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Sage Kaley

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Everything posted by Sage Kaley

  1. Ah most of my questions have been answered! ^^ I was wondering though if we'll have turns or what? I'm sorry, this is my first forum rp in ages and well I'm not sure how it will work. I suppose my question is just if there is an order or anything. That's what's keeping me from posting. (that and I'm trying to think of a good start for my character)
  2. One of my favorite pairings is Sakura and Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura. I'm a bit bias on that because that was also one of my first anime shows...but it was also the first pairing that I really wanted to see happen and followed. It's just a very warm, devoted little pairing but in Tsubasa you get to see the deeper side too. I love it.
  3. In the church section of the local paper there was an article about GTA getting the AO rating. It was talking about how terrible it is that kids praise the game and even suggested that parents read their children's blogs to see what type of games they play and what they think of them and such. I just remember laughing when at one point it said that GTA had trained some kid to kill. This kid apparently killed three policemen and said (or perhaps it was his mother) that he learned it from GTA. Really, it trained him how to use a gun? If that's the case then my driving should be great after playing all those racing games. Ah but funny how it's not. I still don't understand why games only teach how to kill in the eyes of all these people. I'd love to hear a case of a video game teaching a kid to go save the princess. A real gun and a ps2 controller are, surprisingly, very different though. I don't think it could train him to shoot. The guy who wrote the article is a bit odd to me anyway. He was so mad but he even pointed out that parents need to know the ratings system and that retailers should enforce it. So really the problem isn't with the games but we all know that...it's with the people who should be using the rating system. Oh and another thing about the GTA rating change...it is a bit like going from R to NC-17 but really, was the change warrented? It seems to me that if M means no one under 17 in the first place that it SHOULD have been ok...
  4. Hm, almost all of the music I'm currently listening to is all packed on one huge playlist on my compy here. It's all waiting for a nice mp3 player to come along, then I will be truely happy. I do have a few cds I've been listening to though. Better than Ezra- Greatest Hits Fall Out Boy- Take This to Your Grave Gwen Stefani- Love Angel Music Baby The Rasmus- Dead Letters Jimmy Eat World- Futures .hack//SIGN OST 1 and 2 The Ataris- So Long Astoria Kingdom Hearts OST No Doubt- Tragic Kingdom
  5. Shaman King is one of my favorite manga actually, I love the art style and I find it very witty. The characters too are so much fun that I like them all!! Although my favorites are Faust, Ren. Lyserg and Yoh. I also watch the anime which is, and this is odd, one of the better dubs out there. The manga is also very true in that aspect but they cut out some of Yoh's clothing heh. Some of you might know what I mean. I'm glad there are other Shaman King lovers out there. Sometimes it gets lost in all the other Shonen Jump titles.
  6. I had a imaginary friend AND my dolls...well...action figures. Heh, no dolls after the movies dad made me watch. I had a friend named Suzie though and I thought she lived behind the bathroom wall. I also thought there was someone living under the sink and I used to give them toothpaste so that they could brush their teeth. I was a weird kid. But I'd talk to them and used to ask mama if Suzie could come to the park with us and stuff. She'd humor me and say "Only if Suzie's mom doesn't mind". One doll did make it through dad's horror film treatment though, my Sara doll. She's a bunny and I still have her. She worked a lot better than my imaginary friends and I could cuddle with her. So I didn't have those friends too long I think, just long enough to deal with working parents. (goes to find Sara doll)
  7. Actually the One Piece name change wasn't really a name change so to speak. L's and R's in Japanese are the same. (The sound is a mix of them when you say it) So really Zoro and Zolo are both just fine, as would be Rena and Lena for another name example. 4kids is a company that's only using anime and other shows to target a very general range of children for profits. It's not in the game to stay true to the source material. That said, as Dagger pointed out there are some uncut DVDs (I own a few) and those are very nice. They were stalled though so who knows if they'll continue release or not. The uncut versions appeal to a niche market...
  8. You know not ALL dubs are bad ones. Some are actually quite good or even in some cases better than the originals. Gasp, I know. But really it's ok to worry that a dub will not be what you wanted. I can understand, especially in a fandom like FF7 has following it. Still, just watch it through and go in with a clear mind. If you don't like the English then just flip it to subtitles. Every anime dub has them (well almost). Either way I'm sure it will be fine.
  9. Yes I love that song, you know I do. I just like hearing new music too. I love Danny's scores and it's always nice to hear his new work as well as his old work. Recycling is fine, I wouldn't mind hearing it in the movie itself as long as there's plenty of new music to listen to. It is bit cliche that this movie would have a dead dog too...but it's fine. I just wonder why he's in the movie and his role. (Guess I'll have to wait on that one...) People give you weird looks for a reason Gav :P
  10. Hm well seeing as how I finally saw the trailer on the big screen, I'll comment now. I cheered for it, along with three other girls. From what I gather from the trailer, this is going to be amazing. Obviously I'm a tad bit bias towards Tim Burton and his crew but still I have to say I'm excited. The stop motion looks very smooth and the characters themselves sounded and looked wonderful. Of course with Danny Elfman doing the score I'm already happy about the music. The art style, being Burton and TNBC-ish, also pleased me. I think the plot sounds interesting too, it's a strange little romance story and I like that idea. Sure you can assume he'll pick the corpse bride but that's not for certain, fairy tales don't always have happy endings after all. Not that I'm saying marrying a zombie is a happy ending...er...never mind. I can't wait to see what happens, I've already been thinking about some of the little things I saw in the trailer. One of those girls yelled out "Zero" when the dog came on. I thought that was a bit interesting. Although for some reason I was a little...hm, not upset but not happy that they used TNBC music for part of the trailer. Ah well, great memories right there but I would liked to have heard another CB score. Well anyways I can't wait for it and hope to see it the first weekend, if not the first day, that it comes out.
  11. I can think of two times that really made me happy, although animals do seem to wander freely in these parts... The first time was when we were plowing the driveway in the winter and I found a little white lab puppy buried in the snow. He was the cutest thing, I played with him all day and pretty much had dad convinced into keeping him. Except then the neighbors drove up and asked if we'd seen him. I hid him in the back and dad ratted me out. I really wanted to keep him too, that was a few years ago. About two years ago I found a cat too. Big orange tabby which I assumed was female for whatever reason and named Mia. Mia would randomly pop up and I'd play with her and it was great. That one I wasn't allowed to keep at all though. Dad doesn't like cats anymore so he said I either had to send her to the pound or give her to a friend. I gave her to Jameson, at which point he told me it was a boy and Mia became Nash. Jameson also lost him. Poor Nash.
  12. Actually they do have Clarissa Explains it All season one out, I saw it while shopping with my friend. (Pretty sure I did anyway, never trust my memory)
  13. I'm too poor to buy boxsets but when I do have money I rush out and add another Mystery Science Theater 3000 set to my collection. Sadly I only have sets 5 and 6. Those had my favorites on it... Ah but I would like to own, aside from the rest of MST3K, is a pretty long list. Just to run a few by: Family Guy, Futurama, Lost, Clarissa Explains it All (hey I loved that show as a kid...) Trigun, Outlaw Star, Fruits Basket, Sealab 2021, ATHF, Monk...hm that's just a few of them.
  14. Well my two cents has pretty much been covered. Any sane person can just play video games and enjoy them as what they are. Still what I don't understand is why people need to use a scape goat like this. Of course I can't entirely blame parents and such. They do hold part of the blame though, given that they raised their children, although sometimes it's the lack of raising that does this... However one thing I always thought was odd is that no one tries to blame games for other things. It's always negative aspects. It goes for music too. (although movies don't get it nearly as bad these days, they still get hammered every so often) Seriously, sometimes I swear people think that no child could possibly just be messed up and that something had to be at fault. ...Actually I happen to think that in general, more blame is being put on entertainment and such lately (holds back a rant on censorship)
  15. I happen to find Gravitation very funny but only in later volumes...starting at five or so I believe. I also think Samurai Deeper Kyo and Pet Shop of Horrors are funny but my sense of humor might not be the same as yours.
  16. I still like arcades, great memories of when I was little. Sitting there, playing air hockey with my dad, cheating on some games by crawling up onto them and getting away with it cause I was just a kid... Ah but yeah they are fading away. It is a bit sad, I had a lot of fun with my senior class at the arcade on our class trip. I really just like the arcade feel...I even like those stupid prizes you can get. I think I'm one of few though who enjoys wasting her money on them still...(at least around here) But I won't deny how much I spend on (and plan on spending) console games.
  17. OCC: Well here you go ^^;; I hope you enjoy it Name: Mollie Evans Age: 15 Gender: Female Origin: Mollie is just a regular, melting pot heritage girl from a farming family in Ohio. Since she was technically abandoned, there are no records of her real heritage. She assumed the one of her adopted parents. Teacher or Student: Student Appearance: Mollie?s looks are nothing special for a working girl. She usually keeps her long dirty blonde hair pulled back in braids or a ponytail so that it doesn?t get too grimy when she?s outside. She has green eyes that stand out against her tanned skin, which is much darker in some areas due to large freckles all over her body. Usually she?s seen in a very simple blouse and skirt, which often has grass stains in it. Standing at around 5?3?? she?s an average height and normally proportioned for a girl her age, although her muscles are slightly more toned from her field work. The only other accessory she always has is a pouch of various seeds hanging around her neck. Powers: Mollie?s powers are plant manipulation, meaning that she has control over plants to some extent. By touching them or the ground, she can make plants grow rapidly and even bend them to her will. For example, she could coax a set of vines into becoming a sturdy ladder. Of course, she can only speed up the process so much, for example a large tree would only take five hours though a flower would only take a minute or two. However the more she practices the faster it becomes. Also she needs seeds to work with, explaining why she carries the seed pouch around her neck. Still Mollie takes great pride in her connection to flora life, even if it has some limitations. Biography: Mollie has spent nearly all her life on the Evans? farm. It?s unclear where she was born, because she was found as a baby by Mr. Evans. Having only three sons at the time, he took Mollie in and they named her. Only a year later his wife gave birth to a daughter but Mollie was already family by then. At a young age her parents were honest with her about her past but Mollie took it in stride, grateful for the family she does have. To repay their kindness, she became her father?s helper with all the crops. It soon became clear that Mollie was best suited to outside work while her mother and sister would do more of the indoor chores (although she still had to help them too). She never went to school and spent many happy days playing silly games with her brothers and sister or swimming in the creek. Once a week they would go into town for various goods though she rarely played with any children from there. Still life was good and Mollie was content to spend her days under the sun, helping the plants grow. It was only during a particularly bad dry spell that her fun ended. Her family was in danger of going completely broke due to a terrible harvest. Feeling desperate during the worst of these days, she sat in the middle of the field and begged the wilting crops to grow. Much to her father?s amazement, the drops near her slowly began to regain their glory. They weren?t nearly as nice as they were in previous years but over the next week all the crops became good enough to sell. Her family was in awe and Mollie herself was shocked. Still they were overjoyed and from that year on she always practiced her gift on the plants on their farm. She might have never been discovered either if not for one Christmas day in New York. It was a family custom to go visit relatives for the holiday and her power became common knowledge among them. One such relative though, who had recently married into the family, thought that her powers were unique enough to mention her to a special school nearby. After discussing it with her parents, they all decided it would be best for her to advance her powers for the good of the family. Mollie was saddened to hear that she was being sent away but as always kept upbeat, thinking of all the new experiences that awaited her. Of course, mastering her powers sounded nice too. Personality: Mollie is a very bright girl in the sense that she has a sunny outlook on life. Never having been to school, she isn?t book smart in the slightest but still knows more about the land and the people who live on it better than most. On especially nice days she?s full of energy and enjoys doing outside chores, while on rainy days she tends to be more relaxed to the point of daydreaming. She loves all types of days although bad storms can make her uneasy and wary of tornados. Although she has little experience with them she?s unafraid of other children, even ones that are bigger than her, probably due to all the roughhousing she and her brothers did. Kind, easygoing and yet full of life, Mollie is a bit like the plants that she loves so much. Character Snippet: Mollie frowned as she rummaged through the dresser that she and her sister Alice shared. Pushing aside her third set of grass stained clothes, it was quickly becoming apparent that she had only one ?nice? set of clothes. Alice sat on the edge of the bed, watching her with a sad look on her face. ?Are you really going?? She asked finally. Mollie jerked her head up, and glanced over her shoulder with a cheerily smile before pulling out one of the lesser stained outfits to show Alice. The girls giggled at the leafy imprints and marks that covered the once white outfit. ?Oh Mollie! Maybe if you didn?t roll around in the yard so much and helped mama and I cook more?? She said teasingly. ?Where?s the fun in that?? Mollie said in mock disbelief. ?Now we KNOW that I?m made for working with crops right? I wouldn?t want to cook them!? They both shared another laugh but the truth was, they were both scared. Alice was hugging herself loosely to stop from shaking and Mollie?s smile wavered every few seconds. Mollie would be gone so long in a different state at a strange school full of people who were?gifted. Gifted with strange talents unknown to most. ?Cheer up Alice.? Mollie said, folding her clothes into her suitcase. ?I promise to come back and visit?and just think of how nice the crops will be when I come back!? ?Just don?t forget us.? Alice looked down, hoping her sister hadn?t seen her tears forming. It was a childish thing to say. Mollie just smiled again, placing her hand over the seed pouch on her chest. She removed one of the seeds and wordlessly took her sister?s hand and clenched it around the seed. Then Mollie simply grabbed her suitcase and went to tell her parents that she was ready to go. Of course I?ll remember them, she thought to herself, they are my family.
  18. I've seen a lot of weird/odd things...for example, the Hoeflinger Funeral Home that I saw on the way home from our class trip. That killed me with a mental image of a 'Hoeflinger'. Although one that stands out in my mind was seeing a Yu-Gi-Oh cosplayer in the ghetto of Detriot. It was so random and weird, there was no conventions or anything like that. He was just walking down the sidewalk in the ghetto (and yes I mean ghetto). I need to carry a camera around just in case...
  19. It's called You and Me by the band Lifehouse...I'm usually pretty good with lyric hunting, that and I have a massive playlist (smiles)
  20. Mmm this is hard but my favorites are Lunar: Silver Star Story, Chrono Cross, Rhapsody A Musical Adventure and Star Ocean 2. I can sit around for hours playing those games. For Lunar, it's the characters and the writing. Every conversation with random NPCs or your party members are a delight. Chrono Cross, I have no idea, everything just comes together for me on that game. Rhapsody was my first PS1 game, is that weird? But I love it, it's cute and it's a musical with puppets!! Lastly, Star Ocean 2 is just everything I want in an RPG so there you go.
  21. MST3K. That was easy (laughs) Mystery Science Theater 3000, I used to catch it a long time ago with my mom in the Joel days...then I got Direct TV and Lo, there it was on Sci-fi. I'm addicted, I can admit this. But really, who DOESN'T love a show that rips on terrible movies? I quote it a lot but very few notice, although I love yelling "Packers won the superbowl" at my dad. Ok but besides my little obsession I also love Family Guy, Futurama, Rocko's Modern Life, Lost, DNAngel, Cardcaptor Sakura, Paranoia Agent, Megas XLR, Dexter's Lab and all those happy shows. I have to say though, I miss some of the childhood shows. You know, the ones from the early 90's? I just started remembering a bunch of them. I'm currently questing Blazing Dragons, Freakazoid and Darkwing Duck episodes. Ok but yeah that's my two cents...
  22. Glad someone mentioned Disgaea (laughs) That game...geez, when I DO beat it, I'll die happy. Stuck in chapter 12...(sighs) Actually, I'm not sure why but even if Sly Cooper wasn't really too hard I still felt very proud after beating every mission. I mean this for both Sly Cooper games too. I would sit there and grin after each one heh. As for a hard challenge...Star Ocean 2, the Cave of Trials. Need I say more? I'd also say Xenogears disc 2 because of all that stupid reading, it was too hard. I'm only more or less kidding on that too but I know why it was like that at least. Still though...the game itself was hard in some places, especially towards the end, the boss battles between all that reading. Those things killed at times. Ok this is a silly one but when I was young, I felt really proud to beat Yoshi's Island. That was hard for me back then!
  23. Ah I love it! I love your writing style so much, the story is so weird and different, I'm hooked. I like Radley a lot, I can see why you do too...'hella hiwo' is the best oy noise ever. The way the council talks is great too. I just can't wait to see what happens next. I hope more people read this, it's amazing.
  24. The results are in! In the end we decided that ThatOneOddDude and Pumpkin would be the newest recruits. Congratulations to you both ^_^ We know you?ll do great. I?d like to say that everyone did a wonderful job and that it was hard deciding who would make it in. It was very fun though, reading all the sign-ups. The RP will soon start so look for more details at a later date.
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