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Everything posted by EdMaN

  1. Here are some Qoutes from Episode 26 "Whan an idiot!" -Asuka "ITS TIME TO GET UP YOU DORK!!!" - Asuka "Hey, this is more entertaining than class. Go on, I wanna see how this turns out." -Miss Misato "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Hey shinji, I did'nt know that you were gerring it on with Asuka! HAHAHA!!!!" - Toji The funniest: "Geez you're a pain in the ***** some times. Is this what happens when you start your period?" -From Shinji to Asuka I think that this was the last episode. For those the watch the series, this episode starts WEIRD but gets funny and cool at the end.
  2. Would this be a good combo? Turn 1. Set Umi, Tornado Wall, Mystical space Typhoon, and a Maiden of the Aqua on the field. Turn 2. Set another Maiden of the Aqua on the field. Next 6 turns. First, set 3 4- star monsters on the field. Next, tribute them for The Legendary Fisherman, and 2 Deepsea warriors. Turn 9. Flip up the 2 Maiden of the Aquas in defense position, and the other 3 in attack position. Activate Umi and Tornado Wall.
  3. [quote name='Marik_Duelist']I reconise Jinzo's name, but Volt Girl? Is that Thunder Nyan Nyan? [/quote]I...guess. It looks like her in the picture. :rolleyes: Its english legit. [color=#503f86][size=1][b]Fixed quote tags. -Solo[/size][/color][/b]
  4. For me it would be either Gundam Wing or Outlaw star. For gundam wing it wouuld be the time before the Libra cannon was destroyed so I could 1. Hijack the station, control it for my purposes, and fire the cannon so all life on earth would be eradicated(GO COLONIES!!). Or 2. Steal a ship and run it into the station and die a heroic death. For Outlaw Star It would be the I-dont-care-what-time time. I would jack a BIG ship, find the Outlaw Star, and run my ship into it(for no apperent reason at all). :D (Im sucidial and an a idot after all)
  5. Here is my deck People. Monster Cards Non-effect Cards X1 giant soldier of stone X1 Battle Footballer X1 Dark Blade X1 Wolf Axewielder X1 Curse Of Dragon X1 Labyrinth Wall X1 Gaia The Fierce Knight X1 Ryu-Ran X1 Wingweaver X1 Dark Magician X1 Blue-Eyes White Dragon X2 Summoned Skull Effect Cards X1 Big Eye X1 Arsenal Summoner X1 Lord Of D. X1 Sonic Bird X1 Amazon Archer X1 Amazoness Fighter X1 4-Starred Ladybug Of Doom X1 Hane-Hane X1 Yomi Ship X1 Gearfried The iron Knight X1 Berserk Dragon X1 The Legendary Fisherman X1 Thunder Nyan Nyan X1 Pixie Knight X1 Penguin Soldier (Japanese) X1 Mefist The Infernal General X1 Sangan X1 Karate Man X1 Little-Winguard X1 Guardian Kay?est X1 Mysterious Puppeteer X1 Swarm of Locusts X1 Newdoria X1 Penguin Knight X1 Old Vindictive Magician X2 Maiden Of The Aqua X2 Muka Muka X2 Deepsea Warrior X2 Witch Of The Black Forest X2 Amazoness Blowpiper X2 Goblin Of Greed X2 Maha Vailo X2 Man-Eater Bug X3 Des Dendle X3 Amazoness Paladin Magic Cards X1 Final Flame X1 Change Of Heart X1 Rod Of Silence ? Kay?est X1 Dark Core X1 Gravity Axe - Grarl X1 The Warrior Returning Alive X1 Megamorph X1 Autonomous Action Unit X1 Pigeonholing Books Of Spell X1 Twin Swords Of Flashing Light - Tryce X1 Poison Of The Old Man X1 Contract With The Abyss X1 Exchange X1 Malevolent Nuzzler X1 Black Pendant X1 Dark Hole X1 Last Will X1 Rain Of Mercy X1 shield and sword X1 The flute of summoning dragon X1 mystical space typhoon X1 emblem of dragon destroyer X1 spring of rebirth X1 insect barrier X1 Shooting Star Bow - Ceal X1 a deal with dark ruler X1 final destiny X1 germ infection X1 Remove Trap X1 Toon World X2 Ookazi X2 rush recklessly X2 Fissure X2 Dian Keto the cure master X2 card destruction X2 Amazoness Spellcaster X2 soul exchange X2 graceful charity X2 de-spell X3 Hinotama Field Cards X1 Umi X1 Sogen Trap Cards X1 The Spell Absorbing life X1 Skull Lair X1 disturbance strategy X1 Royal Command X1 Tornado Wall X1 DNA Surgery X1 Respect play X1 Light of intervention X1 magic Jammer X1 seven tools of the bandit X1 blind destruction X1 ultimate offering X1 just deserts X1 rivalry of warlords X2 Enchanted Javelin X4 reinforcements X4 trap hole Total cards in deck: 139 Side Deck Monster Cards X1 The Fiend Megacyber X1 Penguin soldier X1 Kazejin X1 Dark Magician X1 Dark Magician Girl (Japanese) X1 Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon X1 Buster Blader X1 Summoned Skull X1 Red-eyes Black Dragon Ritual monster cards X1 Relinquished Magic Cards X1 Black Illusion Ritual X1 Monster Reborn X1 Toon World X2 Polymerization Total cards in side deck: 15 Fusion Deck X1 Dark Paladin (my Favorite card) X1 Black Skull Dragon Total cards: 156 Its BIG. Its also my outlaw deck. Let me clarify: my tourney official deck will be in card limits(not have 4 of the same card) and will not have japense cards in it.
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