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Everything posted by ~Sara~

  1. Aww, thanks, Kaorii! I know I'm not bored person! I think? Anyway, I will put other of my sketch, colored sketch. If my oldest sister will let me use her scanner to downloading my sketch in here. I hope I can put it in here because people in here are so nice, so u deserves it! :p
  2. Yes, my parents approved. My parents knows that I loves anime & manga, but my parents don't like hentai, like Love Hina. I agrees with my parents about hentai. They are not for me. Anyway, my parents are cool. I love them! :love:
  3. I don't like my sketch colored. If I colored them, it will mess it up. I like it to be plain. I am bored person, am I? Ha ha.. :D
  4. Thanks! :D Yes, they are from Street Figher. They are clones, not human being. They are not famous like Ryu or Chunli. I though I could draw them for who's fans of Juli and Juni. *shrugs* CGing? I am not going to color it, I perfer it to be black and white. ^_^
  5. "Wolf's rain" will come out on April, on cartoon network channel. I think? LOL :D [color=hotpink][size=1]From now on, please put more thoughts and efforts into your posts or they will be deleted. Thank you! *QA*[/color][/size]
  6. I just want to let u know that I really drew this sketch because many people thought that I traced them, but I didn't. I only drew them bigger, that's it. I hope u understand that. It's sketch of Juli and Juni. Well.. here it is! ---> [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/5657866/[/url] U can rate it if u want to, [B]1 to 5[/B], ok? ^_^
  7. I watched them and loved it! I love Miroku, but not when when he touchs someone, lol. I like Sango too. I think they should be together!! ;) [color=hotpink][size=1]Please put more thoughts and efforts into your posts or they will be deleted in the future. Thank you! *QA*[/color][/size]
  8. [B]I want to watch it so badly! None of my family watched it. :( I really want to watch it. I love horror movies. ^_^[/B]
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