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Everything posted by QuakeChamp

  1. looking to the sky what appeared to be a large cloud came in front of the sun on closer inspection it turned out to be a lot of dragons intent on causing destruction they began to swoop down on site of the people...
  2. out in the forest another person was watching the sun also.however this person was not remembering the past but looking to the future after a while chaveri (for it was him) turned and started practising his magic agaisnt the nearby rocks.
  3. the adventurers set off heading in the general direction of the forest when out of the sky flew 20 black dragons,the warriors fought well but could not defeat them and died slowly and painfully [CENTER]THE END[/CENTER]
  4. Name:= Chaveri Age:=17 Gender:=Male Class:=Black Mage Magic:=flare(weak version) Auto Reflect(reflects magic doing double damage to opponents always on so doesnt need to be cast) Main Weapon:=Brotherhood Side Weapon:=Dagger Shield:=not used Bio:=after 5 years of living in a town Chaveri finally gets bored of obeying the rules and laws,deciding to return to a living as a mercenary ranger he takes out his trusty sword and battle-axe and sets off to the wilderness... Quite tall really scruffy refuses to wear armour
  5. as the elf was about to warn the adventurers another elf came forth from the forest taking the fiend by surprise, a quick scuffle commenced with the strange elf remaining the victor.upon seeing this chimaira said "more adventurers join our worthy cause i think"danillo replied to this gladly however the strange elf silently turned and headed back to the forest from whence he came
  6. However unbeknown to the adventurers they were being followed at first the fiend was shy having just seen another of its kind slayed the fiend gradually became more courageous until it burst from the forest and took the adventurers by surprise....
  7. Name:=Chaveri Age:=17 Gender:=Male Race:=Elf Class:=Ranger Weapon:=rune long sword (left hand) and a rune battle-axe(right hand) Appearance:=Quite tall and thin (but not lanky) looks really scruffy and laid back long brown hair (really messed up grows like a bush) only wears jeans and a T-Shirt extremely fast and agile(due to being an elf) bio:=after 5 years of living in a town Chaveri finally gets bored of obeying the rules and laws,deciding to return to a living as a mercenary ranger he takes out his trusty sword and battle-axe and sets off to the wilderness...
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