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Manga Which of these two mangas do you think is better?
Pirokiko replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]I have only read volume one of Samurai Deeper Kyo (same goes for the anime, just volume one of the DVDs...), but I think I really do like Kyo better. Flame of Recca, for some reason, didn't really catch my fancy like SDK did. I love the characters in SDK, and anime-wise, the characters are great...(you have to watch the outtakes..."The letter b~..." XD) The fights are really fun to redraw, for me. And great to watch, too, once you see the DVDs.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Ohh, my... Alright. This all started with an RP and some screenshots from the anime. Ban Mido. :::Sighs::: I wanted to see what all the hullaballoo was about, bought the first two volumes of the manga. I am in LOVE. Not as in love with it as Saiyuki, but...still! So, have you read it? Love it, hate it? What? Tell me what you know and what you like/dislike! Know release dates? Anime dubbing plans? Tell me here![/COLOR]
...You'd be the first I've EVER heard to refer to Sanzo-kun as a weenie... :::Cracks up::: There are definite differences in the characters from the original and Gensomaden Saiyuki, and I have to say, I'd MUCH rather hang out with these guys than a pig! ...though I'd have to carry a mousetrap in my pants--Gojyo, y'know...
"Confessions of a Teenage Outcast"? It's 4am, forgive me. XD
I haven't seen the anime (I want it though), but the manga is absolutely wonderful.
:::Looks at Imi's post::: EVERYONE is in love with Sanzo-kun. Now, don't get me wrong, I think Sanzo would be the most fun to have as an older brother type, but...HAKKAI. HAKKAI, PEOPLE! XD He's adorable. But his past is...so sad...I cried at that, for the first time in ages, a teardrop or two hit my legs, I had to put down the book and CRY. I son't normally get too emotional over anything, but that really got to me, for personal reasons. :::Looks at the picture::: Good God...what happenned? XD I think that they took the creatures they "were" very literally, and used that to make the makeup morgue and costume plot. Though I have to say, from what I'm looking at, they did an okay job. But I like Kazuya Minekura's version better. ^^
See...you know already that he has to live, though, because there are nine books (That I know for certain), and Kazuya Minekura just wouldn't do that to us, she's too nice. XD
[COLOR=DarkRed]Mmm, Saiyuki...the bishieful goodness of it all. I first picked this up a week or so ago, when my mom gave me some reward money for my report card. (All B's, go Kiko!) I had heard of it, and seen many a fanart involving Cho Hakkai, and decided to go ahead and get Volumes one and two. By the fifth page, I had already been sucked into the vortex. I know that the base story has been redone thousands of times, the most memorable being Akira Toriyama's Dragonball series...but I just couldn't help falling in love with Saiyuki. Depth, a fascinating story, and enchanting characters, all in one manga. I didn't think it could get any better. And then I realized how hot some of those guys are! (Forgive my random fangirl attacks.) After reading the two volumes, I went searching for as much information about the character backgrounds for Gojyo, Sanzo, Goku, and Hakkai as I could, and I found WAY too much...I cried my heart out over one in particular. They all have tragic pasts, and it's made apparent from the very beginning that the characters harbor very turbulent thoughts and emotions, covered by a ruse of some sort--whether it be childlike innocence (Goku), a cool and collected iintellectual (Hakkai), an unattached priest (Sanzo), or a badboy with a taste for good smokes and bad women (Gojyo). So tell me, members of Otakuboards...if you have read Saiyuki, tell me...what elements grabbed you the most? What did you like or hate about it?[/COLOR]
Request Uchiha Sasuke and Itachi Banner/Avatar Request
Pirokiko replied to Pirokiko's topic in Creative Works
::: Drools at the Uchiha-ness::: Oh, you guys rock! Thank you SO much!!!!!!!!!! :::Goes to figure out which one to use first::: -
Request Uchiha Sasuke and Itachi Banner/Avatar Request
Pirokiko replied to Pirokiko's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yay! I feel special! XD...Okay, thanks so much Nomad! Good luck! Arigato Gozaimasu!(FOrgive me if I spelled that wrong, it's quite late.) Pirokiko ----I agree with you, it's very good, wonderfully done. Hope it gets licensed so I can understand it. XD [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]Yep! It's that time again! SUMMER! School is out, you can sleep in, and the wasps chase you through your front yard until you make it to teh door and slam it, hearing a satisfying *thunk* behind you. It also means SUMMER BANNERS AND AVATARS! (...or at least for me it does...) Can you guys help me? I'm looking for banners and avatars with Sasuke AND Itachi Uchiha from Naruto on them. I have a quote I'm like to be on the banner, too... "Why is it that the quiet ones...always do things the flashiest ways?" I also kinda need my username on it if possible. Hope you can help me...thanks! Pirokiko [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I liked it...I thought it was pretty funny...Jimmy sort of reminded me of a friend of mine from school. It's pretty good, I guess I'll follow it.[/COLOR]
There's a rumor around here that may interest you... There's a pretty old house...a good...GOOD way away from where I live...It's in Clarksville, and this family lived there for AGES. (This is like, a hundred years ago.) Anyhow...there was this girl, Emma...she was the daughter of a plantation owner, a supposedly God-fearing Pentacoastal man. She fell in love with one of the stable boys, Daniel. Emma's father didn't treat her very well, and it drove Daniel mad. One night, they were planning to run away, while her father--Jeremiah was his name, I think--was in another one of his drunken stupors. But Jeremiah caught on. He went out to the barn and found them as they were escaping, readying the horses.Maddened, and in a blaze of fury, Jeremiah picked up the nearest thing to him--a pitchfork--and hurled it at Daniel, piercing his chest. Emma's horse started and kicked over the lantern, catching the hay in the barn on fire. Jeremiah locked Emma and Daniel in the barn, and--presumably--they died inside. None of the barn is left today, but the house--while derelict and dangerous...I've been inside--is still standing. Sometimes...at night...you can go to Emma's room and hear her crying, asking her father why he had to treat her that way. And if you walk the yard..you can hear Daniel promising Emma he'd help her...I guess that's the spot the barn was. It's not so much scary as it is heart-wrenching...I cry when I go to that house, I really do.
The french means "I have not become an angel... But the devil instead" or something to that effect...
I wanna be a fighter! (If I can still join! I hope so!) Name: Yuki Miyazaki Race: Kitsune (Fox Demon) Age: 16, but is really 316 gender: Female History: A smartmouthed halfbreed that grew up in the human world, with abusive parents and high expectations. Bio: She spent all her time looking up to Yusuke, fights like him, and derives her source of courage from the thought of being like him. SHe doesn't let too many people in for fear of being hurt, but she's a very sweet girl. Weapons: Spirit pistols and throwing knives...anything else she can get her hands on. Uses her fists a lot, too.
Hi! I was wondering if someone could do me a BIG favor? I'd like someone to make me a banner and Avatar of Amon and/or Robin from WItch Hunter Robin. (Both would rock, but just one is fine). I'd like the banner to have my username and a really nice quote: Je ne suis pas devenu un ange... Mais le diable se. It's french! I just want my username on the avatar (if possible). If you could, that would rock! Thanks!
Hey! I was wondering who knew anything about Artemis Fowl. I was planning a fanfic or an RPG on the boards, and wanted to see who knew about it. Just post here, okay?