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Taylor Hewitt

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Everything posted by Taylor Hewitt

  1. All I really have is my old blue sig that you have grown tired of and all I really need it something that looks good. Maybe something blue or green something nice and smooth. It should say TH or Taylor Hewitt not too big but big enough to see. No particular picture please I don't want a pic of some anime I don't even know. Please and thankyou!
  2. Snoop dogg was perfect in this movie. I loved the golf scene... The original starsky and hutch show up at the end to replace his car lol...
  3. I always say I would want to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Something like god. But a more realistic thing to want is a kickass forum with tons of members. I've made many attempts now but there are really two facotrs that are stopping me of accomplishign my dream. 1.host 2.time I got things to concentrate on like school and life. I give up way too much. I love making forums so it isn't about growing tired of it. I'm sorta stuck with an invisionfree right now until my host comes back from where ever he is. Heh but im sure one day my goal will be accomplished. Now all i need is a way to skin it :D
  4. Damn that's a good question. I'd have to say mostly act more maturely than I am (hell I look much older than I am). Sometimes... who am I kidding... I joke around alot and make myself look like an idiot but alot of the time I'm a serious guy. Only time im screwed up is at school.
  5. Anyone seen this tidbit of joy? I usually see movies on the second day they are out and this is no different. Good movie. Snoop was in it which made it funnier. I would have to say Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are good together. I mean cmon... look at Zoolander! :wigout: Yeah I know I spelled [i]and[/i] wrong but I can't fix titles :P
  6. Alot of people use slang without knowing it. It just floats into their vocabulary without them even noticing :P. For me I say alot of things. Stupid things. I say dude man whats up or something like that.
  7. Think about it. If you could have one thing in life... anything, what would it be. No limits baby, dream the dream!
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