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Taylor Hewitt

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Everything posted by Taylor Hewitt

  1. [quote name='hyper123']ANIME! ^_^ or something you like or whatever i dont know...but for sure , ANIME! ^_^[/quote] Used to be a big dbz fan but I'm not a fan of any anime now :S.
  2. He does it different. It's not an affiliation. He just wanted to link to me with an image.
  3. [quote name='hyper123']it is too plain. i think u should add pictures into ur artwork, that would be more attracting. :)[/quote] Pictures of what?
  4. It's beside a link to my site on someone else's site.
  5. I made this little image for my site. Feedback please. I used a pixel font as suggested but maybe it's supposed to be smaller. [img]http://img176.exs.cx/img176/2190/thaz0rm.gif[/img] Thanks!
  6. Not at all. Thanks very much for your feedback and I hope to make this and the other banner better :).
  7. No it's fine. I appreciate a decent sized post. I'll try and make it better shortly. And I'll try pixel fonts.
  8. I keep hearing about pixel fonts. Please explain?
  9. I downloaded some new brushes and thought I'd try them out and do some abstract stuff or w/e this is what I got. Feedback please. [img]http://img107.exs.cx/img107/4126/thabstract9mu.png[/img]
  10. Sorry Panda! --- The reason I am addicted to computer is because it has 1.msn 2.all my cds in one place 3.games 4.forums 5.place where i can work on my site. Phone because I love to talk. And music because nobody could function without it. :)
  11. Hey Syk3. Nice to see you're still doing a great job here! --- Could you guys tell me what font and text styles would be good instead of the current one? Thanks.
  12. Computers. Phone. Music. Usual teenage stuff. [COLOR=DarkRed]Edit: Please put more effort into your response. Explain why you are addicted to these items you listed. What about the computer do you enjoy? Why is music so important to you? We want quality posts not just lists of items. Thanks! -Panda[/COLOR]
  13. Thank you very much. I've also gotten comments about the text for the TH so maybe I'll reconsider that.
  14. [quote name='Chibi Bunny']*is mesmorized*....Huh? Wha..? Oh! Yes, it's Vury Purdy! =3 Hm, you said something about rating....Now how is that done...*wonders about page*[/quote] What page are you wondering about? --- Thanks very much guys. I appreciate your feedback :D.
  15. [IMG]http://i159.exs.cx/img159/6155/blueth3oj.png[/IMG] Please give feedback and rating! :D Thanks.
  16. Looks like we know who won now! That's 3 in 4 years. Not bad if you ask me.
  17. If I was a fan of gundum wing I would use that. Thanks though :D
  18. I hardly stay home cuz my mom thinks I always fake even if I was like dieing. She says not unless im on my deathbed. So if i do stay home i cant do anything she makes me sleep maybe ill sneak in some tv or w/e but nothing else really
  19. [QUOTE=Yisan]If you actually [i]read[/i] his post and stopped trying to play mod, you would realize that he asks a legitemate question at the end that may bring some discussion out of this thread. Now, I plan on going to NYC during april vacation and to upper NY state during the summer. Then it's off to college.[/QUOTE] My bad your right I didn't read the whole thing, but I aint trying to play mod. When I get out of highschool I will go to college. When I get out of college I will go to work.
  20. To Syk: Sorry bout that. To goddess: I am curious about what program u are using. To Ruby: How ya been? It's a good banner but the first word that popped into my mind was feminine. I like it though.
  21. Hey aren't we not allowed to post introduction threads. That's why I didn't post my my (re)introduction thread when I rejoined about a week ago. Any way I don't care.
  22. Heh I don't look at porn and I can't remember the last time I did. Let's leave it at that.
  23. It is a good banner. Thanks for making it. It just isn't... me. That's all. I'm not a huge fan of dragons. Great effort and I hope you continue making banners because it's a great thing and people make lots of money in gfx design.
  24. Yeah it's so great to get some of the cast of Old School all together at once :P
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