've been forever tormented since that day, wondering what the hell happened! I mean, there was no closure at all. Of course, as far as I know, Bunny-sensei never ACTUALLY finished the manga anyway. So it makes sense that the anime would also abruptly end but come on, that didn't stop the X series. (pouts) I still want to know what happened to Zero/Rei/whatever you want to call him.
I read doujinshi myself. I read Harry Potter, Yu-Gi-Oh, Hikaru no Go, Digimon, Naruto, Wolf's Rain, Legend of Zelda, Death Note and Full Metal Alchemist. Phew. I like doujinshi a lot but mostly for art reasons. If I happen to get translated stuff, then I can sometimes get a story out of it but most of my doujinshi don't have much of a story. Just cute shounen-ai fluff and things of that nature. Or gag doujinshi, I love gag stuff. I have a lot of favorite circles too, they vary by what fandom we're talking about. I'd love to go to comiket someday though and see what else is out there, aside from the general ebay loads.
Yes, I have several myself. The first and most important is my Bambi Blanket. My aunt sewed it herself when I was born and I've had it all my life. She lives in Cali so I have only seen her a few times, which is sad. The stitching has mostly faded away now so you can only see the outlines of Thumper and Bambi and such but I still treasure it and sleep with it. Second item up is my Sarah doll, with is a stuffed humaniod rabbit doll that is pink and fuzzy and wearing purple overalls. I also gave her an earring when I was little and she doesn't look complete without it. Anyway, my Grandma bought her for me when I was about three and I've always had her. I still hug her when I'm especially sad. Oh and lest I forget, I have two photos that mean a lot to me. One is of my dad and me when I was 5 and still happy with him (we won't get into that) and the second is of my dog Duchess of Chewbacca cuddling with me when I was very ill. She's gone now... Ok, enough sad stuff ^^;; Those are the things that mean the most to me.
I love Shojo Beat ^^ I would say it's equal to Shonen Jump as I happen to like the exactly same amount of manga in each equally. (In other words, I like three stories in each) I think my favorite story in SB is probably Godchild. I was hooked the minute I saw it had a morbidly wonderful Alice in Wonderland story. Nana and Absolute Boyfriend, both have me laughing and loving them. I also like their new line of manga, like Full Moon wo Sagashite and Ultra Maniac. So many good romanticy, funny stories...
I love Urban Legends though my favorites are still the classic ones, like the ones Ozy mentioned. I used to sit around with my friends and we'd take turns telling urban legends. Good times, good times. Ah but yes, my personal favorites include the one in which a couple are 'parking', they hear a noise and the boyfriend goes to see what it is. He is caught and hanged by the killer, thrown over a tree and his body bangs against the car all night, scaring the girlfriend. I also love the one in which a girl driving down the road at night flashes her headlights at a mysterious car and they give chase to her. I believe that one is gang inspired. This one still gives me a creep when I see a car driving towards us at night. I think everyone's tried pop rocks and coke before. That's an interesting taste going down... Oh and don't forget the uber classic 'hook hand stuck in the car door' one. Gotta love Urban Legends.
An arm, a leg and half a foot: the gas price thread
Sage Kaley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I'm going to agree with Morpheus about the minimum wage problem. If gas wasn't coming so close to the minimum it wouldn't be so bad. But it is. The wage stays the same, according to politicians, because if the wage increases, all other prices have to increase to keep up. How does that work though? I'm awful at economics, I'll give them that but it seems to me if people, I dunno, finally had enough money to live then maybe they'll start buying more things! Wouldn't that void any price increases? I probably don't understand it but to me it's silly that minimum wage (the wage at which you should be able to live comfortablely) is $5.15 when gas is as high as $2.77 on a bad day. But I digress. The fact is most of the time, to fill up, my parents no longer have the cash on them to do so and use credit cards to charge gas. I can remember when slapping down a $20 would fill up the tank but now...heh well good luck on that. Gas has gone far too high for many reasons...oil men pressuring Congress (no offense meant to Bush supporters but he does like oil men), then there's the war in Iraq which is a huge factor but also I've noticed prices tend to go up on holidays and weekends. Gee that's interesting. It's insane! There's not reason oil prices should be like this. Driving is very important to 97% of all Americans. Although in light of these prices, I do hope research goes further into alternate resources. The fact is oil isn't that great of an idea in the first place and we need a different, country wide solution. Sorry to be all Eco!Friendly on everybody but it's true. There's tons of good options out there, we just need to improve on them and make them more appealing. Gas prices won't get better and neither will the environment at this rate. That's my two cents ^^;; -
[B]Code Name/Call Sign:[/B] Echo [B]Gender (If Applicable):[/B] Female [B]Location:[/B] Greece [B]Age:[/B] At this time, about 27 [B]Personal Appearance (Images are acceptable):[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/sagekaley/echo1.jpg ]Here is a Face Shot of Echo[/URL] Echo was born this time in a small, melting pot family in America. She has long, fizzy auburn hair that no matter how much straightening she tries, it always puffs out. Still it looks rather nice on her so she doesn?t complain too much. Her dark eyes have never impressed her much; she prefers the ones she had in her previous life so sometimes she wears blue contacts. Echo supports an average build for a woman her age, her legs a bit more built than others thanks to all the walking she does. Standing at roughly 5?7??, she?s also of an average height. Her clothes are simple summer dresses with the wide brimmed straw hats and sometimes she will sport a tank top and denim shorts on her walks. As far as anything else goes, she has a tattoo on her back that reads ?Echo? with the Greek symbol for Theta and often paints her long nails in varying shades of green. She also wears several gold bracelets and rings with a matching golden pendant hanging on her chest. [B]Personality/Behavior:[/B] Echo may seem like she should be sad but some things never change. When in the company of people she can be quite happy and in fact, become much like her former self. She will laugh and sing, even debate and engage in conversations. Echo has become very good at manipulating her curse to allow her to carry on fairly decent discussions. She is still charismatic and cheerful, if a bit arrogant and still has a tendency to fall hard in love. Echo is after all a hopeless romantic. Her heart, however, remains bound to her first love Narcissus although she has been trying hard, and slowly succeeding, to move on. When she has free time, Echo loves to write and continues her book series which has been faring well on the Best Seller?s list. Writing is not only the one true way she can express everything she?s feeling but a great job for her. She also loves to sing, play music with piano and violin being her choices and still goes out for nature walks every Saturday morning. In battle she becomes more reserved and hangs back, waiting until a useful spell or attack has been done before echoing it. Otherwise, unless someone casts something useful she stays out of the way. [B]Personal History:[/B] Echo has endured sadness all her life. She was once a joyful nymph whose greatest pleasure was to talk. Sometimes she annoyed her fellow nymphs with her constant jabber but she always had the juiciest gossip (?I hear Pericles is secretly Hera?s lover?) and a charismatic nature that made listening to her enjoyable. One day however, she used her powers to stop a rampaging Hera from discovering her husband Zeus? latest case of adultery. When Hera discovered her plot, she punished poor Echo by taking away her only love: Speech. Now she can only repeat the last words spoken. She fell into a depression but soon found a new thing or rather person to distract herself with. One day in the forest she met the handsome young hunter named Narcissus. She tried hard to win his heart, to even speak with him but he repealed her away. Her heart broke and she hid in a cave until she withered away to nothing. Sadly she could not die because of Hera?s curse and instead was bound to echo still. Narcissus also met an untimely fate and so Echo watched her love waste away into death. From there she continued to echo around the world until finally one day, Zeus took pity upon her, for she had tried so hard to help him and he made a deal with her. She was granted a new body, mortal this time under the condition that she still carry out Hera?s curse. With her second chance at life Echo spent most of her time perfecting the curse and using it to her advantage. She soon found it was easier to learn trades and that she was a natural singer, learning to time the echoes so that it sounded as though she were singing along. Not content with one lifetime, Zeus granted her soul the ability of reincarnation. She lived many lifetimes but had only recently used her powers for battle. Echo left her current family on her 18th birthday, always preferring to move back to Greece as soon as she could. She went around for some time there, stopping simple crimes by mimicking the criminals own fighting techniques. The Legionnaires saw her potential as a team-player and recruited her immediately. That day, though she had endured so much, she finally felt as though the curse was actually a beautiful, wonderful gift. [B]Special Skills or Abilities:[/B] Like Echo?s name implies, she has the ability to ?echo? or mimic another player?s abilities. However, because of the punishment she endures under Hera?s wrath, she can only mimic the last used power. For example, were someone to use a healing spell first, Echo could also then use the spell but only for that one time, only one echo. She is cursed to always echo the last word said, thus she can mimic the last used spell. She can, however, use some form of simple martial arts?mostly the dodging?though she would rather not risk it. Resorting to it could very easily mean death to her and so she tends not to fight alone. Echo is at her best when playing off someone else?s strength. On top of this she also has an accelerated learning ability, although it is only because she can repeat techniques as often and as perfectly as necessary in the right cases. [B]Player?s Availability (How often will you be able to post? There is no such thing as too much or too little):[/B] I start college soon but I?m sure I?ll be able to post at least once if not three times a week. [B]Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under? (E - Everyone, PG - Parental Guidance, M - Mature):[/B] I expect to be between PG and M, whatever the story calls for at the time. ----------------------------- OOC: What can I say, I love myths and she would be very fun to play. I look forward to this ^^
Mother of slain son holds vigil in Crawford.
Sage Kaley replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
To say that I dislike Bush is like saying water is rather wet. However, that aside, he should at least talk to her. Her son died for his cause and if he truely sympathized then he would hear her out. Especially if they drove right by her, that's rather cold if you ask me. I do agree, it's a very admirable thing that she is doing. I honestly don't know if pulling out of Iraq is bad or good, on one hand I feel like we're trapped there and on the other I say 'Most of them don't want us there anyway'. I just go back and forth and wish I had a stronger opinion on that. I do know I feel sick reading the paper everday and seeing the headline 'Car Bomb Kills 14 Marines'. It pretty much is an everyday thing now too. That, I can say for sure, I do not agree with. I feel sorry for this woman, well everyone really, who lost a son (or daughter) in this. She's strong though to do this. Do you know how long she's camped out so far? I'm just curious. -
[B]1. Kingdom Hearts 2[/B]- I loved KH 1, I loved KH: CoM and all the screens and rumors about KH 2 is killing me. I want to preorder it for crying out loud. [B]2. Sly Cooper 3[/B]- This is [I]supposed[/I] to come out this year so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. I love this series, the first one was fun but the second one blew me away. Granted some missions got old (coughpickpocketingcough) but I really can't complain, it was too good. Plus I hear you get to play as Carmelita Fox this time. [B]3. Toss up between Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Magna Carta[/B]- Now I say toss up for two reasons, one being that I don't know if Magna Carta is even coming out this year if at all. The other is I want both of them badly but I need a gamecube first anyway. So I put the amazing looking new Zelda just to be safe, though my chances are better with Magna Carta. I want them both equally but wow, Magna Carta has me interested. It might even be out now but I haven't heard of it yet then.
When I was little, I was actually pretty brave. I've gotten more and more paranoid over the years though. Ever since I was about 5, I've slept with a fan on to block any noises that I might hear. However I have, still, a terrible fear of the Chuckie doll. Dad had me watch it with him when I was about 4 and to this day I am scared of it. I make sure that the blankets are wrapped around my feet when I sleep so Chuckie can't come and stab my toes off or something. I also sleep away from the wall, bed pushed against it mind you, so that if Chuckie tries to attack me, I'll see him coming or something I don't know. When I was little though, my biggest fear was Jaws. I wouldn't take a bath without covering the drain with playdoh first, that way Jaws couldn't come through it. Mom hated that. My logic has never made sense heh. I still get paranoid in my hallway though. At night I feel like someone's touching my arms in it and I'm actually not the only one on that. A few others feel creeped out in my hallway. I swear I've seen a ghost in my house and a few times our heavy front door has opened and shut repeatedly for no reason. Unless that'd the paranoia. Meh.
Heh I almost fear responding to this because my list is a bit um, odd. But hey, I never claimed to have good taste, I just like what I like XD Alright so after looking through my DVD collection I have a list. Some of them don't work much anymore if at all =/ Ah well, I'd go see them if they did. [B]Brendan Fraser[/B]- He's just a funny man that I like to watch. When he's in something, even if the movie isn't so great, I somehow don't mind. The Mummy and Blast from the Past are my favorites by him. [B]Leslie Nielson[/B]- Why is some old guy doing silly spoofs funny? Because he is very funny. I love his expressions and somehow his voice makes his lines even funnier. You may remember him from the Naked Gun series ^^ [B]Will Smith[/B]- Meh don't hate me for him. I love watching him get pissed off at aliens/robots/eggplants/cats. Plus the movies he's in aren't really that bad. [B]Sam Neill [/B]- Ok, you may think "The Jurassic Park dude?" well yeah! He's also been in Merlin and Event Horizon and yes I actually see his name and I want to see the movie. [B]Johnny Depp[/B]- He's an awesome actor, he's odd and he had frickin amazing choice in movie roles. There ya go. There's others but they are all guys and I'm trying to think of some girls >_< I can't believe I can't think of any women off the top of my head. I will later hopefully.
I loved this movie myself, I cried during it ha. Actually I think it was very interesting to see a movie about Ed Wood. I've known about him because I'm technically a fan of bad movies, so of course I had to see it because it's Ed Wood as done by Tim Burton. I don't think it's his worst film but it's not his best either. I'd rate it inbetween (on the Burton scale!) For me, it was a role only Johnny Depp could do too thanks to some of Ed's uh...quirks. I don't think anyone else could have played such a strange man as well as Mr. Depp did. I liked how it was in black and white too, I don't know why, I just did. I think I will buy it, I saw it at Suncoast on the wall of Burton (that's what I call it, the left wall has every Tim Burton movie on it) and all those movies were pretty cheap anyway. It's a good movie, I'd say to anyone who hasn't seen it to watch it ^^
Ah let's see...I'm mixed up too heh. On my Dad's side I am German, East Germany technically, and Irish. On my Mom's side I'm Native American (oh I wish I could tell you what tribe, it's around the Great Lakes area) and Jewish. I like all parts of my blood really, I like to learn about them too. So I'm not as mixed up...their parents were all pure in their own respects. I suppose there's nothing too rare or uncommon in my blood but I still love it anyway. All those sides have such interesting history. Oh and yes, I'm white as a ghost with green/brown eyes and dark brown hair ^^;; Although it does have red in it. I try to tan up some but I burn (pouts)
Can you speak, or understand any Japanese?
Sage Kaley replied to MirielleChan's topic in General Discussion
I'm learning Japanese, I took Japanese 1 in high school and now will be going into college to learn it as well. I love it, it is to me one of the more beautiful languages I have heard. Some people think it's all a jumble and I hear it mocked often but really I love the way the language works from what I've seen. I can't speak very well but my writing and reading skills are actually pretty good. Well for my level anyway, I just want to keep learning it though. I know a lot of people now are learning it because of anime (well makes sense) but I actually wish I'd found this language a long time ago. I don't have too much trouble with Kanji really, it's actually Katakana that's harder for me ^^;; -
[B]Real Name[/B]- My real name is Kisha, which is probably not pronounced like you're saying it ^^;; It's like the word wish or fish with an uh sound at the end. Anyways, dad was watching Family Feud and saw a girl with that name and lo, there you have it. Isn't that a nice story? It WAS going to be Sara Lee...as in "Nobody does it quite like Sara Lee!" I like Kisha better. [B]Nicknames[/B]- These I don't really have, at all. Some people will shorten my name down to Kish. That's about it >_< That's so boring lol [B]Online Name[/B]- Sage Kaley comes from when I first got Zelda for the N64 and fell into my Zelda!Love phase. Sage from the sages, Saria is my favorite by the way, and Kaley being the name I used to want. Kids use to tease me and no one ever got my name right so when I was little I hated it and wanted a normal name like Kaley. So ta-da. My messenger names come from .hack, the ending song to the Liminality series. It was called Tasogare no Umi and I loved it. So there you go. I did have a user name called BlueMoonDestiny long ago but that was only for one FF7 forum...
I have seen the Xenosaga anime but I don't really like it much. It's mostly the animation style used that bothers me. The one used for the actual game is nicer and smoother, this style is just a bit...blah. I watch it when I can but it's nothing special really. Plus there's not enough chaos, he's my favorite.
Ah yes I worship Nippon Ichi ^^ One of my first Playstation games was Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure and no matter how many times it gets bashed on X-play I still love it. I love all their games, the humor is strange and wonderful, the plots are the same and the battle systems usually rock. Rhapsody's battle system was meh but the story more than made up for it. I also love Disgaea, Disgaea and Rhapsody are my two favorites. I always look forward to their games but sadly the battle systems are usually too deep for me and I get stuck ^^;; I'm not so good with strat games. I'm good with them to a point you see...then it goes downhill.
Well in Japanese 'anime' just means animation or cartoons. But I know what you mean. Personally I don't compare them, even though the styles can be alike. I just think of them as western cartoons like I would Angry Beavers or Fairly Oddparents. I do like Avatar a lot actually, I wouldn't call it anime though. Anime influenced would probably be better. I just don't view it as American anime ^^;;
[QUOTE] ive heard that clamp is really awesome.the only manga ive read of his is cardcaptor sakura but if u say hes so cool ill try to read some more manga by clamp [/QUOTE] Actually Clamp is a group of women ^^ They started out 15 years ago as doujinshi artists and worked their way up. Tsubasa is one of their newest titles. I've seen the anime and while I like it, I don't enjoy it as much as the manga. It may have to do with the art style actually. The art, while really neat in the manga as a still panel, looks a bit odd when in motion. Plus it feels like it drags more than the manga. Still I like it, just not a lot.
I'd have to say my favorite manga is DNAngel, at least right now. It always changes but DNAngel is great, the art style is wonderful (I love Bunny-sensei's work) and the characters are so much fun. Her 'villians' rank high in my all time favorite characters. Krad and Argentine being the ones I look forward to most. The plot is interesting, inspires some good fanfiction anyway, and there's shounen-ai running around like nuts, mostly around Satoshi and Krad...and Satoshi and Daisuke and Daisuke and Dark...heh. It's just a wonderful series, the anime doesn't even come close in my opinion. (maybe because of the ending >_> )