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Merlin Matrix

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Everything posted by Merlin Matrix

  1. Sorry I should have taken this a bit more seriously but it's in my nature to joke. Thanks to all that posted. Peace Love Dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans
  2. I don't know how I'll ever dominate the world but I know one thing, if it does happen I'm not going to mess with the Jews. People who mess with the jews always seemed to have gotten screwied at the end. But I would screw with the French just, not like killing them orputting them into slavery, or anything like that. I would just put one of the Bush's in charge there. Peace Love dope, Miquel Anthony Cremeans :smirk:
  3. excuse me for a second: U2!!! OF COURSE! I think they'll at least beat the spice girls (the flippin' prostitutes!) Peace Love Dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans
  4. So everyone knows that Jim Morrison ( the lead singer of The Doors (if you don't know this you can bugger off you flippin' prostitute)) died in a bathtub, of some heart thing due to drugs (kinda like Jerry Garcia[Grateful Dead]). Now there are thoeries out there that the death was fake. The reasons why Jim would fake the death I have no clue. So I ask you three questions now: 1. Which side are you on? 2.Whether you answered yes or no, if he did fake it where is he now? 3. What's your favorite Doors song? My Answers: 1. His dead as doornail, my God rest his rockl and roll soul. 2. If he is alive his probably in some swamp house in New Orleans, tripping on LSD and thinking his either the Lizard King or Satan. 3. this is a tough one, I'd have to say When You're Strange Peace Love Dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans :smirk:
  5. There are so many people here maybe a chat room or two would, I don't know, make the site more interesting then it is. Don't get me wrong I like to post when I can (and i think I've only posted once or twice but no time no posting) but it's so much easier to insult someone instantly other than two weeks later :smirk:
  6. Okay right of the bat, I hate guns but i can also respect of those who wish to own them. I can understand using them for hunting (even though bow is much more rewarding), what I don't understand is using them for protction. I used live in L.A. and we still didn't own a gun for "protection" (that's what the baseball bats and knives where for). Owning a gun for protection is just asking for trouble man. Say you get up one night because someone has found a way to your house and you go down there and shoot them, you feel good about yourself and what the heck you do a happy dance but then you hear a voice, "hey Da, it's your son, you shot me in the leg. I didn't know you where that serious about curfew." Peace love dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans ONE MORE THING: the veiw on guns by Mr Heston [I]Guns don't kill people, monkey's with guns kill people.[/I]
  7. Laws, Code, Morals? you're military right? Let me tell you something bud I have military family and I have heard the stories that have told about World War Two, Korea and Vietnam. Oh yeah and I'm Irish too so I was told how all my ancestor's where treated during the English rule and the Troubles by the damn "British Elite", so rules of conduct in war is a laugh to me. And let me tell you something else; the ones we are fighting agianist don't give fiddler's fart about rules of war and engagement. You are the enemy to them because you are the Infidel, the American, and any way of humiliating you or killing you is good for them. So when you get to Iraq and if you return, tell me what you think of the Rules of War, because once the bullets start to fly, that stuff goes out the door. Yes what they did is wrong, yes it is a disgrace to the U.S military and to the country, but war is an ugly thing that we cannot make pretty. I'm not trying to say, " hey I hate this country anyway, so these guys should be given a smack on the wrists." What I am trying to say is, "Stop being surprized, shocked and shaken about this people. This is war, this is for real not Hollywood. People lose thier morals in places like this, turn different. Court martial the fools and get on with life." And I am not one of those hair brains that say nuke them all, I'm one of those idiots that would want to weed out the ones who did it (and not forced to do it) and kill them. cut and dry. My veiw on it is "Dropping a nuke would kill innocents but a 33 cent bullet to the head is a lot cheaper than a world court trial." Peace Love Dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans
  8. So it was about 3 a.m. in the morning and I hear this scream in my parents bedroom. Soon my mam and da where in my room; mam was shaking and da was looking for a tennis racket. I soon find out that there is a bat in my mam and da's room, that my mam's cat Pudge seems to be chasing round. Soon we all here a loud WACK and my da seemed to have backhanded the little bugger like Agasi, into little batty heaven or little batty :devil: . We never knew if it was or just unconscious because when da went to let the little guy free, it was eaten by our dog. Peace Love Dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans Becky how come you never told me about the horse? How come you didn't tell me you jog :tasty: ?
  9. I loved the movie The Matrix and I thought "Hey that would be a cool last name, Matrix". Then one day I was watching a cartoon called Reboot (okay I know you all remeber the great Reboot cartoon!) and one of the charaters had that as a last name, and hence for once I was right. Merlin has been with me since pre-school. I even wouldn't responed to others for a couple years unless they called me Merlin! The first stories that where ever read to me where about Merlin and how great of a wizard he was. Arthur had the Excaliber but could that P.O.S. beat Merlin's magic. I think not Peace Love Dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans
  10. Let me get this striaght. Okay we all remeber what they did to prisoners of war from our side don't we? I think I remeber a young female army soildier that was raped and beaten by their soilders. I take the veiw that if they show no mercy then give no mercy. to quote Casino "If you came at him with a bat, he came at you with a knife. If you came at him with a knife, he came at you with a gun. If you came at him with a gun you better hope to god you kill him." I mean seriously we're at war with these people, it's not like they're shooting teddy bears at us and vica versa. Guess what else guys I say this and I am a democrate, isn't that funny. I'll I have to say on the matter is; we knew when Bush was going to become President we should have been prepared for any hard-times up ahead. For all those who say that they didn't think anything bad was going to happen within the time of his adminstration is an idiot. Peace Love Dope Miquel Anthony Cremeans
  11. I know it sounds wrong but if you really want the day off you have to go all out, I induce vomitting and hence I have the rest of the day to myself (and oral hygenie). If you don't want to restort to that extreme, you could always do what they say on Ferris Bueller's Day Off. :devil:
  12. I'm not obsessed just a fan. :D
  13. Most beautiful song I ever heard? I'd have to say "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" by U2. It's an awesome song and I hate to admit it but...it makes me tear up a bit. :smirk: Peace, Love,Dope, Miquel Anthony Cremeans
  14. Hey How's it goin', My real name is Miquel Cremeans. My friend Becky told me to join this site because, "It will be the best choice you'll ever make." Who am I to argue with my Jewish, ex-girlfriend that I want to get back with? Well I just wanted to say hey and do the newbie thing of dropping the 'Hello My Name Is...' post. So let's get the general stuff out of the way: Favorite Band: U2(and there is none greater my friends!) Favorite Movie: Rattle Hum (I know it's not an anime but the stars are the members of U2) Favorite Anime: Rorourni Kenshin (sorry I if I butched up the name but I'm trying) If you need to know anything else just ask. ;) Peace, Love, Dope, Miquel Anthony Cremeans
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