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About Shagoky

  • Birthday 04/13/1984

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  1. I love the WWF! I mostly watched it for the story line....and :therock: The Rock *drool* :tasty: I've kinda been laging behind in it tho. I have to much to do at night now so I almost always miss RAW and or SMACKDOWN! :(
  2. Steve Harvey Margoret Cho Jamie Fox (his old stuff) D.L. Hugley Bill Maur(sp) Conan O'Brian Dave Chapelle Dennis Leary Jerry Siendfeld Chris Tucker and Sinbad(o.0)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outlaw [/i] [B] Kinda dark doncha think? [/B][/QUOTE] heh heh I told you my camera was cheap
  4. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeell, as long as the "N" word isn't meant in a bad way toward me then I'm perfectly fine wit it. Me and my friend would play around where he would call me "****** Girl" and I would call him "Cracker Jack". All in good fun I assure you. But it kinda depends on who you know too. Like MysticGohon said, "say SOME racial terms to your good friends, but only when you're playing around...". And as Far as J-Lo saying it, I really didn't see what the prolem was. A lot of Latino people say that to each other too.
  5. Hey, I found a kinda decent one :/
  6. I have a digital camera and a scanner :D . But I don't have any pictures to scan and My camera is VERY cheap the the quality is uglyrific :P . So I shall describe myself. *ahem* I'm around 5'3-5'5, I have kind of a light brownish color, and I'm very bony -_-. i'm like 109 pounds -_-.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]This halloween I plan on trick or treating around the college chick dorms in nothing but a jock strap, or a flesh colored speedo. I can't wait. :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] I find that disturbing for some odd reason :(
  8. Anywhere The Rock is *drool*. Japan and Las Vegas would be cool too. I love Vegas weather.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] [B][COLOR=coral]I personally detest Ayeka and Sakuya from Tenchi in Tokyo, and Serena from Sailor Moon.... :flaming:.::ANNOYING DUB VOICES::.:flaming: [/COLOR]:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I couldn't have said it better myself :D tho mine is more on personality.
  10. Ive only been in one fight in Highschool. Everyone thinx I'm crazy now :devil: . I used to get into alot of fights when I was in elementary tho. I only got my *** kicked once because this girl I fought got her 9th grade brother on me (I was in the 4th grade at the time :rolleyes: ). I never did like fighting but talking it out is a waste of time if the other person isn't going to listen. So, I tap dat azz :D
  11. I saw it from the begining ^^. I didn't like Home Movies tho. But I found The Brak Show super funny. And the Birdman show too (I forgot the name). They made Race and Dr. Quest Homos. That was some funny ****!
  12. :D :D :D :D I posted it at GT Sephiroth, but it was in the image fourm so only a few got to see it. *goes to fix the legs*
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