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Everything posted by Sage Kaley
Heh my playlist jumps around so here's a few of the latest: Wally-Aslyn On The X-Play Boards- From X-Play Sincerely Me- Better than Ezra It Feels Like Christmas- Muppets Christmas Carol Happy Birthday to Me- Bulldog Mansion Move Your Dead Bones- Dr. Reanimator Poor Jack- The Nightmare Before Christmas OST Island in the Sun- Weezer Saint Simon- The Shins Jerk it Out- The Caesars Black Hole Sun- Sound Garden It's Not Me It's You- Simon and Milo There you have it folks. My random playlist. Although this thread has been helpful for finding a few new songs too.
[QUOTE] apparentally paranoia agent isnt a big fan thing here at the otaku.com cuz its one of the best but they dont hav a hub [/QUOTE] Actually it is fairly popular, perhaps not as popular here but still if you look around many people watch it. I myself watch it and enjoy it but it's not a lesser known anime really. [QUOTE] Lesser animes? I know what you mean. Anime series like Silent Mobius don't seem like big time, everyone knows what it is, anime series. But there are less popular known animes, that are ten times better than the big time animes. Silent Mobius is an excellent anime, that hardly anyone I know, ever watches or has even heard of. And it's way better than let's say hmm.. InuYasha. I watch a lot of animes on G4TV.. or whatever they changed the name to.. I know it as TechTV. But whatever.. shows like Duel were on there. Great show, one I also think can replace any big shot anime, any day. But there are also some shows I dislike that seem to me like lesser animes compared to the more popular ones. I'm so sure I'm not making sense, but eh, oh well...[/QUOTE] I remember that show a bit. I used to watched the Action channel I believe and they'd have anime like that and Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 (still one of my favorite animes, also lesser known) on.
[QUOTE] People do that with Jacobs too. That stupid "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" thing... you've probably dealt with that one. [/QUOTE] Ooooh yeah. That brings back a lovely memory of a friend who thought it was very funny to sing that song to me on a weekly basis. That song is now stuck in my head too. My dad said "Schmidt out of luck" today ^^;;
answer me this (a question about inspiration and depression)
Sage Kaley replied to duStAnDteArS's topic in General Discussion
When I'm depressed I find going for a walk, eating a good meal and getting a long shower help. After that I feel wonderful and clean. Then I like to sit down and write. Do a free write, where you just type for a few minutes or so. If you need to, pick a random word from the dictionary and type about it. Going outside can do wonders. Maybe you should take up a sport? Or try just going out into nature. Keep trying different things to see what works for you. Another fun thing is to pack a snack, head off to a place where you enjoy the scenery and draw. I'm not great at drawing but it feels nice to do that ^^ I hope you feel better. Everyone's been giving good suggestions. -
I'm a ok swimmer...I can swim good enough to get me through the deep end anyway. I love to swim but I'm lucky if I get to go anymore. I've gone once this year and maybe twice last year. I love the water though, swimming is so relaxing and just being in the pool can make everything feel better. My college has a free pool, so I might luck out on that ^^ Ohhh swimming between classes...XD But I used to be a great swimmer. I'd spend all my time in the summers at the YMCA swimming. Then we moved up to nowhere land and there's lake but um...it's kinda icky. There's other places but nothing really good...
I don't have a weird last name but it does often get jokes anyway, it's Schmidt. So I often hear "You piece of schmidt" or "Schmidt out of luck eh?" and the like. It's not so bad, just a tad bit annoying at times. I do have a more uncommon first name that no one ever pronounces right. I have friends who still struggle with it. (sighs) But I like it, it's pretty. For me though, I always felt bad for a teacher I had long ago who's name was Mr. Butte. We were, hm, first graders I believe so we were very immature and that poor guy's name...not weird, just unfortunate for his job with tiny annoying children.
I suppose I'm just scared from what I saw on Spike TV >_< I suppose though that I'll give it a shot. It would be interesting to see who wins what, though I wish I had known there was voting. Must not have heard that part during the X-play promos. If the awards show turns out nice, it'd probably increase my liking of G4 too. A proper video games award show...sounds very nice. I agree though with Hal Sparks as a host. I only know him from Queer as Folk and VH1 but he cracks me up.
I was wondering what people think so far based on the screenshots? I'm so happy to see Namine returning. She's my favorite of the CoM characters. The new Organization members look interesting but I'm hoping for a return of the old ones too, even if it's doubtful. The Pirates of the Carribean world looks sweet though it is odd to see such realistic people next to Sora ^^;; I'm very happy to see Mulan though, I love that movie. I know it will be awhile before it comes out but I have to admit that I'm sad cause this might be the end of the KH (you never know though, this is Square) So I am taking the wait as just something I have to deal with ^^
I recently picked up a manga called "Bizenghast" and I must say I bought based on the cover art, which has this dark feel to it. Anyways, I enjoyed it even though the art style was a bit shakey at times. The plot and general idea of it all was very interesting, a girl being driven mad by lost souls. It's a bit gothic, I love it. Really I'd like to hear other's opinions of it. I would recommend it to anyone who has not read it though. I'm not sure yet if I will continue the series. Also interesting to note that this manga was submitted to the Rising Stars of Manga competition and was a finalist.
Hm alright I'll bite ^^ It's hard to pick my favorite but I think I can. Favorite Band: Better than Ezra Why: I love the vocals, the lead singer's voice has a decent range and is very soothing to listen to. Plus the music varies, if you look at One More Murder, Good and Wallflower they are very different styles and yet it all works so well. The lyrics too, have meaning and the general sound of the music is terrific. A close second though is Straylight Run. It was hard to pick.
I like lesser known anime and mainstream ones but I do sometimes dislike the fan base that comes with them heh...that's another topic though. As far as lesser animes go, I think I can enjoy them better at times than a mainstream one. It's because of the closer knit community but also the knowledge that the anime doesn't have a lot of sponsers or anything riding on it. They are often just from small fan bases or aimed at niche markets. Not many people know the Mon Colle Knights (I happened to have enjoyed it) or the Pet Shop of Horrors anime but they were both good. The only bad thing is lesser animes often get limited release or get cancelled. Hayama mentions Candidate for Goddess, a interesting mech anime that wasn't as popular when it ran on Cartoon Network. It was good though and it's too bad it never saw much on the rerun front. As far as anime that hasn't yet come across the ocean, I'm afraid I don't know very many. I'm mostly going on dvd releases here.
Well I must say I really liked your work, what you posted I mean. The Obsession is my favorite, I think I connected to it the best thought because of er, past relationships. Although it was well written and the feelings were easy to see regardless if you've felt them before or not. Same goes for Giving it Away, violent as it is, I loved it. The girl's feelings were so strong and sad but it was a beautiful poem. I don't like Felt Compelled as much but I suppose it's because it was the middle italic section. It felt a bit out of place, like it should be on its own rather than in the middle of another poem. I did enjoy the ending. Sorry, that's just my silly little opinion, ignore it ^^;; I'm glad I looked into this thread. I love your work and wait for the next post eagerly. ^^
Let's see...I like X-play. I dislike G4 though. I liked Techtv much better because well, I'm not so good with computers and I learned things from their help shows. Also back then Anime Unleashed played Crest of the Stars and Betterman and Last Exile. Not like now, as some of you pointed out. Now it only plays Gungrave. Must be trying to connect the whole video games to anime thing. I've enjoyed X-play in all it's forms, like Extended Play and Gamespot. Adam= Funny even when dissing on games that I like. Morgan= Thank you so much that she likes rpgs. I was scared that they were going to drop X-play but they haven't, which is wonderful. If it wasn't for X-play and the hope of better anime I'd stop watching all together. I'm not expecting much from that awards show either, it will probably end up like the Spike TV ones. Ugh. So to the point G4 didn't bring much to the table. I'm going to say it was a waste. Techtv was better before.
Wah this is hard, I'll try to pick my favorites but I love a lot of movies... [B]1. The Nightmare Before Christmas[/B]- Ok, how can I not love this movie? I watched it constantly when I was little and have ever since. It has wonderful songs (Danny Elfman is amazing), the stop motion animation is wonderful and very fluid, the story is darkly funny...it was just incredible and still is. [B]2. Shaun of the Dead[/B]- I know not a lot of people liked this movie but I loved it. It was dramatic, morbid and funny. The acting was awesome and I must admit I have a bit of a love for British humor. It's one of few, ok it's the only zombie movie I can stand. It was just so funny and yes it was also a commentary on how humans are in fact zombies...but that just made it better ^^ [B]3. Jaws[/B]- Am I odd for putting this on here? Probably. I watched it when I was three and it scared me enough that I refused to go into the water alone for many months. I love movies like this though...it had a few funny moments but it was generally a pretty scary film. It was also easy to get into, the shark hunt was enthralling. Plus the ending...beautiful. I don't know, the last pick was hard but I love B-movies and Sci-fi...jaws isn't really a B-movie but nowadays...well ok it's better than nearly all of the Sci-fi channel's movies. Runners-up: Spaceballs, Naked Gun series, Star Wars first trilogy, Sleepy Hollow, Ed Wood, Lake Placid, Pirates of the Carribean, The Incredibles, Beetlejuice and Mulan
My first manga was a comic style version of Cardcaptor Sakura. It was in a actual comic book style and not graphic novel. I was digging through the local comic book store at the mall, trying to find some rare Sonic when I saw what I reconigized as anime style art. I also found Miracle Twins that day but the art of Cardcaptor Sakura was so cute, I bought every issue they had there. This was a few years ago by the way. I continued to buy the comic style for some time and also bought Metabots, Cowboy Bebop and something else (drawing a blank). I mainly focused on Sakura though. The art was great, the characters were so cute and who doesn't love Sakura? I fell in love with the 'magical girl' concept. The tarot cards were so interesting too, they were their own people really. Oh yes, this was also my first dose of shounen-ai too. I was fairly new to anime back then too, having only seen Tenchi Muyo and Sailor Moon (and Mon Colle Knights but no one remembers them). So all this seemed so new and different to me. I was drawn to it. Clamp compacted a lot of cliches into it but it was new to me and I loved it. So yes, it was the cute magical girl that made me fall in love with manga and anime in general. To this day I still love Cardcaptor Sakura the best.
Hm well I can tell you I'm not a Christian, that's for certain. I don't talk about my religious beliefs because well, I don't really have any. I don't have a religion although my friend says I am Agnostic because I don't know if I believe that God exists or not. He might but I don't know if I can honestly say that I believe that. Another friend has been telling me about Buddhism lately and I must admit, parts of that do sound nice. At the same time, I believe in things like ghosts and tarot and things that might be considered occult. Part of the reason I think Agnostic fits me better. My 'beliefs' are a bit scattered. I don't know...I suppose my feelings are just to be the best, kindest person I can be. If there is a God, then that should be enough in my book. If not, well then at least in my life I did my best and made others happy. That's all I want. That's my belief. I don't mix it in with God or Jesus or anyone else. Oh and I was raised by three people...my Grandma who was always talking to spirits and doing tarot, my Christian mother and my Atheist father. Heh.
Hello, just thought I'd post and tell you how much I'm enjoying your work. I find it to be very innteresting, all morbid qualities included. In [B]I Hope You Call[/B] I found feelings that well, I have been through. [B]Playing Dead[/B] was also very interesting, I assume the person was dying? Yes I know I can be clueless sometimes. [B]Feature Presentation[/B] was my favorite of the two songs, I think everyone feels that way sometimes. The line "when every day feels like its yesterday, I find myself wanting something more" really hit me though. Out of the quotes I really like the last one. Reminds me of something a friend once said actually. Well that's all ^^ I just wanted to say that your work is excellent and to continue posting.
Actually if anything it's more like the clothing types carry a label with them and the people who wear them just get hit with it by default. I'm not one to say what being 'punk' means but I can tell you I listen to the music. I bond with it. I also bond with Sarah McLachlan, Disney, Rie Fu... That's why I avoid labels. Interesting though to read what you believe punk is. I believe, nowadays, it's more or less a musical style and a clothing style...I suppose someone who followed it devotedly without liking anything else would be pure punk? I dunno, I don't look at someone and think they are punk just cause of how they look. ...I don't think I made sense at all. Blah. Labels are a confusing topic when you try to actually pinpoint a label.
Personally I love yaoi, shounen-ai, boys love, whichever you prefer to call it. Mind you though I also like the polar end and everything inbetween. I'm a romance junkie and the more angst and passion you can stuff into a romance, the more I enjoy it. That said, some of the best angst is found within yaoi based manga. The whole forbidden thing adds a lot to that. Then usually the romances themselves are just plain angsty anyway...yeah. But like I said, I love romance and love stories so for me, it's just another opinion to explore. I think people who get freaked out by a girl liking yaoi is looking at it wrong. It's just love. Well ok some of it out there is just sex but that's a whole 'nother deal. For me it's just the suspense and the passion. Which reminds me, I need to finish off the Gravitation manga. (wanders off)
Love at First Sight.......Does it exist?
Sage Kaley replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
I don't know about love at first sight. Since it hasn't happened to me I don't know if it's real or not but I believe in connections at first sight. Oh yes I know there's lust at first sight but for me there have been many people that when I see them, I instantly feel connected to them. I just want to be with them and become their friend because it feels like what is supposed to happen. I don't know why but it's almost like a voice telling me "I need to know that person". I'd never tell my friends that but the majority of them are people who I felt that bond with. Sorry, that probably sounds silly. Now love is another thing. I've never loved someone the instant I saw them. I've liked someone right away or lusted but not loved. Still it could happen. So I'll say it's possible ^^ If I ever feel a deep connection right away then I'll tell you. -
The hype thing is one reason I'm afraid of watching EVA. I've read the manga and like it enough but honestly with everything I heard about how incredible the anime is I'm nervous. I just really want to see Kaworu heh... Hm things you should know before watching. Well make sure you keep Dagger's words in your mind about over hype. Don't get me wrong, I love Cowboy Bebop and other hyped animes but I didn't go into the shows with the hype. I went into Inuyasha knowing the hype and I don't enjoy that series as much, it didn't live up to the fans' words. That's just me though. I don't know what type of things you enjoy but let's see. Dagger is right to reccomend Miyazaki's work. I love Kiki's Delivery Service myself, cute little story. I'd recommend Haibane Renmei also. It's softer and more focused on the characters and story of 'angels' living in a walled in town. Serial Experiment Lain is interesting, I saw it on TechTV. See, my leanings are towards stories that really baffle me though or are just mysterious. It depends on what you like. If you like action or comedy or romance...just try a few and see what you like ^^ Oh and to answer the original question of this post...I like anime for the art style, the stories and the characters. Pretty much the same reasons I like any show. I like anime though because there are things I never see done on TV or stories I never see explored. I never see romances like Gravitation's for example. Nor do I see weird things like in Paranoia Agent. I like all the new stories I get from anime. (although I admittedly like manga better, I'm a book type more than TV)
I enjoyed Betterman, it's not great or anything but certainly not bad. I'd watch it again if it was on but I wouldn't go as far as to buy it. I did like the Betterman character himself and the whole deal with Algernon. I LOVED the lizard girl. I don't remember her name but she had green hair, tan skin and talked with her mind. Of course it's hard to be a giant robot anime and not be compared to EVA or Gundam. Especially EVA though because this show was trying to mess with your head so severely, then there was the quiet strange girl and the dorky reluctant teen... Still is was a fine enough show to watch (I enjoyed it) and if you want to try to figure out a weird plot then go ahead and enjoy Betterman ^^
Anime Which Animes Are Dubbed Best/Worst?
Sage Kaley replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Otaku Central
Personally one of my favorite dubs, ones I've seen on TV anyway, is actually Shaman King. I mean, let's face it: It's stuck in a terrible Saturday morning time slot and it's aimed at the kiddies but it's fairly good. The voices aren't terrible either. Ren's voice, while British, is arrogant in the way that I pictured it being. Yoh's voice is cheerful, Manta's is fine, Anna is forceful, Lyserg is young and quiet...you get the picture. (and yes I've heard the Japanese voices) Also compared to a terrible (but unintentionally funny) dub in the same time slot, YuGiOh, there's not a whole lot cut out. The X-Laws get their guns and fire them too. There's still violence, I believe in one episode Hao licked some blood...it's left intact for the most part, minus a name change or two. The plot about the spirits and such is also there thankfully. I also can't stress how intentionally funny this show can be. It's one of my favorite shows, let alone favorite dub. Excel Saga is a good dub too but it's very hard to keep Excel's level of insanity in English. Some things just don't translate quite as well to me. I loved the R.O.D OVA too. Everything felt perfect in it. I tend to like dubs in general but I did dislike the Pet Shop of Horrors dub...only for the voices though. Everything else was fine but voices often make or break an anime.