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About Xiou

  • Birthday 03/17/1982

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  1. You did say Game Cube exclusive right? I really don't see that the system is doing that well over the other two. I'm sure Capcom knows they can make more money elsewhere. It's obvious that they've lost alot on Game Cube in general. I mean GTA was only exclusive to PS2 for the longest time and finally it did come out for Xbox. It has to come out for another system in the future, and I'll be there when it does. :D
  2. It's impressive indeed. It's just a shame it's exclusive to just the Game Cube (at current). Even if I have to wait a few years, I will wait until it comes out for PS2 or PS3. Whichever comes first. No offense to Game Cube owners. It's a good system, but I'm not going to spend money on it just for RE.
  3. Here's where the cultures may clash. Nudity... Here in America we're barely shown any nudity and it's much more of a no no to go about exposing it. I'm sure it's been said time and time again, but I don't think it's that it has to be in anime or it doesn't. It's simply the fact that Japan as a culture is more open to nudity and sexuality than the U.S. That's got to be obvious. That even goes the same for Europe. We're just more conservative about that in many aspects where in others we're not. Ironically enough, legal Japanese porn (and I could be wrong) censors the genitilia where as here in the States, they don't. You really start to think alot about things once you look into other cultures besides your own. You figure out that things are not wrong as they may seem. It's art not porn. There's even an ongoing debate about what's art and what's not. That's simple. It's what the media is intended for. Then again, it may not be as simple as that. It's up to the beholder but not everyone will agree. That's simply the case when it comes to nudity in general. You add sex to the mix and you're opening up another can of worms, but that topic is for another day. Overall, I'm fine with nudity in anime or anything in general if it's not overboard and meaning to be pornographic. There's such a thing called innocent nudity that doesn't bother me whatsoever. Why should it bother me? It's how we've been taught to be honest.
  4. Xiou

    Parasite Eve

    Well, actually, just to clear up some mistakes: One, there isn't any such character known as Aya in the actual movie, and two, the movie (i believe) is based off the novel and not the video game. The video game is more of some side story of sorts from the original story. It's good indeed. Personally, I thought the movie was good. It's definitely not like the game, but it has a great storyline in itself with impressive visual effects. I think you should at least give it a chance.
  5. I watch anime simply because much of it is entertaining and far superior over other types of media we have here in America. Many have much depth in plotline and some are very cinematic. One may beg to differ, but that's how I see it. Another reason I like to watch anime is because there's much culture within it. It's an artform of it's own that I give much respect to as I do with some others. Certain character designs strike me as being very beautiful. That goes for anime in general. :cool:
  6. I'm 22 now, but when I was younger my mother would always comment about any nudity she saw. I guess it's one of those culture clashes. I mean we here in America are taught (sub-consiously) that nudity=bad. What's the deal? Oh well, I really don't care. Most of the anime I do own: I wouldn't mind letting my own child view it (if I had one and if he or she was mature enough). Others that are much more gory in nature or hentai, it won't happen.
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